
433 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-05-04 15:35:32 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Avalonia.Media.Imaging;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
using CRD.Utils;
using CRD.Utils.Structs;
using CRD.Views;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using ReactiveUI;
namespace CRD.Downloader;
public class History(Crunchyroll crunInstance){
public async Task UpdateSeries(string seriesId, string? seasonId){
await crunInstance.CrAuth.RefreshToken(true);
CrSeriesSearch? parsedSeries = await crunInstance.CrSeries.ParseSeriesById(seriesId, "ja");
if (parsedSeries == null){
Console.WriteLine("Parse Data Invalid");
var result = crunInstance.CrSeries.ParseSeriesResult(parsedSeries);
Dictionary<string, EpisodeAndLanguage> episodes = new Dictionary<string, EpisodeAndLanguage>();
foreach (int season in result.Keys){
foreach (var key in result[season].Keys){
var s = result[season][key];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(seasonId) && s.Id != seasonId) continue;
2024-05-04 15:35:32 +00:00
var seasonData = await crunInstance.CrSeries.GetSeasonDataById(s);
private void UpdateHistoryFile(){
CfgManager.WriteJsonToFile(CfgManager.PathCrHistory, crunInstance.HistoryList);
public void SetAsDownloaded(string? seriesId, string? seasonId, string episodeId){
var historySeries = crunInstance.HistoryList.FirstOrDefault(series => series.SeriesId == seriesId);
if (historySeries != null){
var historySeason = historySeries.Seasons.Find(s => s.SeasonId == seasonId);
if (historySeason != null){
var historyEpisode = historySeason.EpisodesList.Find(e => e.EpisodeId == episodeId);
if (historyEpisode != null){
historyEpisode.WasDownloaded = true;
MessageBus.Current.SendMessage(new ToastMessage($"Couldn't update download History", ToastType.Warning, 1));
public async void UpdateWithEpisode(CrunchyEpisode episodeParam){
var episode = episodeParam;
if (episode.Versions != null){
var version = episode.Versions.Find(a => a.Original);
if (version.AudioLocale != episode.AudioLocale){
var episodeById = await crunInstance.CrEpisode.ParseEpisodeById(version.Guid, "");
if (episodeById?.Data != null){
if (episodeById.Value.Total != 1){
MessageBus.Current.SendMessage(new ToastMessage($"Couldn't update download History", ToastType.Warning, 1));
episode = episodeById.Value.Data.First();
var seriesId = episode.SeriesId;
var historySeries = crunInstance.HistoryList.FirstOrDefault(series => series.SeriesId == seriesId);
if (historySeries != null){
var historySeason = historySeries.Seasons.Find(s => s.SeasonId == episode.SeasonId);
if (historySeason != null){
if (historySeason.EpisodesList.All(e => e.EpisodeId != episode.Id)){
var newHistoryEpisode = new HistoryEpisode{
EpisodeTitle = episode.Title,
EpisodeId = episode.Id,
Episode = episode.Episode,
historySeason.EpisodesList.Sort(new NumericStringPropertyComparer());
} else{
var newSeason = NewHistorySeason(episode);
historySeries.Seasons = historySeries.Seasons.OrderBy(s => s.SeasonNum).ToList();
} else{
var newHistorySeries = new HistorySeries{
SeriesTitle = episode.SeriesTitle,
SeriesId = episode.SeriesId,
Seasons =[],
var newSeason = NewHistorySeason(episode);
var series = await crunInstance.CrSeries.SeriesById(seriesId);
if (series?.Data != null){
newHistorySeries.SeriesDescription = series.Data.First().Description;
newHistorySeries.ThumbnailImageUrl = GetSeriesThumbnail(series);
var sortedList = crunInstance.HistoryList.OrderBy(item => item.SeriesTitle).ToList();
foreach (var item in sortedList){
public async void UpdateWithSeasonData(CrunchyEpisodeList seasonData){
if (seasonData.Data != null){
