Add highlight to the relationship lines of selected Tree items

This commit is contained in:
Yuri Sizov 2021-05-02 18:34:29 +03:00
parent f164c00a94
commit 9c92e9d849
5 changed files with 134 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -533,6 +533,12 @@
<theme_item name="checked" type="Texture2D">
The check icon to display when the [constant TreeItem.CELL_MODE_CHECK] mode cell is checked.
<theme_item name="children_hl_line_color" type="Color" default="Color( 0.27, 0.27, 0.27, 1 )">
The [Color] of the relationship lines between the selected [TreeItem] and its children.
<theme_item name="children_hl_line_width" type="int" default="1">
The width of the relationship lines between the selected [TreeItem] and its children.
<theme_item name="cursor" type="StyleBox">
[StyleBox] used for the cursor, when the [Tree] is being focused.
@ -587,8 +593,20 @@
<theme_item name="outline_size" type="int" default="0">
The size of the text outline.
<theme_item name="parent_hl_line_color" type="Color" default="Color( 0.27, 0.27, 0.27, 1 )">
The [Color] of the relationship lines between the selected [TreeItem] and its parents.
<theme_item name="parent_hl_line_margin" type="int" default="0">
The space between the parent relationship lines for the selected [TreeItem] and the relationship lines to its siblings that are not selected.
<theme_item name="parent_hl_line_width" type="int" default="1">
The width of the relationship lines between the selected [TreeItem] and its parents.
<theme_item name="relationship_line_color" type="Color" default="Color( 0.27, 0.27, 0.27, 1 )">
[Color] of the relationship lines.
The default [Color] of the relationship lines.
<theme_item name="relationship_line_width" type="int" default="1">
The default width of the relationship lines.
<theme_item name="scroll_border" type="int" default="4">
The maximum distance between the mouse cursor and the control's border to trigger border scrolling when dragging.

View File

@ -799,8 +799,6 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_stylebox("bg", "Tree", style_tree_bg);
const Color guide_color = mono_color * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.05);
Color relationship_line_color = mono_color * Color(1, 1, 1, relationship_line_opacity);
// Tree
theme->set_icon("checked", "Tree", theme->get_icon("GuiChecked", "EditorIcons"));
theme->set_icon("unchecked", "Tree", theme->get_icon("GuiUnchecked", "EditorIcons"));
@ -817,19 +815,33 @@ Ref<Theme> create_editor_theme(const Ref<Theme> p_theme) {
theme->set_color("font_color", "Tree", font_color);
theme->set_color("font_selected_color", "Tree", mono_color);
theme->set_color("title_button_color", "Tree", font_color);
theme->set_color("guide_color", "Tree", guide_color);
theme->set_color("relationship_line_color", "Tree", relationship_line_color);
theme->set_color("drop_position_color", "Tree", accent_color);
theme->set_constant("vseparation", "Tree", widget_default_margin.y - EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("hseparation", "Tree", 6 * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("guide_width", "Tree", border_width);
theme->set_constant("item_margin", "Tree", 3 * default_margin_size * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("button_margin", "Tree", default_margin_size * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("draw_relationship_lines", "Tree", relationship_line_opacity >= 0.01);
theme->set_constant("draw_guides", "Tree", relationship_line_opacity < 0.01);
theme->set_constant("scroll_border", "Tree", 40 * EDSCALE);
theme->set_constant("scroll_speed", "Tree", 12);
const Color guide_color = mono_color * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.05);
Color relationship_line_color = mono_color * Color(1, 1, 1, relationship_line_opacity);
theme->set_constant("draw_guides", "Tree", relationship_line_opacity < 0.01);
theme->set_color("guide_color", "Tree", guide_color);
int relationship_line_width = 1;
Color parent_line_color = mono_color * Color(1, 1, 1, CLAMP(relationship_line_opacity + 0.45, 0.0, 1.0));
Color children_line_color = mono_color * Color(1, 1, 1, CLAMP(relationship_line_opacity + 0.25, 0.0, 1.0));
theme->set_constant("draw_relationship_lines", "Tree", relationship_line_opacity >= 0.01);
theme->set_constant("relationship_line_width", "Tree", relationship_line_width);
theme->set_constant("parent_hl_line_width", "Tree", relationship_line_width * 2);
theme->set_constant("children_hl_line_width", "Tree", relationship_line_width);
theme->set_constant("parent_hl_line_margin", "Tree", relationship_line_width * 3);
theme->set_color("relationship_line_color", "Tree", relationship_line_color);
theme->set_color("parent_hl_line_color", "Tree", parent_line_color);
theme->set_color("children_hl_line_color", "Tree", children_line_color);
Ref<StyleBoxFlat> style_tree_btn = style_default->duplicate();

