<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="EditorExportPlatformWindows" inherits="EditorExportPlatformPC" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../class.xsd"> <brief_description> Exporter for Windows. </brief_description> <description> The Windows exporter customizes how a Windows build is handled. In the editor's "Export" window, it is created when adding a new "Windows" preset. </description> <tutorials> <link title="Exporting for Windows">$DOCS_URL/tutorials/export/exporting_for_windows.html</link> </tutorials> <members> <member name="application/company_name" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Company that produced the application. Required. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/stringfileinfo-block]StringFileInfo[/url]. </member> <member name="application/console_wrapper_icon" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Console wrapper icon file. If left empty, it will fallback to [member application/icon], then to [member ProjectSettings.application/config/windows_native_icon], and lastly, [member ProjectSettings.application/config/icon]. </member> <member name="application/copyright" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Copyright notice for the bundle visible to the user. Optional. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/stringfileinfo-block]StringFileInfo[/url]. </member> <member name="application/d3d12_agility_sdk_multiarch" type="bool" setter="" getter=""> If [code]true[/code], and [member application/export_d3d12] is set, the Agility SDK DLLs will be stored in arch-specific subdirectories. </member> <member name="application/export_angle" type="int" setter="" getter=""> If set to [code]1[/code], ANGLE libraries are exported with the exported application. If set to [code]0[/code], ANGLE libraries are exported only if [member ProjectSettings.rendering/gl_compatibility/driver] is set to [code]"opengl3_angle"[/code]. </member> <member name="application/export_d3d12" type="int" setter="" getter=""> If set to [code]1[/code], Direct3D 12 runtime (DXIL, Agility SDK, PIX) libraries are exported with the exported application. If set to [code]0[/code], Direct3D 12 libraries are exported only if [member ProjectSettings.rendering/rendering_device/driver] is set to [code]"d3d12"[/code]. </member> <member name="application/file_description" type="String" setter="" getter=""> File description to be presented to users. Required. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/stringfileinfo-block]StringFileInfo[/url]. </member> <member name="application/file_version" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Version number of the file. Falls back to [member ProjectSettings.application/config/version] if left empty. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/stringfileinfo-block]StringFileInfo[/url]. </member> <member name="application/icon" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Application icon file. If left empty, it will fallback to [member ProjectSettings.application/config/windows_native_icon], and then to [member ProjectSettings.application/config/icon]. </member> <member name="application/icon_interpolation" type="int" setter="" getter=""> Interpolation method used to resize application icon. </member> <member name="application/modify_resources" type="bool" setter="" getter=""> If enabled, icon and metadata of the exported executable is set according to the other [code]application/*[/code] values. </member> <member name="application/product_name" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Name of the application. Required. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/stringfileinfo-block]StringFileInfo[/url]. </member> <member name="application/product_version" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Application version visible to the user. Falls back to [member ProjectSettings.application/config/version] if left empty. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/stringfileinfo-block]StringFileInfo[/url]. </member> <member name="application/trademarks" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Trademarks and registered trademarks that apply to the file. Optional. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/stringfileinfo-block]StringFileInfo[/url]. </member> <member name="binary_format/architecture" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Application executable architecture. Supported architectures: [code]x86_32[/code], [code]x86_64[/code], and [code]arm64[/code]. Official export templates include [code]x86_32[/code] and [code]x86_64[/code] binaries only. </member> <member name="binary_format/embed_pck" type="bool" setter="" getter=""> If [code]true[/code], project resources are embedded into the executable. </member> <member name="codesign/custom_options" type="PackedStringArray" setter="" getter=""> Array of the additional command line arguments passed to the code signing tool. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/signtool-exe]Sign Tool[/url]. </member> <member name="codesign/description" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Description of the signed content. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/signtool-exe]Sign Tool[/url]. </member> <member name="codesign/digest_algorithm" type="int" setter="" getter=""> Digest algorithm to use for creating signature. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/signtool-exe]Sign Tool[/url]. </member> <member name="codesign/enable" type="bool" setter="" getter=""> If [code]true[/code], executable signing is enabled. </member> <member name="codesign/identity" type="String" setter="" getter=""> PKCS #12 certificate file used to sign executable or certificate SHA-1 hash (if [member codesign/identity_type] is set to "Use certificate store"). See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/signtool-exe]Sign Tool[/url]. Can be overridden with the environment variable [code]GODOT_WINDOWS_CODESIGN_IDENTITY[/code]. </member> <member name="codesign/identity_type" type="int" setter="" getter=""> Type of identity to use. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/signtool-exe]Sign Tool[/url]. Can be overridden with the environment variable [code]GODOT_WINDOWS_CODESIGN_IDENTITY_TYPE[/code]. </member> <member name="codesign/password" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Password for the certificate file used to sign executable. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/signtool-exe]Sign Tool[/url]. Can be overridden with the environment variable [code]GODOT_WINDOWS_CODESIGN_PASSWORD[/code]. </member> <member name="codesign/timestamp" type="bool" setter="" getter=""> If [code]true[/code], time-stamp is added to the signature. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/signtool-exe]Sign Tool[/url]. </member> <member name="codesign/timestamp_server_url" type="String" setter="" getter=""> URL of the time stamp server. If left empty, the default server is used. See [url=https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/tools/signtool-exe]Sign Tool[/url]. </member> <member name="custom_template/debug" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Path to the custom export template. If left empty, default template is used. </member> <member name="custom_template/release" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Path to the custom export template. If left empty, default template is used. </member> <member name="debug/export_console_wrapper" type="int" setter="" getter=""> If [code]true[/code], a console wrapper executable is exported alongside the main executable, which allows running the project with enabled console output. </member> <member name="ssh_remote_deploy/cleanup_script" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Script code to execute on the remote host when app is finished. The following variables can be used in the script: - [code]{temp_dir}[/code] - Path of temporary folder on the remote, used to upload app and scripts to. - [code]{archive_name}[/code] - Name of the ZIP containing uploaded application. - [code]{exe_name}[/code] - Name of application executable. - [code]{cmd_args}[/code] - Array of the command line argument for the application. </member> <member name="ssh_remote_deploy/enabled" type="bool" setter="" getter=""> Enables remote deploy using SSH/SCP. </member> <member name="ssh_remote_deploy/extra_args_scp" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Array of the additional command line arguments passed to the SCP. </member> <member name="ssh_remote_deploy/extra_args_ssh" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Array of the additional command line arguments passed to the SSH. </member> <member name="ssh_remote_deploy/host" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Remote host SSH user name and address, in [code]user@address[/code] format. </member> <member name="ssh_remote_deploy/port" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Remote host SSH port number. </member> <member name="ssh_remote_deploy/run_script" type="String" setter="" getter=""> Script code to execute on the remote host when running the app. The following variables can be used in the script: - [code]{temp_dir}[/code] - Path of temporary folder on the remote, used to upload app and scripts to. - [code]{archive_name}[/code] - Name of the ZIP containing uploaded application. - [code]{exe_name}[/code] - Name of application executable. - [code]{cmd_args}[/code] - Array of the command line argument for the application. </member> <member name="texture_format/etc2_astc" type="bool" setter="" getter=""> If [code]true[/code], project textures are exported in the ETC2/ASTC format. </member> <member name="texture_format/s3tc_bptc" type="bool" setter="" getter=""> If [code]true[/code], project textures are exported in the S3TC/BPTC format. </member> </members> </class>