using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; using Avalonia.Media; using CRD.Utils; using CRD.Utils.CustomList; using CRD.Utils.DRM; using CRD.Utils.HLS; using CRD.Utils.Muxing; using CRD.Utils.Sonarr; using CRD.Utils.Sonarr.Models; using CRD.Utils.Structs; using CRD.ViewModels; using CRD.Views; using HtmlAgilityPack; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using ReactiveUI; using LanguageItem = CRD.Utils.Structs.LanguageItem; namespace CRD.Downloader; public class Crunchyroll{ public CrToken? Token; public CrCmsToken? CmsToken; private readonly string _api = "web"; //web | android public CrProfile Profile = new(); public CrDownloadOptions CrunOptions; #region Download Variables public RefreshableObservableCollection Queue = new RefreshableObservableCollection(); public ObservableCollection DownloadItemModels = new ObservableCollection(); public int ActiveDownloads; public bool AutoDownload = false; #endregion #region Calendar Variables private Dictionary calendar = new(); private Dictionary calendarLanguage = new(); #endregion #region History Variables public ObservableCollection HistoryList = new(); public HistorySeries SelectedSeries = new HistorySeries{ Seasons =[] }; public List SonarrSeries =[]; #endregion public string DefaultLocale = "en"; public JsonSerializerSettings? SettingsJsonSerializerSettings = new(){ NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, }; private Widevine _widevine = Widevine.Instance; public CrAuth CrAuth; public CrEpisode CrEpisode; public CrSeries CrSeries; public History CrHistory; #region Singelton private static Crunchyroll? _instance; private static readonly object Padlock = new(); public static Crunchyroll Instance{ get{ if (_instance == null){ lock (Padlock){ if (_instance == null){ _instance = new Crunchyroll(); } } } return _instance; } } #endregion public async Task Init(){ _widevine = Widevine.Instance; CrAuth = new CrAuth(); CrEpisode = new CrEpisode(); CrSeries = new CrSeries(); CrHistory = new History(); Profile = new CrProfile{ Username = "???", Avatar = "003-cr-hime-excited.png", PreferredContentAudioLanguage = "ja-JP", PreferredContentSubtitleLanguage = "de-DE" }; if (CfgManager.CheckIfFileExists(CfgManager.PathCrToken)){ Token = CfgManager.DeserializeFromFile(CfgManager.PathCrToken); CrAuth.LoginWithToken(); } else{ await CrAuth.AuthAnonymous(); } Console.WriteLine($"Can Decrypt: {_widevine.canDecrypt}"); CrunOptions = new CrDownloadOptions(); CrunOptions.Chapters = true; CrunOptions.Hslang = "none"; CrunOptions.Force = "Y"; CrunOptions.FileName = "${showTitle} - S${season}E${episode} [${height}p]"; CrunOptions.Partsize = 10; CrunOptions.NoSubs = false; CrunOptions.DlSubs = new List{ "de-DE" }; CrunOptions.Skipmux = false; CrunOptions.MkvmergeOptions = new List{ "--no-date", "--disable-track-statistics-tags", "--engage no_variable_data" }; CrunOptions.DefaultAudio = Languages.FindLang("ja-JP"); CrunOptions.DefaultSub = Languages.FindLang("de-DE"); CrunOptions.CcTag = "cc"; CrunOptions.FsRetryTime = 5; CrunOptions.Numbers = 2; CrunOptions.Timeout = 15000; CrunOptions.DubLang = new List(){ "ja-JP" }; CrunOptions.SimultaneousDownloads = 2; CrunOptions.AccentColor = Colors.SlateBlue.ToString(); CrunOptions.Theme = "System"; CrunOptions.SelectedCalendarLanguage = "de"; CrunOptions.DlVideoOnce = true; CrunOptions.UseNonDrmStreams = true; CrunOptions.History = true; CfgManager.UpdateSettingsFromFile(); if (CrunOptions.History){ if (File.Exists(CfgManager.PathCrHistory)){ HistoryList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(File.ReadAllText(CfgManager.PathCrHistory)) ??[]; } RefreshSonarr(); } calendarLanguage = new(){ { "en-us", "" }, { "es", "" }, { "es-es", "" }, { "pt-br", "" }, { "pt-pt", "" }, { "fr", "" }, { "de", "" }, { "ar", "" }, { "it", "" }, { "ru", "" }, { "hi", "" }, }; } public async void RefreshSonarr(){ if (CrunOptions.SonarrProperties != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CrunOptions.SonarrProperties.ApiKey)){ SonarrClient.Instance.SetApiUrl(); SonarrSeries = await SonarrClient.Instance.GetSeries(); CrHistory.MatchHistorySeriesWithSonarr(true); } } public async Task GetCalendarForDate(string weeksMondayDate, bool forceUpdate){ if (!forceUpdate && calendar.TryGetValue(weeksMondayDate, out var forDate)){ return forDate; } var request = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{calendarLanguage[CrunOptions.SelectedCalendarLanguage ?? "de"]}?filter=premium&date={weeksMondayDate}", HttpMethod.Get, true, true, null); var response = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(request); CalendarWeek week = new CalendarWeek(); week.CalendarDays = new List(); // Load the HTML content from a file HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(response.ResponseContent)); // Select each 'li' element with class 'day' var dayNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//li[contains(@class, 'day')]"); if (dayNodes != null){ foreach (var day in dayNodes){ // Extract the date and day name var date = day.SelectSingleNode(".//time[@datetime]")?.GetAttributeValue("datetime", "No date"); DateTime dayDateTime = DateTime.Parse(date, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind); if (week.FirstDayOfWeek == null){ week.FirstDayOfWeek = dayDateTime; week.FirstDayOfWeekString = dayDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } var dayName = day.SelectSingleNode(".//h1[@class='day-name']/time")?.InnerText.Trim(); // Console.WriteLine($"Day: {dayName}, Date: {date}"); CalendarDay calDay = new CalendarDay(); calDay.CalendarEpisodes = new List(); calDay.DayName = dayName; calDay.DateTime = dayDateTime; // Iterate through each episode listed under this day var episodes = day.SelectNodes(".//article[contains(@class, 'release')]"); if (episodes != null){ foreach (var episode in episodes){ var episodeTimeStr = episode.SelectSingleNode(".//time[contains(@class, 'available-time')]")?.GetAttributeValue("datetime", null); DateTime episodeTime = DateTime.Parse(episodeTimeStr, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind); var hasPassed = DateTime.Now > episodeTime; var episodeName = episode.SelectSingleNode(".//h1[contains(@class, 'episode-name')]")?.SelectSingleNode(".//cite[@itemprop='name']")?.InnerText.Trim(); var seasonLink = episode.SelectSingleNode(".//a[contains(@class, 'js-season-name-link')]")?.GetAttributeValue("href", "No link"); var episodeLink = episode.SelectSingleNode(".//a[contains(@class, 'available-episode-link')]")?.GetAttributeValue("href", "No link"); var thumbnailUrl = episode.SelectSingleNode(".//img[contains(@class, 'thumbnail')]")?.GetAttributeValue("src", "No image"); var isPremiumOnly = episode.SelectSingleNode(".//svg[contains(@class, 'premium-flag')]") != null; var seasonName = episode.SelectSingleNode(".//a[contains(@class, 'js-season-name-link')]")?.SelectSingleNode(".//cite[@itemprop='name']")?.InnerText.Trim(); var episodeNumber = episode.SelectSingleNode(".