/**************************************************************************/ /* text_server_adv.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "text_server_adv.h" #ifdef GDEXTENSION // Headers for building as GDExtension plug-in. #include <godot_cpp/classes/file_access.hpp> #include <godot_cpp/classes/os.hpp> #include <godot_cpp/classes/project_settings.hpp> #include <godot_cpp/classes/rendering_server.hpp> #include <godot_cpp/classes/translation_server.hpp> #include <godot_cpp/core/error_macros.hpp> using namespace godot; #define GLOBAL_GET(m_var) ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting_with_override(m_var) #elif defined(GODOT_MODULE) // Headers for building as built-in module. #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/error/error_macros.h" #include "core/object/worker_thread_pool.h" #include "core/string/print_string.h" #include "core/string/translation.h" #include "scene/resources/image_texture.h" #include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" // For freetype, msdfgen, svg. #endif // Built-in ICU data. #ifdef ICU_STATIC_DATA #include "icudata.gen.h" #endif // Thirdparty headers. #ifdef MODULE_MSDFGEN_ENABLED #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable : 4458) #endif #include <core/ShapeDistanceFinder.h> #include <core/contour-combiners.h> #include <core/edge-selectors.h> #include <msdfgen.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default : 4458) #endif #endif #ifdef MODULE_SVG_ENABLED #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED #include "thorvg_svg_in_ot.h" #endif #endif /*************************************************************************/ /* bmp_font_t HarfBuzz Bitmap font interface */ /*************************************************************************/ hb_font_funcs_t *TextServerAdvanced::funcs = nullptr; TextServerAdvanced::bmp_font_t *TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_font_create(TextServerAdvanced::FontForSizeAdvanced *p_face, bool p_unref) { bmp_font_t *bm_font = memnew(bmp_font_t); if (!bm_font) { return nullptr; } bm_font->face = p_face; bm_font->unref = p_unref; return bm_font; } void TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_font_destroy(void *p_data) { bmp_font_t *bm_font = static_cast<bmp_font_t *>(p_data); memdelete(bm_font); } hb_bool_t TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_get_nominal_glyph(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_unicode, hb_codepoint_t *r_glyph, void *p_user_data) { const bmp_font_t *bm_font = static_cast<const bmp_font_t *>(p_font_data); if (!bm_font->face) { return false; } if (!bm_font->face->glyph_map.has(p_unicode)) { if (bm_font->face->glyph_map.has(0xf000u + p_unicode)) { *r_glyph = 0xf000u + p_unicode; return true; } else { return false; } } *r_glyph = p_unicode; return true; } hb_position_t TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_get_glyph_h_advance(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_glyph, void *p_user_data) { const bmp_font_t *bm_font = static_cast<const bmp_font_t *>(p_font_data); if (!bm_font->face) { return 0; } if (!bm_font->face->glyph_map.has(p_glyph)) { return 0; } return bm_font->face->glyph_map[p_glyph].advance.x * 64; } hb_position_t TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_get_glyph_v_advance(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_glyph, void *p_user_data) { const bmp_font_t *bm_font = static_cast<const bmp_font_t *>(p_font_data); if (!bm_font->face) { return 0; } if (!bm_font->face->glyph_map.has(p_glyph)) { return 0; } return -bm_font->face->glyph_map[p_glyph].advance.y * 64; } hb_position_t TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_get_glyph_h_kerning(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_left_glyph, hb_codepoint_t p_right_glyph, void *p_user_data) { const bmp_font_t *bm_font = static_cast<const bmp_font_t *>(p_font_data); if (!bm_font->face) { return 0; } if (!bm_font->face->kerning_map.has(Vector2i(p_left_glyph, p_right_glyph))) { return 0; } return bm_font->face->kerning_map[Vector2i(p_left_glyph, p_right_glyph)].x * 64; } hb_bool_t TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_get_glyph_v_origin(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_glyph, hb_position_t *r_x, hb_position_t *r_y, void *p_user_data) { const bmp_font_t *bm_font = static_cast<const bmp_font_t *>(p_font_data); if (!bm_font->face) { return false; } if (!bm_font->face->glyph_map.has(p_glyph)) { return false; } *r_x = bm_font->face->glyph_map[p_glyph].advance.x * 32; *r_y = -bm_font->face->ascent * 64; return true; } hb_bool_t TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_get_glyph_extents(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_glyph, hb_glyph_extents_t *r_extents, void *p_user_data) { const bmp_font_t *bm_font = static_cast<const bmp_font_t *>(p_font_data); if (!bm_font->face) { return false; } if (!bm_font->face->glyph_map.has(p_glyph)) { return false; } r_extents->x_bearing = 0; r_extents->y_bearing = 0; r_extents->width = bm_font->face->glyph_map[p_glyph].rect.size.x * 64; r_extents->height = bm_font->face->glyph_map[p_glyph].rect.size.y * 64; return true; } hb_bool_t TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_get_font_h_extents(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_font_extents_t *r_metrics, void *p_user_data) { const bmp_font_t *bm_font = static_cast<const bmp_font_t *>(p_font_data); if (!bm_font->face) { return false; } r_metrics->ascender = bm_font->face->ascent; r_metrics->descender = bm_font->face->descent; r_metrics->line_gap = 0; return true; } void TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_create_font_funcs() { if (funcs == nullptr) { funcs = hb_font_funcs_create(); hb_font_funcs_set_font_h_extents_func(funcs, _bmp_get_font_h_extents, nullptr, nullptr); hb_font_funcs_set_nominal_glyph_func(funcs, _bmp_get_nominal_glyph, nullptr, nullptr); hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_h_advance_func(funcs, _bmp_get_glyph_h_advance, nullptr, nullptr); hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_v_advance_func(funcs, _bmp_get_glyph_v_advance, nullptr, nullptr); hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_v_origin_func(funcs, _bmp_get_glyph_v_origin, nullptr, nullptr); hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_h_kerning_func(funcs, _bmp_get_glyph_h_kerning, nullptr, nullptr); hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_extents_func(funcs, _bmp_get_glyph_extents, nullptr, nullptr); hb_font_funcs_make_immutable(funcs); } } void TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_free_font_funcs() { if (funcs != nullptr) { hb_font_funcs_destroy(funcs); funcs = nullptr; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_font_set_funcs(hb_font_t *p_font, TextServerAdvanced::FontForSizeAdvanced *p_face, bool p_unref) { hb_font_set_funcs(p_font, funcs, _bmp_font_create(p_face, p_unref), _bmp_font_destroy); } hb_font_t *TextServerAdvanced::_bmp_font_create(TextServerAdvanced::FontForSizeAdvanced *p_face, hb_destroy_func_t p_destroy) { hb_font_t *font; hb_face_t *face = hb_face_create(nullptr, 0); font = hb_font_create(face); hb_face_destroy(face); _bmp_font_set_funcs(font, p_face, false); return font; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Character properties. */ /*************************************************************************/ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_ain(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_AIN; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_alef(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_ALEF; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_beh(char32_t p_chr) { int32_t prop = u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP); return (prop == U_JG_BEH) || (prop == U_JG_NOON) || (prop == U_JG_AFRICAN_NOON) || (prop == U_JG_NYA) || (prop == U_JG_YEH) || (prop == U_JG_FARSI_YEH); } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_dal(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_DAL; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_feh(char32_t p_chr) { return (u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_FEH) || (u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_AFRICAN_FEH); } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_gaf(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_GAF; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_heh(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_HEH; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_kaf(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_KAF; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_lam(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_LAM; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_qaf(char32_t p_chr) { return (u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_QAF) || (u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_AFRICAN_QAF); } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_reh(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_REH; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_seen_sad(char32_t p_chr) { return (u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_SAD) || (u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_SEEN); } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_tah(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_TAH; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_teh_marbuta(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_TEH_MARBUTA; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_yeh(char32_t p_chr) { int32_t prop = u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP); return (prop == U_JG_YEH) || (prop == U_JG_FARSI_YEH) || (prop == U_JG_YEH_BARREE) || (prop == U_JG_BURUSHASKI_YEH_BARREE) || (prop == U_JG_YEH_WITH_TAIL); } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_waw(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP) == U_JG_WAW; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_transparent(char32_t p_chr) { return u_getIntPropertyValue(p_chr, UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE) == U_JT_TRANSPARENT; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_ligature(char32_t p_chr, char32_t p_nchr) { return (is_lam(p_chr) && is_alef(p_nchr)); } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_connected_to_prev(char32_t p_chr, char32_t p_pchr) { int32_t prop = u_getIntPropertyValue(p_pchr, UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE); return (prop != U_JT_RIGHT_JOINING) && (prop != U_JT_NON_JOINING) ? !is_ligature(p_pchr, p_chr) : false; } /*************************************************************************/ bool TextServerAdvanced::icu_data_loaded = false; PackedByteArray TextServerAdvanced::icu_data; bool TextServerAdvanced::_has_feature(Feature p_feature) const { switch (p_feature) { case FEATURE_SIMPLE_LAYOUT: case FEATURE_BIDI_LAYOUT: case FEATURE_VERTICAL_LAYOUT: case FEATURE_SHAPING: case FEATURE_KASHIDA_JUSTIFICATION: case FEATURE_BREAK_ITERATORS: case FEATURE_FONT_BITMAP: #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED case FEATURE_FONT_DYNAMIC: #endif #ifdef MODULE_MSDFGEN_ENABLED case FEATURE_FONT_MSDF: #endif case FEATURE_FONT_VARIABLE: case FEATURE_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE_CASE_CONVERSION: case FEATURE_USE_SUPPORT_DATA: case FEATURE_UNICODE_IDENTIFIERS: case FEATURE_UNICODE_SECURITY: return true; default: { } } return false; } String TextServerAdvanced::_get_name() const { #ifdef GDEXTENSION return "ICU / HarfBuzz / Graphite (GDExtension)"; #elif defined(GODOT_MODULE) return "ICU / HarfBuzz / Graphite (Built-in)"; #endif } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_get_features() const { int64_t interface_features = FEATURE_SIMPLE_LAYOUT | FEATURE_BIDI_LAYOUT | FEATURE_VERTICAL_LAYOUT | FEATURE_SHAPING | FEATURE_KASHIDA_JUSTIFICATION | FEATURE_BREAK_ITERATORS | FEATURE_FONT_BITMAP | FEATURE_FONT_VARIABLE | FEATURE_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE_CASE_CONVERSION | FEATURE_USE_SUPPORT_DATA; #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED interface_features |= FEATURE_FONT_DYNAMIC; #endif #ifdef MODULE_MSDFGEN_ENABLED interface_features |= FEATURE_FONT_MSDF; #endif return interface_features; } void TextServerAdvanced::_free_rid(const RID &p_rid) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ if (font_owner.owns(p_rid)) { MutexLock ftlock(ft_mutex); FontAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_rid); { MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); font_owner.free(p_rid); } memdelete(fd); } else if (font_var_owner.owns(p_rid)) { MutexLock ftlock(ft_mutex); FontAdvancedLinkedVariation *fdv = font_var_owner.get_or_null(p_rid); { font_var_owner.free(p_rid); } memdelete(fdv); } else if (shaped_owner.owns(p_rid)) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_rid); { MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); shaped_owner.free(p_rid); } memdelete(sd); } } bool TextServerAdvanced::_has(const RID &p_rid) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ return font_owner.owns(p_rid) || font_var_owner.owns(p_rid) || shaped_owner.owns(p_rid); } bool TextServerAdvanced::_load_support_data(const String &p_filename) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ #ifdef ICU_STATIC_DATA if (!icu_data_loaded) { UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_init(&err); // Do not check for errors, since we only load part of the data. icu_data_loaded = true; } #else if (!icu_data_loaded) { String filename = (p_filename.is_empty()) ? String("res://") + _MKSTR(ICU_DATA_NAME) : p_filename; Ref<FileAccess> f = FileAccess::open(filename, FileAccess::READ); if (f.is_null()) { return false; } uint64_t len = f->get_length(); icu_data = f->get_buffer(len); UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; udata_setCommonData(icu_data.ptr(), &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, u_errorName(err)); } err = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_init(&err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, u_errorName(err)); } icu_data_loaded = true; } #endif return true; } String TextServerAdvanced::_get_support_data_filename() const { return _MKSTR(ICU_DATA_NAME); } String TextServerAdvanced::_get_support_data_info() const { return String("ICU break iteration data (") + _MKSTR(ICU_DATA_NAME) + String(")."); } bool TextServerAdvanced::_save_support_data(const String &p_filename) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ #ifdef ICU_STATIC_DATA // Store data to the res file if it's available. Ref<FileAccess> f = FileAccess::open(p_filename, FileAccess::WRITE); if (f.is_null()) { return false; } PackedByteArray icu_data_static; icu_data_static.resize(U_ICUDATA_SIZE); memcpy(icu_data_static.ptrw(), U_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT, U_ICUDATA_SIZE); f->store_buffer(icu_data_static); return true; #else return false; #endif } bool TextServerAdvanced::_is_locale_right_to_left(const String &p_locale) const { String l = p_locale.get_slicec('_', 0); if ((l == "ar") || (l == "dv") || (l == "he") || (l == "fa") || (l == "ff") || (l == "ku") || (l == "ur")) { return true; } else { return false; } } _FORCE_INLINE_ void TextServerAdvanced::_insert_feature(const StringName &p_name, int32_t p_tag, Variant::Type p_vtype, bool p_hidden) { FeatureInfo fi; fi.name = p_name; fi.vtype = p_vtype; fi.hidden = p_hidden; feature_sets.insert(p_name, p_tag); feature_sets_inv.insert(p_tag, fi); } void TextServerAdvanced::_insert_feature_sets() { // Registered OpenType feature tags. // Name, Tag, Data Type, Hidden _insert_feature("access_all_alternates", HB_TAG('a', 'a', 'l', 't'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("above_base_forms", HB_TAG('a', 'b', 'v', 'f'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("above_base_mark_positioning", HB_TAG('a', 'b', 'v', 'm'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("above_base_substitutions", HB_TAG('a', 'b', 'v', 's'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("alternative_fractions", HB_TAG('a', 'f', 'r', 'c'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("akhands", HB_TAG('a', 'k', 'h', 'n'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("below_base_forms", HB_TAG('b', 'l', 'w', 'f'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("below_base_mark_positioning", HB_TAG('b', 'l', 'w', 'm'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("below_base_substitutions", HB_TAG('b', 'l', 'w', 's'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("contextual_alternates", HB_TAG('c', 'a', 'l', 't'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("case_sensitive_forms", HB_TAG('c', 'a', 's', 'e'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("glyph_composition", HB_TAG('c', 'c', 'm', 'p'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("conjunct_form_after_ro", HB_TAG('c', 'f', 'a', 'r'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("contextual_half_width_spacing", HB_TAG('c', 'h', 'w', 's'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("conjunct_forms", HB_TAG('c', 'j', 'c', 't'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("contextual_ligatures", HB_TAG('c', 'l', 'i', 'g'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("centered_cjk_punctuation", HB_TAG('c', 'p', 'c', 't'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("capital_spacing", HB_TAG('c', 'p', 's', 'p'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("contextual_swash", HB_TAG('c', 's', 'w', 'h'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("cursive_positioning", HB_TAG('c', 'u', 'r', 's'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("character_variant_01", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '0', '1'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_02", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '0', '2'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_03", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '0', '3'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_04", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '0', '4'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_05", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '0', '5'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_06", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '0', '6'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_07", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '0', '7'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_08", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '0', '8'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_09", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '0', '9'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_10", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '0'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_11", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '1'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_12", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '2'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_13", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '3'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_14", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '4'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_15", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '5'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_16", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '6'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_17", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '7'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_18", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '8'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_19", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '1', '9'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_20", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '0'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_21", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '1'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_22", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '2'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_23", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '3'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_24", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '4'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_25", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '5'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_26", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '6'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_27", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '7'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_28", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '8'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_29", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '2', '9'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_30", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '0'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_31", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '1'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_32", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '2'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_33", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '3'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_34", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '4'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_35", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '5'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_36", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '6'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_37", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '7'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_38", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '8'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_39", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '3', '9'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_40", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '4', '0'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_41", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '4', '1'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_42", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '4', '2'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_43", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '4', '3'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_44", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '4', '4'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_45", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '4', '5'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_46", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '4', '6'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("character_variant_47", HB_TAG('c', 'v', '4', '7'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); 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_insert_feature("titling", HB_TAG('t', 'i', 't', 'l'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("trailing_jamo_forms", HB_TAG('t', 'j', 'm', 'o'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("traditional_name_forms", HB_TAG('t', 'n', 'a', 'm'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("tabular_figures", HB_TAG('t', 'n', 'u', 'm'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("traditional_forms", HB_TAG('t', 'r', 'a', 'd'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("third_widths", HB_TAG('t', 'w', 'i', 'd'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("unicase", HB_TAG('u', 'n', 'i', 'c'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("alternate_vertical_metrics", HB_TAG('v', 'a', 'l', 't'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("vattu_variants", HB_TAG('v', 'a', 't', 'u'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("vertical_contextual_half_width_spacing", HB_TAG('v', 'c', 'h', 'w'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("vertical_alternates", HB_TAG('v', 'e', 'r', 't'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("alternate_vertical_half_metrics", HB_TAG('v', 'h', 'a', 'l'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("vowel_jamo_forms", HB_TAG('v', 'j', 'm', 'o'), Variant::Type::INT, true); _insert_feature("vertical_kana_alternates", HB_TAG('v', 'k', 'n', 'a'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("vertical_kerning", HB_TAG('v', 'k', 'r', 'n'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("proportional_alternate_vertical_metrics", HB_TAG('v', 'p', 'a', 'l'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); _insert_feature("vertical_alternates_and_rotation", HB_TAG('v', 'r', 't', '2'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("vertical_alternates_for_rotation", HB_TAG('v', 'r', 't', 'r'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("slashed_zero", HB_TAG('z', 'e', 'r', 'o'), Variant::Type::BOOL, false); // Registered OpenType variation tag. _insert_feature("italic", HB_TAG('i', 't', 'a', 'l'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("optical_size", HB_TAG('o', 'p', 's', 'z'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("slant", HB_TAG('s', 'l', 'n', 't'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("width", HB_TAG('w', 'd', 't', 'h'), Variant::Type::INT, false); _insert_feature("weight", HB_TAG('w', 'g', 'h', 't'), Variant::Type::INT, false); } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_name_to_tag(const String &p_name) const { if (feature_sets.has(p_name)) { return feature_sets[p_name]; } // No readable name, use tag string. return hb_tag_from_string(p_name.replace("custom_", "").ascii().get_data(), -1); } Variant::Type TextServerAdvanced::_get_tag_type(int64_t p_tag) const { if (feature_sets_inv.has(p_tag)) { return feature_sets_inv[p_tag].vtype; } return Variant::Type::INT; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_get_tag_hidden(int64_t p_tag) const { if (feature_sets_inv.has(p_tag)) { return feature_sets_inv[p_tag].hidden; } return false; } String TextServerAdvanced::_tag_to_name(int64_t p_tag) const { if (feature_sets_inv.has(p_tag)) { return feature_sets_inv[p_tag].name; } // No readable name, use tag string. char name[5]; memset(name, 0, 5); hb_tag_to_string(p_tag, name); return String("custom_") + String(name); } /*************************************************************************/ /* Font Glyph Rendering */ /*************************************************************************/ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerAdvanced::FontTexturePosition TextServerAdvanced::find_texture_pos_for_glyph(FontForSizeAdvanced *p_data, int p_color_size, Image::Format p_image_format, int p_width, int p_height, bool p_msdf) const { FontTexturePosition ret; int mw = p_width; int mh = p_height; ShelfPackTexture *ct = p_data->textures.ptrw(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < p_data->textures.size(); i++) { if (ct[i].image.is_null()) { continue; } if (p_image_format != ct[i].image->get_format()) { continue; } if (mw > ct[i].texture_w || mh > ct[i].texture_h) { // Too big for this texture. continue; } ret = ct[i].pack_rect(i, mh, mw); if (ret.index != -1) { break; } } if (ret.index == -1) { // Could not find texture to fit, create one. int texsize = MAX(p_data->size.x * p_data->oversampling * 8, 256); texsize = next_power_of_2(texsize); if (p_msdf) { texsize = MIN(texsize, 2048); } else { texsize = MIN(texsize, 1024); } if (mw > texsize) { // Special case, adapt to it? texsize = next_power_of_2(mw); } if (mh > texsize) { // Special case, adapt to it? texsize = next_power_of_2(mh); } ShelfPackTexture tex = ShelfPackTexture(texsize, texsize); tex.image = Image::create_empty(texsize, texsize, false, p_image_format); { // Zero texture. uint8_t *w = tex.image->ptrw(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(texsize * texsize * p_color_size > tex.image->data_size(), ret); // Initialize the texture to all-white pixels to prevent artifacts when the // font is displayed at a non-default scale with filtering enabled. if (p_color_size == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < texsize * texsize * p_color_size; i += 2) { // FORMAT_LA8, BW font. w[i + 0] = 255; w[i + 1] = 0; } } else if (p_color_size == 4) { for (int i = 0; i < texsize * texsize * p_color_size; i += 4) { // FORMAT_RGBA8, Color font, Multichannel(+True) SDF. w[i + 0] = 255; w[i + 1] = 255; w[i + 2] = 255; w[i + 3] = 0; } } else { ERR_FAIL_V(ret); } } p_data->textures.push_back(tex); int32_t idx = p_data->textures.size() - 1; ret = p_data->textures.write[idx].pack_rect(idx, mh, mw); } return ret; } #ifdef MODULE_MSDFGEN_ENABLED struct MSContext { msdfgen::Point2 position; msdfgen::Shape *shape = nullptr; msdfgen::Contour *contour = nullptr; }; class DistancePixelConversion { double invRange; public: _FORCE_INLINE_ explicit DistancePixelConversion(double range) : invRange(1 / range) {} _FORCE_INLINE_ void operator()(float *pixels, const msdfgen::MultiAndTrueDistance &distance) const { pixels[0] = float(invRange * distance.r + .5); pixels[1] = float(invRange * distance.g + .5); pixels[2] = float(invRange * distance.b + .5); pixels[3] = float(invRange * distance.a + .5); } }; struct MSDFThreadData { msdfgen::Bitmap<float, 4> *output; msdfgen::Shape *shape; msdfgen::Projection *projection; DistancePixelConversion *distancePixelConversion; }; static msdfgen::Point2 ft_point2(const FT_Vector &vector) { return msdfgen::Point2(vector.x / 60.0f, vector.y / 60.0f); } static int ft_move_to(const FT_Vector *to, void *user) { MSContext *context = static_cast<MSContext *>(user); if (!