/**************************************************************************/ /* animation.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef ANIMATION_H #define ANIMATION_H #include "core/io/resource.h" #include "core/templates/local_vector.h" #define ANIM_MIN_LENGTH 0.001 class Animation : public Resource { GDCLASS(Animation, Resource); RES_BASE_EXTENSION("anim"); public: typedef uint32_t TypeHash; enum TrackType { TYPE_VALUE, ///< Set a value in a property, can be interpolated. TYPE_POSITION_3D, ///< Position 3D track TYPE_ROTATION_3D, ///< Rotation 3D track TYPE_SCALE_3D, ///< Scale 3D track TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE, ///< Blend Shape track TYPE_METHOD, ///< Call any method on a specific node. TYPE_BEZIER, ///< Bezier curve TYPE_AUDIO, TYPE_ANIMATION, }; enum InterpolationType { INTERPOLATION_NEAREST, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR, INTERPOLATION_CUBIC, INTERPOLATION_LINEAR_ANGLE, INTERPOLATION_CUBIC_ANGLE, }; enum UpdateMode { UPDATE_CONTINUOUS, UPDATE_DISCRETE, UPDATE_CAPTURE, }; enum LoopMode { LOOP_NONE, LOOP_LINEAR, LOOP_PINGPONG, }; enum LoopedFlag { LOOPED_FLAG_NONE, LOOPED_FLAG_END, LOOPED_FLAG_START, }; enum FindMode { FIND_MODE_NEAREST, FIND_MODE_APPROX, FIND_MODE_EXACT, }; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED enum HandleMode { HANDLE_MODE_FREE, HANDLE_MODE_LINEAR, HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED, HANDLE_MODE_MIRRORED, }; enum HandleSetMode { HANDLE_SET_MODE_NONE, HANDLE_SET_MODE_RESET, HANDLE_SET_MODE_AUTO, }; #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED private: struct Track { TrackType type = TrackType::TYPE_ANIMATION; InterpolationType interpolation = INTERPOLATION_LINEAR; bool loop_wrap = true; NodePath path; // Path to something. TypeHash thash = 0; // Hash by Path + SubPath + TrackType. bool imported = false; bool enabled = true; Track() {} virtual ~Track() {} }; struct Key { real_t transition = 1.0; double time = 0.0; // time in secs }; // transform key holds either Vector3 or Quaternion template struct TKey : public Key { T value; }; const int32_t POSITION_TRACK_SIZE = 5; const int32_t ROTATION_TRACK_SIZE = 6; const int32_t SCALE_TRACK_SIZE = 5; const int32_t BLEND_SHAPE_TRACK_SIZE = 3; /* POSITION TRACK */ struct PositionTrack : public Track { Vector> positions; int32_t compressed_track = -1; PositionTrack() { type = TYPE_POSITION_3D; } }; /* ROTATION TRACK */ struct RotationTrack : public Track { Vector> rotations; int32_t compressed_track = -1; RotationTrack() { type = TYPE_ROTATION_3D; } }; /* SCALE TRACK */ struct ScaleTrack : public Track { Vector> scales; int32_t compressed_track = -1; ScaleTrack() { type = TYPE_SCALE_3D; } }; /* BLEND SHAPE TRACK */ struct BlendShapeTrack : public Track { Vector> blend_shapes; int32_t compressed_track = -1; BlendShapeTrack() { type = TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE; } }; /* PROPERTY VALUE TRACK */ struct ValueTrack : public Track { UpdateMode update_mode = UPDATE_CONTINUOUS; bool update_on_seek = false; Vector> values; ValueTrack() { type = TYPE_VALUE; } }; /* METHOD TRACK */ struct MethodKey : public Key { StringName method; Vector params; }; struct MethodTrack : public Track { Vector methods; MethodTrack() { type = TYPE_METHOD; } }; /* BEZIER TRACK */ struct BezierKey { Vector2 in_handle; //relative (x always <0) Vector2 out_handle; //relative (x always >0) real_t value = 0.0; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED HandleMode handle_mode = HANDLE_MODE_FREE; #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED }; struct BezierTrack : public Track { Vector> values; BezierTrack() { type = TYPE_BEZIER; } }; /* AUDIO TRACK */ struct AudioKey { Ref stream; real_t start_offset = 0.0; //offset from start real_t end_offset = 0.0; //offset from end, if 0 then full length or infinite AudioKey() { } }; struct AudioTrack : public Track { Vector> values; bool use_blend = true; AudioTrack() { type = TYPE_AUDIO; } }; /* AUDIO TRACK */ struct AnimationTrack : public Track { Vector> values; AnimationTrack() { type = TYPE_ANIMATION; } }; Vector tracks; /* template int _insert_pos(double p_time, T& p_keys);*/ template void _clear(T &p_keys); template int _insert(double p_time, T &p_keys, const V &p_value); template inline int _find(const Vector &p_keys, double p_time, bool p_backward = false) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 _interpolate(const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, real_t p_c) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Quaternion _interpolate(const Quaternion &p_a, const Quaternion &p_b, real_t p_c) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Variant _interpolate(const Variant &p_a, const Variant &p_b, real_t p_c) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t _interpolate(const real_t &p_a, const real_t &p_b, real_t p_c) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Variant _interpolate_angle(const Variant &p_a, const Variant &p_b, real_t p_c) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 _cubic_interpolate_in_time(const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_c, real_t p_pre_a_t, real_t p_b_t, real_t p_post_b_t) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Quaternion _cubic_interpolate_in_time(const Quaternion &p_pre_a, const Quaternion &p_a, const Quaternion &p_b, const