2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
/* room_manager.cpp */
/* This file is part of: */
/* https://godotengine.org */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions: */
/* */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
/* */
# include "room_manager.h"
# include "core/bitfield_dynamic.h"
# include "core/engine.h"
# include "core/math/quick_hull.h"
# include "core/os/os.h"
# include "editor/editor_node.h"
# include "mesh_instance.h"
# include "portal.h"
# include "room_group.h"
# include "scene/3d/camera.h"
# include "scene/3d/light.h"
# include "visibility_notifier.h"
2021-07-15 06:51:15 +00:00
# include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h"
# include "modules/csg/csg_shape.h"
# endif
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
# include "core/math/convex_hull.h"
# endif
RoomManager * RoomManager : : active_room_manager = nullptr ;
# endif
RoomManager : : RoomManager ( ) {
// some high value, we want room manager to be processed after other
// nodes because the camera should be moved first
set_process_priority ( 10000 ) ;
// note this mechanism may fail to work correctly if the user creates two room managers,
// but should not create major problems as it is just used to auto update when portals etc
// are changed in the editor, and there is a check for nullptr.
active_room_manager = this ;
# endif
RoomManager : : ~ RoomManager ( ) {
active_room_manager = nullptr ;
# endif
2021-07-14 13:34:09 +00:00
String RoomManager : : get_configuration_warning ( ) const {
String warning = Spatial : : get_configuration_warning ( ) ;
if ( _settings_path_roomlist = = NodePath ( ) ) {
if ( ! warning . empty ( ) ) {
warning + = " \n \n " ;
warning + = TTR ( " The RoomList has not been assigned. " ) ;
} else {
Spatial * roomlist = _resolve_path < Spatial > ( _settings_path_roomlist ) ;
if ( ! roomlist | | ( roomlist - > get_class_name ( ) ! = StringName ( " Spatial " ) ) ) {
if ( ! warning . empty ( ) ) {
warning + = " \n \n " ;
warning + = TTR ( " The RoomList should be a Spatial. " ) ;
if ( _settings_portal_depth_limit = = 0 ) {
if ( ! warning . empty ( ) ) {
warning + = " \n \n " ;
warning + = TTR ( " Portal Depth Limit is set to Zero. \n Only the Room that the Camera is in will render. " ) ;
auto lambda = [ ] ( const Node * p_node ) {
return static_cast < bool > ( ( Object : : cast_to < Room > ( p_node ) | | Object : : cast_to < RoomGroup > ( p_node ) | | Object : : cast_to < Portal > ( p_node ) | | Object : : cast_to < RoomManager > ( p_node ) ) ) ;
} ;
if ( Room : : detect_nodes_using_lambda ( this , lambda ) ) {
if ( Room : : detect_nodes_of_type < Room > ( this ) ) {
if ( ! warning . empty ( ) ) {
warning + = " \n \n " ;
warning + = TTR ( " Rooms should not be children of the RoomManager. " ) ;
if ( Room : : detect_nodes_of_type < RoomGroup > ( this ) ) {
if ( ! warning . empty ( ) ) {
warning + = " \n \n " ;
warning + = TTR ( " RoomGroups should not be children of the RoomManager. " ) ;
if ( Room : : detect_nodes_of_type < Portal > ( this ) ) {
if ( ! warning . empty ( ) ) {
warning + = " \n \n " ;
warning + = TTR ( " Portals should not be children of the RoomManager. " ) ;
if ( Room : : detect_nodes_of_type < RoomManager > ( this ) ) {
if ( ! warning . empty ( ) ) {
warning + = " \n \n " ;
warning + = TTR ( " There should only be one RoomManager in the SceneTree. " ) ;
return warning ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
void RoomManager : : _preview_camera_update ( ) {
Ref < World > world = get_world ( ) ;
RID scenario = world - > get_scenario ( ) ;
if ( _godot_preview_camera_ID ! = ( ObjectID ) - 1 ) {
Camera * cam = Object : : cast_to < Camera > ( ObjectDB : : get_instance ( _godot_preview_camera_ID ) ) ;
if ( ! cam ) {
_godot_preview_camera_ID = ( ObjectID ) - 1 ;
} else {
// get camera position and direction
Vector3 camera_pos = cam - > get_global_transform ( ) . origin ;
Vector < Plane > planes = cam - > get_frustum ( ) ;
// only update the visual server when there is a change.. as it will request a screen redraw
// this is kinda silly, but the other way would be keeping track of the override camera in visual server
// and tracking the camera deletes, which might be more error prone for a debug feature...
bool changed = false ;
if ( camera_pos ! = _godot_camera_pos ) {
changed = true ;
// update gameplay monitor
Vector < Vector3 > camera_positions ;
camera_positions . push_back ( camera_pos ) ;
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_update_gameplay_monitor ( scenario , camera_positions ) ;
// check planes
if ( ! changed ) {
if ( planes . size ( ) ! = _godot_camera_planes . size ( ) ) {
changed = true ;
if ( ! changed ) {
// num of planes must be identical
for ( int n = 0 ; n < planes . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
if ( planes [ n ] ! = _godot_camera_planes [ n ] ) {
changed = true ;
break ;
if ( changed ) {
_godot_camera_pos = camera_pos ;
_godot_camera_planes = planes ;
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_override_camera ( scenario , true , camera_pos , & planes ) ;
void RoomManager : : _notification ( int p_what ) {
switch ( p_what ) {
if ( Engine : : get_singleton ( ) - > is_editor_hint ( ) ) {
set_process_internal ( _godot_preview_camera_ID ! = ( ObjectID ) - 1 ) ;
} else {
if ( _settings_gameplay_monitor_enabled ) {
set_process_internal ( true ) ;
} break ;
// can't call visual server if not inside world
if ( ! is_inside_world ( ) ) {
return ;
if ( Engine : : get_singleton ( ) - > is_editor_hint ( ) ) {
_preview_camera_update ( ) ;
return ;
if ( _settings_gameplay_monitor_enabled ) {
Ref < World > world = get_world ( ) ;
RID scenario = world - > get_scenario ( ) ;
List < Camera * > cameras ;
world - > get_camera_list ( & cameras ) ;
Vector < Vector3 > positions ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < cameras . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
positions . push_back ( cameras [ n ] - > get_global_transform ( ) . origin ) ;
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_update_gameplay_monitor ( scenario , positions ) ;
} break ;
void RoomManager : : _bind_methods ( ) {
// main functions
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " rooms_convert " ) , & RoomManager : : rooms_convert ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " rooms_clear " ) , & RoomManager : : rooms_clear ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " set_pvs_mode " , " pvs_mode " ) , & RoomManager : : set_pvs_mode ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_pvs_mode " ) , & RoomManager : : get_pvs_mode ) ;
2021-07-14 13:34:09 +00:00
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " set_roomlist_path " , " p_path " ) , & RoomManager : : set_roomlist_path ) ;
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( " get_roomlist_path " ) , & RoomManager : : get_roomlist_path ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
// These are commented out for now, but available in case we want to cache PVS to disk, the functionality exists
// ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_pvs_filename", "pvs_filename"), &RoomManager::set_pvs_filename);
// ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_pvs_filename"), &RoomManager::get_pvs_filename);
// just some macros to make setting inspector values easier
# define LPORTAL_STRINGIFY(x) #x
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( LPORTAL_TOSTRING ( P_SET ) , LPORTAL_TOSTRING ( P_NAME ) ) , & RoomManager : : P_SET ) ; \
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( LPORTAL_TOSTRING ( P_GET ) ) , & RoomManager : : P_GET ) ; \
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( LPORTAL_TOSTRING ( P_SET ) , LPORTAL_TOSTRING ( P_NAME ) ) , & RoomManager : : P_SET ) ; \
ClassDB : : bind_method ( D_METHOD ( LPORTAL_TOSTRING ( P_GET ) ) , & RoomManager : : P_GET ) ; \
ADD_GROUP ( " Main " , " " ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , active , rooms_set_active , rooms_get_active ) ;
2021-07-14 13:34:09 +00:00
ADD_PROPERTY ( PropertyInfo ( Variant : : NODE_PATH , " roomlist " , PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_PATH_VALID_TYPES , " Spatial " ) , " set_roomlist_path " , " get_roomlist_path " ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
ADD_GROUP ( " PVS " , " " ) ;
ADD_PROPERTY ( PropertyInfo ( Variant : : INT , " pvs_mode " , PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM , " Disabled,Partial,Full " ) , " set_pvs_mode " , " get_pvs_mode " ) ;
// ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "pvs_filename", PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.pvs"), "set_pvs_filename", "get_pvs_filename");
ADD_GROUP ( " Gameplay " , " " ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , gameplay_monitor , set_gameplay_monitor_enabled , get_gameplay_monitor_enabled ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , use_secondary_pvs , set_use_secondary_pvs , get_use_secondary_pvs ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , use_signals , set_use_signals , get_use_signals ) ;
ADD_GROUP ( " Optimize " , " " ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , merge_meshes , set_merge_meshes , get_merge_meshes ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , remove_danglers , set_remove_danglers , get_remove_danglers ) ;
ADD_GROUP ( " Debug " , " " ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , show_debug , set_show_debug , get_show_debug ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , show_margins , set_show_margins , get_show_margins ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , debug_sprawl , set_debug_sprawl , get_debug_sprawl ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE ( Variant : : INT , overlap_warning_threshold , set_overlap_warning_threshold , get_overlap_warning_threshold , " 1,1000,1 " ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : NODE_PATH , preview_camera , set_preview_camera_path , get_preview_camera_path ) ;
ADD_GROUP ( " Advanced " , " " ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY ( Variant : : BOOL , flip_portal_meshes , set_flip_portal_meshes , get_flip_portal_meshes ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE ( Variant : : INT , portal_depth_limit , set_portal_depth_limit , get_portal_depth_limit , " 0,255,1 " ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE ( Variant : : REAL , room_simplify , set_room_simplify , get_room_simplify , " 0.0,1.0,0.005 " ) ;
LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE ( Variant : : REAL , default_portal_margin , set_default_portal_margin , get_default_portal_margin , " 0.0, 10.0, 0.01 " ) ;
2021-07-14 13:34:09 +00:00
void RoomManager : : set_roomlist_path ( const NodePath & p_path ) {
_settings_path_roomlist = p_path ;
update_configuration_warning ( ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
void RoomManager : : set_preview_camera_path ( const NodePath & p_path ) {
_settings_path_preview_camera = p_path ;
resolve_preview_camera_path ( ) ;
bool camera_on = _godot_preview_camera_ID ! = ( ObjectID ) - 1 ;
// make sure the cached camera planes are invalid, this will
// force an update to the visual server on the next internal_process
_godot_camera_planes . clear ( ) ;
// if in the editor, turn processing on or off
// according to whether the camera is overridden
if ( Engine : : get_singleton ( ) - > is_editor_hint ( ) ) {
if ( is_inside_tree ( ) ) {
set_process_internal ( camera_on ) ;
// if we are turning camera override off, must inform visual server
if ( ! camera_on & & is_inside_world ( ) & & get_world ( ) . is_valid ( ) & & get_world ( ) - > get_scenario ( ) . is_valid ( ) ) {
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_override_camera ( get_world ( ) - > get_scenario ( ) , false , Vector3 ( ) , nullptr ) ;
// we couldn't resolve the path, let's set it to null
if ( ! camera_on ) {
_settings_path_preview_camera = NodePath ( ) ;
void RoomManager : : set_room_simplify ( real_t p_value ) {
_room_simplify_info . set_simplify ( p_value ) ;
real_t RoomManager : : get_room_simplify ( ) const {
return _room_simplify_info . _plane_simplify ;
void RoomManager : : set_flip_portal_meshes ( bool p_flip ) {
Portal : : _portal_plane_convention = p_flip ;
bool RoomManager : : get_flip_portal_meshes ( ) const {
return Portal : : _portal_plane_convention ;
void RoomManager : : set_portal_depth_limit ( int p_limit ) {
2021-07-14 13:34:09 +00:00
_settings_portal_depth_limit = p_limit ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
if ( is_inside_world ( ) & & get_world ( ) . is_valid ( ) ) {
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_set_params ( get_world ( ) - > get_scenario ( ) , p_limit ) ;
void RoomManager : : set_default_portal_margin ( real_t p_dist ) {
_default_portal_margin = p_dist ;
// send to portals
Spatial * roomlist = _resolve_path < Spatial > ( _settings_path_roomlist ) ;
if ( ! roomlist ) {
return ;
_update_portal_margins ( roomlist , _default_portal_margin ) ;
void RoomManager : : _update_portal_margins ( Spatial * p_node , real_t p_margin ) {
Portal * portal = Object : : cast_to < Portal > ( p_node ) ;
if ( portal ) {
portal - > _default_margin = p_margin ;
portal - > update_gizmo ( ) ;
// recurse
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
Spatial * child = Object : : cast_to < Spatial > ( p_node - > get_child ( n ) ) ;
if ( child ) {
_update_portal_margins ( child , p_margin ) ;
real_t RoomManager : : get_default_portal_margin ( ) const {
return _default_portal_margin ;
void RoomManager : : set_show_margins ( bool p_show ) {
Portal : : _settings_gizmo_show_margins = p_show ;
Spatial * roomlist = _resolve_path < Spatial > ( _settings_path_roomlist ) ;
if ( ! roomlist ) {
return ;
_update_gizmos_recursive ( roomlist ) ;
bool RoomManager : : get_show_margins ( ) const {
return Portal : : _settings_gizmo_show_margins ;
void RoomManager : : set_show_debug ( bool p_show ) {
// force not to show when not in editor
if ( ! Engine : : get_singleton ( ) - > is_editor_hint ( ) ) {
p_show = false ;
_show_debug = p_show ;
bool RoomManager : : get_show_debug ( ) const {
return _show_debug ;
void RoomManager : : set_debug_sprawl ( bool p_enable ) {
if ( is_inside_world ( ) & & get_world ( ) . is_valid ( ) ) {
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_set_debug_feature ( get_world ( ) - > get_scenario ( ) , VisualServer : : ROOMS_DEBUG_SPRAWL , p_enable ) ;
_debug_sprawl = p_enable ;
bool RoomManager : : get_debug_sprawl ( ) const {
return _debug_sprawl ;
void RoomManager : : set_merge_meshes ( bool p_enable ) {
_settings_merge_meshes = p_enable ;
bool RoomManager : : get_merge_meshes ( ) const {
return _settings_merge_meshes ;
void RoomManager : : set_remove_danglers ( bool p_enable ) {
_settings_remove_danglers = p_enable ;
bool RoomManager : : get_remove_danglers ( ) const {
return _settings_remove_danglers ;
void RoomManager : : show_warning ( const String & p_string , const String & p_extra_string , bool p_alert ) {
if ( p_extra_string ! = " " ) {
WARN_PRINT ( p_string + " " + p_extra_string ) ;
if ( p_alert & & Engine : : get_singleton ( ) - > is_editor_hint ( ) ) {
EditorNode : : get_singleton ( ) - > show_warning ( TTR ( p_string + " \n " + p_extra_string ) ) ;
# endif
} else {
WARN_PRINT ( p_string ) ;
// OS::get_singleton()->alert(p_string, p_title);
if ( p_alert & & Engine : : get_singleton ( ) - > is_editor_hint ( ) ) {
EditorNode : : get_singleton ( ) - > show_warning ( TTR ( p_string ) ) ;
# endif
void RoomManager : : debug_print_line ( String p_string , int p_priority ) {
if ( _show_debug ) {
if ( ! p_priority ) {
print_verbose ( p_string ) ;
} else {
print_line ( p_string ) ;
void RoomManager : : rooms_set_active ( bool p_active ) {
if ( is_inside_world ( ) & & get_world ( ) . is_valid ( ) ) {
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_set_active ( get_world ( ) - > get_scenario ( ) , p_active ) ;
_active = p_active ;
bool RoomManager : : rooms_get_active ( ) const {
return _active ;
void RoomManager : : set_pvs_mode ( PVSMode p_mode ) {
_pvs_mode = p_mode ;
RoomManager : : PVSMode RoomManager : : get_pvs_mode ( ) const {
return _pvs_mode ;
void RoomManager : : set_pvs_filename ( String p_filename ) {
_pvs_filename = p_filename ;
String RoomManager : : get_pvs_filename ( ) const {
return _pvs_filename ;
void RoomManager : : _rooms_changed ( ) {
_rooms . clear ( ) ;
if ( is_inside_world ( ) & & get_world ( ) . is_valid ( ) ) {
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_unload ( get_world ( ) - > get_scenario ( ) ) ;
void RoomManager : : rooms_clear ( ) {
_rooms . clear ( ) ;
if ( is_inside_world ( ) & & get_world ( ) . is_valid ( ) ) {
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_and_portals_clear ( get_world ( ) - > get_scenario ( ) ) ;
void RoomManager : : rooms_flip_portals ( ) {
// this is a helper emergency function to deal with situations where the user has ended up with Portal nodes
// pointing in the wrong direction (by doing initial conversion with flip_portal_meshes set incorrectly).
