Credits to jo_ for the joke and hcorion for finding the typo:
<hcorion> Hi all, I was busy translating godot to Pirate, and I noticed a
spelling error, on line 1035 in platform/uwp/export/export.cpp it mis-spells
certificate as certficate missing the extra i
<jo_> hcorion: Nice catch.
<jo_> If you make a PR, please call it 'i-patch for Pirate."
Darkens the editor on WindowDialog popup.
This adds the following new Editor settings:
- interface/dim_editor_on_dialog_popup (true) # Enable/Disable editor dimming
- interface/dim_amount (0.6) # Percentage of how much the editor will be darkened (0-1)
- interface/dim_transition_time # The duration (in seconds) of the color blending effect (0-1), 0 is instant.
Please test this thoroughly, I haven't yet seen a case where it fails to work properly but I'm sure I didn't test all
windows of the editor :P
I can show you the code
Pretty, with proper whitespace
Tell me, coder, now when did
You last write readable code?
I can open your eyes
Make you see your bad indent
Force you to respect the style
The core devs agreed upon
A whole new world
A new fantastic code format
A de facto standard
With some sugar
Enforced with clang-format
A whole new world
A dazzling style we all dreamed of
And when we read it through
It's crystal clear
That now we're in a whole new world of code
The other subfolders of tools/ had already been moved to either
editor/, misc/ or thirdparty/, so the hiding the editor code that
deep was no longer meaningful.