diff --git a/doc/classes/Curve3D.xml b/doc/classes/Curve3D.xml
index 3e4e05f51af..63134417b18 100644
--- a/doc/classes/Curve3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/Curve3D.xml
@@ -132,6 +132,15 @@
If the curve has no up vectors, the function sends an error to the console, and returns [code](0, 1, 0)[/code].
+ Similar with [code]interpolate_baked()[/code]. The the return value is [code]Transform3D[/code], with [code]origin[/code] as point position, [code]basis.x[/code] as sideway vector, [code]basis.y[/code] as up vector, [code]basis.z[/code] as forward vector. When the curve length is 0, there is no reasonable way to caculate the rotation, all vectors aligned with global space axes.
diff --git a/doc/classes/PathFollow3D.xml b/doc/classes/PathFollow3D.xml
index ba7207be8fb..fa7580b7b62 100644
--- a/doc/classes/PathFollow3D.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/PathFollow3D.xml
@@ -9,6 +9,16 @@
+ Correct the [code]transform[/code]. [code]rotation_mode[/code] implicitly specifies how posture (forward, up and sideway direction) is caculated.
If [code]true[/code], the position between two cached points is interpolated cubically, and linearly otherwise.
@@ -30,6 +40,9 @@
Allows or forbids rotation on one or more axes, depending on the [enum RotationMode] constants being used.
+ If [code]true[/code], the tilt property of [Curve3D] takes effect.
The node's offset perpendicular to the curve.
diff --git a/scene/3d/path_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/path_3d.cpp
index ab4cba86fbc..02ab297d8ef 100644
--- a/scene/3d/path_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/path_3d.cpp
@@ -182,125 +182,31 @@ void PathFollow3D::_update_transform(bool p_update_xyz_rot) {
if (bl == 0.0) {
- real_t bi = c->get_bake_interval();
- real_t o_next = progress + bi;
- real_t o_prev = progress - bi;
- if (loop) {
- o_next = Math::fposmod(o_next, bl);
- o_prev = Math::fposmod(o_prev, bl);
- } else if (rotation_mode == ROTATION_ORIENTED) {
- if (o_next >= bl) {
- o_next = bl;
- }
- if (o_prev <= 0) {
- o_prev = 0;
- }
- }
- Vector3 pos = c->sample_baked(progress, cubic);
- Transform3D t = get_transform();
- // Vector3 pos_offset = Vector3(h_offset, v_offset, 0); not used in all cases
- // will be replaced by "Vector3(h_offset, v_offset, 0)" where it was formerly used
- if (rotation_mode == ROTATION_ORIENTED) {
- Vector3 forward = c->sample_baked(o_next, cubic) - pos;
- // Try with the previous position
- if (forward.length_squared() < CMP_EPSILON2) {
- forward = pos - c->sample_baked(o_prev, cubic);
- }
- if (forward.length_squared() < CMP_EPSILON2) {
- forward = Vector3(0, 0, 1);
- } else {
- forward.normalize();
- }
- Vector3 up = c->sample_baked_up_vector(progress, true);
- if (o_next < progress) {
- Vector3 up1 = c->sample_baked_up_vector(o_next, true);
- Vector3 axis = up.cross(up1);
- if (axis.length_squared() < CMP_EPSILON2) {
- axis = forward;
- } else {
- axis.normalize();
- }
- up.rotate(axis, up.angle_to(up1) * 0.5f);
- }
- Vector3 scale = t.basis.get_scale();
- Vector3 sideways = up.cross(forward).normalized();
- up = forward.cross(sideways).normalized();
- t.basis.set_columns(sideways, up, forward);
- t.basis.scale_local(scale);
- t.origin = pos + sideways * h_offset + up * v_offset;
- } else if (rotation_mode != ROTATION_NONE) {
- // perform parallel transport
- //
- // see C. Dougan, The Parallel Transport Frame, Game Programming Gems 2 for example
- // for a discussion about why not Frenet frame.
