Asserts that the [code]condition[/code] is [code]true[/code]. If the [code]condition[/code] is [code]false[/code], an error is generated. When running from the editor, the running project will also be paused until you resume it. This can be used as a stronger form of [method @GlobalScope.push_error] for reporting errors to project developers or add-on users.
[b]Note:[/b] For performance reasons, the code inside [method assert] is only executed in debug builds or when running the project from the editor. Don't include code that has side effects in an [method assert] call. Otherwise, the project will behave differently when exported in release mode.
The optional [code]message[/code] argument, if given, is shown in addition to the generic "Assertion failed" message. It must be a static string, so format strings can't be used. You can use this to provide additional details about why the assertion failed.
[b]Note:[/b] [method get_stack] only works if the running instance is connected to a debugging server (i.e. an editor instance). [method get_stack] will not work in projects exported in release mode, or in projects exported in debug mode if not connected to a debugging server.
Loads a resource from the filesystem located at [code]path[/code]. The resource is loaded on the method call (unless it's referenced already elsewhere, e.g. in another script or in the scene), which might cause slight delay, especially when loading scenes. To avoid unnecessary delays when loading something multiple times, either store the resource in a variable or use [method preload].
[b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right-clicking on a resource in the FileSystem dock and choosing "Copy Path" or by dragging the file from the FileSystem dock into the script.
[b]Note:[/b] You have to import the files into the engine first to load them using [method load]. If you want to load [Image]s at run-time, you may use [method Image.load]. If you want to import audio files, you can use the snippet described in [member].
Returns a [Resource] from the filesystem located at [code]path[/code]. The resource is loaded during script parsing, i.e. is loaded with the script and [method preload] effectively acts as a reference to that resource. Note that the method requires a constant path. If you want to load a resource from a dynamic/variable path, use [method load].
[b]Note:[/b] Resource paths can be obtained by right clicking on a resource in the Assets Panel and choosing "Copy Path" or by dragging the file from the FileSystem dock into the script.
[b]Note:[/b] [method print_stack] only works if the running instance is connected to a debugging server (i.e. an editor instance). [method print_stack] will not work in projects exported in release mode, or in projects exported in debug mode if not connected to a debugging server.
Returns an array with the given range. [method range] can be called in three ways:
[code]range(n: int)[/code]: Starts from 0, increases by steps of 1, and stops [i]before[/i] [code]n[/code]. The argument [code]n[/code] is [b]exclusive[/b].
[code]range(b: int, n: int)[/code]: Starts from [code]b[/code], increases by steps of 1, and stops [i]before[/i] [code]n[/code]. The arguments [code]b[/code] and [code]n[/code] are [b]inclusive[/b] and [b]exclusive[/b], respectively.
[code]range(b: int, n: int, s: int)[/code]: Starts from [code]b[/code], increases/decreases by steps of [code]s[/code], and stops [i]before[/i] [code]n[/code]. The arguments [code]b[/code] and [code]n[/code] are [b]inclusive[/b] and [b]exclusive[/b], respectively. The argument [code]s[/code] [b]can[/b] be negative, but not [code]0[/code]. If [code]s[/code] is [code]0[/code], an error message is printed.
[method range] converts all arguments to [int] before processing.
[b]Note:[/b] Returns an empty array if no value meets the value constraint (e.g. [code]range(2, 5, -1)[/code] or [code]range(5, 5, 1)[/code]).
Constant that represents how many times the diameter of a circle fits around its perimeter. This is equivalent to [code]TAU / 2[/code], or 180 degrees in rotations.
Positive floating-point infinity. This is the result of floating-point division when the divisor is [code]0.0[/code]. For negative infinity, use [code]-INF[/code]. Dividing by [code]-0.0[/code] will result in negative infinity if the numerator is positive, so dividing by [code]0.0[/code] is not the same as dividing by [code]-0.0[/code] (despite [code]0.0 == -0.0[/code] returning [code]true[/code]).
[b]Note:[/b] Numeric infinity is only a concept with floating-point numbers, and has no equivalent for integers. Dividing an integer number by [code]0[/code] will not result in [constant INF] and will result in a run-time error instead.
"Not a Number", an invalid floating-point value. [constant NAN] has special properties, including that it is not equal to itself ([code]NAN == NAN[/code] returns [code]false[/code]). It is output by some invalid operations, such as dividing floating-point [code]0.0[/code] by [code]0.0[/code].
[b]Note:[/b] "Not a Number" is only a concept with floating-point numbers, and has no equivalent for integers. Dividing an integer [code]0[/code] by [code]0[/code] will not result in [constant NAN] and will result in a run-time error instead.
Mark the following property as exported (editable in the Inspector dock and saved to disk). To control the type of the exported property use the type hint notation.
Define a new category for the following exported properties. This helps to organize properties in the Inspector dock.
See also [constant PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY].
@export_category("My Properties")
@export var number = 3
@export var string = ""
[b]Note:[/b] Categories in the property list are supposed to indicate different base types, so the use of this annotation is not encouraged. See [annotation @export_group] and [annotation @export_subgroup] instead.
Export a [String] property as a path to a directory. The path will be limited to the project folder and its subfolders. See [annotation @export_global_dir] to allow picking from the entire filesystem.
Export a [String] or integer property as an enumerated list of options. If the property is an integer field, then the index of the value is stored, in the same order the values are provided. You can add specific identifiers for allowed values using a colon.
See also [constant PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM].
