/*************************************************************************/ /* test_math.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "test_math.h" #include "camera_matrix.h" #include "math_funcs.h" #include "matrix3.h" #include "os/file_access.h" #include "os/keyboard.h" #include "os/os.h" #include "print_string.h" #include "scene/main/node.h" #include "scene/resources/texture.h" #include "servers/visual/shader_language.h" #include "transform.h" #include "ustring.h" #include "variant.h" #include "vmap.h" #include "method_ptrcall.h" namespace TestMath { class GetClassAndNamespace { String code; int idx; int line; String error_str; bool error; Variant value; String class_name; enum Token { TK_BRACKET_OPEN, TK_BRACKET_CLOSE, TK_CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN, TK_CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE, TK_PERIOD, TK_COLON, TK_COMMA, TK_SYMBOL, TK_IDENTIFIER, TK_STRING, TK_NUMBER, TK_EOF, TK_ERROR }; Token get_token() { while (true) { switch (code[idx]) { case '\n': { line++; idx++; break; }; case 0: { return TK_EOF; } break; case '{': { idx++; return TK_CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN; }; case '}': { idx++; return TK_CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE; }; case '[': { idx++; return TK_BRACKET_OPEN; }; case ']': { idx++; return TK_BRACKET_CLOSE; }; case ':': { idx++; return TK_COLON; }; case ',': { idx++; return TK_COMMA; }; case '.': { idx++; return TK_PERIOD; }; case '#': { //compiler directive while (code[idx] != '\n' && code[idx] != 0) { idx++; } continue; } break; case '/': { switch (code[idx + 1]) { case '*': { // block comment idx += 2; while (true) { if (code[idx] == 0) { error_str = "Unterminated comment"; error = true; return TK_ERROR; } else if (code[idx] == '*' && code[idx + 1] == '/') { idx += 2; break; } else if (code[idx] == '\n') { line++; } idx++; } } break; case '/': { // line comment skip while (code[idx] != '\n' && code[idx] != 0) { idx++; } } break; default: { value = "/"; idx++; return TK_SYMBOL; } } continue; // a comment } break; case '\'': case '"': { CharType begin_str = code[idx]; idx++; String tk_string = String(); while (true) { if (code[idx] == 0) { error_str = "Unterminated String"; error = true; return TK_ERROR; } else if (code[idx] == begin_str) { idx++; break; } else if (code[idx] == '\\') { //escaped characters... idx++; CharType next = code[idx]; if (next == 0) { error_str = "Unterminated String"; error = true; return TK_ERROR; } CharType res = 0; switch (next) { case 'b': res = 8; break; case 't': res = 9; break; case 'n': res = 10; break; case 'f': res = 12; break; case 'r': res = 13; break; /* too much, not needed for now case 'u': { //hexnumbarh - oct is deprecated for(int j=0;j<4;j++) { CharType c = code[idx+j+1]; if (c==0) { r_err_str="Unterminated String"; return ERR_PARSE_ERROR; } if (!((c>='0' && c<='9') || (c>='a' && c<='f') || (c>='A' && c<='F'))) { r_err_str="Malformed hex constant in string"; return ERR_PARSE_ERROR; } CharType v; if (c>='0' && c<='9') { v=c-'0'; } else if (c>='a' && c<='f') { v=c-'a'; v+=10; } else if (c>='A' && c<='F') { v=c-'A'; v+=10; } else { ERR_PRINT("BUG"); v=0; } res<<=4; res|=v; } idx+=4; //will add at the end anyway } break;*/ case '\"': res = '\"'; break; case '\\': res = '\\'; break; //case '/': res='/'; break; default: { res = next; //r_err_str="Invalid escape sequence"; //return ERR_PARSE_ERROR; } break; } tk_string += res; } else { if (code[idx] == '\n') line++; tk_string += code[idx]; } idx++; } value = tk_string; return TK_STRING; } break; default: { if (code[idx] <= 32) { idx++; break; } if ((code[idx] >= 33 && code[idx] <= 47) || (code[idx] >= 58 && code[idx] <= 64) || (code[idx] >= 91 && code[idx] <= 96) || (code[idx] >= 123 && code[idx] <= 127)) { value = String::chr(code[idx]); idx++; return TK_SYMBOL; } if (code[idx] == '-' || (code[idx] >= '0' && code[idx] <= '9')) { //a number const CharType *rptr; double number = String::to_double(&code[idx], &rptr); idx += (rptr - &code[idx]); value = number; return TK_NUMBER; } else if ((code[idx] >= 'A' && code[idx] <= 'Z') || (code[idx] >= 'a' && code[idx] <= 'z') || code[idx] > 127) { String id; while ((code[idx] >= 'A' && code[idx] <= 'Z') || (code[idx] >= 'a' && code[idx] <= 'z') || code[idx] > 127) { id += code[idx]; idx++; } value = id; return TK_IDENTIFIER; } else { error_str = "Unexpected character."; error = true; return TK_ERROR; } } } } } public: Error parse(const String &p_code, const String &p_known_class_name = String()) { code = p_code; idx = 0; line = 0; error_str = String(); error = false; value = Variant(); class_name = String(); bool use_next_class = false; Token tk = get_token(); Map<int, String> namespace_stack; int curly_stack = 0; while (!error || tk != TK_EOF) { if (tk == TK_BRACKET_OPEN) { tk = get_token(); if (tk == TK_IDENTIFIER && String(value) == "ScriptClass") { if (get_token() == TK_BRACKET_CLOSE) { use_next_class = true; } } } else if (tk == TK_IDENTIFIER && String(value) == "class") { tk = get_token(); if (tk == TK_IDENTIFIER) { String name = value; if (use_next_class || p_known_class_name == name) { for (Map<int, String>::Element *E = namespace_stack.front(); E; E = E->next()) { class_name += E->get() + "."; } class_name += String(value); break; } } } else if (tk == TK_IDENTIFIER && String(value) == "namespace") { String name; int at_level = curly_stack; while (true) { tk = get_token(); if (tk == TK_IDENTIFIER) { name += String(value); } tk = get_token(); if (tk == TK_PERIOD) { name += "."; } else if (tk == TK_CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN) { curly_stack++; break; } else { break; //whathever else } } if (name != String()) { namespace_stack[at_level] = name; } } else if (tk == TK_CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN) { curly_stack++; } else if (tk == TK_CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE) { curly_stack--; if (namespace_stack.has(curly_stack)) { namespace_stack.erase(curly_stack); } } tk = get_token(); } if (error) return ERR_PARSE_ERROR; return OK; } String get_error() { return error_str; } String get_class() { return class_name; } }; void test_vec(Plane p_vec) { CameraMatrix cm; cm.set_perspective(45, 1, 0, 100); Plane v0 = cm.xform4(p_vec); print_line("out: " + v0); v0.normal.z = (v0.d / 100.0 * 2.0 - 1.0) * v0.d; print_line("out_F: " + v0); /*v0: 0, 0, -0.1, 0.1 v1: 0, 0, 0, 0.1 fix: 0, 0, 0, 0.1 v0: 0, 0, 1.302803, 1.5 v1: 0, 0, 1.401401, 1.5 fix: 0, 0, 1.401401, 1.5 v0: 0, 0, 25.851850, 26 v1: 0, 0, 25.925926, 26 fix: 0, 0, 25.925924, 26 v0: 0, 0, 49.899902, 50 v1: 0, 0, 49.949947, 50 fix: 0, 0, 49.949951, 50 v0: 0, 0, 100, 100 v1: 0, 0, 100, 100 fix: 0, 0, 100, 100 */ } uint32_t ihash(uint32_t a) { a = (a + 0x7ed55d16) + (a << 12); a = (a ^ 0xc761c23c) ^ (a >> 19); a = (a + 0x165667b1) + (a << 5); a = (a + 0xd3a2646c) ^ (a << 9); a = (a + 0xfd7046c5) + (a << 3); a = (a ^ 0xb55a4f09) ^ (a >> 16); return a; } uint32_t