/*************************************************************************/ /* resource_format_xml.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2019 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "resource_format_xml.h" #include "globals.h" #include "os/dir_access.h" #include "version.h" ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::Tag *ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::parse_tag(bool *r_exit, bool p_printerr, List *r_order) { while (get_char() != '<' && !f->eof_reached()) { } if (f->eof_reached()) { return NULL; } Tag tag; bool exit = false; if (r_exit) *r_exit = false; bool complete = false; while (!f->eof_reached()) { CharType c = get_char(); if (c < 33 && tag.name.length() && !exit) { break; } else if (c == '>') { complete = true; break; } else if (c == '/') { exit = true; } else { tag.name += c; } } if (f->eof_reached()) { return NULL; } if (exit) { if (!tag_stack.size()) { if (!p_printerr) return NULL; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Unmatched exit tag "); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag_stack.size(), NULL); } if (tag_stack.back()->get().name != tag.name) { if (!p_printerr) return NULL; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Mismatched exit tag. Got , expected get().name + ">"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tag_stack.back()->get().name != tag.name, NULL); } if (!complete) { while (get_char() != '>' && !f->eof_reached()) { } if (f->eof_reached()) return NULL; } if (r_exit) *r_exit = true; tag_stack.pop_back(); return NULL; } if (!complete) { String name; CharString r_value; bool reading_value = false; while (!f->eof_reached()) { CharType c = get_char(); if (c == '>') { if (r_value.size()) { r_value.push_back(0); String str; str.parse_utf8(r_value.get_data()); tag.args[name] = str; if (r_order) r_order->push_back(name); } break; } else if (((!reading_value && (c < 33)) || c == '=' || c == '"' || c == '\'') && tag.name.length()) { if (!reading_value && name.length()) { reading_value = true; } else if (reading_value && r_value.size()) { r_value.push_back(0); String str; str.parse_utf8(r_value.get_data()); tag.args[name] = str; if (r_order) r_order->push_back(name); name = ""; r_value.clear(); reading_value = false; } } else if (reading_value) { r_value.push_back(c); } else { name += c; } } if (f->eof_reached()) return NULL; } tag_stack.push_back(tag); return &tag_stack.back()->get(); } Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::close_tag(const String &p_name) { int level = 0; bool inside_tag = false; while (true) { if (f->eof_reached()) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": EOF found while attempting to find "); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } uint8_t c = get_char(); if (c == '<') { if (inside_tag) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Malformed XML. Already inside Tag."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(inside_tag, ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } inside_tag = true; c = get_char(); if (c == '/') { --level; } else { ++level; }; } else if (c == '>') { if (!inside_tag) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Malformed XML. Already outside Tag"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!inside_tag, ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } inside_tag = false; if (level == -1) { tag_stack.pop_back(); return OK; }; }; } return OK; } void ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::unquote(String &p_str) { p_str = p_str.strip_edges().replace("\"", "").xml_unescape(); /*p_str=p_str.strip_edges(); p_str=p_str.replace("\"",""); p_str=p_str.replace(">","<"); p_str=p_str.replace("<",">"); p_str=p_str.replace("'","'"); p_str=p_str.replace(""","\""); for (int i=1;i<32;i++) { char chr[2]={i,0}; p_str=p_str.replace("&#"+String::num(i)+";",chr); } p_str=p_str.replace("&","&"); */ //p_str.parse_utf8( p_str.ascii(true).get_data() ); } Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::goto_end_of_tag() { uint8_t c; while (true) { c = get_char(); if (c == '>') //closetag break; if (f->eof_reached()) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": EOF found while attempting to find close tag."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } } tag_stack.pop_back(); return OK; } Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::parse_property_data(String &r_data) { r_data = ""; CharString cs; while (true) { CharType c = get_char(); if (c == '<') break; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); cs.push_back(c); } cs.push_back(0); r_data.parse_utf8(cs.get_data()); while (get_char() != '>' && !f->eof_reached()) { } if (f->eof_reached()) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Malformed XML."