diff --git a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml
index 2ef5b17d560..da2cbdf95a5 100644
--- a/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml
+++ b/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml
@@ -1006,6 +1006,12 @@
Enables [member Viewport.physics_object_picking] on the root viewport.
+ If enabled, 2D and 3D physics picking behaves this way in relation to pause:
+ - When pause is started, every collision object that is hovered or captured (3D only) is released from that condition, getting the relevant mouse-exit callback, unless its pause mode makes it immune to pause.
+ - During pause, picking only considers collision objects immune to pause, sending input events and enter/exit callbacks to them as expected.
+ If disabled, the legacy behavior is used, which consists in queuing the picking input events during pause (so nodes won't get them) and flushing that queue on resume, against the state of the 2D/3D world at that point.
The number of fixed iterations per second. This controls how often physics simulation and [method Node._physics_process] methods are run.
[b]Note:[/b] This property is only read when the project starts. To change the physics FPS at runtime, set [member Engine.iterations_per_second] instead.
diff --git a/editor/project_manager.cpp b/editor/project_manager.cpp
index 71608f93465..f72700d1792 100644
--- a/editor/project_manager.cpp
+++ b/editor/project_manager.cpp
@@ -499,6 +499,7 @@ private:
initial_settings["application/config/name"] = project_name->get_text();
initial_settings["application/config/icon"] = "res://icon.png";
initial_settings["rendering/environment/default_environment"] = "res://default_env.tres";
+ initial_settings["physics/common/enable_pause_aware_picking"] = true;
if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->save_custom(dir.plus_file("project.godot"), initial_settings, Vector(), false) != OK) {
set_message(TTR("Couldn't create project.godot in project path."), MESSAGE_ERROR);
diff --git a/main/main.cpp b/main/main.cpp
index bf06c904120..b1a339c2985 100644
--- a/main/main.cpp
+++ b/main/main.cpp
@@ -1194,6 +1194,7 @@ Error Main::setup(const char *execpath, int argc, char *argv[], bool p_second_ph
Engine::get_singleton()->set_physics_jitter_fix(GLOBAL_DEF("physics/common/physics_jitter_fix", 0.5));
Engine::get_singleton()->set_target_fps(GLOBAL_DEF("debug/settings/fps/force_fps", 0));
ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("debug/settings/fps/force_fps", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "debug/settings/fps/force_fps", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,120,1,or_greater"));
+ GLOBAL_DEF("physics/common/enable_pause_aware_picking", false);
GLOBAL_DEF("debug/settings/stdout/print_fps", false);
GLOBAL_DEF("debug/settings/stdout/verbose_stdout", false);
diff --git a/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp b/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
index 7846b85a4e5..02fbbd39279 100644
--- a/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
@@ -478,6 +478,9 @@ bool SceneTree::iteration(float p_time) {
_notify_group_pause("physics_process_internal", Node::NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PHYSICS_PROCESS);
+ if (GLOBAL_GET("physics/common/enable_pause_aware_picking")) {
+ call_group_flags(GROUP_CALL_REALTIME, "_viewports", "_process_picking", true);
+ }
_notify_group_pause("physics_process", Node::NOTIFICATION_PHYSICS_PROCESS);
MessageQueue::get_singleton()->flush(); //small little hack
diff --git a/scene/main/viewport.cpp b/scene/main/viewport.cpp
index e137681f23c..07efa4973d6 100644
--- a/scene/main/viewport.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/viewport.cpp
@@ -418,277 +418,9 @@ void Viewport::_notification(int p_what) {
VS::get_singleton()->multimesh_set_visible_instances(contact_3d_debug_multimesh, point_count);
- if (physics_object_picking && (to_screen_rect == Rect2() || Input::get_singleton()->get_mouse_mode() != Input::MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED)) {
-#ifndef _3D_DISABLED
- Vector2 last_pos(1e20, 1e20);
- CollisionObject *last_object = NULL;
- ObjectID last_id = 0;
- PhysicsDirectSpaceState::RayResult result;
- Physics2DDirectSpaceState *ss2d = Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->space_get_direct_state(find_world_2d()->get_space());
- if (physics_has_last_mousepos) {
- // if no mouse event exists, create a motion one. This is necessary because objects or camera may have moved.