ihash2(uint32_t a) { a = (a ^ 61) ^ (a >> 16); a = a + (a << 3); a = a ^ (a >> 4); a = a * 0x27d4eb2d; a = a ^ (a >> 15); return a; } uint32_t ihash3(uint32_t a) { a = (a + 0x479ab41d) + (a << 8); a = (a ^ 0xe4aa10ce) ^ (a >> 5); a = (a + 0x9942f0a6) - (a << 14); a = (a ^ 0x5aedd67d) ^ (a >> 3); a = (a + 0x17bea992) + (a << 7); return a; } MainLoop *test() { print_line("Dvectors: " + itos(MemoryPool::allocs_used)); print_line("Mem used: " + itos(MemoryPool::total_memory)); print_line("MAx mem used: " + itos(MemoryPool::max_memory)); PoolVector<int> ints; ints.resize(20); { PoolVector<int>::Write w; w = ints.write(); for (int i = 0; i < ints.size(); i++) { w[i] = i; } } PoolVector<int> posho = ints; { PoolVector<int>::Read r = posho.read(); for (int i = 0; i < posho.size(); i++) { print_line(itos(i) + " : " + itos(r[i])); } } print_line("later Dvectors: " + itos(MemoryPool::allocs_used)); print_line("later Mem used: " + itos(MemoryPool::total_memory)); print_line("Mlater Ax mem used: " + itos(MemoryPool::max_memory)); return NULL; List<String> cmdlargs = OS::get_singleton()->get_cmdline_args(); if (cmdlargs.empty()) { //try editor! return NULL; } String test = cmdlargs.back()->get(); FileAccess *fa = FileAccess::open(test, FileAccess::READ); if (!fa) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Could not open file: " + test); ERR_FAIL_V(NULL); } Vector<uint8_t> buf; int flen = fa->get_len(); buf.resize(fa->get_len() + 1); fa->get_buffer(&buf[0], flen); buf[flen] = 0; String code; code.parse_utf8((const char *)&buf[0]); GetClassAndNamespace getclass; if (getclass.parse(code)) { print_line("Parse error: " + getclass.get_error()); } else { print_line("Found class: " + getclass.get_class()); } return NULL; { Vector<int> hashes; List<StringName> tl; ClassDB::get_class_list(&tl); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = tl.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Vector<uint8_t> m5b = E->get().operator String().md5_buffer(); hashes.push_back(hashes.size()); } //hashes.resize(50); for (int i = nearest_shift(hashes.size()); i < 20; i++) { bool success = true; for (int s = 0; s < 10000; s++) { Set<uint32_t> existing; success = true; for (int j = 0; j < hashes.size(); j++) { uint32_t eh = ihash2(ihash3(hashes[j] + ihash(s) + s)) & ((1 << i) - 1); if (existing.has(eh)) { success = false; break; } existing.insert(eh); } if (success) { print_line("success at " + itos(i) + "/" + itos(nearest_shift(hashes.size())) + " shift " + itos(s)); break; } } if (success) break; } print_line("DONE"); return NULL; } { //print_line("NUM: "+itos(237641278346127)); print_line("NUM: " + itos(-128)); return NULL; } { Vector3 v(1, 2, 3); v.normalize(); float a = 0.3; //Quat q(v,a); Basis m(v, a); Vector3 v2(7, 3, 1); v2.normalize(); float a2 = 0.8; //Quat q(v,a); Basis m2(v2, a2); Quat q = m; Quat q2 = m2; Basis m3 = m.inverse() * m2; Quat q3 = (q.inverse() * q2); //.normalized(); print_line(Quat(m3)); print_line(q3); print_line("before v: " + v + " a: " + rtos(a)); q.get_axis_angle(v, a); print_line("after v: " + v + " a: " + rtos(a)); } return NULL; String ret; List<String> args; args.push_back("-l"); Error err = OS::get_singleton()->execute("/bin/ls", args, true, NULL, &ret); print_line("error: " + itos(err)); print_line(ret); return NULL; Basis m3; m3.rotate(Vector3(1, 0, 0), 0.2); m3.rotate(Vector3(0, 1, 0), 1.77); m3.rotate(Vector3(0, 0, 1), 212); Basis m32; m32.set_euler(m3.get_euler()); print_line("ELEULEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER: " + m3.get_euler() + " vs " + m32.get_euler()); return NULL; { Dictionary d; d["momo"] = 1; Dictionary b = d; b["44"] = 4; } return NULL; print_line("inters: " + rtos(Geometry::segment_intersects_circle(Vector2(-5, 0), Vector2(-2, 0), Vector2(), 1.0))); print_line("cross: " + Vector3(1, 2, 3).cross(Vector3(4, 5, 7))); print_line("dot: " + rtos(Vector3(1, 2, 3).dot(Vector3(4, 5, 7)))); print_line("abs: " + Vector3(-1, 2, -3).abs()); print_line("distance_to: " + rtos(Vector3(1, 2, 3).distance_to(Vector3(4, 5, 7)))); print_line("distance_squared_to: " + rtos(Vector3(1, 2, 3).distance_squared_to(Vector3(4, 5, 7)))); print_line("plus: " + (Vector3(1, 2, 3) + Vector3(Vector3(4, 5, 7)))); print_line("minus: " + (Vector3(1, 2, 3) - Vector3(Vector3(4, 5, 7)))); print_line("mul: " + (Vector3(1, 2, 3) * Vector3(Vector3(4, 5, 7)))); print_line("div: " + (Vector3(1, 2, 3) / Vector3(Vector3(4, 5, 7)))); print_line("mul scalar: " + (Vector3(1, 2, 3) * 2)); print_line("premul scalar: " + (2 * Vector3(1, 2, 3))); print_line("div scalar: " + (Vector3(1, 2, 3) / 3.0)); print_line("length: " + rtos(Vector3(1, 2, 3).length())); print_line("length squared: " + rtos(Vector3(1, 2, 3).length_squared())); print_line("normalized: " + Vector3(1, 2, 3).normalized()); print_line("inverse: " + Vector3(1, 2, 3).inverse()); { Vector3 v(4, 5, 7); v.normalize(); print_line("normalize: " + v); } { Vector3 v(4, 5, 7); v += Vector3(1, 2, 3); print_line("+=: " + v); } { Vector3 v(4, 5, 7); v -= Vector3(1, 2, 3); print_line("-=: " + v); } { Vector3 v(4, 5, 7); v *= Vector3(1, 2, 3); print_line("*=: " + v); } { Vector3 v(4, 5, 7); v /= Vector3(1, 2, 3); print_line("/=: " + v); } { Vector3 v(4, 5, 7); v *= 2.0; print_line("scalar *=: " + v); } { Vector3 v(4, 5, 7); v /= 2.0; print_line("scalar /=: " + v); } #if 0 print_line(String("C:\\momo\\.\\popo\\..\\gongo").simplify_path()); print_line(String("res://../popo/..//gongo").simplify_path()); print_line(String("res://..").simplify_path()); PoolVector<uint8_t> a; PoolVector<uint8_t> b; a.resize(20); b=a; b.resize(30); a=b; #endif #if 0 String za = String::utf8("รก"); printf("unicode: %x\n",za[0]); CharString cs=za.utf8(); for(int i=0;i<cs.size();i++) { uint32_t v = uint8_t(cs[i]); printf("%i - %x\n",i,v); } return NULL; print_line(String("C:\\window\\system\\momo").path_to("C:\\window\\momonga")); print_line(String("res://momo/sampler").path_to("res://pindonga")); print_line(String("/margarito/terere").path_to("/margarito/pilates")); print_line(String("/algo").path_to("/algo")); print_line(String("c:").path_to("c:\\")); print_line(String("/").path_to("/")); print_line(itos(sizeof(Variant))); return NULL; Vector<StringName> path; path.push_back("three"); path.push_back("two"); path.push_back("one"); path.push_back("comeon"); path.revert(); NodePath np(path,true); print_line(np); return NULL; bool a=2; print_line(Variant(a)); Transform2D mat2_1; mat2_1.rotate(0.5); Transform2D mat2_2; mat2_2.translate(Vector2(1,2)); Transform2D mat2_3 = mat2_1 * mat2_2; mat2_3.affine_invert(); print_line(mat2_3.elements[0]); print_line(mat2_3.elements[1]); print_line(mat2_3.elements[2]); Transform mat3_1; mat3_1.basis.rotate(Vector3(0,0,1),0.5); Transform mat3_2; mat3_2.translate(Vector3(1,2,0)); Transform mat3_3 = mat3_1 * mat3_2; mat3_3.affine_invert(); print_line(mat3_3.basis.get_axis(0)); print_line(mat3_3.basis.get_axis(1)); print_line(mat3_3.origin); #endif return NULL; } }