(context->contour && context->contour->edges.empty())) { context->contour = &context->shape->addContour(); } context->position = ft_point2(*to); return 0; } static int ft_line_to(const FT_Vector *to, void *user) { MSContext *context = static_cast<MSContext *>(user); msdfgen::Point2 endpoint = ft_point2(*to); if (endpoint != context->position) { context->contour->addEdge(new msdfgen::LinearSegment(context->position, endpoint)); context->position = endpoint; } return 0; } static int ft_conic_to(const FT_Vector *control, const FT_Vector *to, void *user) { MSContext *context = static_cast<MSContext *>(user); context->contour->addEdge(new msdfgen::QuadraticSegment(context->position, ft_point2(*control), ft_point2(*to))); context->position = ft_point2(*to); return 0; } static int ft_cubic_to(const FT_Vector *control1, const FT_Vector *control2, const FT_Vector *to, void *user) { MSContext *context = static_cast<MSContext *>(user); context->contour->addEdge(new msdfgen::CubicSegment(context->position, ft_point2(*control1), ft_point2(*control2), ft_point2(*to))); context->position = ft_point2(*to); return 0; } void TextServerAdvanced::_generateMTSDF_threaded(void *p_td, uint32_t p_y) { MSDFThreadData *td = static_cast<MSDFThreadData *>(p_td); msdfgen::ShapeDistanceFinder<msdfgen::OverlappingContourCombiner<msdfgen::MultiAndTrueDistanceSelector>> distanceFinder(*td->shape); int row = td->shape->inverseYAxis ? td->output->height() - p_y - 1 : p_y; for (int col = 0; col < td->output->width(); ++col) { int x = (p_y % 2) ? td->output->width() - col - 1 : col; msdfgen::Point2 p = td->projection->unproject(msdfgen::Point2(x + .5, p_y + .5)); msdfgen::MultiAndTrueDistance distance = distanceFinder.distance(p); td->distancePixelConversion->operator()(td->output->operator()(x, row), distance); } } _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerAdvanced::FontGlyph TextServerAdvanced::rasterize_msdf(FontAdvanced *p_font_data, FontForSizeAdvanced *p_data, int p_pixel_range, int p_rect_margin, FT_Outline *p_outline, const Vector2 &p_advance) const { msdfgen::Shape shape; shape.contours.clear(); shape.inverseYAxis = false; MSContext context = {}; context.shape = &shape; FT_Outline_Funcs ft_functions; ft_functions.move_to = &ft_move_to; ft_functions.line_to = &ft_line_to; ft_functions.conic_to = &ft_conic_to; ft_functions.cubic_to = &ft_cubic_to; ft_functions.shift = 0; ft_functions.delta = 0; int error = FT_Outline_Decompose(p_outline, &ft_functions, &context); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(error, FontGlyph(), "FreeType: Outline decomposition error: '" + String(FT_Error_String(error)) + "'."); if (!shape.contours.empty() && shape.contours.back().edges.empty()) { shape.contours.pop_back(); } if (FT_Outline_Get_Orientation(p_outline) == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)shape.contours.size(); ++i) { shape.contours[i].reverse(); } } shape.inverseYAxis = true; shape.normalize(); msdfgen::Shape::Bounds bounds = shape.getBounds(p_pixel_range); FontGlyph chr; chr.found = true; chr.advance = p_advance; if (shape.validate() && shape.contours.size() > 0) { int w = (bounds.r - bounds.l); int h = (bounds.t - bounds.b); if (w == 0 || h == 0) { chr.texture_idx = -1; chr.uv_rect = Rect2(); chr.rect = Rect2(); return chr; } int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 4; int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 4; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mw > 4096, FontGlyph()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mh > 4096, FontGlyph()); FontTexturePosition tex_pos = find_texture_pos_for_glyph(p_data, 4, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, mw, mh, true); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tex_pos.index < 0, FontGlyph()); ShelfPackTexture &tex = p_data->textures.write[tex_pos.index]; edgeColoringSimple(shape, 3.0); // Max. angle. msdfgen::Bitmap<float, 4> image(w, h); // Texture size. DistancePixelConversion distancePixelConversion(p_pixel_range); msdfgen::Projection projection(msdfgen::Vector2(1.0, 1.0), msdfgen::Vector2(-bounds.l, -bounds.b)); msdfgen::MSDFGeneratorConfig config(true, msdfgen::ErrorCorrectionConfig()); MSDFThreadData td; td.output = ℑ td.shape = &shape; td.projection = &projection; td.distancePixelConversion = &distancePixelConversion; WorkerThreadPool::GroupID group_task = WorkerThreadPool::get_singleton()->add_native_group_task(&TextServerAdvanced::_generateMTSDF_threaded, &td, h, -1, true, String("FontServerRasterizeMSDF")); WorkerThreadPool::get_singleton()->wait_for_group_task_completion(group_task); msdfgen::msdfErrorCorrection(image, shape, projection, p_pixel_range, config); { uint8_t *wr = tex.image->ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) { int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin * 2) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin * 2) * 4; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(ofs >= tex.image->data_size(), FontGlyph()); wr[ofs + 0] = (uint8_t)(CLAMP(image(j, i)[0] * 256.f, 0.f, 255.f)); wr[ofs + 1] = (uint8_t)(CLAMP(image(j, i)[1] * 256.f, 0.f, 255.f)); wr[ofs + 2] = (uint8_t)(CLAMP(image(j, i)[2] * 256.f, 0.f, 255.f)); wr[ofs + 3] = (uint8_t)(CLAMP(image(j, i)[3] * 256.f, 0.f, 255.f)); } } } tex.dirty = true; chr.texture_idx = tex_pos.index; chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w + p_rect_margin * 2, h + p_rect_margin * 2); chr.rect.position = Vector2(bounds.l - p_rect_margin, -bounds.t - p_rect_margin); chr.rect.size = chr.uv_rect.size; } return chr; } #endif #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerAdvanced::FontGlyph TextServerAdvanced::rasterize_bitmap(FontForSizeAdvanced *p_data, int p_rect_margin, FT_Bitmap p_bitmap, int p_yofs, int p_xofs, const Vector2 &p_advance, bool p_bgra) const { FontGlyph chr; chr.advance = p_advance * p_data->scale / p_data->oversampling; chr.found = true; int w = p_bitmap.width; int h = p_bitmap.rows; if (w == 0 || h == 0) { chr.texture_idx = -1; chr.uv_rect = Rect2(); chr.rect = Rect2(); return chr; } int color_size = 2; switch (p_bitmap.pixel_mode) { case FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO: case FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY: { color_size = 2; } break; case FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA: { color_size = 4; } break; case FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD: { color_size = 4; w /= 3; } break; case FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD_V: { color_size = 4; h /= 3; } break; } int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 4; int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 4; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mw > 4096, FontGlyph()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mh > 4096, FontGlyph()); Image::Format require_format = color_size == 4 ? Image::FORMAT_RGBA8 : Image::FORMAT_LA8; FontTexturePosition tex_pos = find_texture_pos_for_glyph(p_data, color_size, require_format, mw, mh, false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tex_pos.index < 0, FontGlyph()); // Fit character in char texture. ShelfPackTexture &tex = p_data->textures.write[tex_pos.index]; { uint8_t *wr = tex.image->ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) { int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin * 2) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin * 2) * color_size; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(ofs >= tex.image->data_size(), FontGlyph()); switch (p_bitmap.pixel_mode) { case FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO: { int byte = i * p_bitmap.pitch + (j >> 3); int bit = 1 << (7 - (j % 8)); wr[ofs + 0] = 255; // grayscale as 1 wr[ofs + 1] = (p_bitmap.buffer[byte] & bit) ? 255 : 0; } break; case FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY: wr[ofs + 0] = 255; // grayscale as 1 wr[ofs + 1] = p_bitmap.buffer[i * p_bitmap.pitch + j]; break; case FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA: { int ofs_color = i * p_bitmap.pitch + (j << 2); wr[ofs + 2] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 0]; wr[ofs + 1] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 1]; wr[ofs + 0] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 2]; wr[ofs + 3] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 3]; } break; case FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD: { int ofs_color = i * p_bitmap.pitch + (j * 3); if (p_bgra) { wr[ofs + 0] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 2]; wr[ofs + 1] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 1]; wr[ofs + 2] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 0]; wr[ofs + 3] = 255; } else { wr[ofs + 0] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 0]; wr[ofs + 1] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 1]; wr[ofs + 2] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 2]; wr[ofs + 3] = 255; } } break; case FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD_V: { int ofs_color = i * p_bitmap.pitch * 3 + j; if (p_bgra) { wr[ofs + 0] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + p_bitmap.pitch * 2]; wr[ofs + 1] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + p_bitmap.pitch]; wr[ofs + 2] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 0]; wr[ofs + 3] = 255; } else { wr[ofs + 0] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + 0]; wr[ofs + 1] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + p_bitmap.pitch]; wr[ofs + 2] = p_bitmap.buffer[ofs_color + p_bitmap.pitch * 2]; wr[ofs + 3] = 255; } } break; default: ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(FontGlyph(), "Font uses unsupported pixel format: " + String::num_int64(p_bitmap.pixel_mode) + "."); break; } } } } tex.dirty = true; chr.texture_idx = tex_pos.index; chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w + p_rect_margin * 2, h + p_rect_margin * 2); chr.rect.position = Vector2(p_xofs - p_rect_margin, -p_yofs - p_rect_margin) * p_data->scale / p_data->oversampling; chr.rect.size = chr.uv_rect.size * p_data->scale / p_data->oversampling; return chr; } #endif /*************************************************************************/ /* Font Cache */ /*************************************************************************/ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool TextServerAdvanced::_ensure_glyph(FontAdvanced *p_font_data, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(p_font_data, p_size), false); int32_t glyph_index = p_glyph & 0xffffff; // Remove subpixel shifts. FontForSizeAdvanced *fd = p_font_data->cache[p_size]; if (fd->glyph_map.has(p_glyph)) { return fd->glyph_map[p_glyph].found; } if (glyph_index == 0) { // Non graphical or invalid glyph, do not render. fd->glyph_map[p_glyph] = FontGlyph(); return true; } #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED FontGlyph gl; if (fd->face) { FT_Int32 flags = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; bool outline = p_size.y > 0; switch (p_font_data->hinting) { case TextServer::HINTING_NONE: flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING; break; case TextServer::HINTING_LIGHT: flags |= FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT; break; default: flags |= FT_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL; break; } if (p_font_data->force_autohinter) { flags |= FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT; } if (outline || (p_font_data->disable_embedded_bitmaps && !FT_HAS_COLOR(fd->face))) { flags |= FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP; } else if (FT_HAS_COLOR(fd->face)) { flags |= FT_LOAD_COLOR; } FT_Fixed v, h; FT_Get_Advance(fd->face, glyph_index, flags, &h); FT_Get_Advance(fd->face, glyph_index, flags | FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT, &v); int error = FT_Load_Glyph(fd->face, glyph_index, flags); if (error) { fd->glyph_map[p_glyph] = FontGlyph(); return false; } if (!p_font_data->msdf) { if ((p_font_data->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (p_font_data->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && p_size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER_MAX_SIZE)) { FT_Pos xshift = (int)((p_glyph >> 27) & 3) << 4; FT_Outline_Translate(&fd->face->glyph->outline, xshift, 0); } else if ((p_font_data->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (p_font_data->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && p_size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE)) { FT_Pos xshift = (int)((p_glyph >> 27) & 3) << 5; FT_Outline_Translate(&fd->face->glyph->outline, xshift, 0); } } if (p_font_data->embolden != 0.f) { FT_Pos strength = p_font_data->embolden * p_size.x * fd->oversampling * 4; // 26.6 fractional units (1 / 64). FT_Outline_Embolden(&fd->face->glyph->outline, strength); } if (p_font_data->transform != Transform2D()) { FT_Matrix mat = { FT_Fixed(p_font_data->transform[0][0] * 65536), FT_Fixed(p_font_data->transform[0][1] * 65536), FT_Fixed(p_font_data->transform[1][0] * 65536), FT_Fixed(p_font_data->transform[1][1] * 65536) }; // 16.16 fractional units (1 / 65536). FT_Outline_Transform(&fd->face->glyph->outline, &mat); } FT_Render_Mode aa_mode = FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL; bool bgra = false; switch (p_font_data->antialiasing) { case FONT_ANTIALIASING_NONE: { aa_mode = FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO; } break; case FONT_ANTIALIASING_GRAY: { aa_mode = FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL; } break; case FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD: { int aa_layout = (int)((p_glyph >> 24) & 7); switch (aa_layout) { case FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_HRGB: { aa_mode = FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD; bgra = false; } break; case FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_HBGR: { aa_mode = FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD; bgra = true; } break; case FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_VRGB: { aa_mode = FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V; bgra = false; } break; case FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_VBGR: { aa_mode = FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V; bgra = true; } break; default: { aa_mode = FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL; } break; } } break; } if (!outline) { if (!p_font_data->msdf) { error = FT_Render_Glyph(fd->face->glyph, aa_mode); } FT_GlyphSlot slot = fd->face->glyph; if (!error) { if (p_font_data->msdf) { #ifdef MODULE_MSDFGEN_ENABLED gl = rasterize_msdf(p_font_data, fd, p_font_data->msdf_range, rect_range, &slot->outline, Vector2((h + (1 << 9)) >> 10, (v + (1 << 9)) >> 10) / 64.0); #else fd->glyph_map[p_glyph] = FontGlyph(); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Compiled without MSDFGEN support!"); #endif } else { gl = rasterize_bitmap(fd, rect_range, slot->bitmap, slot->bitmap_top, slot->bitmap_left, Vector2((h + (1 << 9)) >> 10, (v + (1 << 9)) >> 10) / 64.0, bgra); } } } else { FT_Stroker stroker; if (FT_Stroker_New(ft_library, &stroker) != 0) { fd->glyph_map[p_glyph] = FontGlyph(); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "FreeType: Failed to load glyph stroker."); } FT_Stroker_Set(stroker, (int)(fd->size.y * fd->oversampling * 16.0), FT_STROKER_LINECAP_BUTT, FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND, 0); FT_Glyph glyph; FT_BitmapGlyph glyph_bitmap; if (FT_Get_Glyph(fd->face->glyph, &glyph) != 0) { goto cleanup_stroker; } if (FT_Glyph_Stroke(&glyph, stroker, 1) != 0) { goto cleanup_glyph; } if (FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap(&glyph, aa_mode, nullptr, 1) != 0) { goto cleanup_glyph; } glyph_bitmap = (FT_BitmapGlyph)glyph; gl = rasterize_bitmap(fd, rect_range, glyph_bitmap->bitmap, glyph_bitmap->top, glyph_bitmap->left, Vector2(), bgra); cleanup_glyph: FT_Done_Glyph(glyph); cleanup_stroker: FT_Stroker_Done(stroker); } fd->glyph_map[p_glyph] = gl; return gl.found; } #endif fd->glyph_map[p_glyph] = FontGlyph(); return false; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool TextServerAdvanced::_ensure_cache_for_size(FontAdvanced *p_font_data, const Vector2i &p_size) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_size.x <= 0, false); if (p_font_data->cache.has(p_size)) { return true; } FontForSizeAdvanced *fd = memnew(FontForSizeAdvanced); fd->size = p_size; if (p_font_data->data_ptr && (p_font_data->data_size > 0)) { // Init dynamic font. #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED int error = 0; { MutexLock ftlock(ft_mutex); if (!ft_library) { error = FT_Init_FreeType(&ft_library); if (error != 0) { memdelete(fd); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "FreeType: Error initializing library: '" + String(FT_Error_String(error)) + "'."); } #ifdef MODULE_SVG_ENABLED FT_Property_Set(ft_library, "ot-svg", "svg-hooks", get_tvg_svg_in_ot_hooks()); #endif } memset(&fd->stream, 0, sizeof(FT_StreamRec)); fd->stream.base = (unsigned char *)p_font_data->data_ptr; fd->stream.size = p_font_data->data_size; fd->stream.pos = 0; FT_Open_Args fargs; memset(&fargs, 0, sizeof(FT_Open_Args)); fargs.memory_base = (unsigned char *)p_font_data->data_ptr; fargs.memory_size = p_font_data->data_size; fargs.flags = FT_OPEN_MEMORY; fargs.stream = &fd->stream; int max_index = 0; FT_Face tmp_face = nullptr; error = FT_Open_Face(ft_library, &fargs, -1, &tmp_face); if (tmp_face && error == 0) { max_index = tmp_face->num_faces - 1; } if (tmp_face) { FT_Done_Face(tmp_face); } error = FT_Open_Face(ft_library, &fargs, CLAMP(p_font_data->face_index, 0, max_index), &fd->face); if (error) { FT_Done_Face(fd->face); fd->face = nullptr; memdelete(fd); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "FreeType: Error loading font: '" + String(FT_Error_String(error)) + "'."); } } if (p_font_data->msdf) { fd->oversampling = 1.0; fd->size.x = p_font_data->msdf_source_size; } else if (p_font_data->oversampling <= 0.0) { fd->oversampling = _font_get_global_oversampling(); } else { fd->oversampling = p_font_data->oversampling; } if (FT_HAS_COLOR(fd->face) && fd->face->num_fixed_sizes > 0) { int best_match = 0; int diff = ABS(fd->size.x - ((int64_t)fd->face->available_sizes[0].width)); fd->scale = double(fd->size.x * fd->oversampling) / fd->face->available_sizes[0].width; for (int i = 1; i < fd->face->num_fixed_sizes; i++) { int ndiff = ABS(fd->size.x - ((int64_t)fd->face->available_sizes[i].width)); if (ndiff < diff) { best_match = i; diff = ndiff; fd->scale = double(fd->size.x * fd->oversampling) / fd->face->available_sizes[i].width; } } FT_Select_Size(fd->face, best_match); } else { FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(fd->face, 0, double(fd->size.x * fd->oversampling)); if (fd->face->size->metrics.y_ppem != 0) { fd->scale = ((double)fd->size.x * fd->oversampling) / (double)fd->face->size->metrics.y_ppem; } } fd->hb_handle = hb_ft_font_create(fd->face, nullptr); fd->ascent = (fd->face->size->metrics.ascender / 64.0) / fd->oversampling * fd->scale; fd->descent = (-fd->face->size->metrics.descender / 64.0) / fd->oversampling * fd->scale; fd->underline_position = (-FT_MulFix(fd->face->underline_position, fd->face->size->metrics.y_scale) / 64.0) / fd->oversampling * fd->scale; fd->underline_thickness = (FT_MulFix(fd->face->underline_thickness, fd->face->size->metrics.y_scale) / 64.0) / fd->oversampling * fd->scale; #if HB_VERSION_ATLEAST(3, 3, 0) hb_font_set_synthetic_slant(fd->hb_handle, p_font_data->transform[0][1]); #else #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning Building with HarfBuzz < 3.3.0, synthetic slant offset correction disabled. #endif #endif if (!p_font_data->face_init) { // When a font does not provide a `family_name`, FreeType tries to synthesize one based on other names. // FreeType automatically converts non-ASCII characters to "?" in the synthesized name. // To avoid that behavior, use the format-specific name directly if available. hb_face_t *hb_face = hb_font_get_face(fd->hb_handle); unsigned int num_entries = 0; const hb_ot_name_entry_t *names = hb_ot_name_list_names(hb_face, &num_entries); const hb_language_t english = hb_language_from_string("en", -1); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { if (names[i].name_id != HB_OT_NAME_ID_FONT_FAMILY) { continue; } if (!p_font_data->font_name.is_empty() && names[i].language != english) { continue; } unsigned int text_size = hb_ot_name_get_utf32(hb_face, names[i].name_id, names[i].language, nullptr, nullptr) + 1; p_font_data->font_name.resize(text_size); hb_ot_name_get_utf32(hb_face, names[i].name_id, names[i].language, &text_size, (uint32_t *)p_font_data->font_name.ptrw()); } if (p_font_data->font_name.is_empty() && fd->face->family_name != nullptr) { p_font_data->font_name = String::utf8((const char *)fd->face->family_name); } if (fd->face->style_name != nullptr) { p_font_data->style_name = String::utf8((const char *)fd->face->style_name); } p_font_data->weight = _font_get_weight_by_name(p_font_data->style_name.to_lower()); p_font_data->stretch = _font_get_stretch_by_name(p_font_data->style_name.to_lower()); p_font_data->style_flags = 0; if ((fd->face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD) || p_font_data->weight >= 700) { p_font_data->style_flags.set_flag(FONT_BOLD); } if ((fd->face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC) || _is_ital_style(p_font_data->style_name.to_lower())) { p_font_data->style_flags.set_flag(FONT_ITALIC); } if (fd->face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH) { p_font_data->style_flags.set_flag(FONT_FIXED_WIDTH); } // Get supported scripts from OpenType font data. p_font_data->supported_scripts.clear(); unsigned int count = hb_ot_layout_table_get_script_tags(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GSUB, 0, nullptr, nullptr); if (count != 0) { hb_tag_t *script_tags = (hb_tag_t *)memalloc(count * sizeof(hb_tag_t)); hb_ot_layout_table_get_script_tags(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GSUB, 0, &count, script_tags); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(script_tags[i]); } memfree(script_tags); } count = hb_ot_layout_table_get_script_tags(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GPOS, 0, nullptr, nullptr); if (count != 0) { hb_tag_t *script_tags = (hb_tag_t *)memalloc(count * sizeof(hb_tag_t)); hb_ot_layout_table_get_script_tags(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GPOS, 0, &count, script_tags); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(script_tags[i]); } memfree(script_tags); } // Get supported scripts from OS2 table. TT_OS2 *os2 = (TT_OS2 *)FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(fd->face, FT_SFNT_OS2); if (os2) { if ((os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 4) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 5) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 6) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 31) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 0) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 1) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 2) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 3) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 4) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 5) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 6) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 7) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 8) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 9) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 10) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 11) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 12) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 13) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 14) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 15) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 30) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 0) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 1) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 2) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 4) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 5) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 18) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 24) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 25) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 26) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 27) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 28) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 3) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 6) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 15) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 23) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 24) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 26)) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_COMMON); } if ((os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 0) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 1) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 2) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 3) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 29)) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_LATIN); } if ((os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 7) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 30)) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_GREEK); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 8) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_COPTIC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 9) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_CYRILLIC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 10) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_ARMENIAN); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 11) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_HEBREW); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 12) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_VAI); } if ((os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 13) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 31) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 3)) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 14) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_NKO); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 15) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_DEVANAGARI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 16) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_BENGALI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 17) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_GURMUKHI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 18) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_GUJARATI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 19) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_ORIYA); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 20) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_TAMIL); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 21) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_TELUGU); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 22) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_KANNADA); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 23) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_MALAYALAM); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 24) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_THAI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 25) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_LAO); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 26) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_GEORGIAN); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 27) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_BALINESE); } if ((os2->ulUnicodeRange1 & 1L << 28) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 20) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 24)) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_HANGUL); } if ((os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 21) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 22) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 23) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 26) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 27) || (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 29)) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_HAN); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 17) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_HIRAGANA); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 18) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_KATAKANA); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange2 & 1L << 19) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_BOPOMOFO); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 6) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_TIBETAN); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 7) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_SYRIAC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 8) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_THAANA); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 9) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_SINHALA); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 10) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_MYANMAR); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 11) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_ETHIOPIC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 12) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_CHEROKEE); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 13) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_CANADIAN_SYLLABICS); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 14) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_OGHAM); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 15) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_RUNIC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 16) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_KHMER); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 17) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_MONGOLIAN); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 19) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_YI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 20) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_HANUNOO); p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_TAGBANWA); p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_BUHID); p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_TAGALOG); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 21) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_OLD_ITALIC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 22) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_GOTHIC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 23) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_DESERET); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 29) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_LIMBU); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 30) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_TAI_LE); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange3 & 1L << 31) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_NEW_TAI_LUE); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 0) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_BUGINESE); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 1) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_GLAGOLITIC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 2) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_TIFINAGH); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 4) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_SYLOTI_NAGRI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 5) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_LINEAR_B); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 7) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_UGARITIC); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 8) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_OLD_PERSIAN); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 9) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_SHAVIAN); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 10) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_OSMANYA); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 11) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_CYPRIOT); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 12) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_KHAROSHTHI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 13) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_TAI_VIET); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 14) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_CUNEIFORM); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 16) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_SUNDANESE); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 17) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_LEPCHA); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 18) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_OL_CHIKI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 19) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_SAURASHTRA); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 20) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_KAYAH_LI); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 21) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_REJANG); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 22) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_CHAM); } if (os2->ulUnicodeRange4 & 1L << 25) { p_font_data->supported_scripts.insert(HB_SCRIPT_ANATOLIAN_HIEROGLYPHS); } } // Read OpenType feature tags. p_font_data->supported_features.clear(); count = hb_ot_layout_table_get_feature_tags(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GSUB, 0, nullptr, nullptr); if (count != 0) { hb_tag_t *feature_tags = (hb_tag_t *)memalloc(count * sizeof(hb_tag_t)); hb_ot_layout_table_get_feature_tags(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GSUB, 0, &count, feature_tags); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dictionary ftr; #if HB_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 1, 0) hb_ot_name_id_t lbl_id; if (hb_ot_layout_feature_get_name_ids(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GSUB, i, &lbl_id, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) { PackedInt32Array lbl; unsigned int text_size = hb_ot_name_get_utf32(hb_face, lbl_id, hb_language_from_string(TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale().ascii().get_data(), -1), nullptr, nullptr) + 1; lbl.resize(text_size); memset((uint32_t *)lbl.ptrw(), 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * text_size); hb_ot_name_get_utf32(hb_face, lbl_id, hb_language_from_string(TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale().ascii().get_data(), -1), &text_size, (uint32_t *)lbl.ptrw()); ftr["label"] = String((const char32_t *)lbl.ptr()); } #else #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning Building with HarfBuzz < 2.1.0, readable OpenType feature names disabled. #endif #endif ftr["type"] = _get_tag_type(feature_tags[i]); ftr["hidden"] = _get_tag_hidden(feature_tags[i]); p_font_data->supported_features[feature_tags[i]] = ftr; } memfree(feature_tags); } count = hb_ot_layout_table_get_feature_tags(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GPOS, 0, nullptr, nullptr); if (count != 0) { hb_tag_t *feature_tags = (hb_tag_t *)memalloc(count * sizeof(hb_tag_t)); hb_ot_layout_table_get_feature_tags(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GPOS, 0, &count, feature_tags); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dictionary ftr; #if HB_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 1, 0) hb_ot_name_id_t lbl_id; if (hb_ot_layout_feature_get_name_ids(hb_face, HB_OT_TAG_GPOS, i, &lbl_id, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) { PackedInt32Array lbl; unsigned int text_size = hb_ot_name_get_utf32(hb_face, lbl_id, hb_language_from_string(TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale().ascii().get_data(), -1), nullptr, nullptr) + 1; lbl.resize(text_size); memset((uint32_t *)lbl.ptrw(), 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * text_size); hb_ot_name_get_utf32(hb_face, lbl_id, hb_language_from_string(TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale().ascii().get_data(), -1), &text_size, (uint32_t *)lbl.ptrw()); ftr["label"] = String((const char32_t *)lbl.ptr()); } #else #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning Building with HarfBuzz < 2.1.0, readable OpenType feature names disabled. #endif #endif ftr["type"] = _get_tag_type(feature_tags[i]); ftr["hidden"] = _get_tag_hidden(feature_tags[i]); p_font_data->supported_features[feature_tags[i]] = ftr; } memfree(feature_tags); } // Read OpenType variations. p_font_data->supported_varaitions.clear(); if (fd->face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_MULTIPLE_MASTERS) { FT_MM_Var *amaster; FT_Get_MM_Var(fd->face, &amaster); for (FT_UInt i = 0; i < amaster->num_axis; i++) { p_font_data->supported_varaitions[(int32_t)amaster->axis[i].tag] = Vector3i(amaster->axis[i].minimum / 65536, amaster->axis[i].maximum / 65536, amaster->axis[i].def / 65536); } FT_Done_MM_Var(ft_library, amaster); } p_font_data->face_init = true; } // Write variations. if (fd->face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_MULTIPLE_MASTERS) { FT_MM_Var *amaster; FT_Get_MM_Var(fd->face, &amaster); Vector<hb_variation_t> hb_vars; Vector<FT_Fixed> coords; coords.resize(amaster->num_axis); FT_Get_Var_Design_Coordinates(fd->face, coords.size(), coords.ptrw()); for (FT_UInt i = 0; i < amaster->num_axis; i++) { hb_variation_t var; // Reset to default. var.tag = amaster->axis[i].tag; var.value = (double)amaster->axis[i].def / 65536.0; coords.write[i] = amaster->axis[i].def; if (p_font_data->variation_coordinates.has(var.tag)) { var.value = p_font_data->variation_coordinates[var.tag]; coords.write[i] = CLAMP(var.value * 65536.0, amaster->axis[i].minimum, amaster->axis[i].maximum); } if (p_font_data->variation_coordinates.has(_tag_to_name(var.tag))) { var.value = p_font_data->variation_coordinates[_tag_to_name(var.tag)]; coords.write[i] = CLAMP(var.value * 65536.0, amaster->axis[i].minimum, amaster->axis[i].maximum); } hb_vars.push_back(var); } FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates(fd->face, coords.size(), coords.ptrw()); hb_font_set_variations(fd->hb_handle, hb_vars.is_empty() ? nullptr : &hb_vars[0], hb_vars.size()); FT_Done_MM_Var(ft_library, amaster); } #else memdelete(fd); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "FreeType: Can't load dynamic font, engine is compiled without FreeType support!"); #endif } else { // Init bitmap font. fd->hb_handle = _bmp_font_create(fd, nullptr); } p_font_data->cache[p_size] = fd; return true; } _FORCE_INLINE_ void TextServerAdvanced::_font_clear_cache(FontAdvanced *p_font_data) { MutexLock ftlock(ft_mutex); for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, FontForSizeAdvanced *> &E : p_font_data->cache) { memdelete(E.value); } p_font_data->cache.clear(); p_font_data->face_init = false; p_font_data->supported_features.clear(); p_font_data->supported_varaitions.clear(); p_font_data->supported_scripts.clear(); } hb_font_t *TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_hb_handle(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, nullptr); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), nullptr); return fd->cache[size]->hb_handle; } RID TextServerAdvanced::_create_font() { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ FontAdvanced *fd = memnew(FontAdvanced); return font_owner.make_rid(fd); } RID TextServerAdvanced::_create_font_linked_variation(const RID &p_font_rid) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ RID rid = p_font_rid; FontAdvancedLinkedVariation *fdv = font_var_owner.get_or_null(rid); if (unlikely(fdv)) { rid = fdv->base_font; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!font_owner.owns(rid), RID()); FontAdvancedLinkedVariation *new_fdv = memnew(FontAdvancedLinkedVariation); new_fdv->base_font = rid; return font_var_owner.make_rid(new_fdv); } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_data(const RID &p_font_rid, const PackedByteArray &p_data) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->data = p_data; fd->data_ptr = fd->data.ptr(); fd->data_size = fd->data.size(); } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_data_ptr(const RID &p_font_rid, const uint8_t *p_data_ptr, int64_t p_data_size) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->data.resize(0); fd->data_ptr = p_data_ptr; fd->data_size = p_data_size; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_face_index(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_face_index) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_face_index < 0); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_face_index >= 0x7FFF); FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->face_index != p_face_index) { fd->face_index = p_face_index; _font_clear_cache(fd); } } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_face_index(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->face_index; } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_face_count(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); int face_count = 0; if (fd->data_ptr && (fd->data_size > 0)) { // Init dynamic font. #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED int error = 0; if (!ft_library) { error = FT_Init_FreeType(&ft_library); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(error != 0, false, "FreeType: Error initializing library: '" + String(FT_Error_String(error)) + "'."); #ifdef MODULE_SVG_ENABLED FT_Property_Set(ft_library, "ot-svg", "svg-hooks", get_tvg_svg_in_ot_hooks()); #endif } FT_StreamRec stream; memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(FT_StreamRec)); stream.base = (unsigned char *)fd->data_ptr; stream.size = fd->data_size; stream.pos = 0; FT_Open_Args fargs; memset(&fargs, 0, sizeof(FT_Open_Args)); fargs.memory_base = (unsigned char *)fd->data_ptr; fargs.memory_size = fd->data_size; fargs.flags = FT_OPEN_MEMORY; fargs.stream = &stream; MutexLock ftlock(ft_mutex); FT_Face tmp_face = nullptr; error = FT_Open_Face(ft_library, &fargs, -1, &tmp_face); if (error == 0) { face_count = tmp_face->num_faces; FT_Done_Face(tmp_face); } #endif } return face_count; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_style(const RID &p_font_rid, BitField<FontStyle> p_style) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->style_flags = p_style; } BitField<TextServer::FontStyle> TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_style(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 0); return fd->style_flags; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_style_name(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_name) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->style_name = p_name; } String TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_style_name(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, String()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), String()); return fd->style_name; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_weight(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_weight) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->weight = CLAMP(p_weight, 100, 999); } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_weight(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 400); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 400); return fd->weight; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_stretch(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_stretch) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->stretch = CLAMP(p_stretch, 50, 200); } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_stretch(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 100); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 100); return fd->stretch; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_name(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_name) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->font_name = p_name; } String TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_name(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, String()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), String()); return fd->font_name; } Dictionary TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_ot_name_strings(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Dictionary()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Dictionary()); hb_face_t *hb_face = hb_font_get_face(fd->cache[size]->hb_handle); unsigned int num_entries = 0; const hb_ot_name_entry_t *names = hb_ot_name_list_names(hb_face, &num_entries); HashMap<String, Dictionary> names_for_lang; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { String name; switch (names[i].name_id) { case HB_OT_NAME_ID_COPYRIGHT: { name = "copyright"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_FONT_FAMILY: { name = "family_name"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_FONT_SUBFAMILY: { name = "subfamily_name"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_UNIQUE_ID: { name = "unique_identifier"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_FULL_NAME: { name = "full_name"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_VERSION_STRING: { name = "version"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_POSTSCRIPT_NAME: { name = "postscript_name"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_TRADEMARK: { name = "trademark"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_MANUFACTURER: { name = "manufacturer"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_DESIGNER: { name = "designer"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_DESCRIPTION: { name = "description"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_VENDOR_URL: { name = "vendor_url"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_DESIGNER_URL: { name = "designer_url"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_LICENSE: { name = "license"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_LICENSE_URL: { name = "license_url"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY: { name = "typographic_family_name"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY: { name = "typographic_subfamily_name"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_MAC_FULL_NAME: { name = "full_name_macos"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_SAMPLE_TEXT: { name = "sample_text"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_CID_FINDFONT_NAME: { name = "cid_findfont_name"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_WWS_FAMILY: { name = "weight_width_slope_family_name"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_WWS_SUBFAMILY: { name = "weight_width_slope_subfamily_name"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_LIGHT_BACKGROUND: { name = "light_background_palette"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_DARK_BACKGROUND: { name = "dark_background_palette"; } break; case HB_OT_NAME_ID_VARIATIONS_PS_PREFIX: { name = "postscript_name_prefix"; } break; default: { name = vformat("unknown_%d", names[i].name_id); } break; } String text; unsigned int text_size = hb_ot_name_get_utf32(hb_face, names[i].name_id, names[i].language, nullptr, nullptr) + 1; text.resize(text_size); hb_ot_name_get_utf32(hb_face, names[i].name_id, names[i].language, &text_size, (uint32_t *)text.ptrw()); if (!text.is_empty()) { Dictionary &id_string = names_for_lang[String(hb_language_to_string(names[i].language))]; id_string[name] = text; } } Dictionary out; for (const KeyValue<String, Dictionary> &E : names_for_lang) { out[E.key] = E.value; } return out; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_antialiasing(const RID &p_font_rid, TextServer::FontAntialiasing p_antialiasing) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->antialiasing != p_antialiasing) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->antialiasing = p_antialiasing; } } TextServer::FontAntialiasing TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_antialiasing(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, TextServer::FONT_ANTIALIASING_NONE); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->antialiasing; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_disable_embedded_bitmaps(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_disable_embedded_bitmaps) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->disable_embedded_bitmaps != p_disable_embedded_bitmaps) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->disable_embedded_bitmaps = p_disable_embedded_bitmaps; } } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_disable_embedded_bitmaps(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->disable_embedded_bitmaps; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_generate_mipmaps) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->mipmaps != p_generate_mipmaps) { for (KeyValue<Vector2i, FontForSizeAdvanced *> &E : fd->cache) { for (int i = 0; i < E.value->textures.size(); i++) { E.value->textures.write[i].dirty = true; E.value->textures.write[i].texture = Ref<ImageTexture>(); } } fd->mipmaps = p_generate_mipmaps; } } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->mipmaps; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_msdf) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->msdf != p_msdf) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->msdf = p_msdf; } } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->msdf; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_msdf_pixel_range(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_msdf_pixel_range) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->msdf_range != p_msdf_pixel_range) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->msdf_range = p_msdf_pixel_range; } } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_msdf_pixel_range(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->msdf_range; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_msdf_size(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_msdf_size) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->msdf_source_size != p_msdf_size) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->msdf_source_size = p_msdf_size; } } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_msdf_size(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->msdf_source_size; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_fixed_size(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_fixed_size) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); fd->fixed_size = p_fixed_size; } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_fixed_size(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->fixed_size; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_fixed_size_scale_mode(const RID &p_font_rid, TextServer::FixedSizeScaleMode p_fixed_size_scale_mode) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); fd->fixed_size_scale_mode = p_fixed_size_scale_mode; } TextServer::FixedSizeScaleMode TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_fixed_size_scale_mode(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->fixed_size_scale_mode; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_allow_system_fallback(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_allow_system_fallback) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); fd->allow_system_fallback = p_allow_system_fallback; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_is_allow_system_fallback(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->allow_system_fallback; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_force_autohinter(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_force_autohinter) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->force_autohinter != p_force_autohinter) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->force_autohinter = p_force_autohinter; } } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_is_force_autohinter(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->force_autohinter; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_hinting(const RID &p_font_rid, TextServer::Hinting p_hinting) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->hinting != p_hinting) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->hinting = p_hinting; } } TextServer::Hinting TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_hinting(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, HINTING_NONE); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->hinting; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_subpixel_positioning(const RID &p_font_rid, TextServer::SubpixelPositioning p_subpixel) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); fd->subpixel_positioning = p_subpixel; } TextServer::SubpixelPositioning TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_subpixel_positioning(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_DISABLED); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->subpixel_positioning; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_embolden(const RID &p_font_rid, double p_strength) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->embolden != p_strength) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->embolden = p_strength; } } double TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_embolden(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->embolden; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_spacing(const RID &p_font_rid, SpacingType p_spacing, int64_t p_value) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX((int)p_spacing, 4); FontAdvancedLinkedVariation *fdv = font_var_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid); if (fdv) { if (fdv->extra_spacing[p_spacing] != p_value) { fdv->extra_spacing[p_spacing] = p_value; } } else { FontAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->extra_spacing[p_spacing] != p_value) { fd->extra_spacing[p_spacing] = p_value; } } } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_spacing(const RID &p_font_rid, SpacingType p_spacing) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V((int)p_spacing, 4, 0); FontAdvancedLinkedVariation *fdv = font_var_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid); if (fdv) { return fdv->extra_spacing[p_spacing]; } else { FontAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->extra_spacing[p_spacing]; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_baseline_offset(const RID &p_font_rid, float p_baseline_offset) { FontAdvancedLinkedVariation *fdv = font_var_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid); if (fdv) { if (fdv->baseline_offset != p_baseline_offset) { fdv->baseline_offset = p_baseline_offset; } } else { FontAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->baseline_offset != p_baseline_offset) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->baseline_offset = p_baseline_offset; } } } float TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_baseline_offset(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvancedLinkedVariation *fdv = font_var_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid); if (fdv) { return fdv->baseline_offset; } else { FontAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->baseline_offset; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_transform(const RID &p_font_rid, const Transform2D &p_transform) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->transform != p_transform) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->transform = p_transform; } } Transform2D TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_transform(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Transform2D()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->transform; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_variation_coordinates(const RID &p_font_rid, const Dictionary &p_variation_coordinates) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (!fd->variation_coordinates.recursive_equal(p_variation_coordinates, 1)) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->variation_coordinates = p_variation_coordinates.duplicate(); } } Dictionary TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_variation_coordinates(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Dictionary()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->variation_coordinates; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_oversampling(const RID &p_font_rid, double p_oversampling) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->oversampling != p_oversampling) { _font_clear_cache(fd); fd->oversampling = p_oversampling; } } double TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_oversampling(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->oversampling; } TypedArray<Vector2i> TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_size_cache_list(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, TypedArray<Vector2i>()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); TypedArray<Vector2i> ret; for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, FontForSizeAdvanced *> &E : fd->cache) { ret.push_back(E.key); } return ret; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_clear_size_cache(const RID &p_font_rid) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); MutexLock ftlock(ft_mutex); for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, FontForSizeAdvanced *> &E : fd->cache) { memdelete(E.value); } fd->cache.clear(); } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_remove_size_cache(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); MutexLock ftlock(ft_mutex); if (fd->cache.has(p_size)) { memdelete(fd->cache[p_size]); fd->cache.erase(p_size); } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_ascent(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_ascent) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->ascent = p_ascent; } double TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_ascent(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 0.0); if (fd->msdf) { return fd->cache[size]->ascent * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return fd->cache[size]->ascent * (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return fd->cache[size]->ascent * Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else { return fd->cache[size]->ascent; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_descent(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_descent) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->descent = p_descent; } double TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_descent(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 0.0); if (fd->msdf) { return fd->cache[size]->descent * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return fd->cache[size]->descent * (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return fd->cache[size]->descent * Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else { return fd->cache[size]->descent; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_underline_position(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_underline_position) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->underline_position = p_underline_position; } double TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_underline_position(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 0.0); if (fd->msdf) { return fd->cache[size]->underline_position * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return fd->cache[size]->underline_position * (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return fd->cache[size]->underline_position * Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else { return fd->cache[size]->underline_position; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_underline_thickness(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_underline_thickness) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->underline_thickness = p_underline_thickness; } double TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_underline_thickness(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 0.0); if (fd->msdf) { return