/*  error_macros.h                                                       */
/*                       This file is part of:                           */
/*                           GODOT ENGINE                                */
/*                      https://godotengine.org                          */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.                 */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md).   */
/*                                                                       */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the       */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including   */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,   */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to    */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions:                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be        */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.       */
/*                                                                       */


#include "core/typedefs.h"

#include "core/templates/safe_refcount.h"

class String;

enum ErrorHandlerType {

// Pointer to the error handler printing function. Reassign to any function to have errors printed.
// Parameters: userdata, function, file, line, error, explanation, type.
typedef void (*ErrorHandlerFunc)(void *, const char *, const char *, int p_line, const char *, const char *, bool p_editor_notify, ErrorHandlerType p_type);

struct ErrorHandlerList {
	ErrorHandlerFunc errfunc = nullptr;
	void *userdata = nullptr;

	ErrorHandlerList *next = nullptr;

	ErrorHandlerList() {}

void add_error_handler(ErrorHandlerList *p_handler);
void remove_error_handler(ErrorHandlerList *p_handler);

// Functions used by the error macros.
void _err_print_error(const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, const char *p_error, bool p_editor_notify = false, ErrorHandlerType p_type = ERR_HANDLER_ERROR);
void _err_print_error(const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, const String &p_error, bool p_editor_notify = false, ErrorHandlerType p_type = ERR_HANDLER_ERROR);
void _err_print_error(const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, const char *p_error, const char *p_message, bool p_editor_notify = false, ErrorHandlerType p_type = ERR_HANDLER_ERROR);
void _err_print_error(const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, const String &p_error, const char *p_message, bool p_editor_notify = false, ErrorHandlerType p_type = ERR_HANDLER_ERROR);
void _err_print_error(const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, const char *p_error, const String &p_message, bool p_editor_notify = false, ErrorHandlerType p_type = ERR_HANDLER_ERROR);
void _err_print_error(const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, const String &p_error, const String &p_message, bool p_editor_notify = false, ErrorHandlerType p_type = ERR_HANDLER_ERROR);
void _err_print_index_error(const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, int64_t p_index, int64_t p_size, const char *p_index_str, const char *p_size_str, const char *p_message = "", bool p_editor_notify = false, bool fatal = false);
void _err_print_index_error(const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, int64_t p_index, int64_t p_size, const char *p_index_str, const char *p_size_str, const String &p_message, bool p_editor_notify = false, bool fatal = false);

#ifdef __GNUC__
//#define FUNCTION_STR __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ - too annoying

#ifdef _MSC_VER
 * Don't use GENERATE_TRAP() directly, should only be used be the macros below.
#define GENERATE_TRAP() __debugbreak()
 * Don't use GENERATE_TRAP() directly, should only be used be the macros below.
#define GENERATE_TRAP() __builtin_trap()

 * Error macros.
 * WARNING: These macros work in the opposite way to assert().
 * Unlike exceptions and asserts, these macros try to maintain consistency and stability.
 * In most cases, bugs and/or invalid data are not fatal. They should never allow a perfectly
 * running application to fail or crash.
 * Always try to return processable data, so the engine can keep running well.
 * Use the _MSG versions to print a meaningful message to help with debugging.
 * The `((void)0)` no-op statement is used as a trick to force us to put a semicolon after
 * those macros, making them look like proper statements.
 * The if wrappers are used to ensure that the macro replacement does not trigger unexpected
 * issues when expanded e.g. after an `if (cond) ERR_FAIL();` without braces.

// Index out of bounds error macros.
// These macros should be used instead of `ERR_FAIL_COND` for bounds checking.

// Integer index out of bounds error macros.