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } r_data = r_data.strip_edges(); tag_stack.pop_back(); return OK; } Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::_parse_array_element(Vector &buff, bool p_number_only, FileAccess *f, bool *end) { if (buff.empty()) buff.resize(32); // optimi int buff_max = buff.size(); int buff_size = 0; *end = false; char *buffptr = &buff[0]; bool found = false; bool quoted = false; while (true) { char c = get_char(); if (c == 0) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": File corrupt (zero found)."); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } else if (c == '"') { quoted = !quoted; } else if ((!quoted && ((p_number_only && c < 33) || c == ',')) || c == '<') { if (c == '<') { *end = true; break; } if (c < 32 && f->eof_reached()) { *end = true; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": File corrupt (unexpected EOF)."); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } if (found) break; } else { found = true; if (buff_size >= buff_max) { buff_max++; buff.resize(buff_max); buffptr = buff.ptr(); } buffptr[buff_size] = c; buff_size++; } } if (buff_size >= buff_max) { buff_max++; buff.resize(buff_max); } buff[buff_size] = 0; buff_size++; return OK; } Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::parse_property(Variant &r_v, String &r_name, bool p_for_export_data) { bool exit; Tag *tag = parse_tag(&exit); if (!tag) { if (exit) // shouldn't have exited return ERR_FILE_EOF; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": File corrupt (No Property Tag)."); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } r_v = Variant(); r_name = ""; //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tag->name!="property",ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("name"),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); // ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("type"),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); //String name=tag->args["name"]; //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(name=="",ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); String type = tag->name; String name = tag->args["name"]; if (type == "") { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": 'type' field is empty."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(type == "", ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } if (type == "dictionary") { Dictionary d(tag->args.has("shared") && (String(tag->args["shared"]) == "true" || String(tag->args["shared"]) == "1")); while (true) { Error err; String tagname; Variant key; int dictline = get_current_line(); err = parse_property(key, tagname, p_for_export_data); if (err && err != ERR_FILE_EOF) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Error parsing dictionary: " + name + " (from line " + itos(dictline) + ")"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err && err != ERR_FILE_EOF, err); } //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tagname!="key",ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); if (err) break; Variant value; err = parse_property(value, tagname, p_for_export_data); if (err) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Error parsing dictionary: " + name + " (from line " + itos(dictline) + ")"); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tagname!="value",ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); d[key] = value; } //err=parse_property_data(name); // skip the rest //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err,err); r_name = name; r_v = d; return OK; } else if (type == "array") { if (!tag->args.has("len")) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Array missing 'len' field: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("len"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int len = tag->args["len"].to_int(); bool shared = tag->args.has("shared") && (String(tag->args["shared"]) == "true" || String(tag->args["shared"]) == "1"); Array array(shared); array.resize(len); Error err; Variant v; String tagname; int idx = 0; while ((err = parse_property(v, tagname, p_for_export_data)) == OK) { ERR_CONTINUE(idx < 0 || idx >= len); array.set(idx, v); idx++; } if (idx != len) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Error loading array (size mismatch): " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(idx != len, err); } if (err != ERR_FILE_EOF) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Error loading array: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != ERR_FILE_EOF, err); } //err=parse_property_data(name); // skip the rest //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err,err); r_name = name; r_v = array; return OK; } else if (type == "resource") { if (tag->args.has("path")) { String path = tag->args["path"]; String hint; if (tag->args.has("resource_type")) hint = tag->args["resource_type"]; if (p_for_export_data) { String prop; if (path.begins_with("local://")) { prop = "@RESLOCAL:" + itos(path.replace("local://", "").to_int()); } r_v = prop; return OK; } if (path.begins_with("local://")) path = path.replace("local://", local_path + "::"); else if (path.find("://") == -1 && path.is_rel_path()) { // path is relative to file being loaded, so convert to a resource path path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(local_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(path)); } if (remaps.has(path)) { path = remaps[path]; } //take advantage of the resource loader cache. The resource is cached on it, even if RES res = ResourceLoader::load(path, hint); if (res.is_null()) { WARN_PRINT(String("Couldn't load resource: " + path).ascii().get_data()); } r_v = res.get_ref_ptr(); } else if (tag->args.has("external")) { int index = tag->args["external"].to_int(); if (p_for_export_data) { String prop; prop = "@RESEXTERNAL:" + itos(index); r_v = prop; return OK; } if (ext_resources.has(index)) { String path = ext_resources[index].path; String type = ext_resources[index].type; //take advantage of the resource loader cache. The resource is cached on it, even if RES res = ResourceLoader::load(path, type); if (res.is_null()) { WARN_PRINT(String("Couldn't load externalresource: " + path).ascii().get_data()); } r_v = res.get_ref_ptr(); } else { WARN_PRINT(String("Invalid external resource index: " + itos(index)).ascii().get_data()); } } Error err = goto_end_of_tag(); if (err) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Error closing tag."