fd->cache[size]->underline_thickness * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return fd->cache[size]->underline_thickness * (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return fd->cache[size]->underline_thickness * Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else { return fd->cache[size]->underline_thickness; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_scale(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, double p_scale) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (fd->cache[size]->face) { return; // Do not override scale for dynamic fonts, it's calculated automatically. } #endif fd->cache[size]->scale = p_scale; } double TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_scale(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 0.0); if (fd->msdf) { return fd->cache[size]->scale * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return fd->cache[size]->scale * (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return fd->cache[size]->scale * Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else { return fd->cache[size]->scale / fd->cache[size]->oversampling; } } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_texture_count(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 0); return fd->cache[size]->textures.size(); } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_clear_textures(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->textures.clear(); } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_remove_texture(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_texture_index, fd->cache[size]->textures.size()); fd->cache[size]->textures.remove_at(p_texture_index); } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_texture_image(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index, const Ref<Image> &p_image) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_image.is_null()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_texture_index < 0); if (p_texture_index >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size()) { fd->cache[size]->textures.resize(p_texture_index + 1); } ShelfPackTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[p_texture_index]; tex.image = p_image; tex.texture_w = p_image->get_width(); tex.texture_h = p_image->get_height(); Ref<Image> img = p_image; if (fd->mipmaps && !img->has_mipmaps()) { img = p_image->duplicate(); img->generate_mipmaps(); } tex.texture = ImageTexture::create_from_image(img); tex.dirty = false; } Ref<Image> TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_texture_image(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Ref<Image>()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Ref<Image>()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_texture_index, fd->cache[size]->textures.size(), Ref<Image>()); const ShelfPackTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures[p_texture_index]; return tex.image; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_texture_offsets(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index, const PackedInt32Array &p_offsets) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_offsets.size() % 4 != 0); FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_texture_index < 0); if (p_texture_index >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size()) { fd->cache[size]->textures.resize(p_texture_index + 1); } ShelfPackTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[p_texture_index]; tex.shelves.clear(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < p_offsets.size(); i += 4) { tex.shelves.push_back(Shelf(p_offsets[i], p_offsets[i + 1], p_offsets[i + 2], p_offsets[i + 3])); } } PackedInt32Array TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_texture_offsets(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_texture_index) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, PackedInt32Array()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), PackedInt32Array()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_texture_index, fd->cache[size]->textures.size(), PackedInt32Array()); const ShelfPackTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures[p_texture_index]; PackedInt32Array ret; ret.resize(tex.shelves.size() * 4); int32_t *wr = ret.ptrw(); int32_t i = 0; for (const Shelf &E : tex.shelves) { wr[i * 4] = E.x; wr[i * 4 + 1] = E.y; wr[i * 4 + 2] = E.w; wr[i * 4 + 3] = E.h; i++; } return ret; } PackedInt32Array TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_list(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, PackedInt32Array()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), PackedInt32Array()); PackedInt32Array ret; const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; for (const KeyValue<int32_t, FontGlyph> &E : gl) { ret.push_back(E.key); } return ret; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_clear_glyphs(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->glyph_map.clear(); } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_remove_glyph(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->glyph_map.erase(p_glyph); } double TextServerAdvanced::_get_extra_advance(RID p_font_rid, int p_font_size) const { const FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_font_size); if (fd->embolden != 0.0) { return fd->embolden * double(size.x) / 64.0; } else { return 0.0; } } Vector2 TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_advance(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Vector2()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Vector2()); int mod = 0; if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { mod = (layout << 24); } } if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph | mod)) { return Vector2(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors. } const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; Vector2 ea; if (fd->embolden != 0.0) { ea.x = fd->embolden * double(size.x) / 64.0; } double scale = _font_get_scale(p_font_rid, p_size); if (fd->msdf) { return (gl[p_glyph | mod].advance + ea) * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return (gl[p_glyph | mod].advance + ea) * (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return (gl[p_glyph | mod].advance + ea) * Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else if ((scale == 1.0) && ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_DISABLED) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x > SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE))) { return (gl[p_glyph | mod].advance + ea).round(); } else { return gl[p_glyph | mod].advance + ea; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_glyph_advance(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_advance) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; gl[p_glyph].advance = p_advance; gl[p_glyph].found = true; } Vector2 TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_offset(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Vector2()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Vector2()); int mod = 0; if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { mod = (layout << 24); } } if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph | mod)) { return Vector2(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors. } const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; if (fd->msdf) { return gl[p_glyph | mod].rect.position * (double)p_size.x / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size.x) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return gl[p_glyph | mod].rect.position * (double)p_size.x / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return gl[p_glyph | mod].rect.position * Math::round((double)p_size.x / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else { return gl[p_glyph | mod].rect.position; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_glyph_offset(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_offset) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; gl[p_glyph].rect.position = p_offset; gl[p_glyph].found = true; } Vector2 TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Vector2()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Vector2()); int mod = 0; if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { mod = (layout << 24); } } if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph | mod)) { return Vector2(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors. } const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; if (fd->msdf) { return gl[p_glyph | mod].rect.size * (double)p_size.x / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size.x) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return gl[p_glyph | mod].rect.size * (double)p_size.x / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return gl[p_glyph | mod].rect.size * Math::round((double)p_size.x / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else { return gl[p_glyph | mod].rect.size; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_glyph_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_gl_size) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; gl[p_glyph].rect.size = p_gl_size; gl[p_glyph].found = true; } Rect2 TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_uv_rect(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Rect2()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Rect2()); int mod = 0; if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { mod = (layout << 24); } } if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph | mod)) { return Rect2(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors. } const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; return gl[p_glyph | mod].uv_rect; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_glyph_uv_rect(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, const Rect2 &p_uv_rect) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; gl[p_glyph].uv_rect = p_uv_rect; gl[p_glyph].found = true; } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, -1); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), -1); int mod = 0; if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { mod = (layout << 24); } } if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph | mod)) { return -1; // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors. } const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; return gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, int64_t p_texture_idx) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; gl[p_glyph].texture_idx = p_texture_idx; gl[p_glyph].found = true; } RID TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_texture_rid(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, RID()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), RID()); int mod = 0; if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { mod = (layout << 24); } } if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph | mod)) { return RID(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors. } const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx < -1 || gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size(), RID()); if (RenderingServer::get_singleton() != nullptr) { if (gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx != -1) { if (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx].dirty) { ShelfPackTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx]; Ref<Image> img = tex.image; if (fd->mipmaps && !img->has_mipmaps()) { img = tex.image->duplicate(); img->generate_mipmaps(); } if (tex.texture.is_null()) { tex.texture = ImageTexture::create_from_image(img); } else { tex.texture->update(img); } tex.dirty = false; } return fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx].texture->get_rid(); } } return RID(); } Size2 TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_texture_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Size2()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Size2()); int mod = 0; if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { mod = (layout << 24); } } if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph | mod)) { return Size2(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors. } const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx < -1 || gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size(), Size2()); if (RenderingServer::get_singleton() != nullptr) { if (gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx != -1) { if (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx].dirty) { ShelfPackTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx]; Ref<Image> img = tex.image; if (fd->mipmaps && !img->has_mipmaps()) { img = tex.image->duplicate(); img->generate_mipmaps(); } if (tex.texture.is_null()) { tex.texture = ImageTexture::create_from_image(img); } else { tex.texture->update(img); } tex.dirty = false; } return fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph | mod].texture_idx].texture->get_size(); } } return Size2(); } Dictionary TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_contours(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_index) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Dictionary()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Dictionary()); #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED PackedVector3Array points; PackedInt32Array contours; int32_t index = p_index & 0xffffff; // Remove subpixel shifts. int error = FT_Load_Glyph(fd->cache[size]->face, index, FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP | (fd->force_autohinter ? FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT : 0)); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error, Dictionary()); if (fd->embolden != 0.f) { FT_Pos strength = fd->embolden * p_size * 4; // 26.6 fractional units (1 / 64). FT_Outline_Embolden(&fd->cache[size]->face->glyph->outline, strength); } if (fd->transform != Transform2D()) { FT_Matrix mat = { FT_Fixed(fd->transform[0][0] * 65536), FT_Fixed(fd->transform[0][1] * 65536), FT_Fixed(fd->transform[1][0] * 65536), FT_Fixed(fd->transform[1][1] * 65536) }; // 16.16 fractional units (1 / 65536). FT_Outline_Transform(&fd->cache[size]->face->glyph->outline, &mat); } double scale = (1.0 / 64.0) / fd->cache[size]->oversampling * fd->cache[size]->scale; if (fd->msdf) { scale = scale * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { scale = scale * (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { scale = scale * Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } for (short i = 0; i < fd->cache[size]->face->glyph->outline.n_points; i++) { points.push_back(Vector3(fd->cache[size]->face->glyph->outline.points[i].x * scale, -fd->cache[size]->face->glyph->outline.points[i].y * scale, FT_CURVE_TAG(fd->cache[size]->face->glyph->outline.tags[i]))); } for (short i = 0; i < fd->cache[size]->face->glyph->outline.n_contours; i++) { contours.push_back(fd->cache[size]->face->glyph->outline.contours[i]); } bool orientation = (FT_Outline_Get_Orientation(&fd->cache[size]->face->glyph->outline) == FT_ORIENTATION_FILL_RIGHT); Dictionary out; out["points"] = points; out["contours"] = contours; out["orientation"] = orientation; return out; #else return Dictionary(); #endif } TypedArray<Vector2i> TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_kerning_list(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, TypedArray<Vector2i>()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), TypedArray<Vector2i>()); TypedArray<Vector2i> ret; for (const KeyValue<Vector2i, Vector2> &E : fd->cache[size]->kerning_map) { ret.push_back(E.key); } return ret; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_clear_kerning_map(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->kerning_map.clear(); } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_remove_kerning(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->kerning_map.erase(p_glyph_pair); } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_kerning(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair, const Vector2 &p_kerning) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->cache[size]->kerning_map[p_glyph_pair] = p_kerning; } Vector2 TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_kerning(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Vector2()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Vector2()); const HashMap<Vector2i, Vector2> &kern = fd->cache[size]->kerning_map; if (kern.has(p_glyph_pair)) { if (fd->msdf) { return kern[p_glyph_pair] * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return kern[p_glyph_pair] * (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return kern[p_glyph_pair] * Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else { return kern[p_glyph_pair]; } } else { #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (fd->cache[size]->face) { FT_Vector delta; FT_Get_Kerning(fd->cache[size]->face, p_glyph_pair.x, p_glyph_pair.y, FT_KERNING_DEFAULT, &delta); if (fd->msdf) { return Vector2(delta.x, delta.y) * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; } else if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { return Vector2(delta.x, delta.y) * (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; } else { return Vector2(delta.x, delta.y) * Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); } } else { return Vector2(delta.x, delta.y); } } #endif } return Vector2(); } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_glyph_index(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_char, int64_t p_variation_selector) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((p_char >= 0xd800 && p_char <= 0xdfff) || (p_char > 0x10ffff), 0, "Unicode parsing error: Invalid unicode codepoint " + String::num_int64(p_char, 16) + "."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((p_variation_selector >= 0xd800 && p_variation_selector <= 0xdfff) || (p_variation_selector > 0x10ffff), 0, "Unicode parsing error: Invalid unicode codepoint " + String::num_int64(p_variation_selector, 16) + "."); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 0); #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (fd->cache[size]->face) { if (p_variation_selector) { return FT_Face_GetCharVariantIndex(fd->cache[size]->face, p_char, p_variation_selector); } else { return FT_Get_Char_Index(fd->cache[size]->face, p_char); } } else { return (int64_t)p_char; } #else return (int64_t)p_char; #endif } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_char_from_glyph_index(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_glyph_index) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, 0); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), 0); #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (fd->cache[size]->inv_glyph_map.is_empty()) { FT_Face face = fd->cache[size]->face; FT_UInt gindex; FT_ULong charcode = FT_Get_First_Char(face, &gindex); while (gindex != 0) { if (charcode != 0) { fd->cache[size]->inv_glyph_map[gindex] = charcode; } charcode = FT_Get_Next_Char(face, charcode, &gindex); } } if (fd->cache[size]->inv_glyph_map.has(p_glyph_index)) { return fd->cache[size]->inv_glyph_map[p_glyph_index]; } else { return 0; } #else return p_glyph_index; #endif } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_has_char(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_char) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((p_char >= 0xd800 && p_char <= 0xdfff) || (p_char > 0x10ffff), false, "Unicode parsing error: Invalid unicode codepoint " + String::num_int64(p_char, 16) + "."); if (!fd) { return false; } MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->cache.is_empty()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, fd->msdf ? Vector2i(fd->msdf_source_size, 0) : Vector2i(16, 0)), false); } FontForSizeAdvanced *at_size = fd->cache.begin()->value; #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (at_size && at_size->face) { return FT_Get_Char_Index(at_size->face, p_char) != 0; } #endif return (at_size) ? at_size->glyph_map.has((int32_t)p_char) : false; } String TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_supported_chars(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, String()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->cache.is_empty()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, fd->msdf ? Vector2i(fd->msdf_source_size, 0) : Vector2i(16, 0)), String()); } FontForSizeAdvanced *at_size = fd->cache.begin()->value; String chars; #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (at_size && at_size->face) { FT_UInt gindex; FT_ULong charcode = FT_Get_First_Char(at_size->face, &gindex); while (gindex != 0) { if (charcode != 0) { chars = chars + String::chr(charcode); } charcode = FT_Get_Next_Char(at_size->face, charcode, &gindex); } return chars; } #endif if (at_size) { const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = at_size->glyph_map; for (const KeyValue<int32_t, FontGlyph> &E : gl) { chars = chars + String::chr(E.key); } } return chars; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_render_range(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_start, int64_t p_end) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG((p_start >= 0xd800 && p_start <= 0xdfff) || (p_start > 0x10ffff), "Unicode parsing error: Invalid unicode codepoint " + String::num_int64(p_start, 16) + "."); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG((p_end >= 0xd800 && p_end <= 0xdfff) || (p_end > 0x10ffff), "Unicode parsing error: Invalid unicode codepoint " + String::num_int64(p_end, 16) + "."); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); for (int64_t i = p_start; i <= p_end; i++) { #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED int32_t idx = FT_Get_Char_Index(fd->cache[size]->face, i); if (fd->cache[size]->face) { if (fd->msdf) { _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx); } else { for (int aa = 0; aa < ((fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) ? FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_MAX : 1); aa++) { if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER_MAX_SIZE)) { _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (0 << 27) | (aa << 24)); _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (1 << 27) | (aa << 24)); _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (2 << 27) | (aa << 24)); _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (3 << 27) | (aa << 24)); } else if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE)) { _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (1 << 27) | (aa << 24)); _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (0 << 27) | (aa << 24)); } else { _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (aa << 24)); } } } } #endif } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_render_glyph(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_index) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED int32_t idx = p_index & 0xffffff; // Remove subpixel shifts. if (fd->cache[size]->face) { if (fd->msdf) { _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx); } else { for (int aa = 0; aa < ((fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) ? FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_MAX : 1); aa++) { if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER_MAX_SIZE)) { _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (0 << 27) | (aa << 24)); _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (1 << 27) | (aa << 24)); _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (2 << 27) | (aa << 24)); _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (3 << 27) | (aa << 24)); } else if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE)) { _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (1 << 27) | (aa << 24)); _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (0 << 27) | (aa << 24)); } else { _ensure_glyph(fd, size, (int32_t)idx | (aa << 24)); } } } } #endif } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_draw_glyph(const RID &p_font_rid, const RID &p_canvas, int64_t p_size, const Vector2 &p_pos, int64_t p_index, const Color &p_color) const { if (p_index == 0) { return; // Non visual character, skip. } FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, p_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); int32_t index = p_index & 0xffffff; // Remove subpixel shifts. bool lcd_aa = false; #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (!fd->msdf && fd->cache[size]->face) { // LCD layout, bits 24, 25, 26 if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { lcd_aa = true; index = index | (layout << 24); } } // Subpixel X-shift, bits 27, 28 if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER_MAX_SIZE)) { int xshift = (int)(Math::floor(4 * (p_pos.x + 0.125)) - 4 * Math::floor(p_pos.x + 0.125)); index = index | (xshift << 27); } else if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE)) { int xshift = (int)(Math::floor(2 * (p_pos.x + 0.25)) - 2 * Math::floor(p_pos.x + 0.25)); index = index | (xshift << 27); } } #endif if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, index)) { return; // Invalid or non-graphical glyph, do not display errors, nothing to draw. } const FontGlyph &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map[index]; if (gl.found) { ERR_FAIL_COND(gl.texture_idx < -1 || gl.texture_idx >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size()); if (gl.texture_idx != -1) { Color modulate = p_color; #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (fd->cache[size]->face && fd->cache[size]->textures[gl.texture_idx].image.is_valid() && (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl.texture_idx].image->get_format() == Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) && !lcd_aa && !fd->msdf) { modulate.r = modulate.g = modulate.b = 1.0; } #endif if (RenderingServer::get_singleton() != nullptr) { if (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl.texture_idx].dirty) { ShelfPackTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[gl.texture_idx]; Ref<Image> img = tex.image; if (fd->mipmaps && !img->has_mipmaps()) { img = tex.image->duplicate(); img->generate_mipmaps(); } if (tex.texture.is_null()) { tex.texture = ImageTexture::create_from_image(img); } else { tex.texture->update(img); } tex.dirty = false; } RID texture = fd->cache[size]->textures[gl.texture_idx].texture->get_rid(); if (fd->msdf) { Point2 cpos = p_pos; cpos += gl.rect.position * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; Size2 csize = gl.rect.size * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_msdf_texture_rect_region(p_canvas, Rect2(cpos, csize), texture, gl.uv_rect, modulate, 0, fd->msdf_range, (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size); } else { double scale = _font_get_scale(p_font_rid, p_size); Point2 cpos = p_pos; if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER_MAX_SIZE)) { cpos.x = cpos.x + 0.125; } else if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE)) { cpos.x = cpos.x + 0.25; } if (scale == 1.0) { cpos.y = Math::floor(cpos.y); cpos.x = Math::floor(cpos.x); } Vector2 gpos = gl.rect.position; Size2 csize = gl.rect.size; if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { double gl_scale = (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; gpos *= gl_scale; csize *= gl_scale; } else { double gl_scale = Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); gpos *= gl_scale; csize *= gl_scale; } } cpos += gpos; if (lcd_aa) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_lcd_texture_rect_region(p_canvas, Rect2(cpos, csize), texture, gl.uv_rect, modulate); } else { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(p_canvas, Rect2(cpos, csize), texture, gl.uv_rect, modulate, false, false); } } } } } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_draw_glyph_outline(const RID &p_font_rid, const RID &p_canvas, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_outline_size, const Vector2 &p_pos, int64_t p_index, const Color &p_color) const { if (p_index == 0) { return; // Non visual character, skip. } FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, Vector2i(p_size, p_outline_size)); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); int32_t index = p_index & 0xffffff; // Remove subpixel shifts. bool lcd_aa = false; #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (!fd->msdf && fd->cache[size]->face) { // LCD layout, bits 24, 25, 26 if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { lcd_aa = true; index = index | (layout << 24); } } // Subpixel X-shift, bits 27, 28 if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER_MAX_SIZE)) { int xshift = (int)(Math::floor(4 * (p_pos.x + 0.125)) - 4 * Math::floor(p_pos.x + 0.125)); index = index | (xshift << 27); } else if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE)) { int xshift = (int)(Math::floor(2 * (p_pos.x + 0.25)) - 2 * Math::floor(p_pos.x + 0.25)); index = index | (xshift << 27); } } #endif if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, index)) { return; // Invalid or non-graphical glyph, do not display errors, nothing to draw. } const FontGlyph &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map[index]; if (gl.found) { ERR_FAIL_COND(gl.texture_idx < -1 || gl.texture_idx >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size()); if (gl.texture_idx != -1) { Color modulate = p_color; #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (fd->cache[size]->face && fd->cache[size]->textures[gl.texture_idx].image.is_valid() && (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl.texture_idx].image->get_format() == Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) && !lcd_aa && !fd->msdf) { modulate.r = modulate.g = modulate.b = 1.0; } #endif if (RenderingServer::get_singleton() != nullptr) { if (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl.texture_idx].dirty) { ShelfPackTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[gl.texture_idx]; Ref<Image> img = tex.image; if (fd->mipmaps && !img->has_mipmaps()) { img = tex.image->duplicate(); img->generate_mipmaps(); } if (tex.texture.is_null()) { tex.texture = ImageTexture::create_from_image(img); } else { tex.texture->update(img); } tex.dirty = false; } RID texture = fd->cache[size]->textures[gl.texture_idx].texture->get_rid(); if (fd->msdf) { Point2 cpos = p_pos; cpos += gl.rect.position * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; Size2 csize = gl.rect.size * (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_msdf_texture_rect_region(p_canvas, Rect2(cpos, csize), texture, gl.uv_rect, modulate, p_outline_size, fd->msdf_range, (double)p_size / (double)fd->msdf_source_size); } else { Point2 cpos = p_pos; double scale = _font_get_scale(p_font_rid, p_size); if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER_MAX_SIZE)) { cpos.x = cpos.x + 0.125; } else if ((fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (fd->subpixel_positioning == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && size.x <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE)) { cpos.x = cpos.x + 0.25; } if (scale == 1.0) { cpos.y = Math::floor(cpos.y); cpos.x = Math::floor(cpos.x); } Vector2 gpos = gl.rect.position; Size2 csize = gl.rect.size; if (fd->fixed_size > 0 && fd->fixed_size_scale_mode != FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE && size.x != p_size) { if (fd->fixed_size_scale_mode == FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_ENABLED) { double gl_scale = (double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size; gpos *= gl_scale; csize *= gl_scale; } else { double gl_scale = Math::round((double)p_size / (double)fd->fixed_size); gpos *= gl_scale; csize *= gl_scale; } } cpos += gpos; if (lcd_aa) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_lcd_texture_rect_region(p_canvas, Rect2(cpos, csize), texture, gl.uv_rect, modulate); } else { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(p_canvas, Rect2(cpos, csize), texture, gl.uv_rect, modulate, false, false); } } } } } } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_is_language_supported(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_language) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->language_support_overrides.has(p_language)) { return fd->language_support_overrides[p_language]; } else { return true; } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_language_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_language, bool p_supported) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); fd->language_support_overrides[p_language] = p_supported; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_language_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_language) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->language_support_overrides[p_language]; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_remove_language_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_language) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); fd->language_support_overrides.erase(p_language); } PackedStringArray TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_language_support_overrides(const RID &p_font_rid) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, PackedStringArray()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); PackedStringArray out; for (const KeyValue<String, bool> &E : fd->language_support_overrides) { out.push_back(E.key); } return out; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_is_script_supported(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_script) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); if (fd->script_support_overrides.has(p_script)) { return fd->script_support_overrides[p_script]; } else { Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), false); return fd->supported_scripts.has(hb_tag_from_string(p_script.ascii().get_data(), -1)); } } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_script_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_script, bool p_supported) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); fd->script_support_overrides[p_script] = p_supported; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_script_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_script) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, false); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->script_support_overrides[p_script]; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_remove_script_support_override(const RID &p_font_rid, const String &p_script) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); fd->script_support_overrides.erase(p_script); } PackedStringArray TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_script_support_overrides(const RID &p_font_rid) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, PackedStringArray()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); PackedStringArray out; for (const KeyValue<String, bool> &E : fd->script_support_overrides) { out.push_back(E.key); } return out; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_opentype_feature_overrides(const RID &p_font_rid, const Dictionary &p_overrides) { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size)); fd->feature_overrides = p_overrides; } Dictionary TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_opentype_feature_overrides(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Dictionary()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); return fd->feature_overrides; } Dictionary TextServerAdvanced::_font_supported_feature_list(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Dictionary()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Dictionary()); return fd->supported_features; } Dictionary TextServerAdvanced::_font_supported_variation_list(const RID &p_font_rid) const { FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(p_font_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(fd, Dictionary()); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i size = _get_size(fd, 16); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Dictionary()); return fd->supported_varaitions; } double TextServerAdvanced::_font_get_global_oversampling() const { return oversampling; } void TextServerAdvanced::_font_set_global_oversampling(double p_oversampling) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ if (oversampling != p_oversampling) { oversampling = p_oversampling; List<RID> fonts; font_owner.get_owned_list(&fonts); bool font_cleared = false; for (const RID &E : fonts) { if (!_font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field(E) && _font_get_oversampling(E) <= 0) { _font_clear_size_cache(E); font_cleared = true; } } if (font_cleared) { List<RID> text_bufs; shaped_owner.get_owned_list(&text_bufs); for (const RID &E : text_bufs) { invalidate(shaped_owner.get_or_null(E), false); } } } } /*************************************************************************/ /* Shaped text buffer interface */ /*************************************************************************/ int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_convert_pos(const String &p_utf32, const Char16String &p_utf16, int64_t p_pos) const { int64_t limit = p_pos; if (p_utf32.length() != p_utf16.length()) { const UChar *data = p_utf16.get_data(); for (int i = 0; i < p_pos; i++) { if (U16_IS_LEAD(data[i])) { limit--; } } } return limit; } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_convert_pos(const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int64_t p_pos) const { int64_t limit = p_pos; if (p_sd->text.length() != p_sd->utf16.length()) { const UChar *data = p_sd->utf16.get_data(); for (int i = 0; i < p_pos; i++) { if (U16_IS_LEAD(data[i])) { limit--; } } } return limit; } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_convert_pos_inv(const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int64_t p_pos) const { int64_t limit = p_pos; if (p_sd->text.length() != p_sd->utf16.length()) { for (int i = 0; i < p_pos; i++) { if (p_sd->text[i] > 0xffff) { limit++; } } } return limit; } void TextServerAdvanced::invalidate(TextServerAdvanced::ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_shaped, bool p_text) { p_shaped->valid = false; p_shaped->sort_valid = false; p_shaped->line_breaks_valid = false; p_shaped->justification_ops_valid = false; p_shaped->text_trimmed = false; p_shaped->ascent = 0.0; p_shaped->descent = 0.0; p_shaped->width = 0.0; p_shaped->upos = 0.0; p_shaped->uthk = 0.0; p_shaped->glyphs.clear(); p_shaped->glyphs_logical.clear(); p_shaped->overrun_trim_data = TrimData(); p_shaped->utf16 = Char16String(); for (int i = 0; i < p_shaped->bidi_iter.size(); i++) { ubidi_close(p_shaped->bidi_iter[i]); } p_shaped->bidi_iter.clear(); if (p_text) { if (p_shaped->script_iter != nullptr) { memdelete(p_shaped->script_iter); p_shaped->script_iter = nullptr; } p_shaped->break_ops_valid = false; p_shaped->chars_valid = false; p_shaped->js_ops_valid = false; } } void TextServerAdvanced::full_copy(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_shaped) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *parent = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped->parent); for (const KeyValue<Variant, ShapedTextDataAdvanced::EmbeddedObject> &E : parent->objects) { if (E.value.start >= p_shaped->start && E.value.start < p_shaped->end) { p_shaped->objects[E.key] = E.value; } } for (int i = 0; i < parent->spans.size(); i++) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced::Span span = parent->spans[i]; if (span.start >= p_shaped->end || span.end <= p_shaped->start) { continue; } span.start = MAX(p_shaped->start, span.start); span.end = MIN(p_shaped->end, span.end); p_shaped->spans.push_back(span); } p_shaped->parent = RID(); } RID TextServerAdvanced::_create_shaped_text(TextServer::Direction p_direction, TextServer::Orientation p_orientation) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_direction == DIRECTION_INHERITED, RID(), "Invalid text direction."); ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = memnew(ShapedTextDataAdvanced); sd->hb_buffer = hb_buffer_create(); sd->direction = p_direction; sd->orientation = p_orientation; return shaped_owner.make_rid(sd); } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_clear(const RID &p_shaped) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); sd->parent = RID(); sd->start = 0; sd->end = 0; sd->text = String(); sd->spans.clear(); sd->objects.clear(); sd->bidi_override.clear(); invalidate(sd, true); } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_set_direction(const RID &p_shaped, TextServer::Direction p_direction) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_direction == DIRECTION_INHERITED, "Invalid text direction."); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (sd->direction != p_direction) { if (sd->parent != RID()) { full_copy(sd); } sd->direction = p_direction; invalidate(sd, false); } } TextServer::Direction TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_direction(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->direction; } TextServer::Direction TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_inferred_direction(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->para_direction; } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_set_custom_punctuation(const RID &p_shaped, const String &p_punct) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); if (sd->custom_punct != p_punct) { if (sd->parent != RID()) { full_copy(sd); } sd->custom_punct = p_punct; invalidate(sd, false); } } String TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_custom_punctuation(const RID &p_shaped) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, String()); return sd->custom_punct; } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_set_custom_ellipsis(const RID &p_shaped, int64_t p_char) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); sd->el_char = p_char; } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_custom_ellipsis(const RID &p_shaped) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0); return sd->el_char; } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_set_bidi_override(const RID &p_shaped, const Array &p_override) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (sd->parent != RID()) { full_copy(sd); } sd->bidi_override.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < p_override.size(); i++) { if (p_override[i].get_type() == Variant::VECTOR3I) { const Vector3i &r = p_override[i]; sd->bidi_override.push_back(r); } else if (p_override[i].get_type() == Variant::VECTOR2I) { const Vector2i &r = p_override[i]; sd->bidi_override.push_back(Vector3i(r.x, r.y, DIRECTION_INHERITED)); } } invalidate(sd, false); } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_set_orientation(const RID &p_shaped, TextServer::Orientation p_orientation) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (sd->orientation != p_orientation) { if (sd->parent != RID()) { full_copy(sd); } sd->orientation = p_orientation; invalidate(sd, false); } } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_set_preserve_invalid(const RID &p_shaped, bool p_enabled) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); ERR_FAIL_COND(sd->parent != RID()); if (sd->preserve_invalid != p_enabled) { sd->preserve_invalid = p_enabled; invalidate(sd, false); } } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_preserve_invalid(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, false); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->preserve_invalid; } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_set_preserve_control(const RID &p_shaped, bool p_enabled) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (sd->preserve_control != p_enabled) { if (sd->parent != RID()) { full_copy(sd); } sd->preserve_control = p_enabled; invalidate(sd, false); } } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_preserve_control(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, false); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->preserve_control; } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_set_spacing(const RID &p_shaped, SpacingType p_spacing, int64_t p_value) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX((int)p_spacing, 4); ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (sd->extra_spacing[p_spacing] != p_value) { if (sd->parent != RID()) { full_copy(sd); } sd->extra_spacing[p_spacing] = p_value; invalidate(sd, false); } } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_spacing(const RID &p_shaped, SpacingType p_spacing) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V((int)p_spacing, 4, 0); const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->extra_spacing[p_spacing]; } TextServer::Orientation TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_orientation(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->orientation; } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_get_span_count(const RID &p_shaped) const { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0); return sd->spans.size(); } Variant TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_get_span_meta(const RID &p_shaped, int64_t p_index) const { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, Variant()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, sd->spans.size(), Variant()); return sd->spans[p_index].meta; } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_set_span_update_font(const RID &p_shaped, int64_t p_index, const TypedArray<RID> &p_fonts, int64_t p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL(sd); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, sd->spans.size()); ShapedTextDataAdvanced::Span &span = sd->spans.ptrw()[p_index]; span.fonts = p_fonts; span.font_size = p_size; span.features = p_opentype_features; invalidate(sd, false); } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_add_string(const RID &p_shaped, const String &p_text, const TypedArray<RID> &p_fonts, int64_t p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features, const String &p_language, const Variant &p_meta) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_size <= 0, false); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); for (int i = 0; i < p_fonts.size(); i++) { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(_get_font_data(p_fonts[i]), false); } if (p_text.is_empty()) { return true; } if (sd->parent != RID()) { full_copy(sd); } ShapedTextDataAdvanced::Span span; span.start = sd->text.length(); span.end = span.start + p_text.length(); span.fonts = p_fonts; // Do not pre-sort, spans will be divided to subruns later. span.font_size = p_size; span.language = p_language; span.features = p_opentype_features; span.meta = p_meta; sd->spans.push_back(span); sd->text = sd->text + p_text; sd->end += p_text.length(); invalidate(sd, true); return true; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_add_object(const RID &p_shaped, const Variant &p_key, const Size2 &p_size, InlineAlignment p_inline_align, int64_t p_length, double p_baseline) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_key == Variant(), false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(sd->objects.has(p_key), false); if (sd->parent != RID()) { full_copy(sd); } ShapedTextDataAdvanced::Span span; span.start = sd->start + sd->text.length(); span.end = span.start + p_length; span.embedded_key = p_key; ShapedTextDataAdvanced::EmbeddedObject obj; obj.inline_align = p_inline_align; obj.rect.size = p_size; obj.start = span.start; obj.end = span.end; obj.baseline = p_baseline; sd->spans.push_back(span); sd->text = sd->text + String::chr(0xfffc).repeat(p_length); sd->end += p_length; sd->objects[p_key] = obj; invalidate(sd, true); return true; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_resize_object(const RID &p_shaped, const Variant &p_key, const Size2 &p_size, InlineAlignment p_inline_align, double p_baseline) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, false); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sd->objects.has(p_key), false); sd->objects[p_key].rect.size = p_size; sd->objects[p_key].inline_align = p_inline_align; sd->objects[p_key].baseline = p_baseline; if (sd->valid) { // Recalc string metrics. sd->ascent = 0; sd->descent = 0; sd->width = 0; sd->upos = 0; sd->uthk = 0; int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { Glyph gl = sd->glyphs[i]; Variant key; if (gl.count == 1) { for (const KeyValue<Variant, ShapedTextDataAdvanced::EmbeddedObject> &E : sd->objects) { if (E.value.start == gl.start) { key = E.key; break; } } } if (key != Variant()) { if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { sd->objects[key].rect.position.x = sd->width; sd->width += sd->objects[key].rect.size.x; sd->glyphs.write[i].advance = sd->objects[key].rect.size.x; } else { sd->objects[key].rect.position.y = sd->width; sd->width += sd->objects[key].rect.size.y; sd->glyphs.write[i].advance = sd->objects[key].rect.size.y; } } else { if (gl.font_rid.is_valid()) { if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, MAX(_font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_spacing(gl.font_rid, SPACING_TOP), -gl.y_off)); sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, MAX(_font_get_descent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_spacing(gl.font_rid, SPACING_BOTTOM), gl.y_off)); } else { sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(_font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(_font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); } sd->upos = MAX(sd->upos, _font_get_underline_position(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); sd->uthk = MAX(sd->uthk, _font_get_underline_thickness(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); } else if (sd->preserve_invalid || (sd->preserve_control && is_control(gl.index))) { // Glyph not found, replace with hex code box. if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y); } else { sd->ascent = MAX(sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); sd->descent = MAX(sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); } } sd->width += gl.advance * gl.repeat; } } sd->sort_valid = false; sd->glyphs_logical.clear(); _realign(sd); } return true; } void TextServerAdvanced::_realign(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd) const { // Align embedded objects to baseline. double full_ascent = p_sd->ascent; double full_descent = p_sd->descent; for (KeyValue<Variant, ShapedTextDataAdvanced::EmbeddedObject> &E : p_sd->objects) { if ((E.value.start >= p_sd->start) && (E.value.start < p_sd->end)) { if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { switch (E.value.inline_align & INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_MASK) { case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_TOP: { E.value.rect.position.y = -p_sd->ascent; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_CENTER: { E.value.rect.position.y = (-p_sd->ascent + p_sd->descent) / 2; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_BASELINE: { E.value.rect.position.y = 0; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_BOTTOM: { E.value.rect.position.y = p_sd->descent; } break; } switch (E.value.inline_align & INLINE_ALIGNMENT_IMAGE_MASK) { case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM_TO: { E.value.rect.position.y -= E.value.rect.size.y; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_CENTER_TO: { E.value.rect.position.y -= E.value.rect.size.y / 2; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_BASELINE_TO: { E.value.rect.position.y -= E.value.baseline; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TOP_TO: { // NOP } break; } full_ascent = MAX(full_ascent, -E.value.rect.position.y); full_descent = MAX(full_descent, E.value.rect.position.y + E.value.rect.size.y); } else { switch (E.value.inline_align & INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_MASK) { case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_TOP: { E.value.rect.position.x = -p_sd->ascent; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_CENTER: { E.value.rect.position.x = (-p_sd->ascent + p_sd->descent) / 2; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_BASELINE: { E.value.rect.position.x = 0; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_BOTTOM: { E.value.rect.position.x = p_sd->descent; } break; } switch (E.value.inline_align & INLINE_ALIGNMENT_IMAGE_MASK) { case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM_TO: { E.value.rect.position.x -= E.value.rect.size.x; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_CENTER_TO: { E.value.rect.position.x -= E.value.rect.size.x / 2; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_BASELINE_TO: { E.value.rect.position.x -= E.value.baseline; } break; case INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TOP_TO: { // NOP } break; } full_ascent = MAX(full_ascent, -E.value.rect.position.x); full_descent = MAX(full_descent, E.value.rect.position.x + E.value.rect.size.x); } } } p_sd->ascent = full_ascent; p_sd->descent = full_descent; } RID TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_substr(const RID &p_shaped, int64_t p_start, int64_t p_length) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, RID()); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (sd->parent != RID()) { return _shaped_text_substr(sd->parent, p_start, p_length); } if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_start < 0 || p_length < 0, RID()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(sd->start > p_start || sd->end < p_start, RID()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(sd->end < p_start + p_length, RID()); ShapedTextDataAdvanced *new_sd = memnew(ShapedTextDataAdvanced); new_sd->parent = p_shaped; new_sd->start = p_start; new_sd->end = p_start + p_length; new_sd->orientation = sd->orientation; new_sd->direction = sd->direction; new_sd->custom_punct = sd->custom_punct; new_sd->para_direction = sd->para_direction; new_sd->base_para_direction = sd->base_para_direction; for (int i = 0; i < TextServer::SPACING_MAX; i++) { new_sd->extra_spacing[i] = sd->extra_spacing[i]; } if (!_shape_substr(new_sd, sd, p_start, p_length)) { memdelete(new_sd); return RID(); } return shaped_owner.make_rid(new_sd); } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shape_substr(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_new_sd, const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int64_t p_start, int64_t p_length) const { if (p_new_sd->valid) { return true; } p_new_sd->hb_buffer = hb_buffer_create(); p_new_sd->line_breaks_valid = p_sd->line_breaks_valid; p_new_sd->justification_ops_valid = p_sd->justification_ops_valid; p_new_sd->sort_valid = false; p_new_sd->upos = p_sd->upos; p_new_sd->uthk = p_sd->uthk; if (p_length > 0) { p_new_sd->text = p_sd->text.substr(p_start - p_sd->start, p_length); p_new_sd->utf16 = p_new_sd->text.utf16(); p_new_sd->script_iter = memnew(ScriptIterator(p_new_sd->text, 0, p_new_sd->text.length())); int sd_size = p_sd->glyphs.size(); const Glyph *sd_glyphs = p_sd->glyphs.ptr(); for (int ov = 0; ov < p_sd->bidi_override.size(); ov++) { UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; if (p_sd->bidi_override[ov].x >= p_start + p_length || p_sd->bidi_override[ov].y <= p_start) { continue; } int ov_start = _convert_pos_inv(p_sd, p_sd->bidi_override[ov].x); int start = MAX(0, _convert_pos_inv(p_sd, p_start) - ov_start); int end = MIN(_convert_pos_inv(p_sd, p_start + p_length), _convert_pos_inv(p_sd, p_sd->bidi_override[ov].y)) - ov_start; ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((start < 0 || end - start > p_new_sd->utf16.length()), false, "Invalid BiDi override range."); // Create temporary line bidi & shape. UBiDi *bidi_iter = nullptr; if (p_sd->bidi_iter[ov]) { bidi_iter = ubidi_openSized(end - start, 0, &err); if (U_SUCCESS(err)) { ubidi_setLine(p_sd->bidi_iter[ov], start, end, bidi_iter, &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { // Line BiDi failed (string contains incompatible control characters), try full paragraph BiDi instead. err = U_ZERO_ERROR; const UChar *data = p_sd->utf16.get_data(); switch (static_cast<TextServer::Direction>(p_sd->bidi_override[ov].z)) { case DIRECTION_LTR: { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, UBIDI_LTR, nullptr, &err); } break; case DIRECTION_RTL: { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, UBIDI_RTL, nullptr, &err); } break; case DIRECTION_INHERITED: { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, p_sd->base_para_direction, nullptr, &err); } break; case DIRECTION_AUTO: { UBiDiDirection direction = ubidi_getBaseDirection(data + start, end - start); if (direction != UBIDI_NEUTRAL) { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, direction, nullptr, &err); } else { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, p_sd->base_para_direction, nullptr, &err); } } break; } if (U_FAILURE(err)) { ubidi_close(bidi_iter); bidi_iter = nullptr; ERR_PRINT(vformat("BiDi reordering for the line failed: %s", u_errorName(err))); } } } else { bidi_iter = nullptr; ERR_PRINT(vformat("BiDi iterator allocation for the line failed: %s", u_errorName(err))); } } p_new_sd->bidi_iter.push_back(bidi_iter); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int bidi_run_count = 1; if (bidi_iter) { bidi_run_count = ubidi_countRuns(bidi_iter, &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { ERR_PRINT(u_errorName(err)); } } for (int i = 0; i < bidi_run_count; i++) { int32_t _bidi_run_start = 0; int32_t _bidi_run_length = end - start; if (bidi_iter) { ubidi_getVisualRun(bidi_iter, i, &_bidi_run_start, &_bidi_run_length); } int32_t bidi_run_start = _convert_pos(p_sd, ov_start + start + _bidi_run_start); int32_t bidi_run_end = _convert_pos(p_sd, ov_start + start + _bidi_run_start + _bidi_run_length); for (int j = 0; j < sd_size; j++) { if ((sd_glyphs[j].start >= bidi_run_start) && (sd_glyphs[j].end <= bidi_run_end)) { // Copy glyphs. Glyph gl = sd_glyphs[j]; if (gl.end == p_start + p_length && ((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) == GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN)) { uint32_t index = font_get_glyph_index(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size, 0x00ad, 0); float w = font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size, index)[(p_new_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) ? 