Elwador 90ee2221cb Add - Added Dub & Sub override to history series and seasons
Add - Timing Sync - to sync dubs to the video
Chg - History Lang is now default language for episode title, description...
Chg - Renamed "Fetch Series" to "Refresh Series" to prevent confusion
Fix - Fixed Crash with search when episodes had X.X numbering
2024-07-17 01:52:46 +02:00

702 lines
25 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Mime;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Avalonia;
using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Media;
using Avalonia.Platform.Storage;
using Avalonia.Styling;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
using CRD.Downloader;
using CRD.Utils;
using CRD.Utils.CustomList;
using CRD.Utils.Sonarr;
using CRD.Utils.Structs;
using FluentAvalonia.Styling;
namespace CRD.ViewModels;
public partial class SettingsPageViewModel : ViewModelBase{
private string _currentVersion;
private bool _downloadVideo = true;
private bool _downloadAudio = true;
private bool _downloadChapters = true;
private bool _addScaledBorderAndShadow = false;
private bool _includeSignSubs = false;
private ComboBoxItem _selectedScaledBorderAndShadow;
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> ScaledBorderAndShadow{ get; } = new(){
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ScaledBorderAndShadow: no" },
private bool _muxToMp4;
private bool _syncTimings;
private bool _includeEpisodeDescription;
private bool _downloadVideoForEveryDub;
private bool _skipSubMux;
private bool _history;
private double? _leadingNumbers;
private double? _simultaneousDownloads;
private double? _downloadSpeed;
private string _fileName = "";
private string _fileTitle = "";
private ObservableCollection<MuxingParam> _mkvMergeOptions = new();
private string _mkvMergeOption = "";
private string _ffmpegOption = "";
private ObservableCollection<MuxingParam> _ffmpegOptions = new();
private string _selectedSubs = "all";
private ComboBoxItem _selectedHSLang;
private ComboBoxItem _selectedHistoryLang;
private ComboBoxItem _selectedDescriptionLang;
private string _selectedDubs = "ja-JP";
private ObservableCollection<ListBoxItem> _selectedDubLang = new();
private ComboBoxItem _selectedStreamEndpoint;
private ComboBoxItem _selectedDefaultDubLang;
private ComboBoxItem _selectedDefaultSubLang;
private ComboBoxItem? _selectedVideoQuality;
private ComboBoxItem? _selectedAudioQuality;
private ComboBoxItem? _currentAppTheme;
private ObservableCollection<ListBoxItem> _selectedSubLang = new();
private bool _useCustomAccent;
private Color _listBoxColor;
private Color _customAccentColor = Colors.SlateBlue;
private string _sonarrHost = "localhost";
private string _sonarrPort = "8989";
private string _sonarrApiKey = "";
private bool _sonarrUseSsl = false;
private bool _sonarrUseSonarrNumbering = false;
private bool _logMode = false;
public ObservableCollection<Color> PredefinedColors{ get; } = new(){
Color.FromRgb(255, 185, 0),
Color.FromRgb(255, 140, 0),
Color.FromRgb(247, 99, 12),
Color.FromRgb(202, 80, 16),
Color.FromRgb(218, 59, 1),
Color.FromRgb(239, 105, 80),
Color.FromRgb(209, 52, 56),
Color.FromRgb(255, 67, 67),
Color.FromRgb(231, 72, 86),
Color.FromRgb(232, 17, 35),
Color.FromRgb(234, 0, 94),
Color.FromRgb(195, 0, 82),
Color.FromRgb(227, 0, 140),
Color.FromRgb(191, 0, 119),
Color.FromRgb(194, 57, 179),
Color.FromRgb(154, 0, 137),
Color.FromRgb(0, 120, 212),
Color.FromRgb(0, 99, 177),
Color.FromRgb(142, 140, 216),
Color.FromRgb(107, 105, 214),
Color.FromRgb(135, 100, 184),
Color.FromRgb(116, 77, 169),
Color.FromRgb(177, 70, 194),
Color.FromRgb(136, 23, 152),
Color.FromRgb(0, 153, 188),
Color.FromRgb(45, 125, 154),
Color.FromRgb(0, 183, 195),
Color.FromRgb(3, 131, 135),
Color.FromRgb(0, 178, 148),
Color.FromRgb(1, 133, 116),
Color.FromRgb(0, 204, 106),
Color.FromRgb(16, 137, 62),
Color.FromRgb(122, 117, 116),
Color.FromRgb(93, 90, 88),
Color.FromRgb(104, 118, 138),
Color.FromRgb(81, 92, 107),
Color.FromRgb(86, 124, 115),
Color.FromRgb(72, 104, 96),
Color.FromRgb(73, 130, 5),
Color.FromRgb(16, 124, 16),
Color.FromRgb(118, 118, 118),
Color.FromRgb(76, 74, 72),
Color.FromRgb(105, 121, 126),
Color.FromRgb(74, 84, 89),
Color.FromRgb(100, 124, 100),
Color.FromRgb(82, 94, 84),
Color.FromRgb(132, 117, 69),
Color.FromRgb(126, 115, 95)