//meta[contains(@itemprop, 'episodeNumber')]")?.GetAttributeValue("content", "?"); // Console.WriteLine($" Time: {episodeTime} (Has Passed: {hasPassed}), Episode: {episodeName}"); // Console.WriteLine($" Season Link: {seasonLink}"); // Console.WriteLine($" Episode Link: {episodeLink}"); // Console.WriteLine($" Thumbnail URL: {thumbnailUrl}"); CalendarEpisode calEpisode = new CalendarEpisode(); calEpisode.DateTime = episodeTime; calEpisode.HasPassed = hasPassed; calEpisode.EpisodeName = episodeName; calEpisode.SeasonUrl = seasonLink; calEpisode.EpisodeUrl = episodeLink; calEpisode.ThumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl; calEpisode.IsPremiumOnly = isPremiumOnly; calEpisode.SeasonName = seasonName; calEpisode.EpisodeNumber = episodeNumber; calDay.CalendarEpisodes.Add(calEpisode); } } week.CalendarDays.Add(calDay); // Console.WriteLine(); } } else{ Console.WriteLine("No days found in the HTML document."); } calendar[weeksMondayDate] = week; return week; } public async Task AddEpisodeToQue(string epId, string locale, List dubLang){ await CrAuth.RefreshToken(true); var episodeL = await CrEpisode.ParseEpisodeById(epId, locale); if (episodeL != null){ if (episodeL.Value.Data != null && episodeL.Value.Data.First().IsPremiumOnly && (episodeL.Value.Data.First().StreamsLink == null || Profile.Username == "???")){ MessageBus.Current.SendMessage(new ToastMessage($"Episode is a premium episode – make sure that you are signed in with an account that has an active premium subscription", ToastType.Error, 3)); return; } var sList = CrEpisode.EpisodeData((CrunchyEpisodeList)episodeL); var selected = CrEpisode.EpisodeMeta(sList.Data, dubLang); var metas = selected.Values.ToList(); foreach (var crunchyEpMeta in metas){ Queue.Add(crunchyEpMeta); } Console.WriteLine("Added Episode to Queue"); MessageBus.Current.SendMessage(new ToastMessage($"Added episode to the queue", ToastType.Information, 1)); } } public void AddSeriesToQueue(CrunchySeriesList list, CrunchyMultiDownload data){ var selected = CrSeries.ItemSelectMultiDub(list.Data, data.DubLang, data.But, data.AllEpisodes, data.E); bool failed = false; foreach (var crunchyEpMeta in selected.Values.ToList()){ if (crunchyEpMeta.Data?.First().Playback != null){ Queue.Add(crunchyEpMeta); } else{ failed = true; } } if (failed){ MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("Not all episodes could be added – make sure that you are signed in with an account that has an active premium subscription?"); } else{ MessageBus.Current.SendMessage(new ToastMessage($"Added episodes to the queue", ToastType.Information, 1)); } } public async Task DownloadEpisode(CrunchyEpMeta data, CrDownloadOptions options, bool? isSeries){ ActiveDownloads++; data.DownloadProgress = new DownloadProgress(){ IsDownloading = true, Error = false, Percent = 0, Time = 0, DownloadSpeed = 0, Doing = "Starting" }; Queue.Refresh(); var res = await DownloadMediaList(data, options); if (res.Error){ ActiveDownloads--; data.DownloadProgress = new DownloadProgress(){ IsDownloading = false, Error = true, Percent = 100, Time = 0, DownloadSpeed = 0, Doing = "Download Error" }; Queue.Refresh(); return false; } if (options.Skipmux == false){ data.DownloadProgress = new DownloadProgress(){ IsDownloading = true, Percent = 100, Time = 0, DownloadSpeed = 0, Doing = "Muxing" }; Queue.Refresh(); await MuxStreams(res.Data, new CrunchyMuxOptions{ FfmpegOptions = options.FfmpegOptions, SkipSubMux = options.Skipmux, Output = res.FileName, Mp4 = options.Mp4, VideoTitle = options.VideoTitle, Novids = options.Novids, NoCleanup = options.Nocleanup, DefaultAudio = options.DefaultAudio, DefaultSub = options.DefaultSub, MkvmergeOptions = options.MkvmergeOptions, ForceMuxer = options.Force, SyncTiming = options.SyncTiming, CcTag = options.CcTag, KeepAllVideos = false }, res.FileName); data.DownloadProgress = new DownloadProgress(){ IsDownloading = true, Done = true, Percent = 100, Time = 0, DownloadSpeed = 0, Doing = "Done" }; Queue.Refresh(); } else{ Console.WriteLine("Skipping mux"); } ActiveDownloads--; if (CrunOptions.History && data.Data != null && data.Data.Count > 0){ CrHistory.SetAsDownloaded(data.ShowId, data.SeasonId, data.Data.First().MediaId); } return true; } private async Task MuxStreams(List data, CrunchyMuxOptions options, string filename){ var hasAudioStreams = false; var muxToMp3 = false; if (options.Novids == true || data.FindAll(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Video).Count == 0){ if (data.FindAll(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Audio).Count > 0){ Console.WriteLine("Mux to MP3"); muxToMp3 = true; } else{ Console.WriteLine("Skip muxing since no videos are downloaded"); return; } } if (data.Any(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Audio)){ hasAudioStreams = true; } var subs = data.Where(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Subtitle).ToList(); var subsList = new List(); foreach (var downloadedMedia in subs){ var subt = new SubtitleFonts(); subt.Language = downloadedMedia.Language; subt.Fonts = downloadedMedia.Fonts; subsList.Add(subt); } var merger = new Merger(new MergerOptions{ OnlyVid = hasAudioStreams ? data.Where(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Video).Select(a => new MergerInput{ Language = a.Lang, Path = a.Path ?? string.Empty }).ToList() : new List(), SkipSubMux = options.SkipSubMux, OnlyAudio = hasAudioStreams ? data.Where(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Audio).Select(a => new MergerInput{ Language = a.Lang, Path = a.Path ?? string.Empty }).ToList() : new List(), Output = $"{filename}.{(muxToMp3 ? "mp3" : options.Mp4 ? "mp4" : "mkv")}", Subtitles = data.Where(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Subtitle).Select(a => new SubtitleInput{ File = a.Path ?? string.Empty, Language = a.Language, ClosedCaption = a.Cc, Signs = a.Signs }).ToList(), Simul = false, KeepAllVideos = options.KeepAllVideos, Fonts = FontsManager.Instance.MakeFontsList(CfgManager.PathFONTS_DIR, subsList), // Assuming MakeFontsList is properly defined VideoAndAudio = hasAudioStreams ? new List() : data.Where(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Video).Select(a => new MergerInput{ Language = a.Lang, Path = a.Path ?? string.Empty }).ToList(), Chapters = data.Where(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Chapters).Select(a => new MergerInput{ Language = a.Lang, Path = a.Path ?? string.Empty }).ToList(), VideoTitle = options.VideoTitle, Options = new MuxOptions(){ ffmpeg = options.FfmpegOptions, mkvmerge = options.MkvmergeOptions }, Defaults = new Defaults(){ Audio = options.DefaultAudio, Sub = options.DefaultSub }, CcTag = options.CcTag, mp3 = muxToMp3 }); if (!File.Exists(CfgManager.PathFFMPEG)){ Console.WriteLine("FFmpeg not found"); } if (!File.Exists(CfgManager.PathMKVMERGE)){ Console.WriteLine("MKVmerge not found"); } bool isMuxed; // if (options.SyncTiming){ // await Merger.CreateDelays(); // } if (!options.Mp4 && !muxToMp3){ await merger.Merge("mkvmerge", CfgManager.PathMKVMERGE); isMuxed = true; } else{ await merger.Merge("ffmpeg", CfgManager.PathFFMPEG); isMuxed = true; } if (isMuxed && options.NoCleanup == false){ merger.CleanUp(); } } private async Task DownloadMediaList(CrunchyEpMeta data, CrDownloadOptions options){ if (CmsToken?.Cms == null){ Console.WriteLine("Missing CMS Token"); MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("Missing CMS Token - are you signed in?"); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = new List(), Error = true, FileName = "./unknown" }; } if (Profile.Username == "???"){ MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("User Account not recognized - are you signed in?"); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = new List(), Error = true, FileName = "./unknown" }; } if (!File.Exists(CfgManager.PathFFMPEG)){ Console.Error.WriteLine("Missing ffmpeg"); MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("FFmpeg not found"); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = new List(), Error = true, FileName = "./unknown" }; } // if (!options.UseNonDrmStreams && !