0 : 1]; gl.index = index; gl.advance = w; } Variant key; bool find_embedded = false; if (gl.count == 1) { for (const KeyValue<Variant, ShapedTextDataAdvanced::EmbeddedObject> &E : p_sd->objects) { if (E.value.start == gl.start) { find_embedded = true; key = E.key; p_new_sd->objects[key] = E.value; break; } } } if (find_embedded) { if (p_new_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { p_new_sd->objects[key].rect.position.x = p_new_sd->width; p_new_sd->width += p_new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.x; } else { p_new_sd->objects[key].rect.position.y = p_new_sd->width; p_new_sd->width += p_new_sd->objects[key].rect.size.y; } } else { if (gl.font_rid.is_valid()) { if (p_new_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { p_new_sd->ascent = MAX(p_new_sd->ascent, MAX(_font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_spacing(gl.font_rid, SPACING_TOP), -gl.y_off)); p_new_sd->descent = MAX(p_new_sd->descent, MAX(_font_get_descent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_spacing(gl.font_rid, SPACING_BOTTOM), gl.y_off)); } else { p_new_sd->ascent = MAX(p_new_sd->ascent, Math::round(_font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); p_new_sd->descent = MAX(p_new_sd->descent, Math::round(_font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); } } else if (p_new_sd->preserve_invalid || (p_new_sd->preserve_control && is_control(gl.index))) { // Glyph not found, replace with hex code box. if (p_new_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { p_new_sd->ascent = MAX(p_new_sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).y); } else { p_new_sd->ascent = MAX(p_new_sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); p_new_sd->descent = MAX(p_new_sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); } } p_new_sd->width += gl.advance * gl.repeat; } p_new_sd->glyphs.push_back(gl); } } } } _realign(p_new_sd); } p_new_sd->valid = true; return true; } RID TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_parent(const RID &p_shaped) const { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, RID()); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->parent; } double TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_fit_to_width(const RID &p_shaped, double p_width, BitField<TextServer::JustificationFlag> p_jst_flags) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } if (!sd->justification_ops_valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_update_justification_ops(p_shaped); } sd->fit_width_minimum_reached = false; int start_pos = 0; int end_pos = sd->glyphs.size() - 1; if (p_jst_flags.has_flag(JUSTIFICATION_AFTER_LAST_TAB)) { int start, end, delta; if (sd->para_direction == DIRECTION_LTR) { start = sd->glyphs.size() - 1; end = -1; delta = -1; } else { start = 0; end = sd->glyphs.size(); delta = +1; } for (int i = start; i != end; i += delta) { if ((sd->glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) == GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) { if (sd->para_direction == DIRECTION_LTR) { start_pos = i; break; } else { end_pos = i; break; } } } } double justification_width; if (p_jst_flags.has_flag(JUSTIFICATION_CONSTRAIN_ELLIPSIS)) { if (sd->overrun_trim_data.trim_pos >= 0) { if (sd->para_direction == DIRECTION_RTL) { start_pos = sd->overrun_trim_data.trim_pos; } else { end_pos = sd->overrun_trim_data.trim_pos; } justification_width = sd->width_trimmed; } else { return Math::ceil(sd->width); } } else { justification_width = sd->width; } if (p_jst_flags.has_flag(JUSTIFICATION_TRIM_EDGE_SPACES)) { // Trim spaces. while ((start_pos < end_pos) && ((sd->glyphs[start_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) != GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) && ((sd->glyphs[start_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) == GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE || (sd->glyphs[start_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD || (sd->glyphs[start_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT)) { justification_width -= sd->glyphs[start_pos].advance * sd->glyphs[start_pos].repeat; sd->glyphs.write[start_pos].advance = 0; start_pos += sd->glyphs[start_pos].count; } while ((start_pos < end_pos) && ((sd->glyphs[end_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) != GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) && ((sd->glyphs[end_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) == GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE || (sd->glyphs[end_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD || (sd->glyphs[end_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT)) { justification_width -= sd->glyphs[end_pos].advance * sd->glyphs[end_pos].repeat; sd->glyphs.write[end_pos].advance = 0; end_pos -= sd->glyphs[end_pos].count; } } else { // Skip breaks, but do not reset size. while ((start_pos < end_pos) && ((sd->glyphs[start_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) != GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) && ((sd->glyphs[start_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD || (sd->glyphs[start_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT)) { start_pos += sd->glyphs[start_pos].count; } while ((start_pos < end_pos) && ((sd->glyphs[end_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) != GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) && ((sd->glyphs[end_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD || (sd->glyphs[end_pos].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT)) { end_pos -= sd->glyphs[end_pos].count; } } int space_count = 0; int elongation_count = 0; for (int i = start_pos; i <= end_pos; i++) { const Glyph &gl = sd->glyphs[i]; if (gl.count > 0) { if ((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION) == GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION) { if ((i > 0) && ((sd->glyphs[i - 1].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION) != GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION)) { // Expand once per elongation sequence. elongation_count++; } } if ((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) != GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN && (gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) == GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE && (gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION) != GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION) { space_count++; } } } if ((elongation_count > 0) && p_jst_flags.has_flag(JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA)) { double delta_width_per_kashida = (p_width - justification_width) / elongation_count; for (int i = start_pos; i <= end_pos; i++) { Glyph &gl = sd->glyphs.write[i]; if (gl.count > 0) { if (((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION) == GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION) && (gl.advance > 0)) { if ((i > 0) && ((sd->glyphs[i - 1].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION) != GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION)) { // Expand once per elongation sequence. int count = delta_width_per_kashida / gl.advance; int prev_count = gl.repeat; if ((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) == GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) { gl.repeat = CLAMP(count, 0, 255); } else { gl.repeat = CLAMP(count + 1, 1, 255); } justification_width += (gl.repeat - prev_count) * gl.advance; } } } } } if ((space_count > 0) && p_jst_flags.has_flag(JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND)) { double delta_width_per_space = (p_width - justification_width) / space_count; double adv_remain = 0; for (int i = start_pos; i <= end_pos; i++) { Glyph &gl = sd->glyphs.write[i]; if (gl.count > 0) { if ((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN) != GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN && (gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) == GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE && (gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION) != GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION) { double old_adv = gl.advance; double new_advance; if ((gl.flags & GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) == GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) { new_advance = MAX(gl.advance + delta_width_per_space, 0.0); } else { new_advance = MAX(gl.advance + delta_width_per_space, 0.1 * gl.font_size); } gl.advance = new_advance; adv_remain += (new_advance - gl.advance); if (adv_remain >= 1.0) { gl.advance++; adv_remain -= 1.0; } else if (adv_remain <= -1.0) { gl.advance = MAX(gl.advance - 1, 0); adv_remain -= 1.0; } justification_width += (gl.advance - old_adv); } } } } if (Math::floor(p_width) < Math::floor(justification_width)) { sd->fit_width_minimum_reached = true; } if (!p_jst_flags.has_flag(JUSTIFICATION_CONSTRAIN_ELLIPSIS)) { sd->width = justification_width; } return Math::ceil(justification_width); } double TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_tab_align(const RID &p_shaped, const PackedFloat32Array &p_tab_stops) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } if (!sd->line_breaks_valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_update_breaks(p_shaped); } for (int i = 0; i < p_tab_stops.size(); i++) { if (p_tab_stops[i] <= 0) { return 0.0; } } int tab_index = 0; double off = 0.0; int start, end, delta; if (sd->para_direction == DIRECTION_LTR) { start = 0; end = sd->glyphs.size(); delta = +1; } else { start = sd->glyphs.size() - 1; end = -1; delta = -1; } Glyph *gl = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); for (int i = start; i != end; i += delta) { if ((gl[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) == GRAPHEME_IS_TAB) { double tab_off = 0.0; while (tab_off <= off) { tab_off += p_tab_stops[tab_index]; tab_index++; if (tab_index >= p_tab_stops.size()) { tab_index = 0; } } double old_adv = gl[i].advance; gl[i].advance = tab_off - off; sd->width += gl[i].advance - old_adv; off = 0; continue; } off += gl[i].advance * gl[i].repeat; } return 0.0; } RID TextServerAdvanced::_find_sys_font_for_text(const RID &p_fdef, const String &p_script_code, const String &p_language, const String &p_text) { RID f; // Try system fallback. String font_name = _font_get_name(p_fdef); BitField<FontStyle> font_style = _font_get_style(p_fdef); int font_weight = _font_get_weight(p_fdef); int font_stretch = _font_get_stretch(p_fdef); Dictionary dvar = _font_get_variation_coordinates(p_fdef); static int64_t wgth_tag = _name_to_tag("weight"); static int64_t wdth_tag = _name_to_tag("width"); static int64_t ital_tag = _name_to_tag("italic"); if (dvar.has(wgth_tag)) { font_weight = dvar[wgth_tag].operator int(); } if (dvar.has(wdth_tag)) { font_stretch = dvar[wdth_tag].operator int(); } if (dvar.has(ital_tag) && dvar[ital_tag].operator int() == 1) { font_style.set_flag(TextServer::FONT_ITALIC); } String locale = (p_language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : p_language; PackedStringArray fallback_font_name = OS::get_singleton()->get_system_font_path_for_text(font_name, p_text, locale, p_script_code, font_weight, font_stretch, font_style & TextServer::FONT_ITALIC); #ifdef GDEXTENSION for (int fb = 0; fb < fallback_font_name.size(); fb++) { const String &E = fallback_font_name[fb]; #elif defined(GODOT_MODULE) for (const String &E : fallback_font_name) { #endif SystemFontKey key = SystemFontKey(E, font_style & TextServer::FONT_ITALIC, font_weight, font_stretch, p_fdef, this); if (system_fonts.has(key)) { const SystemFontCache &sysf_cache = system_fonts[key]; int best_score = 0; int best_match = -1; for (int face_idx = 0; face_idx < sysf_cache.var.size(); face_idx++) { const SystemFontCacheRec &F = sysf_cache.var[face_idx]; if (unlikely(!_font_has_char(F.rid, p_text[0]))) { continue; } BitField<FontStyle> style = _font_get_style(F.rid); int weight = _font_get_weight(F.rid); int stretch = _font_get_stretch(F.rid); int score = (20 - Math::abs(weight - font_weight) / 50); score += (20 - Math::abs(stretch - font_stretch) / 10); if (bool(style & TextServer::FONT_ITALIC) == bool(font_style & TextServer::FONT_ITALIC)) { score += 30; } if (score >= best_score) { best_score = score; best_match = face_idx; } if (best_score == 70) { break; } } if (best_match != -1) { f = sysf_cache.var[best_match].rid; } } if (!f.is_valid()) { if (system_fonts.has(key)) { const SystemFontCache &sysf_cache = system_fonts[key]; if (sysf_cache.max_var == sysf_cache.var.size()) { // All subfonts already tested, skip. continue; } } if (!system_font_data.has(E)) { system_font_data[E] = FileAccess::get_file_as_bytes(E); } const PackedByteArray &font_data = system_font_data[E]; SystemFontCacheRec sysf; sysf.rid = _create_font(); _font_set_data_ptr(sysf.rid, font_data.ptr(), font_data.size()); Dictionary var = dvar; // Select matching style from collection. int best_score = 0; int best_match = -1; for (int face_idx = 0; face_idx < _font_get_face_count(sysf.rid); face_idx++) { _font_set_face_index(sysf.rid, face_idx); if (unlikely(!_font_has_char(sysf.rid, p_text[0]))) { continue; } BitField<FontStyle> style = _font_get_style(sysf.rid); int weight = _font_get_weight(sysf.rid); int stretch = _font_get_stretch(sysf.rid); int score = (20 - Math::abs(weight - font_weight) / 50); score += (20 - Math::abs(stretch - font_stretch) / 10); if (bool(style & TextServer::FONT_ITALIC) == bool(font_style & TextServer::FONT_ITALIC)) { score += 30; } if (score >= best_score) { best_score = score; best_match = face_idx; } if (best_score == 70) { break; } } if (best_match == -1) { _free_rid(sysf.rid); continue; } else { _font_set_face_index(sysf.rid, best_match); } sysf.index = best_match; // If it's a variable font, apply weight, stretch and italic coordinates to match requested style. if (best_score != 70) { Dictionary ftr = _font_supported_variation_list(sysf.rid); if (ftr.has(wdth_tag)) { var[wdth_tag] = font_stretch; _font_set_stretch(sysf.rid, font_stretch); } if (ftr.has(wgth_tag)) { var[wgth_tag] = font_weight; _font_set_weight(sysf.rid, font_weight); } if ((font_style & TextServer::FONT_ITALIC) && ftr.has(ital_tag)) { var[ital_tag] = 1; _font_set_style(sysf.rid, _font_get_style(sysf.rid) | TextServer::FONT_ITALIC); } } _font_set_antialiasing(sysf.rid, key.antialiasing); _font_set_disable_embedded_bitmaps(sysf.rid, key.disable_embedded_bitmaps); _font_set_generate_mipmaps(sysf.rid, key.mipmaps); _font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(sysf.rid, key.msdf); _font_set_msdf_pixel_range(sysf.rid, key.msdf_range); _font_set_msdf_size(sysf.rid, key.msdf_source_size); _font_set_fixed_size(sysf.rid, key.fixed_size); _font_set_force_autohinter(sysf.rid, key.force_autohinter); _font_set_hinting(sysf.rid, key.hinting); _font_set_subpixel_positioning(sysf.rid, key.subpixel_positioning); _font_set_variation_coordinates(sysf.rid, var); _font_set_oversampling(sysf.rid, key.oversampling); _font_set_embolden(sysf.rid, key.embolden); _font_set_transform(sysf.rid, key.transform); _font_set_spacing(sysf.rid, SPACING_TOP, key.extra_spacing[SPACING_TOP]); _font_set_spacing(sysf.rid, SPACING_BOTTOM, key.extra_spacing[SPACING_BOTTOM]); _font_set_spacing(sysf.rid, SPACING_SPACE, key.extra_spacing[SPACING_SPACE]); _font_set_spacing(sysf.rid, SPACING_GLYPH, key.extra_spacing[SPACING_GLYPH]); if (system_fonts.has(key)) { system_fonts[key].var.push_back(sysf); } else { SystemFontCache &sysf_cache = system_fonts[key]; sysf_cache.max_var = _font_get_face_count(sysf.rid); sysf_cache.var.push_back(sysf); } f = sysf.rid; } break; } return f; } void TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_overrun_trim_to_width(const RID &p_shaped_line, double p_width, BitField<TextServer::TextOverrunFlag> p_trim_flags) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped_line); ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG(sd, "ShapedTextDataAdvanced invalid."); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { _shaped_text_shape(p_shaped_line); } sd->text_trimmed = false; sd->overrun_trim_data.ellipsis_glyph_buf.clear(); bool add_ellipsis = p_trim_flags.has_flag(OVERRUN_ADD_ELLIPSIS); bool cut_per_word = p_trim_flags.has_flag(OVERRUN_TRIM_WORD_ONLY); bool enforce_ellipsis = p_trim_flags.has_flag(OVERRUN_ENFORCE_ELLIPSIS); bool justification_aware = p_trim_flags.has_flag(OVERRUN_JUSTIFICATION_AWARE); Glyph *sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); if ((p_trim_flags & OVERRUN_TRIM) == OVERRUN_NO_TRIM || sd_glyphs == nullptr || p_width <= 0 || !(sd->width > p_width || enforce_ellipsis)) { sd->overrun_trim_data.trim_pos = -1; sd->overrun_trim_data.ellipsis_pos = -1; return; } if (justification_aware && !sd->fit_width_minimum_reached) { return; } Vector<ShapedTextDataAdvanced::Span> &spans = sd->spans; if (sd->parent != RID()) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *parent_sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(sd->parent); ERR_FAIL_COND(!parent_sd->valid); spans = parent_sd->spans; } if (spans.size() == 0) { return; } int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); int last_gl_font_size = sd_glyphs[sd_size - 1].font_size; bool found_el_char = false; // Find usable fonts, if fonts from the last glyph do not have required chars. RID dot_gl_font_rid = sd_glyphs[sd_size - 1].font_rid; if (!_font_has_char(dot_gl_font_rid, sd->el_char)) { const Array &fonts = spans[spans.size() - 1].fonts; for (int i = 0; i < fonts.size(); i++) { if (_font_has_char(fonts[i], sd->el_char)) { dot_gl_font_rid = fonts[i]; found_el_char = true; break; } } if (!found_el_char && OS::get_singleton()->has_feature("system_fonts") && fonts.size() > 0 && _font_is_allow_system_fallback(fonts[0])) { const char32_t u32str[] = { sd->el_char, 0 }; RID rid = _find_sys_font_for_text(fonts[0], String(), spans[spans.size() - 1].language, u32str); if (rid.is_valid()) { dot_gl_font_rid = rid; found_el_char = true; } } } else { found_el_char = true; } if (!found_el_char) { bool found_dot_char = false; dot_gl_font_rid = sd_glyphs[sd_size - 1].font_rid; if (!_font_has_char(dot_gl_font_rid, '.')) { const Array &fonts = spans[spans.size() - 1].fonts; for (int i = 0; i < fonts.size(); i++) { if (_font_has_char(fonts[i], '.')) { dot_gl_font_rid = fonts[i]; found_dot_char = true; break; } } if (!found_dot_char && OS::get_singleton()->has_feature("system_fonts") && fonts.size() > 0 && _font_is_allow_system_fallback(fonts[0])) { RID rid = _find_sys_font_for_text(fonts[0], String(), spans[spans.size() - 1].language, "."); if (rid.is_valid()) { dot_gl_font_rid = rid; } } } } RID whitespace_gl_font_rid = sd_glyphs[sd_size - 1].font_rid; if (!_font_has_char(whitespace_gl_font_rid, ' ')) { const Array &fonts = spans[spans.size() - 1].fonts; for (int i = 0; i < fonts.size(); i++) { if (_font_has_char(fonts[i], ' ')) { whitespace_gl_font_rid = fonts[i]; break; } } } int32_t dot_gl_idx = dot_gl_font_rid.is_valid() ? _font_get_glyph_index(dot_gl_font_rid, last_gl_font_size, (found_el_char ? sd->el_char : '.'), 0) : -1; Vector2 dot_adv = dot_gl_font_rid.is_valid() ? _font_get_glyph_advance(dot_gl_font_rid, last_gl_font_size, dot_gl_idx) : Vector2(); int32_t whitespace_gl_idx = whitespace_gl_font_rid.is_valid() ? _font_get_glyph_index(whitespace_gl_font_rid, last_gl_font_size, ' ', 0) : -1; Vector2 whitespace_adv = whitespace_gl_font_rid.is_valid() ? _font_get_glyph_advance(whitespace_gl_font_rid, last_gl_font_size, whitespace_gl_idx) : Vector2(); int ellipsis_width = 0; if (add_ellipsis && whitespace_gl_font_rid.is_valid()) { ellipsis_width = (found_el_char ? 1 : 3) * dot_adv.x + sd->extra_spacing[SPACING_GLYPH] + _font_get_spacing(dot_gl_font_rid, SPACING_GLYPH) + (cut_per_word ? whitespace_adv.x : 0); } int ell_min_characters = 6; double width = sd->width; bool is_rtl = sd->para_direction == DIRECTION_RTL; int trim_pos = (is_rtl) ? sd_size : 0; int ellipsis_pos = (enforce_ellipsis) ? 0 : -1; int last_valid_cut = 0; bool found = false; int glyphs_from = (is_rtl) ? 0 : sd_size - 1; int glyphs_to = (is_rtl) ? sd_size - 1 : -1; int glyphs_delta = (is_rtl) ? +1 : -1; if (enforce_ellipsis && (width + ellipsis_width <= p_width)) { trim_pos = -1; ellipsis_pos = (is_rtl) ? 0 : sd_size; } else { for (int i = glyphs_from; i != glyphs_to; i += glyphs_delta) { if (!is_rtl) { width -= sd_glyphs[i].advance * sd_glyphs[i].repeat; } if (sd_glyphs[i].count > 0) { bool above_min_char_threshold = ((is_rtl) ? sd_size - 1 - i : i) >= ell_min_characters; if (width + (((above_min_char_threshold && add_ellipsis) || enforce_ellipsis) ? ellipsis_width : 0) <= p_width) { if (cut_per_word && above_min_char_threshold) { if ((sd_glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) == GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT) { last_valid_cut = i; found = true; } } else { last_valid_cut = i; found = true; } if (found) { trim_pos = last_valid_cut; if (add_ellipsis && (above_min_char_threshold || enforce_ellipsis) && width - ellipsis_width <= p_width) { ellipsis_pos = trim_pos; } break; } } } if (is_rtl) { width -= sd_glyphs[i].advance * sd_glyphs[i].repeat; } } } sd->overrun_trim_data.trim_pos = trim_pos; sd->overrun_trim_data.ellipsis_pos = ellipsis_pos; if (trim_pos == 0 && enforce_ellipsis && add_ellipsis) { sd->overrun_trim_data.ellipsis_pos = 0; } if ((trim_pos >= 0 && sd->width > p_width) || enforce_ellipsis) { if (add_ellipsis && (ellipsis_pos > 0 || enforce_ellipsis)) { // Insert an additional space when cutting word bound for esthetics. if (cut_per_word && (ellipsis_pos > 0)) { Glyph gl; gl.count = 1; gl.advance = whitespace_adv.x; gl.index = whitespace_gl_idx; gl.font_rid = whitespace_gl_font_rid; gl.font_size = last_gl_font_size; gl.flags = GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT | GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL | (is_rtl ? GRAPHEME_IS_RTL : 0); sd->overrun_trim_data.ellipsis_glyph_buf.append(gl); } // Add ellipsis dots. if (dot_gl_idx != 0) { Glyph gl; gl.count = 1; gl.repeat = (found_el_char ? 1 : 3); gl.advance = dot_adv.x; gl.index = dot_gl_idx; gl.font_rid = dot_gl_font_rid; gl.font_size = last_gl_font_size; gl.flags = GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION | GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL | (is_rtl ? GRAPHEME_IS_RTL : 0); sd->overrun_trim_data.ellipsis_glyph_buf.append(gl); } } sd->text_trimmed = true; sd->width_trimmed = width + ((ellipsis_pos != -1) ? ellipsis_width : 0); } } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_trim_pos(const RID &p_shaped) const { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(sd, -1, "ShapedTextDataAdvanced invalid."); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->overrun_trim_data.trim_pos; } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_ellipsis_pos(const RID &p_shaped) const { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(sd, -1, "ShapedTextDataAdvanced invalid."); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->overrun_trim_data.ellipsis_pos; } const Glyph *TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyphs(const RID &p_shaped) const { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(sd, nullptr, "ShapedTextDataAdvanced invalid."); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->overrun_trim_data.ellipsis_glyph_buf.ptr(); } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyph_count(const RID &p_shaped) const { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(sd, 0, "ShapedTextDataAdvanced invalid."); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->overrun_trim_data.ellipsis_glyph_buf.size(); } void TextServerAdvanced::_update_chars(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd) const { if (!p_sd->chars_valid) { p_sd->chars.clear(); const UChar *data = p_sd->utf16.get_data(); UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int prev = -1; int i = 0; Vector<ShapedTextDataAdvanced::Span> &spans = p_sd->spans; if (p_sd->parent != RID()) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *parent_sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_sd->parent); ERR_FAIL_COND(!parent_sd->valid); spans = parent_sd->spans; } while (i < spans.size()) { if (spans[i].start > p_sd->end) { break; } if (spans[i].end < p_sd->start) { i++; continue; } int r_start = MAX(0, spans[i].start - p_sd->start); String language = spans[i].language; while (i + 1 < spans.size() && language == spans[i + 1].language) { i++; } int r_end = MIN(spans[i].end - p_sd->start, p_sd->text.length()); UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_CHARACTER, (language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale().ascii().get_data() : language.ascii().get_data(), data + _convert_pos_inv(p_sd, r_start), _convert_pos_inv(p_sd, r_end - r_start), &err); if (U_SUCCESS(err)) { while (ubrk_next(bi) != UBRK_DONE) { int pos = _convert_pos(p_sd, ubrk_current(bi)) + r_start + p_sd->start; if (prev != pos) { p_sd->chars.push_back(pos); } prev = pos; } ubrk_close(bi); } else { for (int j = r_start; j < r_end; j++) { if (prev != j) { p_sd->chars.push_back(j + 1 + p_sd->start); } prev = j; } } i++; } p_sd->chars_valid = true; } } PackedInt32Array TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_character_breaks(const RID &p_shaped) const { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, PackedInt32Array()); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } _update_chars(sd); return sd->chars; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_update_breaks(const RID &p_shaped) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, false); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { _shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } if (sd->line_breaks_valid) { return true; // Nothing to do. } const UChar *data = sd->utf16.get_data(); if (!sd->break_ops_valid) { sd->breaks.clear(); sd->break_inserts = 0; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int i = 0; while (i < sd->spans.size()) { String language = sd->spans[i].language; int r_start = sd->spans[i].start; while (i + 1 < sd->spans.size() && language == sd->spans[i + 1].language) { i++; } int r_end = sd->spans[i].end; UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_LINE, (language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale().ascii().get_data() : language.ascii().get_data(), data + _convert_pos_inv(sd, r_start), _convert_pos_inv(sd, r_end - r_start), &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { // No data loaded - use fallback. for (int j = r_start; j < r_end; j++) { char32_t c = sd->text[j - sd->start]; char32_t c_next = (j < r_end) ? sd->text[j - sd->start + 1] : 0x0000; if (is_whitespace(c)) { sd->breaks[j + 1] = false; } if (is_linebreak(c)) { if (c != 0x000D || c_next != 0x000A) { // Skip first hard break in CR-LF pair. sd->breaks[j + 1] = true; } } } } else { while (ubrk_next(bi) != UBRK_DONE) { int pos = _convert_pos(sd, ubrk_current(bi)) + r_start; if ((ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) >= UBRK_LINE_HARD) && (ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) < UBRK_LINE_HARD_LIMIT)) { sd->breaks[pos] = true; } else if ((ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) >= UBRK_LINE_SOFT) && (ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) < UBRK_LINE_SOFT_LIMIT)) { sd->breaks[pos] = false; } int pos_p = pos - 1 - sd->start; char32_t c = sd->text[pos_p]; if (pos - sd->start != sd->end && !is_whitespace(c) && (c != 0xfffc)) { sd->break_inserts++; } } } ubrk_close(bi); i++; } sd->break_ops_valid = true; } Vector<Glyph> glyphs_new; bool rewrite = false; int sd_shift = 0; int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); Glyph *sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); Glyph *sd_glyphs_new = nullptr; if (sd->break_inserts > 0) { glyphs_new.resize(sd->glyphs.size() + sd->break_inserts); sd_glyphs_new = glyphs_new.ptrw(); rewrite = true; } else { sd_glyphs_new = sd_glyphs; } sd->sort_valid = false; sd->glyphs_logical.clear(); const char32_t *ch = sd->text.ptr(); int c_punct_size = sd->custom_punct.length(); const char32_t *c_punct = sd->custom_punct.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { if (rewrite) { for (int j = 0; j < sd_glyphs[i].count; j++) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i + j] = sd_glyphs[i + j]; } } if (sd_glyphs[i].count > 0) { char32_t c = ch[sd_glyphs[i].start - sd->start]; if (c == 0xfffc) { i += (sd_glyphs[i].count - 1); continue; } if (c == 0x0009 || c == 0x000b) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_TAB; } if (c == 0x00ad) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_SOFT_HYPHEN; } if (is_whitespace(c)) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE; } if (c_punct_size == 0) { if (u_ispunct(c) && c != 0x005f) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION; } } else { for (int j = 0; j < c_punct_size; j++) { if (c_punct[j] == c) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION; break; } } } if (is_underscore(c)) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_UNDERSCORE; } if (sd->breaks.has(sd_glyphs[i].end)) { if (sd->breaks[sd_glyphs[i].end] && (is_linebreak(c))) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_HARD; } else if (is_whitespace(c) || c == 0x00ad) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT; } else { int count = sd_glyphs[i].count; // Do not add extra space at the end of the line. if (sd_glyphs[i].end == sd->end) { i += (sd_glyphs[i].count - 1); continue; } // Do not add extra space after existing space. if (sd_glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) { if ((i + count < sd_size - 1) && ((sd_glyphs[i + count].flags & (GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT)) == (GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT))) { i += (sd_glyphs[i].count - 1); continue; } } else { if ((sd_glyphs[i].flags & (GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT)) == (GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT)) { i += (sd_glyphs[i].count - 1); continue; } } Glyph gl; gl.start = sd_glyphs[i].start; gl.end = sd_glyphs[i].end; gl.count = 1; gl.font_rid = sd_glyphs[i].font_rid; gl.font_size = sd_glyphs[i].font_size; gl.flags = GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT | GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL | GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE; // Mark virtual space after punctuation as punctuation to avoid justification at this point. if (c_punct_size == 0) { if (u_ispunct(c) && c != 0x005f) { gl.flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION; } } else { for (int j = 0; j < c_punct_size; j++) { if (c_punct[j] == c) { gl.flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION; break; } } } if (sd_glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) { gl.flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_RTL; for (int j = sd_glyphs[i].count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i + j + 1] = sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i + j]; } sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i] = gl; } else { sd_glyphs_new[sd_shift + i + count] = gl; } sd_shift++; ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(sd_shift > sd->break_inserts, false, "Invalid break insert count!"); } } i += (sd_glyphs[i].count - 1); } } if (sd_shift < sd->break_inserts) { // Note: should not happen with a normal text, but might be a case with special fonts that substitute a long string (with breaks opportunities in it) with a single glyph (like Font Awesome). glyphs_new.resize(sd->glyphs.size() + sd_shift); } if (sd->break_inserts > 0) { sd->glyphs = glyphs_new; } sd->line_breaks_valid = true; return sd->line_breaks_valid; } _FORCE_INLINE_ int64_t _generate_kashida_justification_opportunies(const String &p_data, int64_t p_start, int64_t p_end) { int64_t kashida_pos = -1; int8_t priority = 100; int64_t i = p_start; char32_t pc = 0; while ((p_end > p_start) && is_transparent(p_data[p_end - 1])) { p_end--; } while (i < p_end) { uint32_t c = p_data[i]; if (c == 0x0640) { kashida_pos = i; priority = 0; } if (priority >= 1 && i < p_end - 1) { if (is_seen_sad(c) && (p_data[i + 1] != 0x200c)) { kashida_pos = i; priority = 1; } } if (priority >= 2 && i > p_start) { if (is_teh_marbuta(c) || is_dal(c) || (is_heh(c) && i == p_end - 1)) { if (is_connected_to_prev(c, pc)) { kashida_pos = i - 1; priority = 2; } } } if (priority >= 3 && i > p_start) { if (is_alef(c) || ((is_lam(c) || is_tah(c) || is_kaf(c) || is_gaf(c)) && i == p_end - 1)) { if (is_connected_to_prev(c, pc)) { kashida_pos = i - 1; priority = 3; } } } if (priority >= 4 && i > p_start && i < p_end - 1) { if (is_beh(c)) { if (is_reh(p_data[i + 1]) || is_yeh(p_data[i + 1])) { if (is_connected_to_prev(c, pc)) { kashida_pos = i - 1; priority = 4; } } } } if (priority >= 5 && i > p_start) { if (is_waw(c) || ((is_ain(c) || is_qaf(c) || is_feh(c)) && i == p_end - 1)) { if (is_connected_to_prev(c, pc)) { kashida_pos = i - 1; priority = 5; } } } if (priority >= 6 && i > p_start) { if (is_reh(c)) { if (is_connected_to_prev(c, pc)) { kashida_pos = i - 1; priority = 6; } } } if (!is_transparent(c)) { pc = c; } i++; } return kashida_pos; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_update_justification_ops(const RID &p_shaped) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, false); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { _shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } if (!sd->line_breaks_valid) { _shaped_text_update_breaks(p_shaped); } if (sd->justification_ops_valid) { return true; // Nothing to do. } const UChar *data = sd->utf16.get_data(); int data_size = sd->utf16.length(); if (!sd->js_ops_valid) { sd->jstops.clear(); // Use ICU word iterator and custom kashida detection. UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_WORD, "", data, data_size, &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { // No data - use fallback. int limit = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sd->text.length(); i++) { if (is_whitespace(data[i])) { int ks = _generate_kashida_justification_opportunies(sd->text, limit, i) + sd->start; if (ks != -1) { sd->jstops[ks] = true; } limit = i + 1; } } int ks = _generate_kashida_justification_opportunies(sd->text, limit, sd->text.length()) + sd->start; if (ks != -1) { sd->jstops[ks] = true; } } else { int limit = 0; while (ubrk_next(bi) != UBRK_DONE) { if (ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi) != UBRK_WORD_NONE) { int i = _convert_pos(sd, ubrk_current(bi)); sd->jstops[i + sd->start] = false; int ks = _generate_kashida_justification_opportunies(sd->text, limit, i); if (ks != -1) { sd->jstops[ks + sd->start] = true; } limit = i; } } ubrk_close(bi); } sd->js_ops_valid = true; } sd->sort_valid = false; sd->glyphs_logical.clear(); Glyph *sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); if (!sd->jstops.is_empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { if (sd_glyphs[i].count > 0) { char32_t c = sd->text[sd_glyphs[i].start - sd->start]; if (c == 0x0640 && sd_glyphs[i].start == sd_glyphs[i].end - 1) { sd_glyphs[i].