View File

@ -1184,15 +1184,23 @@ void Tree::update_cache() {
cache.font_color = get_theme_color("font_color");
cache.font_selected_color = get_theme_color("font_selected_color");
cache.guide_color = get_theme_color("guide_color");
cache.drop_position_color = get_theme_color("drop_position_color");
cache.hseparation = get_theme_constant("hseparation");
cache.vseparation = get_theme_constant("vseparation");
cache.item_margin = get_theme_constant("item_margin");
cache.button_margin = get_theme_constant("button_margin");
cache.draw_guides = get_theme_constant("draw_guides");
cache.guide_color = get_theme_color("guide_color");
cache.draw_relationship_lines = get_theme_constant("draw_relationship_lines");
cache.relationship_line_width = get_theme_constant("relationship_line_width");
cache.parent_hl_line_width = get_theme_constant("parent_hl_line_width");
cache.children_hl_line_width = get_theme_constant("children_hl_line_width");
cache.parent_hl_line_margin = get_theme_constant("parent_hl_line_margin");
cache.relationship_line_color = get_theme_color("relationship_line_color");
cache.parent_hl_line_color = get_theme_color("parent_hl_line_color");
cache.children_hl_line_color = get_theme_color("children_hl_line_color");
cache.scroll_border = get_theme_constant("scroll_border");
cache.scroll_speed = get_theme_constant("scroll_speed");
@ -1813,38 +1821,73 @@ int Tree::draw_item(const Point2i &p_pos, const Point2 &p_draw_ofs, const Size2
TreeItem *c = p_item->first_child;
int prev_ofs = children_pos.y - cache.offset.y + p_draw_ofs.y;
int base_ofs = children_pos.y - cache.offset.y + p_draw_ofs.y;
int prev_ofs = base_ofs;
int prev_hl_ofs = base_ofs;
while (c) {
if (cache.draw_relationship_lines > 0 && (!hide_root || c->parent != root)) {
int root_ofs = children_pos.x + ((p_item->disable_folding || hide_folding) ? cache.hseparation : cache.item_margin);
int parent_ofs = p_pos.x + ((p_item->disable_folding || hide_folding) ? cache.hseparation : cache.item_margin);
int parent_ofs = p_pos.x + cache.item_margin;
Point2i root_pos = Point2i(root_ofs, children_pos.y + label_h / 2) - cache.offset + p_draw_ofs;
if (c->get_first_child() != nullptr) {
root_pos -= Point2i(cache.arrow->get_width(), 0);
float line_width = 1.0;
float line_width = cache.relationship_line_width;
float parent_line_width = cache.parent_hl_line_width;
float children_line_width = cache.children_hl_line_width;
line_width *= Math::round(EDSCALE);
parent_line_width *= Math::round(EDSCALE);
children_line_width *= Math::round(EDSCALE);
Point2i parent_pos = Point2i(parent_ofs - cache.arrow->get_width() / 2, p_pos.y + label_h / 2 + cache.arrow->get_height() / 2) - cache.offset + p_draw_ofs;
int more_prev_ofs = 0;
if (root_pos.y + line_width >= 0) {
if (rtl) {
root_pos.x = get_size().width - root_pos.x;
parent_pos.x = get_size().width - parent_pos.x;
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x - Math::floor(line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.relationship_line_color, line_width);
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_ofs), cache.relationship_line_color, line_width);
// Order of parts on this bend: the horizontal line first, then the vertical line.
if (_is_branch_selected(c)) {
// If this item or one of its children is selected, we draw the line using parent highlight style.
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.parent_hl_line_color, parent_line_width);
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_hl_ofs), cache.parent_hl_line_color, parent_line_width);
more_prev_ofs = cache.parent_hl_line_margin;
prev_hl_ofs = root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2);
} else if (p_item->is_selected(0)) {
// If parent item is selected (but this item is not), we draw the line using children highlight style.
// Siblings of the selected branch can be drawn with a slight offset (and also don't need a vertical line).
if (_is_sibling_branch_selected(c)) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.children_hl_line_color, children_line_width);
} else {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + Math::floor(children_line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.children_hl_line_color, children_line_width);
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(children_line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_ofs + Math::floor(children_line_width / 2)), cache.children_hl_line_color, children_line_width);
} else {
// If nothing of the above is true, we draw the line using normal style.
// Siblings of the selected branch can be drawn with a slight offset (and also don't need a vertical line).
if (_is_sibling_branch_selected(c)) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + cache.parent_hl_line_margin, root_pos.y), cache.relationship_line_color, line_width);
} else {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + Math::floor(line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.relationship_line_color, line_width);
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_ofs + Math::floor(line_width / 2)), cache.relationship_line_color, line_width);
if (htotal < 0) {
return -1;
prev_ofs = root_pos.y;
prev_ofs = root_pos.y + more_prev_ofs;
if (htotal >= 0) {
@ -1853,10 +1896,10 @@ int Tree::draw_item(const Point2i &p_pos, const Point2 &p_draw_ofs, const Size2
if (child_h < 0) {
if (cache.draw_relationship_lines == 0) {
return -1; // break, stop drawing, no need to anymore
} else {
htotal = -1;
children_pos.y = cache.offset.y + p_draw_size.height;
htotal = -1;
children_pos.y = cache.offset.y + p_draw_size.height;
} else {
htotal += child_h;
children_pos.y += child_h;
@ -1889,6 +1932,36 @@ int Tree::_count_selected_items(TreeItem *p_from) const {
return count;
bool Tree::_is_branch_selected(TreeItem *p_from) const {
for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
if (p_from->is_selected(i)) {
return true;
TreeItem *child_item = p_from->get_first_child();
while (child_item) {
if (_is_branch_selected(child_item)) {
return true;
child_item = child_item->get_next();
return false;
bool Tree::_is_sibling_branch_selected(TreeItem *p_from) const {
TreeItem *sibling_item = p_from->get_next();
while (sibling_item) {
if (_is_branch_selected(sibling_item)) {
return true;
sibling_item = sibling_item->get_next();
return false;
void Tree::select_single_item(TreeItem *p_selected, TreeItem *p_current, int p_col, TreeItem *p_prev, bool *r_in_range, bool p_force_deselect) {
TreeItem::Cell &selected_cell = p_selected->cells.write[p_col];

