Improve Curve with const and real_t
This commit is contained in:
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ void CurveEditor::remove_point(int index) {
Curve::Point p = _curve_ref->get_point(index);
ur.add_do_method(*_curve_ref, "remove_point", index);
ur.add_undo_method(*_curve_ref, "add_point", p.pos, p.left_tangent, p.right_tangent, p.left_mode, p.right_mode);
ur.add_undo_method(*_curve_ref, "add_point", p.position, p.left_tangent, p.right_tangent, p.left_mode, p.right_mode);
if (index == _selected_point) {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public:
struct Point {
Vector2 pos;
Vector2 position;
real_t left_tangent = 0.0;
real_t right_tangent = 0.0;
TangentMode left_mode = TANGENT_FREE;
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ public:
Point() {
Point(Vector2 p_pos,
Point(const Vector2 &p_position,
real_t p_left = 0.0,
real_t p_right = 0.0,
TangentMode p_left_mode = TANGENT_FREE,
TangentMode p_right_mode = TANGENT_FREE) {
pos = p_pos;
position = p_position;
left_tangent = p_left;
right_tangent = p_right;
left_mode = p_left_mode;
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public:
int get_point_count() const { return _points.size(); }
int add_point(Vector2 p_pos,
int add_point(Vector2 p_position,
real_t left_tangent = 0,
real_t right_tangent = 0,
TangentMode left_mode = TANGENT_FREE,
@ -85,34 +85,34 @@ public:
void remove_point(int p_index);
void clear_points();
int get_index(real_t offset) const;
int get_index(real_t p_offset) const;
void set_point_value(int p_index, real_t pos);
int set_point_offset(int p_index, float offset);
void set_point_value(int p_index, real_t p_position);
int set_point_offset(int p_index, real_t p_offset);
Vector2 get_point_position(int p_index) const;
Point get_point(int p_index) const;
float get_min_value() const { return _min_value; }
void set_min_value(float p_min);
real_t get_min_value() const { return _min_value; }
void set_min_value(real_t p_min);
float get_max_value() const { return _max_value; }
void set_max_value(float p_max);
real_t get_max_value() const { return _max_value; }
void set_max_value(real_t p_max);
real_t interpolate(real_t offset) const;
real_t interpolate_local_nocheck(int index, real_t local_offset) const;
real_t interpolate(real_t p_offset) const;
real_t interpolate_local_nocheck(int p_index, real_t p_local_offset) const;
void clean_dupes();
void set_point_left_tangent(int i, real_t tangent);
void set_point_right_tangent(int i, real_t tangent);
void set_point_left_mode(int i, TangentMode p_mode);
void set_point_right_mode(int i, TangentMode p_mode);
void set_point_left_tangent(int p_index, real_t p_tangent);
void set_point_right_tangent(int p_index, real_t p_tangent);
void set_point_left_mode(int p_index, TangentMode p_mode);
void set_point_right_mode(int p_index, TangentMode p_mode);
real_t get_point_left_tangent(int i) const;
real_t get_point_right_tangent(int i) const;
TangentMode get_point_left_mode(int i) const;
TangentMode get_point_right_mode(int i) const;
real_t get_point_left_tangent(int p_index) const;
real_t get_point_right_tangent(int p_index) const;
TangentMode get_point_left_mode(int p_index) const;
TangentMode get_point_right_mode(int p_index) const;
void update_auto_tangents(int i);
@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ public:
void bake();
int get_bake_resolution() const { return _bake_resolution; }
void set_bake_resolution(int p_resolution);
real_t interpolate_baked(real_t offset) const;
real_t interpolate_baked(real_t p_offset) const;
void ensure_default_setup(float p_min, float p_max);
void ensure_default_setup(real_t p_min, real_t p_max);
static void _bind_methods();
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ private:
bool _baked_cache_dirty = false;
Vector<real_t> _baked_cache;
int _bake_resolution = 100;
float _min_value = 0.0;
float _max_value = 1.0;
real_t _min_value = 0.0;
real_t _max_value = 1.0;
int _minmax_set_once = 0b00; // Encodes whether min and max have been set a first time, first bit for min and second for max.
