Server keeping track of different cameras accessible in Godot. The [CameraServer] keeps track of different cameras accessible in Godot. These are external cameras such as webcams or the cameras on your phone. It is notably used to provide AR modules with a video feed from the camera. [b]Note:[/b] This class is currently only implemented on macOS and iOS. To get a [CameraFeed] on iOS, the camera plugin from [url=]godot-ios-plugins[/url] is required. On other platforms, no [CameraFeed]s will be available. Adds the camera [param feed] to the camera server. Returns an array of [CameraFeed]s. Returns the [CameraFeed] corresponding to the camera with the given [param index]. Returns the number of [CameraFeed]s registered. Removes the specified camera [param feed]. Emitted when a [CameraFeed] is added (e.g. a webcam is plugged in). Emitted when a [CameraFeed] is removed (e.g. a webcam is unplugged). The RGBA camera image. The [url=]YCbCr[/url] camera image. The Y component camera image. The CbCr component camera image.