Quaternion &p_post_b, real_t p_c, real_t p_pre_a_t, real_t p_b_t, real_t p_post_b_t) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Variant _cubic_interpolate_in_time(const Variant &p_pre_a, const Variant &p_a, const Variant &p_b, const Variant &p_post_b, real_t p_c, real_t p_pre_a_t, real_t p_b_t, real_t p_post_b_t) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t _cubic_interpolate_in_time(const real_t &p_pre_a, const real_t &p_a, const real_t &p_b, const real_t &p_post_b, real_t p_c, real_t p_pre_a_t, real_t p_b_t, real_t p_post_b_t) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Variant _cubic_interpolate_angle_in_time(const Variant &p_pre_a, const Variant &p_a, const Variant &p_b, const Variant &p_post_b, real_t p_c, real_t p_pre_a_t, real_t p_b_t, real_t p_post_b_t) const; template _FORCE_INLINE_ T _interpolate(const Vector> &p_keys, double p_time, InterpolationType p_interp, bool p_loop_wrap, bool *p_ok, bool p_backward = false) const; template _FORCE_INLINE_ void _track_get_key_indices_in_range(const Vector &p_array, double from_time, double to_time, List *p_indices, bool p_is_backward) const; double length = 1.0; real_t step = 0.1; LoopMode loop_mode = LOOP_NONE; void _track_update_hash(int p_track); /* Animation compression page format (version 1): * * Animation uses bitwidth based compression separated into small pages. The intention is that pages fit easily in the cache, so decoding is cache efficient. * The page-based nature also makes future animation streaming from disk possible. * * Actual format: * * num_compressed_tracks = bounds.size() * header : (x num_compressed_tracks) * ------- * timeline_keys_offset : uint32_t - offset to time keys * timeline_size : uint32_t - amount of time keys * data_keys_offset : uint32_t offset to key data * * time key (uint32_t): * ------------------ * frame : bits 0-15 - time offset of key, computed as: page.time_offset + frame * (1.0/fps) * data_key_offset : bits 16-27 - offset to key data, computed as: data_keys_offset * 4 + data_key_offset * data_key_count : bits 28-31 - amount of data keys pointed to, computed as: data_key_count+1 (max 16) * * data key: * --------- * X / Blend Shape : uint16_t - X coordinate of XYZ vector key, or Blend Shape value. If Blend shape, Y and Z are not present and can be ignored. * Y : uint16_t * Z : uint16_t * If data_key_count+1 > 1 (if more than 1 key is stored): * data_bitwidth : uint16_t - This is only present if data_key_count > 1. Contains delta bitwidth information. * X / Blend Shape delta bitwidth: bits 0-3 - * if 0, nothing is present for X (use the first key-value for subsequent keys), * else assume the number of bits present for each element (+ 1 for sign). Assumed always 16 bits, delta max signed 15 bits, with underflow and overflow supported. * Y delta bitwidth : bits 4-7 * Z delta bitwidth : bits 8-11 * FRAME delta bitwidth : 12-15 bits - always present (obviously), actual bitwidth is FRAME+1 * Data key is 4 bytes long for Blend Shapes, 8 bytes long for pos/rot/scale. * * delta keys: * ----------- * Compressed format is packed in the following format after the data key, containing delta keys one after the next in a tightly bit packed fashion. * FRAME bits -> X / Blend Shape Bits (if bitwidth > 0) -> Y Bits (if not Blend Shape and Y Bitwidth > 0) -> Z Bits (if not Blend Shape and Z Bitwidth > 0) * * data key format: * ---------------- * Decoding keys means starting from the base key and going key by key applying deltas until the proper position is reached needed for interpolation. * Resulting values are uint32_t * data for X / Blend Shape, Y and Z must be normalized first: unorm = float(data) / 65535.0 * **Blend Shape**: (unorm * 2.0 - 1.0) * Compression::BLEND_SHAPE_RANGE * **Pos/Scale**: unorm_vec3 * bounds[track].size + bounds[track].position * **Rotation**: Quaternion(Vector3::octahedron_decode(unorm_vec3.xy),unorm_vec3.z * Math_PI * 2.0) * **Frame**: page.time_offset + frame * (1.0/fps) */ struct Compression { enum { MAX_DATA_TRACK_SIZE = 16384, BLEND_SHAPE_RANGE = 8, // - 8.0 to 8.0 FORMAT_VERSION = 1 }; struct Page { Vector data; double time_offset; }; uint32_t fps = 120; LocalVector pages; LocalVector bounds; //used by position and scale tracks (which contain index to track and index to bounds). bool enabled = false; } compression; Vector3i _compress_key(uint32_t p_track, const AABB &p_bounds, int32_t p_key = -1, float p_time = 0.0); bool _rotation_interpolate_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, Quaternion &r_ret) const; bool _pos_scale_interpolate_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, Vector3 &r_ret) const; bool _blend_shape_interpolate_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, float &r_ret) const; template bool _fetch_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, Vector3i &r_current_value, double &r_current_time, Vector3i &r_next_value, double &r_next_time, uint32_t *key_index = nullptr) const; template bool _fetch_compressed_by_index(uint32_t p_compressed_track, int p_index, Vector3i &r_value, double &r_time) const; int _get_compressed_key_count(uint32_t p_compressed_track) const; template void _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List *r_indices) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Quaternion _uncompress_quaternion(const Vector3i &p_value) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 _uncompress_pos_scale(uint32_t p_compressed_track, const Vector3i &p_value) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ float _uncompress_blend_shape(const Vector3i &p_value) const; // bind helpers private: bool _float_track_optimize_key(const TKey t0, const TKey t1, const TKey t2, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error); bool _vector2_track_optimize_key(const TKey t0, const TKey t1, const TKey t2, real_t p_alowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, real_t p_allowed_precision_error); bool _vector3_track_optimize_key(const TKey t0, const TKey t1, const TKey t2, real_t p_alowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, real_t p_allowed_precision_error); bool _quaternion_track_optimize_key(const TKey t0, const TKey t1, const TKey t2, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, real_t p_allowed_precision_error); void _position_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error); void _rotation_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, real_t p_allowed_precision_error); void _scale_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error); void _blend_shape_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error); void _value_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_velocity_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_allowed_precision_error); protected: bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value); bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const; void _get_property_list(List *p_list) const; virtual void reset_state() override; static void _bind_methods(); static bool inform_variant_array(int &r_min, int &r_max); // Returns true if max and min are swapped. #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED Vector3 _position_track_interpolate_bind_compat_86629(int p_track, double p_time) const; Quaternion _rotation_track_interpolate_bind_compat_86629(int p_track, double p_time) const; Vector3 _scale_track_interpolate_bind_compat_86629(int p_track, double p_time) const; float _blend_shape_track_interpolate_bind_compat_86629(int p_track, double p_time) const; Variant _value_track_interpolate_bind_compat_86629(int p_track, double p_time) const; static void _bind_compatibility_methods(); #endif // DISABLE_DEPRECATED public: int add_track(TrackType p_type, int p_at_pos = -1); void remove_track(int p_track); int get_track_count() const; TrackType track_get_type(int p_track) const; void track_set_path(int p_track, const NodePath &p_path); NodePath track_get_path(int p_track) const; int find_track(const NodePath &p_path, const TrackType p_type) const; TypeHash track_get_type_hash(int p_track) const; void track_move_up(int p_track); void track_move_down(int p_track); void track_move_to(int p_track, int p_to_index); void track_swap(int p_track, int p_with_track); void track_set_imported(int p_track, bool p_imported); bool track_is_imported(int p_track) const; void track_set_enabled(int p_track, bool p_enabled); bool track_is_enabled(int p_track) const; int track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Variant &p_key, real_t p_transition = 1); void track_set_key_transition(int p_track, int p_key_idx, real_t p_transition); void track_set_key_value(int p_track, int p_key_idx, const Variant &p_value); void track_set_key_time(int p_track, int p_key_idx, double p_time); int track_find_key(int p_track, double p_time, FindMode p_find_mode = FIND_MODE_NEAREST) const; void track_remove_key(int p_track, int p_idx); void track_remove_key_at_time(int p_track, double p_time); int track_get_key_count(int p_track) const; Variant track_get_key_value(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const; double track_get_key_time(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const; real_t track_get_key_transition(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const; bool track_is_compressed(int p_track) const; int position_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Vector3 &p_position); Error position_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Vector3 *r_position) const; Error try_position_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Vector3 *r_interpolation, bool p_backward = false) const; Vector3 position_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, bool p_backward = false) const; int rotation_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Quaternion &p_rotation); Error rotation_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Quaternion *r_rotation) const; Error try_rotation_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Quaternion *r_interpolation, bool p_backward = false) const; Quaternion rotation_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, bool p_backward = false) const; int scale_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Vector3 &p_scale); Error scale_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Vector3 *r_scale) const; Error try_scale_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Vector3 *r_interpolation, bool p_backward = false) const; Vector3 scale_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, bool p_backward = false) const; int blend_shape_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, float p_blend); Error blend_shape_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, float *r_blend) const; Error