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); } r_name = name; return OK; } else if (type == "image") { if (!tag->args.has("encoding")) { //empty image r_v = Image(); String sdfsdfg; Error err = parse_property_data(sdfsdfg); return OK; } ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Image missing 'encoding' field."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("encoding"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Image missing 'width' field."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("width"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Image missing 'height' field."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("height"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Image missing 'format' field."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("format"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); String encoding = tag->args["encoding"]; if (encoding == "raw") { String width = tag->args["width"]; String height = tag->args["height"]; String format = tag->args["format"]; int mipmaps = tag->args.has("mipmaps") ? int(tag->args["mipmaps"].to_int()) : int(0); int custom_size = tag->args.has("custom_size") ? int(tag->args["custom_size"].to_int()) : int(0); r_name = name; Image::Format imgformat; if (format == "grayscale") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE; } else if (format == "intensity") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_INTENSITY; } else if (format == "grayscale_alpha") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA; } else if (format == "rgb") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_RGB; } else if (format == "rgba") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_RGBA; } else if (format == "indexed") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_INDEXED; } else if (format == "indexed_alpha") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_INDEXED_ALPHA; } else if (format == "bc1") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_BC1; } else if (format == "bc2") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_BC2; } else if (format == "bc3") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_BC3; } else if (format == "bc4") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_BC4; } else if (format == "bc5") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_BC5; } else if (format == "pvrtc2") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2; } else if (format == "pvrtc2a") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2_ALPHA; } else if (format == "pvrtc4") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4; } else if (format == "pvrtc4a") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4_ALPHA; } else if (format == "etc") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_ETC; } else if (format == "atc") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_ATC; } else if (format == "atcai") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_ATC_ALPHA_INTERPOLATED; } else if (format == "atcae") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_ATC_ALPHA_EXPLICIT; } else if (format == "custom") { imgformat = Image::FORMAT_CUSTOM; } else { ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int datasize; int w = width.to_int(); int h = height.to_int(); if (w == 0 && h == 0) { //r_v = Image(w, h, imgformat); r_v = Image(); String sdfsdfg; Error err = parse_property_data(sdfsdfg); return OK; }; if (imgformat == Image::FORMAT_CUSTOM) { datasize = custom_size; } else { datasize = Image::get_image_data_size(h, w, imgformat, mipmaps); } if (datasize == 0) { //r_v = Image(w, h, imgformat); r_v = Image(); String sdfsdfg; Error err = parse_property_data(sdfsdfg); return OK; }; DVector pixels; pixels.resize(datasize); DVector::Write wb = pixels.write(); int idx = 0; uint8_t byte; while (idx < datasize * 2) { CharType c = get_char(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(c == '<', ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')) { if (idx & 1) { byte |= HEX2CHR(c); wb[idx >> 1] = byte; } else { byte = HEX2CHR(c) << 4; } idx++; } } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); wb = DVector::Write(); r_v = Image(w, h, mipmaps, imgformat, pixels); String sdfsdfg; Error err = parse_property_data(sdfsdfg); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); return OK; } ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } else if (type == "raw_array") { if (!tag->args.has("len")) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": RawArray missing 'len' field: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("len"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int len = tag->args["len"].to_int(); DVector bytes; bytes.resize(len); DVector::Write w = bytes.write(); uint8_t *bytesptr = w.ptr(); int idx = 0; uint8_t byte; while (idx < len * 2) { CharType c = get_char(); if (c <= 32) continue; if (idx & 1) { byte |= HEX2CHR(c); bytesptr[idx >> 1] = byte; //printf("%x\n",int(byte)); } else { byte = HEX2CHR(c) << 4; } idx++; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); w = DVector::Write(); r_v = bytes; String sdfsdfg; Error err = parse_property_data(sdfsdfg); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); r_name = name; return OK; } else if (type == "int_array") { if (!tag->args.has("len")) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Array missing 'len' field: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("len"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int len = tag->args["len"].to_int(); DVector ints; ints.resize(len); DVector::Write w = ints.write(); int *intsptr = w.ptr(); int idx = 0; String str; #if 0 while( idxeof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); if (c<33 || c==',' || c=='<') { if (str.length()) { intsptr[idx]=str.to_int(); str=""; idx++; } if (c=='<') { while(get_char()!