/**************************************************************************/ /* animation_mixer.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef ANIMATION_MIXER_H #define ANIMATION_MIXER_H #include "scene/animation/tween.h" #include "scene/main/node.h" #include "scene/resources/animation.h" #include "scene/resources/animation_library.h" #include "scene/resources/audio_stream_polyphonic.h" class AnimatedValuesBackup; class AnimationMixer : public Node { GDCLASS(AnimationMixer, Node); friend AnimatedValuesBackup; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED bool editing = false; bool dummy = false; #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED bool reset_on_save = true; public: enum AnimationCallbackModeProcess { ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_PROCESS_PHYSICS, ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_PROCESS_IDLE, ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_PROCESS_MANUAL, }; enum AnimationCallbackModeMethod { ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_METHOD_DEFERRED, ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_METHOD_IMMEDIATE, }; enum AnimationCallbackModeDiscrete { ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_DISCRETE_DOMINANT, ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_DISCRETE_RECESSIVE, ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_DISCRETE_FORCE_CONTINUOUS, }; /* ---- Data ---- */ struct AnimationLibraryData { StringName name; Ref<AnimationLibrary> library; bool operator<(const AnimationLibraryData &p_data) const { return name.operator String() < p_data.name.operator String(); } }; struct AnimationData { String name; Ref<Animation> animation; StringName animation_library; uint64_t last_update = 0; }; struct PlaybackInfo { double time = 0.0; double delta = 0.0; bool seeked = false; bool is_external_seeking = false; Animation::LoopedFlag looped_flag = Animation::LOOPED_FLAG_NONE; real_t weight = 0.0; Vector<real_t> track_weights; }; struct AnimationInstance { AnimationData animation_data; PlaybackInfo playback_info; }; protected: /* ---- Data lists ---- */ LocalVector<AnimationLibraryData> animation_libraries; HashMap<StringName, AnimationData> animation_set; // HashMap<Library name + Animation name, AnimationData> TypedArray<StringName> _get_animation_library_list() const; Vector<String> _get_animation_list() const { List<StringName> animations; get_animation_list(&animations); Vector<String> ret; while (animations.size()) { ret.push_back(animations.front()->get()); animations.pop_front(); } return ret; } // For caches. uint64_t animation_set_update_pass = 1; void _animation_set_cache_update(); // Signals. virtual void _animation_added(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_library); virtual void _animation_removed(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_library); virtual void _animation_renamed(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_to_name, const StringName &p_library); virtual void _animation_changed(const StringName &p_name); /* ---- General settings for animation ---- */ AnimationCallbackModeProcess callback_mode_process = ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_PROCESS_IDLE; AnimationCallbackModeMethod callback_mode_method = ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_METHOD_DEFERRED; AnimationCallbackModeDiscrete callback_mode_discrete = ANIMATION_CALLBACK_MODE_DISCRETE_RECESSIVE; int audio_max_polyphony = 32; NodePath root_node; bool processing = false; bool active = true; void _set_process(bool p_process, bool p_force = false); /* ---- Caches for blending ---- */ bool cache_valid = false; uint64_t setup_pass = 1; uint64_t process_pass = 1; struct TrackCache { bool root_motion = false; uint64_t setup_pass = 0; Animation::TrackType type = Animation::TrackType::TYPE_ANIMATION; NodePath path; ObjectID object_id; real_t total_weight = 0.0; TrackCache() = default; TrackCache(const TrackCache &p_other) : root_motion(p_other.root_motion), setup_pass(p_other.setup_pass), type(p_other.type), object_id(p_other.object_id), total_weight(p_other.total_weight) {} virtual ~TrackCache() {} }; struct TrackCacheTransform : public TrackCache { #ifndef _3D_DISABLED ObjectID skeleton_id; #endif // _3D_DISABLED int bone_idx = -1; bool loc_used = false; bool rot_used = false; bool scale_used = false; Vector3 init_loc = Vector3(0, 0, 0); Quaternion init_rot = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); Vector3 init_scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1); Vector3 loc; Quaternion rot; Vector3 scale; TrackCacheTransform(const TrackCacheTransform &p_other) : TrackCache(p_other), #ifndef _3D_DISABLED skeleton_id(p_other.skeleton_id), #endif bone_idx(p_other.bone_idx), loc_used(p_other.loc_used), rot_used(p_other.rot_used), scale_used(p_other.scale_used), init_loc(p_other.init_loc), init_rot(p_other.init_rot), init_scale(p_other.init_scale), loc(p_other.loc), rot(p_other.rot), scale(p_other.scale) { } TrackCacheTransform() { type = Animation::TYPE_POSITION_3D; } ~TrackCacheTransform() {} }; struct RootMotionCache { Vector3 loc = Vector3(0, 0, 0); Quaternion rot = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); Vector3 scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1); }; struct TrackCacheBlendShape : public TrackCache { float init_value = 0; float value = 0; int shape_index = -1; TrackCacheBlendShape(const TrackCacheBlendShape &p_other) : TrackCache(p_other), init_value(p_other.init_value), value(p_other.value), shape_index(p_other.shape_index) {} TrackCacheBlendShape() { type = Animation::TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE; } ~TrackCacheBlendShape() {} }; struct TrackCacheValue : public TrackCache { Variant init_value; Variant value; Vector<StringName> subpath; // TODO: There are many boolean, can be packed into one integer. bool is_init = false; bool use_continuous = false; bool use_discrete = false; bool is_using_angle = false; bool is_variant_interpolatable = true; Variant element_size; TrackCacheValue(const TrackCacheValue &p_other) : TrackCache(p_other), init_value(p_other.init_value), value(p_other.value), subpath(p_other.subpath), is_init(p_other.is_init), use_continuous(p_other.use_continuous), use_discrete(p_other.use_discrete), is_using_angle(p_other.is_using_angle), is_variant_interpolatable(p_other.is_variant_interpolatable), element_size(p_other.element_size) {} TrackCacheValue() { type = Animation::TYPE_VALUE; } ~TrackCacheValue() { // Clear ref to avoid leaking. init_value = Variant(); value = Variant(); } }; struct TrackCacheMethod : public TrackCache { TrackCacheMethod() { type = Animation::TYPE_METHOD; } ~TrackCacheMethod() {} }; // Audio stream information for each audio stream placed on the track. struct PlayingAudioStreamInfo { AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic::ID index = -1; // ID retrieved from AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic. double start = 0.0; double len = 0.0; }; // Audio track information for mixng and ending. struct PlayingAudioTrackInfo { HashMap<int, PlayingAudioStreamInfo> stream_info; double length = 0.0; double time = 0.0; real_t volume = 0.0; bool loop = false; bool backward = false; bool use_blend = false; }; struct TrackCacheAudio : public TrackCache { Ref<AudioStreamPolyphonic> audio_stream; Ref<AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic> audio_stream_playback; HashMap<ObjectID, PlayingAudioTrackInfo> playing_streams; // Key is Animation resource ObjectID. AudioServer::PlaybackType playback_type; StringName bus; TrackCacheAudio(const TrackCacheAudio &p_other) : TrackCache(p_other), audio_stream(p_other.audio_stream), audio_stream_playback(p_other.audio_stream_playback), playing_streams(p_other.playing_streams), playback_type(p_other.playback_type) {} TrackCacheAudio() { type = Animation::TYPE_AUDIO; } ~TrackCacheAudio() {} }; struct TrackCacheAnimation : public TrackCache { bool playing = false; TrackCacheAnimation() { type = Animation::TYPE_ANIMATION; } ~TrackCacheAnimation() {} }; RootMotionCache root_motion_cache; HashMap<Animation::TypeHash, TrackCache *> track_cache; HashSet<TrackCache *> playing_caches; Vector<Node *> playing_audio_stream_players; // Helpers. void _clear_caches(); void _clear_audio_streams(); void _clear_playing_caches(); void _init_root_motion_cache(); bool _update_caches(); /* ---- Audio ---- */ AudioServer::PlaybackType playback_type; /* ---- Blending processor ---- */ LocalVector<AnimationInstance> animation_instances; HashMap<NodePath, int> track_map; int track_count = 0; bool deterministic = false; /* ---- Root motion accumulator for Skeleton3D ---- */ NodePath root_motion_track; Vector3 root_motion_position = Vector3(0, 0, 0); Quaternion root_motion_rotation = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); Vector3 root_motion_scale = Vector3(0, 0, 0); Vector3 root_motion_position_accumulator = Vector3(0, 0, 0); Quaternion root_motion_rotation_accumulator = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); Vector3 root_motion_scale_accumulator = Vector3(1, 1, 1); bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value); bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const; void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const; void _notification(int p_what); virtual void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &p_property) const; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED virtual void get_argument_options(const StringName &p_function, int p_idx, List<String> *r_options) const override; #endif static void _bind_methods(); void _node_removed(Node *p_node); // Helper for extended class. virtual void _set_active(bool p_active); virtual void _remove_animation(const StringName &p_name); virtual void _rename_animation(const StringName &p_from_name, const StringName &p_to_name); /* ---- Blending processor ---- */ virtual void _process_animation(double p_delta, bool p_update_only = false); // For post process with retrieved key value during blending. virtual Variant _post_process_key_value(const Ref<Animation> &p_anim, int p_track, Variant p_value, ObjectID p_object_id, int p_object_sub_idx = -1); Variant post_process_key_value(const Ref<Animation> &p_anim, int p_track, Variant p_value, ObjectID p_object_id, int p_object_sub_idx = -1); GDVIRTUAL5RC(Variant, _post_process_key_value, Ref<Animation>, int, Variant, ObjectID, int); void _blend_init(); virtual bool _blend_pre_process(double p_delta, int p_track_count, const HashMap<NodePath, int> &p_track_map); virtual void _blend_capture(double p_delta); void _blend_calc_total_weight(); // For undeterministic blending. void _blend_process(double p_delta, bool p_update_only = false); void _blend_apply(); virtual void _blend_post_process(); void _call_object(ObjectID p_object_id, const StringName &p_method, const Vector<Variant> &p_params, bool p_deferred); /* ---- Capture feature ---- */ struct CaptureCache { Ref<Animation> animation; double remain = 0.0; double step = 0.0; Tween::TransitionType trans_type = Tween::TRANS_LINEAR; Tween::EaseType ease_type = Tween::EASE_IN; void clear() { animation.unref(); remain = 0.0; step = 0.0; } CaptureCache() {} ~CaptureCache() { clear(); } } capture_cache; void blend_capture(double p_delta); // To blend capture track with all other animations. #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED virtual Variant _post_process_key_value_bind_compat_86687(const Ref<Animation> &p_anim, int p_track, Variant p_value, Object *p_object, int p_object_idx = -1); static void _bind_compatibility_methods(); #endif // DISABLE_DEPRECATED public: /* ---- Data lists ---- */ Dictionary *get_animation_libraries(); void get_animation_library_list(List<StringName> *p_animations) const; Ref<AnimationLibrary> get_animation_library(const StringName &p_name) const; bool has_animation_library(const StringName &p_name) const; StringName find_animation_library(const Ref<Animation> &p_animation) const; Error add_animation_library(const StringName &p_name, const Ref<AnimationLibrary> &p_animation_library); void remove_animation_library(const StringName &p_name); void rename_animation_library(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_new_name); void get_animation_list(List<StringName> *p_animations) const; Ref<Animation> get_animation(const StringName &p_name) const; bool has_animation(const StringName &p_name) const; StringName find_animation(const Ref<Animation> &p_animation) const; /* ---- General settings for animation ---- */ void set_active(bool p_active); bool is_active() const; void set_deterministic(bool p_deterministic); bool is_deterministic() const; void set_root_node(const NodePath &p_path); NodePath get_root_node() const; void set_callback_mode_process(AnimationCallbackModeProcess p_mode); AnimationCallbackModeProcess get_callback_mode_process() const; void set_callback_mode_method(AnimationCallbackModeMethod p_mode); AnimationCallbackModeMethod get_callback_mode_method() const; void set_callback_mode_discrete(AnimationCallbackModeDiscrete p_mode); AnimationCallbackModeDiscrete get_callback_mode_discrete() const; /* ---- Audio ---- */ void set_audio_max_polyphony(int p_audio_max_polyphony); int get_audio_max_polyphony() const; /* ---- Root motion accumulator for Skeleton3D ---- */ void set_root_motion_track(const NodePath &p_track); NodePath get_root_motion_track() const; Vector3 get_root_motion_position() const; Quaternion get_root_motion_rotation() const; Vector3 get_root_motion_scale() const; Vector3 get_root_motion_position_accumulator() const; Quaternion get_root_motion_rotation_accumulator() const; Vector3 get_root_motion_scale_accumulator() const; /* ---- Blending processor ---- */ void make_animation_instance(const StringName &p_name, const PlaybackInfo p_playback_info); void clear_animation_instances(); virtual void advance(double p_time); virtual void clear_caches(); // Must be called by hand if an animation was modified after added. /* ---- Capture feature ---- */ void capture(const StringName &p_name, double p_duration, Tween::TransitionType p_trans_type = Tween::TRANS_LINEAR, Tween::EaseType p_ease_type = Tween::EASE_IN); /* ---- Reset on save ---- */ void set_reset_on_save_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_reset_on_save_enabled() const; bool can_apply_reset() const; void _build_backup_track_cache(); Ref<AnimatedValuesBackup> make_backup(); void restore(const Ref<AnimatedValuesBackup> &p_backup); void reset(); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED Ref<AnimatedValuesBackup> apply_reset(bool p_user_initiated = false); void set_editing(bool p_editing); bool is_editing() const; void set_dummy(bool p_dummy); bool is_dummy() const; #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED AnimationMixer(); ~AnimationMixer(); }; class AnimatedValuesBackup : public RefCounted { GDCLASS(AnimatedValuesBackup, RefCounted); HashMap<Animation::TypeHash, AnimationMixer::TrackCache *> data; public: void set_data(const HashMap<Animation::TypeHash, AnimationMixer::TrackCache *> p_data); HashMap<Animation::TypeHash, AnimationMixer::TrackCache *> get_data() const; void clear_data(); AnimationMixer::TrackCache *get_cache_copy(AnimationMixer::TrackCache *p_cache) const; ~AnimatedValuesBackup() { clear_data(); } }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(AnimationMixer::AnimationCallbackModeProcess); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(AnimationMixer::AnimationCallbackModeMethod); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(AnimationMixer::AnimationCallbackModeDiscrete); #endif // ANIMATION_MIXER_H