A container that arranges its child controls horizontally or vertically and wraps them around at the borders.
A container that arranges its child controls horizontally or vertically and wraps them around at the borders. This is similar to how text in a book wraps around when no more words can fit on a line.
Returns the current line count.
The alignment of the container's children (must be one of [constant ALIGNMENT_BEGIN], [constant ALIGNMENT_CENTER], or [constant ALIGNMENT_END]).
If [code]true[/code], the [FlowContainer] will arrange its children vertically, rather than horizontally.
Can't be changed when using [HFlowContainer] and [VFlowContainer].
The child controls will be arranged at the beginning of the container, i.e. top if orientation is vertical, left if orientation is horizontal (right for RTL layout).
The child controls will be centered in the container.
The child controls will be arranged at the end of the container, i.e. bottom if orientation is vertical, right if orientation is horizontal (left for RTL layout).
The horizontal separation of child nodes.
The vertical separation of child nodes.