/**************************************************************************/ /* test_primitives.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef TEST_PRIMITIVES_H #define TEST_PRIMITIVES_H #include "scene/resources/3d/primitive_meshes.h" #include "tests/test_macros.h" namespace TestPrimitives { TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Capsule] Capsule Primitive") { Ref<CapsuleMesh> capsule = memnew(CapsuleMesh); SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Capsule] Default values should be valid") { CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_radius() > 0, "Radius of default capsule positive."); CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_height() > 0, "Height of default capsule positive."); CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_radial_segments() >= 0, "Radius Segments of default capsule positive."); CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_rings() >= 0, "Number of rings of default capsule positive."); } SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Capsule] Set properties of the capsule and get them with accessor methods") { capsule->set_height(7.1f); capsule->set_radius(1.3f); capsule->set_radial_segments(16); capsule->set_rings(32); CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_radius() == doctest::Approx(1.3f), "Get/Set radius work with one set."); CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_height() == doctest::Approx(7.1f), "Get/Set radius work with one set."); CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_radial_segments() == 16, "Get/Set radius work with one set."); CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_rings() == 32, "Get/Set radius work with one set."); } SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Capsule] If set segments negative, default to at least 0") { ERR_PRINT_OFF; capsule->set_radial_segments(-5); capsule->set_rings(-17); ERR_PRINT_ON; CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_radial_segments() >= 0, "Ensure number of radial segments is >= 0."); CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_rings() >= 0, "Ensure number of rings is >= 0."); } SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Capsule] If set height < 2*radius, adjust radius and height to radius=height*0.5") { capsule->set_radius(1.f); capsule->set_height(0.5f); CHECK_MESSAGE(capsule->get_radius() >= capsule->get_height() * 0.5, "Ensure radius >= height * 0.5 (needed for capsule to exist)."); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Capsule] Check mesh is correct") { Array data{}; data.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); float radius{ 0.5f }; float height{ 4.f }; int num_radial_segments{ 4 }; int num_rings{ 8 }; CapsuleMesh::create_mesh_array(data, radius, height, num_radial_segments, num_rings); Vector<Vector3> points = data[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; SUBCASE("[Primitive][Capsule] Ensure all vertices positions are within bounding radius and height") { // Get mesh data // Check all points within radius of capsule float dist_to_yaxis = 0.f; for (Vector3 point : points) { float new_dist_to_y = point.x * point.x + point.z * point.z; if (new_dist_to_y > dist_to_yaxis) dist_to_yaxis = new_dist_to_y; } CHECK(dist_to_yaxis <= radius * radius); // Check highest point and lowest point are within height of each other float max_y{ 0.f }; float min_y{ 0.f }; for (Vector3 point : points) { if (point.y > max_y) max_y = point.y; if (point.y < min_y) min_y = point.y; } CHECK(max_y - min_y <= height); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Capsule] If normal.y == 0, then mesh makes a cylinder.") { Vector<Vector3> normals = data[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL]; for (int ii = 0; ii < points.size(); ++ii) { float point_dist_from_yaxis = Math::sqrt(points[ii].x * points[ii].x + points[ii].z * points[ii].z); Vector3 yaxis_to_point{ points[ii].x / point_dist_from_yaxis, 0.f, points[ii].z / point_dist_from_yaxis }; if (normals[ii].y == 0.f) { float mag_of_normal = Math::sqrt(normals[ii].x * normals[ii].x + normals[ii].z * normals[ii].z); Vector3 normalized_normal = normals[ii] / mag_of_normal; CHECK_MESSAGE(point_dist_from_yaxis == doctest::Approx(radius), "Points on the tube of the capsule are radius away from y-axis."); CHECK_MESSAGE(normalized_normal.is_equal_approx(yaxis_to_point), "Normal