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION; } if (sd->jstops.has(sd_glyphs[i].start)) { if (c == 0xfffc || c == 0x00ad) { continue; } if (sd->jstops[sd_glyphs[i].start]) { if (c != 0x0640) { if (sd_glyphs[i].font_rid != RID()) { Glyph gl = _shape_single_glyph(sd, 0x0640, HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC, HB_DIRECTION_RTL, sd->glyphs[i].font_rid, sd->glyphs[i].font_size); if ((sd_glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_VALID) == GRAPHEME_IS_VALID) { #if HB_VERSION_ATLEAST(5, 1, 0) if ((i > 0) && ((sd_glyphs[i - 1].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SAFE_TO_INSERT_TATWEEL) != GRAPHEME_IS_SAFE_TO_INSERT_TATWEEL)) { continue; } #endif gl.start = sd_glyphs[i].start; gl.end = sd_glyphs[i].end; gl.repeat = 0; gl.count = 1; if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { gl.y_off = sd_glyphs[i].y_off; } else { gl.x_off = sd_glyphs[i].x_off; } gl.flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_ELONGATION | GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL; sd->glyphs.insert(i, gl); i++; // Update write pointer and size. sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); continue; } } } } else if ((sd_glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE) != GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE && (sd_glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION) != GRAPHEME_IS_PUNCTUATION) { int count = sd_glyphs[i].count; // Do not add extra spaces at the end of the line. if (sd_glyphs[i].end == sd->end) { continue; } // Do not add extra space after existing space. if (sd_glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) { if ((i + count < sd_size - 1) && ((sd_glyphs[i + count].flags & (GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT)) == (GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT))) { continue; } } else { if ((i > 0) && ((sd_glyphs[i - 1].flags & (GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT)) == (GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_BREAK_SOFT))) { continue; } } // Inject virtual space for alignment. Glyph gl; gl.start = sd_glyphs[i].start; gl.end = sd_glyphs[i].end; gl.count = 1; gl.font_rid = sd_glyphs[i].font_rid; gl.font_size = sd_glyphs[i].font_size; gl.flags = GRAPHEME_IS_SPACE | GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL; if (sd_glyphs[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_RTL) { gl.flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_RTL; sd->glyphs.insert(i, gl); // Insert before. } else { sd->glyphs.insert(i + count, gl); // Insert after. } i += count; // Update write pointer and size. sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptrw(); continue; } } } } } sd->justification_ops_valid = true; return sd->justification_ops_valid; } Glyph TextServerAdvanced::_shape_single_glyph(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, char32_t p_char, hb_script_t p_script, hb_direction_t p_direction, const RID &p_font, int64_t p_font_size) { hb_font_t *hb_font = _font_get_hb_handle(p_font, p_font_size); double scale = _font_get_scale(p_font, p_font_size); bool subpos = (scale != 1.0) || (_font_get_subpixel_positioning(p_font) == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (_font_get_subpixel_positioning(p_font) == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (_font_get_subpixel_positioning(p_font) == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && p_font_size <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(hb_font, Glyph()); hb_buffer_clear_contents(p_sd->hb_buffer); hb_buffer_set_direction(p_sd->hb_buffer, p_direction); hb_buffer_set_flags(p_sd->hb_buffer, (hb_buffer_flags_t)(HB_BUFFER_FLAG_DEFAULT)); hb_buffer_set_script(p_sd->hb_buffer, p_script); hb_buffer_add_utf32(p_sd->hb_buffer, (const uint32_t *)&p_char, 1, 0, 1); hb_shape(hb_font, p_sd->hb_buffer, nullptr, 0); unsigned int glyph_count = 0; hb_glyph_info_t *glyph_info = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(p_sd->hb_buffer, &glyph_count); hb_glyph_position_t *glyph_pos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(p_sd->hb_buffer, &glyph_count); // Process glyphs. Glyph gl; if (p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_RTL || p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_BTT) { gl.flags |= TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_RTL; } gl.font_rid = p_font; gl.font_size = p_font_size; if (glyph_count > 0) { if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { if (subpos) { gl.advance = (double)glyph_pos[0].x_advance / (64.0 / scale) + _get_extra_advance(p_font, p_font_size); } else { gl.advance = Math::round((double)glyph_pos[0].x_advance / (64.0 / scale) + _get_extra_advance(p_font, p_font_size)); } } else { gl.advance = -Math::round((double)glyph_pos[0].y_advance / (64.0 / scale)); } gl.count = 1; gl.index = glyph_info[0].codepoint; if (subpos) { gl.x_off = (double)glyph_pos[0].x_offset / (64.0 / scale); } else { gl.x_off = Math::round((double)glyph_pos[0].x_offset / (64.0 / scale)); } gl.y_off = -Math::round((double)glyph_pos[0].y_offset / (64.0 / scale)); if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { gl.y_off += _font_get_baseline_offset(gl.font_rid) * (double)(_font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_descent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); } else { gl.x_off += _font_get_baseline_offset(gl.font_rid) * (double)(_font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_descent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); } if ((glyph_info[0].codepoint != 0) || !u_isgraph(p_char)) { gl.flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_VALID; } } return gl; } _FORCE_INLINE_ void TextServerAdvanced::_add_featuers(const Dictionary &p_source, Vector<hb_feature_t> &r_ftrs) { Array keys = p_source.keys(); Array values = p_source.values(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { int32_t value = values[i]; if (value >= 0) { hb_feature_t feature; if (keys[i].get_type() == Variant::STRING) { feature.tag = _name_to_tag(keys[i]); } else { feature.tag = keys[i]; } feature.value = value; feature.start = 0; feature.end = -1; r_ftrs.push_back(feature); } } } void TextServerAdvanced::_shape_run(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int64_t p_start, int64_t p_end, hb_script_t p_script, hb_direction_t p_direction, TypedArray<RID> p_fonts, int64_t p_span, int64_t p_fb_index, int64_t p_prev_start, int64_t p_prev_end, RID p_prev_font) { RID f; int fs = p_sd->spans[p_span].font_size; if (p_fb_index >= 0 && p_fb_index < p_fonts.size()) { // Try font from list. f = p_fonts[p_fb_index]; } else if (OS::get_singleton()->has_feature("system_fonts") && p_fonts.size() > 0 && ((p_fb_index == p_fonts.size()) || (p_fb_index > p_fonts.size() && p_start != p_prev_start))) { // Try system fallback. RID fdef = p_fonts[0]; if (_font_is_allow_system_fallback(fdef)) { _update_chars(p_sd); int64_t next = p_end; for (const int32_t &E : p_sd->chars) { if (E > p_start) { next = E; break; } } char scr_buffer[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; hb_tag_to_string(hb_script_to_iso15924_tag(p_script), scr_buffer); String script_code = String(scr_buffer); String text = p_sd->text.substr(p_start, next - p_start); f = _find_sys_font_for_text(fdef, script_code, p_sd->spans[p_span].language, text); } } if (!f.is_valid()) { // Shaping failed, try looking up raw characters or use fallback hex code boxes. int fb_from = (p_direction != HB_DIRECTION_RTL) ? p_start : p_end - 1; int fb_to = (p_direction != HB_DIRECTION_RTL) ? p_end : p_start - 1; int fb_delta = (p_direction != HB_DIRECTION_RTL) ? +1 : -1; for (int i = fb_from; i != fb_to; i += fb_delta) { if (p_sd->preserve_invalid || (p_sd->preserve_control && is_control(p_sd->text[i]))) { Glyph gl; gl.start = i + p_sd->start; gl.end = i + 1 + p_sd->start; gl.count = 1; gl.font_size = fs; if (p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_RTL || p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_BTT) { gl.flags |= TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_RTL; } bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j <= p_fonts.size(); j++) { RID f_rid; if (j == p_fonts.size()) { f_rid = p_prev_font; } else { f_rid = p_fonts[j]; } if (f_rid.is_valid() && _font_has_char(f_rid, p_sd->text[i])) { gl.font_rid = f_rid; gl.index = _font_get_glyph_index(gl.font_rid, fs, p_sd->text[i], 0); if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { gl.advance = _font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, fs, gl.index).x; gl.x_off = 0; gl.y_off = _font_get_baseline_offset(gl.font_rid) * (double)(_font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_descent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, _font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_spacing(gl.font_rid, SPACING_TOP)); p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, _font_get_descent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_spacing(gl.font_rid, SPACING_BOTTOM)); } else { gl.advance = _font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, fs, gl.index).y; gl.x_off = -Math::round(_font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5) + _font_get_baseline_offset(gl.font_rid) * (double)(_font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_descent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); gl.y_off = _font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size); p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, Math::round(_font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, Math::round(_font_get_glyph_advance(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size, gl.index).x * 0.5)); } double scale = _font_get_scale(gl.font_rid, fs); bool subpos = (scale != 1.0) || (_font_get_subpixel_positioning(gl.font_rid) == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (_font_get_subpixel_positioning(gl.font_rid) == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (_font_get_subpixel_positioning(gl.font_rid) == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && fs <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE); if (!subpos) { gl.advance = Math::round(gl.advance); gl.x_off = Math::round(gl.x_off); } found = true; break; } } if (!found) { gl.font_rid = RID(); gl.index = p_sd->text[i]; if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { gl.advance = get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).x; p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).y); } else { gl.advance = get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).y; gl.y_off = get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).y; gl.x_off = -Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).x * 0.5); p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).x * 0.5)); p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, Math::round(get_hex_code_box_size(fs, gl.index).x * 0.5)); } } p_sd->width += gl.advance; p_sd->glyphs.push_back(gl); } } return; } FontAdvanced *fd = _get_font_data(f); ERR_FAIL_NULL(fd); MutexLock lock(fd->mutex); Vector2i fss = _get_size(fd, fs); hb_font_t *hb_font = _font_get_hb_handle(f, fs); double scale = _font_get_scale(f, fs); double sp_sp = p_sd->extra_spacing[SPACING_SPACE] + _font_get_spacing(f, SPACING_SPACE); double sp_gl = p_sd->extra_spacing[SPACING_GLYPH] + _font_get_spacing(f, SPACING_GLYPH); bool last_run = (p_sd->end == p_end); double ea = _get_extra_advance(f, fs); bool subpos = (scale != 1.0) || (_font_get_subpixel_positioning(f) == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF) || (_font_get_subpixel_positioning(f) == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_QUARTER) || (_font_get_subpixel_positioning(f) == SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO && fs <= SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_ONE_HALF_MAX_SIZE); ERR_FAIL_NULL(hb_font); hb_buffer_clear_contents(p_sd->hb_buffer); hb_buffer_set_direction(p_sd->hb_buffer, p_direction); int flags = (p_start == 0 ? HB_BUFFER_FLAG_BOT : 0) | (p_end == p_sd->text.length() ? HB_BUFFER_FLAG_EOT : 0); if (p_sd->preserve_control) { flags |= HB_BUFFER_FLAG_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_IGNORABLES; } else { flags |= HB_BUFFER_FLAG_DEFAULT; } #if HB_VERSION_ATLEAST(5, 1, 0) flags |= HB_BUFFER_FLAG_PRODUCE_SAFE_TO_INSERT_TATWEEL; #endif hb_buffer_set_flags(p_sd->hb_buffer, (hb_buffer_flags_t)flags); hb_buffer_set_script(p_sd->hb_buffer, p_script); if (p_sd->spans[p_span].language.is_empty()) { hb_language_t lang = hb_language_from_string(TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale().ascii().get_data(), -1); hb_buffer_set_language(p_sd->hb_buffer, lang); } else { hb_language_t lang = hb_language_from_string(p_sd->spans[p_span].language.ascii().get_data(), -1); hb_buffer_set_language(p_sd->hb_buffer, lang); } hb_buffer_add_utf32(p_sd->hb_buffer, (const uint32_t *)p_sd->text.ptr(), p_sd->text.length(), p_start, p_end - p_start); Vector<hb_feature_t> ftrs; _add_featuers(_font_get_opentype_feature_overrides(f), ftrs); _add_featuers(p_sd->spans[p_span].features, ftrs); hb_shape(hb_font, p_sd->hb_buffer, ftrs.is_empty() ? nullptr : &ftrs[0], ftrs.size()); unsigned int glyph_count = 0; hb_glyph_info_t *glyph_info = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(p_sd->hb_buffer, &glyph_count); hb_glyph_position_t *glyph_pos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(p_sd->hb_buffer, &glyph_count); int mod = 0; if (fd->antialiasing == FONT_ANTIALIASING_LCD) { TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout layout = (TextServer::FontLCDSubpixelLayout)(int)GLOBAL_GET("gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout"); if (layout != FONT_LCD_SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT_NONE) { mod = (layout << 24); } } // Process glyphs. if (glyph_count > 0) { Glyph *w = (Glyph *)memalloc(glyph_count * sizeof(Glyph)); int end = (p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_RTL || p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_BTT) ? p_end : 0; uint32_t last_cluster_id = UINT32_MAX; unsigned int last_cluster_index = 0; bool last_cluster_valid = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < glyph_count; i++) { if ((i > 0) && (last_cluster_id != glyph_info[i].cluster)) { if (p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_RTL || p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_BTT) { end = w[last_cluster_index].start; } else { for (unsigned int j = last_cluster_index; j < i; j++) { w[j].end = glyph_info[i].cluster; } } if (p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_RTL || p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_BTT) { w[last_cluster_index].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_RTL; } if (last_cluster_valid) { w[last_cluster_index].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_VALID; } w[last_cluster_index].count = i - last_cluster_index; last_cluster_index = i; last_cluster_valid = true; } last_cluster_id = glyph_info[i].cluster; Glyph &gl = w[i]; gl = Glyph(); gl.start = glyph_info[i].cluster; gl.end = end; gl.count = 0; gl.font_rid = f; gl.font_size = fs; if (glyph_info[i].mask & HB_GLYPH_FLAG_UNSAFE_TO_BREAK) { gl.flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_CONNECTED; } #if HB_VERSION_ATLEAST(5, 1, 0) if (glyph_info[i].mask & HB_GLYPH_FLAG_SAFE_TO_INSERT_TATWEEL) { gl.flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_SAFE_TO_INSERT_TATWEEL; } #endif gl.index = glyph_info[i].codepoint; if (gl.index != 0) { _ensure_glyph(fd, fss, gl.index | mod); if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { if (subpos) { gl.advance = (double)glyph_pos[i].x_advance / (64.0 / scale) + ea; } else { gl.advance = Math::round((double)glyph_pos[i].x_advance / (64.0 / scale) + ea); } } else { gl.advance = -Math::round((double)glyph_pos[i].y_advance / (64.0 / scale)); } if (subpos) { gl.x_off = (double)glyph_pos[i].x_offset / (64.0 / scale); } else { gl.x_off = Math::round((double)glyph_pos[i].x_offset / (64.0 / scale)); } gl.y_off = -Math::round((double)glyph_pos[i].y_offset / (64.0 / scale)); if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { gl.y_off += _font_get_baseline_offset(gl.font_rid) * (double)(_font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_descent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); } else { gl.x_off += _font_get_baseline_offset(gl.font_rid) * (double)(_font_get_ascent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size) + _font_get_descent(gl.font_rid, gl.font_size)); } } if (!last_run || i < glyph_count - 1) { // Do not add extra spacing to the last glyph of the string. if (sp_sp && is_whitespace(p_sd->text[glyph_info[i].cluster])) { gl.advance += sp_sp; } else { gl.advance += sp_gl; } } if (p_sd->preserve_control) { last_cluster_valid = last_cluster_valid && ((glyph_info[i].codepoint != 0) || (p_sd->text[glyph_info[i].cluster] == 0x0009) || (u_isblank(p_sd->text[glyph_info[i].cluster]) && (gl.advance != 0)) || (!u_isblank(p_sd->text[glyph_info[i].cluster]) && is_linebreak(p_sd->text[glyph_info[i].cluster]))); } else { last_cluster_valid = last_cluster_valid && ((glyph_info[i].codepoint != 0) || (p_sd->text[glyph_info[i].cluster] == 0x0009) || (u_isblank(p_sd->text[glyph_info[i].cluster]) && (gl.advance != 0)) || (!u_isblank(p_sd->text[glyph_info[i].cluster]) && !u_isgraph(p_sd->text[glyph_info[i].cluster]))); } } if (p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_LTR || p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_TTB) { for (unsigned int j = last_cluster_index; j < glyph_count; j++) { w[j].end = p_end; } } w[last_cluster_index].count = glyph_count - last_cluster_index; if (p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_RTL || p_direction == HB_DIRECTION_BTT) { w[last_cluster_index].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_RTL; } if (last_cluster_valid) { w[last_cluster_index].flags |= GRAPHEME_IS_VALID; } // Fallback. int failed_subrun_start = p_end + 1; int failed_subrun_end = p_start; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < glyph_count; i++) { if ((w[i].flags & GRAPHEME_IS_VALID) == GRAPHEME_IS_VALID) { if (failed_subrun_start != p_end + 1) { _shape_run(p_sd, failed_subrun_start, failed_subrun_end, p_script, p_direction, p_fonts, p_span, p_fb_index + 1, p_start, p_end, (p_fb_index >= p_fonts.size()) ? f : RID()); failed_subrun_start = p_end + 1; failed_subrun_end = p_start; } for (int j = 0; j < w[i].count; j++) { if (p_sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, -w[i + j].y_off); p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, w[i + j].y_off); } else { double gla = Math::round(_font_get_glyph_advance(f, fs, w[i + j].index).x * 0.5); p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, gla); p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, gla); } p_sd->width += w[i + j].advance; w[i + j].start += p_sd->start; w[i + j].end += p_sd->start; p_sd->glyphs.push_back(w[i + j]); } } else { if (failed_subrun_start >= w[i].start) { failed_subrun_start = w[i].start; } if (failed_subrun_end <= w[i].end) { failed_subrun_end = w[i].end; } } i += w[i].count - 1; } memfree(w); if (failed_subrun_start != p_end + 1) { _shape_run(p_sd, failed_subrun_start, failed_subrun_end, p_script, p_direction, p_fonts, p_span, p_fb_index + 1, p_start, p_end, (p_fb_index >= p_fonts.size()) ? f : RID()); } p_sd->ascent = MAX(p_sd->ascent, _font_get_ascent(f, fs) + _font_get_spacing(f, SPACING_TOP)); p_sd->descent = MAX(p_sd->descent, _font_get_descent(f, fs) + _font_get_spacing(f, SPACING_BOTTOM)); p_sd->upos = MAX(p_sd->upos, _font_get_underline_position(f, fs)); p_sd->uthk = MAX(p_sd->uthk, _font_get_underline_thickness(f, fs)); } } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_shape(const RID &p_shaped) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, false); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (sd->valid) { return true; } invalidate(sd, false); if (sd->parent != RID()) { _shaped_text_shape(sd->parent); ShapedTextDataAdvanced *parent_sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(sd->parent); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!parent_sd->valid, false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_shape_substr(sd, parent_sd, sd->start, sd->end - sd->start), false); return true; } if (sd->text.length() == 0) { sd->valid = true; return true; } sd->utf16 = sd->text.utf16(); const UChar *data = sd->utf16.get_data(); // Create script iterator. if (sd->script_iter == nullptr) { sd->script_iter = memnew(ScriptIterator(sd->text, 0, sd->text.length())); } sd->base_para_direction = UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR; switch (sd->direction) { case DIRECTION_LTR: { sd->para_direction = DIRECTION_LTR; sd->base_para_direction = UBIDI_LTR; } break; case DIRECTION_RTL: { sd->para_direction = DIRECTION_RTL; sd->base_para_direction = UBIDI_RTL; } break; case DIRECTION_INHERITED: case DIRECTION_AUTO: { UBiDiDirection direction = ubidi_getBaseDirection(data, sd->utf16.length()); if (direction != UBIDI_NEUTRAL) { sd->para_direction = (direction == UBIDI_RTL) ? DIRECTION_RTL : DIRECTION_LTR; sd->base_para_direction = direction; } else { const String &lang = (sd->spans.is_empty() || sd->spans[0].language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : sd->spans[0].language; bool lang_rtl = _is_locale_right_to_left(lang); sd->para_direction = lang_rtl ? DIRECTION_RTL : DIRECTION_LTR; sd->base_para_direction = lang_rtl ? UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL : UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR; } } break; } if (sd->bidi_override.is_empty()) { sd->bidi_override.push_back(Vector3i(sd->start, sd->end, DIRECTION_INHERITED)); } for (int ov = 0; ov < sd->bidi_override.size(); ov++) { // Create BiDi iterator. int start = _convert_pos_inv(sd, sd->bidi_override[ov].x - sd->start); int end = _convert_pos_inv(sd, sd->bidi_override[ov].y - sd->start); if (start < 0 || end - start > sd->utf16.length()) { continue; } UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UBiDi *bidi_iter = ubidi_openSized(end - start, 0, &err); if (U_SUCCESS(err)) { switch (static_cast<TextServer::Direction>(sd->bidi_override[ov].z)) { case DIRECTION_LTR: { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, UBIDI_LTR, nullptr, &err); } break; case DIRECTION_RTL: { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, UBIDI_RTL, nullptr, &err); } break; case DIRECTION_INHERITED: { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, sd->base_para_direction, nullptr, &err); } break; case DIRECTION_AUTO: { UBiDiDirection direction = ubidi_getBaseDirection(data + start, end - start); if (direction != UBIDI_NEUTRAL) { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, direction, nullptr, &err); } else { ubidi_setPara(bidi_iter, data + start, end - start, sd->base_para_direction, nullptr, &err); } } break; } if (U_FAILURE(err)) { ubidi_close(bidi_iter); bidi_iter = nullptr; ERR_PRINT(vformat("BiDi reordering for the paragraph failed: %s", u_errorName(err))); } } else { bidi_iter = nullptr; ERR_PRINT(vformat("BiDi iterator allocation for the paragraph failed: %s", u_errorName(err))); } sd->bidi_iter.push_back(bidi_iter); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int bidi_run_count = 1; if (bidi_iter) { bidi_run_count = ubidi_countRuns(bidi_iter, &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { ERR_PRINT(u_errorName(err)); } } for (int i = 0; i < bidi_run_count; i++) { int32_t _bidi_run_start = 0; int32_t _bidi_run_length = end - start; bool is_ltr = false; hb_direction_t bidi_run_direction = HB_DIRECTION_INVALID; if (bidi_iter) { is_ltr = (ubidi_getVisualRun(bidi_iter, i, &_bidi_run_start, &_bidi_run_length) == UBIDI_LTR); } switch (sd->orientation) { case ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL: { if (is_ltr) { bidi_run_direction = HB_DIRECTION_LTR; } else { bidi_run_direction = HB_DIRECTION_RTL; } } break; case ORIENTATION_VERTICAL: { if (is_ltr) { bidi_run_direction = HB_DIRECTION_TTB; } else { bidi_run_direction = HB_DIRECTION_BTT; } } } int32_t bidi_run_start = _convert_pos(sd, start + _bidi_run_start); int32_t bidi_run_end = _convert_pos(sd, start + _bidi_run_start + _bidi_run_length); // Shape runs. int scr_from = (is_ltr) ? 0 : sd->script_iter->script_ranges.size() - 1; int scr_to = (is_ltr) ? sd->script_iter->script_ranges.size() : -1; int scr_delta = (is_ltr) ? +1 : -1; for (int j = scr_from; j != scr_to; j += scr_delta) { if ((sd->script_iter->script_ranges[j].start < bidi_run_end) && (sd->script_iter->script_ranges[j].end > bidi_run_start)) { int32_t script_run_start = MAX(sd->script_iter->script_ranges[j].start, bidi_run_start); int32_t script_run_end = MIN(sd->script_iter->script_ranges[j].end, bidi_run_end); char scr_buffer[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; hb_tag_to_string(hb_script_to_iso15924_tag(sd->script_iter->script_ranges[j].script), scr_buffer); String script_code = String(scr_buffer); int spn_from = (is_ltr) ? 0 : sd->spans.size() - 1; int spn_to = (is_ltr) ? sd->spans.size() : -1; int spn_delta = (is_ltr) ? +1 : -1; for (int k = spn_from; k != spn_to; k += spn_delta) { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced::Span &span = sd->spans[k]; if (span.start - sd->start >= script_run_end || span.end - sd->start <= script_run_start) { continue; } if (span.embedded_key != Variant()) { // Embedded object. if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.position.x = sd->width; sd->width += sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x; } else { sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.position.y = sd->width; sd->width += sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y; } Glyph gl; gl.start = span.start; gl.end = span.end; gl.count = 1; gl.flags = GRAPHEME_IS_VALID | GRAPHEME_IS_EMBEDDED_OBJECT; if (sd->orientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { gl.advance = sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.x; } else { gl.advance = sd->objects[span.embedded_key].rect.size.y; } sd->glyphs.push_back(gl); } else { Array fonts; Array fonts_scr_only; Array fonts_no_match; int font_count = span.fonts.size(); if (font_count > 0) { fonts.push_back(sd->spans[k].fonts[0]); } for (int l = 1; l < font_count; l++) { if (_font_is_script_supported(span.fonts[l], script_code)) { if (_font_is_language_supported(span.fonts[l], span.language)) { fonts.push_back(sd->spans[k].fonts[l]); } else { fonts_scr_only.push_back(sd->spans[k].fonts[l]); } } else { fonts_no_match.push_back(sd->spans[k].fonts[l]); } } fonts.append_array(fonts_scr_only); fonts.append_array(fonts_no_match); _shape_run(sd, MAX(sd->spans[k].start - sd->start, script_run_start), MIN(sd->spans[k].end - sd->start, script_run_end), sd->script_iter->script_ranges[j].script, bidi_run_direction, fonts, k, 0, 0, 0, RID()); } } } } } } _realign(sd); sd->valid = true; return sd->valid; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_is_ready(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, false); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return sd->valid; } const Glyph *TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_glyphs(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, nullptr); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } return sd->glyphs.ptr(); } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_glyph_count(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } return sd->glyphs.size(); } const Glyph *TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_sort_logical(const RID &p_shaped) { ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, nullptr); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } if (!sd->sort_valid) { sd->glyphs_logical = sd->glyphs; sd->glyphs_logical.sort_custom<GlyphCompare>(); sd->sort_valid = true; } return sd->glyphs_logical.ptr(); } Vector2i TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_range(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, Vector2i()); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); return Vector2(sd->start, sd->end); } Array TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_objects(const RID &p_shaped) const { Array ret; const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, ret); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); for (const KeyValue<Variant, ShapedTextDataAdvanced::EmbeddedObject> &E : sd->objects) { ret.push_back(E.key); } return ret; } Rect2 TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_object_rect(const RID &p_shaped, const Variant &p_key) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, Rect2()); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sd->objects.has(p_key), Rect2()); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } return sd->objects[p_key].rect; } Vector2i TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_object_range(const RID &p_shaped, const Variant &p_key) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, Vector2i()); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sd->objects.has(p_key), Vector2i()); return Vector2i(sd->objects[p_key].start, sd->objects[p_key].end); } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_object_glyph(const RID &p_shaped, const Variant &p_key) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, -1); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sd->objects.has(p_key), -1); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } const ShapedTextDataAdvanced::EmbeddedObject &obj = sd->objects[p_key]; int sd_size = sd->glyphs.size(); const Glyph *sd_glyphs = sd->glyphs.