/**************************************************************************/ /* library_godot_display.js */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ const GodotDisplayVK = { $GodotDisplayVK__deps: ['$GodotRuntime', '$GodotConfig', '$GodotEventListeners'], $GodotDisplayVK__postset: 'GodotOS.atexit(function(resolve, reject) { GodotDisplayVK.clear(); resolve(); });', $GodotDisplayVK: { textinput: null, textarea: null, available: function () { return GodotConfig.virtual_keyboard && 'ontouchstart' in window; }, init: function (input_cb) { function create(what) { const elem = document.createElement(what); elem.style.display = 'none'; elem.style.position = 'absolute'; elem.style.zIndex = '-1'; elem.style.background = 'transparent'; elem.style.padding = '0px'; elem.style.margin = '0px'; elem.style.overflow = 'hidden'; elem.style.width = '0px'; elem.style.height = '0px'; elem.style.border = '0px'; elem.style.outline = 'none'; elem.readonly = true; elem.disabled = true; GodotEventListeners.add(elem, 'input', function (evt) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(elem.value); input_cb(c_str, elem.selectionEnd); GodotRuntime.free(c_str); }, false); GodotEventListeners.add(elem, 'blur', function (evt) { elem.style.display = 'none'; elem.readonly = true; elem.disabled = true; }, false); GodotConfig.canvas.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', elem); return elem; } GodotDisplayVK.textinput = create('input'); GodotDisplayVK.textarea = create('textarea'); GodotDisplayVK.updateSize(); }, show: function (text, type, start, end) { if (!GodotDisplayVK.textinput || !GodotDisplayVK.textarea) { return; } if (GodotDisplayVK.textinput.style.display !== '' || GodotDisplayVK.textarea.style.display !== '') { GodotDisplayVK.hide(); } GodotDisplayVK.updateSize(); let elem = GodotDisplayVK.textinput; switch (type) { case 0: // KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEFAULT elem.type = 'text'; elem.inputmode = ''; break; case 1: // KEYBOARD_TYPE_MULTILINE elem = GodotDisplayVK.textarea; break; case 2: // KEYBOARD_TYPE_NUMBER elem.type = 'text'; elem.inputmode = 'numeric'; break; case 3: // KEYBOARD_TYPE_NUMBER_DECIMAL elem.type = 'text'; elem.inputmode = 'decimal'; break; case 4: // KEYBOARD_TYPE_PHONE elem.type = 'tel'; elem.inputmode = ''; break; case 5: // KEYBOARD_TYPE_EMAIL_ADDRESS elem.type = 'email'; elem.inputmode = ''; break; case 6: // KEYBOARD_TYPE_PASSWORD elem.type = 'password'; elem.inputmode = ''; break; case 7: // KEYBOARD_TYPE_URL elem.type = 'url'; elem.inputmode = ''; break; default: elem.type = 'text'; elem.inputmode = ''; break; } elem.readonly = false; elem.disabled = false; elem.value = text; elem.style.display = 'block'; elem.focus(); elem.setSelectionRange(start, end); }, hide: function () { if (!GodotDisplayVK.textinput || !GodotDisplayVK.textarea) { return; } [GodotDisplayVK.textinput, GodotDisplayVK.textarea].forEach(function (elem) { elem.blur(); elem.style.display = 'none'; elem.value = ''; }); }, updateSize: function () { if (!GodotDisplayVK.textinput || !GodotDisplayVK.textarea) { return; } const rect = GodotConfig.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); function update(elem) { elem.style.left = `${rect.left}px`; elem.style.top = `${rect.top}px`; elem.style.width = `${rect.width}px`; elem.style.height = `${rect.height}px`; } update(GodotDisplayVK.textinput); update(GodotDisplayVK.textarea); }, clear: function () { if (GodotDisplayVK.textinput) { GodotDisplayVK.textinput.remove(); GodotDisplayVK.textinput = null; } if (GodotDisplayVK.textarea) { GodotDisplayVK.textarea.remove(); GodotDisplayVK.textarea = null; } }, }, }; mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, GodotDisplayVK); /* * Display server cursor helper. * Keeps track of cursor status and custom shapes. */ const GodotDisplayCursor = { $GodotDisplayCursor__deps: ['$GodotOS', '$GodotConfig'], $GodotDisplayCursor__postset: 'GodotOS.atexit(function(resolve, reject) { GodotDisplayCursor.clear(); resolve(); });', $GodotDisplayCursor: { shape: 'default', visible: true, cursors: {}, set_style: function (style) { GodotConfig.canvas.style.cursor = style; }, set_shape: function (shape) { GodotDisplayCursor.shape = shape; let css = shape; if (shape in GodotDisplayCursor.cursors) { const c = GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[shape]; css = `url("${c.url}") ${c.x} ${c.y}, default`; } if (GodotDisplayCursor.visible) { GodotDisplayCursor.set_style(css); } }, clear: function () { GodotDisplayCursor.set_style(''); GodotDisplayCursor.shape = 'default'; GodotDisplayCursor.visible = true; Object.keys(GodotDisplayCursor.cursors).forEach(function (key) { URL.revokeObjectURL(GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[key]); delete GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[key]; }); }, lockPointer: function () { const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; if (canvas.requestPointerLock) { canvas.requestPointerLock(); } }, releasePointer: function () { if (document.exitPointerLock) { document.exitPointerLock(); } }, isPointerLocked: function () { return document.pointerLockElement === GodotConfig.canvas; }, }, }; mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, GodotDisplayCursor); const GodotDisplayScreen = { $GodotDisplayScreen__deps: ['$GodotConfig', '$GodotOS', '$GL', 'emscripten_webgl_get_current_context'], $GodotDisplayScreen: { desired_size: [0, 0], hidpi: true, getPixelRatio: function () { return GodotDisplayScreen.hidpi ? window.devicePixelRatio || 1 : 1; }, isFullscreen: function () { const elem = document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement; if (elem) { return elem === GodotConfig.canvas; } // But maybe knowing the element is not supported. return document.fullscreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullscreen; }, hasFullscreen: function () { return document.fullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled; }, requestFullscreen: function () { if (!GodotDisplayScreen.hasFullscreen()) { return 1; } const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; try { const promise = (canvas.requestFullscreen || canvas.msRequestFullscreen || canvas.mozRequestFullScreen || canvas.mozRequestFullscreen || canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen ).call(canvas); // Some browsers (Safari) return undefined. // For the standard ones, we need to catch it. if (promise) { promise.catch(function () { // nothing to do. }); } } catch (e) { return 1; } return 0; }, exitFullscreen: function () { if (!GodotDisplayScreen.isFullscreen()) { return 0; } try { const promise = document.exitFullscreen(); if (promise) { promise.catch(function () { // nothing to do. }); } } catch (e) { return 1; } return 0; }, _updateGL: function () { const gl_context_handle = _emscripten_webgl_get_current_context(); // eslint-disable-line no-undef const gl = GL.getContext(gl_context_handle); if (gl) { GL.resizeOffscreenFramebuffer(gl); } }, updateSize: function () { const isFullscreen = GodotDisplayScreen.isFullscreen(); const wantsFullWindow = GodotConfig.canvas_resize_policy === 2; const noResize = GodotConfig.canvas_resize_policy === 0; const dWidth = GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size[0]; const dHeight = GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size[1]; const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; let width = dWidth; let height = dHeight; if (noResize) { // Don't resize canvas, just update GL if needed. if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) { GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size = [canvas.width, canvas.height]; GodotDisplayScreen._updateGL(); return 1; } return 0; } const scale = GodotDisplayScreen.getPixelRatio(); if (isFullscreen || wantsFullWindow) { // We need to match screen size. width = window.innerWidth * scale; height = window.innerHeight * scale; } const csw = `${width / scale}px`; const csh = `${height / scale}px`; if (canvas.style.width !== csw || canvas.style.height !