/* * libspeechd.h - Shared library for easy acces to Speech Dispatcher functions (header) * * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Brailcom, o.p.s. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this package; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $Id: libspeechd.h,v 1.29 2008-07-30 09:47:00 hanke Exp $ */ #ifndef _LIBSPEECHD_H #define _LIBSPEECHD_H #include <stdio.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "libspeechd_version.h" #include "speechd_types.h" /* *INDENT-OFF* */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* Speech Dispatcher's default port for inet communication */ #define SPEECHD_DEFAULT_PORT 6560 /* Arguments for spd_send_data() */ #define SPD_WAIT_REPLY 1 /* Wait for reply */ #define SPD_NO_REPLY 0 /* No reply requested */ /* --------------------- Public data types ------------------------ */ typedef enum { SPD_MODE_SINGLE = 0, SPD_MODE_THREADED = 1 } SPDConnectionMode; typedef enum { SPD_METHOD_UNIX_SOCKET = 0, SPD_METHOD_INET_SOCKET = 1, } SPDConnectionMethod; typedef struct { SPDConnectionMethod method; char *unix_socket_name; char *inet_socket_host; int inet_socket_port; char *dbus_bus; } SPDConnectionAddress; void SPDConnectionAddress__free(SPDConnectionAddress * address); typedef void (*SPDCallback) (size_t msg_id, size_t client_id, SPDNotificationType state); typedef void (*SPDCallbackIM) (size_t msg_id, size_t client_id, SPDNotificationType state, char *index_mark); typedef struct { /* PUBLIC */ SPDCallback callback_begin; SPDCallback callback_end; SPDCallback callback_cancel; SPDCallback callback_pause; SPDCallback callback_resume; SPDCallbackIM callback_im; /* PRIVATE */ int socket; FILE *stream; SPDConnectionMode mode; pthread_mutex_t *ssip_mutex; pthread_t *events_thread; pthread_mutex_t *comm_mutex; pthread_cond_t *cond_reply_ready; pthread_mutex_t *mutex_reply_ready; pthread_cond_t *cond_reply_ack; pthread_mutex_t *mutex_reply_ack; char *reply; } SPDConnection; /* -------------- Public functions --------------------------*/ /* Opening and closing Speech Dispatcher connection */ SPDConnectionAddress *spd_get_default_address(char **error); SPDConnection *spd_open(const char *client_name, const char *connection_name, const char *user_name, SPDConnectionMode mode); SPDConnection *spd_open2(const char *client_name, const char *connection_name, const char *user_name, SPDConnectionMode mode, SPDConnectionAddress * address, int autospawn, char **error_result); void spd_close(SPDConnection * connection); /* Speaking */ int spd_say(SPDConnection * connection, SPDPriority priority, const char *text); int spd_sayf(SPDConnection * connection, SPDPriority priority, const char *format, ...); /* Speech flow */ int spd_stop(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_stop_all(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_stop_uid(SPDConnection * connection, int target_uid); int spd_cancel(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_cancel_all(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_cancel_uid(SPDConnection * connection, int target_uid); int spd_pause(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_pause_all(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_pause_uid(SPDConnection * connection, int target_uid); int spd_resume(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_resume_all(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_resume_uid(SPDConnection * connection, int target_uid); /* Characters and keys */ int spd_key(SPDConnection * connection, SPDPriority priority, const char *key_name); int spd_char(SPDConnection * connection, SPDPriority priority, const char *character); int spd_wchar(SPDConnection * connection, SPDPriority priority, wchar_t wcharacter); /* Sound icons */ int spd_sound_icon(SPDConnection * connection, SPDPriority priority, const char *icon_name); /* Setting parameters */ int spd_set_voice_type(SPDConnection *, SPDVoiceType type); int spd_set_voice_type_all(SPDConnection *, SPDVoiceType type); int spd_set_voice_type_uid(SPDConnection *, SPDVoiceType type, unsigned int uid); SPDVoiceType spd_get_voice_type(SPDConnection *); int spd_set_synthesis_voice(SPDConnection *, const char *voice_name); int spd_set_synthesis_voice_all(SPDConnection *, const char *voice_name); int spd_set_synthesis_voice_uid(SPDConnection *, const char *voice_name, unsigned int uid); int spd_set_data_mode(SPDConnection * connection, SPDDataMode mode); int spd_set_notification_on(SPDConnection * connection, SPDNotification notification); int spd_set_notification_off(SPDConnection * connection, SPDNotification notification); int spd_set_notification(SPDConnection * connection, SPDNotification notification, const char *state); int spd_set_voice_rate(SPDConnection * connection, signed int rate); int spd_set_voice_rate_all(SPDConnection * connection, signed int rate); int spd_set_voice_rate_uid(SPDConnection * connection, signed int rate, unsigned int uid); int spd_get_voice_rate(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_set_voice_pitch(SPDConnection * connection, signed int pitch); int spd_set_voice_pitch_all(SPDConnection * connection, signed int pitch); int spd_set_voice_pitch_uid(SPDConnection * connection, signed int pitch, unsigned int uid); int spd_get_voice_pitch(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_set_volume(SPDConnection * connection, signed int volume); int spd_set_volume_all(SPDConnection * connection, signed int volume); int spd_set_volume_uid(SPDConnection * connection, signed int volume, unsigned int uid); int spd_get_volume(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_set_punctuation(SPDConnection * connection, SPDPunctuation type); int spd_set_punctuation_all(SPDConnection * connection, SPDPunctuation type); int spd_set_punctuation_uid(SPDConnection * connection, SPDPunctuation type, unsigned int uid); int spd_set_capital_letters(SPDConnection * connection, SPDCapitalLetters type); int spd_set_capital_letters_all(SPDConnection * connection, SPDCapitalLetters type); int spd_set_capital_letters_uid(SPDConnection * connection, SPDCapitalLetters type, unsigned int uid); int spd_set_spelling(SPDConnection * connection, SPDSpelling type); int spd_set_spelling_all(SPDConnection * connection, SPDSpelling type); int spd_set_spelling_uid(SPDConnection * connection, SPDSpelling type, unsigned int uid); int spd_set_language(SPDConnection * connection, const char *language); int spd_set_language_all(SPDConnection * connection, const char *language); int spd_set_language_uid(SPDConnection * connection, const char *language, unsigned int uid); char *spd_get_language(SPDConnection * connection); int spd_set_output_module(SPDConnection * connection, const char *output_module); int spd_set_output_module_all(SPDConnection * connection, const char *output_module); int spd_set_output_module_uid(SPDConnection * connection, const char *output_module, unsigned int uid); int spd_get_client_list(SPDConnection * connection, char **client_names, int *client_ids, int *active); int spd_get_message_list_fd(SPDConnection * connection, int target, int *msg_ids, char **client_names); char **spd_list_modules(SPDConnection * connection); void free_spd_modules(char **); char *spd_get_output_module(SPDConnection * connection); char **spd_list_voices(SPDConnection * connection); SPDVoice **spd_list_synthesis_voices(SPDConnection * connection); void free_spd_voices(SPDVoice ** voices); char **spd_execute_command_with_list_reply(SPDConnection * connection, char *command); /* Direct SSIP communication */ int spd_execute_command(SPDConnection * connection, char *command); int spd_execute_command_with_reply(SPDConnection * connection, char *command, char **reply); int spd_execute_command_wo_mutex(SPDConnection * connection, char *command); char *spd_send_data(SPDConnection * connection, const char *message, int wfr); char *spd_send_data_wo_mutex(SPDConnection * connection, const char *message, int wfr); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* ifndef _LIBSPEECHD_H */