+ Transform3D t;
+ if (rotation_mode == ROTATION_NONE) {
+ Vector3 pos = c->sample_baked(progress, cubic);
t.origin = pos;
- if (p_update_xyz_rot && prev_offset != progress) { // Only update rotation if some parameter has changed - i.e. not on addition to scene tree.
- real_t sample_distance = bi * 0.01;
- Vector3 t_prev_pos_a = c->sample_baked(prev_offset - sample_distance, cubic);
- Vector3 t_prev_pos_b = c->sample_baked(prev_offset + sample_distance, cubic);
- Vector3 t_cur_pos_a = c->sample_baked(progress - sample_distance, cubic);
- Vector3 t_cur_pos_b = c->sample_baked(progress + sample_distance, cubic);
- Vector3 t_prev = (t_prev_pos_a - t_prev_pos_b).normalized();
- Vector3 t_cur = (t_cur_pos_a - t_cur_pos_b).normalized();
- Vector3 axis = t_prev.cross(t_cur);
- real_t dot = t_prev.dot(t_cur);
- real_t angle = Math::acos(CLAMP(dot, -1, 1));
- if (likely(!Math::is_zero_approx(angle))) {
- if (rotation_mode == ROTATION_Y) {
- // assuming we're referring to global Y-axis. is this correct?
- axis.x = 0;
- axis.z = 0;
- } else if (rotation_mode == ROTATION_XY) {
- axis.z = 0;
- } else if (rotation_mode == ROTATION_XYZ) {
- // all components are allowed
- }
- if (likely(!Math::is_zero_approx(axis.length()))) {
- t.rotate_basis(axis.normalized(), angle);
- }
- }
- // do the additional tilting
- real_t tilt_angle = c->sample_baked_tilt(progress);
- Vector3 tilt_axis = t_cur; // not sure what tilt is supposed to do, is this correct??
- if (likely(!Math::is_zero_approx(Math::abs(tilt_angle)))) {
- if (rotation_mode == ROTATION_Y) {
- tilt_axis.x = 0;
- tilt_axis.z = 0;
- } else if (rotation_mode == ROTATION_XY) {
- tilt_axis.z = 0;
- } else if (rotation_mode == ROTATION_XYZ) {
- // all components are allowed
- }
- if (likely(!Math::is_zero_approx(tilt_axis.length()))) {
- t.rotate_basis(tilt_axis.normalized(), tilt_angle);
- }
- }
- }
- t.translate_local(Vector3(h_offset, v_offset, 0));
} else {
- t.origin = pos + Vector3(h_offset, v_offset, 0);
+ t = c->sample_baked_with_rotation(progress, cubic, false);
+ Vector3 forward = t.basis.get_column(2); // Retain tangent for applying tilt
+ t = PathFollow3D::correct_posture(t, rotation_mode);
+ // Apply tilt *after* correct_posture
+ if (tilt_enabled) {
+ const real_t tilt = c->sample_baked_tilt(progress);
+ const Basis twist(forward, tilt);
+ t.basis = twist * t.basis;
+ }
+ Vector3 scale = get_transform().basis.get_scale();
+ t.translate_local(Vector3(h_offset, v_offset, 0));
+ t.basis.scale_local(scale);
@@ -358,6 +264,38 @@ PackedStringArray PathFollow3D::get_configuration_warnings() const {
return warnings;
+Transform3D PathFollow3D::correct_posture(Transform3D p_transform, PathFollow3D::RotationMode p_rotation_mode) {
+ Transform3D t = p_transform;
+ // Modify frame according to rotation mode.
+ if (p_rotation_mode == PathFollow3D::ROTATION_NONE) {
+ // Clear rotation.
+ t.basis = Basis();
+ } else if (p_rotation_mode == PathFollow3D::ROTATION_ORIENTED) {
+ // Y-axis always straight up.
+ Vector3 up(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ Vector3 forward = t.basis.get_column(2);
+ t.basis = Basis::looking_at(-forward, up);
+ } else {
+ // Lock some euler axes.
+ Vector3 euler = t.basis.get_euler_normalized(EulerOrder::YXZ);
+ if (p_rotation_mode == PathFollow3D::ROTATION_Y) {
+ // Only Y-axis allowed.