_roomlist = _resolve_path < Spatial > ( _settings_path_roomlist ) ;
if ( ! _roomlist ) {
WARN_PRINT ( " Cannot resolve nodepath " ) ;
show_warning ( " RoomList path is invalid. " , " Please check the RoomList branch has been assigned in the RoomManager " ) ;
return ;
_flip_portals_recursive ( _roomlist ) ;
_rooms_changed ( ) ;
void RoomManager : : rooms_convert ( ) {
// set all error conditions to false
_warning_misnamed_nodes_detected = false ;
_warning_portal_link_room_not_found = false ;
_warning_portal_autolink_failed = false ;
_warning_room_overlap_detected = false ;
_roomlist = _resolve_path < Spatial > ( _settings_path_roomlist ) ;
if ( ! _roomlist ) {
WARN_PRINT ( " Cannot resolve nodepath " ) ;
show_warning ( " RoomList path is invalid. " , " Please check the RoomList branch has been assigned in the RoomManager " ) ;
return ;
ERR_FAIL_COND ( ! is_inside_world ( ) | | ! get_world ( ) . is_valid ( ) ) ;
// every time we run convert we increment this,
// to prevent individual rooms / portals being converted
// more than once in one run
_conversion_tick + + ;
rooms_clear ( ) ;
// first check that the roomlist is valid, and the user hasn't made
// a silly scene tree
Node * invalid_node = _check_roomlist_validity_recursive ( _roomlist ) ;
if ( invalid_node ) {
show_warning ( " RoomList contains invalid node " , " RoomList should only contain Rooms, RoomGroups and Spatials. \n Invalid node : " + invalid_node - > get_name ( ) ) ;
return ;
LocalVector < Portal * > portals ;
LocalVector < RoomGroup * > roomgroups ;
// find the rooms and portals
_convert_rooms_recursive ( _roomlist , portals , roomgroups ) ;
if ( ! _rooms . size ( ) ) {
rooms_clear ( ) ;
show_warning ( " RoomList contains no Rooms, aborting " ) ;
return ;
// add portal links
_second_pass_portals ( _roomlist , portals ) ;
// create the statics
_second_pass_rooms ( roomgroups , portals ) ;
// third pass
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2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
// autolink portals that are not already manually linked
// and finalize the portals
_third_pass_portals ( _roomlist , portals ) ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
// Find the statics AGAIN and only this time add them to the PortalRenderer.
// We need to do this twice because the room points determine the room bound...
// but the bound is needed for autolinking,
// and the autolinking needs to be done BEFORE adding to the PortalRenderer so that
// the static objects will correctly sprawl. It is a chicken and egg situation.
// Also finalize the room hulls.
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
_third_pass_rooms ( portals ) ;
bool generate_pvs = false ;
bool pvs_cull = false ;
switch ( _pvs_mode ) {
default : {
} break ;
generate_pvs = true ;
} break ;
case PVS_MODE_FULL : {
generate_pvs = true ;
pvs_cull = true ;
} break ;
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > rooms_finalize ( get_world ( ) - > get_scenario ( ) , generate_pvs , pvs_cull , _settings_use_secondary_pvs , _settings_use_signals , _pvs_filename ) ;
// refresh whether to show portals etc
set_show_debug ( _show_debug ) ;
// refresh portal depth limit
set_portal_depth_limit ( get_portal_depth_limit ( ) ) ;
_generate_room_overlap_zones ( ) ;
# endif
// just delete any intermediate data
_cleanup_after_conversion ( ) ;
// display error dialogs
if ( _warning_misnamed_nodes_detected ) {
show_warning ( " Misnamed nodes detected, check output log for details. Aborting. " ) ;
rooms_clear ( ) ;
if ( _warning_portal_link_room_not_found ) {
show_warning ( " Portal link room not found, check output log for details. " ) ;
if ( _warning_portal_autolink_failed ) {
show_warning ( " Portal autolink failed, check output log for details. \n Check the portal is facing outwards from the source room. " ) ;
if ( _warning_room_overlap_detected ) {
show_warning ( " Room overlap detected, cameras may work incorrectly in overlapping area. \n Check output log for details.. " ) ;
void RoomManager : : _second_pass_room ( Room * p_room , const LocalVector < RoomGroup * > & p_roomgroups , const LocalVector < Portal * > & p_portals ) {
if ( _settings_merge_meshes ) {
_merge_meshes_in_room ( p_room ) ;
// find statics and manual bound
bool manual_bound_found = false ;
// points making up the room geometry, in world space, to create the convex hull
Vector < Vector3 > room_pts ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_room - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
Spatial * child = Object : : cast_to < Spatial > ( p_room - > get_child ( n ) ) ;
if ( child ) {
if ( _name_starts_with ( child , " GPortal " , true ) | | _node_is_type < Portal > ( child ) ) {
// the adding of portal points is done after this stage, because
// we need to take into account incoming as well as outgoing portals
} else if ( _name_starts_with ( child , " Bound " , true ) ) {
manual_bound_found = _convert_manual_bound ( p_room , child , p_portals ) ;
} else {
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
// don't add the instances to the portal renderer on the first pass of _find_statics,
// just find the geometry points in order to make sure the bound is correct.
_find_statics_recursive ( p_room , child , room_pts , false ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
// Has the bound been specified using points in the room?
// in that case, overwrite the room_pts
if ( p_room - > _bound_pts . size ( ) & & p_room - > is_inside_tree ( ) ) {
Transform tr = p_room - > get_global_transform ( ) ;
room_pts . clear ( ) ;
room_pts . resize ( p_room - > _bound_pts . size ( ) ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < room_pts . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
room_pts . set ( n , tr . xform ( p_room - > _bound_pts [ n ] ) ) ;
// we override and manual bound with the room points
manual_bound_found = false ;
if ( ! manual_bound_found ) {
// rough aabb for checking portals for warning conditions
AABB aabb ;
aabb . create_from_points ( room_pts ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_room - > _portals . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
int portal_id = p_room - > _portals [ n ] ;
Portal * portal = p_portals [ portal_id ] ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
// only checking portals out from source room
if ( portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 0 ] ! = p_room - > _room_ID ) {
continue ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
// don't add portals to the world bound that are internal to this room!
if ( portal - > is_portal_internal ( p_room - > _room_ID ) ) {
continue ;
// check portal for suspect conditions, like a long way from the room AABB,
// or possibly flipped the wrong way
_check_portal_for_warnings ( portal , aabb ) ;
// create convex hull
_convert_room_hull_preliminary ( p_room , room_pts , p_portals ) ;
// add the room to roomgroups
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_room - > _roomgroups . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
int roomgroup_id = p_room - > _roomgroups [ n ] ;
p_roomgroups [ roomgroup_id ] - > add_room ( p_room ) ;
void RoomManager : : _second_pass_rooms ( const LocalVector < RoomGroup * > & p_roomgroups , const LocalVector < Portal * > & p_portals ) {
for ( int n = 0 ; n < _rooms . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
_second_pass_room ( _rooms [ n ] , p_roomgroups , p_portals ) ;
void RoomManager : : _generate_room_overlap_zones ( ) {
for ( int n = 0 ; n < _rooms . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
Room * room = _rooms [ n ] ;
// no planes .. no overlap
if ( ! room - > _planes . size ( ) ) {
continue ;
for ( int c = n + 1 ; c < _rooms . size ( ) ; c + + ) {
if ( c = = n ) {
continue ;
Room * other = _rooms [ c ] ;
// do a quick reject AABB
if ( ! room - > _aabb . intersects ( other - > _aabb ) | | ( ! other - > _planes . size ( ) ) ) {
continue ;
// if the room priorities are different (i.e. an internal room), they are allowed to overlap
if ( room - > _room_priority ! = other - > _room_priority ) {
continue ;
// get all the planes of both rooms in a contiguous list
LocalVector < Plane , int32_t > planes ;
planes . resize ( room - > _planes . size ( ) + other - > _planes . size ( ) ) ;
Plane * dest = planes . ptr ( ) ;
memcpy ( dest , & room - > _planes [ 0 ] , room - > _planes . size ( ) * sizeof ( Plane ) ) ;
dest + = room - > _planes . size ( ) ;
memcpy ( dest , & other - > _planes [ 0 ] , other - > _planes . size ( ) * sizeof ( Plane ) ) ;
Vector < Vector3 > overlap_pts = Geometry : : compute_convex_mesh_points ( planes . ptr ( ) , planes . size ( ) ) ;
if ( overlap_pts . size ( ) < 4 ) {
continue ;
// there is an overlap, create a mesh from the points
Geometry : : MeshData md ;
Error err = _build_convex_hull ( overlap_pts , md ) ;
if ( err ! = OK ) {
WARN_PRINT ( " QuickHull failed building room overlap hull " ) ;
continue ;
// only if the volume is more than some threshold
real_t volume = Geometry : : calculate_convex_hull_volume ( md ) ;
if ( volume > _overlap_warning_threshold ) {
WARN_PRINT ( " Room overlap of " + String ( Variant ( volume ) ) + " detected between " + room - > get_name ( ) + " and " + other - > get_name ( ) ) ;
room - > _gizmo_overlap_zones . push_back ( md ) ;
_warning_room_overlap_detected = true ;
# endif
void RoomManager : : _third_pass_rooms ( const LocalVector < Portal * > & p_portals ) {
bool found_errors = false ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < _rooms . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
Room * room = _rooms [ n ] ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
String room_short_name = _find_name_after ( room , " ROOM " ) ;
convert_log ( " ROOM \t " + room_short_name ) ;
// log output the portals associated with this room
for ( int p = 0 ; p < room - > _portals . size ( ) ; p + + ) {
const Portal & portal = * p_portals [ room - > _portals [ p ] ] ;
String in_or_out = ( portal . _linkedroom_ID [ 0 ] = = room - > _room_ID ) ? " POUT " : " PIN " ;
convert_log ( " \t \t " + in_or_out + " \t " + portal . get_name ( ) ) ;
// do a second pass finding the statics, where they are
// finally added to the rooms in the portal_renderer.