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> AppThemes{ get; } = new(){
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "System" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "Light" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "Dark" },
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> VideoQualityList{ get; } = new(){
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "best" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "1080" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "720" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "480" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "360" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "240" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "worst" },
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> AudioQualityList{ get; } = new(){
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "best" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "128kB/s" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "96kB/s" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "64kB/s" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "worst" },
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> HardSubLangList{ get; } = new(){
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "none" },
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> HistoryLangList{ get; } = new(){
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "default" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "de-DE" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "en-US" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "es-419" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "es-ES" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "fr-FR" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "it-IT" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "pt-BR" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "pt-PT" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ru-RU" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "hi-IN" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ar-SA" },
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> DescriptionLangList{ get; } = new(){
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "default" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "de-DE" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "en-US" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "es-419" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "es-ES" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "fr-FR" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "it-IT" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "pt-BR" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "pt-PT" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ru-RU" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "hi-IN" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ar-SA" },
public ObservableCollection<ListBoxItem> DubLangList{ get; } = new(){
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> DefaultDubLangList{ get; } = new(){
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> DefaultSubLangList{ get; } = new(){
public ObservableCollection<ListBoxItem> SubLangList{ get; } = new(){
new ListBoxItem(){ Content = "all" },
new ListBoxItem(){ Content = "none" },
public ObservableCollection<ComboBoxItem> StreamEndpoints{ get; } = new(){
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "web/firefox" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "console/switch" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "console/ps4" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "console/ps5" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "console/xbox_one" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "web/edge" },
// new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "web/safari" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "web/chrome" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "web/fallback" },
// new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ios/iphone" },
// new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "ios/ipad" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "android/phone" },
new ComboBoxItem(){ Content = "tv/samsung" },
private string _downloadDirPath;
private readonly FluentAvaloniaTheme _faTheme;