+ euler[0] = 0;
+ euler[2] = 0;
+ } else if (p_rotation_mode == PathFollow3D::ROTATION_XY) {
+ // XY allowed.
+ euler[2] = 0;
+ }
+ Basis locked = Basis::from_euler(euler, EulerOrder::YXZ);
+ t.basis = locked;
+ }
+ return t;
void PathFollow3D::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_progress", "progress"), &PathFollow3D::set_progress);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_progress"), &PathFollow3D::get_progress);
@@ -380,6 +318,11 @@ void PathFollow3D::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_loop", "loop"), &PathFollow3D::set_loop);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_loop"), &PathFollow3D::has_loop);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_tilt_enabled", "enabled"), &PathFollow3D::set_tilt_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_tilt_enabled"), &PathFollow3D::is_tilt_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_static_method("PathFollow3D", D_METHOD("correct_posture", "transform", "rotation_mode"), &PathFollow3D::correct_posture);
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "progress", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,10000,0.01,or_less,or_greater,suffix:m"), "set_progress", "get_progress");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "progress_ratio", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.0001,or_less,or_greater", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR), "set_progress_ratio", "get_progress_ratio");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "h_offset", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:m"), "set_h_offset", "get_h_offset");
@@ -387,6 +330,7 @@ void PathFollow3D::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "rotation_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "None,Y,XY,XYZ,Oriented"), "set_rotation_mode", "get_rotation_mode");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "cubic_interp"), "set_cubic_interpolation", "get_cubic_interpolation");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "loop"), "set_loop", "has_loop");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "tilt_enabled"), "set_tilt_enabled", "is_tilt_enabled");
@@ -397,7 +341,6 @@ void PathFollow3D::_bind_methods() {
void PathFollow3D::set_progress(real_t p_progress) {
- prev_offset = progress;
progress = p_progress;
if (path) {
@@ -409,8 +352,6 @@ void PathFollow3D::set_progress(real_t p_progress) {
if (!Math::is_zero_approx(p_progress) && Math::is_zero_approx(progress)) {
progress = path_length;
- } else {
- progress = CLAMP(progress, 0, path_length);
@@ -476,3 +417,11 @@ void PathFollow3D::set_loop(bool p_loop) {
bool PathFollow3D::has_loop() const {
return loop;
+void PathFollow3D::set_tilt_enabled(bool p_enable) {
+ tilt_enabled = p_enable;
+bool PathFollow3D::is_tilt_enabled() const {
+ return tilt_enabled;
diff --git a/scene/3d/path_3d.h b/scene/3d/path_3d.h
index b161b121854..9d5f694247d 100644
--- a/scene/3d/path_3d.h
+++ b/scene/3d/path_3d.h
@@ -72,14 +72,16 @@ public:
+ static Transform3D correct_posture(Transform3D p_transform, PathFollow3D::RotationMode p_rotation_mode);
Path3D *path = nullptr;
- real_t prev_offset = 0.0; // Offset during the last _update_transform.
real_t progress = 0.0;
real_t h_offset = 0.0;
real_t v_offset = 0.0;
bool cubic = true;
bool loop = true;
+ bool tilt_enabled = true;
RotationMode rotation_mode = ROTATION_XYZ;
void _update_transform(bool p_update_xyz_rot = true);
@@ -106,6 +108,9 @@ public:
void set_loop(bool p_loop);
bool has_loop() const;
+ void set_tilt_enabled(bool p_enable);
+ bool is_tilt_enabled() const;
void set_rotation_mode(RotationMode p_rotation_mode);
RotationMode get_rotation_mode() const;
diff --git a/scene/resources/curve.cpp b/scene/resources/curve.cpp
index eda9af9dde8..0c36abc1485 100644
--- a/scene/resources/curve.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/curve.cpp
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "curve.h"
#include "core/core_string_names.h"
+#include "core/math/math_funcs.h"
const char *Curve::SIGNAL_RANGE_CHANGED = "range_changed";
@@ -1413,8 +1414,9 @@ void Curve3D::_bake() const {
if (points.size() == 0) {
- baked_up_vector_cache.clear();
+ baked_up_vector_cache.clear();
@@ -1438,15 +1440,16 @@ void Curve3D::_bake() const {
Vector3 position = points[0].position;
real_t dist = 0.0;
- List pointlist;
+ List pointlist; // Abuse Plane for (position, dist)
List distlist;
// Start always from origin.
