using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using Avalonia.Controls; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input; using CRD.Downloader; using CRD.Utils; using CRD.Utils.Structs; using DynamicData; namespace CRD.ViewModels; public partial class CalendarPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{ public ObservableCollection CalendarDays{ get; set; } [ObservableProperty] private bool _showLoading; [ObservableProperty] private bool _customCalendar; [ObservableProperty] private bool _filterByAirDate; [ObservableProperty] private bool _hideDubs; public ObservableCollection CalendarDubFilter{ get; } = new(){ new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "none" }, }; [ObservableProperty] private ComboBoxItem? _currentCalendarDubFilter; public ObservableCollection CalendarLanguage{ get; } = new(){ new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "en-us" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "es" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "es-es" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "pt-br" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "pt-pt" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "fr" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "de" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ar" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "it" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ru" }, new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "hi" }, }; [ObservableProperty] private ComboBoxItem? _currentCalendarLanguage; private CalendarWeek? currentWeek; private bool loading = true; public CalendarPageViewModel(){ CalendarDays = new ObservableCollection(); foreach (var languageItem in Languages.languages){ CalendarDubFilter.Add(new ComboBoxItem{ Content = languageItem.CrLocale }); } CustomCalendar = Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.CustomCalendar; HideDubs = Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.CalendarHideDubs; FilterByAirDate = Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.CalendarFilterByAirDate; ComboBoxItem? dubfilter = CalendarDubFilter.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.CalendarDubFilter) ?? null; CurrentCalendarDubFilter = dubfilter ?? CalendarDubFilter[0]; CurrentCalendarLanguage = CalendarLanguage.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.SelectedCalendarLanguage) ?? CalendarLanguage[0]; loading = false; LoadCalendar(GetThisWeeksMondayDate(), false); } private string GetThisWeeksMondayDate(){ // Get today's date DateTime today = DateTime.Today; // Calculate the number of days to subtract to get to Monday // DayOfWeek.Monday is 1, so if today is Monday, subtract 0 days, if it's Tuesday subtract 1 day, etc. int daysToSubtract = (int)today.DayOfWeek - (int)DayOfWeek.Monday; // If today is Sunday (0), it will subtract -1, which we need to adjust to 6 to go back to the previous Monday if (daysToSubtract < 0){ daysToSubtract += 7; } // Get the date of the most recent Monday DateTime monday = today.AddDays(-daysToSubtract); // Format and print the date string formattedDate = monday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); return formattedDate; } public async void LoadCalendar(string mondayDate, bool forceUpdate){ if (CustomCalendar){ BuildCustomCalendar(); return; } ShowLoading = true; CalendarWeek week = await Crunchyroll.Instance.GetCalendarForDate(mondayDate, forceUpdate); if (currentWeek != null && currentWeek == week){ ShowLoading = false; return; } currentWeek = week; CalendarDays.Clear(); CalendarDays.AddRange(week.CalendarDays); RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(CalendarDays)); ShowLoading = false; foreach (var calendarDay in CalendarDays){ var episodesCopy = new List(calendarDay.CalendarEpisodes); foreach (var calendarDayCalendarEpisode in episodesCopy){ if (calendarDayCalendarEpisode.SeasonName != null && HideDubs && calendarDayCalendarEpisode.SeasonName.EndsWith("Dub)")){ calendarDay.CalendarEpisodes.Remove(calendarDayCalendarEpisode); continue; } if (calendarDayCalendarEpisode.ImageBitmap == null){ calendarDayCalendarEpisode.LoadImage(); } } } } private string NextMonday(DateTime currentMonday){ DateTime nextMonday = currentMonday.AddDays(7); return nextMonday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } private string PreviousMonday(DateTime currentMonday){ DateTime nextMonday = currentMonday.AddDays(-7); return nextMonday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } [RelayCommand] public void Refresh(){ if (loading){ return; } if (CustomCalendar){ BuildCustomCalendar(); return; } string mondayDate; if (currentWeek is{ FirstDayOfWeekString: not null }){ mondayDate = currentWeek.FirstDayOfWeekString; } else{ mondayDate = GetThisWeeksMondayDate(); } LoadCalendar(mondayDate, true); } [RelayCommand] public void PrevWeek(){ if (loading){ return; } string mondayDate; if (currentWeek is{ FirstDayOfWeek: not null }){ mondayDate = PreviousMonday((DateTime)currentWeek.FirstDayOfWeek); } else{ mondayDate = GetThisWeeksMondayDate(); } LoadCalendar(mondayDate, false); } [RelayCommand] public void NextWeek(){ if (loading){ return; } string mondayDate; if (currentWeek is{ FirstDayOfWeek: not null }){ mondayDate = NextMonday((DateTime)currentWeek.FirstDayOfWeek); } else{ mondayDate = GetThisWeeksMondayDate(); } LoadCalendar(mondayDate, false); } partial void OnCurrentCalendarLanguageChanged(ComboBoxItem? value){ if (loading){ return; } if (value?.Content != null){ Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.SelectedCalendarLanguage = value.Content.ToString(); Refresh(); CfgManager.WriteSettingsToFile(); } } partial void OnCustomCalendarChanged(bool value){ if (loading){ return; } if (CustomCalendar){ BuildCustomCalendar(); } else{ LoadCalendar(GetThisWeeksMondayDate(), true); } Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.CustomCalendar = value; CfgManager.WriteSettingsToFile(); } partial void OnHideDubsChanged(bool value){ if (loading){ return; } Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.CalendarHideDubs = value; CfgManager.WriteSettingsToFile(); } partial void OnFilterByAirDateChanged(bool value){ if (loading){ return; } Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.CalendarFilterByAirDate = value; CfgManager.WriteSettingsToFile(); } partial void OnCurrentCalendarDubFilterChanged(ComboBoxItem? value){ if (loading){ return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value?.Content + "")){ Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.CalendarDubFilter = value?.Content + ""; CfgManager.WriteSettingsToFile(); } } private async void BuildCustomCalendar(){ ShowLoading = true; var newEpisodesBase = await Crunchyroll.Instance.CrEpisode.GetNewEpisodes(Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.HistoryLang, 200); CalendarWeek week = new CalendarWeek(); week.CalendarDays = new List(); DateTime today = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++){ CalendarDay calDay = new CalendarDay(); calDay.CalendarEpisodes = new List(); calDay.DateTime = today.AddDays(-i); calDay.DayName = calDay.DateTime.Value.DayOfWeek.ToString(); week.CalendarDays.Add(calDay); } week.CalendarDays.Reverse(); if (newEpisodesBase is{ Data.Count: > 0 }){ var newEpisodes = newEpisodesBase.Data; foreach (var crBrowseEpisode in newEpisodes){ var targetDate = FilterByAirDate ? crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.EpisodeAirDate : crBrowseEpisode.LastPublic; if (HideDubs && crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.SeasonTitle != null && crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.SeasonTitle.EndsWith("Dub)")){ continue; } var dubFilter = CurrentCalendarDubFilter?.Content + ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dubFilter) && dubFilter != "none"){ if (crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.AudioLocale != null && crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.AudioLocale.GetEnumMemberValue() != dubFilter){ continue; } } var calendarDay = (from day in week.CalendarDays where day.DateTime.HasValue && day.DateTime.Value.Date == targetDate.Date select day).FirstOrDefault(); if (calendarDay != null){ CalendarEpisode calEpisode = new CalendarEpisode(); calEpisode.DateTime = targetDate; calEpisode.HasPassed = DateTime.Now > targetDate; calEpisode.EpisodeName = crBrowseEpisode.Title; calEpisode.SeriesUrl = "" + crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.SeriesId; calEpisode.EpisodeUrl = $"{crBrowseEpisode.Id}/"; calEpisode.ThumbnailUrl = crBrowseEpisode.Images.Thumbnail.First().First().Source; calEpisode.IsPremiumOnly = crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.IsPremiumOnly; calEpisode.IsPremiere = crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.Episode == "1"; calEpisode.SeasonName = crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.SeasonTitle; calEpisode.EpisodeNumber = crBrowseEpisode.EpisodeMetadata.Episode; calendarDay.CalendarEpisodes?.Add(calEpisode); } } } foreach (var day in week.CalendarDays){ if (day.CalendarEpisodes != null) day.CalendarEpisodes = day.CalendarEpisodes.OrderBy(e => e.DateTime).ToList(); } currentWeek = week; CalendarDays.Clear(); CalendarDays.AddRange(week.CalendarDays); RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(CalendarDays)); ShowLoading = false; foreach (var calendarDay in CalendarDays){ foreach (var calendarDayCalendarEpisode in calendarDay.CalendarEpisodes){ if (calendarDayCalendarEpisode.ImageBitmap == null){ calendarDayCalendarEpisode.LoadImage(); } } } } }