Merge pull request #60309 from The-O-King/oct
This commit is contained in:
@ -117,6 +117,22 @@ Vector3 Vector3::octahedron_decode(const Vector2 &p_oct) {
return n.normalized();
Vector2 Vector3::octahedron_tangent_encode(const float sign) const {
Vector2 res = this->octahedron_encode();
res.y = res.y * 0.5f + 0.5f;
res.y = sign >= 0.0f ? res.y : 1 - res.y;
return res;
Vector3 Vector3::octahedron_tangent_decode(const Vector2 &p_oct, float *sign) {
Vector2 oct_compressed = p_oct;
oct_compressed.y = oct_compressed.y * 2 - 1;
*sign = oct_compressed.y >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
oct_compressed.y = Math::abs(oct_compressed.y);
Vector3 res = Vector3::octahedron_decode(oct_compressed);
return res;
Basis Vector3::outer(const Vector3 &p_with) const {
Vector3 row0(x * p_with.x, x * p_with.y, x * p_with.z);
Vector3 row1(y * p_with.x, y * p_with.y, y * p_with.z);
@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ struct _NO_DISCARD_ Vector3 {
Vector2 octahedron_encode() const;
static Vector3 octahedron_decode(const Vector2 &p_oct);
Vector2 octahedron_tangent_encode(const float sign) const;
static Vector3 octahedron_tangent_decode(const Vector2 &p_oct, float *sign);
_FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &p_with) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ real_t dot(const Vector3 &p_with) const;
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ USE_RADIANCE_MAP = true
from RenderingServer:
ARRAY_VERTEX = 0, // RG32F or RGB32F (depending on 2D bit)
ARRAY_NORMAL = 1, // A2B10G10R10, A is ignored.
ARRAY_TANGENT = 2, // A2B10G10R10, A flips sign of binormal.
ARRAY_NORMAL = 1, // RG16 octahedral compression
ARRAY_TANGENT = 2, // RG16 octahedral compression, sign stored in sign of G
ARRAY_TEX_UV = 4, // RG32F
ARRAY_TEX_UV2 = 5, // RG32F
@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ layout(location = 0) in highp vec3 vertex_attrib;
/* clang-format on */
layout(location = 1) in vec3 normal_attrib;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 normal_attrib;
#if defined(TANGENT_USED) || defined(NORMAL_MAP_USED) || defined(LIGHT_ANISOTROPY_USED)
layout(location = 2) in vec4 tangent_attrib;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 tangent_attrib;
#if defined(COLOR_USED)
@ -97,6 +97,13 @@ layout(location = 10) in uvec4 bone_attrib;
layout(location = 11) in vec4 weight_attrib;
vec3 oct_to_vec3(vec2 e) {
vec3 v = vec3(e.xy, 1.0 - abs(e.x) - abs(e.y));
float t = max(-v.z, 0.0);
v.xy += t * -sign(v.xy);
return v;
layout(location = 12) in highp vec4 instance_xform0;
layout(location = 13) in highp vec4 instance_xform1;
@ -209,13 +216,14 @@ void main() {
vec3 normal = normal_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 normal = oct_to_vec3(normal_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0);
highp mat3 model_normal_matrix = mat3(model_matrix);
#if defined(TANGENT_USED) || defined(NORMAL_MAP_USED) || defined(LIGHT_ANISOTROPY_USED)
vec3 tangent = * 2.0 - 1.0;
float binormalf = tangent_attrib.a * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec2 signed_tangent_attrib = tangent_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 tangent = oct_to_vec3(vec2(signed_tangent_attrib.x, abs(signed_tangent_attrib.y) * 2.0 - 1.0));
float binormalf = sign(signed_tangent_attrib.y);
vec3 binormal = normalize(cross(normal, tangent) * binormalf);
@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ void MeshStorage::mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, const RS::SurfaceData &p_surface)
} break;
stride += sizeof(int32_t);
stride += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
} break;
stride += sizeof(int32_t);
stride += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
} break;
@ -604,17 +604,16 @@ void MeshStorage::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Surface::V
} break;
attribs[i].offset = vertex_stride;
// Will need to change to accommodate octahedral compression
attribs[i].size = 4;
attribs[i].type = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
vertex_stride += sizeof(float);
attribs[i].size = 2;
attribs[i].type = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
vertex_stride += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
attribs[i].normalized = GL_TRUE;
} break;
attribs[i].offset = vertex_stride;
attribs[i].size = 4;
attribs[i].type = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
vertex_stride += sizeof(float);
attribs[i].size = 2;
attribs[i].type = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
