A container that accepts only two child controls, then arranges them horizontally or vertically and creates a divisor between them. The divisor can be dragged around to change the size relation between the child controls.
Returns the drag area [Control]. For example, you can move a pre-configured button into the drag area [Control] so that it rides along with the split bar. Try setting the [Button] anchors to [code]center[/code] prior to the [code]reparent()[/code] call.
[b]Note:[/b] The drag area [Control] is drawn over the [SplitContainer]'s children, so [CanvasItem] draw objects called from the [Control] and children added to the [Control] will also appear over the [SplitContainer]'s children. Try setting [member Control.mouse_filter] of custom children to [constant Control.MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE] to prevent blocking the mouse from dragging if desired.
[b]Warning:[/b] This is a required internal node, removing and freeing it may cause a crash.
Highlights the drag area [Rect2] so you can see where it is during development. The drag area is gold if [member dragging_enabled] is [code]true[/code], and red if [code]false[/code].
Shifts the drag area in the axis of the container to prevent the drag area from overlapping the [ScrollBar] or other selectable [Control] of a child node.
Determines the dragger's visibility. See [enum DraggerVisibility] for details. This property does not determine whether dragging is enabled or not. Use [member dragging_enabled] for that.
Boolean value. If [code]1[/code] ([code]true[/code]), the grabber will hide automatically when it isn't under the cursor. If [code]0[/code] ([code]false[/code]), it's always visible. The [member dragger_visibility] must be [constant DRAGGER_VISIBLE].
The minimum thickness of the area users can click on to grab the split bar. This ensures that the split bar can still be dragged if [theme_item separation] or [theme_item h_grabber] / [theme_item v_grabber]'s size is too narrow to easily select.
The split bar thickness, i.e., the gap between the two children of the container. This is overridden by the size of the grabber icon if [member dragger_visibility] is set to [constant DRAGGER_VISIBLE], or [constant DRAGGER_HIDDEN], and [theme_item separation] is smaller than the size of the grabber icon in the same axis.
[b]Note:[/b] To obtain [theme_item separation] values less than the size of the grabber icon, for example a [code]1 px[/code] hairline, set [theme_item h_grabber] or [theme_item v_grabber] to a new [ImageTexture], which effectively sets the grabber icon size to [code]0 px[/code].