private bool settingsLoaded;
private IStorageProvider _storageProvider;
public SettingsPageViewModel(){
var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
_currentVersion = $"{version?.Major}.{version?.Minor}.{version?.Build}";
_faTheme = App.Current.Styles[0] as FluentAvaloniaTheme;
foreach (var languageItem in Languages.languages){
HardSubLangList.Add(new ComboBoxItem{ Content = languageItem.CrLocale });
SubLangList.Add(new ListBoxItem{ Content = languageItem.CrLocale });
DubLangList.Add(new ListBoxItem{ Content = languageItem.CrLocale });
DefaultDubLangList.Add(new ComboBoxItem{ Content = languageItem.CrLocale });
DefaultSubLangList.Add(new ComboBoxItem{ Content = languageItem.CrLocale });
CrDownloadOptions options = Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions;
DownloadDirPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.DownloadDirPath) ? CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR : options.DownloadDirPath;
ComboBoxItem? descriptionLang = DescriptionLangList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == options.DescriptionLang) ?? null;
SelectedDescriptionLang = descriptionLang ?? DescriptionLangList[0];
ComboBoxItem? historyLang = HistoryLangList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == options.HistoryLang) ?? null;
SelectedHistoryLang = historyLang ?? HistoryLangList[0];
ComboBoxItem? hsLang = HardSubLangList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == options.Hslang) ?? null;
SelectedHSLang = hsLang ?? HardSubLangList[0];
ComboBoxItem? defaultDubLang = DefaultDubLangList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == (options.DefaultAudio ?? "")) ?? null;
SelectedDefaultDubLang = defaultDubLang ?? DefaultDubLangList[0];
ComboBoxItem? defaultSubLang = DefaultSubLangList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == (options.DefaultSub ?? "")) ?? null;
SelectedDefaultSubLang = defaultSubLang ?? DefaultSubLangList[0];
ComboBoxItem? streamEndpoint = StreamEndpoints.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == (options.StreamEndpoint ?? "")) ?? null;
SelectedStreamEndpoint = streamEndpoint ?? StreamEndpoints[0];
var softSubLang = SubLangList.Where(a => options.DlSubs.Contains(a.Content)).ToList();
foreach (var listBoxItem in softSubLang){
var dubLang = DubLangList.Where(a => options.DubLang.Contains(a.Content)).ToList();
foreach (var listBoxItem in dubLang){
var props = options.SonarrProperties;
if (props != null){
SonarrUseSsl = props.UseSsl;
SonarrUseSonarrNumbering = props.UseSonarrNumbering;
SonarrHost = props.Host + "";
SonarrPort = props.Port + "";
SonarrApiKey = props.ApiKey + "";
AddScaledBorderAndShadow = options.SubsAddScaledBorder is ScaledBorderAndShadowSelection.ScaledBorderAndShadowNo or ScaledBorderAndShadowSelection.ScaledBorderAndShadowYes;
SelectedScaledBorderAndShadow = GetScaledBorderAndShadowFromOptions(options);
DownloadSpeed = options.DownloadSpeedLimit;
IncludeEpisodeDescription = options.IncludeVideoDescription;
FileTitle = options.VideoTitle ?? "";
IncludeSignSubs = options.IncludeSignsSubs;
DownloadVideo = !options.Novids;
DownloadAudio = !options.Noaudio;
DownloadVideoForEveryDub = !options.DlVideoOnce;
DownloadChapters = options.Chapters;
MuxToMp4 = options.Mp4;
SyncTimings = options.SyncTiming;
SkipSubMux = options.SkipSubsMux;
LeadingNumbers = options.Numbers;
FileName = options.FileName;
SimultaneousDownloads = options.SimultaneousDownloads;
LogMode = options.LogMode;
ComboBoxItem? qualityAudio = AudioQualityList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == options.QualityAudio) ?? null;
SelectedAudioQuality = qualityAudio ?? AudioQualityList[0];
ComboBoxItem? qualityVideo = VideoQualityList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == options.QualityVideo) ?? null;
SelectedVideoQuality = qualityVideo ?? VideoQualityList[0];
ComboBoxItem? theme = AppThemes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == options.Theme) ?? null;
CurrentAppTheme = theme ?? AppThemes[0];
if (options.AccentColor != CustomAccentColor.ToString()){
UseCustomAccent = true;
History = options.History;
if (options.MkvmergeOptions != null){
foreach (var mkvmergeParam in options.MkvmergeOptions){
MkvMergeOptions.Add(new MuxingParam(){ ParamValue = mkvmergeParam });
if (options.FfmpegOptions != null){
