using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Dynamic; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; namespace CRD.Utils.Parser.Segments; public class SegmentBase{ public static List SegmentsFromBase(dynamic attributes, List segmentTimeline){ if (attributes.baseUrl == null){ throw new Exception("NO_BASE_URL"); } var initialization = attributes.initialization ?? new ExpandoObject(); var sourceDuration = attributes.sourceDuration; var indexRange = attributes.indexRange ?? ""; var periodStart = attributes.periodStart; var presentationTime = attributes.presentationTime; var number = attributes.number ?? 0; var duration = attributes.duration; dynamic initSegment = UrlType.UrlTypeToSegment(new{ baseUrl = attributes.baseUrl, source = initialization.sourceURL, range = initialization.range }); dynamic segment = UrlType.UrlTypeToSegment(new{ baseUrl = attributes.baseUrl, source = attributes.baseUrl, indexRange = indexRange }); = initSegment; if (duration != null){ var segmentTimeInfo = DurationTimeParser.ParseByDuration(attributes); if (segmentTimeInfo.Count > 0){ segment.duration = segmentTimeInfo[0].duration; segment.timeline = segmentTimeInfo[0].timeline; } } else if (sourceDuration != null){ segment.duration = sourceDuration; segment.timeline = periodStart; } segment.presentationTime = presentationTime ?? periodStart; segment.number = number; return new List{ segment }; } public static dynamic AddSidxSegmentsToPlaylist(dynamic playlist, dynamic sidx, string baseUrl){ // Assume dynamic objects like sidx have properties similar to JavaScript objects var initSegment = playlist.sidx.ContainsKey("map") ? : null; var sourceDuration = playlist.sidx.duration; var timeline = playlist.timeline ?? 0; dynamic sidxByteRange = playlist.sidx.byterange; BigInteger sidxEnd = new BigInteger((long)sidxByteRange.offset + (long)sidxByteRange.length); var timescale = (long)sidx.timescale; var mediaReferences = ((List)sidx.references).Where(r => r.referenceType != 1).ToList(); var segments = new List(); var type = playlist.endList ? "static" : "dynamic"; var periodStart = (long)playlist.sidx.timeline; BigInteger presentationTime = new BigInteger(periodStart); var number = playlist.mediaSequence ?? 0; BigInteger startIndex; if (sidx.firstOffset is BigInteger){ startIndex = sidxEnd + (BigInteger)sidx.firstOffset; } else{ startIndex = sidxEnd + new BigInteger((long)sidx.firstOffset); } foreach (var reference in mediaReferences){ var size = (long)reference.referencedSize; var duration = (long)reference.subsegmentDuration; BigInteger endIndex = startIndex + new BigInteger(size) - BigInteger.One; var indexRange = $"{startIndex}-{endIndex}"; dynamic attributes = new ExpandoObject(); attributes.baseUrl = baseUrl; attributes.timescale = timescale; attributes.timeline = timeline; attributes.periodStart = periodStart; attributes.presentationTime = (long)presentationTime; attributes.number = number; attributes.duration = duration; attributes.sourceDuration = sourceDuration; attributes.indexRange = indexRange; attributes.type = type; var segment = SegmentsFromBase(attributes, new List())[0]; if (initSegment != null){ = initSegment; } segments.Add(segment); startIndex += new BigInteger(size); presentationTime += new BigInteger(duration) / new BigInteger(timescale); number++; } playlist.segments = segments; return playlist; } }