Add - Added a new way to check the premium status of an account Add - Added default audio and sub to muxing settings Add - Added option to keep subtitles as files and not merge them Add - Added option to download videos for all dubs selected Chg - FFmpeg now also adds chapters to the files Chg - Shows error if decryption files are missing
317 lines
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317 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CRD.Utils.Structs;
namespace CRD.Utils.Muxing;
public class Merger{
private MergerOptions options;
public Merger(MergerOptions options){
this.options = options;
if (this.options.SkipSubMux != null && this.options.SkipSubMux == true){
this.options.Subtitles = new();
if (this.options.VideoTitle != null && this.options.VideoTitle.Length > 0){
this.options.VideoTitle = this.options.VideoTitle.Replace("\"", "'");
public string FFmpeg(){
List<string> args = new List<string>();
List<string> metaData = new List<string>();
var index = 0;
var audioIndex = 0;
var hasVideo = false;
if (!options.mp3){
foreach (var vid in options.OnlyVid){
if (!hasVideo || options.KeepAllVideos == true){
args.Add($"-i \"{vid.Path}\"");
metaData.Add($"-map {index}:v");
metaData.Add($"-metadata:s:v:{index} title=\"{(options.VideoTitle ?? vid.Language.Name)}\"");
hasVideo = true;
foreach (var aud in options.OnlyAudio){
args.Add($"-i \"{aud.Path}\"");
metaData.Add($"-map {index}:a");
metaData.Add($"-metadata:s:a:{audioIndex} language={aud.Language.Code}");
if (options.Chapters != null && options.Chapters.Count > 0){
args.Add($"-i \"{options.Chapters[0].Path}\"");
metaData.Add($"-map_metadata {index}");
foreach (var sub in options.Subtitles.Select((value, i) => new{ value, i })){
if (sub.value.Delay != null){
args.Add($"-itsoffset -{Math.Ceiling((double)sub.value.Delay * 1000)}ms");
args.Add($"-i \"{sub.value.File}\"");
if (options.Output.EndsWith(".mkv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
if (options.Fonts != null){
int fontIndex = 0;
foreach (var font in options.Fonts){
args.Add($"-attach {font.Path} -metadata:s:t:{fontIndex} mimetype={font.Mime}");
args.AddRange(options.Subtitles.Select((sub, subIndex) => $"-map {subIndex + index}"));
args.Add("-c:v copy");
args.Add("-c:a copy");
args.Add(options.Output.EndsWith(".mp4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "-c:s mov_text" : "-c:s ass");
args.AddRange(options.Subtitles.Select((sub, subindex) =>
$"-metadata:s:s:{subindex} title=\"{sub.Language.Language ?? sub.Language.Name}{(sub.ClosedCaption == true ? $" {options.CcTag}" : "")}{(sub.Signs == true ? " Signs" : "")}\" -metadata:s:s:{subindex} language={sub.Language.Code}"));
if (options.Options.ffmpeg?.Count > 0){
return string.Join(" ", args);
foreach (var aud in options.OnlyAudio){
args.Add($"-i \"{aud.Path}\"");
metaData.Add($"-map {index}");
metaData.Add($"-metadata:s:a:{audioIndex} language={aud.Language.Code}");
args.Add("-acodec libmp3lame");
args.Add("-ab 192k");
return string.Join(" ", args);
public string MkvMerge(){
List<string> args = new List<string>();
bool hasVideo = false;
args.Add($"-o \"{options.Output}\"");
if (options.Options.mkvmerge != null){
foreach (var vid in options.OnlyVid){
if (!hasVideo || options.KeepAllVideos == true){
args.Add("--video-tracks 0");
string trackName = $"{(options.VideoTitle ?? vid.Language.Name)}";
args.Add($"--track-name 0:\"{trackName}\"");
args.Add($"--language 0:{vid.Language.Code}");
hasVideo = true;
foreach (var aud in options.OnlyAudio){
string trackName = aud.Language.Name;
args.Add($"--track-name 0:\"{trackName}\"");
args.Add($"--language 0:{aud.Language.Code}");
args.Add("--audio-tracks 0");
if (options.Defaults.Audio.Code == aud.Language.Code){
args.Add("--default-track 0");
} else{
args.Add("--default-track 0:0");
if (options.Subtitles.Count > 0){
foreach (var subObj in options.Subtitles){
if (subObj.Delay.HasValue){
double delay = subObj.Delay ?? 0;
args.Add($"--sync 0:-{Math.Ceiling(delay * 1000)}");
string trackNameExtra = subObj.ClosedCaption == true ? $" {options.CcTag}" : "";
trackNameExtra += subObj.Signs == true ? " Signs" : "";