foreach (var ffmpegParam in options.FfmpegOptions){
FfmpegOptions.Add(new MuxingParam(){ ParamValue = ffmpegParam });
var dubs = SelectedDubLang.Select(item => item.Content?.ToString());
SelectedDubs = string.Join(", ", dubs) ?? "";
var subs = SelectedSubLang.Select(item => item.Content?.ToString());
SelectedSubs = string.Join(", ", subs) ?? "";
SelectedSubLang.CollectionChanged += Changes;
SelectedDubLang.CollectionChanged += Changes;
MkvMergeOptions.CollectionChanged += Changes;
FfmpegOptions.CollectionChanged += Changes;
settingsLoaded = true;
private void UpdateSettings(){
if (!settingsLoaded){
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.IncludeVideoDescription = IncludeEpisodeDescription;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.VideoTitle = FileTitle;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Novids = !DownloadVideo;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Noaudio = !DownloadAudio;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DlVideoOnce = !DownloadVideoForEveryDub;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Chapters = DownloadChapters;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Mp4 = MuxToMp4;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.SyncTiming = SyncTimings;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.SkipSubsMux = SkipSubMux;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Numbers = Math.Clamp((int)(LeadingNumbers ?? 0),0,10);
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.FileName = FileName;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.IncludeSignsSubs = IncludeSignSubs;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DownloadSpeedLimit = Math.Clamp((int)(DownloadSpeed ?? 0),0,1000000000);
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.SimultaneousDownloads = Math.Clamp((int)(SimultaneousDownloads ?? 0),1,10);
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.SubsAddScaledBorder = GetScaledBorderAndShadowSelection();
List<string> softSubs = new List<string>();
foreach (var listBoxItem in SelectedSubLang){
softSubs.Add(listBoxItem.Content + "");
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DlSubs = softSubs;
string descLang = SelectedDescriptionLang.Content + "";
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DescriptionLang = descLang != "default" ? descLang : Crunchyroll.Instance.DefaultLocale;
string historyLang = SelectedHistoryLang.Content + "";
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.HistoryLang = historyLang != "default" ? historyLang : Crunchyroll.Instance.DefaultLocale;
string hslang = SelectedHSLang.Content + "";
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Hslang = hslang != "none" ? Languages.FindLang(hslang).Locale : hslang;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DefaultAudio = SelectedDefaultDubLang.Content + "";
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DefaultSub = SelectedDefaultSubLang.Content + "";
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.StreamEndpoint = SelectedStreamEndpoint.Content + "";
List<string> dubLangs = new List<string>();
foreach (var listBoxItem in SelectedDubLang){
dubLangs.Add(listBoxItem.Content + "");
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DubLang = dubLangs;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.QualityAudio = SelectedAudioQuality?.Content + "";
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.QualityVideo = SelectedVideoQuality?.Content + "";
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.Theme = CurrentAppTheme?.Content + "";
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.AccentColor = _faTheme.CustomAccentColor.ToString();
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.History = History;
var props = new SonarrProperties();
props.UseSsl = SonarrUseSsl;
props.UseSonarrNumbering = SonarrUseSonarrNumbering;
props.Host = SonarrHost;
if (int.TryParse(SonarrPort, out var portNumber)){
props.Port = portNumber;
} else{
props.Port = 8989;
props.ApiKey = SonarrApiKey;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.SonarrProperties = props;
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.LogMode = LogMode;
List<string> mkvmergeParams = new List<string>();
foreach (var mkvmergeParam in MkvMergeOptions){
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.MkvmergeOptions = mkvmergeParams;