@ -149,26 +149,26 @@ class Curve2D : public Resource {
struct Point {
Vector2 in;
Vector2 out;
Vector2 pos;
Vector2 position;
Vector<Point> points;
struct BakedPoint {
float ofs = 0.0;
real_t ofs = 0.0;
Vector2 point;
mutable bool baked_cache_dirty = false;
mutable PackedVector2Array baked_point_cache;
mutable PackedFloat32Array baked_dist_cache;
mutable float baked_max_ofs = 0.0;
mutable Vector<real_t> baked_dist_cache;
mutable real_t baked_max_ofs = 0.0;
void _bake() const;
float bake_interval = 5.0;
real_t bake_interval = 5.0;
void _bake_segment2d(Map<float, Vector2> &r_bake, float p_begin, float p_end, const Vector2 &p_a, const Vector2 &p_out, const Vector2 &p_b, const Vector2 &p_in, int p_depth, int p_max_depth, float p_tol) const;
void _bake_segment2d(Map<real_t, Vector2> &r_bake, real_t p_begin, real_t p_end, const Vector2 &p_a, const Vector2 &p_out, const Vector2 &p_b, const Vector2 &p_in, int p_depth, int p_max_depth, real_t p_tol) const;
Dictionary _get_data() const;
void _set_data(const Dictionary &p_data);
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ protected:
int get_point_count() const;
void add_point(const Vector2 &p_pos, const Vector2 &p_in = Vector2(), const Vector2 &p_out = Vector2(), int p_atpos = -1);
void set_point_position(int p_index, const Vector2 &p_pos);
void add_point(const Vector2 &p_position, const Vector2 &p_in = Vector2(), const Vector2 &p_out = Vector2(), int p_atpos = -1);
void set_point_position(int p_index, const Vector2 &p_position);
Vector2 get_point_position(int p_index) const;
void set_point_in(int p_index, const Vector2 &p_in);
Vector2 get_point_in(int p_index) const;
@ -187,19 +187,19 @@ public:
void remove_point(int p_index);
void clear_points();
Vector2 interpolate(int p_index, float p_offset) const;
Vector2 interpolate(int p_index, real_t p_offset) const;
Vector2 interpolatef(real_t p_findex) const;
void set_bake_interval(float p_tolerance);
float get_bake_interval() const;
void set_bake_interval(real_t p_tolerance);
real_t get_bake_interval() const;
float get_baked_length() const;
Vector2 interpolate_baked(float p_offset, bool p_cubic = false) const;
real_t get_baked_length() const;
Vector2 interpolate_baked(real_t p_offset, bool p_cubic = false) const;
PackedVector2Array get_baked_points() const; //useful for going through
Vector2 get_closest_point(const Vector2 &p_to_point) const;
float get_closest_offset(const Vector2 &p_to_point) const;
real_t get_closest_offset(const Vector2 &p_to_point) const;
PackedVector2Array tessellate(int p_max_stages = 5, float p_tolerance = 4) const; //useful for display
PackedVector2Array tessellate(int p_max_stages = 5, real_t p_tolerance = 4) const; //useful for display
@ -210,14 +210,14 @@ class Curve3D : public Resource {
struct Point {
Vector3 in;
Vector3 out;
Vector3 pos;
float tilt = 0.0;
Vector3 position;
real_t tilt = 0.0;
Vector<Point> points;
struct BakedPoint {
float ofs = 0.0;
real_t ofs = 0.0;
Vector3 point;
@ -225,15 +225,15 @@ class Curve3D : public Resource {
mutable PackedVector3Array baked_point_cache;
mutable Vector<real_t> baked_tilt_cache;
mutable PackedVector3Array baked_up_vector_cache;
mutable PackedFloat32Array baked_dist_cache;
mutable float baked_max_ofs = 0.0;
mutable Vector<real_t> baked_dist_cache;
mutable real_t baked_max_ofs = 0.0;
void _bake() const;
float bake_interval = 0.2;
real_t bake_interval = 0.2;
bool up_vector_enabled = true;
void _bake_segment3d(Map<float, Vector3> &r_bake, float p_begin, float p_end, const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_out, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_in, int p_depth, int p_max_depth, float p_tol) const;
void _bake_segment3d(Map<real_t, Vector3> &r_bake, real_t p_begin, real_t p_end, const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_out, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_in, int p_depth, int p_max_depth, real_t p_tol) const;
Dictionary _get_data() const;
void _set_data(const Dictionary &p_data);