pointlist.push_back(Plane(position, points[0].tilt));
+ // Step 1: Sample points
+ const real_t step = 0.1; // At least 10 substeps ought to be enough?
for (int i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; i++) {
- real_t step = 0.1; // at least 10 substeps ought to be enough?
real_t p = 0.0;
while (p < 1.0) {
@@ -1461,7 +1464,7 @@ void Curve3D::_bake() const {
if (d > bake_interval) {
// OK! between P and NP there _has_ to be Something, let's go searching!
- int iterations = 10; //lots of detail!
+ const int iterations = 10; // Lots of detail!
real_t low = p;
real_t hi = np;
@@ -1496,76 +1499,135 @@ void Curve3D::_bake() const {
Vector3 npp = points[i + 1].position;
real_t d = position.distance_to(npp);
- position = npp;
- Plane post;
- post.normal = position;
- post.d = points[i + 1].tilt;
+ if (d > CMP_EPSILON) { // Avoid the degenerate case of two very close points.
+ position = npp;
+ Plane post;
+ post.normal = position;
+ post.d = points[i + 1].tilt;
- dist += d;
+ dist += d;
- pointlist.push_back(post);
- distlist.push_back(dist);
+ pointlist.push_back(post);
+ distlist.push_back(dist);
+ }
baked_max_ofs = dist;
- baked_point_cache.resize(pointlist.size());
- Vector3 *w = baked_point_cache.ptrw();
- int idx = 0;
+ const int point_count = pointlist.size();
+ {
+ baked_point_cache.resize(point_count);
+ Vector3 *w = baked_point_cache.ptrw();
- baked_tilt_cache.resize(pointlist.size());
- real_t *wt = baked_tilt_cache.ptrw();
+ baked_tilt_cache.resize(point_count);
+ real_t *wt = baked_tilt_cache.ptrw();
- baked_up_vector_cache.resize(up_vector_enabled ? pointlist.size() : 0);
- Vector3 *up_write = baked_up_vector_cache.ptrw();
+ baked_dist_cache.resize(point_count);
+ real_t *wd = baked_dist_cache.ptrw();
- baked_dist_cache.resize(pointlist.size());
- real_t *wd = baked_dist_cache.ptrw();
+ int idx = 0;
+ for (const Plane &E : pointlist) {
+ w[idx] = E.normal;
+ wt[idx] = E.d;
+ wd[idx] = distlist[idx];
- Vector3 sideways;
- Vector3 up;
- Vector3 forward;
- Vector3 prev_sideways = Vector3(1, 0, 0);
- Vector3 prev_up = Vector3(0, 1, 0);
- Vector3 prev_forward = Vector3(0, 0, 1);
- for (const Plane &E : pointlist) {
- w[idx] = E.normal;
- wt[idx] = E.d;
- wd[idx] = distlist[idx];
- if (!up_vector_enabled) {
- continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!up_vector_enabled) {
+ baked_up_vector_cache.resize(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Step 2: Calculate the up vectors and the whole local reference frame
+ //
+ // See Dougan, Carl. "The parallel transport frame." Game Programming Gems 2 (2001): 215-219.
+ // for an example discussing about why not the Frenet frame.
+ {
+ PackedVector3Array forward_vectors;
+ baked_up_vector_cache.resize(point_count);
+ forward_vectors.resize(point_count);
+ Vector3 *up_write = baked_up_vector_cache.ptrw();
+ Vector3 *forward_write = forward_vectors.ptrw();
+ const Vector3 *points_ptr = baked_point_cache.ptr();
+ Basis frame; // X-right, Y-up, Z-forward.
+ Basis frame_prev;
+ // Set the initial frame based on Y-up rule.