Vector < Vector3 > room_pts ;
// the true indicates we DO want to add to the portal renderer this second time
// we call _find_statics_recursive
_find_statics_recursive ( room , room , room_pts , true ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
if ( ! _convert_room_hull_final ( room , p_portals ) ) {
found_errors = true ;
room - > update_gizmo ( ) ;
if ( found_errors ) {
show_warning ( " ERROR calculating room bounds. " , " Ensure all rooms contain geometry or manual bounds. " ) ;
void RoomManager : : _second_pass_portals ( Spatial * p_roomlist , LocalVector < Portal * > & r_portals ) {
convert_log ( " _second_pass_portals " ) ;
for ( unsigned int n = 0 ; n < r_portals . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
Portal * portal = r_portals [ n ] ;
String string_link_room_shortname = _find_name_after ( portal , " Portal " ) ;
String string_link_room = " Room " + GODOT_PORTAL_DELINEATOR + string_link_room_shortname ;
if ( string_link_room_shortname ! = " " ) {
Room * linked_room = Object : : cast_to < Room > ( p_roomlist - > find_node ( string_link_room , true , false ) ) ;
if ( linked_room ) {
NodePath path = portal - > get_path_to ( linked_room ) ;
portal - > set_linked_room_internal ( path ) ;
} else {
WARN_PRINT ( " Portal link room : " + string_link_room + " not found. " ) ;
_warning_portal_link_room_not_found = true ;
// get the room we are linking from
int room_from_id = portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 0 ] ;
if ( room_from_id ! = - 1 ) {
Room * room_from = _rooms [ room_from_id ] ;
portal - > resolve_links ( room_from - > _room_rid ) ;
// add the portal id to the room from and the room to.
// These are used so we can later add the portal geometry to the room bounds.
room_from - > _portals . push_back ( n ) ;
int room_to_id = portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 1 ] ;
if ( room_to_id ! = - 1 ) {
Room * room_to = _rooms [ room_to_id ] ;
room_to - > _portals . push_back ( n ) ;
// make the portal internal if necessary
portal - > _internal = room_from - > _room_priority > room_to - > _room_priority ;
void RoomManager : : _third_pass_portals ( Spatial * p_roomlist , LocalVector < Portal * > & r_portals ) {
convert_log ( " _third_pass_portals " ) ;
for ( unsigned int n = 0 ; n < r_portals . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
Portal * portal = r_portals [ n ] ;
// all portals should have a source room
DEV_ASSERT ( portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 0 ] ! = - 1 ) ;
const Room * source_room = _rooms [ portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 0 ] ] ;
if ( portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 1 ] ! = - 1 ) {
// already manually linked
continue ;
bool autolink_found = false ;
// try to autolink
// try points iteratively out from the portal center and find the first that is in a room that isn't the source room
for ( int attempt = 0 ; attempt < 4 ; attempt + + ) {
// found
if ( portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 1 ] ! = - 1 ) {
break ;
// these numbers are arbitrary .. we could alternatively reuse the portal margins for this?
real_t dist = 0.01 ;
switch ( attempt ) {
default : {
dist = 0.01 ;
} break ;
case 1 : {
dist = 0.1 ;
} break ;
case 2 : {
dist = 1.0 ;
} break ;
case 3 : {
dist = 2.0 ;
} break ;
Vector3 test_pos = portal - > _pt_center_world + ( dist * portal - > _plane . normal ) ;
for ( int r = 0 ; r < _rooms . size ( ) ; r + + ) {
Room * room = _rooms [ r ] ;
if ( room - > _room_ID = = portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 0 ] ) {
// can't link back to the source room
continue ;
// first do a rough aabb check
if ( ! room - > _aabb . has_point ( test_pos ) ) {
continue ;
bool outside = false ;
for ( int p = 0 ; p < room - > _preliminary_planes . size ( ) ; p + + ) {
const Plane & plane = room - > _preliminary_planes [ p ] ;
if ( plane . distance_to ( test_pos ) > 0.0 ) {
outside = true ;
break ;
} // for through planes
if ( ! outside ) {
// great, we found a linked room!
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
convert_log ( " \t \t AUTOLINK OK from " + source_room - > get_name ( ) + " to " + room - > get_name ( ) , 1 ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 1 ] = r ;
// add the portal to the portals list for the receiving room
room - > _portals . push_back ( n ) ;
// send complete link to visual server so the portal will be active in the visual server room system
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > portal_link ( portal - > _portal_rid , source_room - > _room_rid , room - > _room_rid , portal - > _settings_two_way ) ;
autolink_found = true ;
break ;
} // for through rooms
} // for attempt
// error condition
if ( ! autolink_found ) {
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
WARN_PRINT ( " Portal AUTOLINK failed for " + portal - > get_name ( ) + " from " + source_room - > get_name ( ) ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
_warning_portal_autolink_failed = true ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
portal - > _warning_autolink_failed = true ;
portal - > update_gizmo ( ) ;
# endif
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
} // for portal
// to prevent users creating mistakes for themselves, we limit what can be put into the room list branch.
// returns invalid node, or NULL
Node * RoomManager : : _check_roomlist_validity_recursive ( Node * p_node ) {
bool ok = false ;
// is this a room?
if ( _name_starts_with ( p_node , " Room " ) | | _node_is_type < Room > ( p_node ) ) {
// end the recursion here
return nullptr ;
// is this a roomgroup?
if ( _name_starts_with ( p_node , " RoomGroup " ) | | _node_is_type < RoomGroup > ( p_node ) ) {
// end the recursion here
return nullptr ;
// now we are getting dodgy.
// is it a Spatial? (and not a derived)
if ( p_node - > get_class_name ( ) = = " Spatial " ) {
ok = true ;
if ( ! ok ) {
// return the invalid node
return p_node ;
// recurse
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
Node * child = p_node - > get_child ( n ) ;
if ( child ) {
Node * invalid_node = _check_roomlist_validity_recursive ( child ) ;
if ( invalid_node ) {
return invalid_node ;
return nullptr ;
void RoomManager : : _convert_rooms_recursive ( Spatial * p_node , LocalVector < Portal * > & r_portals , LocalVector < RoomGroup * > & r_roomgroups , int p_roomgroup ) {
// is this a room?
if ( _name_starts_with ( p_node , " Room " ) | | _node_is_type < Room > ( p_node ) ) {
_convert_room ( p_node , r_portals , r_roomgroups , p_roomgroup ) ;
// is this a roomgroup?
if ( _name_starts_with ( p_node , " RoomGroup " ) | | _node_is_type < RoomGroup > ( p_node ) ) {
p_roomgroup = _convert_roomgroup ( p_node , r_roomgroups ) ;
// recurse through children
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
Spatial * child = Object : : cast_to < Spatial > ( p_node - > get_child ( n ) ) ;
if ( child ) {
_convert_rooms_recursive ( child , r_portals , r_roomgroups , p_roomgroup ) ;
int RoomManager : : _convert_roomgroup ( Spatial * p_node , LocalVector < RoomGroup * > & r_roomgroups ) {
String string_full_name = p_node - > get_name ( ) ;
// is it already a roomgroup?
RoomGroup * roomgroup = Object : : cast_to < RoomGroup > ( p_node ) ;
// if not already a RoomGroup, convert the node and move all children
if ( ! roomgroup ) {
// create a RoomGroup
roomgroup = _change_node_type < RoomGroup > ( p_node , " G " ) ;
} else {
// already hit this tick?
if ( roomgroup - > _conversion_tick = = _conversion_tick ) {
return roomgroup - > _roomgroup_ID ;
convert_log ( " convert_roomgroup : " + string_full_name , 1 ) ;
// make sure the roomgroup is blank, especially if already created
roomgroup - > clear ( ) ;
// make sure the object ID is sent to the visual server
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > roomgroup_prepare ( roomgroup - > _room_group_rid , roomgroup - > get_instance_id ( ) ) ;
// mark so as only to convert once
roomgroup - > _conversion_tick = _conversion_tick ;
roomgroup - > _roomgroup_ID = r_roomgroups . size ( ) ;
r_roomgroups . push_back ( roomgroup ) ;
return r_roomgroups . size ( ) - 1 ;
void RoomManager : : _convert_room ( Spatial * p_node , LocalVector < Portal * > & r_portals , const LocalVector < RoomGroup * > & p_roomgroups , int p_roomgroup ) {
String string_full_name = p_node - > get_name ( ) ;
// is it already an lroom?
