/**************************************************************************/ /* pixel_formats.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Portions of this code were derived from MoltenVK. */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. */ /* (http://www.brenwill.com) */ /* */ /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */ /* */ /* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ /* */ /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */ /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */ /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or */ /* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */ /* permissions and limitations under the License. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef PIXEL_FORMATS_H #define PIXEL_FORMATS_H #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #import "servers/rendering/rendering_device.h" #import <Metal/Metal.h> static const uint32_t _mtlPixelFormatCount = 256; static const uint32_t _mtlPixelFormatCoreCount = MTLPixelFormatX32_Stencil8 + 2; // The actual last enum value is not available on iOS. static const uint32_t _mtlVertexFormatCount = MTLVertexFormatHalf + 1; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Metal format capabilities typedef enum : uint16_t { kMTLFmtCapsNone = 0, /*! The format can be used in a shader read operation. */ kMTLFmtCapsRead = (1 << 0), /*! The format can be used in a shader filter operation during sampling. */ kMTLFmtCapsFilter = (1 << 1), /*! The format can be used in a shader write operation. */ kMTLFmtCapsWrite = (1 << 2), /*! The format can be used with atomic operations. */ kMTLFmtCapsAtomic = (1 << 3), /*! The format can be used as a color attachment. */ kMTLFmtCapsColorAtt = (1 << 4), /*! The format can be used as a depth-stencil attachment. */ kMTLFmtCapsDSAtt = (1 << 5), /*! The format can be used with blend operations. */ kMTLFmtCapsBlend = (1 << 6), /*! The format can be used as a destination for multisample antialias (MSAA) data. */ kMTLFmtCapsMSAA = (1 << 7), /*! The format can be used as a resolve attachment. */ kMTLFmtCapsResolve = (1 << 8), kMTLFmtCapsVertex = (1 << 9), kMTLFmtCapsRF = (kMTLFmtCapsRead | kMTLFmtCapsFilter), kMTLFmtCapsRC = (kMTLFmtCapsRead | kMTLFmtCapsColorAtt), kMTLFmtCapsRCB = (kMTLFmtCapsRC | kMTLFmtCapsBlend), kMTLFmtCapsRCM = (kMTLFmtCapsRC | kMTLFmtCapsMSAA), kMTLFmtCapsRCMB = (kMTLFmtCapsRCM | kMTLFmtCapsBlend), kMTLFmtCapsRWC = (kMTLFmtCapsRC | kMTLFmtCapsWrite), kMTLFmtCapsRWCB = (kMTLFmtCapsRWC | kMTLFmtCapsBlend), kMTLFmtCapsRWCM = (kMTLFmtCapsRWC | kMTLFmtCapsMSAA), kMTLFmtCapsRWCMB = (kMTLFmtCapsRWCM | kMTLFmtCapsBlend), kMTLFmtCapsRFCMRB = (kMTLFmtCapsRCMB | kMTLFmtCapsFilter | kMTLFmtCapsResolve), kMTLFmtCapsRFWCMB = (kMTLFmtCapsRWCMB | kMTLFmtCapsFilter), kMTLFmtCapsAll = (kMTLFmtCapsRFWCMB | kMTLFmtCapsResolve), kMTLFmtCapsDRM = (kMTLFmtCapsDSAtt | kMTLFmtCapsRead | kMTLFmtCapsMSAA), kMTLFmtCapsDRFM = (kMTLFmtCapsDRM | kMTLFmtCapsFilter), kMTLFmtCapsDRMR = (kMTLFmtCapsDRM | kMTLFmtCapsResolve), kMTLFmtCapsDRFMR = (kMTLFmtCapsDRFM | kMTLFmtCapsResolve), kMTLFmtCapsChromaSubsampling = kMTLFmtCapsRF, kMTLFmtCapsMultiPlanar = kMTLFmtCapsChromaSubsampling, } MTLFmtCaps; inline MTLFmtCaps operator|(MTLFmtCaps p_left, MTLFmtCaps p_right) { return static_cast<MTLFmtCaps>(static_cast<uint32_t>(p_left) | p_right); } inline MTLFmtCaps &operator|=(MTLFmtCaps &p_left, MTLFmtCaps p_right) { return (p_left = p_left | p_right); } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Metal view classes enum class MTLViewClass : uint8_t { None, Color8, Color16, Color32, Color64, Color128, PVRTC_RGB_2BPP, PVRTC_RGB_4BPP, PVRTC_RGBA_2BPP, PVRTC_RGBA_4BPP, EAC_R11, EAC_RG11, EAC_RGBA8, ETC2_RGB8, ETC2_RGB8A1, ASTC_4x4, ASTC_5x4, ASTC_5x5, ASTC_6x5, ASTC_6x6, ASTC_8x5, ASTC_8x6, ASTC_8x8, ASTC_10x5, ASTC_10x6, ASTC_10x8, ASTC_10x10, ASTC_12x10, ASTC_12x12, BC1_RGBA, BC2_RGBA, BC3_RGBA, BC4_R, BC5_RG, BC6H_RGB, BC7_RGBA, Depth24_Stencil8, Depth32_Stencil8, BGRA10_XR, BGR10_XR }; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Format descriptors /** Enumerates the data type of a format. */ enum class MTLFormatType { None, /**< Format type is unknown. */ ColorHalf, /**< A 16-bit floating point color. */ ColorFloat, /**< A 32-bit floating point color. */ ColorInt8, /**< A signed 8-bit integer color. */ ColorUInt8, /**< An unsigned 8-bit integer color. */ ColorInt16, /**< A signed 16-bit integer color. */ ColorUInt16, /**< An unsigned 16-bit integer color. */ ColorInt32, /**< A signed 32-bit integer color. */ ColorUInt32, /**< An unsigned 32-bit integer color. */ DepthStencil, /**< A depth and stencil