// // Copyright (C) 2018 Google, Inc. // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // // Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // // Neither the name of 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, // BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER // CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN // ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Post-processing for SPIR-V IR, in internal form, not standard binary form. // #include <cassert> #include <cstdlib> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include <algorithm> #include "SpvBuilder.h" #include "spirv.hpp" namespace spv { #include "GLSL.std.450.h" #include "GLSL.ext.KHR.h" #include "GLSL.ext.EXT.h" #include "GLSL.ext.AMD.h" #include "GLSL.ext.NV.h" #include "GLSL.ext.ARM.h" #include "GLSL.ext.QCOM.h" } namespace spv { // Hook to visit each operand type and result type of an instruction. // Will be called multiple times for one instruction, once for each typed // operand and the result. void Builder::postProcessType(const Instruction& inst, Id typeId) { // Characterize the type being questioned Id basicTypeOp = getMostBasicTypeClass(typeId); int width = 0; if (basicTypeOp == OpTypeFloat || basicTypeOp == OpTypeInt) width = getScalarTypeWidth(typeId); // Do opcode-specific checks switch (inst.getOpCode()) { case OpLoad: case OpStore: if (basicTypeOp == OpTypeStruct) { if (containsType(typeId, OpTypeInt, 8)) addCapability(CapabilityInt8); if (containsType(typeId, OpTypeInt, 16)) addCapability(CapabilityInt16); if (containsType(typeId, OpTypeFloat, 16)) addCapability(CapabilityFloat16); } else { StorageClass storageClass = getStorageClass(inst.getIdOperand(0)); if (width == 8) { switch (storageClass) { case StorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT: case StorageClassUniform: case StorageClassStorageBuffer: case StorageClassPushConstant: break; default: addCapability(CapabilityInt8); break; } } else if (width == 16) { switch (storageClass) { case StorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT: case StorageClassUniform: case StorageClassStorageBuffer: case StorageClassPushConstant: case StorageClassInput: case StorageClassOutput: break; default: if (basicTypeOp == OpTypeInt) addCapability(CapabilityInt16); if (basicTypeOp == OpTypeFloat) addCapability(CapabilityFloat16); break; } } } break; case OpCopyObject: break; case OpFConvert: case OpSConvert: case OpUConvert: // Look for any 8/16-bit storage capabilities. If there are none, assume that // the convert instruction requires the Float16/Int8/16 capability. if (containsType(typeId, OpTypeFloat, 16) || containsType(typeId, OpTypeInt, 16)) { bool foundStorage = false; for (auto it = capabilities.begin(); it != capabilities.end(); ++it) { spv::Capability cap = *it; if (cap == spv::CapabilityStorageInputOutput16 || cap == spv::CapabilityStoragePushConstant16 || cap == spv::CapabilityStorageUniformBufferBlock16 || cap == spv::CapabilityStorageUniform16) { foundStorage = true; break; } } if (!foundStorage) { if (containsType(typeId, OpTypeFloat, 16)) addCapability(CapabilityFloat16); if (containsType(typeId, OpTypeInt, 16)) addCapability(CapabilityInt16); } } if (containsType(typeId, OpTypeInt, 8)) { bool foundStorage = false; for (auto it = capabilities.begin(); it != capabilities.end(); ++it) { spv::Capability cap = *it; if (cap == spv::CapabilityStoragePushConstant8 || cap == spv::CapabilityUniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess || cap == spv::CapabilityStorageBuffer8BitAccess) { foundStorage = true; break; } } if (!foundStorage) { addCapability(CapabilityInt8); } } break; case OpExtInst: switch (inst.getImmediateOperand(1)) { case GLSLstd450Frexp: case GLSLstd450FrexpStruct: if (getSpvVersion() < spv::Spv_1_3 && containsType(typeId, OpTypeInt, 16)) addExtension(spv::E_SPV_AMD_gpu_shader_int16); break; case GLSLstd450InterpolateAtCentroid: case GLSLstd450InterpolateAtSample: case GLSLstd450InterpolateAtOffset: if (getSpvVersion() < spv::Spv_1_3 && containsType(typeId, OpTypeFloat, 16)) addExtension(spv::E_SPV_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float); break; default: break; } break; case OpAccessChain: case OpPtrAccessChain: if (isPointerType(typeId)) break; if (basicTypeOp == OpTypeInt) { if (width == 16) addCapability(CapabilityInt16); else if (width == 8) addCapability(CapabilityInt8); } break; default: if (basicTypeOp == OpTypeInt) { if (width == 16) addCapability(CapabilityInt16); else if (width == 8) addCapability(CapabilityInt8); else if (width == 64) addCapability(CapabilityInt64); } else if (basicTypeOp == OpTypeFloat) { if (width == 16) addCapability(CapabilityFloat16); else if (width == 64) addCapability(CapabilityFloat64); } break; } } // Called for each instruction that resides in a block. void Builder::postProcess(Instruction& inst) { // Add capabilities based simply on the opcode. switch (inst.getOpCode()) { case OpExtInst: switch (inst.getImmediateOperand(1)) { case GLSLstd450InterpolateAtCentroid: case GLSLstd450InterpolateAtSample: case GLSLstd450InterpolateAtOffset: addCapability(CapabilityInterpolationFunction); break; default: break; } break; case OpDPdxFine: case OpDPdyFine: case OpFwidthFine: case OpDPdxCoarse: case OpDPdyCoarse: case OpFwidthCoarse: addCapability(CapabilityDerivativeControl); break; case OpImageQueryLod: case OpImageQuerySize: case OpImageQuerySizeLod: case OpImageQuerySamples: case OpImageQueryLevels: addCapability(CapabilityImageQuery); break; case OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV: addExtension(E_SPV_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned); addCapability(CapabilityGroupNonUniformPartitionedNV); break; case OpLoad: case OpStore: { // For any load/store to a PhysicalStorageBufferEXT, walk the accesschain // index list to compute the misalignment. The pre-existing alignment value // (set via Builder::AccessChain::alignment) only accounts for the base of // the reference type and any scalar component selection in the accesschain, // and this function computes the rest from the SPIR-V Offset decorations. Instruction *accessChain = module.getInstruction(inst.getIdOperand(0)); if (accessChain->getOpCode() == OpAccessChain) { Instruction *base = module.getInstruction(accessChain->getIdOperand(0)); // Get the type of the base of the access chain. It must be a pointer type. Id typeId = base->getTypeId(); Instruction *type = module.getInstruction(typeId); assert(type->getOpCode() == OpTypePointer); if (type->getImmediateOperand(0) != StorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT) { break; } // Get the pointee type. typeId = type->getIdOperand(1); type = module.getInstruction(typeId); // Walk the index list for the access chain. For each index, find any // misalignment that can apply when accessing the member/element via // Offset/ArrayStride/MatrixStride decorations, and bitwise OR them all // together. int alignment = 0; for (int i = 1; i < accessChain->getNumOperands(); ++i) { Instruction *idx = module.getInstruction(accessChain->getIdOperand(i)); if (type->getOpCode() == OpTypeStruct) { assert(idx->getOpCode() == OpConstant); unsigned int c = idx->getImmediateOperand(0); const auto function = [&](const std::unique_ptr<Instruction>& decoration) { if (decoration.get()->getOpCode() == OpMemberDecorate && decoration.get()->getIdOperand(0) == typeId && decoration.get()->getImmediateOperand(1) == c && (decoration.get()->getImmediateOperand(2) == DecorationOffset || decoration.get()->getImmediateOperand(2) == DecorationMatrixStride)) { alignment |= decoration.get()->getImmediateOperand(3); } }; std::for_each(decorations.begin(), decorations.end(), function); // get the next member type typeId = type->getIdOperand(c); type = module.getInstruction(typeId); } else if (type->getOpCode() == OpTypeArray || type->getOpCode() == OpTypeRuntimeArray) { const auto function = [&](const std::unique_ptr<Instruction>& decoration) { if (decoration.get()->getOpCode() == OpDecorate && decoration.get()->getIdOperand(0) == typeId && decoration.get()->getImmediateOperand(1) == DecorationArrayStride) { alignment |= decoration.get()->getImmediateOperand(2); } }; std::for_each(decorations.begin(), decorations.end(), function); // Get the element type typeId = type->getIdOperand(0); type = module.getInstruction(typeId); } else { // Once we get to any non-aggregate type, we're done. break; } } assert(inst.getNumOperands() >= 3); unsigned int memoryAccess = inst.getImmediateOperand((inst.getOpCode() == OpStore) ? 2 : 1); assert(memoryAccess & MemoryAccessAlignedMask); static_cast<void>(memoryAccess); // Compute the index of the alignment operand. int alignmentIdx = 2; if (inst.getOpCode() == OpStore) alignmentIdx++; // Merge new and old (mis)alignment alignment |= inst.getImmediateOperand(alignmentIdx); // Pick the LSB alignment = alignment & ~(alignment & (alignment-1)); // update the Aligned operand inst.setImmediateOperand(alignmentIdx, alignment); } break; } default: break; } // Checks based on type if (inst.getTypeId() != NoType) postProcessType(inst, inst.getTypeId()); for (int op = 0; op < inst.getNumOperands(); ++op) { if (inst.isIdOperand(op)) { // In blocks, these are always result ids, but we are relying on // getTypeId() to return NoType for things like OpLabel. if (getTypeId(inst.getIdOperand(op)) != NoType) postProcessType(inst, getTypeId(inst.getIdOperand(op))); } } } // comment in header void Builder::postProcessCFG() { // reachableBlocks is the set of blockss reached via control flow, or which are // unreachable continue targert or unreachable merge. std::unordered_set<const Block*> reachableBlocks; std::unordered_map<Block*, Block*> headerForUnreachableContinue; std::unordered_set<Block*> unreachableMerges; std::unordered_set<Id> unreachableDefinitions; // Collect IDs defined in unreachable blocks. For each function, label the // reachable blocks first. Then for each unreachable block, collect the // result IDs of the instructions in it. for (auto fi = module.getFunctions().cbegin(); fi != module.getFunctions().cend(); fi++) { Function* f = *fi; Block* entry = f->getEntryBlock(); inReadableOrder(entry, [&reachableBlocks, &unreachableMerges, &headerForUnreachableContinue] (Block* b, ReachReason why, Block* header) { reachableBlocks.insert(b); if (why == ReachDeadContinue) headerForUnreachableContinue[b] = header; if (why == ReachDeadMerge) unreachableMerges.insert(b); }); for (auto bi = f->getBlocks().cbegin(); bi != f->getBlocks().cend(); bi++) { Block* b = *bi; if (unreachableMerges.count(b) != 0 || headerForUnreachableContinue.count(b) != 0) { auto ii = b->getInstructions().cbegin(); ++ii; // Keep potential decorations on the label. for (; ii != b->getInstructions().cend(); ++ii) unreachableDefinitions.insert(ii->get()->getResultId()); } else if (reachableBlocks.count(b) == 0) { // The normal case for unreachable code. All definitions are considered dead. for (auto ii = b->getInstructions().cbegin(); ii != b->getInstructions().cend(); ++ii) unreachableDefinitions.insert(ii->get()->getResultId()); } } } // Modify unreachable merge blocks and unreachable continue targets. // Delete their contents. for (auto mergeIter = unreachableMerges.begin(); mergeIter != unreachableMerges.end(); ++mergeIter) { (*mergeIter)->rewriteAsCanonicalUnreachableMerge(); } for (auto continueIter = headerForUnreachableContinue.begin(); continueIter != headerForUnreachableContinue.end(); ++continueIter) { Block* continue_target = continueIter->first; Block* header = continueIter->second; continue_target->rewriteAsCanonicalUnreachableContinue(header); } // Remove unneeded decorations, for unreachable instructions decorations.erase(std::remove_if(decorations.begin(), decorations.end(), [&unreachableDefinitions](std::unique_ptr<Instruction>& I) -> bool { Id decoration_id = I.get()->getIdOperand(0); return unreachableDefinitions.count(decoration_id) != 0; }), decorations.end()); } // comment in header void Builder::postProcessFeatures() { // Add per-instruction capabilities, extensions, etc., // Look for any 8/16 bit type in physical storage buffer class, and set the // appropriate capability. This happens in createSpvVariable for other storage // classes, but there isn't always a variable for physical storage buffer. for (int t = 0; t < (int)groupedTypes[OpTypePointer].size(); ++t) { Instruction* type = groupedTypes[OpTypePointer][t]; if (type->getImmediateOperand(0) == (unsigned)StorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT) { if (containsType(type->getIdOperand(1), OpTypeInt, 8)) { addIncorporatedExtension(spv::E_SPV_KHR_8bit_storage, spv::Spv_1_5); addCapability(spv::CapabilityStorageBuffer8BitAccess); } if (containsType(type->getIdOperand(1), OpTypeInt, 16) || containsType(type->getIdOperand(1), OpTypeFloat, 16)) { addIncorporatedExtension(spv::E_SPV_KHR_16bit_storage, spv::Spv_1_3); addCapability(spv::CapabilityStorageBuffer16BitAccess); } } } // process all block-contained instructions for (auto fi = module.getFunctions().cbegin(); fi != module.getFunctions().cend(); fi++) { Function* f = *fi; for (auto bi = f->getBlocks().cbegin(); bi != f->getBlocks().cend(); bi++) { Block* b = *bi; for (auto ii = b->getInstructions().cbegin(); ii != b->getInstructions().cend(); ii++) postProcess(*ii->get()); // For all local variables that contain pointers to PhysicalStorageBufferEXT, check whether // there is an existing restrict/aliased decoration. If we don't find one, add Aliased as the // default. for (auto vi = b->getLocalVariables().cbegin(); vi != b->getLocalVariables().cend(); vi++) { const Instruction& inst = *vi->get(); Id resultId = inst.getResultId(); if (containsPhysicalStorageBufferOrArray(getDerefTypeId(resultId))) { bool foundDecoration = false; const auto function = [&](const std::unique_ptr<Instruction>& decoration) { if (decoration.get()->getIdOperand(0) == resultId && decoration.get()->getOpCode() == OpDecorate && (decoration.get()->getImmediateOperand(1) == spv::DecorationAliasedPointerEXT || decoration.get()->getImmediateOperand(1) == spv::DecorationRestrictPointerEXT)) { foundDecoration = true; } }; std::for_each(decorations.begin(), decorations.end(), function); if (!foundDecoration) { addDecoration(resultId, spv::DecorationAliasedPointerEXT); } } } } } // If any Vulkan memory model-specific functionality is used, update the // OpMemoryModel to match. if (capabilities.find(spv::CapabilityVulkanMemoryModelKHR) != capabilities.end()) { memoryModel = spv::MemoryModelVulkanKHR; addIncorporatedExtension(spv::E_SPV_KHR_vulkan_memory_model, spv::Spv_1_5); } // Add Aliased decoration if there's more than one Workgroup Block variable. if (capabilities.find(spv::CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR) != capabilities.end()) { assert(entryPoints.size() == 1); auto &ep = entryPoints[0]; std::vector<Id> workgroup_variables; for (int i = 0; i < (int)ep->getNumOperands(); i++) { if (!ep->isIdOperand(i)) continue; const Id id = ep->getIdOperand(i); const Instruction *instr = module.getInstruction(id); if (instr->getOpCode() != spv::OpVariable) continue; if (instr->getImmediateOperand(0) == spv::StorageClassWorkgroup) workgroup_variables.push_back(id); } if (workgroup_variables.size() > 1) { for (size_t i = 0; i < workgroup_variables.size(); i++) addDecoration(workgroup_variables[i], spv::DecorationAliased); } } } // comment in header void Builder::postProcess(bool compileOnly) { // postProcessCFG needs an entrypoint to determine what is reachable, but if we are not creating an "executable" shader, we don't have an entrypoint if (!compileOnly) postProcessCFG(); postProcessFeatures(); } }; // end spv namespace