/**************************************************************************/ /* script_editor_debugger.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef SCRIPT_EDITOR_DEBUGGER_H #define SCRIPT_EDITOR_DEBUGGER_H #include "core/os/os.h" #include "editor/debugger/editor_debugger_inspector.h" #include "editor/debugger/editor_debugger_node.h" #include "editor/debugger/editor_debugger_server.h" #include "scene/gui/button.h" #include "scene/gui/margin_container.h" class Tree; class LineEdit; class TabContainer; class RichTextLabel; class TextureButton; class AcceptDialog; class TreeItem; class HSplitContainer; class ItemList; class EditorProfiler; class EditorFileDialog; class EditorVisualProfiler; class EditorPerformanceProfiler; class SceneDebuggerTree; class EditorDebuggerPlugin; class DebugAdapterProtocol; class DebugAdapterParser; class ScriptEditorDebugger : public MarginContainer { GDCLASS(ScriptEditorDebugger, MarginContainer); friend class EditorDebuggerNode; friend class DebugAdapterProtocol; friend class DebugAdapterParser; private: enum MessageType { MESSAGE_ERROR, MESSAGE_WARNING, MESSAGE_SUCCESS, }; enum ProfilerType { PROFILER_VISUAL, PROFILER_SCRIPTS_SERVERS }; enum Actions { ACTION_COPY_ERROR, ACTION_OPEN_SOURCE, ACTION_DELETE_BREAKPOINT, ACTION_DELETE_BREAKPOINTS_IN_FILE, ACTION_DELETE_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, }; AcceptDialog *msgdialog = nullptr; LineEdit *clicked_ctrl = nullptr; LineEdit *clicked_ctrl_type = nullptr; LineEdit *live_edit_root = nullptr; Button *le_set = nullptr; Button *le_clear = nullptr; Button *export_csv = nullptr; VBoxContainer *errors_tab = nullptr; Tree *error_tree = nullptr; Button *expand_all_button = nullptr; Button *collapse_all_button = nullptr; Button *clear_button = nullptr; PopupMenu *item_menu = nullptr; Tree *breakpoints_tree = nullptr; PopupMenu *breakpoints_menu = nullptr; EditorFileDialog *file_dialog = nullptr; enum FileDialogPurpose { SAVE_MONITORS_CSV, SAVE_VRAM_CSV, }; FileDialogPurpose file_dialog_purpose; int error_count; int warning_count; bool skip_breakpoints_value = false; Ref<Script> stack_script; TabContainer *tabs = nullptr; Label *reason = nullptr; Button *skip_breakpoints = nullptr; Button *copy = nullptr; Button *step = nullptr; Button *next = nullptr; Button *dobreak = nullptr; Button *docontinue = nullptr; // Reference to "Remote" tab in scene tree. Needed by _live_edit_set and buttons state. // Each debugger should have it's tree in the future I guess. const Tree *editor_remote_tree = nullptr; HashMap<int, String> profiler_signature; Tree *vmem_tree = nullptr; Button *vmem_refresh = nullptr; Button *vmem_export = nullptr; LineEdit *vmem_total = nullptr; Tree *stack_dump = nullptr; LineEdit *search = nullptr; EditorDebuggerInspector *inspector = nullptr; SceneDebuggerTree *scene_tree = nullptr; Ref<RemoteDebuggerPeer> peer; HashMap<NodePath, int> node_path_cache; int last_path_id; HashMap<String, int> res_path_cache; EditorProfiler *profiler = nullptr; EditorVisualProfiler *visual_profiler = nullptr; EditorPerformanceProfiler *performance_profiler = nullptr; OS::ProcessID remote_pid = 0; bool breaked = false; bool can_debug = false; bool move_to_foreground = true; bool can_request_idle_draw = false; bool live_debug; EditorDebuggerNode::CameraOverride camera_override; void _stack_dump_frame_selected(); void _file_selected(const String &p_file); void _parse_message(const String &p_msg, const Array &p_data); void _set_reason_text(const String &p_reason, MessageType p_type); void _update_buttons_state(); void _remote_object_selected(ObjectID p_object); void _remote_object_edited(ObjectID, const String &p_prop, const Variant &p_value); void _remote_object_property_updated(ObjectID p_id, const String &p_property); void _video_mem_request(); void _video_mem_export(); int _get_node_path_cache(const NodePath &p_path); int _get_res_path_cache(const String &p_path); void _live_edit_set(); void _live_edit_clear(); void _method_changed(Object *p_base, const StringName &p_name, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount); void _property_changed(Object *p_base, const StringName &p_property, const Variant &p_value); void _error_activated(); void _error_selected(); void _expand_errors_list(); void _collapse_errors_list(); void _profiler_activate(bool p_enable, int p_profiler); void _profiler_seeked(); void _clear_errors_list(); void _breakpoints_item_rmb_selected(const Vector2 &p_pos, MouseButton p_button); void _error_tree_item_rmb_selected(const Vector2 &p_pos, MouseButton p_button); void _item_menu_id_pressed(int p_option); void _tab_changed(int p_tab); void _put_msg(String p_message, Array p_data); void _export_csv(); void _clear_execution(); void _stop_and_notify(); void _set_breakpoint(const String &p_path, const int &p_line, const bool &p_enabled); void _clear_breakpoints(); void _breakpoint_tree_clicked(); String _format_frame_text(const ScriptLanguage::StackInfo *info); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: void request_remote_object(ObjectID p_obj_id); void update_remote_object(ObjectID p_obj_id, const String &p_prop, const Variant &p_value); Object *get_remote_object(ObjectID p_id); // Needed by _live_edit_set, buttons state. void set_editor_remote_tree(const Tree *p_tree) { editor_remote_tree = p_tree; } void request_remote_tree(); const SceneDebuggerTree *get_remote_tree(); void start(Ref<RemoteDebuggerPeer> p_peer); void stop(); void debug_skip_breakpoints(); void debug_copy(); void debug_next(); void debug_step(); void debug_break(); void debug_continue(); bool is_breaked() const { return breaked; } bool is_debuggable() const { return can_debug; } bool is_session_active() { return peer.is_valid() && peer->is_peer_connected(); }; int get_remote_pid() const { return remote_pid; } bool is_move_to_foreground() const; void set_move_to_foreground(const bool &p_move_to_foreground); int get_error_count() const { return error_count; } int get_warning_count() const { return warning_count; } String get_stack_script_file() const; int get_stack_script_line() const; int get_stack_script_frame() const; bool request_stack_dump(const int &p_frame); void update_tabs(); void clear_style(); String get_var_value(const String &p_var) const; void save_node(ObjectID p_id, const String &p_file); void set_live_debugging(bool p_enable); void live_debug_create_node(const NodePath &p_parent, const String &p_type, const String &p_name); void live_debug_instantiate_node(const NodePath &p_parent, const String &p_path, const String &p_name); void live_debug_remove_node(const NodePath &p_at); void live_debug_remove_and_keep_node(const NodePath &p_at, ObjectID p_keep_id); void live_debug_restore_node(ObjectID p_id, const NodePath &p_at, int p_at_pos); void live_debug_duplicate_node(const NodePath &p_at, const String &p_new_name); void live_debug_reparent_node(const NodePath &p_at, const NodePath &p_new_place, const String &p_new_name, int p_at_pos); EditorDebuggerNode::CameraOverride get_camera_override() const; void set_camera_override(EditorDebuggerNode::CameraOverride p_override); void set_breakpoint(const String &p_path, int p_line, bool p_enabled); void update_live_edit_root(); void reload_scripts(); bool is_skip_breakpoints(); virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const override; void add_debugger_tab(Control *p_control); void remove_debugger_tab(Control *p_control); int get_current_debugger_tab() const; void switch_to_debugger(int p_debugger_tab_idx); void send_message(const String &p_message, const Array &p_args); void toggle_profiler(const String &p_profiler, bool p_enable, const Array &p_data); ScriptEditorDebugger(); ~ScriptEditorDebugger(); }; #endif // SCRIPT_EDITOR_DEBUGGER_H