+ {
+ Vector3 up(0, 1, 0);
+ Vector3 forward = (points_ptr[1] - points_ptr[0]).normalized();
+ if (forward.is_equal_approx(Vector3())) {
+ forward = Vector3(1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (abs(forward.dot(up)) > 1.0 - UNIT_EPSILON) {
+ frame_prev = Basis::looking_at(-forward, up);
+ } else {
+ frame_prev = Basis::looking_at(-forward, Vector3(1, 0, 0));
+ }
+ up_write[0] = frame_prev.get_column(1);
+ forward_write[0] = frame_prev.get_column(2);
- forward = idx > 0 ? (w[idx] - w[idx - 1]).normalized() : prev_forward;
+ // Calculate the Parallel Transport Frame.
+ for (int idx = 1; idx < point_count; idx++) {
+ Vector3 forward = (points_ptr[idx] - points_ptr[idx - 1]).normalized();
+ if (forward.is_equal_approx(Vector3())) {
+ forward = frame_prev.get_column(2);
+ }
- real_t y_dot = prev_up.dot(forward);
+ Basis rotate;
+ rotate.rotate_to_align(frame_prev.get_column(2), forward);
+ frame = rotate * frame_prev;
+ frame.orthonormalize(); // guard against float error accumulation
- if (y_dot > (1.0f - CMP_EPSILON)) {
- sideways = prev_sideways;
- up = -prev_forward;
- } else if (y_dot < -(1.0f - CMP_EPSILON)) {
- sideways = prev_sideways;
- up = prev_forward;
- } else {
- sideways = prev_up.cross(forward).normalized();
- up = forward.cross(sideways).normalized();
+ up_write[idx] = frame.get_column(1);
+ forward_write[idx] = frame.get_column(2);
+ frame_prev = frame;
- if (idx == 1) {
- up_write[0] = up;
+ bool is_loop = true;
+ // Loop smoothing only applies when the curve is a loop, which means two ends meet, and share forward directions.
+ {
+ if (!points_ptr[0].is_equal_approx(points_ptr[point_count - 1])) {
+ is_loop = false;
+ }
+ real_t dot = forward_write[0].dot(forward_write[point_count - 1]);
+ if (dot < 1.0 - 0.01) { // Alignment should not be too tight, or it dosen't work for coarse bake interval
+ is_loop = false;
+ }
- up_write[idx] = up;
+ // Twist up vectors, so that they align at two ends of the curve.
+ if (is_loop) {
+ const Vector3 up_start = up_write[0];
+ const Vector3 up_end = up_write[point_count - 1];
- prev_sideways = sideways;
- prev_up = up;
- prev_forward = forward;
+ real_t sign = SIGN(up_end.cross(up_start).dot(forward_write[0]));
+ real_t full_angle = Quaternion(up_end, up_start).get_angle();
- idx++;
+ if (abs(full_angle) < UNIT_EPSILON) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ const real_t *dists = baked_dist_cache.ptr();
+ for (int idx = 1; idx < point_count; idx++) {
+ const real_t frac = dists[idx] / baked_max_ofs;
+ const real_t angle = Math::lerp((real_t)0.0, full_angle, frac);
+ Basis twist(forward_write[idx] * sign, angle);
+ up_write[idx] = twist.xform(up_write[idx]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -1577,27 +1639,15 @@ real_t Curve3D::get_baked_length() const {
return baked_max_ofs;
-Vector3 Curve3D::sample_baked(real_t p_offset, bool p_cubic) const {
- if (baked_cache_dirty) {
- _bake();
- }
+Curve3D::Interval Curve3D::_find_interval(real_t p_offset) const {
+ Interval interval = {
+ -1,
+ 0.0
+ };
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(baked_cache_dirty, interval, "Backed cache is dirty");
- // Validate: Curve may not have baked points.
