#ifndef TIMER_SYNC_H #define TIMER_SYNC_H #include "core/engine.h" struct MainFrameTime { float idle_step; // time to advance idles for (argument to process()) int physics_steps; // number of times to iterate the physics engine void clamp_idle(float min_idle_step, float max_idle_step); }; class MainTimerSync { // wall clock time measured on the main thread uint64_t last_cpu_ticks_usec; uint64_t current_cpu_ticks_usec; // logical game time since last physics timestep float time_accum; // current difference between wall clock time and reported sum of idle_steps float time_deficit; // number of frames back for keeping accumulated physics steps roughly constant. // value of 12 chosen because that is what is required to make 144 Hz monitors // behave well with 60 Hz physics updates. The only worse commonly available refresh // would be 85, requiring CONTROL_STEPS = 17. static const int CONTROL_STEPS = 12; // sum of physics steps done over the last (i+1) frames int accumulated_physics_steps[CONTROL_STEPS]; // typical value for accumulated_physics_steps[i] is either this or this plus one int typical_physics_steps[CONTROL_STEPS]; int fixed_fps; protected: // returns the fraction of p_frame_slice required for the timer to overshoot // before advance_core considers changing the physics_steps return from // the typical values as defined by typical_physics_steps float get_physics_jitter_fix(); // gets our best bet for the average number of physics steps per render frame // return value: number of frames back this data is consistent int get_average_physics_steps(float &p_min, float &p_max); // advance physics clock by p_idle_step, return appropriate number of steps to simulate MainFrameTime advance_core(float p_frame_slice, int p_iterations_per_second, float p_idle_step); // calls advance_core, keeps track of deficit it adds to animaption_step, make sure the deficit sum stays close to zero MainFrameTime advance_checked(float p_frame_slice, int p_iterations_per_second, float p_idle_step); // determine wall clock step since last iteration float get_cpu_idle_step(); public: MainTimerSync(); // start the clock void init(uint64_t p_cpu_ticks_usec); // set measured wall clock time void set_cpu_ticks_usec(uint64_t p_cpu_ticks_usec); //set fixed fps void set_fixed_fps(int p_fixed_fps); // advance one frame, return timesteps to take MainFrameTime advance(float p_frame_slice, int p_iterations_per_second); }; #endif // TIMER_SYNC_H