/**************************************************************************/ /* editor_sectioned_inspector.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "editor_sectioned_inspector.h" #include "editor_property_name_processor.h" #include "editor_scale.h" #include "editor_settings.h" static bool _property_path_matches(const String &p_property_path, const String &p_filter, EditorPropertyNameProcessor::Style p_style) { if (p_property_path.findn(p_filter) != -1) { return true; } const Vector sections = p_property_path.split("/"); for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) { if (p_filter.is_subsequence_ofi(EditorPropertyNameProcessor::get_singleton()->process_name(sections[i], p_style))) { return true; } } return false; } class SectionedInspectorFilter : public Object { GDCLASS(SectionedInspectorFilter, Object); Object *edited; String section; bool allow_sub; bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { if (!edited) { return false; } String name = p_name; if (section != "") { name = section + "/" + name; } bool valid; edited->set(name, p_value, &valid); return valid; } bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { if (!edited) { return false; } String name = p_name; if (section != "") { name = section + "/" + name; } bool valid = false; r_ret = edited->get(name, &valid); return valid; } void _get_property_list(List *p_list) const { if (!edited) { return; } List pinfo; edited->get_property_list(&pinfo); for (List::Element *E = pinfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) { PropertyInfo pi = E->get(); int sp = pi.name.find("/"); if (pi.name == "resource_path" || pi.name == "resource_name" || pi.name == "resource_local_to_scene" || pi.name.begins_with("script/") || pi.name.begins_with("_global_script")) { //skip resource stuff continue; } if (sp == -1) { pi.name = "global/" + pi.name; } if (pi.name.begins_with(section + "/")) { pi.name = pi.name.replace_first(section + "/", ""); if (!allow_sub && pi.name.find("/") != -1) { continue; } p_list->push_back(pi); } } } bool property_can_revert(const String &p_name) { return edited->call("property_can_revert", section + "/" + p_name); } Variant property_get_revert(const String &p_name) { return edited->call("property_get_revert", section + "/" + p_name); } protected: static void _bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("property_can_revert", &SectionedInspectorFilter::property_can_revert); ClassDB::bind_method("property_get_revert", &SectionedInspectorFilter::property_get_revert); } public: void set_section(const String &p_section, bool p_allow_sub) { section = p_section; allow_sub = p_allow_sub; _change_notify(); } void set_edited(Object *p_edited) { edited = p_edited; _change_notify(); } SectionedInspectorFilter() { edited = nullptr; } }; void SectionedInspector::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("_section_selected", &SectionedInspector::_section_selected); ClassDB::bind_method("_search_changed", &SectionedInspector::_search_changed); ClassDB::bind_method("update_category_list", &SectionedInspector::update_category_list); } void SectionedInspector::_section_selected() { if (!sections->get_selected()) { return; } selected_category = sections->get_selected()->get_metadata(0); filter->set_section(selected_category, sections->get_selected()->get_children() == nullptr); inspector->set_property_prefix(selected_category + "/"); } void SectionedInspector::set_current_section(const String &p_section) { if (section_map.has(p_section)) { TreeItem *item = section_map[p_section]; item->select(0); sections->scroll_to_item(item); } } String SectionedInspector::get_current_section() const { if (sections->get_selected()) { return sections->get_selected()->get_metadata(0); } else { return ""; } } String SectionedInspector::get_full_item_path(const String &p_item) { String base = get_current_section(); if (base != "") { return base + "/" + p_item; } else { return p_item; } } void SectionedInspector::edit(Object *p_object) { if (!p_object) { obj = 0; sections->clear(); filter->set_edited(nullptr); inspector->edit(nullptr); return; } ObjectID id = p_object->get_instance_id(); inspector->set_object_class(p_object->get_class()); if (obj != id) { obj = id; update_category_list(); filter->set_edited(p_object); inspector->edit(filter); TreeItem *first_item = sections->get_root(); if (first_item) { while (first_item->get_children()) { first_item = first_item->get_children(); } first_item->select(0); selected_category = first_item->get_metadata(0); } } else { update_category_list(); } } void SectionedInspector::update_category_list() { sections->clear(); Object *o = ObjectDB::get_instance(obj); if (!o) { return; } List pinfo; o->get_property_list(&pinfo); section_map.clear(); TreeItem *root = sections->create_item(); section_map[""] = root; String filter; if (search_box) { filter = search_box->get_text(); } const EditorPropertyNameProcessor::Style name_style = EditorPropertyNameProcessor::get_settings_style(); const EditorPropertyNameProcessor::Style tooltip_style = EditorPropertyNameProcessor::get_tooltip_style(name_style); for (List::Element *E = pinfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) { PropertyInfo pi = E->get(); if (pi.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY) { continue; } else if (!(pi.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR)) { continue; } if (pi.name.find(":") != -1 || pi.name == "script" || pi.name == "resource_name" || pi.name == "resource_path" || pi.name == "resource_local_to_scene" || pi.name.begins_with("_global_script")) { continue; } // Filter out unnecessary ProjectSettings sections, as they already have their dedicated tabs. if (pi.name.begins_with("autoload") || pi.name.begins_with("editor_plugins") || pi.name.begins_with("shader_globals")) { continue; } if (!filter.empty() && !_property_path_matches(pi.name, filter, name_style)) { continue; } int sp = pi.name.find("/"); if (sp == -1) { pi.name = "global/" + pi.name; } Vector sectionarr = pi.name.split("/"); String metasection; int sc = MIN(2, sectionarr.size() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < sc; i++) { TreeItem *parent = section_map[metasection]; parent->set_custom_bg_color(0, get_color("prop_subsection", "Editor")); if (i > 0) { metasection += "/" + sectionarr[i]; } else { metasection = sectionarr[i]; } if (!section_map.has(metasection)) { TreeItem *ms = sections->create_item(parent); section_map[metasection] = ms; const String text = EditorPropertyNameProcessor::get_singleton()->process_name(sectionarr[i], name_style); const String tooltip = EditorPropertyNameProcessor::get_singleton()->process_name(sectionarr[i], tooltip_style); ms->set_text(0, text); ms->set_tooltip(0, tooltip); ms->set_metadata(0, metasection); ms->set_selectable(0, false); } if (i == sc - 1) { //if it has children, make selectable section_map[metasection]->set_selectable(0, true); } } } if (section_map.has(selected_category)) { section_map[selected_category]->select(0); } inspector->update_tree(); } void SectionedInspector::register_search_box(LineEdit *p_box) { search_box = p_box; inspector->register_text_enter(p_box); search_box->connect("text_changed", this, "_search_changed"); } void SectionedInspector::_search_changed(const String &p_what) { update_category_list(); } void SectionedInspector::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case EditorSettings::NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CHANGED: { inspector->set_property_name_style(EditorPropertyNameProcessor::get_settings_style()); } break; } } EditorInspector *SectionedInspector::get_inspector() { return inspector; } SectionedInspector::SectionedInspector() : obj(0), sections(memnew(Tree)), filter(memnew(SectionedInspectorFilter)), inspector(memnew(EditorInspector)), search_box(nullptr) { add_constant_override("autohide", 1); // Fixes the dragger always showing up VBoxContainer *left_vb = memnew(VBoxContainer); left_vb->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(190, 0) * EDSCALE); add_child(left_vb); sections->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); sections->set_hide_root(true); left_vb->add_child(sections, true); VBoxContainer *right_vb = memnew(VBoxContainer); right_vb->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(300, 0) * EDSCALE); right_vb->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); add_child(right_vb); inspector->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); right_vb->add_child(inspector, true); inspector->set_use_doc_hints(true); inspector->set_property_name_style(EditorPropertyNameProcessor::get_settings_style()); sections->connect("cell_selected", this, "_section_selected"); } SectionedInspector::~SectionedInspector() { memdelete(filter); }