vertex_stride += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
attribs[i].normalized = GL_TRUE;
} break;
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ void SoftDynamicBodyRenderingServerHandler::set_normal(int p_vertex_id, const vo
memcpy(&n, p_vector3, sizeof(Vector3));
n *= Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
n += Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
Vector2 res = n.octahedron_encode();
uint32_t value = 0;
value |= CLAMP(int(n.x * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
value |= CLAMP(int(n.y * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
value |= CLAMP(int(n.z * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535);
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535) << 16;
memcpy(&write_buffer[p_vertex_id * stride + offset_normal], &value, sizeof(uint32_t));
@ -562,23 +562,21 @@ void Sprite3D::_draw() {
Vector3 n = normal * Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
Vector2 res = n.octahedron_encode();
uint32_t value = 0;
value |= CLAMP(int(n.x * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
value |= CLAMP(int(n.y * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
value |= CLAMP(int(n.z * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535);
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535) << 16;
v_normal = value;
uint32_t v_tangent;
Plane t = tangent;
Vector2 res = t.normal.octahedron_tangent_encode(t.d);
uint32_t value = 0;
value |= CLAMP(int((t.normal.x * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
value |= CLAMP(int((t.normal.y * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
value |= CLAMP(int((t.normal.z * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
if (t.d > 0) {
value |= 3UL << 30;
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535);
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535) << 16;
v_tangent = value;
@ -929,23 +927,20 @@ void AnimatedSprite3D::_draw() {
Vector3 n = normal * Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
Vector2 res = n.octahedron_encode();
uint32_t value = 0;
value |= CLAMP(int(n.x * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
value |= CLAMP(int(n.y * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
value |= CLAMP(int(n.z * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535);
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535) << 16;
v_normal = value;
uint32_t v_tangent;
Plane t = tangent;
Vector2 res = t.normal.octahedron_tangent_encode(t.d);
uint32_t value = 0;
value |= CLAMP(int((t.normal.x * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
value |= CLAMP(int((t.normal.y * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
value |= CLAMP(int((t.normal.z * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
if (t.d > 0) {
value |= 3UL << 30;
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535);
value |= (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535) << 16;
v_tangent = value;
@ -865,27 +865,6 @@ static Mesh::PrimitiveType _old_primitives[7] = {
// Convert Octahedron-mapped normalized vector back to Cartesian
// Assumes normalized format (elements of v within range [-1, 1])
Vector3 _oct_to_norm(const Vector2 v) {
Vector3 res(v.x, v.y, 1 - (Math::absf(v.x) + Math::absf(v.y)));
float t = MAX(-res.z, 0.0f);
res.x += t * -SIGN(res.x);
res.y += t * -SIGN(res.y);
return res.normalized();
// Convert Octahedron-mapped normalized tangent vector back to Cartesian
// out_sign provides the direction for the original cartesian tangent
// Assumes normalized format (elements of v within range [-1, 1])
Vector3 _oct_to_tangent(const Vector2 v, float *out_sign) {
Vector2 v_decompressed = v;
v_decompressed.y = Math::absf(v_decompressed.y) * 2 - 1;
Vector3 res = _oct_to_norm(v_decompressed);
*out_sign = SIGN(v[1]);
return res;
void _fix_array_compatibility(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_src, uint32_t p_old_format, uint32_t p_new_format, uint32_t p_elements, Vector<uint8_t> &vertex_data, Vector<uint8_t> &attribute_data, Vector<uint8_t> &skin_data) {
uint32_t dst_vertex_stride;
uint32_t dst_attribute_stride;
@ -956,127 +935,93 @@ void _fix_array_compatibility(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_src, uint32_t p_old_forma
if ((p_old_format & OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL) && (p_old_format & OLD_ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT) && (p_old_format & OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT)) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_elements; i++) {