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < sd_size; i++) { if (obj.start == sd_glyphs[i].start) { return i; } } return -1; } Size2 TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_size(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, Size2()); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } if (sd->orientation == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { return Size2((sd->text_trimmed ? sd->width_trimmed : sd->width), sd->ascent + sd->descent + sd->extra_spacing[SPACING_TOP] + sd->extra_spacing[SPACING_BOTTOM]).ceil(); } else { return Size2(sd->ascent + sd->descent + sd->extra_spacing[SPACING_TOP] + sd->extra_spacing[SPACING_BOTTOM], (sd->text_trimmed ? sd->width_trimmed : sd->width)).ceil(); } } double TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_ascent(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } return sd->ascent + sd->extra_spacing[SPACING_TOP]; } double TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_descent(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } return sd->descent + sd->extra_spacing[SPACING_BOTTOM]; } double TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_width(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } return Math::ceil(sd->text_trimmed ? sd->width_trimmed : sd->width); } double TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_underline_position(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } return sd->upos; } double TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_get_underline_thickness(const RID &p_shaped) const { const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *sd = shaped_owner.get_or_null(p_shaped); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(sd, 0.0); MutexLock lock(sd->mutex); if (!sd->valid) { const_cast<TextServerAdvanced *>(this)->_shaped_text_shape(p_shaped); } return sd->uthk; } void TextServerAdvanced::_insert_num_systems_lang() { // Eastern Arabic numerals. { NumSystemData ar; ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar")); // Arabic ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_AE")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_BH")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_DJ")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_EG")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_ER")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_IL")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_IQ")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_JO")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_KM")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_KW")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_LB")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_MR")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_OM")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_PS")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_QA")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_SA")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_SD")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_SO")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_SS")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_SY")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_TD")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ar_YE")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ckb")); // Central Kurdish ar.lang.insert(StringName("ckb_IQ")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("ckb_IR")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("sd")); // Sindhi ar.lang.insert(StringName("sd_PK")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("sd_Arab")); ar.lang.insert(StringName("sd_Arab_PK")); ar.digits = U"٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٫"; ar.percent_sign = U"٪"; ar.exp = U"اس"; num_systems.push_back(ar); } // Persian and Urdu numerals. { NumSystemData pr; pr.lang.insert(StringName("fa")); // Persian pr.lang.insert(StringName("fa_AF")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("fa_IR")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("ks")); // Kashmiri pr.lang.insert(StringName("ks_IN")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("ks_Arab")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("ks_Arab_IN")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("lrc")); // Northern Luri pr.lang.insert(StringName("lrc_IQ")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("lrc_IR")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("mzn")); // Mazanderani pr.lang.insert(StringName("mzn_IR")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("pa_PK")); // Panjabi pr.lang.insert(StringName("pa_Arab")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("pa_Arab_PK")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("ps")); // Pushto pr.lang.insert(StringName("ps_AF")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("ps_PK")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("ur_IN")); // Urdu pr.lang.insert(StringName("uz_AF")); // Uzbek pr.lang.insert(StringName("uz_Arab")); pr.lang.insert(StringName("uz_Arab_AF")); pr.digits = U"۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹٫"; pr.percent_sign = U"٪"; pr.exp = U"اس"; num_systems.push_back(pr); } // Bengali numerals. { NumSystemData bn; bn.lang.insert(StringName("as")); // Assamese bn.lang.insert(StringName("as_IN")); bn.lang.insert(StringName("bn")); // Bengali bn.lang.insert(StringName("bn_BD")); bn.lang.insert(StringName("bn_IN")); bn.lang.insert(StringName("mni")); // Manipuri bn.lang.insert(StringName("mni_IN")); bn.lang.insert(StringName("mni_Beng")); bn.lang.insert(StringName("mni_Beng_IN")); bn.digits = U"০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯."; bn.percent_sign = U"%"; bn.exp = U"e"; num_systems.push_back(bn); } // Devanagari numerals. { NumSystemData mr; mr.lang.insert(StringName("mr")); // Marathi mr.lang.insert(StringName("mr_IN")); mr.lang.insert(StringName("ne")); // Nepali mr.lang.insert(StringName("ne_IN")); mr.lang.insert(StringName("ne_NP")); mr.lang.insert(StringName("sa")); // Sanskrit mr.lang.insert(StringName("sa_IN")); mr.digits = U"०१२३४५६७८९."; mr.percent_sign = U"%"; mr.exp = U"e"; num_systems.push_back(mr); } // Dzongkha numerals. { NumSystemData dz; dz.lang.insert(StringName("dz")); // Dzongkha dz.lang.insert(StringName("dz_BT")); dz.digits = U"༠༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩."; dz.percent_sign = U"%"; dz.exp = U"e"; num_systems.push_back(dz); } // Santali numerals. { NumSystemData sat; sat.lang.insert(StringName("sat")); // Santali sat.lang.insert(StringName("sat_IN")); sat.lang.insert(StringName("sat_Olck")); sat.lang.insert(StringName("sat_Olck_IN")); sat.digits = U"᱐᱑᱒᱓᱔᱕᱖᱗᱘᱙."; sat.percent_sign = U"%"; sat.exp = U"e"; num_systems.push_back(sat); } // Burmese numerals. { NumSystemData my; my.lang.insert(StringName("my")); // Burmese my.lang.insert(StringName("my_MM")); my.digits = U"၀၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉."; my.percent_sign = U"%"; my.exp = U"e"; num_systems.push_back(my); } // Chakma numerals. { NumSystemData ccp; ccp.lang.insert(StringName("ccp")); // Chakma ccp.lang.insert(StringName("ccp_BD")); ccp.lang.insert(StringName("ccp_IN")); ccp.digits = U"𑄶𑄷𑄸𑄹𑄺𑄻𑄼𑄽𑄾𑄿."; ccp.percent_sign = U"%"; ccp.exp = U"e"; num_systems.push_back(ccp); } // Adlam numerals. { NumSystemData ff; ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff")); // Fulah ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_BF")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_CM")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_GH")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_GM")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_GN")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_GW")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_LR")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_MR")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_NE")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_NG")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_SL")); ff.lang.insert(StringName("ff_Adlm_SN")); ff.digits = U"𞥐𞥑𞥒𞥓𞥔𞥕𞥖𞥗𞥘𞥙."; ff.percent_sign = U"%"; ff.exp = U"e"; num_systems.push_back(ff); } } String TextServerAdvanced::_format_number(const String &p_string, const String &p_language) const { const StringName lang = (p_language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : p_language; String res = p_string; for (int i = 0; i < num_systems.size(); i++) { if (num_systems[i].lang.has(lang)) { if (num_systems[i].digits.is_empty()) { return p_string; } res.replace("e", num_systems[i].exp); res.replace("E", num_systems[i].exp); char32_t *data = res.ptrw(); for (int j = 0; j < res.length(); j++) { if (data[j] >= 0x30 && data[j] <= 0x39) { data[j] = num_systems[i].digits[data[j] - 0x30]; } else if (data[j] == '.' || data[j] == ',') { data[j] = num_systems[i].digits[10]; } } break; } } return res; } String TextServerAdvanced::_parse_number(const String &p_string, const String &p_language) const { const StringName lang = (p_language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : p_language; String res = p_string; for (int i = 0; i < num_systems.size(); i++) { if (num_systems[i].lang.has(lang)) { if (num_systems[i].digits.is_empty()) { return p_string; } res.replace(num_systems[i].exp, "e"); char32_t *data = res.ptrw(); for (int j = 0; j < res.length(); j++) { if (data[j] == num_systems[i].digits[10]) { data[j] = '.'; } else { for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { if (data[j] == num_systems[i].digits[k]) { data[j] = 0x30 + k; } } } } break; } } return res; } String TextServerAdvanced::_percent_sign(const String &p_language) const { const StringName lang = (p_language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : p_language; for (int i = 0; i < num_systems.size(); i++) { if (num_systems[i].lang.has(lang)) { if (num_systems[i].percent_sign.is_empty()) { return "%"; } return num_systems[i].percent_sign; } } return "%"; } int64_t TextServerAdvanced::_is_confusable(const String &p_string, const PackedStringArray &p_dict) const { #ifndef ICU_STATIC_DATA if (!icu_data_loaded) { return -1; } #endif UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int64_t match_index = -1; Char16String utf16 = p_string.utf16(); Vector<UChar *> skeletons; skeletons.resize(p_dict.size()); if (sc_conf == nullptr) { sc_conf = uspoof_open(&status); uspoof_setChecks(sc_conf, USPOOF_CONFUSABLE, &status); } for (int i = 0; i < p_dict.size(); i++) { Char16String word = p_dict[i].utf16(); int32_t len = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc_conf, 0, word.get_data(), -1, nullptr, 0, &status); skeletons.write[i] = (UChar *)memalloc(++len * sizeof(UChar)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; uspoof_getSkeleton(sc_conf, 0, word.get_data(), -1, skeletons.write[i], len, &status); } int32_t len = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc_conf, 0, utf16.get_data(), -1, nullptr, 0, &status); UChar *skel = (UChar *)memalloc(++len * sizeof(UChar)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; uspoof_getSkeleton(sc_conf, 0, utf16.get_data(), -1, skel, len, &status); for (int i = 0; i < skeletons.size(); i++) { if (u_strcmp(skel, skeletons[i]) == 0) { match_index = i; break; } } memfree(skel); for (int i = 0; i < skeletons.size(); i++) { memfree(skeletons.write[i]); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(U_FAILURE(status), -1, u_errorName(status)); return match_index; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_spoof_check(const String &p_string) const { #ifndef ICU_STATIC_DATA if (!icu_data_loaded) { return false; } #endif UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; Char16String utf16 = p_string.utf16(); if (allowed == nullptr) { allowed = uset_openEmpty(); uset_addAll(allowed, uspoof_getRecommendedSet(&status)); uset_addAll(allowed, uspoof_getInclusionSet(&status)); } if (sc_spoof == nullptr) { sc_spoof = uspoof_open(&status); uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc_spoof, allowed, &status); uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(sc_spoof, USPOOF_MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE); } int32_t bitmask = uspoof_check(sc_spoof, utf16.get_data(), -1, nullptr, &status); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(U_FAILURE(status), false, u_errorName(status)); return (bitmask != 0); } String TextServerAdvanced::_strip_diacritics(const String &p_string) const { #ifndef ICU_STATIC_DATA if (!icu_data_loaded) { return TextServer::strip_diacritics(p_string); } #endif UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; // Get NFKD normalizer singleton. const UNormalizer2 *unorm = unorm2_getNFKDInstance(&err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(U_FAILURE(err), TextServer::strip_diacritics(p_string), u_errorName(err)); // Convert to UTF-16. Char16String utf16 = p_string.utf16(); // Normalize. Vector<char16_t> normalized; err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t len = unorm2_normalize(unorm, utf16.get_data(), -1, nullptr, 0, &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, TextServer::strip_diacritics(p_string), u_errorName(err)); normalized.resize(len); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; unorm2_normalize(unorm, utf16.get_data(), -1, normalized.ptrw(), len, &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(U_FAILURE(err), TextServer::strip_diacritics(p_string), u_errorName(err)); // Convert back to UTF-32. String normalized_string = String::utf16(normalized.ptr(), len); // Strip combining characters. String result; for (int i = 0; i < normalized_string.length(); i++) { if (u_getCombiningClass(normalized_string[i]) == 0) { #ifdef GDEXTENSION result = result + String::chr(normalized_string[i]); #elif defined(GODOT_MODULE) result = result + normalized_string[i]; #endif } } return result; } String TextServerAdvanced::_string_to_upper(const String &p_string, const String &p_language) const { #ifndef ICU_STATIC_DATA if (!icu_data_loaded) { return p_string.to_upper(); } #endif if (p_string.is_empty()) { return p_string; } const String lang = (p_language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : p_language; // Convert to UTF-16. Char16String utf16 = p_string.utf16(); Vector<char16_t> upper; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t len = u_strToUpper(nullptr, 0, utf16.get_data(), -1, lang.ascii().get_data(), &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, p_string, u_errorName(err)); upper.resize(len); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_strToUpper(upper.ptrw(), len, utf16.get_data(), -1, lang.ascii().get_data(), &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(U_FAILURE(err), p_string, u_errorName(err)); // Convert back to UTF-32. return String::utf16(upper.ptr(), len); } String TextServerAdvanced::_string_to_lower(const String &p_string, const String &p_language) const { #ifndef ICU_STATIC_DATA if (!icu_data_loaded) { return p_string.to_lower(); } #endif if (p_string.is_empty()) { return p_string; } const String lang = (p_language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : p_language; // Convert to UTF-16. Char16String utf16 = p_string.utf16(); Vector<char16_t> lower; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t len = u_strToLower(nullptr, 0, utf16.get_data(), -1, lang.ascii().get_data(), &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, p_string, u_errorName(err)); lower.resize(len); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_strToLower(lower.ptrw(), len, utf16.get_data(), -1, lang.ascii().get_data(), &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(U_FAILURE(err), p_string, u_errorName(err)); // Convert back to UTF-32. return String::utf16(lower.ptr(), len); } String TextServerAdvanced::_string_to_title(const String &p_string, const String &p_language) const { #ifndef ICU_STATIC_DATA if (!icu_data_loaded) { return p_string.capitalize(); } #endif if (p_string.is_empty()) { return p_string; } const String lang = (p_language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : p_language; // Convert to UTF-16. Char16String utf16 = p_string.utf16(); Vector<char16_t> upper; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t len = u_strToTitle(nullptr, 0, utf16.get_data(), -1, nullptr, lang.ascii().get_data(), &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, p_string, u_errorName(err)); upper.resize(len); err = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_strToTitle(upper.ptrw(), len, utf16.get_data(), -1, nullptr, lang.ascii().get_data(), &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(U_FAILURE(err), p_string, u_errorName(err)); // Convert back to UTF-32. return String::utf16(upper.ptr(), len); } PackedInt32Array TextServerAdvanced::_string_get_word_breaks(const String &p_string, const String &p_language, int64_t p_chars_per_line) const { const String lang = (p_language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : p_language; // Convert to UTF-16. Char16String utf16 = p_string.utf16(); HashSet<int> breaks; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_LINE, lang.ascii().get_data(), (const UChar *)utf16.get_data(), utf16.length(), &err); if (U_SUCCESS(err)) { while (ubrk_next(bi) != UBRK_DONE) { int pos = _convert_pos(p_string, utf16, ubrk_current(bi)) - 1; if (pos != p_string.length() - 1) { breaks.insert(pos); } } ubrk_close(bi); } PackedInt32Array ret; int line_start = 0; int line_end = 0; // End of last word on current line. int word_start = 0; // -1 if no word encountered. Leading spaces are part of a word. int word_length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p_string.length(); i++) { const char32_t c = p_string[i]; if (is_linebreak(c)) { // Force newline. ret.push_back(line_start); ret.push_back(i); line_start = i + 1; line_end = line_start; word_start = line_start; word_length = 0; } else if (c == 0xfffc) { continue; } else if ((u_ispunct(c) && c != 0x005F) || is_underscore(c) || c == '\t' || is_whitespace(c)) { // A whitespace ends current word. if (word_length > 0) { line_end = i - 1; word_start = -1; word_length = 0; } } else if (breaks.has(i)) { // End current word, no space. if (word_length > 0) { line_end = i; word_start = i + 1; word_length = 0; } if (p_chars_per_line <= 0) { ret.push_back(line_start); ret.push_back(line_end + 1); line_start = word_start; line_end = line_start; } } else { if (word_start == -1) { word_start = i; if (p_chars_per_line <= 0) { ret.push_back(line_start); ret.push_back(line_end + 1); line_start = word_start; line_end = line_start; } } word_length += 1; if (p_chars_per_line > 0) { if (word_length > p_chars_per_line) { // Word too long: wrap before current character. ret.push_back(line_start); ret.push_back(i); line_start = i; line_end = i; word_start = i; word_length = 1; } else if (i - line_start + 1 > p_chars_per_line) { // Line too long: wrap after the last word. ret.push_back(line_start); ret.push_back(line_end + 1); line_start = word_start; line_end = line_start; } } } } if (line_start < p_string.length()) { ret.push_back(line_start); ret.push_back(p_string.length()); } return ret; } PackedInt32Array TextServerAdvanced::_string_get_character_breaks(const String &p_string, const String &p_language) const { const String lang = (p_language.is_empty()) ? TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale() : p_language; // Convert to UTF-16. Char16String utf16 = p_string.utf16(); PackedInt32Array ret; UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UBreakIterator *bi = ubrk_open(UBRK_CHARACTER, lang.ascii().get_data(), (const UChar *)utf16.get_data(), utf16.length(), &err); if (U_SUCCESS(err)) { while (ubrk_next(bi) != UBRK_DONE) { int pos = _convert_pos(p_string, utf16, ubrk_current(bi)); ret.push_back(pos); } ubrk_close(bi); } else { for (int i = 0; i <= p_string.size(); i++) { ret.push_back(i); } } return ret; } bool TextServerAdvanced::_is_valid_identifier(const String &p_string) const { #ifndef ICU_STATIC_DATA if (!icu_data_loaded) { WARN_PRINT_ONCE("ICU data is not loaded, Unicode security and spoofing detection disabled."); return TextServer::is_valid_identifier(p_string); } #endif enum UAX31SequenceStatus { SEQ_NOT_STARTED, SEQ_STARTED, SEQ_STARTED_VIR, SEQ_NEAR_END, }; const char32_t *str = p_string.ptr(); int len = p_string.length(); if (len == 0) { return false; // Empty string. } UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR; Char16String utf16 = p_string.utf16(); const UNormalizer2 *norm_c = unorm2_getNFCInstance(&err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { return false; // Failed to load normalizer. } bool isnurom = unorm2_isNormalized(norm_c, utf16.get_data(), utf16.length(), &err); if (U_FAILURE(err) || !isnurom) { return false; // Do not conform to Normalization Form C. } UAX31SequenceStatus A1_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; UScriptCode A1_scr = USCRIPT_INHERITED; UAX31SequenceStatus A2_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; UScriptCode A2_scr = USCRIPT_INHERITED; UAX31SequenceStatus B_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; UScriptCode B_scr = USCRIPT_INHERITED; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { err = U_ZERO_ERROR; UScriptCode scr = uscript_getScript(str[i], &err); if (U_FAILURE(err)) { return false; // Invalid script. } if (uscript_getUsage(scr) != USCRIPT_USAGE_RECOMMENDED) { return false; // Not a recommended script. } uint8_t cat = u_charType(str[i]); int32_t jt = u_getIntPropertyValue(str[i], UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE); // UAX #31 section 2.3 subsections A1, A2 and B, check ZWNJ and ZWJ usage. switch (A1_sequence_status) { case SEQ_NEAR_END: { if ((A1_scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr != A1_scr)) { return false; // Mixed script. } if (jt == U_JT_RIGHT_JOINING || jt == U_JT_DUAL_JOINING) { A1_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Valid end of sequence, reset. } else if (jt != U_JT_TRANSPARENT) { return false; // Invalid end of sequence. } } break; case SEQ_STARTED: { if ((A1_scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr != A1_scr)) { A1_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } else { if (jt != U_JT_TRANSPARENT) { if (str[i] == 0x200C /*ZWNJ*/) { A1_sequence_status = SEQ_NEAR_END; continue; } else { A1_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } } } } break; default: break; } if (A1_sequence_status == SEQ_NOT_STARTED) { if (jt == U_JT_LEFT_JOINING || jt == U_JT_DUAL_JOINING) { A1_sequence_status = SEQ_STARTED; A1_scr = scr; } }; switch (A2_sequence_status) { case SEQ_NEAR_END: { if ((A2_scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr != A2_scr)) { return false; // Mixed script. } if (cat == U_UPPERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_LOWERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_TITLECASE_LETTER || cat == U_MODIFIER_LETTER || cat == U_OTHER_LETTER) { A2_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Valid end of sequence, reset. } else if (cat != U_MODIFIER_LETTER || u_getCombiningClass(str[i]) == 0) { return false; // Invalid end of sequence. } } break; case SEQ_STARTED_VIR: { if ((A2_scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr != A2_scr)) { A2_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } else { if (str[i] == 0x200C /*ZWNJ*/) { A2_sequence_status = SEQ_NEAR_END; continue; } else if (cat != U_MODIFIER_LETTER || u_getCombiningClass(str[i]) == 0) { A2_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } } } break; case SEQ_STARTED: { if ((A2_scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr != A2_scr)) { A2_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } else { if (u_getCombiningClass(str[i]) == 9 /*Virama Combining Class*/) { A2_sequence_status = SEQ_STARTED_VIR; } else if (cat != U_MODIFIER_LETTER) { A2_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } } } break; default: break; } if (A2_sequence_status == SEQ_NOT_STARTED) { if (cat == U_UPPERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_LOWERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_TITLECASE_LETTER || cat == U_MODIFIER_LETTER || cat == U_OTHER_LETTER) { A2_sequence_status = SEQ_STARTED; A2_scr = scr; } } switch (B_sequence_status) { case SEQ_NEAR_END: { if ((B_scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr != B_scr)) { return false; // Mixed script. } if (u_getIntPropertyValue(str[i], UCHAR_INDIC_SYLLABIC_CATEGORY) != U_INSC_VOWEL_DEPENDENT) { B_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Valid end of sequence, reset. } else { return false; // Invalid end of sequence. } } break; case SEQ_STARTED_VIR: { if ((B_scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr != B_scr)) { B_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } else { if (str[i] == 0x200D /*ZWJ*/) { B_sequence_status = SEQ_NEAR_END; continue; } else if (cat != U_MODIFIER_LETTER || u_getCombiningClass(str[i]) == 0) { B_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } } } break; case SEQ_STARTED: { if ((B_scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr > USCRIPT_INHERITED) && (scr != B_scr)) { B_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } else { if (u_getCombiningClass(str[i]) == 9 /*Virama Combining Class*/) { B_sequence_status = SEQ_STARTED_VIR; } else if (cat != U_MODIFIER_LETTER) { B_sequence_status = SEQ_NOT_STARTED; // Reset. } } } break; default: break; } if (B_sequence_status == SEQ_NOT_STARTED) { if (cat == U_UPPERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_LOWERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_TITLECASE_LETTER || cat == U_MODIFIER_LETTER || cat == U_OTHER_LETTER) { B_sequence_status = SEQ_STARTED; B_scr = scr; } } if (u_hasBinaryProperty(str[i], UCHAR_PATTERN_SYNTAX) || u_hasBinaryProperty(str[i], UCHAR_PATTERN_WHITE_SPACE) || u_hasBinaryProperty(str[i], UCHAR_NONCHARACTER_CODE_POINT)) { return false; // Not a XID_Start or XID_Continue character. } if (i == 0) { if (!(cat == U_LOWERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_UPPERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_TITLECASE_LETTER || cat == U_OTHER_LETTER || cat == U_MODIFIER_LETTER || cat == U_LETTER_NUMBER || str[0] == 0x2118 || str[0] == 0x212E || str[0] == 0x309B || str[0] == 0x309C || str[0] == 0x005F)) { return false; // Not a XID_Start character. } } else { if (!(cat == U_LOWERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_UPPERCASE_LETTER || cat == U_TITLECASE_LETTER || cat == U_OTHER_LETTER || cat == U_MODIFIER_LETTER || cat == U_LETTER_NUMBER || cat == U_NON_SPACING_MARK || cat == U_COMBINING_SPACING_MARK || cat == U_DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER || cat == U_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION || str[i] == 0x2118 || str[i] == 0x212E || str[i] == 0x309B || str[i] == 0x309C || str[i] == 0x1369 || str[i] == 0x1371 || str[i] == 0x00B7 || str[i] == 0x0387 || str[i] == 0x19DA || str[i] == 0x0E33 || str[i] == 0x0EB3 || str[i] == 0xFF9E || str[i] == 0xFF9F)) { return false; // Not a XID_Continue character. } } } return true; } TextServerAdvanced::TextServerAdvanced() { _insert_num_systems_lang(); _insert_feature_sets(); _bmp_create_font_funcs(); } void TextServerAdvanced::_cleanup() { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ for (const KeyValue<SystemFontKey, SystemFontCache> &E : system_fonts) { const Vector<SystemFontCacheRec> &sysf_cache = E.value.var; for (const SystemFontCacheRec &F : sysf_cache) { _free_rid(F.rid); } } system_fonts.clear(); system_font_data.clear(); } TextServerAdvanced::~TextServerAdvanced() { _bmp_free_font_funcs(); #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (ft_library != nullptr) { FT_Done_FreeType(ft_library); } #endif if (sc_spoof != nullptr) { uspoof_close(sc_spoof); sc_spoof = nullptr; } if (sc_conf != nullptr) { uspoof_close(sc_conf); sc_conf = nullptr; } if (allowed != nullptr) { uset_close(allowed); allowed = nullptr; } std::atexit(u_cleanup); }