/* * Copyright © 2024 Google, Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ #include "hb-subset-instancer-iup.hh" /* This file is a straight port of the following: * * https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/blob/main/Lib/fontTools/varLib/iup.py * * Where that file returns optimzied deltas vector, we return optimized * referenced point indices. */ constexpr static unsigned MAX_LOOKBACK = 8; static void _iup_contour_bound_forced_set (const hb_array_t contour_points, const hb_array_t x_deltas, const hb_array_t y_deltas, hb_set_t& forced_set, /* OUT */ double tolerance = 0.0) { unsigned len = contour_points.length; unsigned next_i = 0; for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { unsigned last_i = (len + i -1) % len; for (unsigned j = 0; j < 2; j++) { double cj, lcj, ncj; int dj, ldj, ndj; if (j == 0) { cj = static_cast (contour_points.arrayZ[i].x); dj = x_deltas.arrayZ[i]; lcj = static_cast (contour_points.arrayZ[last_i].x); ldj = x_deltas.arrayZ[last_i]; ncj = static_cast (contour_points.arrayZ[next_i].x); ndj = x_deltas.arrayZ[next_i]; } else { cj = static_cast (contour_points.arrayZ[i].y); dj = y_deltas.arrayZ[i]; lcj = static_cast (contour_points.arrayZ[last_i].y); ldj = y_deltas.arrayZ[last_i]; ncj = static_cast (contour_points.arrayZ[next_i].y); ndj = y_deltas.arrayZ[next_i]; } double c1, c2; int d1, d2; if (lcj <= ncj) { c1 = lcj; c2 = ncj; d1 = ldj; d2 = ndj; } else { c1 = ncj; c2 = lcj; d1 = ndj; d2 = ldj; } bool force = false; if (c1 == c2) { if (abs (d1 - d2) > tolerance && abs (dj) > tolerance) force = true; } else if (c1 <= cj && cj <= c2) { if (!(hb_min (d1, d2) - tolerance <= dj && dj <= hb_max (d1, d2) + tolerance)) force = true; } else { if (d1 != d2) { if (cj < c1) { if (abs (dj) > tolerance && abs (dj - d1) > tolerance && ((dj - tolerance < d1) != (d1 < d2))) force = true; } else { if (abs (dj) > tolerance && abs (dj - d2) > tolerance && ((d2 < dj + tolerance) != (d1 < d2))) force = true; } } } if (force) { forced_set.add (i); break; } } next_i = i; } } template static bool rotate_array (const hb_array_t& org_array, int k, hb_vector_t& out) { unsigned n = org_array.length; if (!n) return true; if (unlikely (!out.resize (n, false))) return false; unsigned item_size = hb_static_size (T); if (k < 0) k = n - (-k) % n; else k %= n; hb_memcpy ((void *) out.arrayZ, (const void *) (org_array.arrayZ + n - k), k * item_size); hb_memcpy ((void *) (out.arrayZ + k), (const void *) org_array.arrayZ, (n - k) * item_size); return true; } static bool rotate_set (const hb_set_t& org_set, int k, unsigned n, hb_set_t& out) { if (!n) return false; k %= n; if (k < 0) k = n + k; if (k == 0) { out.set (org_set); } else { for (auto v : org_set) out.add ((v + k) % n); } return !out.in_error (); } /* Given two reference coordinates (start and end of contour_points array), * output interpolated deltas for points in between */ static bool _iup_segment (const hb_array_t contour_points, const hb_array_t x_deltas, const hb_array_t y_deltas, const contour_point_t& p1, const contour_point_t& p2, int p1_dx, int p2_dx, int p1_dy, int p2_dy, hb_vector_t& interp_x_deltas, /* OUT */ hb_vector_t& interp_y_deltas /* OUT */) { unsigned n = contour_points.length; if (unlikely (!interp_x_deltas.resize (n, false) || !interp_y_deltas.resize (n, false))) return false; for (unsigned j = 0; j < 2; j++) { double x1, x2, d1, d2; double *out; if (j == 0) { x1 = static_cast (p1.x); x2 = static_cast (p2.x); d1 = p1_dx; d2 = p2_dx; out = interp_x_deltas.arrayZ; } else { x1 = static_cast (p1.y); x2 = static_cast (p2.y); d1 = p1_dy; d2 = p2_dy; out = interp_y_deltas.arrayZ; } if (x1 == x2) { if (d1 == d2) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) out[i] = d1; } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) out[i] = 0.0; } continue; } if (x1 > x2) { hb_swap (x1, x2); hb_swap (d1, d2); } double scale = (d2 - d1) / (x2 - x1); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { double x = (j == 0 ? static_cast (contour_points.arrayZ[i].x) : static_cast (contour_points.arrayZ[i].y)); double d; if (x <= x1) d = d1; else if (x >= x2) d = d2; else d = d1 + (x - x1) * scale; out[i] = d; } } return true; } static bool _can_iup_in_between (const hb_array_t contour_points, const hb_array_t x_deltas, const hb_array_t y_deltas, const contour_point_t& p1, const contour_point_t& p2, int p1_dx, int p2_dx, int p1_dy, int p2_dy, double tolerance) { hb_vector_t interp_x_deltas, interp_y_deltas; if (!_iup_segment (contour_points, x_deltas, y_deltas, p1, p2, p1_dx, p2_dx, p1_dy, p2_dy, interp_x_deltas, interp_y_deltas)) return false; unsigned num = contour_points.length; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++) { double dx = static_cast (x_deltas.arrayZ[i]) - interp_x_deltas.arrayZ[i]; double dy = static_cast (y_deltas.arrayZ[i]) - interp_y_deltas.arrayZ[i]; if (sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy) > tolerance) return false; } return true; } static bool _iup_contour_optimize_dp (const contour_point_vector_t& contour_points, const hb_vector_t& x_deltas, const hb_vector_t& y_deltas, const hb_set_t& forced_set, double tolerance, unsigned lookback, hb_vector_t& costs, /* OUT */ hb_vector_t& chain /* OUT */) { unsigned n = contour_points.length; if (unlikely (!costs.resize (n, false) || !chain.resize (n, false))) return false; lookback = hb_min (lookback, MAX_LOOKBACK); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { unsigned best_cost = (i == 0 ? 1 : costs.arrayZ[i-1] + 1); costs.arrayZ[i] = best_cost; chain.arrayZ[i] = (i == 0 ? -1 : i - 1); if (i > 0 && forced_set.has (i - 1)) continue; int lookback_index = hb_max ((int) i - (int) lookback + 1, -1); for (int j = i - 2; j >= lookback_index; j--) { unsigned cost = j == -1 ? 1 : costs.arrayZ[j] + 1; /* num points between i and j */ unsigned num_points = i - j - 1; unsigned p1 = (j == -1 ? n - 1 : j); if (cost < best_cost && _can_iup_in_between (contour_points.as_array ().sub_array (j + 1, num_points), x_deltas.as_array ().sub_array (j + 1, num_points), y_deltas.as_array ().sub_array (j + 1, num_points), contour_points.arrayZ[p1], contour_points.arrayZ[i], x_deltas.arrayZ[p1], x_deltas.arrayZ[i], y_deltas.arrayZ[p1], y_deltas.arrayZ[i], tolerance)) { best_cost = cost; costs.arrayZ[i] = best_cost; chain.arrayZ[i] = j; } if (j > 0 && forced_set.has (j)) break; } } return true; } static bool _iup_contour_optimize (const hb_array_t contour_points, const hb_array_t x_deltas, const hb_array_t y_deltas, hb_array_t opt_indices, /* OUT */ double tolerance = 0.0) { unsigned n = contour_points.length; if (opt_indices.length != n || x_deltas.length != n || y_deltas.length != n) return false; bool all_within_tolerance = true; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { int dx = x_deltas.arrayZ[i]; int dy = y_deltas.arrayZ[i]; if (sqrt ((double) dx * dx + (double) dy * dy) > tolerance) { all_within_tolerance = false; break; } } /* If all are within tolerance distance, do nothing, opt_indices is * initilized to false */ if (all_within_tolerance) return true; /* If there's exactly one point, return it */ if (n == 1) { opt_indices.arrayZ[0] = true; return true; } /* If all deltas are exactly the same, return just one (the first one) */ bool all_deltas_are_equal = true; for (unsigned i = 1; i < n; i++) if (x_deltas.arrayZ[i] != x_deltas.arrayZ[0] || y_deltas.arrayZ[i] != y_deltas.arrayZ[0]) { all_deltas_are_equal = false; break; } if (all_deltas_are_equal) { opt_indices.arrayZ[0] = true; return true; } /* else, solve the general problem using Dynamic Programming */ hb_set_t forced_set; _iup_contour_bound_forced_set (contour_points, x_deltas, y_deltas, forced_set, tolerance); if (!forced_set.is_empty ()) { int k = n - 1 - forced_set.get_max (); if (k < 0) return false; hb_vector_t rot_x_deltas, rot_y_deltas; contour_point_vector_t rot_points; hb_set_t rot_forced_set; if (!rotate_array (contour_points, k, rot_points) || !rotate_array (x_deltas, k, rot_x_deltas) || !rotate_array (y_deltas, k, rot_y_deltas) || !rotate_set (forced_set, k, n, rot_forced_set)) return false; hb_vector_t costs; hb_vector_t chain; if (!