_widevine.canDecrypt){ // Console.Error.WriteLine("Only searching for drm streams but widevine can't decrypt"); // MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("Settings set to not search for DRM streams - but can't find CDM files in widevine folder "); // return new DownloadResponse{ // Data = new List(), // Error = true, // FileName = "./unknown" // }; // } string mediaName = $"{data.SeasonTitle} - {data.EpisodeNumber} - {data.EpisodeTitle}"; string fileName = ""; var variables = new List(); List files = new List(); if (data.Data != null && data.Data.All(a => a.Playback == null)){ Console.WriteLine("Video not available!"); MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("No Video Data found - Are you trying to download a premium episode without havíng a premium account?"); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = files, Error = true, FileName = fileName.Length > 0 ? (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName) ? fileName : Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, fileName)) : "./unknown" }; } bool dlFailed = false; bool dlVideoOnce = false; if (data.Data != null) foreach (CrunchyEpMetaData epMeta in data.Data){ Console.WriteLine($"Requesting: [{epMeta.MediaId}] {mediaName}"); string currentMediaId = (epMeta.MediaId.Contains(':') ? epMeta.MediaId.Split(':')[1] : epMeta.MediaId); await CrAuth.RefreshToken(true); EpisodeVersion currentVersion = new EpisodeVersion(); EpisodeVersion primaryVersion = new EpisodeVersion(); bool isPrimary = epMeta.IsSubbed; //Get Media GUID string mediaId = epMeta.MediaId; string mediaGuid = currentMediaId; if (epMeta.Versions != null){ if (epMeta.Lang != null){ currentVersion = epMeta.Versions.Find(a => a.AudioLocale == epMeta.Lang?.CrLocale); } else if (options.DubLang.Count == 1){ LanguageItem lang = Array.Find(Languages.languages, a => a.CrLocale == options.DubLang[0]); currentVersion = epMeta.Versions.Find(a => a.AudioLocale == lang.CrLocale); } else if (epMeta.Versions.Count == 1){ currentVersion = epMeta.Versions[0]; } if (currentVersion.MediaGuid == null){ Console.WriteLine("Selected language not found in versions."); MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("Selected language not found"); continue; } isPrimary = currentVersion.Original; mediaId = currentVersion.MediaGuid; mediaGuid = currentVersion.Guid; if (!isPrimary){ primaryVersion = epMeta.Versions.Find(a => a.Original); } else{ primaryVersion = currentVersion; } } if (mediaId.Contains(':')){ mediaId = mediaId.Split(':')[1]; } if (mediaGuid.Contains(':')){ mediaGuid = mediaGuid.Split(':')[1]; } Console.WriteLine("MediaGuid: " + mediaId); #region Chapters List compiledChapters = new List(); if (options.Chapters){ await ParseChapters(primaryVersion.Guid, compiledChapters); } #endregion var fetchPlaybackData = await FetchPlaybackData(mediaId, epMeta); if (!fetchPlaybackData.IsOk){ MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("Couldn't get Playback Data"); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = new List(), Error = true, FileName = "./unknown" }; } var pbData = fetchPlaybackData.pbData; #region NonDrmRequest if (options.UseNonDrmStreams || !_widevine.canDecrypt){ await FetchNoDrmPlaybackData(mediaGuid, pbData); } #endregion List hsLangs = new List(); var pbStreams = pbData.Data?[0]; var streams = new List(); variables.Add(new Variable("title", data.EpisodeTitle ?? string.Empty, true)); variables.Add(new Variable("episode", (int.TryParse(data.EpisodeNumber, out int episodeNum) ? (object)episodeNum : data.AbsolutEpisodeNumberE) ?? string.Empty, false)); variables.Add(new Variable("seriesTitle", data.SeriesTitle ?? string.Empty, true)); variables.Add(new Variable("showTitle", data.SeasonTitle ?? string.Empty, true)); variables.Add(new Variable("season", data.Season != null ? Math.Round(double.Parse(data.Season, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), 1) : 0, false)); if (pbStreams?.Keys != null){ foreach (var key in pbStreams.Keys){ if ((key.Contains("hls") || key.Contains("dash")) && !(key.Contains("hls") && key.Contains("drm")) && !((!_widevine.canDecrypt || !File.Exists(CfgManager.PathMP4Decrypt)) && key.Contains("drm")) && !key.Contains("trailer")){ var pb = pbStreams[key].Select(v => { v.Value.HardsubLang = v.Value.HardsubLocale != null ? Languages.FixAndFindCrLc(v.Value.HardsubLocale.GetEnumMemberValue()).Locale : null; if (v.Value.HardsubLocale != null && v.Value.HardsubLang != null && !hsLangs.Contains(v.Value.HardsubLocale.GetEnumMemberValue())){ hsLangs.Add(v.Value.HardsubLang); } return new StreamDetailsPop{ Url = v.Value.Url, HardsubLocale = v.Value.HardsubLocale, HardsubLang = v.Value.HardsubLang, AudioLang = v.Value.AudioLang, Type = v.Value.Type, Format = key, }; }).ToList(); streams.AddRange(pb); } } if (streams.Count < 1){ Console.WriteLine("No full streams found!"); MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("No streams found"); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = new List(), Error = true, FileName = "./unknown" }; } var audDub = ""; if (pbData.Meta != null){ audDub = Languages.FindLang(Languages.FixLanguageTag((pbData.Meta.AudioLocale ?? Locale.DefaulT).GetEnumMemberValue())).Code; } hsLangs = Languages.SortTags(hsLangs); streams = streams.Select(s => { s.AudioLang = audDub; s.HardsubLang = string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.HardsubLang) ? "-" : s.HardsubLang; s.Type = $"{s.Format}/{s.AudioLang}/{s.HardsubLang}"; return s; }).ToList(); streams.Sort((a, b) => String.CompareOrdinal(a.Type, b.Type)); if (options.Hslang != "none"){ if (hsLangs.IndexOf(options.Hslang) > -1){ Console.WriteLine($"Selecting stream with {Languages.Locale2language(options.Hslang).Language} hardsubs"); streams = streams.Where((s) => s.HardsubLang != "-" && s.HardsubLang == options.Hslang).ToList(); } else{ Console.WriteLine($"Selected stream with {Languages.Locale2language(options.Hslang).Language} hardsubs not available"); if (hsLangs.Count > 0){ Console.WriteLine("Try hardsubs stream: " + string.Join(", ", hsLangs)); } dlFailed = true; } } else{ streams = streams.Where((s) => { if (s.HardsubLang != "-"){ return false; } return true; }).ToList(); if (streams.Count < 1){ Console.WriteLine("Raw streams not available!"); if (hsLangs.Count > 0){ Console.WriteLine("Try hardsubs stream: " + string.Join(", ", hsLangs)); } dlFailed = true; } Console.WriteLine("Selecting raw stream"); } StreamDetailsPop? curStream = null; if (!dlFailed){ options.Kstream = options.Kstream >= 1 && options.Kstream <= streams.Count ? options.Kstream : 1; for (int i = 0; i < streams.Count; i++){ string isSelected = options.Kstream == i + 1 ? "✓" : " "; Console.WriteLine($"Full stream found! ({isSelected}{i + 1}: {streams[i].Type})"); } Console.WriteLine("Downloading video..."); curStream = streams[options.Kstream - 1]; Console.WriteLine($"Playlists URL: {curStream.Url} ({curStream.Type})"); } string tsFile = ""; if (!dlFailed && curStream != null && options is not{ Novids: true, Noaudio: true }){ var streamPlaylistsReq = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage(curStream.Url ?? string.Empty, HttpMethod.Get, true, true, null); var streamPlaylistsReqResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(streamPlaylistsReq); if (!streamPlaylistsReqResponse.IsOk){ dlFailed = true; } if (dlFailed){ Console.WriteLine($"CAN\'T FETCH VIDEO PLAYLISTS!"); } else{ if (streamPlaylistsReqResponse.ResponseContent.Contains("MPD")){ var match = Regex.Match(curStream.Url ?? string.Empty, @"(.*\.urlset\/)"); var matchedUrl = match.Success ? match.Value : null; //Parse MPD Playlists var crLocal = ""; if (pbData.Meta != null){ crLocal = Languages.FixLanguageTag((pbData.Meta.AudioLocale ?? Locale.DefaulT).GetEnumMemberValue()); } MPDParsed streamPlaylists = MPDParser.Parse(streamPlaylistsReqResponse.ResponseContent, Languages.FindLang(crLocal), matchedUrl); List streamServers = new List(streamPlaylists.Data.Keys); options.StreamServer = options.StreamServer > streamServers.Count ? 1 : options.StreamServer; if (streamServers.Count == 0){ return new DownloadResponse{ Data = new List(), Error = true, FileName = "./unknown" }; } if (options.StreamServer == 0){ options.StreamServer = 1; } string selectedServer = streamServers[options.StreamServer - 1]; ServerData selectedList = streamPlaylists.Data[selectedServer]; var videos = => new VideoItem{ segments = item.segments, pssh = item.pssh, quality = item.quality, bandwidth = item.bandwidth, resolutionText = $"{item.quality.width}x{item.quality.height} ({Math.Round(item.bandwidth / 1024.0)}KiB/s)" }).ToList(); var audios = => new AudioItem{ @default = item.@default, segments = item.segments, pssh = item.pssh, language = item.language, bandwidth = item.bandwidth, resolutionText = $"{Math.Round(item.bandwidth / 1000.0)}kB/s" }).ToList(); videos.Sort((a, b) => a.quality.width.CompareTo(b.quality.width)); audios.Sort((a, b) => a.bandwidth.CompareTo(b.bandwidth)); int chosenVideoQuality; if (options.QualityVideo == "best"){ chosenVideoQuality = videos.Count; } else if (options.QualityVideo == "worst"){ chosenVideoQuality = 1; } else{ var tempIndex = videos.FindIndex(a => a.quality.height + "" == options.QualityAudio); if (tempIndex < 0){ chosenVideoQuality = videos.Count; } else{ tempIndex++; chosenVideoQuality = tempIndex; } } if (chosenVideoQuality > videos.Count){ Console.WriteLine($"The requested quality of {chosenVideoQuality} is greater than the maximum {videos.Count}.\n[WARN] Therefore, the maximum will be capped at {videos.Count}."); chosenVideoQuality = videos.Count; } chosenVideoQuality--; int chosenAudioQuality; if (options.QualityAudio == "best"){ chosenAudioQuality = audios.Count; } else if (options.QualityAudio == "worst"){ chosenAudioQuality = 1; } else{ var tempIndex = audios.FindIndex(a => a.resolutionText == options.QualityAudio); if (tempIndex < 0){ chosenAudioQuality = audios.Count; } else{ tempIndex++; chosenAudioQuality = tempIndex; } } if (chosenAudioQuality > audios.Count){ chosenAudioQuality = audios.Count; } chosenAudioQuality--; VideoItem chosenVideoSegments = videos[chosenVideoQuality]; AudioItem chosenAudioSegments = audios[chosenAudioQuality]; Console.WriteLine("Servers available:"); foreach (var server in streamServers){ Console.WriteLine($"\t{server}"); } Console.WriteLine("Available Video Qualities:"); for (int i = 0; i < videos.Count; i++){ Console.WriteLine($"\t[{i + 1}] {videos[i].resolutionText}"); } Console.WriteLine("Available Audio Qualities:"); for (int i = 0; i < audios.Count; i++){ Console.WriteLine($"\t[{i + 1}] {audios[i].resolutionText}"); } variables.Add(new Variable("height", chosenVideoSegments.quality.height, false)); variables.Add(new Variable("width", chosenVideoSegments.quality.width, false)); LanguageItem? lang = Languages.languages.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Code == curStream.AudioLang); if (lang == null){ Console.Error.WriteLine($"Unable to find language for code {curStream.AudioLang}"); MainWindow.Instance.ShowError($"Unable to find language for code {curStream.AudioLang}"); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = new List(), Error = true, FileName = "./unknown" }; } Console.WriteLine($"Selected quality: \n\tVideo: {chosenVideoSegments.resolutionText}\n\tAudio: {chosenAudioSegments.resolutionText}\n\tServer: {selectedServer}"); Console.WriteLine("Stream URL:" + chosenVideoSegments.segments[0].uri.Split(new[]{ ",.urlset" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]); fileName = Path.Combine(FileNameManager.ParseFileName(options.FileName, variables, options.Numbers, options.Override).ToArray()); string outFile = Path.Combine(FileNameManager.ParseFileName(options.FileName + "." + (epMeta.Lang?.Name ?? lang.Value.Name), variables, options.Numbers, options.Override).ToArray()); string tempFile = Path.Combine(FileNameManager.ParseFileName($"temp-{(currentVersion.Guid != null ? currentVersion.Guid : currentMediaId)}", variables, options.Numbers, options.Override) .ToArray()); string tempTsFile = Path.IsPathRooted(tempFile) ? tempFile : Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, tempFile); bool audioDownloaded = false, videoDownloaded = false; if (options.DlVideoOnce && dlVideoOnce){ Console.WriteLine("Already downloaded video, skipping video download..."); } else if (options.Novids){ Console.WriteLine("Skipping video download..."); } else{ var videoDownloadResult = await DownloadVideo(chosenVideoSegments, options, outFile, tsFile, tempTsFile, data); tsFile = videoDownloadResult.tsFile; if (!videoDownloadResult.Ok){ Console.Error.WriteLine($"DL Stats: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(videoDownloadResult.Parts)}"); dlFailed = true; } dlVideoOnce = true; videoDownloaded = true; } if (chosenAudioSegments.segments.Count > 0 && !options.Noaudio && !dlFailed){ var audioDownloadResult = await DownloadAudio(chosenAudioSegments, options, outFile, tsFile, tempTsFile, data); tsFile = audioDownloadResult.tsFile; if (!audioDownloadResult.Ok){ Console.Error.WriteLine($"DL Stats: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(audioDownloadResult.Parts)}"); dlFailed = true; } audioDownloaded = true; } else if (options.Noaudio){ Console.WriteLine("Skipping audio download..."); } if (dlFailed){ return new DownloadResponse{ Data = files, Error = dlFailed, FileName = fileName.Length > 0 ? (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName) ? fileName : Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, fileName)) : "./unknown" }; } if ((chosenVideoSegments.pssh != null || chosenAudioSegments.pssh != null) && (videoDownloaded || audioDownloaded)){ data.DownloadProgress = new DownloadProgress(){ IsDownloading = true, Percent = 100, Time = 0, DownloadSpeed = 0, Doing = "Decrypting" }; var assetIdRegexMatch = Regex.Match(chosenVideoSegments.segments[0].uri, @"/assets/(?:p/)?