value. */ Compressed, /**< A block-compressed color. */ }; typedef struct Extent2D { uint32_t width; uint32_t height; } Extent2D; /** Describes the properties of a DataFormat, including the corresponding Metal pixel and vertex format. */ typedef struct DataFormatDesc { RD::DataFormat dataFormat; MTLPixelFormat mtlPixelFormat; MTLPixelFormat mtlPixelFormatSubstitute; MTLVertexFormat mtlVertexFormat; MTLVertexFormat mtlVertexFormatSubstitute; uint8_t chromaSubsamplingPlaneCount; uint8_t chromaSubsamplingComponentBits; Extent2D blockTexelSize; uint32_t bytesPerBlock; MTLFormatType formatType; const char *name; bool hasReportedSubstitution; inline double bytesPerTexel() const { return (double)bytesPerBlock / (double)(blockTexelSize.width * blockTexelSize.height); } inline bool isSupported() const { return (mtlPixelFormat != MTLPixelFormatInvalid || chromaSubsamplingPlaneCount > 1); } inline bool isSupportedOrSubstitutable() const { return isSupported() || (mtlPixelFormatSubstitute != MTLPixelFormatInvalid); } inline bool vertexIsSupported() const { return (mtlVertexFormat != MTLVertexFormatInvalid); } inline bool vertexIsSupportedOrSubstitutable() const { return vertexIsSupported() || (mtlVertexFormatSubstitute != MTLVertexFormatInvalid); } } DataFormatDesc; /** Describes the properties of a MTLPixelFormat or MTLVertexFormat. */ typedef struct MTLFormatDesc { union { MTLPixelFormat mtlPixelFormat; MTLVertexFormat mtlVertexFormat; }; RD::DataFormat dataFormat; MTLFmtCaps mtlFmtCaps; MTLViewClass mtlViewClass; MTLPixelFormat mtlPixelFormatLinear; const char *name = nullptr; inline bool isSupported() const { return (mtlPixelFormat != MTLPixelFormatInvalid) && (mtlFmtCaps != kMTLFmtCapsNone); } } MTLFormatDesc; class API_AVAILABLE(macos(11.0), ios(14.0)) PixelFormats { using DataFormat = RD::DataFormat; public: /** Returns whether the DataFormat is supported by the GPU bound to this instance. */ bool isSupported(DataFormat p_format); /** Returns whether the DataFormat is supported by this implementation, or can be substituted by one that is. */ bool isSupportedOrSubstitutable(DataFormat p_format); /** Returns whether the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat can be used as a depth format. */ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool isDepthFormat(MTLPixelFormat p_format) { switch (p_format) { case MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float: case MTLPixelFormatDepth16Unorm: case MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float_Stencil8: #if TARGET_OS_OSX case MTLPixelFormatDepth24Unorm_Stencil8: #endif return true; default: return false; } } /** Returns whether the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat can be used as a stencil format. */ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool isStencilFormat(MTLPixelFormat p_format) { switch (p_format) { case MTLPixelFormatStencil8: #if TARGET_OS_OSX case MTLPixelFormatDepth24Unorm_Stencil8: case MTLPixelFormatX24_Stencil8: #endif case MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float_Stencil8: case MTLPixelFormatX32_Stencil8: return true; default: return false; } } /** Returns whether the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat is a PVRTC format. */ bool isPVRTCFormat(MTLPixelFormat p_format); /** Returns the format type corresponding to the specified Godot pixel format, */ MTLFormatType getFormatType(DataFormat p_format); /** Returns the format type corresponding to the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat, */ MTLFormatType getFormatType(MTLPixelFormat p_formt); /** * Returns the Metal MTLPixelFormat corresponding to the specified Godot pixel * or returns MTLPixelFormatInvalid if no corresponding MTLPixelFormat exists. */ MTLPixelFormat getMTLPixelFormat(DataFormat p_format); /** * Returns the DataFormat corresponding to the specified Metal MTLPixelFormat, * or returns DATA_FORMAT_MAX if no corresponding DataFormat exists. */ DataFormat getDataFormat(MTLPixelFormat p_format); /** * Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel block of the specified Godot pixel. * For uncompressed formats, the returned value corresponds to the size in bytes of a single texel. */ uint32_t getBytesPerBlock(DataFormat p_format); /** * Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel block of the specified Metal format. * For uncompressed formats, the returned value corresponds to the size in bytes of a single texel. */ uint32_t getBytesPerBlock(MTLPixelFormat p_format); /** Returns the number of planes of the specified chroma-subsampling (YCbCr) DataFormat */ uint8_t getChromaSubsamplingPlaneCount(DataFormat