points orthogonal from mid cylinder."); } } } } } // End capsule tests TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Box] Box Primitive") { Ref<BoxMesh> box = memnew(BoxMesh); SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Box] Default values should be valid") { CHECK(box->get_size().x > 0); CHECK(box->get_size().y > 0); CHECK(box->get_size().z > 0); CHECK(box->get_subdivide_width() >= 0); CHECK(box->get_subdivide_height() >= 0); CHECK(box->get_subdivide_depth() >= 0); } SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Box] Set properties and get them with accessor methods") { Vector3 size{ 2.1, 3.3, 1.7 }; box->set_size(size); box->set_subdivide_width(3); box->set_subdivide_height(2); box->set_subdivide_depth(4); CHECK(box->get_size().is_equal_approx(size)); CHECK(box->get_subdivide_width() == 3); CHECK(box->get_subdivide_height() == 2); CHECK(box->get_subdivide_depth() == 4); } SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Box] Set subdivides to negative and ensure they are >= 0") { ERR_PRINT_OFF; box->set_subdivide_width(-2); box->set_subdivide_height(-2); box->set_subdivide_depth(-2); ERR_PRINT_ON; CHECK(box->get_subdivide_width() >= 0); CHECK(box->get_subdivide_height() >= 0); CHECK(box->get_subdivide_depth() >= 0); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Box] Check mesh is correct.") { Array data{}; data.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); Vector3 size{ 0.5f, 1.2f, .9f }; int subdivide_width{ 3 }; int subdivide_height{ 2 }; int subdivide_depth{ 8 }; BoxMesh::create_mesh_array(data, size, subdivide_width, subdivide_height, subdivide_depth); Vector<Vector3> points = data[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; Vector<Vector3> normals = data[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL]; SUBCASE("Only 6 distinct normals.") { Vector<Vector3> distinct_normals{}; distinct_normals.push_back(normals[0]); for (const Vector3 &normal : normals) { bool add_normal{ true }; for (const Vector3 &vec : distinct_normals) { if (vec.is_equal_approx(normal)) add_normal = false; } if (add_normal) distinct_normals.push_back(normal); } CHECK_MESSAGE(distinct_normals.size() == 6, "There are exactly 6 distinct normals in the mesh data."); // All normals are orthogonal, or pointing in same direction. bool normal_correct_direction{ true }; for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < distinct_normals.size(); ++rowIndex) { for (int colIndex = rowIndex + 1; colIndex < distinct_normals.size(); ++colIndex) { if (!Math::is_equal_approx(distinct_normals[rowIndex].normalized().dot(distinct_normals[colIndex].normalized()), 0) && !Math::is_equal_approx(distinct_normals[rowIndex].normalized().dot(distinct_normals[colIndex].normalized()), 1) && !Math::is_equal_approx(distinct_normals[rowIndex].normalized().dot(distinct_normals[colIndex].normalized()), -1)) { normal_correct_direction = false; break; } } if (!normal_correct_direction) break; } CHECK_MESSAGE(normal_correct_direction, "All normals are either orthogonal or colinear."); } } } // End box tests TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Cylinder] Cylinder Primitive") { Ref<CylinderMesh> cylinder = memnew(CylinderMesh); SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Cylinder] Default values should be valid") { CHECK(cylinder->get_top_radius() > 0); CHECK(cylinder->get_bottom_radius() > 0); CHECK(cylinder->get_height() > 0); CHECK(cylinder->get_radial_segments() > 0); CHECK(cylinder->get_rings() >= 0); } SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Cylinder] Set properties and get them") { cylinder->set_top_radius(4.3f); cylinder->set_bottom_radius(1.2f); cylinder->set_height(9.77f); cylinder->set_radial_segments(12); cylinder->set_rings(16); cylinder->set_cap_top(false); cylinder->set_cap_bottom(false); CHECK(cylinder->get_top_radius() == doctest::Approx(4.3f)); CHECK(cylinder->get_bottom_radius() == doctest::Approx(1.2f)); CHECK(cylinder->get_height() == doctest::Approx(9.77f)); CHECK(cylinder->get_radial_segments() == 12); CHECK(cylinder->get_rings() == 16); CHECK(!cylinder->is_cap_top()); CHECK(!cylinder->is_cap_bottom()); } SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Cylinder] Ensure num segments is >= 0") { ERR_PRINT_OFF; cylinder->set_radial_segments(-12); cylinder->set_rings(-16); ERR_PRINT_ON; CHECK(cylinder->get_radial_segments() >= 0); CHECK(cylinder->get_rings() >= 0); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Cylinder] Actual cylinder mesh tests (top and bottom radius the same).") { Array data{}; data.