/**************************************************************************/ /* menu_bar.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "menu_bar.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "scene/main/window.h" #include "scene/theme/theme_db.h" void MenuBar::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_event.is_null()); if (is_native_menu()) { // Handled by OS. return; } MutexLock lock(mutex); if (p_event->is_action("ui_left", true) && p_event->is_pressed()) { int new_sel = selected_menu; int old_sel = (selected_menu < 0) ? 0 : selected_menu; do { new_sel--; if (new_sel < 0) { new_sel = menu_cache.size() - 1; } if (old_sel == new_sel) { return; } } while (menu_cache[new_sel].hidden || menu_cache[new_sel].disabled); if (selected_menu != new_sel) { selected_menu = new_sel; focused_menu = selected_menu; if (active_menu >= 0) { get_menu_popup(active_menu)->hide(); } _open_popup(selected_menu, true); } return; } else if (p_event->is_action("ui_right", true) && p_event->is_pressed()) { int new_sel = selected_menu; int old_sel = (selected_menu < 0) ? menu_cache.size() - 1 : selected_menu; do { new_sel++; if (new_sel >= menu_cache.size()) { new_sel = 0; } if (old_sel == new_sel) { return; } } while (menu_cache[new_sel].hidden || menu_cache[new_sel].disabled); if (selected_menu != new_sel) { selected_menu = new_sel; focused_menu = selected_menu; if (active_menu >= 0) { get_menu_popup(active_menu)->hide(); } _open_popup(selected_menu, true); } return; } Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm = p_event; if (mm.is_valid()) { int old_sel = selected_menu; focused_menu = _get_index_at_point(mm->get_position()); if (focused_menu >= 0) { selected_menu = focused_menu; } if (selected_menu != old_sel) { queue_redraw(); } } Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_event; if (mb.is_valid()) { if (mb->is_pressed() && (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT || mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::RIGHT)) { int index = _get_index_at_point(mb->get_position()); if (index >= 0) { _open_popup(index); } } } } void MenuBar::_open_popup(int p_index, bool p_focus_item) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, menu_cache.size()); PopupMenu *pm = get_menu_popup(p_index); if (pm->is_visible()) { pm->hide(); return; } Rect2 item_rect = _get_menu_item_rect(p_index); Size2 canvas_scale = get_canvas_transform().get_scale(); Point2 screen_pos = get_screen_position() + item_rect.position * canvas_scale; Size2 screen_size = item_rect.size * canvas_scale; active_menu = p_index; pm->set_size(Size2(screen_size.x, 0)); screen_pos.y += screen_size.y; if (is_layout_rtl()) { screen_pos.x += screen_size.x - pm->get_size().width; } pm->set_position(screen_pos); pm->popup(); if (p_focus_item) { for (int i = 0; i < pm->get_item_count(); i++) { if (!pm->is_item_disabled(i)) { pm->set_focused_item(i); break; } } } queue_redraw(); } void MenuBar::shortcut_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_event.is_null()); if (disable_shortcuts) { return; } if (p_event->is_pressed() && (Object::cast_to<InputEventKey>(p_event.ptr()) || Object::cast_to<InputEventJoypadButton>(p_event.ptr()) || Object::cast_to<InputEventAction>(*p_event) || Object::cast_to<InputEventShortcut>(*p_event))) { if (!get_parent() || !is_visible_in_tree()) { return; } Vector<PopupMenu *> popups = _get_popups(); for (int i = 0; i < popups.size(); i++) { if (menu_cache[i].hidden || menu_cache[i].disabled) { continue; } if (popups[i]->activate_item_by_event(p_event, false)) { accept_event(); return; } } } } void MenuBar::_popup_visibility_changed(bool p_visible) { if (!p_visible) { active_menu = -1; focused_menu = -1; set_process_internal(false); queue_redraw(); return; } if (switch_on_hover) { set_process_internal(true); } } bool MenuBar::is_native_menu() const { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (is_part_of_edited_scene()) { return false; } #endif return (NativeMenu::get_singleton()->has_feature(NativeMenu::FEATURE_GLOBAL_MENU) && prefer_native); } void MenuBar::bind_global_menu() { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (is_part_of_edited_scene()) { return; } #endif if (!NativeMenu::get_singleton()->has_feature(NativeMenu::FEATURE_GLOBAL_MENU)) { return; } if (!global_menu_tag.is_empty()) { return; // Already bound. } NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); RID main_menu = nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID); global_menu_tag = "__MenuBar#" + itos(get_instance_id()); int global_start_idx = -1; int count = nmenu->get_item_count(main_menu); String prev_tag; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String tag = nmenu->get_item_tag(main_menu, i).operator String().get_slice("#", 1); if (!tag.is_empty() && tag != prev_tag) { if (i >= start_index) { global_start_idx = i; break; } } prev_tag = tag; } if (global_start_idx == -1) { global_start_idx = count; } Vector<PopupMenu *> popups = _get_popups(); for (int i = 0; i < menu_cache.size(); i++) { RID submenu_rid = popups[i]->bind_global_menu(); if (!popups[i]->is_system_menu()) { int index = nmenu->add_submenu_item(main_menu, menu_cache[i].name, submenu_rid, global_menu_tag + "#" + itos(i), global_start_idx + i); menu_cache.write[i].submenu_rid = submenu_rid; nmenu->set_item_hidden(main_menu, index, menu_cache[i].hidden); nmenu->set_item_disabled(main_menu, index, menu_cache[i].disabled); nmenu->set_item_tooltip(main_menu, index, menu_cache[i].tooltip); } else { menu_cache.write[i].submenu_rid = RID(); } } } void MenuBar::unbind_global_menu() { if (global_menu_tag.is_empty()) { return; } NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); RID main_menu = nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID); Vector<PopupMenu *> popups = _get_popups(); for (int i = menu_cache.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!popups[i]->is_system_menu()) { if (menu_cache[i].submenu_rid.is_valid()) { int item_idx = nmenu->find_item_index_with_submenu(main_menu, menu_cache[i].submenu_rid); if (item_idx >= 0) { nmenu->remove_item(main_menu, item_idx); } } popups[i]->unbind_global_menu(); menu_cache.write[i].submenu_rid = RID(); } } global_menu_tag = String(); } void MenuBar::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { if (get_menu_count() > 0) { _refresh_menu_names(); } if (is_native_menu()) { bind_global_menu(); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE: { unbind_global_menu(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT: { focused_menu = -1; selected_menu = -1; queue_redraw(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_TRANSLATION_CHANGED: { NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); bool is_global = !global_menu_tag.is_empty(); RID main_menu = is_global ? nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID) : RID(); for (int i = 0; i < menu_cache.size(); i++) { shape(menu_cache.write[i]); if (is_global && menu_cache[i].submenu_rid.is_valid()) { int item_idx = nmenu->find_item_index_with_submenu(main_menu, menu_cache[i].submenu_rid); if (item_idx >= 0) { nmenu->set_item_text(main_menu, item_idx, atr(menu_cache[i].name)); } } } } break; case NOTIFICATION_LAYOUT_DIRECTION_CHANGED: case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { for (int i = 0; i < menu_cache.size(); i++) { shape(menu_cache.write[i]); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED: { if (is_native_menu()) { if (is_visible_in_tree()) { bind_global_menu(); } else { unbind_global_menu(); } } } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { if (is_native_menu()) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < menu_cache.size(); i++) { _draw_menu_item(i); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PROCESS: { MutexLock lock(mutex); if (is_native_menu()) { // Handled by OS. return; } Vector2 pos = get_local_mouse_position(); if (pos == old_mouse_pos) { return; } old_mouse_pos = pos; int index = _get_index_at_point(pos); if (index >= 0 && index != active_menu) { selected_menu = index; focused_menu = selected_menu; if (active_menu >= 0) { get_menu_popup(active_menu)->hide(); } _open_popup(index); } } break; } } int MenuBar::_get_index_at_point(const Point2 &p_point) const { Ref<StyleBox> style = theme_cache.normal; int offset = 0; Point2 point = p_point; if (is_layout_rtl()) { point.x = get_size().x - point.x; } for (int i = 0; i < menu_cache.size(); i++) { if (menu_cache[i].hidden) { continue; } Size2 size = menu_cache[i].text_buf->get_size() + style->get_minimum_size(); if (point.x > offset && point.x < offset + size.x) { if (point.y > 0 && point.y < size.y) { return i; } } offset += size.x + theme_cache.h_separation; } return -1; } Rect2 MenuBar::_get_menu_item_rect(int p_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, menu_cache.size(), Rect2()); Ref<StyleBox> style = theme_cache.normal; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p_index; i++) { if (menu_cache[i].hidden) { continue; } Size2 size = menu_cache[i].text_buf->get_size() + style->get_minimum_size(); offset += size.x + theme_cache.h_separation; } Size2 size = menu_cache[p_index].text_buf->get_size() + style->get_minimum_size(); if (is_layout_rtl()) { return Rect2(Point2(get_size().x - offset - size.x, 0), size); } else { return Rect2(Point2(offset, 0), size); } } void MenuBar::_draw_menu_item(int p_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, menu_cache.size()); RID ci = get_canvas_item(); bool hovered = (focused_menu == p_index); bool pressed = (active_menu == p_index); bool rtl = is_layout_rtl(); if (menu_cache[p_index].hidden) { return; } Color color; Ref<StyleBox> style; Rect2 item_rect = _get_menu_item_rect(p_index); if (menu_cache[p_index].disabled) { if (rtl && has_theme_stylebox(SNAME("disabled_mirrored"))) { style = theme_cache.disabled_mirrored; } else { style = theme_cache.disabled; } if (!flat) { style->draw(ci, item_rect); } color = theme_cache.font_disabled_color; } else if (hovered && pressed && has_theme_stylebox("hover_pressed")) { if (rtl && has_theme_stylebox(SNAME("hover_pressed_mirrored"))) { style = theme_cache.hover_pressed_mirrored; } else { style = theme_cache.hover_pressed; } if (!flat) { style->draw(ci, item_rect); } if (has_theme_color(SNAME("font_hover_pressed_color"))) { color = theme_cache.font_hover_pressed_color; } } else if (pressed) { if (rtl && has_theme_stylebox(SNAME("pressed_mirrored"))) { style = theme_cache.pressed_mirrored; } else { style = theme_cache.pressed; } if (!flat) { style->draw(ci, item_rect); } if (has_theme_color(SNAME("font_pressed_color"))) { color = theme_cache.font_pressed_color; } else { color = theme_cache.font_color; } } else if (hovered) { if (rtl && has_theme_stylebox(SNAME("hover_mirrored"))) { style = theme_cache.hover_mirrored; } else { style = theme_cache.hover; } if (!flat) { style->draw(ci, item_rect); } color = theme_cache.font_hover_color; } else { if (rtl && has_theme_stylebox(SNAME("normal_mirrored"))) { style = theme_cache.normal_mirrored; } else { style = theme_cache.normal; } if (!flat) { style->draw(ci, item_rect); } // Focus colors only take precedence over normal state. if (has_focus()) { color = theme_cache.font_focus_color; } else { color = theme_cache.font_color; } } Point2 text_ofs = item_rect.position + Point2(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), style->get_margin(SIDE_TOP)); Color font_outline_color = theme_cache.font_outline_color; int outline_size = theme_cache.outline_size; if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) { menu_cache[p_index].text_buf->draw_outline(ci, text_ofs, outline_size, font_outline_color); } menu_cache[p_index].text_buf->draw(ci, text_ofs, color); } void MenuBar::shape(Menu &p_menu) { p_menu.text_buf->clear(); if (text_direction == Control::TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED) { p_menu.text_buf->set_direction(is_layout_rtl() ? TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL : TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR); } else { p_menu.text_buf->set_direction((TextServer::Direction)text_direction); } p_menu.text_buf->add_string(atr(p_menu.name), theme_cache.font, theme_cache.font_size, language); } void MenuBar::_refresh_menu_names() { NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); bool is_global = !global_menu_tag.is_empty(); RID main_menu = is_global ? nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID) : RID(); Vector<PopupMenu *> popups = _get_popups(); for (int i = 0; i < popups.size(); i++) { if (!popups[i]->has_meta("_menu_name") && String(popups[i]->get_name()) != get_menu_title(i)) { menu_cache.write[i].name = popups[i]->get_name(); shape(menu_cache.write[i]); if (is_global && menu_cache[i].submenu_rid.is_valid()) { int item_idx = nmenu->find_item_index_with_submenu(main_menu, menu_cache[i].submenu_rid); if (item_idx >= 0) { nmenu->set_item_text(main_menu, item_idx, atr(menu_cache[i].name)); } } } } } Vector<PopupMenu *> MenuBar::_get_popups() const { Vector<PopupMenu *> popups; for (int i = 0; i < get_child_count(); i++) { PopupMenu *pm = Object::cast_to<PopupMenu>(get_child(i)); if (!pm) { continue; } popups.push_back(pm); } return popups; } int MenuBar::get_menu_idx_from_control(PopupMenu *p_child) const { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_child, -1); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_child->get_parent() != this, -1); Vector<PopupMenu *> popups = _get_popups(); for (int i = 0; i < popups.size(); i++) { if (popups[i] == p_child) { return i; } } return -1; } void MenuBar::add_child_notify(Node *p_child) { Control::add_child_notify(p_child); PopupMenu *pm = Object::cast_to<PopupMenu>(p_child); if (!pm) { return; } Menu menu = Menu(p_child->get_name()); shape(menu); menu_cache.push_back(menu); p_child->connect("renamed", callable_mp(this, &MenuBar::_refresh_menu_names)); p_child->connect("about_to_popup", callable_mp(this, &MenuBar::_popup_visibility_changed).bind(true)); p_child->connect("popup_hide", callable_mp(this, &MenuBar::_popup_visibility_changed).bind(false)); if (!global_menu_tag.is_empty()) { NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); RID main_menu = nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID); RID submenu_rid = pm->bind_global_menu(); if (!pm->is_system_menu()) { nmenu->add_submenu_item(main_menu, atr(menu.name), submenu_rid, global_menu_tag + "#" + itos(menu_cache.size() - 1), _find_global_start_index() + menu_cache.size() - 1); menu_cache.write[menu_cache.size() - 1].submenu_rid = submenu_rid; } } update_minimum_size(); } void MenuBar::move_child_notify(Node *p_child) { Control::move_child_notify(p_child); PopupMenu *pm = Object::cast_to<PopupMenu>(p_child); if (!pm) { return; } int old_idx = -1; String menu_name = String(pm->get_meta("_menu_name", pm->get_name())); // Find the previous menu index of the control. for (int i = 0; i < get_menu_count(); i++) { if (get_menu_title(i) == menu_name) { old_idx = i; break; } } Menu menu = menu_cache[old_idx]; menu_cache.remove_at(old_idx); int new_idx = get_menu_idx_from_control(pm); menu_cache.insert(new_idx, menu); if (!global_menu_tag.is_empty()) { if (!pm->is_system_menu()) { NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); RID main_menu = nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID); int global_start = _find_global_start_index(); if (menu.submenu_rid.is_valid()) { int item_idx = nmenu->find_item_index_with_submenu(main_menu, menu.submenu_rid); if (item_idx >= 0) { nmenu->remove_item(main_menu, item_idx); } } if (new_idx != -1) { nmenu->add_submenu_item(main_menu, atr(menu.name), menu.submenu_rid, global_menu_tag + "#" + itos(new_idx), global_start + new_idx); } } } } void MenuBar::remove_child_notify(Node *p_child) { Control::remove_child_notify(p_child); PopupMenu *pm = Object::cast_to<PopupMenu>(p_child); if (!pm) { return; } int idx = get_menu_idx_from_control(pm); if (!global_menu_tag.is_empty()) { if (!pm->is_system_menu()) { if (menu_cache[idx].submenu_rid.is_valid()) { NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); RID main_menu = nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID); int item_idx = nmenu->find_item_index_with_submenu(main_menu, menu_cache[idx].submenu_rid); if (item_idx >= 0) { nmenu->remove_item(main_menu, item_idx); } } pm->unbind_global_menu(); } } menu_cache.remove_at(idx); p_child->remove_meta("_menu_name"); p_child->remove_meta("_menu_tooltip"); p_child->disconnect("renamed", callable_mp(this, &MenuBar::_refresh_menu_names)); p_child->disconnect("about_to_popup", callable_mp(this, &MenuBar::_popup_visibility_changed)); p_child->disconnect("popup_hide", callable_mp(this, &MenuBar::_popup_visibility_changed)); update_minimum_size(); } void MenuBar::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_switch_on_hover", "enable"), &MenuBar::set_switch_on_hover); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_switch_on_hover"), &MenuBar::is_switch_on_hover); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_disable_shortcuts", "disabled"), &MenuBar::set_disable_shortcuts); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_prefer_global_menu", "enabled"), &MenuBar::set_prefer_global_menu); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_prefer_global_menu"), &MenuBar::is_prefer_global_menu); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_native_menu"), &MenuBar::is_native_menu); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_menu_count"), &MenuBar::get_menu_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_text_direction", "direction"), &MenuBar::set_text_direction); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_text_direction"), &MenuBar::get_text_direction); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_language", "language"), &MenuBar::set_language); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_language"), &MenuBar::get_language); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_flat", "enabled"), &MenuBar::set_flat); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_flat"), &MenuBar::is_flat); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_start_index", "enabled"), &MenuBar::set_start_index); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