diff --git a/platform/android/AndroidManifest.xml.template b/platform/android/AndroidManifest.xml.template
index 028133aca09..c3afe08f286 100644
--- a/platform/android/AndroidManifest.xml.template
+++ b/platform/android/AndroidManifest.xml.template
@@ -35,171 +35,6 @@ $$ADD_APPLICATION_CHUNKS$$
diff --git a/platform/android/export/export.cpp b/platform/android/export/export.cpp
index 841b68f2490..2f8f044ff0a 100644
--- a/platform/android/export/export.cpp
+++ b/platform/android/export/export.cpp
@@ -805,27 +805,6 @@ void EditorExportPlatformAndroid::_fix_manifest(Vector &p_manifest, boo
- if (tname == "uses-permission" && /*nspace=="android" &&*/ attrname == "name") {
- if (value.begins_with("godot.custom")) {
- int which = value.get_slice(".", 2).to_int();
- if (which >= 0 && which < MAX_USER_PERMISSIONS && user_perms[which].strip_edges() != "") {
- string_table[attr_value] = user_perms[which].strip_edges();
- }
- } else if (value.begins_with("godot.")) {
- String perm = value.get_slice(".", 1);
- if (perms.has(perm) || (p_give_internet && perm == "INTERNET")) {
- print_line("PERM: " + perm);
- string_table[attr_value] = "android.permission." + perm;
- }
- }
- }
if (tname == "supports-screens") {
if (attrname == "smallScreens") {
@@ -850,6 +829,110 @@ void EditorExportPlatformAndroid::_fix_manifest(Vector &p_manifest, boo
} break;
+ int iofs = ofs + 8;
+ uint32_t name = decode_uint32(&p_manifest[iofs + 12]);
+ String tname = string_table[name];
+ if (tname == "manifest") {
+ print_line("Found manifest end");
+ // save manifest ending so we can restore it
+ Vector manifest_end;
+ uint32_t manifest_cur_size = p_manifest.size();
+ uint32_t node_size = size;
+ manifest_end.resize(p_manifest.size() - ofs);
+ memcpy(manifest_end.ptr(), &p_manifest[ofs], manifest_end.size());
+ int32_t attr_name_string = string_table.find("name");
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Template does not have 'name' attribute");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(attr_name_string == -1);
+ int32_t ns_android_string = string_table.find("android");
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Template does not have 'android' namespace");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(ns_android_string == -1);
+ int32_t attr_uses_permission_string = string_table.find("uses-permission");
+ if (attr_uses_permission_string == -1) {
+ string_table.push_back("uses-permission");
+ attr_uses_permission_string = string_table.size() - 1;
+ }
+ Vector apk_perms;
+ const char **aperms = android_perms;
+ while (*aperms) {
+ if (perms.has(*aperms)) {
+ apk_perms.push_back("android.permission." + String(*aperms));
+ }
+ aperms++;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_USER_PERMISSIONS; i++) {
+ if (user_perms[i].strip_edges() != "" && user_perms[i].strip_edges() != "False")
+ apk_perms.push_back(user_perms[i].strip_edges());
+ }
+ if (p_give_internet) {
+ if (apk_perms.find("android.permission.INTERNET") == -1)
+ apk_perms.push_back("android.permission.INTERNET");
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < apk_perms.size(); ++i) {
+ print_line("Adding permission " + apk_perms[i]);
+ manifest_cur_size += 56 + 24; // node + end node
+ p_manifest.resize(manifest_cur_size);
