GDTEST_OK >> WARNING >> Line: 3 >> SHADOWED_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER >> The variable "print_debug" has the same name as a built-in function. >> WARNING >> Line: 9 >> SHADOWED_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER >> The variable "Array" has the same name as a built-in type. >> WARNING >> Line: 10 >> SHADOWED_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER >> The variable "Node" has the same name as a global class. >> WARNING >> Line: 11 >> SHADOWED_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER >> The variable "is_same" has the same name as a built-in function. >> WARNING >> Line: 12 >> SHADOWED_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER >> The variable "sqrt" has the same name as a built-in function. >> WARNING >> Line: 13 >> SHADOWED_VARIABLE >> The local variable "member" is shadowing an already-declared variable at line 1. >> WARNING >> Line: 14 >> SHADOWED_VARIABLE_BASE_CLASS >> The local variable "reference" is shadowing an already-declared method at the base class "RefCounted". warn