const int8_t *src = (const int8_t *)&src_vertex_ptr[i * src_vertex_stride + src_offset];
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
const Vector2 src_vec(src[0] / 127.0f, src[1] / 127.0f);
int16_t *dst = (int16_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
const Vector3 res = _oct_to_norm(src_vec) * Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
*dst = 0;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.x * 1023.0f), 0, 1023);
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.y * 1023.0f), 0, 1023) << 10;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.z * 1023.0f), 0, 1023) << 20;
dst[0] = (int16_t)CLAMP(src[0] / 127.0f * 32767, -32768, 32767);
dst[1] = (int16_t)CLAMP(src[1] / 127.0f * 32767, -32768, 32767);
src_offset += sizeof(int8_t) * 2;
src_offset += sizeof(int16_t) * 2;
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_elements; i++) {
const int16_t *src = (const int16_t *)&src_vertex_ptr[i * src_vertex_stride + src_offset];
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
const Vector2 src_vec(src[0] / 32767.0f, src[1] / 32767.0f);
int16_t *dst = (int16_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
const Vector3 res = _oct_to_norm(src_vec) * Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
*dst = 0;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.x * 1023.0f), 0, 1023);
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.y * 1023.0f), 0, 1023) << 10;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.z * 1023.0f), 0, 1023) << 20;
dst[0] = src[0];
dst[1] = src[1];
src_offset += sizeof(int16_t) * 2;
} else { // No Octahedral compression
if (p_old_format & OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_NORMAL) {
const float multiplier = 1.f / 127.f * 1023.0f;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_elements; i++) {
const int8_t *src = (const int8_t *)&src_vertex_ptr[i * src_vertex_stride + src_offset];
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
const Vector3 original_normal(src[0], src[1], src[2]);
Vector2 res = original_normal.octahedron_encode();
*dst = 0;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[0] * multiplier), 0, 1023);
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[1] * multiplier), 0, 1023) << 10;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[2] * multiplier), 0, 1023) << 20;
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
dst[0] = (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535);
dst[1] = (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535);
src_offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
src_offset += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_elements; i++) {
const float *src = (const float *)&src_vertex_ptr[i * src_vertex_stride + src_offset];
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
const Vector3 original_normal(src[0], src[1], src[2]);
Vector2 res = original_normal.octahedron_encode();
*dst = 0;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[0] * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[1] * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[2] * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
dst[0] = (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535);
dst[1] = (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535);
src_offset += sizeof(float) * 3;
src_offset += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
} break;
if (p_old_format & OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) { // int8
if (p_old_format & OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) { // int8 SNORM -> uint16 UNORM
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_elements; i++) {
const int8_t *src = (const int8_t *)&src_vertex_ptr[i * src_vertex_stride + src_offset];
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_TANGENT]];
const Vector2 src_vec(src[0] / 127.0f, src[1] / 127.0f);
float out_sign;
const Vector3 res = _oct_to_tangent(src_vec, &out_sign) * Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_TANGENT]];
*dst = 0;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.x * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.y * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.z * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
if (out_sign > 0) {
*dst |= 3 << 30;
dst[0] = (uint16_t)CLAMP((src[0] / 127.0f * .5f + .5f) * 65535, 0, 65535);
dst[1] = (uint16_t)CLAMP((src[1] / 127.0f * .5f + .5f) * 65535, 0, 65535);