== csh || canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) { // Size doesn't match. // Resize canvas, set correct CSS pixel size, update GL. canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; canvas.style.width = csw; canvas.style.height = csh; GodotDisplayScreen._updateGL(); return 1; } return 0; }, }, }; mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, GodotDisplayScreen); /** * Display server interface. * * Exposes all the functions needed by DisplayServer implementation. */ const GodotDisplay = { $GodotDisplay__deps: ['$GodotConfig', '$GodotRuntime', '$GodotDisplayCursor', '$GodotEventListeners', '$GodotDisplayScreen', '$GodotDisplayVK'], $GodotDisplay: { window_icon: '', getDPI: function () { // devicePixelRatio is given in dppx // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values/#resolution // > due to the 1:96 fixed ratio of CSS *in* to CSS *px*, 1dppx is equivalent to 96dpi. const dpi = Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio * 96); return dpi >= 96 ? dpi : 96; }, }, godot_js_display_is_swap_ok_cancel__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_is_swap_ok_cancel: function () { const win = (['Windows', 'Win64', 'Win32', 'WinCE']); const plat = navigator.platform || ''; if (win.indexOf(plat) !== -1) { return 1; } return 0; }, godot_js_tts_is_speaking__sig: 'i', godot_js_tts_is_speaking: function () { return window.speechSynthesis.speaking; }, godot_js_tts_is_paused__sig: 'i', godot_js_tts_is_paused: function () { return window.speechSynthesis.paused; }, godot_js_tts_get_voices__sig: 'vi', godot_js_tts_get_voices: function (p_callback) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); try { const arr = []; const voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); for (let i = 0; i < voices.length; i++) { arr.push(`${voices[i].lang};${voices[i].name}`); } const c_ptr = GodotRuntime.allocStringArray(arr); func(arr.length, c_ptr); GodotRuntime.freeStringArray(c_ptr, arr.length); } catch (e) { // Fail graciously. } }, godot_js_tts_speak__sig: 'viiiffii', godot_js_tts_speak: function (p_text, p_voice, p_volume, p_pitch, p_rate, p_utterance_id, p_callback) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); function listener_end(evt) { evt.currentTarget.cb(1 /*TTS_UTTERANCE_ENDED*/, evt.currentTarget.id, 0); } function listener_start(evt) { evt.currentTarget.cb(0 /*TTS_UTTERANCE_STARTED*/, evt.currentTarget.id, 0); } function listener_error(evt) { evt.currentTarget.cb(2 /*TTS_UTTERANCE_CANCELED*/, evt.currentTarget.id, 0); } function listener_bound(evt) { evt.currentTarget.cb(3 /*TTS_UTTERANCE_BOUNDARY*/, evt.currentTarget.id, evt.charIndex); } const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text)); utterance.rate = p_rate; utterance.pitch = p_pitch; utterance.volume = p_volume / 100.0; utterance.addEventListener('end', listener_end); utterance.addEventListener('start', listener_start); utterance.addEventListener('error', listener_error); utterance.addEventListener('boundary', listener_bound); utterance.id = p_utterance_id; utterance.cb = func; const voice = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_voice); const voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); for (let i = 0; i < voices.length; i++) { if (voices[i].name === voice) { utterance.voice = voices[i]; break; } } window.speechSynthesis.resume(); window.speechSynthesis.speak(utterance); }, godot_js_tts_pause__sig: 'v', godot_js_tts_pause: function () { window.speechSynthesis.pause(); }, godot_js_tts_resume__sig: 'v', godot_js_tts_resume: function () { window.speechSynthesis.resume(); }, godot_js_tts_stop__sig: 'v', godot_js_tts_stop: function () { window.speechSynthesis.cancel(); window.speechSynthesis.resume(); }, godot_js_display_alert__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_alert: function (p_text) { window.alert(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text)); // eslint-disable-line no-alert }, godot_js_display_screen_dpi_get__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_screen_dpi_get: function () { return GodotDisplay.getDPI(); }, godot_js_display_pixel_ratio_get__sig: 'f', godot_js_display_pixel_ratio_get: function () { return GodotDisplayScreen.getPixelRatio(); }, godot_js_display_fullscreen_request__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_fullscreen_request: function () { return GodotDisplayScreen.requestFullscreen(); }, godot_js_display_fullscreen_exit__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_fullscreen_exit: function () { return GodotDisplayScreen.exitFullscreen(); }, godot_js_display_desired_size_set__sig: 'vii', godot_js_display_desired_size_set: function (width, height) { GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size = [width, height]; GodotDisplayScreen.updateSize(); }, godot_js_display_size_update__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_size_update: function () { const updated = GodotDisplayScreen.updateSize(); if (updated) { GodotDisplayVK.updateSize(); } return updated; }, godot_js_display_screen_size_get__sig: 'vii', godot_js_display_screen_size_get: function (width, height) { const scale = GodotDisplayScreen.getPixelRatio(); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(width, window.screen.width * scale, 'i32'); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(height, window.screen.height * scale, 'i32'); }, godot_js_display_window_size_get__sig: 'vii', godot_js_display_window_size_get: function (p_width, p_height) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_width, GodotConfig.canvas.width, 'i32'); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_height, GodotConfig.canvas.height, 'i32'); }, godot_js_display_has_webgl__sig: 'ii', godot_js_display_has_webgl: function (p_version) { if (p_version !== 1 && p_version !== 2) { return false; } try { return !!document.createElement('canvas').getContext(p_version === 2 ? 'webgl2' : 'webgl'); } catch (e) { /* Not available */ } return false; }, /* * Canvas */ godot_js_display_canvas_focus__sig: 'v', godot_js_display_canvas_focus: function () { GodotConfig.canvas.focus(); }, godot_js_display_canvas_is_focused__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_canvas_is_focused: function () { return document.activeElement === GodotConfig.canvas; }, /* * Touchscreen */ godot_js_display_touchscreen_is_available__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_touchscreen_is_available: function () { return 'ontouchstart' in window; }, /* * Clipboard */ godot_js_display_clipboard_set__sig: 'ii', godot_js_display_clipboard_set: function (p_text) { const text = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text); if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.writeText) { return 1; } navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).catch(function (e) { // Setting OS clipboard is only possible from an input callback. GodotRuntime.error('Setting OS clipboard is only possible from an input callback for the Web platform. Exception:', e); }); return 0; }, godot_js_display_clipboard_get__sig: 'ii', godot_js_display_clipboard_get: function (callback) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); try { navigator.clipboard.readText().then(function (result) { const ptr = GodotRuntime.allocString(result); func(ptr); GodotRuntime.free(ptr); }).catch(function (e) { // Fail graciously. }); } catch (e) { // Fail graciously. } }, /* * Window */ godot_js_display_window_title_set__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_window_title_set: function (p_data) { document.title = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_data); }, godot_js_display_window_icon_set__sig: 'vii', godot_js_display_window_icon_set: function (p_ptr, p_len) { let link = document.getElementById('-gd-engine-icon'); if (link === null) { link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'icon'; link.id = '-gd-engine-icon'; document.head.appendChild(link); } const old_icon = GodotDisplay.window_icon; const png = new Blob([GodotRuntime.heapSlice(HEAPU8, p_ptr, p_len)], { type: 'image/png' }); GodotDisplay.window_icon = URL.createObjectURL(png); link.href = GodotDisplay.window_icon; if (old_icon) { URL.revokeObjectURL(old_icon); } }, /* * Cursor */ godot_js_display_cursor_set_visible__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_cursor_set_visible: function (p_visible) { const visible = p_visible !== 0; if (visible === GodotDisplayCursor.visible) { return; } GodotDisplayCursor.visible = visible; if (visible) { GodotDisplayCursor.set_shape(GodotDisplayCursor.shape); } else { GodotDisplayCursor.set_style('none'); } }, godot_js_display_cursor_is_hidden__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_cursor_is_hidden: function () { return !GodotDisplayCursor.visible; }, godot_js_display_cursor_set_shape__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_cursor_set_shape: function (p_string) { GodotDisplayCursor.set_shape(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_string)); }, godot_js_display_cursor_set_custom_shape__sig: 'viiiii', godot_js_display_cursor_set_custom_shape: function (p_shape, p_ptr, p_len, p_hotspot_x, p_hotspot_y) { const shape = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_shape); const old_shape = GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[shape]; if (p_len > 0) { const png = new Blob([GodotRuntime.heapSlice(HEAPU8, p_ptr, p_len)], { type: 'image/png' }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(png); GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[shape] = { url: url, x: p_hotspot_x, y: p_hotspot_y, }; } else { delete GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[shape]; } if (shape === GodotDisplayCursor.shape) { GodotDisplayCursor.set_shape(GodotDisplayCursor.shape); } if (old_shape) { URL.revokeObjectURL(old_shape.url); } }, godot_js_display_cursor_lock_set__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_cursor_lock_set: function (p_lock) { if (p_lock) { GodotDisplayCursor.lockPointer(); } else { GodotDisplayCursor.releasePointer(); } }, godot_js_display_cursor_is_locked__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_cursor_is_locked: function () { return GodotDisplayCursor.isPointerLocked() ? 1 : 0; }, /* * Listeners */ godot_js_display_fullscreen_cb__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_fullscreen_cb: function (callback) { const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); function change_cb(evt) { if (evt.target === canvas) { func(GodotDisplayScreen.isFullscreen()); } } GodotEventListeners.add(document, 'fullscreenchange', change_cb, false); GodotEventListeners.add(document, 'mozfullscreenchange', change_cb, false); GodotEventListeners.add(document, 'webkitfullscreenchange', change_cb, false); }, godot_js_display_window_blur_cb__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_window_blur_cb: function (callback) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); GodotEventListeners.add(window, 'blur', function () { func(); }, false); }, godot_js_display_notification_cb__sig: 'viiiii', godot_js_display_notification_cb: function (callback, p_enter, p_exit, p_in, p_out) { const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); const notif = [p_enter, p_exit, p_in, p_out]; ['mouseover', 'mouseleave', 'focus', 'blur'].forEach(function (evt_name, idx) { GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, evt_name, function () { func(notif[idx]); }, true); }); }, godot_js_display_setup_canvas__sig: 'viiii', godot_js_display_setup_canvas: function (p_width, p_height, p_fullscreen, p_hidpi) { const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, 'contextmenu', function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); }, false); GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, 'webglcontextlost', function (ev) { alert('WebGL context lost, please reload the page'); // eslint-disable-line no-alert ev.preventDefault(); }, false); GodotDisplayScreen.hidpi = !!p_hidpi; switch (GodotConfig.canvas_resize_policy) { case 0: // None GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size = [canvas.width, canvas.height]; break; case 1: // Project GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size = [p_width, p_height]; break; default: // Full window // Ensure we display in the right place, the size will be handled by updateSize canvas.style.position = 'absolute'; canvas.style.top = 0; canvas.style.left = 0; break; } GodotDisplayScreen.updateSize(); if (p_fullscreen) { GodotDisplayScreen.requestFullscreen(); } }, /* * Virtual Keyboard */ godot_js_display_vk_show__sig: 'viiii', godot_js_display_vk_show: function (p_text, p_type, p_start, p_end) { const text = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text); const start = p_start > 0 ? p_start : 0; const end = p_end > 0 ? p_end : start; GodotDisplayVK.show(text, p_type, start, end); }, godot_js_display_vk_hide__sig: 'v', godot_js_display_vk_hide: function () { GodotDisplayVK.hide(); }, godot_js_display_vk_available__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_vk_available: function () { return GodotDisplayVK.available(); }, godot_js_display_tts_available__sig: 'i', godot_js_display_tts_available: function () { return 'speechSynthesis' in window; }, godot_js_display_vk_cb__sig: 'vi', godot_js_display_vk_cb: function (p_input_cb) { const input_cb = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_input_cb); if (GodotDisplayVK.available()) { GodotDisplayVK.init(input_cb); } }, }; autoAddDeps(GodotDisplay, '$GodotDisplay'); mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, GodotDisplay);