import base64 import json import logging import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Union from zlib import crc32 from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA from Cryptodome.PublicKey.RSA import RsaKey from pywidevine.device import Device, DeviceTypes from pywidevine.license_protocol_pb2 import (SignedMessage, LicenseRequest, ClientIdentification, SignedDrmCertificate, DrmCertificate, EncryptedClientIdentification) from unidecode import unidecode def sanitize(path: Path) -> Path: """ Sanitizes the given path by replacing invalid characters. Args: path (Path): The path to sanitize. Returns: Path: The sanitized path. """ paths = [, *[ for p in path.parents if]][::-1] for i, p in enumerate(paths): p = p.replace('...', '').strip() p = re.sub(r'[<>:"/|?*\x00-\x1F]', '_', p) paths[i] = p return Path().joinpath(*paths) class Cdm: """ The Cdm class manages CDM-related operations, such as setting challenge data, extracting and storing private keys, and exporting device information. """ def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) # self.client_id: dict[int, ClientIdentification] = {} self.private_key: dict[int, RsaKey] = {} def __client_info(self, client_id: ClientIdentification) -> dict: """ Converts client identification information to a dictionary. Args: client_id (ClientIdentification): The client identification. Returns: dict: A dictionary of client information. """ return { e.value for e in client_id.client_info} def __encrypted_client_info(self, encrypted_client_id: EncryptedClientIdentification) -> dict: """ Converts encrypted client identification information to a dictionary. Args: encrypted_client_id (EncryptedClientIdentification): The encrypted client identification. Returns: dict: A dictionary of encrypted client information. """ content = { 'providerId': encrypted_client_id.provider_id, 'serviceCertificateSerialNumber': encrypted_client_id.service_certificate_serial_number, 'encryptedClientId': encrypted_client_id.encrypted_client_id, 'encryptedClientIdIv': encrypted_client_id.encrypted_client_id_iv, 'encryptedPrivacyKey': encrypted_client_id.encrypted_privacy_key } return { k: base64.b64encode(v).decode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, bytes) else v for k, v in content.items() } def set_challenge(self, data: Union[Path, bytes]) -> None: """ Sets the challenge data by extracting device information. Args: data (Union[Path, bytes]): The challenge data as a file path or bytes. """ try: if isinstance(data, Path): if not data.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(data) data = data.read_bytes() signed_message = SignedMessage() signed_message.ParseFromString(data) license_request = LicenseRequest() license_request.ParseFromString(signed_message.msg) # encrypted_client_id: EncryptedClientIdentification = license_request.encrypted_client_id if encrypted_client_id.SerializeToString(): self.logger.debug('Receive encrypted client id: \n\n%s\n', json.dumps(self.__encrypted_client_info(encrypted_client_id), indent=2)) self.logger.warning('The client ID of the challenge is encrypted') else: client_id: ClientIdentification = license_request.client_id self.set_client_id(data=client_id) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Failed to set challenge data: %s', e) def set_private_key(self, data: bytes) -> None: """ Sets the private key from the provided data. Args: data (bytes): The private key data. """ try: key = RSA.import_key(data) if key.n not in self.private_key: self.logger.debug('Receive private key: \n\n%s\n', key.exportKey('PEM').decode('utf-8')) self.private_key[key.n] = key except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Failed to set private key: %s', e) def set_client_id(self, data: Union[ClientIdentification, bytes]) -> None: """ Sets the client ID from the provided data. Args: data (Union[ClientIdentification, bytes]): The client ID data. """ try: if isinstance(data, ClientIdentification): client_id = data else: client_id = ClientIdentification() client_id.ParseFromString(data) signed_drm_certificate = SignedDrmCertificate() drm_certificate = DrmCertificate() signed_drm_certificate.ParseFromString(client_id.token) drm_certificate.ParseFromString(signed_drm_certificate.drm_certificate) public_key = drm_certificate.public_key key = RSA.importKey(public_key) if key.n not in self.client_id: self.logger.debug('Receive client id: \n\n%s\n', json.dumps(self.__client_info(client_id), indent=2)) self.client_id[key.n] = client_id except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Failed to set client ID: %s', e) def export(self, parent: Path, wvd: bool = False) -> bool: """ Exports the client ID and private key to disk. Args: parent (Path): The parent directory to export the files to. wvd (bool): Whether to export WVD files. Returns: bool: True if any keys were exported, otherwise False. """ keys = set(self.client_id.keys()) & set(self.private_key.keys()) for k in keys: client_info = self.__client_info(self.client_id[k]) # device = Device( client_id=self.client_id[k].SerializeToString(), private_key=self.private_key[k].exportKey('PEM'), type_=DeviceTypes.ANDROID, security_level=3, flags=None ) # parent = sanitize(parent / client_info['company_name'] / client_info['model_name'] / str(device.system_id) / str(k)[:10]) parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) path_id_bin = parent / 'client_id.bin' path_id_bin.write_bytes(data=device.client_id.SerializeToString())'Exported client ID: %s', path_id_bin) path_key_bin = parent / 'private_key.pem' path_key_bin.write_bytes(data=device.private_key.exportKey('PEM'))'Exported private key: %s', path_key_bin) if wvd: wvd_bin = device.dumps() name = f"{client_info['company_name']} {client_info['model_name']}" if client_info.get('widevine_cdm_version'): name += f" {client_info['widevine_cdm_version']}" name += f" {crc32(wvd_bin).to_bytes(4, 'big').hex()}" name = unidecode(name.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_')) path_wvd = parent / f'{name}_{device.system_id}_l{device.security_level}.wvd' path_wvd.write_bytes(data=wvd_bin)'Exported WVD: %s', path_wvd) return len(keys) > 0 __all__ = ('Cdm',)