src_offset += sizeof(int8_t) * 2;
} else { // int16
src_offset += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
} else { // int16 SNORM -> uint16 UNORM
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_elements; i++) {
const int16_t *src = (const int16_t *)&src_vertex_ptr[i * src_vertex_stride + src_offset];
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_TANGENT]];
const Vector2 src_vec(src[0] / 32767.0f, src[1] / 32767.0f);
float out_sign;
Vector3 res = _oct_to_tangent(src_vec, &out_sign) * Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_TANGENT]];
*dst = 0;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.x * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.y * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(res.z * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
if (out_sign > 0) {
*dst |= 3 << 30;
dst[0] = (uint16_t)CLAMP((src[0] / 32767.0f * .5f + .5f) * 65535, 0, 65535);
dst[1] = (uint16_t)CLAMP((src[1] / 32767.0f * .5f + .5f) * 65535, 0, 65535);
src_offset += sizeof(int16_t) * 2;
src_offset += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
} else { // No Octahedral compression
if (p_old_format & OLD_ARRAY_COMPRESS_TANGENT) {
const float multiplier = 1.f / 127.f * 1023.0f;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_elements; i++) {
const int8_t *src = (const int8_t *)&src_vertex_ptr[i * src_vertex_stride + src_offset];
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_TANGENT]];
const Vector3 original_tangent(src[0], src[1], src[2]);
Vector2 res = original_tangent.octahedron_tangent_encode(src[3]);
*dst = 0;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[0] * multiplier), 0, 1023);
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[1] * multiplier), 0, 1023) << 10;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[2] * multiplier), 0, 1023) << 20;
if (src[3] > 0) {
*dst |= 3 << 30;
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
dst[0] = (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535);
dst[1] = (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535);
src_offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
src_offset += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_elements; i++) {
const float *src = (const float *)&src_vertex_ptr[i * src_vertex_stride + src_offset];
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_TANGENT]];
const Vector3 original_tangent(src[0], src[1], src[2]);
Vector2 res = original_tangent.octahedron_tangent_encode(src[3]);
*dst = 0;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[0] * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[1] * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
*dst |= CLAMP(int(src[2] * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
if (src[3] > 0) {
*dst |= 3 << 30;
uint16_t *dst = (uint16_t *)&dst_vertex_ptr[i * dst_vertex_stride + dst_offsets[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL]];
dst[0] = (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535);
dst[1] = (uint16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535);
src_offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
src_offset += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
} break;
@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertex_attrib;
//only for pure render depth when normal is not used
layout(location = 1) in vec3 normal_attrib;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 normal_attrib;
#if defined(TANGENT_USED) || defined(NORMAL_MAP_USED) || defined(LIGHT_ANISOTROPY_USED)
layout(location = 2) in vec4 tangent_attrib;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 tangent_attrib;
#if defined(COLOR_USED)
@ -58,6 +58,13 @@ layout(location = 10) in uvec4 bone_attrib;
layout(location = 11) in vec4 weight_attrib;
vec3 oct_to_vec3(vec2 e) {
vec3 v = vec3(e.xy, 1.0 - abs(e.x) - abs(e.y));
float t = max(-v.z, 0.0);
v.xy += t * -sign(v.xy);
return v;
/* Varyings */
layout(location = 0) out vec3 vertex_interp;
@ -231,12 +238,13 @@ void vertex_shader(in uint instance_index, in bool is_multimesh, in SceneData sc
vec3 vertex = vertex_attrib;
vec3 normal = normal_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 normal = oct_to_vec3(normal_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0);
#if defined(TANGENT_USED) || defined(NORMAL_MAP_USED) || defined(LIGHT_ANISOTROPY_USED)
vec3 tangent = * 2.0 - 1.0;