([^_,]+)"); var assetId = assetIdRegexMatch.Success ? assetIdRegexMatch.Groups[1].Value : null; var sessionId = Helpers.GenerateSessionId(); Console.WriteLine("Decryption Needed, attempting to decrypt"); var reqBodyData = new{ accounting_id = "crunchyroll", asset_id = assetId, session_id = sessionId, user_id = Token?.account_id }; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reqBodyData); var reqBody = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var decRequest = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{Api.DRM}", HttpMethod.Post, false, false, null); decRequest.Content = reqBody; var decRequestResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(decRequest); if (!decRequestResponse.IsOk){ Console.WriteLine("Request to DRM Authentication failed: "); MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("Request to DRM Authentication failed"); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = files, Error = dlFailed, FileName = fileName.Length > 0 ? (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName) ? fileName : Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, fileName)) : "./unknown" }; } DrmAuthData authData = Helpers.Deserialize(decRequestResponse.ResponseContent, SettingsJsonSerializerSettings) ?? new DrmAuthData(); Dictionary authDataDict = new Dictionary { { "dt-custom-data", authData.CustomData ?? string.Empty },{ "x-dt-auth-token", authData.Token ?? string.Empty } }; var encryptionKeys = await _widevine.getKeys(chosenVideoSegments.pssh, "", authDataDict); if (encryptionKeys.Count == 0){ Console.WriteLine("Failed to get encryption keys"); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = files, Error = dlFailed, FileName = fileName.Length > 0 ? (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName) ? fileName : Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, fileName)) : "./unknown" }; } if (Path.Exists(CfgManager.PathMP4Decrypt)){ var keyId = BitConverter.ToString(encryptionKeys[0].KeyID).Replace("-", "").ToLower(); var key = BitConverter.ToString(encryptionKeys[0].Bytes).Replace("-", "").ToLower(); var commandBase = $"--show-progress --key {keyId}:{key}"; var commandVideo = commandBase + $" \"{tempTsFile}.video.enc.m4s\" \"{tempTsFile}.video.m4s\""; var commandAudio = commandBase + $" \"{tempTsFile}.audio.enc.m4s\" \"{tempTsFile}.audio.m4s\""; if (videoDownloaded){ Console.WriteLine("Started decrypting video"); var decryptVideo = await Helpers.ExecuteCommandAsync("mp4decrypt", CfgManager.PathMP4Decrypt, commandVideo); if (!decryptVideo.IsOk){ Console.Error.WriteLine($"Decryption failed with exit code {decryptVideo.ErrorCode}"); MainWindow.Instance.ShowError($"Decryption failed with exit code {decryptVideo.ErrorCode}"); try{ File.Move($"{tempTsFile}.video.enc.m4s", $"{tsFile}.video.enc.m4s"); } catch (IOException ex){ Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}"); } } else{ Console.WriteLine("Decryption done for video"); if (!options.Nocleanup){ try{ if (File.Exists($"{tempTsFile}.video.enc.m4s")){ File.Delete($"{tempTsFile}.video.enc.m4s"); } if (File.Exists($"{tempTsFile}.video.enc.m4s.resume")){ File.Delete($"{tempTsFile}.video.enc.m4s.resume"); } } catch (Exception ex){ Console.WriteLine($"Failed to delete file {tempTsFile}.video.enc.m4s. Error: {ex.Message}"); // Handle exceptions if you need to log them or throw } try{ File.Move($"{tempTsFile}.video.m4s", $"{tsFile}.video.m4s"); } catch (IOException ex){ Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}"); } files.Add(new DownloadedMedia{ Type = DownloadMediaType.Video, Path = $"{tsFile}.video.m4s", Lang = lang.Value, IsPrimary = isPrimary }); } } } if (audioDownloaded){ Console.WriteLine("Started decrypting audio"); var decryptAudio = await Helpers.ExecuteCommandAsync("mp4decrypt", CfgManager.PathMP4Decrypt, commandAudio); if (!decryptAudio.IsOk){ Console.Error.WriteLine($"Decryption failed with exit code {decryptAudio.ErrorCode}"); try{ File.Move($"{tempTsFile}.audio.enc.m4s", $"{tsFile}.audio.enc.m4s"); } catch (IOException ex){ Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}"); } } else{ Console.WriteLine("Decryption done for audio"); if (!options.Nocleanup){ try{ if (File.Exists($"{tempTsFile}.audio.enc.m4s")){ File.Delete($"{tempTsFile}.audio.enc.m4s"); } if (File.Exists($"{tempTsFile}.audio.enc.m4s.resume")){ File.Delete($"{tempTsFile}.audio.enc.m4s.resume"); } } catch (Exception ex){ Console.WriteLine($"Failed to delete file {tempTsFile}.audio.enc.m4s. Error: {ex.Message}"); // Handle exceptions if you need to log them or throw } try{ File.Move($"{tempTsFile}.audio.m4s", $"{tsFile}.audio.m4s"); } catch (IOException ex){ Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}"); } files.Add(new DownloadedMedia{ Type = DownloadMediaType.Audio, Path = $"{tsFile}.audio.m4s", Lang = lang.Value, IsPrimary = isPrimary }); } } } } else{ Console.WriteLine("mp4decrypt not found, files need decryption. Decryption Keys: "); MainWindow.Instance.ShowError($"mp4decrypt not found, files need decryption"); } } else{ if (videoDownloaded){ files.Add(new DownloadedMedia{ Type = DownloadMediaType.Video, Path = $"{tsFile}.video.m4s", Lang = lang.Value, IsPrimary = isPrimary }); } if (audioDownloaded){ files.Add(new DownloadedMedia{ Type = DownloadMediaType.Audio, Path = $"{tsFile}.audio.m4s", Lang = lang.Value, IsPrimary = isPrimary }); } } } else if (!options.Novids){ //TODO MainWindow.Instance.ShowError("Requested Video with the current settings not implemented"); } else if (options.Novids){ fileName = Path.Combine(FileNameManager.ParseFileName(options.FileName, variables, options.Numbers, options.Override).ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("Downloading skipped!"); } } } else if (options.Novids && options.Noaudio){ fileName = Path.Combine(FileNameManager.ParseFileName(options.FileName, variables, options.Numbers, options.Override).ToArray()); } if (compiledChapters.Count > 0){ try{ // Parsing and constructing the file names fileName = Path.Combine(FileNameManager.ParseFileName(options.FileName, variables, options.Numbers, options.Override).ToArray()); string outFile = Path.Combine(FileNameManager.ParseFileName(options.FileName + "." + (epMeta.Lang?.Name), variables, options.Numbers, options.Override).ToArray()); if (Path.IsPathRooted(outFile)){ tsFile = outFile; } else{ tsFile = Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, outFile); } // Check if the path is absolute bool isAbsolute = Path.IsPathRooted(outFile); // Get all directory parts of the path except the last segment (assuming it's a file) string[] directories = Path.GetDirectoryName(outFile)?.