View File

@ -494,6 +494,8 @@ private:
Color guide_color;
Color drop_position_color;
Color relationship_line_color;
Color parent_hl_line_color;
Color children_hl_line_color;
Color custom_button_font_highlight;
int hseparation = 0;
@ -502,6 +504,10 @@ private:
int button_margin = 0;
Point2 offset;
int draw_relationship_lines = 0;
int relationship_line_width = 0;
int parent_hl_line_width = 0;
int children_hl_line_width = 0;
int parent_hl_line_margin = 0;
int draw_guides = 0;
int scroll_border = 0;
int scroll_speed = 0;
@ -574,6 +580,8 @@ private:
bool hide_folding = false;
int _count_selected_items(TreeItem *p_from) const;
bool _is_branch_selected(TreeItem *p_from) const;
bool _is_sibling_branch_selected(TreeItem *p_from) const;
void _go_left();
void _go_right();
void _go_down();

View File

@ -719,6 +719,8 @@ void fill_default_theme(Ref<Theme> &theme, const Ref<Font> &default_font, const
theme->set_color("guide_color", "Tree", Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1));
theme->set_color("drop_position_color", "Tree", Color(1, 0.3, 0.2));
theme->set_color("relationship_line_color", "Tree", Color(0.27, 0.27, 0.27));
theme->set_color("parent_hl_line_color", "Tree", Color(0.27, 0.27, 0.27));
theme->set_color("children_hl_line_color", "Tree", Color(0.27, 0.27, 0.27));
theme->set_color("custom_button_font_highlight", "Tree", control_font_hover_color);
theme->set_constant("hseparation", "Tree", 4 * scale);
@ -726,6 +728,10 @@ void fill_default_theme(Ref<Theme> &theme, const Ref<Font> &default_font, const
theme->set_constant("item_margin", "Tree", 12 * scale);
theme->set_constant("button_margin", "Tree", 4 * scale);
theme->set_constant("draw_relationship_lines", "Tree", 0);
theme->set_constant("relationship_line_width", "Tree", 1);
theme->set_constant("parent_hl_line_width", "Tree", 1);
theme->set_constant("children_hl_line_width", "Tree", 1);
theme->set_constant("parent_hl_line_margin", "Tree", 0);
theme->set_constant("draw_guides", "Tree", 1);
theme->set_constant("scroll_border", "Tree", 4);
theme->set_constant("scroll_speed", "Tree", 12);