_iup_contour_optimize_dp (rot_points, rot_x_deltas, rot_y_deltas, rot_forced_set, tolerance, n, costs, chain)) return false; hb_set_t solution; int index = n - 1; while (index != -1) { solution.add (index); index = chain.arrayZ[index]; } if (solution.is_empty () || forced_set.get_population () > solution.get_population ()) return false; for (unsigned i : solution) opt_indices.arrayZ[i] = true; hb_vector_t rot_indices; const hb_array_t opt_indices_array (opt_indices.arrayZ, opt_indices.length); rotate_array (opt_indices_array, -k, rot_indices); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) opt_indices.arrayZ[i] = rot_indices.arrayZ[i]; } else { hb_vector_t repeat_x_deltas, repeat_y_deltas; contour_point_vector_t repeat_points; if (unlikely (!repeat_x_deltas.resize (n * 2, false) || !repeat_y_deltas.resize (n * 2, false) || !repeat_points.resize (n * 2, false))) return false; unsigned contour_point_size = hb_static_size (contour_point_t); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { hb_memcpy ((void *) repeat_x_deltas.arrayZ, (const void *) x_deltas.arrayZ, n * sizeof (repeat_x_deltas[0])); hb_memcpy ((void *) (repeat_x_deltas.arrayZ + n), (const void *) x_deltas.arrayZ, n * sizeof (repeat_x_deltas[0])); hb_memcpy ((void *) repeat_y_deltas.arrayZ, (const void *) y_deltas.arrayZ, n * sizeof (repeat_x_deltas[0])); hb_memcpy ((void *) (repeat_y_deltas.arrayZ + n), (const void *) y_deltas.arrayZ, n * sizeof (repeat_x_deltas[0])); hb_memcpy ((void *) repeat_points.arrayZ, (const void *) contour_points.arrayZ, n * contour_point_size); hb_memcpy ((void *) (repeat_points.arrayZ + n), (const void *) contour_points.arrayZ, n * contour_point_size); } hb_vector_t costs; hb_vector_t chain; if (!_iup_contour_optimize_dp (repeat_points, repeat_x_deltas, repeat_y_deltas, forced_set, tolerance, n, costs, chain)) return false; unsigned best_cost = n + 1; int len = costs.length; hb_set_t best_sol; for (int start = n - 1; start < len; start++) { hb_set_t solution; int i = start; int lookback = start - (int) n; while (i > lookback) { solution.add (i % n); i = chain.arrayZ[i]; } if (i == lookback) { unsigned cost_i = i < 0 ? 0 : costs.arrayZ[i]; unsigned cost = costs.arrayZ[start] - cost_i; if (cost <= best_cost) { best_sol.set (solution); best_cost = cost; } } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) if (best_sol.has (i)) opt_indices.arrayZ[i] = true; } return true; } bool iup_delta_optimize (const contour_point_vector_t& contour_points, const hb_vector_t& x_deltas, const hb_vector_t& y_deltas, hb_vector_t& opt_indices, /* OUT */ double tolerance) { if (!opt_indices.resize (contour_points.length)) return false; hb_vector_t end_points; unsigned count = contour_points.length; if (unlikely (!end_points.alloc (count))) return false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < count - 4; i++) if (contour_points.arrayZ[i].is_end_point) end_points.push (i); /* phantom points */ for (unsigned i = count - 4; i < count; i++) end_points.push (i); if (end_points.in_error ()) return false; unsigned start = 0; for (unsigned end : end_points) { unsigned len = end - start + 1; if (!_iup_contour_optimize (contour_points.as_array ().sub_array (start, len), x_deltas.as_array ().sub_array (start, len), y_deltas.as_array ().sub_array (start, len), opt_indices.as_array ().sub_array (start, len), tolerance)) return false; start = end + 1; } return true; }