A directional light is a type of [Light3D] node that models an infinite number of parallel rays covering the entire scene. It is used for lights with strong intensity that are located far away from the scene to model sunlight or moonlight. The worldspace location of the DirectionalLight3D transform (origin) is ignored. Only the basis is used to determine light direction.
Proportion of [member directional_shadow_max_distance] at which point the shadow starts to fade. At [member directional_shadow_max_distance] the shadow will disappear.
Sets the size of the directional shadow pancake. The pancake offsets the start of the shadow's camera frustum to provide a higher effective depth resolution for the shadow. However, a high pancake size can cause artifacts in the shadows of large objects that are close to the edge of the frustum. Reducing the pancake size can help. Setting the size to [code]0[/code] turns off the pancaking effect.
The distance from camera to shadow split 1. Relative to [member directional_shadow_max_distance]. Only used when [member directional_shadow_mode] is [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_2_SPLITS[/code] or [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS[/code].
The distance from shadow split 1 to split 2. Relative to [member directional_shadow_max_distance]. Only used when [member directional_shadow_mode] is [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_2_SPLITS[/code] or [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS[/code].
The distance from shadow split 2 to split 3. Relative to [member directional_shadow_max_distance]. Only used when [member directional_shadow_mode] is [code]SHADOW_PARALLEL_4_SPLITS[/code].