/* * Copyright © 2022 Behdad Esfahbod * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ #ifndef HB_PAINT_EXTENTS_HH #define HB_PAINT_EXTENTS_HH #include "hb.hh" #include "hb-paint.h" typedef struct hb_extents_t { hb_extents_t () {} hb_extents_t (float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax) : xmin (xmin), ymin (ymin), xmax (xmax), ymax (ymax) {} bool is_empty () const { return xmin >= xmax || ymin >= ymax; } bool is_void () const { return xmin > xmax; } void union_ (const hb_extents_t &o) { xmin = hb_min (xmin, o.xmin); ymin = hb_min (ymin, o.ymin); xmax = hb_max (xmax, o.xmax); ymax = hb_max (ymax, o.ymax); } void intersect (const hb_extents_t &o) { xmin = hb_max (xmin, o.xmin); ymin = hb_max (ymin, o.ymin); xmax = hb_min (xmax, o.xmax); ymax = hb_min (ymax, o.ymax); } void add_point (float x, float y) { if (unlikely (is_void ())) { xmin = xmax = x; ymin = ymax = y; } else { xmin = hb_min (xmin, x); ymin = hb_min (ymin, y); xmax = hb_max (xmax, x); ymax = hb_max (ymax, y); } } float xmin = 0.f; float ymin = 0.f; float xmax = -1.f; float ymax = -1.f; } hb_extents_t; typedef struct hb_transform_t { hb_transform_t () {} hb_transform_t (float xx, float yx, float xy, float yy, float x0, float y0) : xx (xx), yx (yx), xy (xy), yy (yy), x0 (x0), y0 (y0) {} void multiply (const hb_transform_t &o) { /* Copied from cairo, with "o" being "a" there and "this" being "b" there. */ hb_transform_t r; r.xx = o.xx * xx + o.yx * xy; r.yx = o.xx * yx + o.yx * yy; r.xy = o.xy * xx + o.yy * xy; r.yy = o.xy * yx + o.yy * yy; r.x0 = o.x0 * xx + o.y0 * xy + x0; r.y0 = o.x0 * yx + o.y0 * yy + y0; *this = r; } void transform_distance (float &dx, float &dy) const { float new_x = xx * dx + xy * dy; float new_y = yx * dx + yy * dy; dx = new_x; dy = new_y; } void transform_point (float &x, float &y) const { transform_distance (x, y); x += x0; y += y0; } void transform_extents (hb_extents_t &extents) const { float quad_x[4], quad_y[4]; quad_x[0] = extents.xmin; quad_y[0] = extents.ymin; quad_x[1] = extents.xmin; quad_y[1] = extents.ymax; quad_x[2] = extents.xmax; quad_y[2] = extents.ymin; quad_x[3] = extents.xmax; quad_y[3] = extents.ymax; extents = hb_extents_t {}; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) { transform_point (quad_x[i], quad_y[i]); extents.add_point (quad_x[i], quad_y[i]); } } float xx = 1.f; float yx = 0.f; float xy = 0.f; float yy = 1.f; float x0 = 0.f; float y0 = 0.f; } hb_transform_t; typedef struct hb_bounds_t { enum status_t { UNBOUNDED, BOUNDED, EMPTY, }; hb_bounds_t (status_t status) : status (status) {} hb_bounds_t (const hb_extents_t &extents) : status (extents.is_empty () ? EMPTY : BOUNDED), extents (extents) {} void union_ (const hb_bounds_t &o) { if (o.status == UNBOUNDED) status = UNBOUNDED; else if (o.status == BOUNDED) { if (status == EMPTY) *this = o; else if (status == BOUNDED) extents.union_ (o.extents); } } void intersect (const hb_bounds_t &o) { if (o.status == EMPTY) status = EMPTY; else if (o.status == BOUNDED) { if (status == UNBOUNDED) *this = o; else if (status == BOUNDED) { extents.intersect (o.extents); if (extents.is_empty ()) status = EMPTY; } } } status_t status; hb_extents_t extents; } hb_bounds_t; typedef struct hb_paint_extents_context_t hb_paint_extents_context_t; struct hb_paint_extents_context_t { hb_paint_extents_context_t () { transforms.push (hb_transform_t{}); clips.push (hb_bounds_t{hb_bounds_t::UNBOUNDED}); groups.push (hb_bounds_t{hb_bounds_t::EMPTY}); } hb_extents_t get_extents () { return groups.tail().extents; } bool is_bounded () { return groups.tail().status != hb_bounds_t::UNBOUNDED; } void push_transform (const hb_transform_t &trans) { hb_transform_t t = transforms.tail (); t.multiply (trans); transforms.push (t); } void pop_transform () { transforms.pop (); } void push_clip (hb_extents_t extents) { /* Transform extents and push a new clip. */ const hb_transform_t &t = transforms.tail (); t.transform_extents (extents); clips.push (hb_bounds_t {extents}); } void pop_clip () { clips.pop (); } void push_group () { groups.push (hb_bounds_t {hb_bounds_t::EMPTY}); } void pop_group (hb_paint_composite_mode_t mode) { const hb_bounds_t src_bounds = groups.pop (); hb_bounds_t &backdrop_bounds = groups.tail (); // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/colr#format-32-paintcomposite switch ((int) mode) { case HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_CLEAR: backdrop_bounds.status = hb_bounds_t::EMPTY; break; case HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC: case HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_OUT: backdrop_bounds = src_bounds; break; case HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST: case HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_OUT: break; case HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_SRC_IN: case HB_PAINT_COMPOSITE_MODE_DEST_IN: backdrop_bounds.intersect (src_bounds); break; default: backdrop_bounds.union_ (src_bounds); break; } } void paint () { const hb_bounds_t &clip = clips.tail (); hb_bounds_t &group = groups.tail (); group.union_ (clip); } protected: hb_vector_t<hb_transform_t> transforms; hb_vector_t<hb_bounds_t> clips; hb_vector_t<hb_bounds_t> groups; }; HB_INTERNAL hb_paint_funcs_t * hb_paint_extents_get_funcs (); #endif /* HB_PAINT_EXTENTS_HH */