using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace CRD.Utils.Structs; public struct CrunchyEpisodeList{ public int Total{ get; set; } public List? Data{ get; set; } public Meta Meta{ get; set; } } public struct CrunchyEpisode{ [JsonProperty("next_episode_id")] public string NextEpisodeId{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("series_id")] public string SeriesId{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("season_number")] public int SeasonNumber{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("next_episode_title")] public string NextEpisodeTitle{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("availability_notes")] public string AvailabilityNotes{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("duration_ms")] public int DurationMs{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("series_slug_title")] public string SeriesSlugTitle{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("series_title")] public string SeriesTitle{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("is_dubbed")] public bool IsDubbed{ get; set; } public List? Versions{ get; set; } // Assume Version is defined elsewhere. public string Identifier{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("sequence_number")] public float SequenceNumber{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("eligible_region")] public string EligibleRegion{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("availability_starts")] public DateTime? AvailabilityStarts{ get; set; } public Images? Images{ get; set; } // Assume Images is a struct or class you've defined elsewhere. [JsonProperty("season_id")] public string SeasonId{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("seo_title")] public string SeoTitle{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("is_premium_only")] public bool IsPremiumOnly{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("extended_maturity_rating")] public Dictionary ExtendedMaturityRating{ get; set; } public string Title{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("production_episode_id")] public string ProductionEpisodeId{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("premium_available_date")] public DateTime? PremiumAvailableDate{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("season_title")] public string SeasonTitle{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("seo_description")] public string SeoDescription{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("audio_locale")] public string AudioLocale{ get; set; } public string Id{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("media_type")] public MediaType? MediaType{ get; set; } // MediaType should be an enum you define based on possible values. [JsonProperty("availability_ends")] public DateTime? AvailabilityEnds{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("free_available_date")] public DateTime? FreeAvailableDate{ get; set; } public string Playback{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("channel_id")] public ChannelId? ChannelId{ get; set; } // ChannelID should be an enum or struct. public string? Episode{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("is_mature")] public bool IsMature{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("listing_id")] public string ListingId{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("episode_air_date")] public DateTime? EpisodeAirDate{ get; set; } public string Slug{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("available_date")] public DateTime? AvailableDate{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("subtitle_locales")] public List SubtitleLocales{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("slug_title")] public string SlugTitle{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("available_offline")] public bool AvailableOffline{ get; set; } public string Description{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("is_subbed")] public bool IsSubbed{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("premium_date")] public DateTime? PremiumDate{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("upload_date")] public DateTime? UploadDate{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("season_slug_title")] public string SeasonSlugTitle{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("closed_captions_available")] public bool ClosedCaptionsAvailable{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("episode_number")] public int? EpisodeNumber{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("season_tags")] public List SeasonTags{ get; set; } // More specific type could be used if known. [JsonProperty("maturity_ratings")] public List MaturityRatings{ get; set; } // MaturityRating should be defined based on possible values. [JsonProperty("streams_link")] public string? StreamsLink{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("mature_blocked")] public bool? MatureBlocked{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("is_clip")] public bool IsClip{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("hd_flag")] public bool HdFlag{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("hide_season_title")] public bool? HideSeasonTitle{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("hide_season_number")] public bool? HideSeasonNumber{ get; set; } public bool? IsSelected{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("seq_id")] public string SeqId{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("__links__")] public Links? Links{ get; set; } } // public struct CrunchyEpisode{ // // public string channel_id{ get; set; } // public bool is_mature{ get; set; } // public string upload_date{ get; set; } // public string free_available_date{ get; set; } // public List content_descriptors{ get; set; } // public Dictionary images{ get; set; } // Consider specifying actual key and value types if known // public int season_sequence_number{ get; set; } // public string audio_locale{ get; set; } // public string title{ get; set; } // public Dictionary // extended_maturity_rating{ get; set; } // Consider specifying actual key and value types if known // public bool available_offline{ get; set; } // public string identifier{ get; set; } // public string listing_id{ get; set; } // public List season_tags{ get; set; } // public string next_episode_id{ get; set; } // public string next_episode_title{ get; set; } // public bool is_subbed{ get; set; } // public string slug{ get; set; } // public List versions{ get; set; } // public int season_number{ get; set; } // public string availability_ends{ get; set; } // public string eligible_region{ get; set; } // public bool is_clip{ get; set; } // public string description{ get; set; } // public string seo_description{ get; set; } // public bool is_premium_only{ get; set; } // public string streams_link{ get; set; } // public int episode_number{ get; set; } // public bool closed_captions_available{ get; set; } // // public bool is_dubbed{ get; set; } // public string seo_title{ get; set; } // public long duration_ms{ get; set; } // public string id{ get; set; } // public string series_id{ get; set; } // public string series_slug_title{ get; set; } // public string episode_air_date{ get; set; } // public bool hd_flag{ get; set; } // public bool mature_blocked{ get; set; } // // public string availability_notes{ get; set; } // // public List maturity_ratings{ get; set; } // public string episode{ get; set; } // public int sequence_number{ get; set; } // public List subtitle_locales{ get; set; } // // } public struct Images{ [JsonProperty("poster_tall")] public List>? PosterTall{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("poster_wide")] public List>? PosterWide{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("promo_image")] public List>? PromoImage{ get; set; } public List> Thumbnail{ get; set; } } public struct Image{ public int Height{ get; set; } public string Source{ get; set; } public ImageType Type{ get; set; } public int Width{ get; set; } } public struct EpisodeVersion{ [JsonProperty("audio_locale")] public string AudioLocale{ get; set; } public string Guid{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("is_premium_only")] public bool IsPremiumOnly{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("media_guid")] public string? MediaGuid{ get; set; } public bool Original{ get; set; } [JsonProperty("season_guid")] public string SeasonGuid{ get; set; } public string Variant{ get; set; } } public struct Link{ public string Href{ get; set; } } public struct Links(){ public Dictionary LinkMappings{ get; set; } = new(){ { "episode/channel", default }, { "episode/next_episode", default }, { "episode/season", default }, { "episode/series", default }, { "streams", default } }; } public class CrunchyEpMeta{ public List? Data{ get; set; } public string? SeriesTitle{ get; set; } public string? SeasonTitle{ get; set; } public string? EpisodeNumber{ get; set; } public string? EpisodeTitle{ get; set; } public string? SeasonId{ get; set; } public string? Season{ get; set; } public string? ShowId{ get; set; } public string? AbsolutEpisodeNumberE{ get; set; } public string? Image{ get; set; } public bool Paused{ get; set; } public DownloadProgress? DownloadProgress{ get; set; } public List? SelectedDubs{ get; set; } public List? AvailableSubs{ get; set; } } public class DownloadProgress{ public bool IsDownloading = false; public bool Done = false; public bool Error = false; public string Doing = string.Empty; public int Percent{ get; set; } public double Time{ get; set; } public double DownloadSpeed{ get; set; } } public struct CrunchyEpMetaData{ public string MediaId{ get; set; } public LanguageItem? Lang{ get; set; } public string? Playback{ get; set; } public List? Versions{ get; set; } public bool IsSubbed{ get; set; } public bool IsDubbed{ get; set; } }