using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Avalonia.Controls; using Avalonia.Media.Imaging; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input; using CRD.Downloader; using CRD.Utils; using CRD.Utils.Structs; using CRD.Views; using ReactiveUI; namespace CRD.ViewModels; public partial class AddDownloadPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{ [ObservableProperty] public string _urlInput = ""; [ObservableProperty] public string _buttonText = "Enter Url"; [ObservableProperty] public bool _addAllEpisodes = false; [ObservableProperty] public bool _buttonEnabled = false; [ObservableProperty] public bool _allButtonEnabled = false; [ObservableProperty] public bool _showLoading = false; public ObservableCollection Items{ get; } = new(); public ObservableCollection SelectedItems{ get; } = new(); [ObservableProperty] public ComboBoxItem _currentSelectedSeason; public ObservableCollection SeasonList{ get; } = new(); private Dictionary> episodesBySeason = new(); private List selectedEpisodes = new(); private CrunchySeriesList? currentSeriesList; public AddDownloadPageViewModel(){ SelectedItems.CollectionChanged += OnSelectedItemsChanged; } partial void OnUrlInputChanged(string value){ if (UrlInput.Length > 9){ if (UrlInput.Contains("/watch/concert/") || UrlInput.Contains("/artist/")){ MessageBus.Current.SendMessage(new ToastMessage("Concerts / Artists not implemented yet", ToastType.Error, 1)); } else if (UrlInput.Contains("/watch/")){ //Episode ButtonText = "Add Episode to Queue"; ButtonEnabled = true; } else if (UrlInput.Contains("/series/")){ //Series ButtonText = "List Episodes"; ButtonEnabled = true; } else{ ButtonEnabled = false; } } else{ ButtonText = "Enter Url"; ButtonEnabled = false; } } [RelayCommand] public async void OnButtonPress(){ if ((selectedEpisodes.Count > 0 || SelectedItems.Count > 0 || AddAllEpisodes)){ Console.WriteLine("Added to Queue"); if (SelectedItems.Count > 0){ foreach (var selectedItem in SelectedItems){ if (!selectedEpisodes.Contains(selectedItem.AbsolutNum)){ selectedEpisodes.Add(selectedItem.AbsolutNum); } } } if (currentSeriesList != null){ await Crunchyroll.Instance.AddSeriesToQueue(currentSeriesList.Value, new CrunchyMultiDownload(Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DubLang, AddAllEpisodes, false, selectedEpisodes)); } UrlInput = ""; selectedEpisodes.Clear(); SelectedItems.Clear(); Items.Clear(); currentSeriesList = null; SeasonList.Clear(); episodesBySeason.Clear(); AllButtonEnabled = false; AddAllEpisodes = false; ButtonText = "Enter Url"; ButtonEnabled = false; } else if (UrlInput.Length > 9){ episodesBySeason.Clear(); SeasonList.Clear(); if (UrlInput.Contains("/watch/concert/") || UrlInput.Contains("/artist/")){ MessageBus.Current.SendMessage(new ToastMessage("Concerts / Artists not implemented yet", ToastType.Error, 1)); } else if (UrlInput.Contains("/watch/")){ //Episode var match = Regex.Match(UrlInput, "/([^/]+)/watch/([^/]+)"); if (match.Success){ var locale = match.Groups[1].Value; // Capture the locale part var id = match.Groups[2].Value; // Capture the ID part Crunchyroll.Instance.AddEpisodeToQue(id, Languages.Locale2language(locale).CrLocale, Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DubLang,true); UrlInput = ""; selectedEpisodes.Clear(); SelectedItems.Clear(); Items.Clear(); currentSeriesList = null; SeasonList.Clear(); episodesBySeason.Clear(); } } else if (UrlInput.Contains("/series/")){ //Series var match = Regex.Match(UrlInput, "/([^/]+)/series/([^/]+)"); if (match.Success){ var locale = match.Groups[1].Value; // Capture the locale part var id = match.Groups[2].Value; // Capture the ID part if (id.Length != 9){ return; } ButtonEnabled = false; ShowLoading = true; var list = await Crunchyroll.Instance.CrSeries.ListSeriesId(id, Languages.Locale2language(locale).CrLocale, new CrunchyMultiDownload(Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DubLang, true)); ShowLoading = false; if (list != null){ currentSeriesList = list; foreach (var episode in currentSeriesList.Value.List){ if (episodesBySeason.ContainsKey("S" + episode.Season)){ episodesBySeason["S" + episode.Season].Add(new ItemModel(episode.Img, episode.Description, episode.Time, episode.Name, "S" + episode.Season, "E" + episode.EpisodeNum, episode.E, episode.Lang)); } else{ episodesBySeason.Add("S" + episode.Season, new List{ new ItemModel(episode.Img, episode.Description, episode.Time, episode.Name, "S" + episode.Season, "E" + episode.EpisodeNum, episode.E, episode.Lang) }); SeasonList.Add(new ComboBoxItem{ Content = "S" + episode.Season }); } } CurrentSelectedSeason = SeasonList[0]; ButtonEnabled = false; AllButtonEnabled = true; ButtonText = "Select Episodes"; } else{ ButtonEnabled = true; } } } } else{ Console.Error.WriteLine("Unnkown input"); } } partial void OnCurrentSelectedSeasonChanging(ComboBoxItem? oldValue, ComboBoxItem newValue){ foreach (var selectedItem in SelectedItems){ if (!selectedEpisodes.Contains(selectedItem.AbsolutNum)){ selectedEpisodes.Add(selectedItem.AbsolutNum); } } if (selectedEpisodes.Count > 0 || SelectedItems.Count > 0 || AddAllEpisodes){ ButtonText = "Add Episodes to Queue"; ButtonEnabled = true; } else{ ButtonEnabled = false; ButtonText = "Select Episodes"; } } private void OnSelectedItemsChanged(object? sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e){ if (selectedEpisodes.Count > 0 || SelectedItems.Count > 0 || AddAllEpisodes){ ButtonText = "Add Episodes to Queue"; ButtonEnabled = true; } else{ ButtonEnabled = false; ButtonText = "Select Episodes"; } } partial void OnAddAllEpisodesChanged(bool value){ if ((selectedEpisodes.Count > 0 || SelectedItems.Count > 0 || AddAllEpisodes)){ ButtonText = "Add Episodes to Queue"; ButtonEnabled = true; } else{ ButtonEnabled = false; ButtonText = "Select Episodes"; } } async partial void OnCurrentSelectedSeasonChanged(ComboBoxItem? value){ if (value == null){ return; } string key = value.Content + ""; Items.Clear(); if (episodesBySeason.TryGetValue(key, out var season)){ foreach (var episode in season){ if (episode.ImageBitmap == null){ await episode.LoadImage(); Items.Add(episode); if (selectedEpisodes.Contains(episode.AbsolutNum)){ SelectedItems.Add(episode); } } else{ Items.Add(episode); if (selectedEpisodes.Contains(episode.AbsolutNum)){ SelectedItems.Add(episode); } } } } } } public class ItemModel(string imageUrl, string description, string time, string title, string season, string episode, string absolutNum, List availableAudios){ public string ImageUrl{ get; set; } = imageUrl; public Bitmap? ImageBitmap{ get; set; } public string Title{ get; set; } = title; public string Description{ get; set; } = description; public string Time{ get; set; } = time; public string Season{ get; set; } = season; public string Episode{ get; set; } = episode; public string AbsolutNum{ get; set; } = absolutNum; public string TitleFull{ get; set; } = season + episode + " - " + title; public List AvailableAudios{ get; set; } = availableAudios; public async Task LoadImage(){ try{ using (var client = new HttpClient()){ var response = await client.GetAsync(ImageUrl); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); using (var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()){ ImageBitmap = new Bitmap(stream); } } } catch (Exception ex){ // Handle exceptions Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to load image: " + ex.Message); } } }