Character bodies are special types of bodies that are meant to be user-controlled. They are not affected by physics at all; to other types of bodies, such as a rigid body, these are the same as a [AnimatableBody3D]. However, they have two main uses:
[b]Kinematic characters:[/b] Character bodies have an API for moving objects with walls and slopes detection ([method move_and_slide] method), in addition to collision detection (also done with [method PhysicsBody3D.move_and_collide]). This makes them really useful to implement characters that move in specific ways and collide with the world, but don't require advanced physics.
[b]Kinematic motion:[/b] Character bodies can also be used for kinematic motion (same functionality as [AnimatableBody3D]), which allows them to be moved by code and push other bodies on their path.
Returns the floor's collision angle at the last collision point according to [code]up_direction[/code], which is [code]Vector3.UP[/code] by default. This value is always positive and only valid after calling [method move_and_slide] and when [method is_on_floor] returns [code]true[/code].
Returns the surface normal of the floor at the last collision point. Only valid after calling [method move_and_slide] and when [method is_on_floor] returns [code]true[/code].
Returns the last motion applied to the [CharacterBody3D] during the last call to [method move_and_slide]. The movement can be split into multiple motions when sliding occurs, and this method return the last one, which is useful to retrieve the current direction of the movement.
Returns the linear velocity of the floor at the last collision point. Only valid after calling [method move_and_slide] and when [method is_on_floor] returns [code]true[/code].
Returns the current real velocity since the last call to [method move_and_slide]. For example, when you climb a slope, you will move diagonally even though the velocity is horizontal. This method returns the diagonal movement, as opposed to [member motion_velocity] which returns the requested velocity.
Returns a [KinematicCollision3D], which contains information about a collision that occurred during the last call to [method move_and_slide]. Since the body can collide several times in a single call to [method move_and_slide], you must specify the index of the collision in the range 0 to ([method get_slide_collision_count] - 1).
Returns the surface normal of the wall at the last collision point. Only valid after calling [method move_and_slide] and when [method is_on_wall] returns [code]true[/code].
Returns [code]true[/code] if the body collided with the ceiling on the last call of [method move_and_slide]. Otherwise, returns [code]false[/code]. The [member up_direction] and [member floor_max_angle] are used to determine whether a surface is "ceiling" or not.
Returns [code]true[/code] if the body collided only with the ceiling on the last call of [method move_and_slide]. Otherwise, returns [code]false[/code]. The [member up_direction] and [member floor_max_angle] are used to determine whether a surface is "ceiling" or not.
Returns [code]true[/code] if the body collided with the floor on the last call of [method move_and_slide]. Otherwise, returns [code]false[/code]. The [member up_direction] and [member floor_max_angle] are used to determine whether a surface is "floor" or not.
Returns [code]true[/code] if the body collided only with the floor on the last call of [method move_and_slide]. Otherwise, returns [code]false[/code]. The [member up_direction] and [member floor_max_angle] are used to determine whether a surface is "floor" or not.
Returns [code]true[/code] if the body collided with a wall on the last call of [method move_and_slide]. Otherwise, returns [code]false[/code]. The [member up_direction] and [member floor_max_angle] are used to determine whether a surface is "wall" or not.
Returns [code]true[/code] if the body collided only with a wall on the last call of [method move_and_slide]. Otherwise, returns [code]false[/code]. The [member up_direction] and [member floor_max_angle] are used to determine whether a surface is "wall" or not.
Moves the body based on [member motion_velocity]. If the body collides with another, it will slide along the other body rather than stop immediately. If the other body is a [CharacterBody3D] or [RigidDynamicBody3D], it will also be affected by the motion of the other body. You can use this to make moving and rotating platforms, or to make nodes push other nodes.
This method should be used in [method Node._physics_process] (or in a method called by [method Node._physics_process]), as it uses the physics step's [code]delta[/code] value automatically in calculations. Otherwise, the simulation will run at an incorrect speed.
Modifies [member motion_velocity] if a slide collision occurred. To get the latest collision call [method get_last_slide_collision], for more detailed information about collisions that occurred, use [method get_slide_collision].
When the body touches a moving platform, the platform's velocity is automatically added to the body motion. If a collision occurs due to the platform's motion, it will always be first in the slide collisions.
Extra margin used for collision recovery when calling [method move_and_slide].
If the body is at least this close to another body, it will consider them to be colliding and will be pushed away before performing the actual motion.
A higher value means it's more flexible for detecting collision, which helps with consistently detecting walls and floors.
A lower value forces the collision algorithm to use more exact detection, so it can be used in cases that specifically require precision, e.g at very low scale to avoid visible jittering, or for stability with a stack of character bodies.
If [code]true[/code], the body will be able to move on the floor only. This option avoids to be able to walk on walls, it will however allow to slide down along them.
If [code]false[/code] (by default), the body will move faster on downward slopes and slower on upward slopes.
If [code]true[/code], the body will always move at the same speed on the ground no matter the slope. Note that you need to use [member floor_snap_length] to stick along a downward slope at constant speed.
Maximum angle (in radians) where a slope is still considered a floor (or a ceiling), rather than a wall, when calling [method move_and_slide]. The default value equals 45 degrees.
Sets a snapping distance. When set to a value different from [code]0.0[/code], the body is kept attached to slopes when calling [method move_and_slide]. The snapping vector is determined by the given distance along the opposite direction of the [member up_direction].
As long as the snapping vector is in contact with the ground and the body moves against `up_direction`, the body will remain attached to the surface. Snapping is not applied if the body moves along `up_direction`, so it will be able to detach from the ground when jumping.
Sets the behavior to apply when you leave a moving platform. By default, to be physically accurate, when you leave the last platform velocity is applied. See [enum MovingPlatformApplyVelocityOnLeave] constants for available behavior.
Collision layers that will be included for detecting floor bodies that will act as moving platforms to be followed by the [CharacterBody2D]. By default, all floor bodies are detected and propagate their velocity.
Collision layers that will be included for detecting wall bodies that will act as moving platforms to be followed by the [CharacterBody2D]. By default, all wall bodies are ignored.
Direction vector used to determine what is a wall and what is a floor (or a ceiling), rather than a wall, when calling [method move_and_slide]. Defaults to [code]Vector3.UP[/code]. If set to [code]Vector3(0, 0, 0)[/code], everything is considered a wall. This is useful for topdown games.
Minimum angle (in radians) where the body is allowed to slide when it encounters a slope. The default value equals 15 degrees. In [code]MOTION_MODE_GROUNDED[/code], it works only when [member floor_block_on_wall] is [code]true[/code].
Apply when notions of walls, ceiling and floor are relevant. In this mode the body motion will react to slopes (acceleration/slowdown). This mode is suitable for grounded games like platformers.
Apply when there is no notion of floor or ceiling. All collisions will be reported as [code]on_wall[/code]. In this mode, when you slide, the speed will always be constant. This mode is suitable for games without ground like space games.
Add the last platform velocity to the [member motion_velocity] when you leave a moving platform, but any downward motion is ignored. It's useful to keep full jump height even when the platform is moving down.