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures an integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size` and greater than or equal to 0.
 * If not, the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_INDEX(m_index, m_size)                                                                         \
	if (unlikely((m_index) < 0 || (m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                     \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size)); \
		return;                                                                                                 \
	} else                                                                                                      \

 * Ensures an integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size` and greater than or equal to 0.
 * If not, prints `m_msg` and the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(m_index, m_size, m_msg)                                                                     \
	if (unlikely((m_index) < 0 || (m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                            \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg); \
		return;                                                                                                        \
	} else                                                                                                             \

 * Ensures an integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size` and greater than or equal to 0.
 * If not, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_INDEX_EDMSG(m_index, m_size, m_msg)                                                                         \
	if (unlikely((m_index) < 0 || (m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                  \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg, true); \
		return;                                                                                                              \
	} else                                                                                                                   \

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures an integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size` and greater than or equal to 0.
 * If not, the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(m_index, m_size, m_retval)                                                             \
	if (unlikely((m_index) < 0 || (m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                     \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size)); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                        \
	} else                                                                                                      \

 * Ensures an integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size` and greater than or equal to 0.
 * If not, prints `m_msg` and the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(m_index, m_size, m_retval, m_msg)                                                         \
	if (unlikely((m_index) < 0 || (m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                            \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                               \
	} else                                                                                                             \

 * Ensures an integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size` and greater than or equal to 0.
 * If not, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_EDMSG(m_index, m_size, m_retval, m_msg)                                                             \
	if (unlikely((m_index) < 0 || (m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                  \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg, true); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                                     \
	} else                                                                                                                   \

 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible fallback i.e. the error is unrecoverable, and
 * there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures an integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size` and greater than or equal to 0.
 * If not, the application crashes.
#define CRASH_BAD_INDEX(m_index, m_size)                                                                                  \
	if (unlikely((m_index) < 0 || (m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                               \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), "", true); \
		GENERATE_TRAP();                                                                                                  \
	} else                                                                                                                \

 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible fallback i.e. the error is unrecoverable.
 * Ensures an integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size` and greater than or equal to 0.
 * If not, prints `m_msg` and the application crashes.
#define CRASH_BAD_INDEX_MSG(m_index, m_size, m_msg)                                                                          \
	if (unlikely((m_index) < 0 || (m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                  \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg, true); \
		GENERATE_TRAP();                                                                                                     \
	} else                                                                                                                   \

// Unsigned integer index out of bounds error macros.

 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures an unsigned integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size`.
 * If not, the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX(m_index, m_size)                                                                \
	if (unlikely((m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                      \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size)); \
		return;                                                                                                 \
	} else                                                                                                      \

 * Ensures an unsigned integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size`.
 * If not, prints `m_msg` and the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_MSG(m_index, m_size, m_msg)                                                            \
	if (unlikely((m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                             \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg); \
		return;                                                                                                        \
	} else                                                                                                             \
 * Ensures an unsigned integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size`.
 * If not, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_EDMSG(m_index, m_size, m_msg)                                                                \
	if (unlikely((m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                                   \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg, true); \
		return;                                                                                                              \
	} else                                                                                                                   \

 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures an unsigned integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size`.
 * If not, the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V(m_index, m_size, m_retval)                                                    \
	if (unlikely((m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                      \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size)); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                        \
	} else                                                                                                      \

 * Ensures an unsigned integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size`.
 * If not, prints `m_msg` and the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V_MSG(m_index, m_size, m_retval, m_msg)                                                \
	if (unlikely((m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                             \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                               \
	} else                                                                                                             \

 * Ensures an unsigned integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size`.
 * If not, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V_EDMSG(m_index, m_size, m_retval, m_msg)                                                    \
	if (unlikely((m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                                   \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg, true); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                                     \
	} else                                                                                                                   \

 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible fallback i.e. the error is unrecoverable, and
 * there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures an unsigned integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size`.
 * If not, the application crashes.
#define CRASH_BAD_UNSIGNED_INDEX(m_index, m_size)                                                                         \
	if (unlikely((m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                                \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), "", true); \
		GENERATE_TRAP();                                                                                                  \
	} else                                                                                                                \

 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible fallback i.e. the error is unrecoverable.
 * Ensures an unsigned integer index `m_index` is less than `m_size`.
 * If not, prints `m_msg` and the application crashes.
#define CRASH_BAD_UNSIGNED_INDEX_MSG(m_index, m_size, m_msg)                                                                 \
	if (unlikely((m_index) >= (m_size))) {                                                                                   \
		_err_print_index_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_index, m_size, _STR(m_index), _STR(m_size), m_msg, true); \
		GENERATE_TRAP();                                                                                                     \
	} else                                                                                                                   \

// Null reference error macros.