int pc = baked_point_cache.size();
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(pc == 0, Vector3(), "No points in Curve3D.");
- if (pc == 1) {
- return baked_point_cache.get(0);
- }
- const Vector3 *r = baked_point_cache.ptr();
- if (p_offset < 0) {
- return r[0];
- }
- if (p_offset >= baked_max_ofs) {
- return r[pc - 1];
- }
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(pc < 2, interval, "Less than two points in cache");
int start = 0;
int end = pc;
@@ -1617,9 +1667,27 @@ Vector3 Curve3D::sample_baked(real_t p_offset, bool p_cubic) const {
real_t offset_end = baked_dist_cache[idx + 1];
real_t idx_interval = offset_end - offset_begin;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_offset < offset_begin || p_offset > offset_end, Vector3(), "Couldn't find baked segment.");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_offset < offset_begin || p_offset > offset_end, interval, "Offset out of range.");
- real_t frac = (p_offset - offset_begin) / idx_interval;
+ interval.idx = idx;
+ if (idx_interval < FLT_EPSILON) {
+ interval.frac = 0.5; // For a very short interval, 0.5 is a reasonable choice.
+ ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(interval, "Zero length interval.");
+ }
+ interval.frac = (p_offset - offset_begin) / idx_interval;
+ return interval;
+Vector3 Curve3D::_sample_baked(Interval p_interval, bool p_cubic) const {
+ // Assuming p_interval is valid.
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(p_interval.idx, baked_point_cache.size(), Vector3(), "Invalid interval");
+ int idx = p_interval.idx;
+ real_t frac = p_interval.frac;
+ const Vector3 *r = baked_point_cache.ptr();
+ int pc = baked_point_cache.size();
if (p_cubic) {
Vector3 pre = idx > 0 ? r[idx - 1] : r[idx];
@@ -1630,6 +1698,114 @@ Vector3 Curve3D::sample_baked(real_t p_offset, bool p_cubic) const {
+real_t Curve3D::_sample_baked_tilt(Interval p_interval) const {
+ // Assuming that p_interval is valid.
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(p_interval.idx, baked_tilt_cache.size(), 0.0, "Invalid interval");
+ int idx = p_interval.idx;
+ real_t frac = p_interval.frac;
+ const real_t *r = baked_tilt_cache.ptr();
+ return Math::lerp(r[idx], r[idx + 1], frac);
+Basis Curve3D::_sample_posture(Interval p_interval, bool p_apply_tilt) const {
+ // Assuming that p_interval is valid.
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(p_interval.idx, baked_point_cache.size(), Basis(), "Invalid interval");
+ if (up_vector_enabled) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(p_interval.idx, baked_up_vector_cache.size(), Basis(), "Invalid interval");
+ }
+ int idx = p_interval.idx;
+ real_t frac = p_interval.frac;
+ Vector3 forward_begin;
+ Vector3 forward_end;
+ if (idx == 0) {
+ forward_begin = (baked_point_cache[1] - baked_point_cache[0]).normalized();
+ forward_end = (baked_point_cache[1] - baked_point_cache[0]).normalized();
+ } else {
+ forward_begin = (baked_point_cache[idx] - baked_point_cache[idx - 1]).normalized();
+ forward_end = (baked_point_cache[idx + 1] - baked_point_cache[idx]).normalized();
+ }
+ Vector3 up_begin;
+ Vector3 up_end;
+ if (up_vector_enabled) {
+ const Vector3 *up_ptr = baked_up_vector_cache.ptr();
+ up_begin = up_ptr[idx];
+ up_end = up_ptr[idx + 1];
+ } else {
+ up_begin = Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ up_end = Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ }
+ // Build frames at both ends of the interval, then interpolate.
+ const Basis frame_begin = Basis::looking_at(-forward_begin, up_begin);
+ const Basis frame_end = Basis::looking_at(-forward_end, up_end);
+ const Basis frame = frame_begin.slerp(frame_end, frac).orthonormalized();
+ if (!p_apply_tilt) {
+ return frame;
+ }
+ // Applying tilt.
+ const real_t tilt = _sample_baked_tilt(p_interval);
+ Vector3 forward = frame.get_column(2);
+ const Basis twist(forward, tilt);
+ return twist * frame;
+Vector3 Curve3D::sample_baked(real_t p_offset, bool p_cubic) const {
+ if (baked_cache_dirty) {
+ _bake();
+ }
+ // Validate: Curve may not have baked points.