Room * room = Object : : cast_to < Room > ( p_node ) ;
// if not already a Room, convert the node and move all children
if ( ! room ) {
// create a Room
room = _change_node_type < Room > ( p_node , " G " ) ;
} else {
// already hit this tick?
if ( room - > _conversion_tick = = _conversion_tick ) {
return ;
// make sure the room is blank, especially if already created
room - > clear ( ) ;
// mark so as only to convert once
room - > _conversion_tick = _conversion_tick ;
// set roomgroup
if ( p_roomgroup ! = - 1 ) {
room - > _roomgroups . push_back ( p_roomgroup ) ;
room - > _room_priority = p_roomgroups [ p_roomgroup ] - > _settings_priority ;
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > room_prepare ( room - > _room_rid , room - > _room_priority ) ;
// add to the list of rooms
room - > _room_ID = _rooms . size ( ) ;
_rooms . push_back ( room ) ;
_find_portals_recursive ( room , room , r_portals ) ;
void RoomManager : : _find_portals_recursive ( Spatial * p_node , Room * p_room , LocalVector < Portal * > & r_portals ) {
MeshInstance * mi = Object : : cast_to < MeshInstance > ( p_node ) ;
if ( ( mi & & _name_starts_with ( mi , " Portal " , true ) ) | | _node_is_type < Portal > ( p_node ) ) {
_convert_portal ( p_room , p_node , r_portals ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
Spatial * child = Object : : cast_to < Spatial > ( p_node - > get_child ( n ) ) ;
if ( child ) {
_find_portals_recursive ( child , p_room , r_portals ) ;
void RoomManager : : _check_portal_for_warnings ( Portal * p_portal , const AABB & p_room_aabb_without_portals ) {
AABB bb = p_room_aabb_without_portals ;
bb = bb . grow ( bb . get_longest_axis_size ( ) * 0.5 ) ;
bool changed = false ;
// far outside the room?
const Vector3 & pos = p_portal - > get_global_transform ( ) . origin ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
bool old_outside = p_portal - > _warning_outside_room_aabb ;
p_portal - > _warning_outside_room_aabb = ! bb . has_point ( pos ) ;
if ( p_portal - > _warning_outside_room_aabb ! = old_outside ) {
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
changed = true ;
if ( p_portal - > _warning_outside_room_aabb ) {
WARN_PRINT ( String ( p_portal - > get_name ( ) ) + " possibly in the wrong room. " ) ;
// facing wrong way?
Vector3 offset = pos - bb . get_center ( ) ;
real_t dot = offset . dot ( p_portal - > _plane . normal ) ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
bool old_facing = p_portal - > _warning_facing_wrong_way ;
p_portal - > _warning_facing_wrong_way = dot < 0.0 ;
if ( p_portal - > _warning_facing_wrong_way ! = old_facing ) {
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
changed = true ;
if ( p_portal - > _warning_facing_wrong_way ) {
WARN_PRINT ( String ( p_portal - > get_name ( ) ) + " possibly facing the wrong way. " ) ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
// handled later
p_portal - > _warning_autolink_failed = false ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
if ( changed ) {
p_portal - > update_gizmo ( ) ;
# endif
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
void RoomManager : : _find_statics_recursive ( Room * p_room , Spatial * p_node , Vector < Vector3 > & r_room_pts , bool p_add_to_portal_renderer ) {
// don't process portal MeshInstances that are being deleted
// (and replaced by proper Portal nodes)
if ( p_node - > is_queued_for_deletion ( ) ) {
return ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
bool ignore = false ;
VisualInstance * vi = Object : : cast_to < VisualInstance > ( p_node ) ;
// we are only interested in VIs with static or dynamic mode
if ( vi ) {
switch ( vi - > get_portal_mode ( ) ) {
default : {
ignore = true ;
} break ;
case CullInstance : : PORTAL_MODE_DYNAMIC :
case CullInstance : : PORTAL_MODE_STATIC :
break ;
if ( ! ignore ) {
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
// We'll have a done flag. This isn't strictly speaking necessary
// because the types should be mutually exclusive, but this would
// break if something changes the inheritance hierarchy of the nodes
// at a later date, so having a done flag makes it more robust.
bool done = false ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
Light * light = Object : : cast_to < Light > ( p_node ) ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
if ( ! done & & light ) {
done = true ;
// lights (don't affect bound, so aren't added in first pass)
if ( p_add_to_portal_renderer ) {
Vector < Vector3 > dummy_pts ;
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > room_add_instance ( p_room - > _room_rid , light - > get_instance ( ) , light - > get_transformed_aabb ( ) , dummy_pts ) ;
convert_log ( " \t \t \t LIGT \t " + light - > get_name ( ) ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
GeometryInstance * gi = Object : : cast_to < GeometryInstance > ( p_node ) ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
if ( ! done & & gi ) {
done = true ;
// MeshInstance is the most interesting type for portalling, so we handle this explicitly
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
MeshInstance * mi = Object : : cast_to < MeshInstance > ( p_node ) ;
if ( mi ) {
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
if ( p_add_to_portal_renderer ) {
convert_log ( " \t \t \t MESH \t " + mi - > get_name ( ) ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
Vector < Vector3 > object_pts ;
AABB aabb ;
// get the object points and don't immediately add to the room
// points, as we want to use these points for sprawling algorithm in
// the visual server.
if ( _bound_findpoints_mesh_instance ( mi , object_pts , aabb ) ) {
// need to keep track of room bound
// NOTE the is_visible check MAY cause problems if conversion run on nodes that
// aren't properly in the tree. It can optionally be removed. Certainly calling is_visible_in_tree
// DID cause problems.
if ( mi - > get_include_in_bound ( ) & & mi - > is_visible ( ) ) {
r_room_pts . append_array ( object_pts ) ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
if ( p_add_to_portal_renderer ) {
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > room_add_instance ( p_room - > _room_rid , mi - > get_instance ( ) , mi - > get_transformed_aabb ( ) , object_pts ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
} // if bound found points
} else {
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
// geometry instance but not a mesh instance ..
if ( p_add_to_portal_renderer ) {
convert_log ( " \t \t \t GEOM \t " + gi - > get_name ( ) ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
Vector < Vector3 > object_pts ;
AABB aabb ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
// attempt to recognise this GeometryInstance and read back the geometry
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
if ( _bound_findpoints_geom_instance ( gi , object_pts , aabb ) ) {
// need to keep track of room bound
// NOTE the is_visible check MAY cause problems if conversion run on nodes that
// aren't properly in the tree. It can optionally be removed. Certainly calling is_visible_in_tree
// DID cause problems.
if ( gi - > get_include_in_bound ( ) & & gi - > is_visible ( ) ) {
r_room_pts . append_array ( object_pts ) ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
if ( p_add_to_portal_renderer ) {
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > room_add_instance ( p_room - > _room_rid , gi - > get_instance ( ) , gi - > get_transformed_aabb ( ) , object_pts ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
} // if bound found points
} // if gi
VisibilityNotifier * vn = Object : : cast_to < VisibilityNotifier > ( p_node ) ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
if ( ! done & & vn & & ( ( vn - > get_portal_mode ( ) = = CullInstance : : PORTAL_MODE_DYNAMIC ) | | ( vn - > get_portal_mode ( ) = = CullInstance : : PORTAL_MODE_STATIC ) ) ) {
done = true ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
if ( p_add_to_portal_renderer ) {
AABB world_aabb = vn - > get_global_transform ( ) . xform ( vn - > get_aabb ( ) ) ;
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > room_add_ghost ( p_room - > _room_rid , vn - > get_instance_id ( ) , world_aabb ) ;
convert_log ( " \t \t \t VIS \t " + vn - > get_name ( ) ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
} // if not ignore
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
Spatial * child = Object : : cast_to < Spatial > ( p_node - > get_child ( n ) ) ;
if ( child ) {
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
_find_statics_recursive ( p_room , child , r_room_pts , p_add_to_portal_renderer ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
bool RoomManager : : _convert_manual_bound ( Room * p_room , Spatial * p_node , const LocalVector < Portal * > & p_portals ) {
MeshInstance * mi = Object : : cast_to < MeshInstance > ( p_node ) ;
if ( ! mi ) {
return false ;
Vector < Vector3 > points ;
AABB aabb ;
if ( ! _bound_findpoints_mesh_instance ( mi , points , aabb ) ) {
return false ;
mi - > set_portal_mode ( CullInstance : : PORTAL_MODE_IGNORE ) ;
// hide bounds after conversion
// set to portal mode ignore?