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures a pointer `m_param` is not null.
 * If it is null, the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_NULL(m_param)                                                                          \
	if (unlikely(m_param == nullptr)) {                                                                 \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Parameter \"" _STR(m_param) "\" is null."); \
		return;                                                                                         \
	} else                                                                                              \

 * Ensures a pointer `m_param` is not null.
 * If it is null, prints `m_msg` and the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG(m_param, m_msg)                                                                      \
	if (unlikely(m_param == nullptr)) {                                                                        \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Parameter \"" _STR(m_param) "\" is null.", m_msg); \
		return;                                                                                                \
	} else                                                                                                     \

 * Ensures a pointer `m_param` is not null.
 * If it is null, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_NULL_EDMSG(m_param, m_msg)                                                                          \
	if (unlikely(m_param == nullptr)) {                                                                              \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Parameter \"" _STR(m_param) "\" is null.", m_msg, true); \
		return;                                                                                                      \
	} else                                                                                                           \

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures a pointer `m_param` is not null.
 * If it is null, the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(m_param, m_retval)                                                              \
	if (unlikely(m_param == nullptr)) {                                                                 \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Parameter \"" _STR(m_param) "\" is null."); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                \
	} else                                                                                              \

 * Ensures a pointer `m_param` is not null.
 * If it is null, prints `m_msg` and the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG(m_param, m_retval, m_msg)                                                          \
	if (unlikely(m_param == nullptr)) {                                                                        \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Parameter \"" _STR(m_param) "\" is null.", m_msg); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                       \
	} else                                                                                                     \

 * Ensures a pointer `m_param` is not null.
 * If it is null, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_EDMSG(m_param, m_retval, m_msg)                                                              \
	if (unlikely(m_param == nullptr)) {                                                                              \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Parameter \"" _STR(m_param) "\" is null.", m_msg, true); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                             \
	} else                                                                                                           \

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * If checking for null use ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG instead.
 * If checking index bounds use ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG instead.
 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_COND(m_cond)                                                                          \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                            \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true."); \
		return;                                                                                        \
	} else                                                                                             \

 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, prints `m_msg` and the current function returns.
 * If checking for null use ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG instead.
 * If checking index bounds use ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG instead.
#define ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(m_cond, m_msg)                                                                      \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                   \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true.", m_msg); \
		return;                                                                                               \
	} else                                                                                                    \

 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns.
 * If checking for null use ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG instead.
 * If checking index bounds use ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG instead.
#define ERR_FAIL_COND_EDMSG(m_cond, m_msg)                                                                          \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                         \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true.", m_msg, true); \
		return;                                                                                                     \
	} else                                                                                                          \

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * If checking for null use ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG instead.
 * If checking index bounds use ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG instead.
 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_COND_V(m_cond, m_retval)                                                                                         \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                                       \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true. Returning: " _STR(m_retval)); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                                          \
	} else                                                                                                                        \

 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, prints `m_msg` and the current function returns `m_retval`.
 * If checking for null use ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG instead.
 * If checking index bounds use ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG instead.
#define ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(m_cond, m_retval, m_msg)                                                                                     \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                                              \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true. Returning: " _STR(m_retval), m_msg); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                                                 \
	} else                                                                                                                               \

 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns `m_retval`.
 * If checking for null use ERR_FAIL_NULL_V_MSG instead.
 * If checking index bounds use ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG instead.
#define ERR_FAIL_COND_V_EDMSG(m_cond, m_retval, m_msg)                                                                                         \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                                                    \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true. Returning: " _STR(m_retval), m_msg, true); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                                                       \
	} else                                                                                                                                     \

 * Try using `ERR_CONTINUE_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, the current loop continues.
#define ERR_CONTINUE(m_cond)                                                                                       \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                        \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true. Continuing."); \
		continue;                                                                                                  \
	} else                                                                                                         \

