Chg - Allow multiple Dub languages to be selected
Fix - Invalidate stream token
This commit is contained in:
@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ public class Crunchyroll{
CrunOptions.AccentColor = Colors.SlateBlue.ToString();
CrunOptions.Theme = "System";
CrunOptions.SelectedCalendarLanguage = "de";
CrunOptions.DlVideoOnce = true;
CrunOptions.History = true;
@ -868,14 +869,7 @@ public class Crunchyroll{
if (options.DlVideoOnce && dlVideoOnce){
Console.WriteLine("Already downloaded video, skipping video download...");
return new DownloadResponse{
Data = files,
Error = dlFailed,
FileName = fileName.Length > 0 ? (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName) ? fileName : Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, fileName)) : "./unknown"
if (options.Novids){
}else if (options.Novids){
Console.WriteLine("Skipping video download...");
} else{
var videoDownloadResult = await DownloadVideo(chosenVideoSegments, options, outFile, tsFile, tempTsFile, data);
@ -1088,6 +1082,7 @@ public class Crunchyroll{
} else if (!options.Novids){
MainWindow.ShowError("Requested Video with the current settings not implemented");
} else if (options.Novids){
fileName = Path.Combine(FileNameManager.ParseFileName(options.FileName, variables, options.Numbers, options.Override).ToArray());
Console.WriteLine("Downloading skipped!");
@ -1405,6 +1400,10 @@ public class Crunchyroll{
CrunchyNoDrmStream? playStream = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CrunchyNoDrmStream>(playbackRequestNonDrmResponse.ResponseContent, SettingsJsonSerializerSettings);
CrunchyStreams derivedPlayCrunchyStreams = new CrunchyStreams();
if (playStream != null){
var deauthVideoToken = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{currentMediaId}/{playStream.Token}/inactive", HttpMethod.Patch, true, false, null);
var deauthVideoTokenResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(deauthVideoToken);
if (playStream.HardSubs != null)
foreach (var hardsub in playStream.HardSubs){
var stream = hardsub.Value;
@ -107,8 +107,10 @@ public class FontsManager{
foreach (var s in subs){
foreach (var keyValuePair in s.Fonts){
if (!fontsNameList.ContainsKey(keyValuePair.Key)){
@ -98,13 +98,21 @@ public class Merger{
if (options.Options.ffmpeg?.Count > 0){
return string.Join(" ", args);
args.Add($"-i \"{options.OnlyAudio[0].Path}\"");
foreach (var aud in options.OnlyAudio){
args.Add($"-i \"{aud.Path}\"");
metaData.Add($"-map {index}");
metaData.Add($"-metadata:s:a:{audioIndex} language={aud.Language.Code}");
args.Add("-acodec libmp3lame");
args.Add("-ab 192k");
@ -18,49 +18,73 @@ using FluentAvalonia.Styling;
namespace CRD.ViewModels;
public partial class SettingsPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{
[ObservableProperty] private string _currentVersion = "v1.1";
private string _currentVersion;
[ObservableProperty] private bool _downloadVideo = true;
private bool _downloadVideo = true;
[ObservableProperty] private bool _downloadAudio = true;
private bool _downloadAudio = true;
[ObservableProperty] private bool _downloadChapters = true;
private bool _downloadChapters = true;
[ObservableProperty] private bool _muxToMp4 = false;
private bool _muxToMp4 = false;
[ObservableProperty] private bool _history = false;
private bool _history = false;
[ObservableProperty] private int _leadingNumbers = 0;
private int _leadingNumbers = 0;
[ObservableProperty] private int _simultaneousDownloads = 0;
private int _simultaneousDownloads = 0;
[ObservableProperty] private string _fileName = "";
private string _fileName = "";
[ObservableProperty] private string _mkvMergeOptions = "";
private string _mkvMergeOptions = "";
[ObservableProperty] private string _ffmpegOptions = "";
private string _ffmpegOptions = "";
[ObservableProperty] private string _selectedSubs = "all";
private string _selectedSubs = "all";
[ObservableProperty] private ComboBoxItem _selectedHSLang;
private ComboBoxItem _selectedHSLang;
[ObservableProperty] private ComboBoxItem? _selectedDubLang;
private string _selectedDubs = "ja-JP";
[ObservableProperty] private ComboBoxItem? _selectedVideoQuality;
private ObservableCollection<ListBoxItem> _selectedDubLang = new();
[ObservableProperty] private ComboBoxItem? _selectedAudioQuality;
private ComboBoxItem? _selectedVideoQuality;
[ObservableProperty] private ComboBoxItem? _currentAppTheme;
private ComboBoxItem? _selectedAudioQuality;
[ObservableProperty] private ObservableCollection<ListBoxItem> _selectedSubLang = new();
private ComboBoxItem? _currentAppTheme;
[ObservableProperty] private bool _useCustomAccent = false;
private ObservableCollection<ListBoxItem> _selectedSubLang = new();
[ObservableProperty] private Color _listBoxColor ;
[ObservableProperty] private Color _customAccentColor = Colors.SlateBlue;
private bool _useCustomAccent = false;
