This file contains the expected output of --validate-extension-api when run against the extension_api.json of the
4.1-stable tag (the basename of this file).
Only lines that start with "Validate extension JSON:" matter, everything else is considered a comment and ignored. They
should instead be used to justify these changes and describe how users should work around these changes.
Add new entries at the end of the file.
## Changes between 4.1-stable and 4.2-stable
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/BarrierMask/values/BARRIER_MASK_RASTER': value changed value in new API, from 1.0 to 9.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/BarrierMask/values/BARRIER_MASK_ALL_BARRIERS': value changed value in new API, from 7.0 to 32767.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/BarrierMask/values/BARRIER_MASK_NO_BARRIER': value changed value in new API, from 8.0 to 32768.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/texture_update/arguments/3': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/texture_copy/arguments/9': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/texture_clear/arguments/6': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/texture_resolve_multisample/arguments/2': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/buffer_update/arguments/4': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/buffer_clear/arguments/3': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/draw_list_end/arguments/0': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Hash changed for 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/draw_list_end', from 19365687 to E9B4FA8E. This means that the function has changed and no compatibility function was provided.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/compute_list_end/arguments/0': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Hash changed for 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/compute_list_end', from 19365687 to E9B4FA8E. This means that the function has changed and no compatibility function was provided.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/barrier/arguments/0': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/barrier/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "7" to "32767".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Hash changed for 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/barrier', from 0FE50041 to DD9E8DAB. This means that the function has changed and no compatibility function was provided.
Raster barrier was split into vertex and fragment barriers for use in mobile renderer.
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphEdit/methods/get_scroll_ofs
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphEdit/methods/get_snap
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphEdit/methods/get_zoom_hbox
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphEdit/methods/is_using_snap
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphEdit/methods/set_scroll_ofs
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphEdit/methods/set_snap
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphEdit/methods/set_use_snap
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphEdit/properties/snap_distance
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphEdit/properties/use_snap
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphNode/methods/is_comment
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphNode/methods/set_comment
Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GraphNode/properties/comment
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GraphEdit/properties/scroll_offset': getter changed value in new API, from "get_scroll_ofs" to &"get_scroll_offset".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GraphEdit/properties/scroll_offset': setter changed value in new API, from "set_scroll_ofs" to &"set_scroll_offset".
Intentional compatibility breakage during refactoring of API marked as experimental.
FIXME: Still a WIP, review this list once the work is completed, especially if compatibility
code is added.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/CodeEdit/methods/get_text_for_symbol_lookup': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true.
Function was made `const`. No adjustments should be necessary.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/TileMap/methods/get_used_rect': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true.
Function was made `const`. No adjustments should be necessary.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/shader_create_from_bytecode/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 1 to 2.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler/methods/_set_vertex/arguments/1': type changed value in new API, from "const void*" to "Vector3".
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler/methods/_set_normal/arguments/1': type changed value in new API, from "const void*" to "Vector3".
Intentional compatibility breakage to be consistent with the new non-virtual set_vertex/set_normal.
Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'native_structures/PhysicsServer3DExtensionRayResult': format changed value in new API, from "Vector3 position;Vector3 normal;RID rid;ObjectID collider_id;Object *collider;int shape" to "Vector3 position;Vector3 normal;RID rid;ObjectID collider_id;Object *collider;int shape;int face_index".
Added/moved face_index field (introduced in GH-71233) to end of struct. Should still be compatible with 4.1.