mi - > hide ( ) ;
return _convert_room_hull_preliminary ( p_room , points , p_portals ) ;
bool RoomManager : : _convert_room_hull_preliminary ( Room * p_room , const Vector < Vector3 > & p_room_pts , const LocalVector < Portal * > & p_portals ) {
if ( p_room_pts . size ( ) < = 3 ) {
return false ;
Geometry : : MeshData md ;
Error err = OK ;
// if there are too many room points, quickhull will fail or freeze etc, so we will revert
// to a bounding rect and send an error message
if ( p_room_pts . size ( ) > 100000 ) {
WARN_PRINT ( String ( p_room - > get_name ( ) ) + " contains too many vertices to find convex hull, use a manual bound instead. " ) ;
AABB aabb ;
aabb . create_from_points ( p_room_pts ) ;
LocalVector < Vector3 > pts ;
Vector3 mins = aabb . position ;
Vector3 maxs = mins + aabb . size ;
pts . push_back ( Vector3 ( mins . x , mins . y , mins . z ) ) ;
pts . push_back ( Vector3 ( mins . x , maxs . y , mins . z ) ) ;
pts . push_back ( Vector3 ( maxs . x , maxs . y , mins . z ) ) ;
pts . push_back ( Vector3 ( maxs . x , mins . y , mins . z ) ) ;
pts . push_back ( Vector3 ( mins . x , mins . y , maxs . z ) ) ;
pts . push_back ( Vector3 ( mins . x , maxs . y , maxs . z ) ) ;
pts . push_back ( Vector3 ( maxs . x , maxs . y , maxs . z ) ) ;
pts . push_back ( Vector3 ( maxs . x , mins . y , maxs . z ) ) ;
err = _build_convex_hull ( pts , md ) ;
} else {
err = _build_room_convex_hull ( p_room , p_room_pts , md ) ;
if ( err ! = OK ) {
return false ;
// add any existing portals planes first, as these will trump any other existing planes further out
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_room - > _portals . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
int portal_id = p_room - > _portals [ n ] ;
Portal * portal = p_portals [ portal_id ] ;
// don't add portals to the hull that are internal to this room!
if ( portal - > is_portal_internal ( p_room - > _room_ID ) ) {
continue ;
Plane plane = portal - > _plane ;
// does it need to be reversed? (i.e. is the portal incoming rather than outgoing)
if ( portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 1 ] = = p_room - > _room_ID ) {
plane = - plane ;
_add_plane_if_unique ( p_room , p_room - > _preliminary_planes , plane ) ;
// add the planes from the geometry or manual bound
for ( int n = 0 ; n < md . faces . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
const Plane & p = md . faces [ n ] . plane ;
_add_plane_if_unique ( p_room , p_room - > _preliminary_planes , p ) ;
// temporary copy of mesh data for the boundary points
// to form a new hull in _convert_room_hull_final
p_room - > _bound_mesh_data = md ;
// aabb (should later include portals too, these are added in _convert_room_hull_final)
p_room - > _aabb . create_from_points ( md . vertices ) ;
return true ;
bool RoomManager : : _convert_room_hull_final ( Room * p_room , const LocalVector < Portal * > & p_portals ) {
Vector < Vector3 > vertices_including_portals = p_room - > _bound_mesh_data . vertices ;
// add the portals planes first, as these will trump any other existing planes further out
int num_portals_added = 0 ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_room - > _portals . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
int portal_id = p_room - > _portals [ n ] ;
Portal * portal = p_portals [ portal_id ] ;
// don't add portals to the world bound that are internal to this room!
if ( portal - > is_portal_internal ( p_room - > _room_ID ) ) {
continue ;
Plane plane = portal - > _plane ;
// does it need to be reversed? (i.e. is the portal incoming rather than outgoing)
if ( portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 1 ] = = p_room - > _room_ID ) {
plane = - plane ;
if ( _add_plane_if_unique ( p_room , p_room - > _planes , plane ) ) {
num_portals_added + + ;
// add any new portals to the aabb of the room
for ( int p = 0 ; p < portal - > _pts_world . size ( ) ; p + + ) {
const Vector3 & pt = portal - > _pts_world [ p ] ;
vertices_including_portals . push_back ( pt ) ;
p_room - > _aabb . expand_to ( pt ) ;
// create new convex hull
Geometry : : MeshData md ;
Error err = _build_room_convex_hull ( p_room , vertices_including_portals , md ) ;
if ( err ! = OK ) {
return false ;
// add the planes from the new hull
for ( int n = 0 ; n < md . faces . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
const Plane & p = md . faces [ n ] . plane ;
_add_plane_if_unique ( p_room , p_room - > _planes , p ) ;
// recreate the points within the new simplified bound, and then recreate the convex hull
// by running quickhull a second time... (this enables the gizmo to accurately show the simplified hull)
int num_planes_before_simplification = p_room - > _planes . size ( ) ;
Geometry : : MeshData md_simplified ;
_build_simplified_bound ( p_room , md_simplified , p_room - > _planes , num_portals_added ) ;
2021-07-15 10:37:04 +00:00
if ( num_planes_before_simplification ! = p_room - > _planes . size ( ) ) {
convert_log ( " \t \t \t contained " + itos ( num_planes_before_simplification ) + " planes before simplification, " + itos ( p_room - > _planes . size ( ) ) + " planes after. " ) ;
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
// make a copy of the mesh data for debugging
// note this could be avoided in release builds? NYI
p_room - > _bound_mesh_data = md_simplified ;
// send bound to visual server
VisualServer : : get_singleton ( ) - > room_set_bound ( p_room - > _room_rid , p_room - > get_instance_id ( ) , p_room - > _planes , p_room - > _aabb , md_simplified . vertices ) ;
return true ;
bool RoomManager : : _room_regenerate_bound ( Room * p_room ) {
// for a preview, we allow the editor to change the bound
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! p_room , false ) ;
if ( ! p_room - > _bound_pts . size ( ) ) {
return false ;
// can't do yet if not in the tree
if ( ! p_room - > is_inside_tree ( ) ) {
return false ;
Transform tr = p_room - > get_global_transform ( ) ;
Vector < Vector3 > pts ;
pts . resize ( p_room - > _bound_pts . size ( ) ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < pts . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
pts . set ( n , tr . xform ( p_room - > _bound_pts [ n ] ) ) ;
Geometry : : MeshData md ;
Error err = _build_room_convex_hull ( p_room , pts , md ) ;
if ( err ! = OK ) {
return false ;
p_room - > _bound_mesh_data = md ;
p_room - > update_gizmo ( ) ;
return true ;
# endif
void RoomManager : : _build_simplified_bound ( const Room * p_room , Geometry : : MeshData & r_md , LocalVector < Plane , int32_t > & r_planes , int p_num_portal_planes ) {
if ( ! r_planes . size ( ) ) {
return ;
Vector < Vector3 > pts = Geometry : : compute_convex_mesh_points ( & r_planes [ 0 ] , r_planes . size ( ) , 0.001 ) ;
Error err = _build_room_convex_hull ( p_room , pts , r_md ) ;
if ( err ! = OK ) {
WARN_PRINT ( " QuickHull failed building simplified bound " ) ;
return ;
// if the number of faces is less than the number of planes, we can use this simplified version to reduce the number of planes
if ( r_md . faces . size ( ) < r_planes . size ( ) ) {
// always include the portal planes
r_planes . resize ( p_num_portal_planes ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < r_md . faces . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
_add_plane_if_unique ( p_room , r_planes , r_md . faces [ n ] . plane ) ;
Error RoomManager : : _build_room_convex_hull ( const Room * p_room , const Vector < Vector3 > & p_points , Geometry : : MeshData & r_mesh ) {
// calculate an epsilon based on the simplify value, and use this to build the hull
real_t s = 0.0 ;
DEV_ASSERT ( p_room ) ;
if ( p_room - > _use_default_simplify ) {
s = _room_simplify_info . _plane_simplify ;
} else {
s = p_room - > _simplify_info . _plane_simplify ;
// value between 0.3 (accurate) and 10.0 (very rough)
s * = s ;
s * = 40.0 ;
s + = 0.3 ; // minimum
return _build_convex_hull ( p_points , r_mesh , s ) ;
bool RoomManager : : _add_plane_if_unique ( const Room * p_room , LocalVector < Plane , int32_t > & r_planes , const Plane & p ) {
DEV_ASSERT ( p_room ) ;
if ( p_room - > _use_default_simplify ) {
return _room_simplify_info . add_plane_if_unique ( r_planes , p ) ;
return p_room - > _simplify_info . add_plane_if_unique ( r_planes , p ) ;
void RoomManager : : _convert_portal ( Room * p_room , Spatial * p_node , LocalVector < Portal * > & portals ) {
Portal * portal = Object : : cast_to < Portal > ( p_node ) ;
// if not a gportal already, convert the node type
if ( ! portal ) {
portal = _change_node_type < Portal > ( p_node , " G " , false ) ;
portal - > create_from_mesh_instance ( Object : : cast_to < MeshInstance > ( p_node ) ) ;
p_node - > queue_delete ( ) ;
} else {
// only allow converting once
if ( portal - > _conversion_tick = = _conversion_tick ) {
return ;
// mark so as only to convert once
portal - > _conversion_tick = _conversion_tick ;
// link rooms
portal - > portal_update ( ) ;
// keep a list of portals for second pass
portals . push_back ( portal ) ;
// the portal is linking from this first room it is added to
portal - > _linkedroom_ID [ 0 ] = p_room - > _room_ID ;
bool RoomManager : : _bound_findpoints_geom_instance ( GeometryInstance * p_gi , Vector < Vector3 > & r_room_pts , AABB & r_aabb ) {
2021-07-15 06:51:15 +00:00
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
// max opposite extents .. note AABB storing size is rubbish in this aspect
// it can fail once mesh min is larger than FLT_MAX / 2.