@export_enum("Rebecca", "Mary", "Leah") var character_name: String
@export_enum("Warrior", "Magician", "Thief") var character_class: int
@export_enum("Walking:30", "Running:60", "Riding:200") var character_speed: int
Export a floating-point property with an easing editor widget. Additional hints can be provided to adjust the behavior of the widget. [code]"attenuation"[/code] flips the curve, which makes it more intuitive for editing attenuation properties. [code]"positive_only"[/code] limits values to only be greater than or equal to zero.
See also [constant PROPERTY_HINT_EXP_EASING].
@export_exp_easing var transition_speed
@export_exp_easing("attenuation") var fading_attenuation
@export_exp_easing("positive_only") var effect_power
Export a [String] property as a path to a file. The path will be limited to the project folder and its subfolders. See [annotation @export_global_file] to allow picking from the entire filesystem.
If [param filter] is provided, only matching files will be available for picking.
Export an integer property as a bit flag field. This allows to store several "checked" or [code]true[/code] values with one property, and comfortably select them from the Inspector dock.
See also [constant PROPERTY_HINT_FLAGS].
@export_flags("Fire", "Water", "Earth", "Wind") var spell_elements = 0
Export an integer property as a bit flag field for 2D navigation layers. The widget in the Inspector dock will use the layer names defined in [member ProjectSettings.layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_1].
@export_flags_2d_navigation var navigation_layers: int
Export an integer property as a bit flag field for 2D physics layers. The widget in the Inspector dock will use the layer names defined in [member ProjectSettings.layer_names/2d_physics/layer_1].
Export an integer property as a bit flag field for 2D render layers. The widget in the Inspector dock will use the layer names defined in [member ProjectSettings.layer_names/2d_render/layer_1].
Export an integer property as a bit flag field for 3D navigation layers. The widget in the Inspector dock will use the layer names defined in [member ProjectSettings.layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_1].
@export_flags_3d_navigation var navigation_layers: int
Export an integer property as a bit flag field for 3D physics layers. The widget in the Inspector dock will use the layer names defined in [member ProjectSettings.layer_names/3d_physics/layer_1].
Export an integer property as a bit flag field for 3D render layers. The widget in the Inspector dock will use the layer names defined in [member ProjectSettings.layer_names/3d_render/layer_1].
Export a [String] property as a path to a directory. The path can be picked from the entire filesystem. See [annotation @export_dir] to limit it to the project folder and its subfolders.
Export a [String] property as a path to a file. The path can be picked from the entire filesystem. See [annotation @export_file] to limit it to the project folder and its subfolders.
If [param filter] is provided, only matching files will be available for picking.
See also [constant PROPERTY_HINT_GLOBAL_FILE].
@export_global_file var sound_effect_file: String
@export_global_file("*.txt") var notes_file: String
Define a new group for the following exported properties. This helps to organize properties in the Inspector dock. Groups can be added with an optional [param prefix], which would make group to only consider properties that have this prefix. The grouping will break on the first property that doesn't have a prefix. The prefix is also removed from the property's name in the Inspector dock.
If no [param prefix] is provided, the every following property is added to the group. The group ends when then next group or category is defined. You can also force end a group by using this annotation with empty strings for paramters, [code]@export_group("", "")[/code].
Groups cannot be nested, use [annotation @export_subgroup] to add subgroups to your groups.
Export a [String] property with a large [TextEdit] widget instead of a [LineEdit]. This adds support for multiline content and makes it easier to edit large amount of text stored in the property.
Export a numeric property as a range value. The range must be defined by [param min] and [param max], as well as an optional [param step] and a variety of extra hints. The [param step] defaults to [code]1[/code] for integer properties. For floating-point numbers this value depends on your [code]EditorSettings.interface/inspector/default_float_step[/code] setting.
If hints [code]"or_greater"[/code] and [code]"or_less"[/code] are provided, the editor widget will not cap the value at range boundaries. The [code]"exp"[/code] hint will make the edited values on range to change exponentially. The [code]"no_slider"[/code] hint will hide the slider element of the editor widget.
Hints also allow to indicate the units for the edited value. Using [code]"radians"[/code] you can specify that the actual value is in radians, but should be displayed in degrees in the Inspector dock. [code]"degrees"[/code] allows to add a degree sign as a unit suffix. Finally, a custom suffix can be provided using [code]"suffix:unit"[/code], where "unit" can be any string.
See also [constant PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE].
@export_range(0, 20) var number
@export_range(-10, 20) var number
@export_range(-10, 20, 0.2) var number: float
@export_range(0, 100, 1, "or_greater") var power_percent
Define a new subgroup for the following exported properties. This helps to organize properties in the Inspector dock. Subgroups work exactly like groups, except they need a parent group to exist. See [annotation @export_group].
[b]Note:[/b] Subgroups cannot be nested, they only provide one extra level of depth. Just like the next group ends the previous group, so do the subsequent subgroups.
Add a custom icon to the current script. The icon is displayed in the Scene dock for every node that the script is attached to. For named classes the icon is also displayed in various editor dialogs.
[b]Note:[/b] Only the script can have a custom icon. Inner classes are not supported yet.
Mark the following property as assigned on [Node]'s ready state change. Values for these properties are not assigned immediately upon the node's creation, and instead are computed and stored right before [method Node._ready].
Mark the following method for remote procedure calls. See [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/networking/high_level_multiplayer.html]High-level multiplayer[/url].
Mark the current script as a tool script, allowing it to be loaded and executed by the editor. See [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/plugins/running_code_in_the_editor.html]Running code in the editor[/url].
Mark the following statement to ignore the specified warning. See [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/warning_system.html]GDScript warning system[/url].