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ?? Array.Empty(); // Initialize the cumulative path based on whether the original path is absolute or not string cumulativePath = isAbsolute ? "" : CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR; for (int i = 0; i < directories.Length; i++){ // Build the path incrementally cumulativePath = Path.Combine(cumulativePath, directories[i]); // Check if the directory exists and create it if it does not if (!Directory.Exists(cumulativePath)){ Directory.CreateDirectory(cumulativePath); Console.WriteLine($"Created directory: {cumulativePath}"); } } // Finding language by code var lang = Languages.languages.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Code == curStream?.AudioLang); if (lang.Code == "und"){ Console.Error.WriteLine($"Unable to find language for code {curStream?.AudioLang}"); } File.WriteAllText($"{tsFile}.txt", string.Join("\r\n", compiledChapters)); files.Add(new DownloadedMedia{ Path = $"{tsFile}.txt", Lang = lang, Type = DownloadMediaType.Chapters }); } catch{ Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to write chapter file"); } } if (options.DlSubs.IndexOf("all") > -1){ options.DlSubs = new List{ "all" }; } if (options.Hslang != "none"){ Console.WriteLine("Subtitles downloading disabled for hardsubed streams."); options.SkipSubs = true; } if (options.NoSubs){ Console.WriteLine("Subtitles downloading disabled from nosubs flag."); options.SkipSubs = true; } if (!options.SkipSubs && options.DlSubs.IndexOf("none") == -1){ await DownloadSubtitles(options, pbData, audDub, fileName, files); } else{ Console.WriteLine("Subtitles downloading skipped!"); } } await Task.Delay(options.Waittime); } // variables.Add(new Variable("height", quality == 0 ? plQuality.Last().RESOLUTION.Height : plQuality[quality - 1].RESOLUTION.Height, false)); // variables.Add(new Variable("width", quality == 0 ? plQuality.Last().RESOLUTION.Width : plQuality[quality - 1].RESOLUTION.Width, false)); return new DownloadResponse{ Data = files, Error = dlFailed, FileName = fileName.Length > 0 ? (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName) ? fileName : Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, fileName)) : "./unknown" }; } private static async Task DownloadSubtitles(CrDownloadOptions options, PlaybackData pbData, string audDub, string fileName, List files){ if (pbData.Meta != null && pbData.Meta.Subtitles != null && pbData.Meta.Subtitles.Count > 0){ List subsData = pbData.Meta.Subtitles.Values.ToList(); List capsData = pbData.Meta.ClosedCaptions?.Values.ToList() ?? new List(); var subsDataMapped = subsData.Select(s => { var subLang = Languages.FixAndFindCrLc((s.Locale ?? Locale.DefaulT).GetEnumMemberValue()); return new{ format = s.Format, url = s.Url, locale = subLang, language = subLang.Locale, isCC = false }; }).ToList(); var capsDataMapped = capsData.Select(s => { var subLang = Languages.FixAndFindCrLc((s.Locale ?? Locale.DefaulT).GetEnumMemberValue()); return new{ format = s.Format, url = s.Url, locale = subLang, language = subLang.Locale, isCC = true }; }).ToList(); subsDataMapped.AddRange(capsDataMapped); var subsArr = Languages.SortSubtitles(subsDataMapped, "language"); foreach (var subsItem in subsArr){ var index = subsArr.IndexOf(subsItem); var langItem = subsItem.locale; var sxData = new SxItem(); sxData.Language = langItem; var isSigns = langItem.Code == audDub && !subsItem.isCC; var isCc = subsItem.isCC; sxData.File = Languages.SubsFile(fileName, index + "", langItem, isCc, options.CcTag, isSigns, subsItem.format); sxData.Path = Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, sxData.File); // Check if the path is absolute bool isAbsolute = Path.IsPathRooted(sxData.Path); // Get all directory parts of the path except the last segment (assuming it's a file) string[] directories = Path.GetDirectoryName(sxData.Path)?.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ?? Array.Empty(); // Initialize the cumulative path based on whether the original path is absolute or not string cumulativePath = isAbsolute ? "" : CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR; for (int i = 0; i < directories.Length; i++){ // Build the path incrementally cumulativePath = Path.Combine(cumulativePath, directories[i]); // Check if the directory exists and create it if it does not if (!Directory.Exists(cumulativePath)){ Directory.CreateDirectory(cumulativePath); Console.WriteLine($"Created directory: {cumulativePath}"); } } // Check if any file matches the specified conditions if (files.Any(a => a.Type == DownloadMediaType.Subtitle && (a.Language.CrLocale == langItem.CrLocale || a.Language.Locale == langItem.Locale) && a.Cc == isCc && a.Signs == isSigns)){ continue; } if (options.DlSubs.Contains("all") || options.DlSubs.Contains(langItem.CrLocale)){ var subsAssReq = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage(subsItem.url ?? string.Empty, HttpMethod.Get, false, false, null); var subsAssReqResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(subsAssReq); if (subsAssReqResponse.IsOk){ if (subsItem.format == "ass"){ subsAssReqResponse.ResponseContent = '\ufeff' + subsAssReqResponse.ResponseContent; var sBodySplit = subsAssReqResponse.ResponseContent.Split(new[]{ "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); // Insert 'ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes' after the second line if (sBodySplit.Count > 2) sBodySplit.Insert(2, "ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes"); // Rejoin the lines back into a single string subsAssReqResponse.ResponseContent = string.Join("\r\n", sBodySplit); // Extract the title from the second line and remove 'Title: ' prefix if (sBodySplit.Count > 1){ sxData.Title = sBodySplit[1].Replace("Title: ", ""); sxData.Title = $"{langItem.Language} / {sxData.Title}"; var keysList = FontsManager.ExtractFontsFromAss(subsAssReqResponse.ResponseContent); sxData.Fonts = FontsManager.Instance.GetDictFromKeyList(keysList); } } File.WriteAllText(sxData.Path, subsAssReqResponse.ResponseContent); Console.WriteLine($"Subtitle downloaded: ${sxData.File}"); files.Add(new DownloadedMedia{ Type = DownloadMediaType.Subtitle, Cc = isCc, Signs = isSigns, Path = sxData.Path, File = sxData.File, Title = sxData.Title, Fonts = sxData.Fonts, Language = sxData.Language, Lang = sxData.Language }); } else{ Console.WriteLine($"Failed to download subtitle: ${sxData.File}"); } } } } else{ Console.WriteLine("Can\'t find urls for subtitles!"); } } private async Task<(bool Ok, PartsData Parts, string tsFile)> DownloadVideo(VideoItem chosenVideoSegments, CrDownloadOptions options, string outFile, string tsFile, string tempTsFile, CrunchyEpMeta data){ // Prepare for video download int totalParts = chosenVideoSegments.segments.Count; int mathParts = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalParts / options.Partsize); string mathMsg = $"({mathParts}*{options.Partsize})"; Console.WriteLine($"Total parts in video stream: {totalParts} {mathMsg}"); if (Path.IsPathRooted(outFile)){ tsFile = outFile; } else{ tsFile = Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, outFile); } // var split = outFile.