+ int pc = baked_point_cache.size();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(pc == 0, Vector3(), "No points in Curve3D.");
+ if (pc == 1) {
+ return baked_point_cache[0];
+ }
+ p_offset = CLAMP(p_offset, 0.0, get_baked_length()); // PathFollower implement wrapping logic.
+ Curve3D::Interval interval = _find_interval(p_offset);
+ return _sample_baked(interval, p_cubic);
+Transform3D Curve3D::sample_baked_with_rotation(real_t p_offset, bool p_cubic, bool p_apply_tilt) const {
+ if (baked_cache_dirty) {
+ _bake();
+ }
+ // Validate: Curve may not have baked points.
+ const int point_count = baked_point_cache.size();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(point_count == 0, Transform3D(), "No points in Curve3D.");
+ if (point_count == 1) {
+ Transform3D t;
+ t.origin = baked_point_cache.get(0);
+ ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(t, "Only 1 point in Curve3D.");
+ }
+ p_offset = CLAMP(p_offset, 0.0, get_baked_length()); // PathFollower implement wrapping logic.
+ // 0. Find interval for all sampling steps.
+ Curve3D::Interval interval = _find_interval(p_offset);
+ // 1. Sample position.
+ Vector3 pos = _sample_baked(interval, p_cubic);
+ // 2. Sample rotation frame.
+ Basis frame = _sample_posture(interval, p_apply_tilt);
+ return Transform3D(frame, pos);
real_t Curve3D::sample_baked_tilt(real_t p_offset) const {
if (baked_cache_dirty) {
@@ -1643,38 +1819,10 @@ real_t Curve3D::sample_baked_tilt(real_t p_offset) const {
return baked_tilt_cache.get(0);
- const real_t *r = baked_tilt_cache.ptr();
+ p_offset = CLAMP(p_offset, 0.0, get_baked_length()); // PathFollower implement wrapping logic
- if (p_offset < 0) {
- return r[0];
- }
- if (p_offset >= baked_max_ofs) {
- return r[pc - 1];
- }
- int start = 0;
- int end = pc;
- int idx = (end + start) / 2;
- // Binary search to find baked points.
- while (start < idx) {
- real_t offset = baked_dist_cache[idx];
- if (p_offset <= offset) {
- end = idx;
- } else {
- start = idx;
- }
- idx = (end + start) / 2;
- }
- real_t offset_begin = baked_dist_cache[idx];
- real_t offset_end = baked_dist_cache[idx + 1];
- real_t idx_interval = offset_end - offset_begin;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_offset < offset_begin || p_offset > offset_end, 0, "Couldn't find baked segment.");
- real_t frac = (p_offset - offset_begin) / idx_interval;
- return Math::lerp(r[idx], r[idx + 1], (real_t)frac);
+ Curve3D::Interval interval = _find_interval(p_offset);
+ return _sample_baked_tilt(interval);
Vector3 Curve3D::sample_baked_up_vector(real_t p_offset, bool p_apply_tilt) const {
@@ -1683,61 +1831,17 @@ Vector3 Curve3D::sample_baked_up_vector(real_t p_offset, bool p_apply_tilt) cons
// Validate: Curve may not have baked up vectors.
- int count = baked_up_vector_cache.size();
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(count == 0, Vector3(0, 1, 0), "No up vectors in Curve3D.");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!up_vector_enabled, Vector3(0, 1, 0), "No up vectors in Curve3D.");
+ int count = baked_up_vector_cache.size();
if (count == 1) {
return baked_up_vector_cache.get(0);
- const Vector3 *r = baked_up_vector_cache.ptr();
- const Vector3 *rp = baked_point_cache.ptr();
- const real_t *rt = baked_tilt_cache.ptr();
+ p_offset = CLAMP(p_offset, 0.0, get_baked_length()); // PathFollower implement wrapping logic.
- int start = 0;
- int end = count;
- int idx = (end + start) / 2;
- // Binary search to find baked points.