string trackName = $"0:\"{(subObj.Language.Language ?? subObj.Language.Name) + trackNameExtra}\"";
args.Add($"--track-name {trackName}");
args.Add($"--language 0:\"{subObj.Language.Code}\"");
if (options.Defaults.Sub.Code == subObj.Language.Code && subObj.ClosedCaption == false){
args.Add("--default-track 0");
} else{
args.Add("--default-track 0:0");
} else{
if (options.Fonts != null && options.Fonts.Count > 0){
foreach (var font in options.Fonts){
args.Add($"--attachment-name \"{font.Name}\"");
args.Add($"--attachment-mime-type \"{font.Mime}\"");
args.Add($"--attach-file \"{font.Path}\"");
} else{
if (options.Chapters != null && options.Chapters.Count > 0){
args.Add($"--chapters \"{options.Chapters[0].Path}\"");
return string.Join(" ", args);
public async Task Merge(string type, string bin){
string command = type switch{
"ffmpeg" => FFmpeg(),
"mkvmerge" => MkvMerge(),
_ => ""
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)){
Console.Error.WriteLine("Unable to merge files.");
Console.WriteLine($"[{type}] Started merging");
var result = await Helpers.ExecuteCommandAsync(type, bin, command);
if (!result.IsOk && type == "mkvmerge" && result.ErrorCode == 1){
Console.WriteLine($"[{type}] Mkvmerge finished with at least one warning");
} else if (!result.IsOk){
Console.Error.WriteLine($"[{type}] Merging failed with exit code {result.ErrorCode}");
} else{
Console.WriteLine($"[{type} Done]");
public void CleanUp(){
// Combine all media file lists and iterate through them
var allMediaFiles = options.OnlyAudio.Concat(options.OnlyVid)
allMediaFiles.ForEach(file => DeleteFile(file.Path));
allMediaFiles.ForEach(file => DeleteFile(file.Path + ".resume"));
// Delete chapter files if any
options.Chapters?.ForEach(chapter => DeleteFile(chapter.Path));
// Delete subtitle files
options.Subtitles.ForEach(subtitle => DeleteFile(subtitle.File));
private void DeleteFile(string filePath){
if (File.Exists(filePath)){
} catch (Exception ex){
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failed to delete file {filePath}. Error: {ex.Message}");
// Handle exceptions if you need to log them or throw
public class MergerInput{
public string Path{ get; set; }
public LanguageItem Language{ get; set; }
public int? Duration{ get; set; }
public int? Delay{ get; set; }
public bool? IsPrimary{ get; set; }
public class SubtitleInput{
public LanguageItem Language{ get; set; }
public string File{ get; set; }
public bool? ClosedCaption{ get; set; }
public bool? Signs{ get; set; }
public int? Delay{ get; set; }
public class ParsedFont{
public string Name{ get; set; }
public string Path{ get; set; }
public string Mime{ get; set; }
public class CrunchyMuxOptions{
public string Output{ get; set; }
public bool? SkipSubMux{ get; set; }
public bool? KeepAllVideos{ get; set; }
public bool? Novids{ get; set; }
public bool Mp4{ get; set; }
public string ForceMuxer{ get; set; }
public bool? NoCleanup{ get; set; }
public string VideoTitle{ get; set; }
public List<string> FfmpegOptions{ get; set; } = new List<string>();
public List<string> MkvmergeOptions{ get; set; } = new List<string>();
public LanguageItem DefaultSub{ get; set; }
public LanguageItem DefaultAudio{ get; set; }
public string CcTag{ get; set; }
public bool SyncTiming{ get; set; }
public class MergerOptions{
public List<MergerInput> OnlyVid{ get; set; } = new List<MergerInput>();
public List<MergerInput> OnlyAudio{ get; set; } = new List<MergerInput>();
public List<SubtitleInput> Subtitles{ get; set; } = new List<SubtitleInput>();
public List<MergerInput> Chapters{ get; set; } = new List<MergerInput>();
public string CcTag{ get; set; }
public string Output{ get; set; }
public string VideoTitle{ get; set; }
public bool? KeepAllVideos{ get; set; }
public List<ParsedFont> Fonts{ get; set; } = new List<ParsedFont>();
public bool? SkipSubMux{ get; set; }
public MuxOptions Options{ get; set; }
public Defaults Defaults{ get; set; }
public bool mp3{ get; set; }
public class MuxOptions{
public List<string>? ffmpeg{ get; set; }
public List<string>? mkvmerge{ get; set; }
public class Defaults{
public LanguageItem Audio{ get; set; }
public LanguageItem Sub{ get; set; }
} |