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).AsSpan().Slice(0, -1).ToArray(); // Check if the path is absolute bool isAbsolute = Path.IsPathRooted(outFile); // Get all directory parts of the path except the last segment (assuming it's a file) string[] directories = Path.GetDirectoryName(outFile)?.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ?? Array.Empty(); // Initialize the cumulative path based on whether the original path is absolute or not string cumulativePath = isAbsolute ? "" : CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR; for (int i = 0; i < directories.Length; i++){ // Build the path incrementally cumulativePath = Path.Combine(cumulativePath, directories[i]); // Check if the directory exists and create it if it does not if (!Directory.Exists(cumulativePath)){ Directory.CreateDirectory(cumulativePath); Console.WriteLine($"Created directory: {cumulativePath}"); } } M3U8Json videoJson = new M3U8Json{ Segments = chosenVideoSegments.segments.Cast().ToList() }; var videoDownloader = new HlsDownloader(new HlsOptions{ Output = chosenVideoSegments.pssh != null ? $"{tempTsFile}.video.enc.m4s" : $"{tsFile}.video.m4s", Timeout = options.Timeout, M3U8Json = videoJson, // BaseUrl = chunkPlaylist.BaseUrl, Threads = options.Partsize, FsRetryTime = options.FsRetryTime * 1000, Override = options.Force, }, data, true, false); var videoDownloadResult = await videoDownloader.Download(); return (videoDownloadResult.Ok, videoDownloadResult.Parts, tsFile); } private async Task<(bool Ok, PartsData Parts, string tsFile)> DownloadAudio(AudioItem chosenAudioSegments, CrDownloadOptions options, string outFile, string tsFile, string tempTsFile, CrunchyEpMeta data){ // Prepare for audio download int totalParts = chosenAudioSegments.segments.Count; int mathParts = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalParts / options.Partsize); string mathMsg = $"({mathParts}*{options.Partsize})"; Console.WriteLine($"Total parts in audio stream: {totalParts} {mathMsg}"); if (Path.IsPathRooted(outFile)){ tsFile = outFile; } else{ tsFile = Path.Combine(CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR, outFile); } // Check if the path is absolute bool isAbsolute = Path.IsPathRooted(outFile); // Get all directory parts of the path except the last segment (assuming it's a file) string[] directories = Path.GetDirectoryName(outFile)?.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ?? Array.Empty(); // Initialize the cumulative path based on whether the original path is absolute or not string cumulativePath = isAbsolute ? "" : CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR; for (int i = 0; i < directories.Length; i++){ // Build the path incrementally cumulativePath = Path.Combine(cumulativePath, directories[i]); // Check if the directory exists and create it if it does not if (!Directory.Exists(cumulativePath)){ Directory.CreateDirectory(cumulativePath); Console.WriteLine($"Created directory: {cumulativePath}"); } } M3U8Json audioJson = new M3U8Json{ Segments = chosenAudioSegments.segments.Cast().ToList() }; var audioDownloader = new HlsDownloader(new HlsOptions{ Output = chosenAudioSegments.pssh != null ? $"{tempTsFile}.audio.enc.m4s" : $"{tsFile}.audio.m4s", Timeout = options.Timeout, M3U8Json = audioJson, // BaseUrl = chunkPlaylist.BaseUrl, Threads = options.Partsize, FsRetryTime = options.FsRetryTime * 1000, Override = options.Force, }, data, false, true); var audioDownloadResult = await audioDownloader.Download(); return (audioDownloadResult.Ok, audioDownloadResult.Parts, tsFile); } private async Task FetchNoDrmPlaybackData(string currentMediaId, PlaybackData pbData){ var playbackRequestNonDrm = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{currentMediaId}/console/switch/play", HttpMethod.Get, true, true, null); playbackRequestNonDrm.Headers.UserAgent.ParseAdd("Crunchyroll/1.8.0 Nintendo Switch/ UE4/4.27"); var playbackRequestNonDrmResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(playbackRequestNonDrm); if (playbackRequestNonDrmResponse.IsOk && playbackRequestNonDrmResponse.ResponseContent != string.Empty){ CrunchyNoDrmStream? playStream = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(playbackRequestNonDrmResponse.ResponseContent, SettingsJsonSerializerSettings); CrunchyStreams derivedPlayCrunchyStreams = new CrunchyStreams(); if (playStream != null){ var deauthVideoToken = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{currentMediaId}/{playStream.Token}/inactive", HttpMethod.Patch, true, false, null); var deauthVideoTokenResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(deauthVideoToken); if (playStream.HardSubs != null) foreach (var hardsub in playStream.HardSubs){ var stream = hardsub.Value; derivedPlayCrunchyStreams[hardsub.Key] = new StreamDetails{ Url = stream.Url, HardsubLocale = Helpers.ConvertStringToLocale(stream.Hlang) }; } derivedPlayCrunchyStreams[""] = new StreamDetails{ Url = playStream.Url, HardsubLocale = Locale.DefaulT }; if (pbData.Data != null) pbData.Data[0]["adaptive_switch_dash"] = derivedPlayCrunchyStreams; } } else{ Console.WriteLine("Non-DRM Request Stream URLs FAILED!"); } } private async Task<(bool IsOk, PlaybackData pbData)> FetchPlaybackData(string mediaId, CrunchyEpMetaData epMeta){ PlaybackData temppbData = new PlaybackData{ Total = 0, Data = new List>>() }; bool ok = true; HttpRequestMessage playbackRequest; (bool IsOk, string ResponseContent) playbackRequestResponse; if (_api == "android"){ NameValueCollection query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(new UriBuilder().Query); query["force_locale"] = ""; query["preferred_audio_language"] = "ja-JP"; query["Policy"] = CmsToken?.Cms.Policy; query["Signature"] = CmsToken?.Cms.Signature; query["Key-Pair-Id"] = CmsToken?.Cms.KeyPairId; playbackRequest = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{Api.BetaCms}{CmsToken?.Cms.Bucket}/videos/{mediaId}/streams?", HttpMethod.Get, true, true, query); playbackRequestResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(playbackRequest); if (playbackRequestResponse.IsOk){ var androidTempData = Helpers.Deserialize(playbackRequestResponse.ResponseContent, SettingsJsonSerializerSettings); temppbData = new PlaybackData(){ Data = androidTempData.streams, Total = androidTempData.streams.Count, Meta = new PlaybackMeta(){ MediaId = androidTempData.media_id, Subtitles = androidTempData.subtitles, Bifs = androidTempData.bifs, Versions = androidTempData.versions, AudioLocale = androidTempData.audio_locale, ClosedCaptions = androidTempData.closed_captions, Captions = androidTempData.captions } }; } else{ NameValueCollection query2 = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(new UriBuilder().Query); query2["preferred_audio_language"] = "ja-JP"; query2["Policy"] = CmsToken?.Cms.Policy; query2["Signature"] = CmsToken?.Cms.Signature; query2["Key-Pair-Id"] = CmsToken?.Cms.KeyPairId; playbackRequest = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{Api.ApiBeta}{epMeta.Playback}?", HttpMethod.Get, true, true, query2); playbackRequestResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(playbackRequest); if (playbackRequestResponse.IsOk){ temppbData = Helpers.Deserialize(playbackRequestResponse.ResponseContent, SettingsJsonSerializerSettings) ?? new PlaybackData{ Total = 0, Data = new List>>() }; } else{ Console.WriteLine("'Fallback Request Stream URLs FAILED!'"); ok = playbackRequestResponse.IsOk; } } } else{ playbackRequest = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{Api.Cms}/videos/{mediaId}/streams", HttpMethod.Get, true, false, null); playbackRequestResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(playbackRequest); if (playbackRequestResponse.IsOk){ temppbData = Helpers.Deserialize(playbackRequestResponse.ResponseContent, SettingsJsonSerializerSettings) ?? new PlaybackData{ Total = 0, Data = new List>>() }; } else{ Console.WriteLine("Request Stream URLs FAILED! Attempting fallback"); playbackRequest = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{Api.ApiBeta}{epMeta.Playback}", HttpMethod.Get, true, true, null); playbackRequestResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(playbackRequest); if (playbackRequestResponse.IsOk){ temppbData = Helpers.Deserialize(playbackRequestResponse.ResponseContent, SettingsJsonSerializerSettings) ?? new PlaybackData{ Total = 0, Data = new List>>() }; } else{ Console.WriteLine("'Fallback Request Stream URLs FAILED!'"); ok = playbackRequestResponse.IsOk; } } } return (IsOk: ok, pbData: temppbData); } private async Task ParseChapters(string currentMediaId, List compiledChapters){ var showRequest = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{currentMediaId}.json", HttpMethod.Get, true, true, null); var showRequestResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(showRequest); if (showRequestResponse.IsOk){ JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(showRequestResponse.ResponseContent); CrunchyChapters chapterData = new CrunchyChapters(); chapterData.lastUpdate = jObject["lastUpdate"]?.ToObject(); chapterData.mediaId = jObject["mediaId"]?.ToObject(); chapterData.Chapters = new List(); foreach (var property in jObject.Properties()){ // Check if the property value is an object and the property is not one of the known non-dictionary properties if (property.Value.Type == JTokenType.Object && property.Name != "lastUpdate" && property.Name != "mediaId"){ // Deserialize the property value into a CrunchyChapter and add it to the dictionary CrunchyChapter chapter = property.Value.ToObject(); chapterData.Chapters.Add(chapter); } } if (chapterData.Chapters.Count > 0){ chapterData.Chapters.Sort((a, b) => { if (a.start != null && b.start != null) return a.start.Value - b.start.Value; return 0; }); if (!((chapterData.Chapters.Any(c => c.type == "intro")) || chapterData.Chapters.Any(c => c.type == "recap"))){ int chapterNumber = (compiledChapters.Count / 2) + 1; compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}=00:00:00.00"); compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}NAME=Episode"); } foreach (CrunchyChapter chapter in chapterData.Chapters){ if (chapter.start == null || chapter.end == null) continue; DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime startTime = epoch.AddSeconds(chapter.start.Value); DateTime endTime = epoch.AddSeconds(chapter.end.Value); string startFormatted = startTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ".00"; string endFormatted = endTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ".00"; int chapterNumber = (compiledChapters.Count / 2) + 1; if (chapter.type == "intro"){ if (chapter.start > 0){ compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}=00:00:00.00"); compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}NAME=Prologue"); } chapterNumber = (compiledChapters.Count / 2) + 1; compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}={startFormatted}"); compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}NAME=Opening"); chapterNumber = (compiledChapters.Count / 2) + 1; compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}={endFormatted}"); compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}NAME=Episode"); } else{ string formattedChapterType = char.ToUpper(chapter.type[0]) + chapter.type.Substring(1); chapterNumber = (compiledChapters.Count / 2) + 1; compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}={startFormatted}"); compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}NAME={formattedChapterType} Start"); chapterNumber = (compiledChapters.Count / 2) + 1; compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}={endFormatted}"); compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}NAME={formattedChapterType} End"); } } } } else{ Console.WriteLine("Chapter request failed, attempting old API "); showRequest = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{currentMediaId}.json", HttpMethod.Get, true, true, null); showRequestResponse = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(showRequest); if (showRequestResponse.IsOk){ CrunchyOldChapter chapterData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(showRequestResponse.ResponseContent); DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime startTime = epoch.AddSeconds(chapterData.startTime); DateTime endTime = epoch.AddSeconds(chapterData.endTime); string[] startTimeParts = startTime.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Split('.'); string[] endTimeParts = endTime.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Split('.'); string startMs = startTimeParts.Length > 1 ? startTimeParts[1] : "00"; string endMs = endTimeParts.Length > 1 ? endTimeParts[1] : "00"; string startFormatted = startTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "." + startMs; string endFormatted = endTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "." + endMs; int chapterNumber = (compiledChapters.Count / 2) + 1; if (chapterData.startTime > 1){ compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}=00:00:00.00"); compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}NAME=Prologue"); } chapterNumber = (compiledChapters.Count / 2) + 1; compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}={startFormatted}"); compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}NAME=Opening"); chapterNumber = (compiledChapters.Count / 2) + 1; compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}={endFormatted}"); compiledChapters.Add($"CHAPTER{chapterNumber}NAME=Episode"); } else{ Console.WriteLine("Old Chapter API request failed"); } } } }