='>' && !f->eof_reached()) {} ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); break; } } else { str+=c; } } #else Vector tmpdata; while (idx < len) { bool end = false; Error err = _parse_array_element(tmpdata, true, f, &end); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); intsptr[idx] = String::to_int(&tmpdata[0]); idx++; if (end) break; } #endif w = DVector::Write(); r_v = ints; Error err = goto_end_of_tag(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); r_name = name; return OK; } else if (type == "real_array") { if (!tag->args.has("len")) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Array missing 'len' field: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("len"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int len = tag->args["len"].to_int(); ; DVector reals; reals.resize(len); DVector::Write w = reals.write(); real_t *realsptr = w.ptr(); int idx = 0; String str; #if 0 while( idxeof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); if (c<33 || c==',' || c=='<') { if (str.length()) { realsptr[idx]=str.to_double(); str=""; idx++; } if (c=='<') { while(get_char()!='>' && !f->eof_reached()) {} ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); break; } } else { str+=c; } } #else Vector tmpdata; while (idx < len) { bool end = false; Error err = _parse_array_element(tmpdata, true, f, &end); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); realsptr[idx] = String::to_double(&tmpdata[0]); idx++; if (end) break; } #endif w = DVector::Write(); r_v = reals; Error err = goto_end_of_tag(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); r_name = name; return OK; } else if (type == "string_array") { #if 0 if (!tag->args.has("len")) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path+":"+itos(get_current_line())+": Array missing 'len' field: "+name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("len"),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int len=tag->args["len"].to_int(); DVector strings; strings.resize(len); DVector::Write w=strings.write(); String *stringsptr=w.ptr(); int idx=0; String str; bool inside_str=false; CharString cs; while( idxeof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); if (c=='"') { if (inside_str) { cs.push_back(0); String str; str.parse_utf8(cs.get_data()); unquote(str); stringsptr[idx]=str; cs.clear(); idx++; inside_str=false; } else { inside_str=true; } } else if (c=='<') { while(get_char()!='>' && !f->eof_reached()) {} ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); break; } else if (inside_str){ cs.push_back(c); } } w=DVector::Write(); r_v=strings; String sdfsdfg; Error err=parse_property_data(sdfsdfg); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err,err); r_name=name; return OK; #endif if (!tag->args.has("len")) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": String Array missing 'len' field: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("len"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int len = tag->args["len"].to_int(); StringArray array; array.resize(len); DVector::Write w = array.write(); Error err; Variant v; String tagname; int idx = 0; while ((err = parse_property(v, tagname)) == OK) { ERR_CONTINUE(idx < 0 || idx >= len); String str = v; //convert back to string w[idx] = str; idx++; } if (idx != len) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Error loading array (size mismatch): " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(idx != len, err); } if (err != ERR_FILE_EOF) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Error loading array: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != ERR_FILE_EOF, err); } //err=parse_property_data(name); // skip the rest //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err,err); r_name = name; r_v = array; return OK; } else if (type == "vector3_array") { if (!tag->args.has("len")) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Array missing 'len' field: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("len"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int len = tag->args["len"].to_int(); ; DVector vectors; vectors.resize(len); DVector::Write w = vectors.write(); Vector3 *vectorsptr = w.ptr(); int idx = 0; int subidx = 0; Vector3 auxvec; String str; // uint64_t tbegin = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); #if 0 while( idxeof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); if (c<33 || c==',' || c=='<') { if (str.length()) { auxvec[subidx]=str.to_double(); subidx++; str=""; if (subidx==3) { vectorsptr[idx]=auxvec; idx++; subidx=0; } } if (c=='<') { while(get_char()!