using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; using CRD.Utils; using CRD.Utils.Structs; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace CRD.Downloader; public class CrEpisode(){ private readonly Crunchyroll crunInstance = Crunchyroll.Instance; public async Task ParseEpisodeById(string id,string locale){ if (crunInstance.CmsToken?.Cms == null){ Console.WriteLine("Missing CMS Access Token"); return null; } NameValueCollection query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(new UriBuilder().Query); query["preferred_audio_language"] = "ja-JP"; query["locale"] = Languages.Locale2language(locale).CrLocale; var request = HttpClientReq.CreateRequestMessage($"{Api.Cms}/episodes/{id}", HttpMethod.Get, true, true, query); var response = await HttpClientReq.Instance.SendHttpRequest(request); if (!response.IsOk){ Console.WriteLine("Series Request Failed"); return null; } CrunchyEpisodeList epsidoe = Helpers.Deserialize(response.ResponseContent, crunInstance.SettingsJsonSerializerSettings); if (epsidoe.Total < 1){ return null; } return epsidoe; } public CrunchySeriesList EpisodeData(CrunchyEpisodeList dlEpisodes){ bool serieshasversions = true; Dictionary episodes = new Dictionary(); if (dlEpisodes.Data != null){ foreach (var episode in dlEpisodes.Data){ if (crunInstance.CrunOptions.History){ crunInstance.CrHistory.UpdateWithEpisode(episode); } // Prepare the episode array EpisodeAndLanguage item; var seasonIdentifier = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(episode.Identifier) ? episode.Identifier.Split('|')[1] : $"S{episode.SeasonNumber}"; var episodeKey = $"{seasonIdentifier}E{episode.Episode ?? (episode.EpisodeNumber + "")}"; if (!episodes.ContainsKey(episodeKey)){ item = new EpisodeAndLanguage{ Items = new List(), Langs = new List() }; episodes[episodeKey] = item; } else{ item = episodes[episodeKey]; } if (episode.Versions != null){ foreach (var version in episode.Versions){ // Ensure there is only one of the same language if (item.Langs.All(a => a.CrLocale != version.AudioLocale)){ // Push to arrays if there are no duplicates of the same language item.Items.Add(episode); item.Langs.Add(Array.Find(Languages.languages, a => a.CrLocale == version.AudioLocale)); } } } else{ // Episode didn't have versions, mark it as such to be logged. serieshasversions = false; // Ensure there is only one of the same language if (item.Langs.All(a => a.CrLocale != episode.AudioLocale)){ // Push to arrays if there are no duplicates of the same language item.Items.Add(episode); item.Langs.Add(Array.Find(Languages.languages, a => a.CrLocale == episode.AudioLocale)); } } } } int specialIndex = 1; int epIndex = 1; var keys = new List(episodes.Keys); // Copying the keys to a new list to avoid modifying the collection while iterating. foreach (var key in keys){ EpisodeAndLanguage item = episodes[key]; var isSpecial = !Regex.IsMatch(item.Items[0].Episode ?? string.Empty, @"^\d+$"); // Checking if the episode is not a number (i.e., special). string newKey; if (isSpecial && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Items[0].Episode)){ newKey = item.Items[0].Episode ?? "SP" + (specialIndex + " " + item.Items[0].Id); } else{ newKey = $"{(isSpecial ? "SP" : 'E')}{(isSpecial ? (specialIndex + " " + item.Items[0].Id) : epIndex + "")}"; } episodes.Remove(key); episodes.Add(newKey, item); if (isSpecial){ specialIndex++; } else{ epIndex++; } } var specials = episodes.Where(e => e.Key.StartsWith("SP")).ToList(); var normal = episodes.Where(e => e.Key.StartsWith("E")).ToList(); // Combining and sorting episodes with normal first, then specials. var sortedEpisodes = new Dictionary(normal.Concat(specials)); foreach (var kvp in sortedEpisodes){ var key = kvp.Key; var item = kvp.Value; var seasonTitle = item.Items.FirstOrDefault(a => !Regex.IsMatch(a.SeasonTitle, @"\(\w+ Dub\)")).SeasonTitle ?? Regex.Replace(item.Items[0].SeasonTitle, @"\(\w+ Dub\)", "").TrimEnd(); var title = item.Items[0].Title; var seasonNumber = item.Items[0].SeasonNumber; var languages = item.Items.Select((a, index) => $"{(a.IsPremiumOnly ? "+ " : "")}{item.Langs.ElementAtOrDefault(index).Name ?? "Unknown"}").ToArray(); //☆ Console.WriteLine($"[{key}] {seasonTitle} - Season {seasonNumber} - {title} [{string.Join(", ", languages)}]"); } if (!serieshasversions){ Console.WriteLine("Couldn\'t find versions on some episodes, fell back to old method."); } CrunchySeriesList crunchySeriesList = new CrunchySeriesList(); crunchySeriesList.Data = sortedEpisodes; crunchySeriesList.List = sortedEpisodes.Select(kvp => { var key = kvp.Key; var value = kvp.Value; var images = (value.Items[0].Images?.Thumbnail ?? new List>{ new List{ new Image{ Source = "/notFound.png" } } }); var seconds = (int)Math.Floor(value.Items[0].DurationMs / 1000.0); return new Episode{ E = key.StartsWith("E") ? key.Substring(1) : key, Lang = value.Langs.Select(a => a.Code).ToList(), Name = value.Items[0].Title, Season = value.Items[0].SeasonNumber.ToString(), SeriesTitle = Regex.Replace(value.Items[0].SeriesTitle, @"\(\w+ Dub\)", "").TrimEnd(), SeasonTitle = Regex.Replace(value.Items[0].SeasonTitle, @"\(\w+ Dub\)", "").TrimEnd(), EpisodeNum = value.Items[0].EpisodeNumber?.ToString() ?? value.Items[0].Episode ?? "?", Id = value.Items[0].SeasonId, Img = images[images.Count / 2].FirstOrDefault().Source, Description = value.Items[0].Description, Time = $"{seconds / 60}:{seconds % 60:D2}" // Ensures two digits for seconds. }; }).ToList(); return crunchySeriesList; } public Dictionary EpisodeMeta(Dictionary eps, List dubLang){ var ret = new Dictionary(); foreach (var kvp in eps){ var key = kvp.Key; var episode = kvp.Value; for (int index = 0; index < episode.Items.Count; index++){ var item = episode.Items[index]; if (!dubLang.Contains(episode.Langs[index].CrLocale)) continue; item.HideSeasonTitle = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SeasonTitle) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SeriesTitle)){ item.SeasonTitle = item.SeriesTitle; item.HideSeasonTitle = false; item.HideSeasonNumber = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SeasonTitle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SeriesTitle)){ item.SeasonTitle = "NO_TITLE"; item.SeriesTitle = "NO_TITLE"; } var epNum = key.StartsWith('E') ? key[1..] : key; var images = (item.Images?.Thumbnail ?? new List>{ new List{ new Image{ Source = "/notFound.png" } } }); Regex dubPattern = new Regex(@"\(\w+ Dub\)"); var epMeta = new CrunchyEpMeta(); epMeta.Data = new List{ new(){ MediaId = item.Id, Versions = item.Versions, IsSubbed = item.IsSubbed, IsDubbed = item.IsDubbed } }; epMeta.SeriesTitle = episode.Items.FirstOrDefault(a => !dubPattern.IsMatch(a.SeriesTitle)).SeriesTitle ?? Regex.Replace(episode.Items[0].SeriesTitle, @"\(\w+ Dub\)", "").TrimEnd(); epMeta.SeasonTitle = episode.Items.FirstOrDefault(a => !dubPattern.IsMatch(a.SeasonTitle)).SeasonTitle ?? Regex.Replace(episode.Items[0].SeasonTitle, @"\(\w+ Dub\)", "").TrimEnd(); epMeta.EpisodeNumber = item.Episode; epMeta.EpisodeTitle = item.Title; epMeta.SeasonId = item.SeasonId; epMeta.Season = item.SeasonNumber; epMeta.ShowId = item.SeriesId; epMeta.AbsolutEpisodeNumberE = epNum; epMeta.Image = images[images.Count / 2].FirstOrDefault().Source; epMeta.DownloadProgress = new DownloadProgress(){ IsDownloading = false, Done = false, Error = false, Percent = 0, Time = 0, DownloadSpeed = 0 }; epMeta.AvailableSubs = item.SubtitleLocales; if (episode.Langs.Count > 0){ epMeta.SelectedDubs = dubLang .Where(language => episode.Langs.Any(epLang => epLang.CrLocale == language)) .ToList(); } var epMetaData = epMeta.Data[0]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.StreamsLink)){ epMetaData.Playback = item.StreamsLink; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Playback)){ item.Playback = item.StreamsLink; } } if (ret.TryGetValue(key, out var epMe)){ epMetaData.Lang = episode.Langs[index]; epMe.Data?.Add(epMetaData); } else{ epMetaData.Lang = episode.Langs[index]; epMeta.Data[0] = epMetaData; ret.Add(key, epMeta); } // show ep item.SeqId = epNum; } } return ret; } }