try_blend_shape_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, float *r_blend, bool p_backward = false) const; float blend_shape_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, bool p_backward = false) const; void track_set_interpolation_type(int p_track, InterpolationType p_interp); InterpolationType track_get_interpolation_type(int p_track) const; int bezier_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, real_t p_value, const Vector2 &p_in_handle, const Vector2 &p_out_handle); void bezier_track_set_key_value(int p_track, int p_index, real_t p_value); void bezier_track_set_key_in_handle(int p_track, int p_index, const Vector2 &p_handle, real_t p_balanced_value_time_ratio = 1.0); void bezier_track_set_key_out_handle(int p_track, int p_index, const Vector2 &p_handle, real_t p_balanced_value_time_ratio = 1.0); real_t bezier_track_get_key_value(int p_track, int p_index) const; Vector2 bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(int p_track, int p_index) const; Vector2 bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(int p_track, int p_index) const; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void bezier_track_set_key_handle_mode(int p_track, int p_index, HandleMode p_mode, HandleSetMode p_set_mode = HANDLE_SET_MODE_NONE); HandleMode bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(int p_track, int p_index) const; #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED real_t bezier_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time) const; int audio_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Ref &p_stream, real_t p_start_offset = 0, real_t p_end_offset = 0); void audio_track_set_key_stream(int p_track, int p_key, const Ref &p_stream); void audio_track_set_key_start_offset(int p_track, int p_key, real_t p_offset); void audio_track_set_key_end_offset(int p_track, int p_key, real_t p_offset); Ref audio_track_get_key_stream(int p_track, int p_key) const; real_t audio_track_get_key_start_offset(int p_track, int p_key) const; real_t audio_track_get_key_end_offset(int p_track, int p_key) const; void audio_track_set_use_blend(int p_track, bool p_enable); bool audio_track_is_use_blend(int p_track) const; int animation_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const StringName &p_animation); void animation_track_set_key_animation(int p_track, int p_key, const StringName &p_animation); StringName animation_track_get_key_animation(int p_track, int p_key) const; void track_set_interpolation_loop_wrap(int p_track, bool p_enable); bool track_get_interpolation_loop_wrap(int p_track) const; Variant value_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, bool p_backward = false) const; void value_track_set_update_mode(int p_track, UpdateMode p_mode); UpdateMode value_track_get_update_mode(int p_track) const; Vector method_track_get_params(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const; StringName method_track_get_name(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const; void copy_track(int p_track, Ref p_to_animation); void track_get_key_indices_in_range(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List *p_indices, Animation::LoopedFlag p_looped_flag = Animation::LOOPED_FLAG_NONE) const; void set_length(real_t p_length); real_t get_length() const; void set_loop_mode(LoopMode p_loop_mode); LoopMode get_loop_mode() const; void set_step(real_t p_step); real_t get_step() const; void clear(); void optimize(real_t p_allowed_velocity_err = 0.01, real_t p_allowed_angular_err = 0.01, int p_precision = 3); void compress(uint32_t p_page_size = 8192, uint32_t p_fps = 120, float p_split_tolerance = 4.0); // 4.0 seems to be the split tolerance sweet spot from many tests // Helper functions for Variant. static bool is_variant_interpolatable(const Variant p_value); static Variant cast_to_blendwise(const Variant p_value); static Variant cast_from_blendwise(const Variant p_value, const Variant::Type p_type); static Variant string_to_array(const Variant p_value); static Variant array_to_string(const Variant p_value); static Variant add_variant(const Variant &a, const Variant &b); static Variant subtract_variant(const Variant &a, const Variant &b); static Variant blend_variant(const Variant &a, const Variant &b, float c); static Variant interpolate_variant(const Variant &a, const Variant &b, float c, bool p_snap_array_element = false); static Variant cubic_interpolate_in_time_variant(const Variant &pre_a, const Variant &a, const Variant &b, const Variant &post_b, float c, real_t p_pre_a_t, real_t p_b_t, real_t p_post_b_t, bool p_snap_array_element = false); static TrackType get_cache_type(TrackType p_type); Animation(); ~Animation(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Animation::TrackType); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Animation::InterpolationType); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Animation::UpdateMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Animation::LoopMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Animation::LoopedFlag); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Animation::FindMode); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Animation::HandleMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Animation::HandleSetMode); #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED #endif // ANIMATION_H