var firstEpisode = seasonData.Data.First();
var seriesId = firstEpisode.SeriesId;
var historySeries = crunInstance.HistoryList.FirstOrDefault(series => series.SeriesId == seriesId);
if (historySeries != null){
var historySeason = historySeries.Seasons.Find(s => s.SeasonId == firstEpisode.SeasonId);
if (historySeason != null){
foreach (var crunchyEpisode in seasonData.Data){
if (historySeason.EpisodesList.All(e => e.EpisodeId != crunchyEpisode.Id)){
var newHistoryEpisode = new HistoryEpisode{
EpisodeTitle = crunchyEpisode.Title,
EpisodeId = crunchyEpisode.Id,
Episode = crunchyEpisode.Episode,
historySeason.EpisodesList.Sort(new NumericStringPropertyComparer());
} else{
var newSeason = NewHistorySeason(seasonData, firstEpisode);
newSeason.EpisodesList.Sort(new NumericStringPropertyComparer());
historySeries.Seasons = historySeries.Seasons.OrderBy(s => s.SeasonNum).ToList();
} else{
var newHistorySeries = new HistorySeries{
SeriesTitle = firstEpisode.SeriesTitle,
SeriesId = firstEpisode.SeriesId,
Seasons =[],
var newSeason = NewHistorySeason(seasonData, firstEpisode);
newSeason.EpisodesList.Sort(new NumericStringPropertyComparer());
var series = await crunInstance.CrSeries.SeriesById(seriesId);
if (series?.Data != null){
newHistorySeries.SeriesDescription = series.Data.First().Description;
newHistorySeries.ThumbnailImageUrl = GetSeriesThumbnail(series);
var sortedList = crunInstance.HistoryList.OrderBy(item => item.SeriesTitle).ToList();
foreach (var item in sortedList){
private string GetSeriesThumbnail(CrSeriesBase series){
// var series = await crunInstance.CrSeries.SeriesById(seriesId);
if ((series.Data ?? Array.Empty<SeriesBaseItem>()).First().Images.PosterTall?.Count > 0){
return series.Data.First().Images.PosterTall.First().First(e => e.Height == 360).Source;
return "";
private static bool CheckStringForSpecial(string identifier){
// Regex pattern to match any sequence that does NOT contain "|S" followed by one or more digits immediately after
string pattern = @"^(?!.*\|S\d+).*";
// Use Regex.IsMatch to check if the identifier matches the pattern
return Regex.IsMatch(identifier, pattern);
private static HistorySeason NewHistorySeason(CrunchyEpisodeList seasonData, CrunchyEpisode firstEpisode){
var newSeason = new HistorySeason{
SeasonTitle = firstEpisode.SeasonTitle,
SeasonId = firstEpisode.SeasonId,
SeasonNum = firstEpisode.SeasonNumber + "",
EpisodesList =[],
SpecialSeason = CheckStringForSpecial(firstEpisode.Identifier)
foreach (var crunchyEpisode in seasonData.Data!){
var newHistoryEpisode = new HistoryEpisode{
EpisodeTitle = crunchyEpisode.Title,
EpisodeId = crunchyEpisode.Id,
Episode = crunchyEpisode.Episode,
return newSeason;
private static HistorySeason NewHistorySeason(CrunchyEpisode episode){
var newSeason = new HistorySeason{
SeasonTitle = episode.SeasonTitle,
SeasonId = episode.SeasonId,
SeasonNum = episode.SeasonNumber + "",
EpisodesList =[],
var newHistoryEpisode = new HistoryEpisode{
EpisodeTitle = episode.Title,
EpisodeId = episode.Id,
Episode = episode.Episode,
return newSeason;
public class NumericStringPropertyComparer : IComparer<HistoryEpisode>{
public int Compare(HistoryEpisode x, HistoryEpisode y){
if (int.TryParse(x.Episode, out int xInt) && int.TryParse(y.Episode, out int yInt)){
return xInt.CompareTo(yInt);
// Fall back to string comparison if not parseable as integers
return String.Compare(x.Episode, y.Episode, StringComparison.Ordinal);
public class HistorySeries : INotifyPropertyChanged{
public string? SeriesTitle{ get; set; }
public string? SeriesId{ get; set; }
public string? SeriesDescription{ get; set; }