+ // Add permission to the string pool
+ int32_t perm_string = string_table.find(apk_perms[i]);
+ if (perm_string == -1) {
+ string_table.push_back(apk_perms[i]);
+ perm_string = string_table.size() - 1;
+ }
+ // start tag
+ encode_uint16(0x102, &p_manifest[ofs]); // type
+ encode_uint16(16, &p_manifest[ofs + 2]); // headersize
+ encode_uint32(56, &p_manifest[ofs + 4]); // size
+ encode_uint32(0, &p_manifest[ofs + 8]); // lineno
+ encode_uint32(-1, &p_manifest[ofs + 12]); // comment
+ encode_uint32(-1, &p_manifest[ofs + 16]); // ns
+ encode_uint32(attr_uses_permission_string, &p_manifest[ofs + 20]); // name
+ encode_uint16(20, &p_manifest[ofs + 24]); // attr_start
+ encode_uint16(20, &p_manifest[ofs + 26]); // attr_size
+ encode_uint16(1, &p_manifest[ofs + 28]); // num_attrs
+ encode_uint16(0, &p_manifest[ofs + 30]); // id_index
+ encode_uint16(0, &p_manifest[ofs + 32]); // class_index
+ encode_uint16(0, &p_manifest[ofs + 34]); // style_index
+ // attribute
+ encode_uint32(ns_android_string, &p_manifest[ofs + 36]); // ns
+ encode_uint32(attr_name_string, &p_manifest[ofs + 40]); // 'name'
+ encode_uint32(perm_string, &p_manifest[ofs + 44]); // raw_value
+ encode_uint16(8, &p_manifest[ofs + 48]); // typedvalue_size
+ p_manifest[ofs + 50] = 0; // typedvalue_always0
+ p_manifest[ofs + 51] = 0x03; // typedvalue_type (string)
+ encode_uint32(perm_string, &p_manifest[ofs + 52]); // typedvalue reference
+ ofs += 56;
+ // end tag
+ encode_uint16(0x103, &p_manifest[ofs]); // type
+ encode_uint16(16, &p_manifest[ofs + 2]); // headersize
+ encode_uint32(24, &p_manifest[ofs + 4]); // size
+ encode_uint32(0, &p_manifest[ofs + 8]); // lineno
+ encode_uint32(-1, &p_manifest[ofs + 12]); // comment
+ encode_uint32(-1, &p_manifest[ofs + 16]); // ns
+ encode_uint32(attr_uses_permission_string, &p_manifest[ofs + 20]); // name
+ ofs += 24;
+ }
+ // copy footer back in
+ memcpy(&p_manifest[ofs], manifest_end.ptr(), manifest_end.size());
+ }
+ } break;
//printf("chunk %x: size: %d\n",chunk,size);
@@ -873,17 +956,17 @@ void EditorExportPlatformAndroid::_fix_manifest(Vector &p_manifest, boo
encode_uint32(ofs, &ret[string_table_begins + i * 4]);
ofs += string_table[i].length() * 2 + 2 + 2;
- //print_line("ofs: "+itos(i)+": "+itos(ofs));
ret.resize(ret.size() + ofs);
- uint8_t *chars = &ret[ret.size() - ofs];
+ string_data_offset = ret.size() - ofs;
+ uint8_t *chars = &ret[string_data_offset];
for (int i = 0; i < string_table.size(); i++) {
String s = string_table[i];
- //print_line("savint string :"+s);
encode_uint16(s.length(), chars);
chars += 2;
- for (int j = 0; j < s.length(); j++) { //include zero?
+ for (int j = 0; j < s.length(); j++) {
encode_uint16(s[j], chars);
chars += 2;
@@ -895,6 +978,7 @@ void EditorExportPlatformAndroid::_fix_manifest(Vector &p_manifest, boo
+ //pad
while (ret.size() % 4)
@@ -910,7 +994,8 @@ void EditorExportPlatformAndroid::_fix_manifest(Vector &p_manifest, boo
encode_uint32(ret.size(), &ret[4]); //update new file size
encode_uint32(new_stable_end - 8, &ret[12]); //update new string table size
+ encode_uint32(string_table.size(), &ret[16]); //update new number of strings
+ encode_uint32(string_data_offset - 8, &ret[28]); //update new string data offset
//print_line("file size: "+itos(ret.size()));
p_manifest = ret;