r_aabb . position = Vector3 ( FLT_MAX / 2 , FLT_MAX / 2 , FLT_MAX / 2 ) ;
r_aabb . size = Vector3 ( - FLT_MAX , - FLT_MAX , - FLT_MAX ) ;
CSGShape * shape = Object : : cast_to < CSGShape > ( p_gi ) ;
if ( shape ) {
Array arr = shape - > get_meshes ( ) ;
if ( ! arr . size ( ) ) {
return false ;
Ref < ArrayMesh > arr_mesh = arr [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! arr_mesh . is_valid ( ) ) {
return false ;
if ( arr_mesh - > get_surface_count ( ) = = 0 ) {
return false ;
// for converting meshes to world space
Transform trans = p_gi - > get_global_transform ( ) ;
for ( int surf = 0 ; surf < arr_mesh - > get_surface_count ( ) ; surf + + ) {
Array arrays = arr_mesh - > surface_get_arrays ( surf ) ;
if ( ! arrays . size ( ) ) {
continue ;
PoolVector < Vector3 > vertices = arrays [ VS : : ARRAY_VERTEX ] ;
// convert to world space
for ( int n = 0 ; n < vertices . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
Vector3 ptWorld = trans . xform ( vertices [ n ] ) ;
r_room_pts . push_back ( ptWorld ) ;
// keep the bound up to date
r_aabb . expand_to ( ptWorld ) ;
} // for through the surfaces
} // if csg shape
return true ;
2021-07-15 06:51:15 +00:00
# else
return false ;
# endif
2021-02-04 10:43:08 +00:00
bool RoomManager : : _bound_findpoints_mesh_instance ( MeshInstance * p_mi , Vector < Vector3 > & r_room_pts , AABB & r_aabb ) {
// max opposite extents .. note AABB storing size is rubbish in this aspect
// it can fail once mesh min is larger than FLT_MAX / 2.
r_aabb . position = Vector3 ( FLT_MAX / 2 , FLT_MAX / 2 , FLT_MAX / 2 ) ;
r_aabb . size = Vector3 ( - FLT_MAX , - FLT_MAX , - FLT_MAX ) ;
// some godot jiggery pokery to get the mesh verts in local space
Ref < Mesh > rmesh = p_mi - > get_mesh ( ) ;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V ( ! rmesh . is_valid ( ) , false ) ;
if ( rmesh - > get_surface_count ( ) = = 0 ) {
String string ;
string = " MeshInstance ' " + p_mi - > get_name ( ) + " ' has no surfaces, ignoring " ;
WARN_PRINT ( string ) ;
return false ;
bool success = false ;
// for converting meshes to world space
Transform trans = p_mi - > get_global_transform ( ) ;
for ( int surf = 0 ; surf < rmesh - > get_surface_count ( ) ; surf + + ) {
Array arrays = rmesh - > surface_get_arrays ( surf ) ;
// possible to have a meshinstance with no geometry .. don't want to crash
if ( ! arrays . size ( ) ) {
WARN_PRINT_ONCE ( " PConverter::bound_findpoints MeshInstance surface with no mesh, ignoring " ) ;
continue ;
success = true ;
PoolVector < Vector3 > vertices = arrays [ VS : : ARRAY_VERTEX ] ;
// convert to world space
for ( int n = 0 ; n < vertices . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
Vector3 ptWorld = trans . xform ( vertices [ n ] ) ;
r_room_pts . push_back ( ptWorld ) ;
// keep the bound up to date
r_aabb . expand_to ( ptWorld ) ;
} // for through the surfaces
return success ;
void RoomManager : : _cleanup_after_conversion ( ) {
for ( int n = 0 ; n < _rooms . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
Room * room = _rooms [ n ] ;
room - > _portals . reset ( ) ;
room - > _preliminary_planes . reset ( ) ;
// outside the editor, there's no need to keep the data for the convex hull
// drawing, as it is only used for gizmos.
if ( ! Engine : : get_singleton ( ) - > is_editor_hint ( ) ) {
room - > _bound_mesh_data = Geometry : : MeshData ( ) ;
bool RoomManager : : resolve_preview_camera_path ( ) {
Camera * camera = _resolve_path < Camera > ( _settings_path_preview_camera ) ;
if ( camera ) {
_godot_preview_camera_ID = camera - > get_instance_id ( ) ;
return true ;
_godot_preview_camera_ID = - 1 ;
return false ;
template < class NODE_TYPE >
NODE_TYPE * RoomManager : : _resolve_path ( NodePath p_path ) const {
if ( has_node ( p_path ) ) {
NODE_TYPE * node = Object : : cast_to < NODE_TYPE > ( get_node ( p_path ) ) ;
if ( node ) {
return node ;
} else {
WARN_PRINT ( " node is incorrect type " ) ;
return nullptr ;
template < class NODE_TYPE >
bool RoomManager : : _node_is_type ( Node * p_node ) const {
NODE_TYPE * node = Object : : cast_to < NODE_TYPE > ( p_node ) ;
return node ! = nullptr ;
template < class T >
T * RoomManager : : _change_node_type ( Spatial * p_node , String p_prefix , bool p_delete ) {
String string_full_name = p_node - > get_name ( ) ;
Node * parent = p_node - > get_parent ( ) ;
if ( ! parent ) {
return nullptr ;
// owner should normally be root
Node * owner = p_node - > get_owner ( ) ;
// change the name of the node to be deleted
p_node - > set_name ( p_prefix + string_full_name ) ;
// create the new class T object
T * pNew = memnew ( T ) ;
pNew - > set_name ( string_full_name ) ;
// add the child at the same position as the old node
// (this is more convenient for users)
parent - > add_child_below_node ( p_node , pNew ) ;
// new lroom should have same transform
pNew - > set_transform ( p_node - > get_transform ( ) ) ;
// move each child
while ( p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ) {
Node * child = p_node - > get_child ( 0 ) ;
p_node - > remove_child ( child ) ;
// needs to set owner to appear in IDE
pNew - > add_child ( child ) ;
// needs to set owner to appear in IDE
_set_owner_recursive ( pNew , owner ) ;
// delete old node
if ( p_delete ) {
p_node - > queue_delete ( ) ;
return pNew ;
void RoomManager : : _update_gizmos_recursive ( Node * p_node ) {
Portal * portal = Object : : cast_to < Portal > ( p_node ) ;
if ( portal ) {
portal - > update_gizmo ( ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
_update_gizmos_recursive ( p_node - > get_child ( n ) ) ;
Error RoomManager : : _build_convex_hull ( const Vector < Vector3 > & p_points , Geometry : : MeshData & r_mesh , real_t p_epsilon ) {
return ConvexHullComputer : : convex_hull ( p_points , r_mesh ) ;
#if 0
// test comparison of methods
QuickHull : : build ( p_points , r_mesh , p_epsilon ) ;
int qh_faces = r_mesh . faces . size ( ) ;
int qh_verts = r_mesh . vertices . size ( ) ;
r_mesh . vertices . clear ( ) ;
r_mesh . faces . clear ( ) ;
r_mesh . edges . clear ( ) ;
Error err = ConvexHullComputer : : convex_hull ( p_points , r_mesh ) ;
int bh_faces = r_mesh . faces . size ( ) ;
int bh_verts = r_mesh . vertices . size ( ) ;
if ( qh_faces ! = bh_faces ) {
print_line ( " qh_faces : " + itos ( qh_faces ) + " , bh_faces : " + itos ( bh_faces ) ) ;
if ( qh_verts ! = bh_verts ) {
print_line ( " qh_verts : " + itos ( qh_verts ) + " , bh_verts : " + itos ( bh_verts ) ) ;
return err ;
# endif
# else
QuickHull : : _flag_warnings = false ;
Error err = QuickHull : : build ( p_points , r_mesh , p_epsilon ) ;
QuickHull : : _flag_warnings = true ;
return err ;
# endif
void RoomManager : : _flip_portals_recursive ( Spatial * p_node ) {
Portal * portal = Object : : cast_to < Portal > ( p_node ) ;
if ( portal ) {
portal - > flip ( ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
Spatial * child = Object : : cast_to < Spatial > ( p_node - > get_child ( n ) ) ;
if ( child ) {
_flip_portals_recursive ( child ) ;
void RoomManager : : _set_owner_recursive ( Node * p_node , Node * p_owner ) {
if ( p_node ! = p_owner ) {
p_node - > set_owner ( p_owner ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
_set_owner_recursive ( p_node - > get_child ( n ) , p_owner ) ;