List<string> ffmpegParams = new List<string>();
foreach (var ffmpegParam in FfmpegOptions){
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.FfmpegOptions = ffmpegParams;
private ScaledBorderAndShadowSelection GetScaledBorderAndShadowSelection(){
if (!AddScaledBorderAndShadow){
return ScaledBorderAndShadowSelection.DontAdd;
if (SelectedScaledBorderAndShadow.Content + "" == "ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes"){
return ScaledBorderAndShadowSelection.ScaledBorderAndShadowYes;
if (SelectedScaledBorderAndShadow.Content + "" == "ScaledBorderAndShadow: no"){
return ScaledBorderAndShadowSelection.ScaledBorderAndShadowNo;
return ScaledBorderAndShadowSelection.ScaledBorderAndShadowYes;
private ComboBoxItem GetScaledBorderAndShadowFromOptions(CrDownloadOptions options){
switch (options.SubsAddScaledBorder){
case (ScaledBorderAndShadowSelection.ScaledBorderAndShadowYes):
return ScaledBorderAndShadow.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == "ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes") ?? ScaledBorderAndShadow[0];
case ScaledBorderAndShadowSelection.ScaledBorderAndShadowNo:
return ScaledBorderAndShadow.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Content != null && (string)a.Content == "ScaledBorderAndShadow: no") ?? ScaledBorderAndShadow[0];
return ScaledBorderAndShadow[0];
public void AddMkvMergeParam(){
MkvMergeOptions.Add(new MuxingParam(){ ParamValue = MkvMergeOption });
MkvMergeOption = "";
public void RemoveMkvMergeParam(MuxingParam param){
public void AddFfmpegParam(){
FfmpegOptions.Add(new MuxingParam(){ ParamValue = FfmpegOption });
FfmpegOption = "";
public void RemoveFfmpegParam(MuxingParam param){
public async Task OpenFolderDialogAsync(){
if (_storageProvider == null){
Console.Error.WriteLine("StorageProvider must be set before using the dialog.");
throw new InvalidOperationException("StorageProvider must be set before using the dialog.");
var result = await _storageProvider.OpenFolderPickerAsync(new FolderPickerOpenOptions{
Title = "Select Folder"
if (result.Count > 0){
var selectedFolder = result[0];
// Do something with the selected folder path
Console.WriteLine($"Selected folder: {selectedFolder.Path.LocalPath}");
Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DownloadDirPath = selectedFolder.Path.LocalPath;
DownloadDirPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DownloadDirPath) ? CfgManager.PathVIDEOS_DIR : Crunchyroll.Instance.CrunOptions.DownloadDirPath;
public void SetStorageProvider(IStorageProvider storageProvider){
_storageProvider = storageProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(storageProvider));
partial void OnCurrentAppThemeChanged(ComboBoxItem? value){
if (value?.Content?.ToString() == "System"){
_faTheme.PreferSystemTheme = true;
} else if (value?.Content?.ToString() == "Dark"){
_faTheme.PreferSystemTheme = false;
Application.Current.RequestedThemeVariant = ThemeVariant.Dark;
} else{
_faTheme.PreferSystemTheme = false;
Application.Current.RequestedThemeVariant = ThemeVariant.Light;
partial void OnUseCustomAccentChanged(bool value){
if (value){
if (_faTheme.TryGetResource("SystemAccentColor", null, out var curColor)){
CustomAccentColor = (Color)curColor;
ListBoxColor = CustomAccentColor;
} else{
CustomAccentColor = default;
ListBoxColor = default;
partial void OnListBoxColorChanged(Color value){
if (value != null){
CustomAccentColor = value;
partial void OnCustomAccentColorChanged(Color value){
ListBoxColor = value;
private void UpdateAppAccentColor(Color? color){
_faTheme.CustomAccentColor = color;
private void Changes(object? sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e){
var dubs = SelectedDubLang.Select(item => item.Content?.ToString());
SelectedDubs = string.Join(", ", dubs) ?? "";
var subs = SelectedSubLang.Select(item => item.Content?.ToString());
SelectedSubs = string.Join(", ", subs) ?? "";
protected override void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e){
if (e.PropertyName is nameof(SelectedDubs) or nameof(SelectedSubs) or nameof(CustomAccentColor) or nameof(ListBoxColor) or nameof(CurrentAppTheme) or nameof(UseCustomAccent) or nameof(LogMode)){
partial void OnLogModeChanged(bool value){
if (value){
} else{
public class MuxingParam{
public string ParamValue{ get; set; }