@ -242,11 +242,11 @@ protected:
int get_point_count() const;
void add_point(const Vector3 &p_pos, const Vector3 &p_in = Vector3(), const Vector3 &p_out = Vector3(), int p_atpos = -1);
void set_point_position(int p_index, const Vector3 &p_pos);
void add_point(const Vector3 &p_position, const Vector3 &p_in = Vector3(), const Vector3 &p_out = Vector3(), int p_atpos = -1);
void set_point_position(int p_index, const Vector3 &p_position);
Vector3 get_point_position(int p_index) const;
void set_point_tilt(int p_index, float p_tilt);
float get_point_tilt(int p_index) const;
void set_point_tilt(int p_index, real_t p_tilt);
real_t get_point_tilt(int p_index) const;
void set_point_in(int p_index, const Vector3 &p_in);
Vector3 get_point_in(int p_index) const;
void set_point_out(int p_index, const Vector3 &p_out);
@ -254,25 +254,25 @@ public:
void remove_point(int p_index);
void clear_points();
Vector3 interpolate(int p_index, float p_offset) const;
Vector3 interpolate(int p_index, real_t p_offset) const;
Vector3 interpolatef(real_t p_findex) const;
void set_bake_interval(float p_tolerance);
float get_bake_interval() const;
void set_bake_interval(real_t p_tolerance);
real_t get_bake_interval() const;
void set_up_vector_enabled(bool p_enable);
bool is_up_vector_enabled() const;
float get_baked_length() const;
Vector3 interpolate_baked(float p_offset, bool p_cubic = false) const;
float interpolate_baked_tilt(float p_offset) const;
Vector3 interpolate_baked_up_vector(float p_offset, bool p_apply_tilt = false) const;
real_t get_baked_length() const;
Vector3 interpolate_baked(real_t p_offset, bool p_cubic = false) const;
real_t interpolate_baked_tilt(real_t p_offset) const;
Vector3 interpolate_baked_up_vector(real_t p_offset, bool p_apply_tilt = false) const;
PackedVector3Array get_baked_points() const; //useful for going through
Vector<real_t> get_baked_tilts() const; //useful for going through
PackedVector3Array get_baked_up_vectors() const;
Vector3 get_closest_point(const Vector3 &p_to_point) const;
float get_closest_offset(const Vector3 &p_to_point) const;
real_t get_closest_offset(const Vector3 &p_to_point) const;
PackedVector3Array tessellate(int p_max_stages = 5, float p_tolerance = 4) const; //useful for display
PackedVector3Array tessellate(int p_max_stages = 5, real_t p_tolerance = 4) const; //useful for display
@ -219,35 +219,33 @@ TEST_CASE("[Curve] Custom curve with linear tangents") {
TEST_CASE("[Curve2D] Linear sampling should return exact value") {
Ref<Curve2D> curve = memnew(Curve2D);
int len = 2048;
real_t len = 2048.0;
curve->add_point(Vector2(0, 0));
curve->add_point(Vector2((float)len, 0));
curve->add_point(Vector2(len, 0));
float baked_length = curve->get_baked_length();
CHECK((float)len == baked_length);
real_t baked_length = curve->get_baked_length();
CHECK(len == baked_length);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
float expected = (float)i;
Vector2 pos = curve->interpolate_baked(expected);
CHECK_MESSAGE(pos.x == expected, "interpolate_baked should return exact value");
Vector2 pos = curve->interpolate_baked(i);
CHECK_MESSAGE(pos.x == i, "interpolate_baked should return exact value");
TEST_CASE("[Curve3D] Linear sampling should return exact value") {
Ref<Curve3D> curve = memnew(Curve3D);
int len = 2048;
real_t len = 2048.0;
curve->add_point(Vector3(0, 0, 0));
curve->add_point(Vector3((float)len, 0, 0));
curve->add_point(Vector3(len, 0, 0));
float baked_length = curve->get_baked_length();
CHECK((float)len == baked_length);
real_t baked_length = curve->get_baked_length();
CHECK(len == baked_length);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
float expected = (float)i;
Vector3 pos = curve->interpolate_baked(expected);
CHECK_MESSAGE(pos.x == expected, "interpolate_baked should return exact value");
Vector3 pos = curve->interpolate_baked(i);
CHECK_MESSAGE(pos.x == i, "interpolate_baked should return exact value");
Reference in New Issue
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