/**************************************************************************/ /* openxr_extension_wrapper.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef OPENXR_EXTENSION_WRAPPER_H #define OPENXR_EXTENSION_WRAPPER_H #include "core/error/error_macros.h" #include "core/math/projection.h" #include "core/templates/hash_map.h" #include "core/templates/rid.h" #include "core/variant/variant.h" #include <openxr/openxr.h> class OpenXRAPI; class OpenXRActionMap; // `OpenXRExtensionWrapper` allows us to implement OpenXR extensions. class OpenXRExtensionWrapper { public: // `get_requested_extensions` should return a list of OpenXR extensions related to this extension. // If the bool * is a nullptr this extension is mandatory // If the bool * points to a boolean, the boolean will be updated // to true if the extension is enabled. virtual HashMap<String, bool *> get_requested_extensions() = 0; // These functions allow an extension to add entries to a struct chain. // `p_next_pointer` points to the last struct that was created for this chain // and should be used as the value for the `pNext` pointer in the first struct you add. // You should return the pointer to the last struct you define as your result. // If you are not adding any structs, just return `p_next_pointer`. // See existing extensions for examples of this implementation. virtual void *set_system_properties_and_get_next_pointer(void *p_next_pointer) { return p_next_pointer; } // Add additional data structures when we interogate OpenXRS system abilities. virtual void *set_instance_create_info_and_get_next_pointer(void *p_next_pointer) { return p_next_pointer; } // Add additional data structures when we create our OpenXR instance. virtual void *set_session_create_and_get_next_pointer(void *p_next_pointer) { return p_next_pointer; } // Add additional data structures when we create our OpenXR session. virtual void *set_swapchain_create_info_and_get_next_pointer(void *p_next_pointer) { return p_next_pointer; } // Add additional data structures when creating OpenXR swap chains. virtual void *set_hand_joint_locations_and_get_next_pointer(int p_hand_index, void *p_next_pointer) { return p_next_pointer; } virtual PackedStringArray get_suggested_tracker_names() { return PackedStringArray(); } // `on_register_metadata` allows extensions to register additional controller metadata. // This function is called even when OpenXRApi is not constructured as the metadata // needs to be available to the editor. // Also extensions should provide metadata regardless of whether they are supported // on the host system as the controller data is used to setup action maps for users // who may have access to the relevant hardware. virtual void on_register_metadata() {} virtual void on_before_instance_created() {} // `on_before_instance_created` is called before we create our OpenXR instance. virtual void on_instance_created(const XrInstance p_instance) {} // `on_instance_created` is called right after we've successfully created our OpenXR instance. virtual void on_instance_destroyed() {} // `on_instance_destroyed` is called right before we destroy our OpenXR instance. virtual void on_session_created(const XrSession p_instance) {} // `on_session_created` is called right after we've successfully created our OpenXR session. virtual void on_session_destroyed() {} // `on_session_destroyed` is called right before we destroy our OpenXR session. // `on_process` is called as part of our OpenXR process handling, // this happens right before physics process and normal processing is run. // This is when controller data is queried and made available to game logic. virtual void on_process() {} virtual void on_pre_render() {} // `on_pre_render` is called right before we start rendering our XR viewports. virtual void on_pre_draw_viewport(RID p_render_target) {} // `on_pre_draw_viewport` is called right before we start rendering this viewport virtual void on_post_draw_viewport(RID p_render_target) {} // `on_port_draw_viewport` is called right after we start rendering this viewport (note that on Vulkan draw commands may only be queued) virtual void on_state_idle() {} // `on_state_idle` is called when the OpenXR session state is changed to idle. virtual void on_state_ready() {} // `on_state_ready` is called when the OpenXR session state is changed to ready, this means OpenXR is ready to setup our session. virtual void on_state_synchronized() {} // `on_state_synchronized` is called when the OpenXR session state is changed to synchronized, note that OpenXR also returns to this state when our application looses focus. virtual void on_state_visible() {} // `on_state_visible` is called when the OpenXR session state is changed to visible, OpenXR is now ready to receive frames. virtual void on_state_focused() {} // `on_state_focused` is called when the OpenXR session state is changed to focused, this state is the active state when our game runs. virtual void on_state_stopping() {} // `on_state_stopping` is called when the OpenXR session state is changed to stopping. virtual void on_state_loss_pending() {} // `on_state_loss_pending` is called when the OpenXR session state is changed to loss pending. virtual void on_state_exiting() {} // `on_state_exiting` is called when the OpenXR session state is changed to exiting. // `on_event_polled` is called when there is an OpenXR event to process. // Should return true if the event was handled, false otherwise. virtual bool on_event_polled(const XrEventDataBuffer &event) { return false; } OpenXRExtensionWrapper() = default; virtual ~OpenXRExtensionWrapper() = default; }; // `OpenXRGraphicsExtensionWrapper` implements specific logic for each supported graphics API. class OpenXRGraphicsExtensionWrapper : public OpenXRExtensionWrapper { public: virtual void get_usable_swapchain_formats(Vector<int64_t> &p_usable_swap_chains) = 0; // `get_usable_swapchain_formats` should return a list of usable color formats. virtual void get_usable_depth_formats(Vector<int64_t> &p_usable_swap_chains) = 0; // `get_usable_depth_formats` should return a list of usable depth formats. virtual String get_swapchain_format_name(int64_t p_swapchain_format) const = 0; // `get_swapchain_format_name` should return the constant name of a given format. virtual bool get_swapchain_image_data(XrSwapchain p_swapchain, int64_t p_swapchain_format, uint32_t p_width, uint32_t p_height, uint32_t p_sample_count, uint32_t p_array_size, void **r_swapchain_graphics_data) = 0; // `get_swapchain_image_data` extracts image IDs for the swapchain images and stores there in an implementation dependent data structure. virtual void cleanup_swapchain_graphics_data(void **p_swapchain_graphics_data) = 0; // `cleanup_swapchain_graphics_data` cleans up the data held in our implementation dependent data structure and should free up its memory. virtual bool create_projection_fov(const XrFovf p_fov, double p_z_near, double p_z_far, Projection &r_camera_matrix) = 0; // `create_projection_fov` creates a proper projection matrix based on asymmetric FOV data provided by OpenXR. virtual RID get_texture(void *p_swapchain_graphics_data, int p_image_index) = 0; // `get_texture` returns a Godot texture RID for the current active texture in our swapchain. }; #endif // OPENXR_EXTENSION_WRAPPER_H