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); real_t radius = .9f; real_t height = 3.2f; int radial_segments = 8; int rings = 5; bool top_cap = true; bool bottom_cap = true; CylinderMesh::create_mesh_array(data, radius, radius, height, radial_segments, rings, top_cap, bottom_cap); Vector<Vector3> points = data[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; Vector<Vector3> normals = data[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL]; SUBCASE("[Primitive][Cylinder] Side points are radius away from y-axis.") { bool is_radius_correct{ true }; for (int index = 0; index < normals.size(); ++index) { if (Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].y, 0)) { if (!Math::is_equal_approx((points[index] - Vector3(0, points[index].y, 0)).length_squared(), radius * radius)) { is_radius_correct = false; break; } } } CHECK(is_radius_correct); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Cylinder] Only possible normals point in direction of point or in positive/negative y direction.") { bool is_correct_normals{ true }; for (int index = 0; index < normals.size(); ++index) { Vector3 yaxis_to_point = points[index] - Vector3(0.f, points[index].y, 0.f); Vector3 point_to_normal = normals[index].normalized() - yaxis_to_point.normalized(); // std::cout << "<" << point_to_normal.x << ", " << point_to_normal.y << ", " << point_to_normal.z << ">\n"; if (!(point_to_normal.is_equal_approx(Vector3(0, 0, 0))) && (!Math::is_equal_approx(Math::abs(normals[index].normalized().y), 1))) { is_correct_normals = false; break; } } CHECK(is_correct_normals); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Cylinder] Points on top and bottom are height/2 away from origin.") { bool is_height_correct{ true }; real_t half_height = 0.5 * height; for (int index = 0; index < normals.size(); ++index) { if (Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].x, 0) && Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].z, 0) && normals[index].y > 0) { if (!Math::is_equal_approx(points[index].y, half_height)) { is_height_correct = false; break; } } if (Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].x, 0) && Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].z, 0) && normals[index].y < 0) { if (!Math::is_equal_approx(points[index].y, -half_height)) { is_height_correct = false; break; } } } CHECK(is_height_correct); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Cylinder] Does mesh obey cap parameters?") { CylinderMesh::create_mesh_array(data, radius, radius, height, radial_segments, rings, top_cap, false); points = data[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; normals = data[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL]; bool no_bottom_cap{ true }; for (int index = 0; index < normals.size(); ++index) { if (Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].x, 0) && Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].z, 0) && normals[index].y < 0) { no_bottom_cap = false; break; } } CHECK_MESSAGE(no_bottom_cap, "Check there is no bottom cap."); CylinderMesh::create_mesh_array(data, radius, radius, height, radial_segments, rings, false, bottom_cap); points = data[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; normals = data[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL]; bool no_top_cap{ true }; for (int index = 0; index < normals.size(); ++index) { if (Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].x, 0) && Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].z, 0) && normals[index].y > 0) { no_top_cap = false; break; } } CHECK_MESSAGE(no_top_cap, "Check there is no top cap."); } } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Cylinder] Slanted cylinder mesh (top and bottom radius different).") { Array data{}; data.