_start_index"), &MenuBar::get_start_index); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_menu_title", "menu", "title"), &MenuBar::set_menu_title); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_menu_title", "menu"), &MenuBar::get_menu_title); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_menu_tooltip", "menu", "tooltip"), &MenuBar::set_menu_tooltip); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_menu_tooltip", "menu"), &MenuBar::get_menu_tooltip); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_menu_disabled", "menu", "disabled"), &MenuBar::set_menu_disabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_menu_disabled", "menu"), &MenuBar::is_menu_disabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_menu_hidden", "menu", "hidden"), &MenuBar::set_menu_hidden); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_menu_hidden", "menu"), &MenuBar::is_menu_hidden); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_menu_popup", "menu"), &MenuBar::get_menu_popup); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flat"), "set_flat", "is_flat"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "start_index"), "set_start_index", "get_start_index"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "switch_on_hover"), "set_switch_on_hover", "is_switch_on_hover"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "prefer_global_menu"), "set_prefer_global_menu", "is_prefer_global_menu"); ADD_GROUP("BiDi", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "text_direction", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Auto,Left-to-Right,Right-to-Left,Inherited"), "set_text_direction", "get_text_direction"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "language", PROPERTY_HINT_LOCALE_ID, ""), "set_language", "get_language"); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, normal); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, normal_mirrored); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, disabled); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, disabled_mirrored); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, pressed); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, pressed_mirrored); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, hover); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, hover_mirrored); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, hover_pressed); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX, MenuBar, hover_pressed_mirrored); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_FONT, MenuBar, font); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_FONT_SIZE, MenuBar, font_size); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_CONSTANT, MenuBar, outline_size); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, MenuBar, font_outline_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, MenuBar, font_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, MenuBar, font_disabled_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, MenuBar, font_pressed_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, MenuBar, font_hover_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, MenuBar, font_hover_pressed_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_COLOR, MenuBar, font_focus_color); BIND_THEME_ITEM(Theme::DATA_TYPE_CONSTANT, MenuBar, h_separation); } void MenuBar::set_switch_on_hover(bool p_enabled) { switch_on_hover = p_enabled; } bool MenuBar::is_switch_on_hover() { return switch_on_hover; } void MenuBar::set_disable_shortcuts(bool p_disabled) { disable_shortcuts = p_disabled; } void MenuBar::set_text_direction(Control::TextDirection p_text_direction) { ERR_FAIL_COND((int)p_text_direction < -1 || (int)p_text_direction > 3); if (text_direction != p_text_direction) { text_direction = p_text_direction; update_minimum_size(); queue_redraw(); } } Control::TextDirection MenuBar::get_text_direction() const { return text_direction; } void MenuBar::set_language(const String &p_language) { if (language != p_language) { language = p_language; update_minimum_size(); queue_redraw(); } } String MenuBar::get_language() const { return language; } void MenuBar::set_flat(bool p_enabled) { if (flat != p_enabled) { flat = p_enabled; queue_redraw(); } } bool MenuBar::is_flat() const { return flat; } void MenuBar::set_start_index(int p_index) { if (start_index != p_index) { start_index = p_index; if (!global_menu_tag.is_empty()) { unbind_global_menu(); bind_global_menu(); } } } int MenuBar::get_start_index() const { return start_index; } void