p_format); /** Returns the number of bits per channel of the specified chroma-subsampling (YCbCr) DataFormat */ uint8_t getChromaSubsamplingComponentBits(DataFormat p_format); /** * Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel of the specified Godot format. * The returned value may be fractional for certain compressed formats. */ float getBytesPerTexel(DataFormat p_format); /** * Returns the size, in bytes, of a texel of the specified Metal format. * The returned value may be fractional for certain compressed formats. */ float getBytesPerTexel(MTLPixelFormat p_format); /** * Returns the size, in bytes, of a row of texels of the specified Godot pixel format. * * For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size, * and p_texels_per_row should specify the width in texels, not blocks. The result is rounded * up if p_texels_per_row is not an integer multiple of the compression block width. */ size_t getBytesPerRow(DataFormat p_format, uint32_t p_texels_per_row); /** * Returns the size, in bytes, of a row of texels of the specified Metal format. * * For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size, * and texelsPerRow should specify the width in texels, not blocks. The result is rounded * up if texelsPerRow is not an integer multiple of the compression block width. */ size_t getBytesPerRow(MTLPixelFormat p_format, uint32_t p_texels_per_row); /** * Returns the size, in bytes, of a texture layer of the specified Godot pixel format. * * For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size, * and p_texel_rows_per_layer should specify the height in texels, not blocks. The result is * rounded up if p_texel_rows_per_layer is not an integer multiple of the compression block height. */ size_t getBytesPerLayer(DataFormat p_format, size_t p_bytes_per_row, uint32_t p_texel_rows_per_layer); /** * Returns the size, in bytes, of a texture layer of the specified Metal format. * For compressed formats, this takes into consideration the compression block size, * and p_texel_rows_per_layer should specify the height in texels, not blocks. The result is * rounded up if p_texel_rows_per_layer is not an integer multiple of the compression block height. */ size_t getBytesPerLayer(MTLPixelFormat p_format, size_t p_bytes_per_row, uint32_t p_texel_rows_per_layer); /** Returns the Metal format capabilities supported by the specified Godot format, without substitution. */ MTLFmtCaps getCapabilities(DataFormat p_format, bool p_extended = false); /** Returns the Metal format capabilities supported by the specified Metal format. */ MTLFmtCaps getCapabilities(MTLPixelFormat p_format, bool p_extended = false); /** * Returns the Metal MTLVertexFormat corresponding to the specified * DataFormat as used as a vertex attribute format. */ MTLVertexFormat getMTLVertexFormat(DataFormat p_format); #pragma mark Construction explicit PixelFormats(id<MTLDevice> p_device); protected: id<MTLDevice> device; DataFormatDesc &getDataFormatDesc(DataFormat p_format); DataFormatDesc &getDataFormatDesc(MTLPixelFormat p_format); MTLFormatDesc &getMTLPixelFormatDesc(MTLPixelFormat p_format); MTLFormatDesc &getMTLVertexFormatDesc(MTLVertexFormat p_format); void initDataFormatCapabilities(); void initMTLPixelFormatCapabilities(); void initMTLVertexFormatCapabilities(); void buildMTLFormatMaps(); void buildDFFormatMaps(); void modifyMTLFormatCapabilities(); void modifyMTLFormatCapabilities(id<MTLDevice> p_device); void addMTLPixelFormatCapabilities(id<MTLDevice> p_device, MTLFeatureSet p_feature_set, MTLPixelFormat p_format, MTLFmtCaps p_caps); void addMTLPixelFormatCapabilities(id<MTLDevice> p_device, MTLGPUFamily p_family, MTLPixelFormat p_format, MTLFmtCaps p_caps); void disableMTLPixelFormatCapabilities(MTLPixelFormat p_format, MTLFmtCaps p_caps); void disableAllMTLPixelFormatCapabilities(MTLPixelFormat p_format); void addMTLVertexFormatCapabilities(id<MTLDevice> p_device, MTLFeatureSet p_feature_set, MTLVertexFormat p_format, MTLFmtCaps p_caps); DataFormatDesc _dataFormatDescriptions[RD::DATA_FORMAT_MAX]; MTLFormatDesc _mtlPixelFormatDescriptions[_mtlPixelFormatCount]; MTLFormatDesc _mtlVertexFormatDescriptions[_mtlVertexFormatCount]; // Most Metal formats have small values and are mapped by simple lookup array. // Outliers are mapped by a map. uint16_t _mtlFormatDescIndicesByMTLPixelFormatsCore[_mtlPixelFormatCoreCount]; HashMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> _mtlFormatDescIndicesByMTLPixelFormatsExt; uint16_t _mtlFormatDescIndicesByMTLVertexFormats[_mtlVertexFormatCount]; }; #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif // PIXEL_FORMATS_H