 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, prints `m_msg` and the current loop continues.
#define ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(m_cond, m_msg)                                                                                   \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                               \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true. Continuing.", m_msg); \
		continue;                                                                                                         \
	} else                                                                                                                \

 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current loop continues.
#define ERR_CONTINUE_EDMSG(m_cond, m_msg)                                                                                       \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                                     \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true. Continuing.", m_msg, true); \
		continue;                                                                                                               \
	} else                                                                                                                      \

 * Try using `ERR_BREAK_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, the current loop breaks.
#define ERR_BREAK(m_cond)                                                                                        \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                      \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true. Breaking."); \
		break;                                                                                                   \
	} else                                                                                                       \

 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, prints `m_msg` and the current loop breaks.
#define ERR_BREAK_MSG(m_cond, m_msg)                                                                                    \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                             \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true. Breaking.", m_msg); \
		break;                                                                                                          \
	} else                                                                                                              \

 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current loop breaks.
#define ERR_BREAK_EDMSG(m_cond, m_msg)                                                                                        \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                                   \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true. Breaking.", m_msg, true); \
		break;                                                                                                                \
	} else                                                                                                                    \

 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible fallback i.e. the error is unrecoverable, and
 * there is no sensible error message.
 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, the application crashes.
#define CRASH_COND(m_cond)                                                                                    \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                   \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "FATAL: Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true."); \
		GENERATE_TRAP();                                                                                      \
	} else                                                                                                    \

 * Only use this macro if there is no sensible fallback i.e. the error is unrecoverable.
 * Ensures `m_cond` is false.
 * If `m_cond` is true, prints `m_msg` and the application crashes.
#define CRASH_COND_MSG(m_cond, m_msg)                                                                                \
	if (unlikely(m_cond)) {                                                                                          \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "FATAL: Condition \"" _STR(m_cond) "\" is true.", m_msg); \
		GENERATE_TRAP();                                                                                             \
	} else                                                                                                           \

// Generic error macros.

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG` or `ERR_FAIL_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if more complex error detection or recovery is required, and
 * there is no sensible error message.
 * The current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL()                                                                     \
	if (true) {                                                                        \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Method/function failed."); \
		return;                                                                        \
	} else                                                                             \

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if more complex error detection or recovery is required.
 * Prints `m_msg`, and the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_MSG(m_msg)                                                                   \
	if (true) {                                                                               \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Method/function failed.", m_msg); \
		return;                                                                               \
	} else                                                                                    \

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if more complex error detection or recovery is required.
 * Prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns.
#define ERR_FAIL_EDMSG(m_msg)                                                                       \
	if (true) {                                                                                     \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Method/function failed.", m_msg, true); \
		return;                                                                                     \
	} else                                                                                          \

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG` or `ERR_FAIL_V_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if more complex error detection or recovery is required, and
 * there is no sensible error message.
 * The current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_V(m_retval)                                                                                      \
	if (true) {                                                                                                   \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Method/function failed. Returning: " _STR(m_retval)); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                          \
	} else                                                                                                        \

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if more complex error detection or recovery is required.
 * Prints `m_msg`, and the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(m_retval, m_msg)                                                                                  \
	if (true) {                                                                                                          \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Method/function failed. Returning: " _STR(m_retval), m_msg); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                                 \
	} else                                                                                                               \

 * Try using `ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG`.
 * Only use this macro if more complex error detection or recovery is required.
 * Prints `m_msg`, notifies in the editor, and the current function returns `m_retval`.
#define ERR_FAIL_V_EDMSG(m_retval, m_msg)                                                                                      \
	if (true) {                                                                                                                \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Method/function failed. Returning: " _STR(m_retval), m_msg, true); \
		return m_retval;                                                                                                       \
	} else                                                                                                                     \

 * Only use this macro at the start of a function that has not been implemented yet, or
 * if more complex error detection or recovery is required.
 * Prints `m_msg`.
#define ERR_PRINT(m_msg) \
	_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg)

 * Only use this macro at the start of a function that has not been implemented yet, or
 * if more complex error detection or recovery is required.
 * Prints `m_msg` and notifies the editor.
#define ERR_PRINT_ED(m_msg) \
	_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg, )