public string? ThumbnailImageUrl{ get; set; }
public int NewEpisodes{ get; set; }
public Bitmap? ThumbnailImage{ get; set; }
public required List<HistorySeason> Seasons{ get; set; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
public async Task LoadImage(){
using (var client = new HttpClient()){
var response = await client.GetAsync(ThumbnailImageUrl);
using (var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()){
ThumbnailImage = new Bitmap(stream);
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(ThumbnailImage)));
} catch (Exception ex){
// Handle exceptions
Console.WriteLine("Failed to load image: " + ex.Message);
public void UpdateNewEpisodes(){
int count = 0;
bool foundWatched = false;
// Iterate over the Seasons list from the end to the beginning
for (int i = Seasons.Count - 1; i >= 0 && !foundWatched; i--){
if (Seasons[i].SpecialSeason == true){
// Iterate over the Episodes from the end to the beginning
for (int j = Seasons[i].EpisodesList.Count - 1; j >= 0 && !foundWatched; j--){
if (!Seasons[i].EpisodesList[j].WasDownloaded){
} else{
foundWatched = true;
NewEpisodes = count;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(NewEpisodes)));
public async Task AddNewMissingToDownloads(){
bool foundWatched = false;
// Iterate over the Seasons list from the end to the beginning
for (int i = Seasons.Count - 1; i >= 0 && !foundWatched; i--){
if (Seasons[i].SpecialSeason == true){
// Iterate over the Episodes from the end to the beginning
for (int j = Seasons[i].EpisodesList.Count - 1; j >= 0 && !foundWatched; j--){
if (!Seasons[i].EpisodesList[j].WasDownloaded){
//ADD to download queue
await Seasons[i].EpisodesList[j].DownloadEpisode();
} else{
foundWatched = true;
2024-05-04 15:35:32 +00:00
public async Task FetchData(string? seasonId){
await Crunchyroll.Instance.CrHistory.UpdateSeries(SeriesId, seasonId);
public class HistorySeason : INotifyPropertyChanged{
public string? SeasonTitle{ get; set; }
public string? SeasonId{ get; set; }
public string? SeasonNum{ get; set; }
public bool? SpecialSeason{ get; set; }
public string CombinedProperty => SpecialSeason ?? false ? $"Specials {SeasonNum}" : $"Season {SeasonNum}";
public int DownloadedEpisodes{ get; set; }
public required List<HistoryEpisode> EpisodesList{ get; set; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
public void UpdateDownloaded(string? EpisodeId){
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EpisodeId)){
EpisodesList.First(e => e.EpisodeId == EpisodeId).ToggleWasDownloaded();
DownloadedEpisodes = EpisodesList.FindAll(e => e.WasDownloaded).Count;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(DownloadedEpisodes)));
CfgManager.WriteJsonToFile(CfgManager.PathCrHistory, Crunchyroll.Instance.HistoryList);
public void UpdateDownloaded(){
DownloadedEpisodes = EpisodesList.FindAll(e => e.WasDownloaded).Count;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(DownloadedEpisodes)));
CfgManager.WriteJsonToFile(CfgManager.PathCrHistory, Crunchyroll.Instance.HistoryList);
public partial class HistoryEpisode : INotifyPropertyChanged{
public string? EpisodeTitle{ get; set; }
public string? EpisodeId{ get; set; }
public string? Episode{ get; set; }
public bool WasDownloaded{ get; set; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
public void ToggleWasDownloaded(){
WasDownloaded = !WasDownloaded;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(WasDownloaded)));
public async Task DownloadEpisode(){
await Crunchyroll.Instance.AddEpisodeToQue(EpisodeId, Crunchyroll.Instance.DefaultLocale, Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DubLang);
2024-05-04 15:35:32 +00:00