float binormalf = tangent_attrib.a * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec2 signed_tangent_attrib = tangent_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 tangent = oct_to_vec3(vec2(signed_tangent_attrib.x, abs(signed_tangent_attrib.y) * 2.0 - 1.0));
float binormalf = sign(signed_tangent_attrib.y);
vec3 binormal = normalize(cross(normal, tangent) * binormalf);
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertex_attrib;
//only for pure render depth when normal is not used
layout(location = 1) in vec3 normal_attrib;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 normal_attrib;
#if defined(TANGENT_USED) || defined(NORMAL_MAP_USED) || defined(LIGHT_ANISOTROPY_USED)
layout(location = 2) in vec4 tangent_attrib;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 tangent_attrib;
#if defined(COLOR_USED)
@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ layout(location = 10) in uvec4 bone_attrib;
layout(location = 11) in vec4 weight_attrib;
vec3 oct_to_vec3(vec2 e) {
vec3 v = vec3(e.xy, 1.0 - abs(e.x) - abs(e.y));
float t = max(-v.z, 0.0);
v.xy += t * -sign(v.xy);
return v;
/* Varyings */
layout(location = 0) highp out vec3 vertex_interp;
@ -229,12 +236,13 @@ void main() {
vec3 vertex = vertex_attrib;
vec3 normal = normal_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 normal = oct_to_vec3(normal_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0);
#if defined(TANGENT_USED) || defined(NORMAL_MAP_USED) || defined(LIGHT_ANISOTROPY_USED)
vec3 tangent = * 2.0 - 1.0;
float binormalf = tangent_attrib.a * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 signed_tangent_attrib = tangent_attrib * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 tangent = oct_to_vec3(vec2(signed_tangent_attrib.x, abs(signed_tangent_attrib.y) * 2.0 - 1.0));
float binormalf = sign(signed_tangent_attrib.y);
vec3 binormal = normalize(cross(normal, tangent) * binormalf);
@ -54,14 +54,54 @@ layout(push_constant, std430) uniform Params {
vec4 decode_abgr_2_10_10_10(uint base) {
uvec4 abgr_2_10_10_10 = (uvec4(base) >> uvec4(0, 10, 20, 30)) & uvec4(0x3FF, 0x3FF, 0x3FF, 0x3);
return vec4(abgr_2_10_10_10) / vec4(1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0, 3.0) * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec2 uint_to_vec2(uint base) {
uvec2 decode = (uvec2(base) >> uvec2(0, 16)) & uvec2(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF);
return vec2(decode) / vec2(65535.0, 65535.0) * 2.0 - 1.0;
uint encode_abgr_2_10_10_10(vec4 base) {
uvec4 abgr_2_10_10_10 = uvec4(clamp(ivec4((base * 0.5 + 0.5) * vec4(1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0, 3.0)), ivec4(0), ivec4(0x3FF, 0x3FF, 0x3FF, 0x3))) << uvec4(0, 10, 20, 30);
return abgr_2_10_10_10.x | abgr_2_10_10_10.y | abgr_2_10_10_10.z | abgr_2_10_10_10.w;
vec3 oct_to_vec3(vec2 oct) {
vec3 v = vec3(oct.xy, 1.0 - abs(oct.x) - abs(oct.y));
float t = max(-v.z, 0.0);
v.xy += t * -sign(v.xy);
return v;
vec3 decode_uint_oct_to_norm(uint base) {
return oct_to_vec3(uint_to_vec2(base));
vec4 decode_uint_oct_to_tang(uint base) {
vec2 oct_sign_encoded = uint_to_vec2(base);
// Binormal sign encoded in y component
vec2 oct = vec2(oct_sign_encoded.x, abs(oct_sign_encoded.y) * 2.0 - 1.0);
return vec4(oct_to_vec3(oct), sign(oct_sign_encoded.y));
vec2 signNotZero(vec2 v) {
return mix(vec2(-1.0), vec2(1.0), greaterThanEqual(v.xy, vec2(0.0)));
uint vec2_to_uint(vec2 base) {
uvec2 enc = uvec2(clamp(ivec2(base * vec2(65535, 65535)), ivec2(0), ivec2(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF))) << uvec2(0, 16);
return enc.x | enc.y;
vec2 vec3_to_oct(vec3 e) {
e /= abs(e.x) + abs(e.y) + abs(e.z);
vec2 oct = e.z >= 0.0f ? e.xy : (vec2(1.0f) - abs(e.yx)) * signNotZero(e.xy);
return oct * 0.5f + 0.5f;
uint encode_norm_to_uint_oct(vec3 base) {
return vec2_to_uint(vec3_to_oct(base));
uint encode_tang_to_uint_oct(vec4 base) {
vec2 oct = vec3_to_oct(;
// Encode binormal sign in y component
oct.y = oct.y * 0.5f + 0.5f;
oct.y = base.w >= 0.0f ? oct.y : 1 - oct.y;
return vec2_to_uint(oct);
void main() {
@ -131,12 +171,12 @@ void main() {
src_offset += 3;
if (params.has_normal) {
normal = decode_abgr_2_10_10_10([src_offset]).rgb;
normal = decode_uint_oct_to_norm([src_offset]);
if (params.has_tangent) {
tangent = decode_abgr_2_10_10_10([src_offset]);
tangent = decode_uint_oct_to_tang([src_offset]);
if (params.has_blend_shape) {
@ -155,12 +195,12 @@ void main() {
base_offset += 3;
if (params.has_normal) {
blend_normal += decode_abgr_2_10_10_10([base_offset]).rgb * w;
blend_normal += decode_uint_oct_to_norm([base_offset]) * w;
if (params.has_tangent) {