void RoomManager : : _check_for_misnamed_node ( const Node * p_node , String p_start_string ) {
// don't check the roomlist name, as it often has a conflict with Room
if ( p_node = = _roomlist ) {
return ;
String name = p_node - > get_name ( ) ;
int ss_length = p_start_string . length ( ) ;
if ( name . substr ( 0 , ss_length ) . to_lower ( ) = = p_start_string . to_lower ( ) ) {
if ( p_start_string = = " Room " ) {
// do allow RoomGroup and RoomManager
if ( name . substr ( 0 , 9 ) = = " RoomGroup " ) {
return ;
if ( name . substr ( 0 , 11 ) = = " RoomManager " ) {
return ;
} else {
if ( p_start_string = = " RoomGroup " ) {
return ;
WARN_PRINT ( " Possible misnamed node : " + name ) ;
_warning_misnamed_nodes_detected = true ;
bool RoomManager : : _name_starts_with ( const Node * p_node , String p_search_string , bool p_allow_no_delineator ) {
String name = p_node - > get_name ( ) ;
if ( p_allow_no_delineator & & ( name = = p_search_string ) ) {
return true ;
String search_string = p_search_string + GODOT_PORTAL_DELINEATOR ;
int sl = search_string . length ( ) ;
if ( name . substr ( 0 , sl ) = = search_string ) {
return true ;
_check_for_misnamed_node ( p_node , p_search_string ) ;
return false ;
String RoomManager : : _find_name_after ( Node * p_node , String p_string_start ) {
p_string_start + = GODOT_PORTAL_DELINEATOR ;
String string_result ;
String name = p_node - > get_name ( ) ;
string_result = name . substr ( p_string_start . length ( ) ) ;
// because godot doesn't support multiple nodes with the same name, we will strip e.g. a number
// after an @ on the end of the name...
// e.g. portal_kitchen@2
for ( int c = 0 ; c < string_result . length ( ) ; c + + ) {
if ( string_result [ c ] = = ' * ' ) {
// remove everything after and including this character
string_result = string_result . substr ( 0 , c ) ;
break ;
return string_result ;
void RoomManager : : _merge_meshes_in_room ( Room * p_room ) {
// only do in running game so as not to lose data
if ( Engine : : get_singleton ( ) - > is_editor_hint ( ) ) {
return ;
_merge_log ( " merging room " + p_room - > get_name ( ) ) ;
// list of meshes suitable
LocalVector < MeshInstance * , int32_t > source_meshes ;
_list_mergeable_mesh_instances ( p_room , source_meshes ) ;
// none suitable
if ( ! source_meshes . size ( ) ) {
return ;
_merge_log ( " \t " + itos ( source_meshes . size ( ) ) + " source meshes " ) ;
BitFieldDynamic bf ;
bf . create ( source_meshes . size ( ) , true ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < source_meshes . size ( ) ; n + + ) {
LocalVector < MeshInstance * , int32_t > merge_list ;
// find similar meshes
MeshInstance * a = source_meshes [ n ] ;
merge_list . push_back ( a ) ;
// may not be necessary
bf . set_bit ( n , true ) ;
for ( int c = n + 1 ; c < source_meshes . size ( ) ; c + + ) {
// if not merged already
if ( ! bf . get_bit ( c ) ) {
MeshInstance * b = source_meshes [ c ] ;
// if (_are_meshes_mergeable(a, b)) {
if ( a - > is_mergeable_with ( * b ) ) {
merge_list . push_back ( b ) ;
bf . set_bit ( c , true ) ;
} // if not merged already
} // for c through secondary mesh
// only merge if more than 1
if ( merge_list . size ( ) > 1 ) {
// we can merge!
// create a new holder mesh
MeshInstance * merged = memnew ( MeshInstance ) ;
merged - > set_name ( " MergedMesh " ) ;
_merge_log ( " \t \t " + merged - > get_name ( ) ) ;
if ( merged - > create_by_merging ( merge_list ) ) {
// set all the source meshes to portal mode ignore so not shown
for ( int i = 0 ; i < merge_list . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
merge_list [ i ] - > set_portal_mode ( CullInstance : : PORTAL_MODE_IGNORE ) ;
// and set the new merged mesh to static
merged - > set_portal_mode ( CullInstance : : PORTAL_MODE_STATIC ) ;
// attach to scene tree
p_room - > add_child ( merged ) ;
merged - > set_owner ( p_room - > get_owner ( ) ) ;
// compensate for room transform, as the verts are now in world space
Transform tr = p_room - > get_global_transform ( ) ;
tr . affine_invert ( ) ;
merged - > set_transform ( tr ) ;
// delete originals?
// note this isn't perfect, it may still end up with dangling spatials, but they can be
// deleted later.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < merge_list . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
MeshInstance * mi = merge_list [ i ] ;
if ( ! mi - > get_child_count ( ) ) {
mi - > queue_delete ( ) ;
} else {
Node * parent = mi - > get_parent ( ) ;
if ( parent ) {
// if there are children, we don't want to delete it, but we do want to
// remove the mesh drawing, e.g. by replacing it with a spatial
String name = mi - > get_name ( ) ;
mi - > set_name ( " DeleteMe " ) ; // can be anything, just to avoid name conflict with replacement node
Spatial * replacement = memnew ( Spatial ) ;
replacement - > set_name ( name ) ;
parent - > add_child ( replacement ) ;
// make the transform and owner match
replacement - > set_owner ( mi - > get_owner ( ) ) ;
replacement - > set_transform ( mi - > get_transform ( ) ) ;
// move all children from the mesh instance to the replacement
while ( mi - > get_child_count ( ) ) {
Node * child = mi - > get_child ( 0 ) ;
mi - > remove_child ( child ) ;
replacement - > add_child ( child ) ;
} // if the mesh instance has a parent (should hopefully be always the case?)
} else {
// no success
memdelete ( merged ) ;
} // for n through primary mesh
if ( _settings_remove_danglers ) {
_remove_redundant_dangling_nodes ( p_room ) ;
bool RoomManager : : _remove_redundant_dangling_nodes ( Spatial * p_node ) {
int non_queue_delete_children = 0 ;
// do the children first
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
Node * node_child = p_node - > get_child ( n ) ;
Spatial * child = Object : : cast_to < Spatial > ( node_child ) ;
if ( child ) {
_remove_redundant_dangling_nodes ( child ) ;
if ( node_child & & ! node_child - > is_queued_for_deletion ( ) ) {
non_queue_delete_children + + ;
if ( ! non_queue_delete_children ) {
// only remove true spatials, not derived classes
if ( p_node - > get_class_name ( ) = = " Spatial " ) {
p_node - > queue_delete ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
void RoomManager : : _list_mergeable_mesh_instances ( Spatial * p_node , LocalVector < MeshInstance * , int32_t > & r_list ) {
MeshInstance * mi = Object : : cast_to < MeshInstance > ( p_node ) ;
if ( mi ) {
// only interested in static portal mode meshes
VisualInstance * vi = Object : : cast_to < VisualInstance > ( mi ) ;
// we are only interested in VIs with static or dynamic mode
if ( vi & & vi - > get_portal_mode ( ) = = CullInstance : : PORTAL_MODE_STATIC ) {
// disallow for portals or bounds
// mesh instance portals should be queued for deletion by this point, we don't want to merge portals!
if ( ! _node_is_type < Portal > ( mi ) & & ! _name_starts_with ( mi , " Bound " , true ) & & ! mi - > is_queued_for_deletion ( ) ) {
// only merge if visible
if ( mi - > is_inside_tree ( ) & & mi - > is_visible ( ) ) {
r_list . push_back ( mi ) ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < p_node - > get_child_count ( ) ; n + + ) {
Spatial * child = Object : : cast_to < Spatial > ( p_node - > get_child ( n ) ) ;
if ( child ) {
_list_mergeable_mesh_instances ( child , r_list ) ;