/* $Id: upnpreplyparse.c,v 1.19 2015/07/15 10:29:11 nanard Exp $ */ /* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab * MiniUPnP project * http://miniupnp.free.fr/ or http://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/ * (c) 2006-2017 Thomas Bernard * This software is subject to the conditions detailed * in the LICENCE file provided within the distribution */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "upnpreplyparse.h" #include "minixml.h" static void NameValueParserStartElt(void * d, const char * name, int l) { struct NameValueParserData * data = (struct NameValueParserData *)d; data->topelt = 1; if(l>63) l = 63; memcpy(data->curelt, name, l); data->curelt[l] = '\0'; data->cdata = NULL; data->cdatalen = 0; } static void NameValueParserEndElt(void * d, const char * name, int namelen) { struct NameValueParserData * data = (struct NameValueParserData *)d; struct NameValue * nv; (void)name; (void)namelen; if(!data->topelt) return; if(strcmp(data->curelt, "NewPortListing") != 0) { int l; /* standard case. Limited to n chars strings */ l = data->cdatalen; nv = malloc(sizeof(struct NameValue)); if(nv == NULL) { /* malloc error */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%s: error allocating memory", "NameValueParserEndElt"); #endif /* DEBUG */ return; } if(l>=(int)sizeof(nv->value)) l = sizeof(nv->value) - 1; strncpy(nv->name, data->curelt, 64); nv->name[63] = '\0'; if(data->cdata != NULL) { memcpy(nv->value, data->cdata, l); nv->value[l] = '\0'; } else { nv->value[0] = '\0'; } nv->l_next = data->l_head; /* insert in list */ data->l_head = nv; } data->cdata = NULL; data->cdatalen = 0; data->topelt = 0; } static void NameValueParserGetData(void * d, const char * datas, int l) { struct NameValueParserData * data = (struct NameValueParserData *)d; if(strcmp(data->curelt, "NewPortListing") == 0) { /* specific case for NewPortListing which is a XML Document */ data->portListing = malloc(l + 1); if(!data->portListing) { /* malloc error */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%s: error allocating memory", "NameValueParserGetData"); #endif /* DEBUG */ return; } memcpy(data->portListing, datas, l); data->portListing[l] = '\0'; data->portListingLength = l; } else { /* standard case. */ data->cdata = datas; data->cdatalen = l; } } void ParseNameValue(const char * buffer, int bufsize, struct NameValueParserData * data) { struct xmlparser parser; memset(data, 0, sizeof(struct NameValueParserData)); /* init xmlparser object */ parser.xmlstart = buffer; parser.xmlsize = bufsize; parser.data = data; parser.starteltfunc = NameValueParserStartElt; parser.endeltfunc = NameValueParserEndElt; parser.datafunc = NameValueParserGetData; parser.attfunc = 0; parsexml(&parser); } void ClearNameValueList(struct NameValueParserData * pdata) { struct NameValue * nv; if(pdata->portListing) { free(pdata->portListing); pdata->portListing = NULL; pdata->portListingLength = 0; } while((nv = pdata->l_head) != NULL) { pdata->l_head = nv->l_next; free(nv); } } char * GetValueFromNameValueList(struct NameValueParserData * pdata, const char * Name) { struct NameValue * nv; char * p = NULL; for(nv = pdata->l_head; (nv != NULL) && (p == NULL); nv = nv->l_next) { if(strcmp(nv->name, Name) == 0) p = nv->value; } return p; } #if 0 /* useless now that minixml ignores namespaces by itself */ char * GetValueFromNameValueListIgnoreNS(struct NameValueParserData * pdata, const char * Name) { struct NameValue * nv; char * p = NULL; char * pname; for(nv = pdata->head.lh_first; (nv != NULL) && (p == NULL); nv = nv->entries.le_next) { pname = strrchr(nv->name, ':'); if(pname) pname++; else pname = nv->name; if(strcmp(pname, Name)==0) p = nv->value; } return p; } #endif /* debug all-in-one function * do parsing then display to stdout */ #ifdef DEBUG void DisplayNameValueList(char * buffer, int bufsize) { struct NameValueParserData pdata; struct NameValue * nv; ParseNameValue(buffer, bufsize, &pdata); for(nv = pdata.l_head; nv != NULL; nv = nv->l_next) { printf("%s = %s\n", nv->name, nv->value); } ClearNameValueList(&pdata); } #endif /* DEBUG */