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); real_t top_radius = 2.f; real_t bottom_radius = 1.f; real_t height = 1.f; int radial_segments = 8; int rings = 5; CylinderMesh::create_mesh_array(data, top_radius, bottom_radius, height, radial_segments, rings, false, false); Vector<Vector3> points = data[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; Vector<Vector3> normals = data[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL]; SUBCASE("[Primitive][Cylinder] Side points lie correct distance from y-axis") { bool is_radius_correct{ true }; for (int index = 0; index < points.size(); ++index) { real_t radius = ((top_radius - bottom_radius) / height) * (points[index].y - 0.5 * height) + top_radius; Vector3 distance_to_yaxis = points[index] - Vector3(0.f, points[index].y, 0.f); if (!Math::is_equal_approx(distance_to_yaxis.length_squared(), radius * radius)) { is_radius_correct = false; break; } } CHECK(is_radius_correct); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Cylinder] Normal on side is orthogonal to side tangent vector") { bool is_normal_correct{ true }; for (int index = 0; index < points.size(); ++index) { Vector3 yaxis_to_point = points[index] - Vector3(0.f, points[index].y, 0.f); Vector3 yaxis_to_rb = yaxis_to_point.normalized() * bottom_radius; Vector3 rb_to_point = yaxis_to_point - yaxis_to_rb; Vector3 y_to_bottom = -Vector3(0.f, points[index].y + 0.5 * height, 0.f); Vector3 side_tangent = rb_to_point - y_to_bottom; if (!Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].dot(side_tangent), 0)) { is_normal_correct = false; break; } } CHECK(is_normal_correct); } } } // End cylinder tests TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Plane] Plane Primitive") { Ref<PlaneMesh> plane = memnew(PlaneMesh); SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Plane] Default values should be valid") { CHECK(plane->get_size().x > 0); CHECK(plane->get_size().y > 0); CHECK(plane->get_subdivide_width() >= 0); CHECK(plane->get_subdivide_depth() >= 0); CHECK((plane->get_orientation() == PlaneMesh::FACE_X || plane->get_orientation() == PlaneMesh::FACE_Y || plane->get_orientation() == PlaneMesh::FACE_Z)); } SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Plane] Set properties and get them.") { Size2 size{ 3.2, 1.8 }; Vector3 offset{ -7.3, 0.4, -1.7 }; plane->set_size(size); plane->set_subdivide_width(15); plane->set_subdivide_depth(29); plane->set_center_offset(offset); plane->set_orientation(PlaneMesh::FACE_X); CHECK(plane->get_size().is_equal_approx(size)); CHECK(plane->get_subdivide_width() == 15); CHECK(plane->get_subdivide_depth() == 29); CHECK(plane->get_center_offset().is_equal_approx(offset)); CHECK(plane->get_orientation() == PlaneMesh::FACE_X); } SUBCASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Plane] Ensure number of segments is >= 0.") { ERR_PRINT_OFF; plane->set_subdivide_width(-15); plane->set_subdivide_depth(-29); ERR_PRINT_ON; CHECK(plane->get_subdivide_width() >= 0); CHECK(plane->get_subdivide_depth() >= 0); } } TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Quad] QuadMesh Primitive") { Ref<QuadMesh> quad = memnew(QuadMesh); SUBCASE("[Primitive][Quad] Orientation on initialization is in z direction") { CHECK(quad->get_orientation() == PlaneMesh::FACE_Z); } } TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Prism] Prism Primitive") { Ref<PrismMesh> prism = memnew(PrismMesh); SUBCASE("[Primitive][Prism] There are valid values of properties on initialization.") { CHECK(prism->get_left_to_right() >= 0); CHECK(prism->get_size().x >= 0); CHECK(prism->get_size().y >= 0); CHECK(prism->get_size().z >= 0); CHECK(prism->get_subdivide_width() >= 0); CHECK(prism->get_subdivide_height() >= 0); CHECK(prism->get_subdivide_depth() >= 0); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Prism] Are able to change prism properties.") { Vector3 size{ 4.3, 9.1, 0.43 }; prism->set_left_to_right(3.4f); prism->set_size(size); prism->set_subdivide_width(36); prism->set_subdivide_height(5); prism->set_subdivide_depth(64); CHECK(prism->get_left_to_right() == doctest::Approx(3.4f)); CHECK(prism->get_size().is_equal_approx(size)); CHECK(prism->get_subdivide_width() == 36); CHECK(prism->get_subdivide_height() == 5); CHECK(prism->get_subdivide_depth() == 64); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Prism] Ensure number of segments always >= 0") { ERR_PRINT_OFF; prism->set_subdivide_width(-36); prism->set_subdivide_height(-5); prism->set_subdivide_depth(-64); ERR_PRINT_ON; CHECK(prism->get_subdivide_width() >= 0); CHECK(prism->get_subdivide_height() >= 0); CHECK(prism->get_subdivide_depth() >= 0); } } TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Sphere] Sphere Primitive") { Ref<SphereMesh> sphere = memnew(SphereMesh); SUBCASE("[Primitive][Sphere] There are valid values of properties on