Adding the new Python file

This script works different compared to the other, for instance, it
requires Python 3.x to run. It also have more sophisticate flags to
run. And finally this file conforms to PEP8.

This script is not finished yet, though.
This commit is contained in:
Jorge Araya Navarro 2015-09-26 23:55:00 -06:00
parent 875eb7fe51
commit f95f099eb2

tools/docdump/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generate documentation for Open Project Wiki
# Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.
# Contributor: Jorge Araya Navarro <>
import re
import argparse
import logging
from os import path
from itertools import izip_longest
from xml.etree import ElementTree
def getxmlfloc():
""" Returns the supposed location of the XML file
filepath = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
return path.join(filepath, "class_list.xml")
def sortkey(c):
""" Symbols are first, letters second
if "_" == c.attrib["name"][0]:
return True
return c.attrib["name"]
def toOP(text):
""" Convert commands in text to Open Project commands
# We are going to do something very complicated with all HTML commands
# sadly, some commands are embedded inside other commands, so some steps
# are needed before converting some commands to Textile markup
groups = re.finditer((r'\[html (?P<command>/?\w+/?)(\]| |=)?(\]| |=)?(?P<a'
'rg>\w+)?(\]| |=)?(?P<value>"[^"]+")?/?\]'), text)
alignstr = ""
for group in groups:
gd = group.groupdict()
if gd["command"] == "br/":
text = text.replace(, "\n\n", 1)
elif gd["command"] == "div":
if gd["value"] == '"center"':
alignstr = "{display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;}"
elif gd["value"] == '"left"':
alignstr = "<"
elif gd["value"] == '"right"':
alignstr = ">"
text = text.replace(, "\n\n", 1)
elif gd["command"] == "/div":
alignstr = ""
text = text.replace(, "\n\n", 1)
elif gd["command"] == "img":
text = text.replace(, "!{align}{src}!".format(
align=alignstr, src=gd["value"].strip('"')), 1)
elif gd["command"] == "b" or gd["command"] == "/b":
text = text.replace(, "*", 1)
elif gd["command"] == "i" or gd["command"] == "/i":
text = text.replace(, "_", 1)
elif gd["command"] == "u" or gd["command"] == "/u":
text = text.replace(, "+", 1)
# TODO: Process other non-html commands
return text + "\n\n"
desc = "Generates documentation from a XML file to different markup languages"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
parser.add_argument("--input", dest="xmlfp", default=getxmlfloc(),
help="Input XML file, default: {}".format(getxmlfloc()))
parser.add_argument("--output-dir", dest="outputdir", required=True,
help="Output directory for generated files")
# TODO: add an option for outputting different markup formats
args = parser.parse_args()
# Let's check if the file and output directory exists
if not path.isfile(args.xmlfp):
logging.critical("File not found: {}".format(args.xmlfp))
elif not path.isdir(args.outputdir):
logging.critical("Path does not exist: {}".format(args.outputdir))
# Let's begin
tree = ElementTree.parse(args.xmlfp)
root = tree.getroot()
# Check version attribute exists in <doc>
if "version" not in root.attrib:
logging.critical("<doc>'s version attribute missing")
version = root.attrib["version"]
classes = sorted(root, key=sortkey)
# first column is always longer, second column of classes should be shorter
zclasses = izip_longest(classes[:len(classes) / 2 + 1],
classes[len(classes) / 2 + 1:],
# We write the class_list file and also each class file at once
with open(path.join(args.outputdir, "class_list.txt"), "wb") as fcl:
# Write header of table
fcl.write("|_. Index symbol |_. Class name "
"|_. Index symbol |_. Class name |\n")
indexletterl = ""
indexletterr = ""
for gdclassl, gdclassr in zclasses:
# write a row #
# write the index symbol column, left
if indexletterl != gdclassl.attrib["name"][0]:
indexletterl = gdclassl.attrib["name"][0]
fcl.write("| *{}* |".format(indexletterl.upper()))
# empty cell
fcl.write("| |")
# write the class name column, left
title="Go to page of class " + gdclassl.attrib["name"],
link="class_" + gdclassl.attrib["name"].lower()))
# write the index symbol column, right
if isinstance(gdclassr, ElementTree.Element):
if indexletterr != gdclassr.attrib["name"][0]:
indexletterr = gdclassr.attrib["name"][0]
fcl.write("| *{}* |".format(indexletterr.upper()))
# empty cell
fcl.write("| |")
# We are dealing with an empty string
# two empty cell
fcl.write("| | |\n")
# We won't get the name of the class since there is no ElementTree
# object for the right side of the tuple, so we iterate the next
# tuple instead
# write the class name column (if any), right
fcl.write("\"{name}({title})\":/{link} |\n".format(
title="Go to page of class " + gdclassr.attrib["name"],
# row written #
# now, let's write each class page for each class
for gdclass in [gdclassl, gdclassr]:
if not isinstance(ElementTree.Element, gdclass):
classname = gdclass.attrib["name"]
with open(path.join(args.outputdir, "{}.txt".format(
classname.lower())), "wb") as clsf:
# First level header with the name of the class
clsf.write("h1. {}\n".format(classname))
# lay the attributes
if "inherits" in gdclass.attrib:
inh = gdclass.attrib["inherits"].strip()
"*Inherits:* \"{name}({title})\":/class_{link}\n".
title="Go to page of class " + classname,
if "category" in gdclass.attrib:
clsf.write("*Category:* {}".
# lay child nodes
for gdchild in gdclass.iter():
if gdchild.tag == "brief_description":
clsf.write("h2. Brief Description\n")
# convert commands in text