='>' && !f->eof_reached()) {} ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); break; } } else { str+=c; } } #else Vector tmpdata; while (idx < len) { bool end = false; Error err = _parse_array_element(tmpdata, true, f, &end); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); auxvec[subidx] = String::to_double(&tmpdata[0]); subidx++; if (subidx == 3) { vectorsptr[idx] = auxvec; idx++; subidx = 0; } if (end) break; } #endif ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Premature end of vector3 array"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(idx < len, ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); // double time_taken = (OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - tbegin)/1000000.0; w = DVector::Write(); r_v = vectors; String sdfsdfg; Error err = goto_end_of_tag(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); r_name = name; return OK; } else if (type == "vector2_array") { if (!tag->args.has("len")) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Array missing 'len' field: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("len"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int len = tag->args["len"].to_int(); ; DVector vectors; vectors.resize(len); DVector::Write w = vectors.write(); Vector2 *vectorsptr = w.ptr(); int idx = 0; int subidx = 0; Vector2 auxvec; String str; // uint64_t tbegin = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); #if 0 while( idxeof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); if (c<22 || c==',' || c=='<') { if (str.length()) { auxvec[subidx]=str.to_double(); subidx++; str=""; if (subidx==2) { vectorsptr[idx]=auxvec; idx++; subidx=0; } } if (c=='<') { while(get_char()!='>' && !f->eof_reached()) {} ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); break; } } else { str+=c; } } #else Vector tmpdata; while (idx < len) { bool end = false; Error err = _parse_array_element(tmpdata, true, f, &end); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); auxvec[subidx] = String::to_double(&tmpdata[0]); subidx++; if (subidx == 2) { vectorsptr[idx] = auxvec; idx++; subidx = 0; } if (end) break; } #endif ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Premature end of vector2 array"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(idx < len, ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); // double time_taken = (OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - tbegin)/1000000.0; w = DVector::Write(); r_v = vectors; String sdfsdfg; Error err = goto_end_of_tag(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); r_name = name; return OK; } else if (type == "color_array") { if (!tag->args.has("len")) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Array missing 'len' field: " + name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("len"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } int len = tag->args["len"].to_int(); ; DVector colors; colors.resize(len); DVector::Write w = colors.write(); Color *colorsptr = w.ptr(); int idx = 0; int subidx = 0; Color auxcol; String str; while (idx < len) { CharType c = get_char(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); if (c < 33 || c == ',' || c == '<') { if (str.length()) { auxcol[subidx] = str.to_double(); subidx++; str = ""; if (subidx == 4) { colorsptr[idx] = auxcol; idx++; subidx = 0; } } if (c == '<') { while (get_char() != '>' && !f->eof_reached()) { } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(f->eof_reached(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); break; } } else { str += c; } } w = DVector::Write(); r_v = colors; String sdfsdfg; Error err = parse_property_data(sdfsdfg); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); r_name = name; return OK; } String data; Error err = parse_property_data(data); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, err); if (type == "nil") { // uh do nothing } else if (type == "bool") { // uh do nothing if (data.nocasecmp_to("true") == 0 || data.to_int() != 0) r_v = true; else r_v = false; } else if (type == "int") { r_v = data.to_int(); } else if (type == "real") { r_v = data.to_double(); } else if (type == "string") { String str = data; unquote(str); r_v = str; } else if (type == "vector3") { r_v = Vector3( data.get_slicec(',', 0).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 1).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 2).to_double()); } else if (type == "vector2") { r_v = Vector2( data.get_slicec(',', 0).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 1).to_double()); } else if (type == "plane") { r_v = Plane( data.get_slicec(',', 0).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 1).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 2).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 3).to_double()); } else if (type == "quaternion") { r_v = Quat( data.get_slicec(',', 0).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 1).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 2).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 3).to_double()); } else if (type == "rect2") { r_v = Rect2( Vector2( data.get_slicec(',', 0).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 1).to_double()), Vector2( data.get_slicec(',', 2).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 3).to_double())); } else if (type == "aabb") { r_v = AABB( Vector3( data.get_slicec(',', 0).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 1).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 2).to_double()), Vector3( data.get_slicec(',', 3).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 4).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 5).to_double())); } else if (type == "matrix32") { Matrix32 m3; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { m3.elements[i][j] = data.get_slicec(',', i * 2 + j).to_double(); } } r_v = m3; } else if (type == "matrix3") { Matrix3 m3; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { m3.elements[i][j] = data.get_slicec(',', i * 3 + j).to_double(); } } r_v = m3; } else if (type == "transform") { Transform tr; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { tr.basis.elements[i][j] = data.get_slicec(',', i * 3 + j).to_double(); } } tr.origin = Vector3( data.get_slicec(',', 9).