MenuBar::set_prefer_global_menu(bool p_enabled) { if (prefer_native != p_enabled) { prefer_native = p_enabled; if (prefer_native) { bind_global_menu(); } else { unbind_global_menu(); } } } bool MenuBar::is_prefer_global_menu() const { return prefer_native; } Size2 MenuBar::get_minimum_size() const { if (is_native_menu()) { return Size2(); } Ref<StyleBox> style = theme_cache.normal; Vector2 size; for (int i = 0; i < menu_cache.size(); i++) { if (menu_cache[i].hidden) { continue; } Size2 sz = menu_cache[i].text_buf->get_size() + style->get_minimum_size(); size.y = MAX(size.y, sz.y); size.x += sz.x; } if (menu_cache.size() > 1) { size.x += theme_cache.h_separation * (menu_cache.size() - 1); } return size; } int MenuBar::get_menu_count() const { return menu_cache.size(); } void MenuBar::set_menu_title(int p_menu, const String &p_title) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_menu, menu_cache.size()); PopupMenu *pm = get_menu_popup(p_menu); if (p_title == pm->get_name()) { pm->remove_meta("_menu_name"); } else { pm->set_meta("_menu_name", p_title); } menu_cache.write[p_menu].name = p_title; shape(menu_cache.write[p_menu]); if (!global_menu_tag.is_empty() && menu_cache[p_menu].submenu_rid.is_valid()) { NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); RID main_menu = nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID); int item_idx = nmenu->find_item_index_with_submenu(main_menu, menu_cache[p_menu].submenu_rid); if (item_idx >= 0) { nmenu->set_item_text(main_menu, item_idx, atr(menu_cache[p_menu].name)); } } update_minimum_size(); } String MenuBar::get_menu_title(int p_menu) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_menu, menu_cache.size(), String()); return menu_cache[p_menu].name; } void MenuBar::set_menu_tooltip(int p_menu, const String &p_tooltip) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_menu, menu_cache.size()); PopupMenu *pm = get_menu_popup(p_menu); pm->set_meta("_menu_tooltip", p_tooltip); menu_cache.write[p_menu].tooltip = p_tooltip; if (!global_menu_tag.is_empty() && menu_cache[p_menu].submenu_rid.is_valid()) { NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); RID main_menu = nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID); int item_idx = nmenu->find_item_index_with_submenu(main_menu, menu_cache[p_menu].submenu_rid); if (item_idx >= 0) { nmenu->set_item_tooltip(main_menu, item_idx, p_tooltip); } } } String MenuBar::get_menu_tooltip(int p_menu) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_menu, menu_cache.size(), String()); return menu_cache[p_menu].tooltip; } void MenuBar::set_menu_disabled(int p_menu, bool p_disabled) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_menu, menu_cache.size()); menu_cache.write[p_menu].disabled = p_disabled; if (!global_menu_tag.is_empty() && menu_cache[p_menu].submenu_rid.is_valid()) { NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); RID main_menu = nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID); int item_idx = nmenu->find_item_index_with_submenu(main_menu, menu_cache[p_menu].submenu_rid); if (item_idx >= 0) { nmenu->set_item_disabled(main_menu, item_idx, p_disabled); } } } bool MenuBar::is_menu_disabled(int p_menu) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_menu, menu_cache.size(), false); return menu_cache[p_menu].disabled; } void MenuBar::set_menu_hidden(int p_menu, bool p_hidden) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_menu, menu_cache.size()); menu_cache.write[p_menu].hidden = p_hidden; if (!global_menu_tag.is_empty() && menu_cache[p_menu].submenu_rid.is_valid()) { NativeMenu *nmenu = NativeMenu::get_singleton(); RID main_menu = nmenu->get_system_menu(NativeMenu::MAIN_MENU_ID); int item_idx = nmenu->find_item_index_with_submenu(main_menu, menu_cache[p_menu].submenu_rid); if (item_idx >= 0) { nmenu->set_item_hidden(main_menu, item_idx, p_hidden); } } update_minimum_size(); } bool MenuBar::is_menu_hidden(int p_menu) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_menu, menu_cache.size(), false); return menu_cache[p_menu].hidden; } PopupMenu *MenuBar::get_menu_popup(int p_idx) const { Vector<PopupMenu *> controls = _get_popups(); if (p_idx >= 0 && p_idx < controls.size()) { return controls[p_idx]; } else { return nullptr; } } String MenuBar::get_tooltip(const Point2 &p_pos) const { int index = _get_index_at_point(p_pos); if (index >= 0 && index < menu_cache.size()) { return menu_cache[index].tooltip; } else { return String(); } } MenuBar::MenuBar() { set_process_shortcut_input(true); } MenuBar::~MenuBar() { }