- while (start < idx) {
- real_t offset = baked_dist_cache[idx];
- if (p_offset <= offset) {
- end = idx;
- } else {
- start = idx;
- }
- idx = (end + start) / 2;
- }
- if (idx == count - 1) {
- return p_apply_tilt ? r[idx].rotated((rp[idx] - rp[idx - 1]).normalized(), rt[idx]) : r[idx];
- }
- real_t offset_begin = baked_dist_cache[idx];
- real_t offset_end = baked_dist_cache[idx + 1];
- real_t idx_interval = offset_end - offset_begin;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_offset < offset_begin || p_offset > offset_end, Vector3(0, 1, 0), "Couldn't find baked segment.");
- real_t frac = (p_offset - offset_begin) / idx_interval;
- Vector3 forward = (rp[idx + 1] - rp[idx]).normalized();
- Vector3 up = r[idx];
- Vector3 up1 = r[idx + 1];
- if (p_apply_tilt) {
- up.rotate(forward, rt[idx]);
- up1.rotate(idx + 2 >= count ? forward : (rp[idx + 2] - rp[idx + 1]).normalized(), rt[idx + 1]);
- }
- Vector3 axis = up.cross(up1);
- if (axis.length_squared() < CMP_EPSILON2) {
- axis = forward;
- } else {
- axis.normalize();
- }
- return up.rotated(axis, up.angle_to(up1) * frac);
+ Curve3D::Interval interval = _find_interval(p_offset);
+ return _sample_posture(interval, p_apply_tilt).get_column(1);
PackedVector3Array Curve3D::get_baked_points() const {
@@ -2034,6 +2138,7 @@ void Curve3D::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_baked_length"), &Curve3D::get_baked_length);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("sample_baked", "offset", "cubic"), &Curve3D::sample_baked, DEFVAL(false));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("sample_baked_with_rotation", "offset", "cubic", "apply_tilt"), &Curve3D::sample_baked_with_rotation, DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(false));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("sample_baked_up_vector", "offset", "apply_tilt"), &Curve3D::sample_baked_up_vector, DEFVAL(false));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_baked_points"), &Curve3D::get_baked_points);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_baked_tilts"), &Curve3D::get_baked_tilts);
diff --git a/scene/resources/curve.h b/scene/resources/curve.h
index fa1d35aab1f..d0c813f2626 100644
--- a/scene/resources/curve.h
+++ b/scene/resources/curve.h
@@ -238,11 +238,6 @@ class Curve3D : public Resource {
Vector points;
- struct BakedPoint {
- real_t ofs = 0.0;
- Vector3 point;
- };
mutable bool baked_cache_dirty = false;
mutable PackedVector3Array baked_point_cache;
mutable Vector baked_tilt_cache;
@@ -254,6 +249,15 @@ class Curve3D : public Resource {
void _bake() const;
+ struct Interval {
+ int idx;
+ real_t frac;
+ };
+ Interval _find_interval(real_t p_offset) const;
+ Vector3 _sample_baked(Interval p_interval, bool p_cubic) const;
+ real_t _sample_baked_tilt(Interval p_interval) const;
+ Basis _sample_posture(Interval p_interval, bool p_apply_tilt = false) const;
real_t bake_interval = 0.2;
bool up_vector_enabled = true;
@@ -296,9 +300,10 @@ public:
real_t get_baked_length() const;
Vector3 sample_baked(real_t p_offset, bool p_cubic = false) const;
+ Transform3D sample_baked_with_rotation(real_t p_offset, bool p_cubic = false, bool p_apply_tilt = false) const;
real_t sample_baked_tilt(real_t p_offset) const;
Vector3 sample_baked_up_vector(real_t p_offset, bool p_apply_tilt = false) const;
- PackedVector3Array get_baked_points() const; //useful for going through
+ PackedVector3Array get_baked_points() const; // Useful for going through.
Vector get_baked_tilts() const; //useful for going through
PackedVector3Array get_baked_up_vectors() const;
Vector3 get_closest_point(const Vector3 &p_to_point) const;