 * Prints `m_msg` once during the application lifetime.
#define ERR_PRINT_ONCE(m_msg)                                          \
	if (true) {                                                        \
		static bool first_print = true;                                \
		if (first_print) {                                             \
			_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg); \
			first_print = false;                                       \
		}                                                              \
	} else                                                             \

 * Prints `m_msg` and notifies the editor once during the application lifetime.
#define ERR_PRINT_ONCE_ED(m_msg)                                             \
	if (true) {                                                              \
		static bool first_print = true;                                      \
		if (first_print) {                                                   \
			_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg, true); \
			first_print = false;                                             \
		}                                                                    \
	} else                                                                   \

// Print warning message macros.

 * Prints `m_msg`.
 * If warning about deprecated usage, use `WARN_DEPRECATED` or `WARN_DEPRECATED_MSG` instead.
#define WARN_PRINT(m_msg) \
	_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg, false, ERR_HANDLER_WARNING)

 * Prints `m_msg` and notifies the editor.
 * If warning about deprecated usage, use `WARN_DEPRECATED` or `WARN_DEPRECATED_MSG` instead.
#define WARN_PRINT_ED(m_msg) \
	_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg, true, ERR_HANDLER_WARNING)

 * Prints `m_msg` once during the application lifetime.
 * If warning about deprecated usage, use `WARN_DEPRECATED` or `WARN_DEPRECATED_MSG` instead.
#define WARN_PRINT_ONCE(m_msg)                                                                     \
	if (true) {                                                                                    \
		static bool first_print = true;                                                            \
		if (first_print) {                                                                         \
			_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg, false, ERR_HANDLER_WARNING); \
			first_print = false;                                                                   \
		}                                                                                          \
	} else                                                                                         \

 * Prints `m_msg` and notifies the editor once during the application lifetime.
 * If warning about deprecated usage, use `WARN_DEPRECATED` or `WARN_DEPRECATED_MSG` instead.
#define WARN_PRINT_ONCE_ED(m_msg)                                                                 \
	if (true) {                                                                                   \
		static bool first_print = true;                                                           \
		if (first_print) {                                                                        \
			_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, m_msg, true, ERR_HANDLER_WARNING); \
			first_print = false;                                                                  \
		}                                                                                         \
	} else                                                                                        \

// Print deprecated warning message macros.

 * Warns that the current function is deprecated.
#define WARN_DEPRECATED                                                                                                                                           \
	if (true) {                                                                                                                                                   \
		static SafeFlag warning_shown;                                                                                                                            \
		if (!warning_shown.is_set()) {                                                                                                                            \
			_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "This method has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.", false, ERR_HANDLER_WARNING); \
			warning_shown.set();                                                                                                                                  \
		}                                                                                                                                                         \
	} else                                                                                                                                                        \

 * Warns that the current function is deprecated and prints `m_msg`.
#define WARN_DEPRECATED_MSG(m_msg)                                                                                                                                       \
	if (true) {                                                                                                                                                          \
		static SafeFlag warning_shown;                                                                                                                                   \
		if (!warning_shown.is_set()) {                                                                                                                                   \
			_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "This method has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.", m_msg, false, ERR_HANDLER_WARNING); \
			warning_shown.set();                                                                                                                                         \
		}                                                                                                                                                                \
	} else                                                                                                                                                               \

 * Do not use.
 * If the application should never reach this point use CRASH_NOW_MSG(m_msg) to explain why.
 * The application crashes.
#define CRASH_NOW()                                                                           \
	if (true) {                                                                               \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "FATAL: Method/function failed."); \
		GENERATE_TRAP();                                                                      \
	} else                                                                                    \

 * Only use if the application should never reach this point.
 * Prints `m_msg`, and then the application crashes.
#define CRASH_NOW_MSG(m_msg)                                                                         \
	if (true) {                                                                                      \
		_err_print_error(FUNCTION_STR, __FILE__, __LINE__, "FATAL: Method/function failed.", m_msg); \
		GENERATE_TRAP();                                                                             \
	} else                                                                                           \

#endif // ERROR_MACROS_H