blend_tangent += decode_abgr_2_10_10_10([base_offset]).rgb * w;
blend_tangent += decode_uint_oct_to_tang([base_offset]).rgb * w;
blend_total += w;
@ -234,12 +274,12 @@ void main() {
dst_offset += 3;
if (params.has_normal) {
||||[dst_offset] = encode_abgr_2_10_10_10(vec4(normal, 0.0));
||||[dst_offset] = encode_norm_to_uint_oct(normal);
if (params.has_tangent) {
||||[dst_offset] = encode_abgr_2_10_10_10(tangent);
||||[dst_offset] = encode_tang_to_uint_oct(tangent);
@ -1073,10 +1073,9 @@ void MeshStorage::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Surface::V
} break;
vd.offset = stride;
vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM;
stride += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32;
stride += sizeof(uint32_t);
if (mis) {
buffer = mis->vertex_buffer;
} else {
@ -1085,9 +1084,9 @@ void MeshStorage::_mesh_surface_generate_version_for_input_mask(Mesh::Surface::V
} break;
vd.offset = stride;
vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM;
stride += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;
vd.format = RD::DATA_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32;
stride += sizeof(uint32_t);
if (mis) {
buffer = mis->vertex_buffer;
} else {
@ -398,16 +398,14 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint
const Vector3 *src = array.ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) {
Vector3 n = src[i] * Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) + Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
Vector2 res = src[i].octahedron_encode();
int16_t vector[2] = {
(int16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535),
(int16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535),
uint32_t value = 0;
value |= CLAMP(int(n.x * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
value |= CLAMP(int(n.y * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
value |= CLAMP(int(n.z * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
memcpy(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], &value, 4);
memcpy(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], vector, 4);
} break;
@ -416,33 +414,32 @@ Error RenderingServer::_surface_set_data(Array p_arrays, uint32_t p_format, uint
if (type == Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY) {
Vector<float> array = p_arrays[ai];
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != p_vertex_array_len * 4, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
const float *src = array.ptr();
const float *src_ptr = array.ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) {
uint32_t value = 0;
value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 0] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 1] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 2] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
if (src[i * 4 + 3] > 0) {
value |= 3UL << 30;
const Vector3 src(src_ptr[i * 4 + 0], src_ptr[i * 4 + 1], src_ptr[i * 4 + 2]);
Vector2 res = src.octahedron_tangent_encode(src_ptr[i * 4 + 3]);
int16_t vector[2] = {
(int16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535),
(int16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535),
memcpy(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], &value, 4);
memcpy(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], vector, 4);
} else { // PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY
Vector<double> array = p_arrays[ai];
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(array.size() != p_vertex_array_len * 4, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
const double *src = array.ptr();
const double *src_ptr = array.ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < p_vertex_array_len; i++) {
uint32_t value = 0;
value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 0] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023);
value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 1] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 10;
value |= CLAMP(int((src[i * 4 + 2] * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1023.0), 0, 1023) << 20;
if (src[i * 4 + 3] > 0) {
value |= 3UL << 30;
memcpy(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], &value, 4);
const Vector3 src(src_ptr[i * 4 + 0], src_ptr[i * 4 + 1], src_ptr[i * 4 + 2]);
Vector2 res = src.octahedron_tangent_encode(src_ptr[i * 4 + 3]);
int16_t vector[2] = {
(int16_t)CLAMP(res.x * 65535, 0, 65535),
(int16_t)CLAMP(res.y * 65535, 0, 65535),
memcpy(&vw[p_offsets[ai] + i * p_vertex_stride], vector, 4);
} break;
Reference in New Issue