plugins { id 'io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin' } apply from: 'app/config.gradle' apply from: 'scripts/publish-root.gradle' ext { PUBLISH_VERSION = getGodotPublishVersion() } group = ossrhGroupId version = PUBLISH_VERSION allprojects { repositories { google() mavenCentral() gradlePluginPortal() maven { url "" } maven { url ""} } } ext { supportedAbis = ["arm32", "arm64", "x86_32", "x86_64"] supportedFlavors = ["editor", "template"] supportedAndroidDistributions = ["android", "horizonos"] supportedFlavorsBuildTypes = [ "editor": ["dev", "debug", "release"], "template": ["dev", "debug", "release"] ] // Used by gradle to specify which architecture to build for by default when running // `./gradlew build` (this command is usually used by Android Studio). // If building manually on the command line, it's recommended to use the // `./gradlew generateGodotTemplates` build command instead after running the `scons` command(s). // The {selectedAbis} values must be from the {supportedAbis} values. selectedAbis = ["arm64"] rootDir = "../../.." binDir = "$rootDir/bin/" androidEditorBuildsDir = "$binDir/android_editor_builds/" } def getSconsTaskName(String flavor, String buildType, String abi) { return "compileGodotNativeLibs" + flavor.capitalize() + buildType.capitalize() + abi.capitalize() } /** * Generate Godot gradle build template by zipping the source files from the app directory, as well * as the AAR files generated by 'copyDebugAAR', 'copyDevAAR' and 'copyReleaseAAR'. * The zip file also includes some gradle tools to enable gradle builds from the Godot Editor. */ task zipGradleBuild(type: Zip) { onlyIf { generateGodotTemplates.state.executed || generateDevTemplate.state.executed } doFirst { logger.lifecycle("Generating Godot gradle build template") } from(fileTree(dir: 'app', excludes: ['**/build/**', '**/.gradle/**', '**/*.iml']), fileTree(dir: '.', includes: ['gradlew', 'gradlew.bat', 'gradle/**'])) include '**/*' archiveFileName = '' destinationDirectory = file(binDir) } /** * Returns true if the scons build tasks responsible for generating the Godot native shared * libraries should be excluded. */ def excludeSconsBuildTasks() { return !isAndroidStudio() && !project.hasProperty("generateNativeLibs") } /** * Generates the list of build tasks that should be excluded from the build process.\ */ def templateExcludedBuildTask() { // We exclude these gradle tasks so we can run the scons command manually. def excludedTasks = [] if (excludeSconsBuildTasks()) { logger.lifecycle("Excluding Android studio build tasks") for (String flavor : supportedFlavors) { String[] supportedBuildTypes = supportedFlavorsBuildTypes[flavor] for (String buildType : supportedBuildTypes) { for (String abi : selectedAbis) { excludedTasks += ":lib:" + getSconsTaskName(flavor, buildType, abi) } } } } return excludedTasks } /** * Generates the build tasks for the given flavor * @param flavor Must be one of the supported flavors ('template' / 'editor') * @param androidDistro Must be one of the supported Android distributions ('android' / 'horizonos') */ def generateBuildTasks(String flavor = "template", String androidDistro = "android") { if (!supportedFlavors.contains(flavor)) { throw new GradleException("Invalid build flavor: $flavor") } if (!supportedAndroidDistributions.contains(androidDistro)) { throw new GradleException("Invalid Android distribution: $androidDistro") } String capitalizedAndroidDistro = androidDistro.capitalize() def buildTasks = [] // Only build the binary files for which we have native shared libraries unless we intend // to run the scons build tasks. boolean excludeSconsBuildTasks = excludeSconsBuildTasks() boolean isTemplate = flavor == "template" String libsDir = isTemplate ? "lib/libs/" : "lib/libs/tools/" for (String target : supportedFlavorsBuildTypes[flavor]) { File targetLibs = new File(libsDir + target) String targetSuffix = target if (target == "dev") { targetSuffix = "" } if (!excludeSconsBuildTasks || (targetLibs != null && targetLibs.isDirectory() && targetLibs.listFiles() != null && targetLibs.listFiles().length > 0)) { String capitalizedTarget = target.capitalize() if (isTemplate) { // Copy the Godot android library archive file into the app module libs directory. // Depends on the library build task to ensure the AAR file is generated prior to copying. String copyAARTaskName = "copy${capitalizedTarget}AARToAppModule" if (tasks.findByName(copyAARTaskName) != null) { buildTasks += tasks.getByName(copyAARTaskName) } else { buildTasks += tasks.create(name: copyAARTaskName, type: Copy) { dependsOn ":lib:assembleTemplate${capitalizedTarget}" from('lib/build/outputs/aar') include("godot-lib.template_${targetSuffix}.aar") into("app/libs/${target}") } } // Copy the Godot android library archive file into the root bin directory. // Depends on the library build task to ensure the AAR file is generated prior to copying. String copyAARToBinTaskName = "copy${capitalizedTarget}AARToBin" if (tasks.findByName(copyAARToBinTaskName) != null) { buildTasks += tasks.getByName(copyAARToBinTaskName) } else { buildTasks += tasks.create(name: copyAARToBinTaskName, type: Copy) { dependsOn ":lib:assembleTemplate${capitalizedTarget}" from('lib/build/outputs/aar') include("godot-lib.template_${targetSuffix}.aar") into(binDir) } } // Copy the generated binary template into the Godot bin directory. // Depends on the app build task to ensure the binary is generated prior to copying. String copyBinaryTaskName = "copy${capitalizedTarget}BinaryToBin" if (tasks.findByName(copyBinaryTaskName) != null) { buildTasks += tasks.getByName(copyBinaryTaskName) } else { buildTasks += tasks.create(name: copyBinaryTaskName, type: Copy) { dependsOn ":app:assemble${capitalizedTarget}" from("app/build/outputs/apk/${target}") into(binDir) include("android_${target}.apk") } } } else { // Copy the generated editor apk to the bin directory. String copyEditorApkTaskName = "copyEditor${capitalizedAndroidDistro}${capitalizedTarget}ApkToBin" if (tasks.findByName(copyEditorApkTaskName) != null) { buildTasks += tasks.getByName(copyEditorApkTaskName) } else { buildTasks += tasks.create(name: copyEditorApkTaskName, type: Copy) { dependsOn ":editor:assemble${capitalizedAndroidDistro}${capitalizedTarget}" from("editor/build/outputs/apk/${androidDistro}/${target}") into(androidEditorBuildsDir) include("android_editor-${androidDistro}-${target}*.apk") } } // Copy the generated editor aab to the bin directory. String copyEditorAabTaskName = "copyEditor${capitalizedAndroidDistro}${capitalizedTarget}AabToBin" if (tasks.findByName(copyEditorAabTaskName) != null) { buildTasks += tasks.getByName(copyEditorAabTaskName) } else { buildTasks += tasks.create(name: copyEditorAabTaskName, type: Copy) { dependsOn ":editor:bundle${capitalizedAndroidDistro}${capitalizedTarget}" from("editor/build/outputs/bundle/${androidDistro}${capitalizedTarget}") into(androidEditorBuildsDir) include("android_editor-${androidDistro}-${target}*.aab") } } } } else { logger.lifecycle("No native shared libs for target $target. Skipping build.") } } return buildTasks } /** * Generate the Godot Editor binaries for Android devices. * * Note: Unless the 'generateNativeLibs` argument is specified, the Godot 'tools' shared libraries * must have been generated (via scons) prior to running this gradle task. * The task will only build the binaries for which the shared libraries is available. */ task generateGodotEditor { gradle.startParameter.excludedTaskNames += templateExcludedBuildTask() dependsOn = generateBuildTasks("editor", "android") } /** * Generate the Godot Editor binaries for HorizonOS devices. * * Note: Unless the 'generateNativeLibs` argument is specified, the Godot 'tools' shared libraries * must have been generated (via scons) prior to running this gradle task. * The task will only build the binaries for which the shared libraries is available. */ task generateGodotHorizonOSEditor { gradle.startParameter.excludedTaskNames += templateExcludedBuildTask() dependsOn = generateBuildTasks("editor", "horizonos") } /** * Master task used to coordinate the tasks defined above to generate the set of Godot templates. */ task generateGodotTemplates { gradle.startParameter.excludedTaskNames += templateExcludedBuildTask() dependsOn = generateBuildTasks("template") finalizedBy 'zipGradleBuild' } /** * Generates the same output as generateGodotTemplates but with dev symbols */ task generateDevTemplate { // add parameter to set symbols to true project.ext.doNotStrip = "true" gradle.startParameter.excludedTaskNames += templateExcludedBuildTask() dependsOn = generateBuildTasks("template") finalizedBy 'zipGradleBuild' } task clean(type: Delete) { dependsOn 'cleanGodotEditor' dependsOn 'cleanGodotTemplates' } /** * Clean the generated editor artifacts. */ task cleanGodotEditor(type: Delete) { // Delete the generated native tools libs delete("lib/libs/tools") // Delete the library generated AAR files delete("lib/build/outputs/aar") // Delete the generated binary apks delete("editor/build/outputs/apk") // Delete the generated aab binaries delete("editor/build/outputs/bundle") // Delete the Godot editor apks & aabs in the Godot bin directory delete(androidEditorBuildsDir) } /** * Clean the generated template artifacts. */ task cleanGodotTemplates(type: Delete) { // Delete the generated native libs delete("lib/libs") // Delete the library generated AAR files delete("lib/build/outputs/aar") // Delete the app libs directory contents delete("app/libs") // Delete the generated binary apks delete("app/build/outputs/apk") // Delete the Godot templates in the Godot bin directory delete("$binDir/android_debug.apk") delete("$binDir/android_dev.apk") delete("$binDir/android_release.apk") delete("$binDir/") delete("$binDir/godot-lib.template_debug.aar") delete("$binDir/") delete("$binDir/godot-lib.template_release.aar") // Cover deletion for the libs using the previous naming scheme delete("$binDir/godot-lib.debug.aar") delete("$binDir/") delete("$binDir/godot-lib.release.aar") }