- // while this extra event is sent, it is checked if both camera and last object and last ID did not move. If nothing changed, the event is discarded to avoid flooding with unnecessary motion events every frame
- bool has_mouse_event = false;
- for (List[ >::Element *E = physics_picking_events.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Ref m = E->get();
- if (m.is_valid()) {
- has_mouse_event = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!has_mouse_event) {
- Ref mm;
- mm.instance();
- mm->set_device(InputEvent::DEVICE_ID_INTERNAL);
- mm->set_global_position(physics_last_mousepos);
- mm->set_position(physics_last_mousepos);
- mm->set_alt(physics_last_mouse_state.alt);
- mm->set_shift(physics_last_mouse_state.shift);
- mm->set_control(physics_last_mouse_state.control);
- mm->set_metakey(physics_last_mouse_state.meta);
- mm->set_button_mask(physics_last_mouse_state.mouse_mask);
- physics_picking_events.push_back(mm);
- }
- }
- while (physics_picking_events.size()) {
- Ref ev = physics_picking_events.front()->get();
- physics_picking_events.pop_front();
- Vector2 pos;
- bool is_mouse = false;
- Ref mm = ev;
- if (mm.is_valid()) {
- pos = mm->get_position();
- is_mouse = true;
- physics_has_last_mousepos = true;
- physics_last_mousepos = pos;
- physics_last_mouse_state.alt = mm->get_alt();
- physics_last_mouse_state.shift = mm->get_shift();
- physics_last_mouse_state.control = mm->get_control();
- physics_last_mouse_state.meta = mm->get_metakey();
- physics_last_mouse_state.mouse_mask = mm->get_button_mask();
- }
- Ref mb = ev;
- if (mb.is_valid()) {
- pos = mb->get_position();
- is_mouse = true;
- physics_has_last_mousepos = true;
- physics_last_mousepos = pos;
- physics_last_mouse_state.alt = mb->get_alt();
- physics_last_mouse_state.shift = mb->get_shift();
- physics_last_mouse_state.control = mb->get_control();
- physics_last_mouse_state.meta = mb->get_metakey();
- if (mb->is_pressed()) {
- physics_last_mouse_state.mouse_mask |= (1 << (mb->get_button_index() - 1));
- } else {
- physics_last_mouse_state.mouse_mask &= ~(1 << (mb->get_button_index() - 1));
- // If touch mouse raised, assume we don't know last mouse pos until new events come
- if (mb->get_device() == InputEvent::DEVICE_ID_TOUCH_MOUSE) {
- physics_has_last_mousepos = false;
- }
- }
- }
- Ref k = ev;
- if (k.is_valid()) {
- //only for mask
- physics_last_mouse_state.alt = k->get_alt();
- physics_last_mouse_state.shift = k->get_shift();
- physics_last_mouse_state.control = k->get_control();
- physics_last_mouse_state.meta = k->get_metakey();
- continue;
- }
- Ref sd = ev;
- if (sd.is_valid()) {
- pos = sd->get_position();
- }
- Ref st = ev;
- if (st.is_valid()) {
- pos = st->get_position();
- }
- if (ss2d) {
- //send to 2D
- uint64_t frame = get_tree()->get_frame();
- Physics2DDirectSpaceState::ShapeResult res[64];
- for (Set::Element *E = canvas_layers.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Transform2D canvas_transform;
- ObjectID canvas_layer_id;
- if (E->get()) {
- // A descendant CanvasLayer
- canvas_transform = E->get()->get_transform();
- canvas_layer_id = E->get()->get_instance_id();
- } else {
- // This Viewport's builtin canvas
- canvas_transform = get_canvas_transform();
- canvas_layer_id = 0;
- }
- Vector2 point = canvas_transform.affine_inverse().xform(pos);
- int rc = ss2d->intersect_point_on_canvas(point, canvas_layer_id, res, 64, Set(), 0xFFFFFFFF, true, true, true);
- for (int i = 0; i < rc; i++) {
- if (res[i].collider_id && res[i].collider) {
- CollisionObject2D *co = Object::cast_to(res[i].collider);
- if (co) {
- bool send_event = true;
- if (is_mouse) {
- Map::Element *F = physics_2d_mouseover.find(res[i].collider_id);
- if (!F) {
- physics_2d_mouseover.insert(res[i].collider_id, frame);
- co->_mouse_enter();
- } else {
- F->get() = frame;
- // It was already hovered, so don't send the event if it's faked
- if (mm.is_valid() && mm->get_device() == InputEvent::DEVICE_ID_INTERNAL) {
- send_event = false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (send_event) {
- co->_input_event(this, ev, res[i].shape);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (is_mouse) {
- List]