private Color _listBoxColor;
private Color _customAccentColor = Colors.SlateBlue;
public ObservableCollection<Color> PredefinedColors{ get; } = new(){
Color.FromRgb(255, 185, 0),
Color.FromRgb(255, 140, 0),
Color.FromRgb(247, 99, 12),
@ -153,7 +177,6 @@ public partial class SettingsPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{
private bool settingsLoaded = false;
public SettingsPageViewModel(){
var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
_currentVersion = $"{version?.Major}.{version?.Minor}.{version?.Build}";
@ -187,8 +210,25 @@ public partial class SettingsPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{
ComboBoxItem? hsLang = HardSubLangList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == options.Hslang) ?? null;
SelectedHSLang = hsLang ?? HardSubLangList[0];
ComboBoxItem? dubLang = DubLangList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == options.DubLang[0]) ?? null;
SelectedDubLang = dubLang ?? DubLangList[0];
// ComboBoxItem? dubLang = DubLangList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == options.DubLang[0]) ?? null;
// SelectedDubLang = dubLang ?? DubLangList[0];
var dubLang = DubLangList.Where(a => options.DubLang.Contains(a.Content)).ToList();
foreach (var listBoxItem in dubLang){
if (SelectedDubLang.Count == 0){
SelectedDubs = "none";
} else{
SelectedDubs = SelectedDubLang[0].Content.ToString();
for (var i = 1; i < SelectedDubLang.Count; i++){
SelectedDubs += "," + SelectedDubLang[i].Content;
DownloadVideo = !options.Novids;
DownloadAudio = !options.Noaudio;
@ -216,12 +256,12 @@ public partial class SettingsPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{
//TODO - Mux Options
SelectedSubLang.CollectionChanged += Changes;
SelectedDubLang.CollectionChanged += Changes;
settingsLoaded = true;
private void UpdateSettings(){
if (!settingsLoaded){
@ -235,6 +275,15 @@ public partial class SettingsPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{
if (SelectedDubLang.Count == 0){
SelectedDubs = "none";
} else{
SelectedDubs = SelectedDubLang[0].Content.ToString();
for (var i = 1; i < SelectedDubLang.Count; i++){
SelectedDubs += "," + SelectedDubLang[i].Content;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Novids = !DownloadVideo;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Noaudio = !DownloadAudio;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Chapters = DownloadChapters;
@ -254,12 +303,15 @@ public partial class SettingsPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Hslang = hslang != "none" ? Languages.FindLang(hslang).Locale : hslang;
if (SelectedDubLang != null){
string dublang = SelectedDubLang.Content + "";
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DubLang = new List<string>{ dublang };
List<string> dubLangs = new List<string>();
foreach (var listBoxItem in SelectedDubLang){
dubLangs.Add(listBoxItem.Content + "");
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DubLang = dubLangs;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.SimultaneousDownloads = SimultaneousDownloads;
@ -329,9 +381,7 @@ public partial class SettingsPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{
partial void OnSelectedDubLangChanged(ComboBoxItem? value){
private void Changes(object? sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e){
@ -21,10 +21,41 @@
Description="Change the selected dub language">
<ComboBox HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" MinWidth="210" MaxDropDownHeight="400"
ItemsSource="{Binding DubLangList}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedDubLang}">
<!-- <ComboBox HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" MinWidth="210" MaxDropDownHeight="400" -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ItemsSource="{Binding DubLangList}" -->
<!-- SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedDubLang}"> -->
<!-- </ComboBox> -->
<ToggleButton x:Name="DropdownButtonDub" Width="210" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch">
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" Text="{Binding SelectedDubs}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<Path Grid.Column="1" Data="M 0,1 L 4,4 L 8,1" Stroke="White" StrokeThickness="1"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="5,0,5,0" Stretch="Uniform" Width="8" />
<Popup IsLightDismissEnabled="True"
IsOpen="{Binding IsChecked, ElementName=DropdownButtonDub, Mode=TwoWay}" Placement="Bottom"
PlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=DropdownButtonDub}">
<Border BorderThickness="1" Background="{DynamicResource ComboBoxDropDownBackground}">
<ListBox x:Name="ListBoxDubsSelection" SelectionMode="Multiple,Toggle" Width="210"
ItemsSource="{Binding DubLangList}" SelectedItems="{Binding SelectedDubLang}">
Reference in New Issue
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