initialization.") { CHECK(sphere->get_radius() >= 0); CHECK(sphere->get_height() >= 0); CHECK(sphere->get_radial_segments() >= 0); CHECK(sphere->get_rings() >= 0); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Sphere] Are able to change prism properties.") { sphere->set_radius(3.4f); sphere->set_height(2.2f); sphere->set_radial_segments(36); sphere->set_rings(5); sphere->set_is_hemisphere(true); CHECK(sphere->get_radius() == doctest::Approx(3.4f)); CHECK(sphere->get_height() == doctest::Approx(2.2f)); CHECK(sphere->get_radial_segments() == 36); CHECK(sphere->get_rings() == 5); CHECK(sphere->get_is_hemisphere()); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Sphere] Ensure number of segments always >= 0") { ERR_PRINT_OFF; sphere->set_radial_segments(-36); sphere->set_rings(-5); ERR_PRINT_ON; CHECK(sphere->get_radial_segments() >= 0); CHECK(sphere->get_rings() >= 0); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Sphere] Sphere mesh tests.") { Array data{}; data.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); real_t radius = 1.1f; int radial_segments = 8; int rings = 5; SphereMesh::create_mesh_array(data, radius, 2 * radius, radial_segments, rings); Vector<Vector3> points = data[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; Vector<Vector3> normals = data[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL]; SUBCASE("[Primitive][Sphere] All points lie radius away from origin.") { bool is_radius_correct = true; for (Vector3 point : points) { if (!Math::is_equal_approx(point.length_squared(), radius * radius)) { is_radius_correct = false; break; } } CHECK(is_radius_correct); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Sphere] All normals lie in direction of corresponding point.") { bool is_normals_correct = true; for (int index = 0; index < points.size(); ++index) { if (!Math::is_equal_approx(normals[index].normalized().dot(points[index].normalized()), 1)) { is_normals_correct = false; break; } } CHECK(is_normals_correct); } } } TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Torus] Torus Primitive") { Ref<TorusMesh> torus = memnew(TorusMesh); Ref<PrimitiveMesh> prim = memnew(PrimitiveMesh); SUBCASE("[Primitive][Torus] There are valid values of properties on initialization.") { CHECK(torus->get_inner_radius() > 0); CHECK(torus->get_outer_radius() > 0); CHECK(torus->get_rings() >= 0); CHECK(torus->get_ring_segments() >= 0); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Torus] Are able to change properties.") { torus->set_inner_radius(3.2f); torus->set_outer_radius(9.5f); torus->set_rings(19); torus->set_ring_segments(43); CHECK(torus->get_inner_radius() == doctest::Approx(3.2f)); CHECK(torus->get_outer_radius() == doctest::Approx(9.5f)); CHECK(torus->get_rings() == 19); CHECK(torus->get_ring_segments() == 43); } } TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][TubeTrail] TubeTrail Primitive") { Ref<TubeTrailMesh> tube = memnew(TubeTrailMesh); SUBCASE("[Primitive][TubeTrail] There are valid values of properties on initialization.") { CHECK(tube->get_radius() > 0); CHECK(tube->get_radial_steps() >= 0); CHECK(tube->get_sections() >= 0); CHECK(tube->get_section_length() > 0); CHECK(tube->get_section_rings() >= 0); CHECK(tube->get_curve() == nullptr); CHECK(tube->get_builtin_bind_pose_count() >= 0); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][TubeTrail] Are able to change properties.") { tube->set_radius(7.2f); tube->set_radial_steps(9); tube->set_sections(33); tube->set_section_length(5.5f); tube->set_section_rings(12); Ref<Curve> curve = memnew(Curve); tube->set_curve(curve); CHECK(tube->get_radius() == doctest::Approx(7.2f)); CHECK(tube->get_section_length() == doctest::Approx(5.5f)); CHECK(tube->get_radial_steps() == 9); CHECK(tube->get_sections() == 33); CHECK(tube->get_section_rings() == 12); CHECK(tube->get_curve() == curve); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][TubeTrail] Setting same curve more than once, it remains the same.") { Ref<Curve> curve = memnew(Curve); tube->set_curve(curve); tube->set_curve(curve); tube->set_curve(curve); CHECK(tube->get_curve() == curve); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][TubeTrail] Setting curve, then changing to different curve.") { Ref<Curve> curve1 = memnew(Curve); Ref<Curve> curve2 = memnew(Curve); tube->set_curve(curve1); CHECK(tube->get_curve() == curve1); tube->set_curve(curve2); CHECK(tube->get_curve() == curve2); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][TubeTrail] Assign same curve to two different tube trails") { Ref<TubeTrailMesh> tube2 = memnew(TubeTrailMesh); Ref<Curve> curve = memnew(Curve); tube->set_curve(curve); tube2->set_curve(curve); CHECK(tube->get_curve() == curve); CHECK(tube2->get_curve() == curve); } } TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][RibbonTrail] RibbonTrail Primitive") { Ref<RibbonTrailMesh> ribbon = memnew(RibbonTrailMesh); SUBCASE("[Primitive][RibbonTrail] There are valid values of properties on initialization.") { CHECK(ribbon->get_size() > 0); CHECK(ribbon->get_sections() >= 0); CHECK(ribbon->get_section_length() > 0); CHECK(ribbon->get_section_segments() >= 0); CHECK(ribbon->get_builtin_bind_pose_count() >= 0); CHECK(ribbon->get_curve() == nullptr); CHECK((ribbon->get_shape() == RibbonTrailMesh::SHAPE_CROSS || ribbon->get_shape() == RibbonTrailMesh::SHAPE_FLAT)); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][RibbonTrail] Able to change properties.") { Ref<Curve> curve = memnew(Curve); ribbon->set_size(4.3f); ribbon->set_sections(16); ribbon->set_section_length(1.3f); ribbon->set_section_segments(9); ribbon->set_curve(curve); CHECK(ribbon->get_size() == doctest::Approx(4.3f)); CHECK(ribbon->get_section_length() == doctest::Approx(1.3f)); CHECK(ribbon->get_sections() == 16); CHECK(ribbon->get_section_segments() == 9); CHECK(ribbon->get_curve() == curve); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][RibbonTrail] Setting same curve more than once, it remains the same.") { Ref<Curve> curve = memnew(Curve); ribbon->set_curve(curve); ribbon->set_curve(curve); ribbon->set_curve(curve); CHECK(ribbon->get_curve() == curve); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][RibbonTrail] Setting curve, then changing to different curve.") { Ref<Curve> curve1 = memnew(Curve); Ref<Curve> curve2 = memnew(Curve); ribbon->set_curve(curve1); CHECK(ribbon->get_curve() == curve1); ribbon->set_curve(curve2); CHECK(ribbon->get_curve() == curve2); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][RibbonTrail] Assign same curve to two different ribbon trails") { Ref<RibbonTrailMesh> ribbon2 = memnew(RibbonTrailMesh); Ref<Curve> curve = memnew(Curve); ribbon->set_curve(curve); ribbon2->set_curve(curve); CHECK(ribbon->get_curve() == curve); CHECK(ribbon2->get_curve() == curve); } } TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][Primitive][Text] Text Primitive") { Ref<TextMesh> text = memnew(TextMesh); SUBCASE("[Primitive][Text] There are valid values of properties on initialization.") { CHECK((text->get_horizontal_alignment() == HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER || text->get_horizontal_alignment() == HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT || text->get_horizontal_alignment() == HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT || text->get_horizontal_alignment() == HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_FILL)); CHECK((text->get_vertical_alignment() == VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM || text->get_vertical_alignment() == VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP || text->get_vertical_alignment() == VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER || text->get_vertical_alignment() == VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_FILL)); CHECK(text->get_font() == nullptr); CHECK(text->get_font_size() > 0); CHECK(text->get_line_spacing() >= 0); CHECK((text->get_autowrap_mode() == TextServer::AUTOWRAP_OFF || text->get_autowrap_mode() == TextServer::AUTOWRAP_ARBITRARY || text->get_autowrap_mode() == TextServer::AUTOWRAP_WORD || text->get_autowrap_mode() == TextServer::AUTOWRAP_WORD_SMART)); CHECK((text->get_text_direction() == TextServer::DIRECTION_AUTO || text->get_text_direction() == TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR || text->get_text_direction() == TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL)); CHECK((text->get_structured_text_bidi_override() == TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_DEFAULT || text->get_structured_text_bidi_override() == TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_URI || text->get_structured_text_bidi_override() == TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_FILE || text->get_structured_text_bidi_override() == TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_EMAIL || text->get_structured_text_bidi_override() == TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_LIST || text->get_structured_text_bidi_override() == TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_GDSCRIPT || text->get_structured_text_bidi_override() == TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_CUSTOM)); CHECK(text->get_structured_text_bidi_override_options().size() >= 0); CHECK(text->get_width() > 0); CHECK(text->get_depth() > 0); CHECK(text->get_curve_step() > 0); CHECK(text->get_pixel_size() > 0); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Text] Change the properties of the mesh.") { Ref<Font> font = memnew(Font); Array options{}; Point2 offset{ 30.8, 104.23 }; text->set_horizontal_alignment(HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT); text->set_vertical_alignment(VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM); text->set_text("Hello"); text->set_font(font); text->set_font_size(12); text->set_line_spacing(1.7f); text->set_autowrap_mode(TextServer::AUTOWRAP_WORD_SMART); text->set_text_direction(TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL); text->set_language("French"); text->set_structured_text_bidi_override(TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_EMAIL); text->set_structured_text_bidi_override_options(options); text->set_uppercase(true); real_t width{ 0.6 }; real_t depth{ 1.7 }; real_t pixel_size{ 2.8 }; real_t curve_step{ 4.8 }; text->set_width(width); text->set_depth(depth); text->set_curve_step(curve_step); text->set_pixel_size(pixel_size); text->set_offset(offset); CHECK(text->get_horizontal_alignment() == HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT); CHECK(text->get_vertical_alignment() == VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM); CHECK(text->get_text_direction() == TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL); CHECK(text->get_text() == "Hello"); CHECK(text->get_font() == font); CHECK(text->get_font_size() == 12); CHECK(text->get_autowrap_mode() == TextServer::AUTOWRAP_WORD_SMART); CHECK(text->get_language() == "French"); CHECK(text->get_structured_text_bidi_override() == TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_EMAIL); CHECK(text->get_structured_text_bidi_override_options() == options); CHECK(text->is_uppercase() == true); CHECK(text->get_offset() == offset); CHECK(text->get_line_spacing() == doctest::Approx(1.7f)); CHECK(text->get_width() == doctest::Approx(width)); CHECK(text->get_depth() == doctest::Approx(depth)); CHECK(text->get_curve_step() == doctest::Approx(curve_step)); CHECK(text->get_pixel_size() == doctest::Approx(pixel_size)); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Text] Set objects multiple times.") { Ref<Font> font = memnew(Font); Array options{}; Point2 offset{ 30.8, 104.23 }; text->set_font(font); text->set_font(font); text->set_font(font); text->set_structured_text_bidi_override_options(options); text->set_structured_text_bidi_override_options(options); text->set_structured_text_bidi_override_options(options); text->set_offset(offset); text->set_offset(offset); text->set_offset(offset); CHECK(text->get_font() == font); CHECK(text->get_structured_text_bidi_override_options() == options); CHECK(text->get_offset() == offset); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Text] Set then change objects.") { Ref<Font> font1 = memnew(Font); Ref<Font> font2 = memnew(Font); Array options1{}; Array options2{}; Point2 offset1{ 30.8, 104.23 }; Point2 offset2{ -30.8, -104.23 }; text->set_font(font1); text->set_structured_text_bidi_override_options(options1); text->set_offset(offset1); CHECK(text->get_font() == font1); CHECK(text->get_structured_text_bidi_override_options() == options1); CHECK(text->get_offset() == offset1); text->set_font(font2); text->set_structured_text_bidi_override_options(options2); text->set_offset(offset2); CHECK(text->get_font() == font2); CHECK(text->get_structured_text_bidi_override_options() == options2); CHECK(text->get_offset() == offset2); } SUBCASE("[Primitive][Text] Assign same font to two Textmeshes.") { Ref<TextMesh> text2 = memnew(TextMesh); Ref<Font> font = memnew(Font); text->set_font(font); text2->set_font(font); CHECK(text->get_font() == font); CHECK(text2->get_font() == font); } } } // namespace TestPrimitives #endif // TEST_PRIMITIVES_H