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 10).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 11).to_double()); r_v = tr; } else if (type == "color") { r_v = Color( data.get_slicec(',', 0).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 1).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 2).to_double(), data.get_slicec(',', 3).to_double()); } else if (type == "node_path") { String str = data; unquote(str); r_v = NodePath(str); } else if (type == "input_event") { // ? } else { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Unrecognized tag in file: " + type); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } r_name = name; return OK; } int ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::get_current_line() const { return lines; } uint8_t ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::get_char() const { uint8_t c = f->get_8(); if (c == '\n') lines++; return c; } /// void ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::set_local_path(const String &p_local_path) { res_path = p_local_path; } Ref ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::get_resource() { return resource; } Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::poll() { if (error != OK) return error; bool exit; Tag *tag = parse_tag(&exit); if (!tag) { error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; if (!exit) // shouldn't have exited ERR_FAIL_V(error); error = ERR_FILE_EOF; return error; } RES res; //Object *obj=NULL; bool main; if (tag->name == "ext_resource") { error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": missing 'path' field."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("path"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); String type = "Resource"; if (tag->args.has("type")) type = tag->args["type"]; String path = tag->args["path"]; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": can't use a local path, this is a bug?."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(path.begins_with("local://"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); if (path.find("://") == -1 && path.is_rel_path()) { // path is relative to file being loaded, so convert to a resource path path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(local_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(path)); } if (remaps.has(path)) { path = remaps[path]; } RES res = ResourceLoader::load(path, type); if (res.is_null()) { if (ResourceLoader::get_abort_on_missing_resources()) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": referenced nonexistent resource at: " + path); ERR_FAIL_V(error); } else { ResourceLoader::notify_dependency_error(local_path, path, type); } } else { resource_cache.push_back(res); } if (tag->args.has("index")) { ExtResource er; er.path = path; er.type = type; ext_resources[tag->args["index"].to_int()] = er; } Error err = close_tag("ext_resource"); if (err) return error; error = OK; resource_current++; return error; } else if (tag->name == "resource") { main = false; } else if (tag->name == "main_resource") { main = true; } else { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": unexpected main tag: " + tag->name); error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_FAIL_V(error); } String type; String path; int subres = 0; if (!main) { //loading resource error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": missing 'len' field."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("path"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": missing 'type' field."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("type"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); path = tag->args["path"]; error = OK; if (path.begins_with("local://")) { //built-in resource (but really external) path = path.replace("local://", ""); subres = path.to_int(); path = local_path + "::" + path; } if (ResourceCache::has(path)) { Error err = close_tag(tag->name); if (err) { error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; } ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Unable to close tag."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); resource_current++; error = OK; return OK; } type = tag->args["type"]; } else { type = resource_type; } Object *obj = ObjectTypeDB::instance(type); if (!obj) { error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Object of unrecognized type in file: " + type); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!obj, ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); Resource *r = obj->cast_to(); if (!r) { error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; memdelete(obj); //bye ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": Object type in resource field not a resource, type is: " + obj->get_type()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!r, ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } res = RES(r); if (path != "") r->set_path(path); r->set_subindex(subres); //load properties while (true) { String name; Variant v; Error err; err = parse_property(v, name); if (err == ERR_FILE_EOF) //tag closed break; if (err != OK) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": XML Parsing aborted."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } obj->set(name, v); } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED res->set_edited(false); #endif resource_cache.push_back(res); //keep it in mem until finished loading resource_current++; if (main) { f->close(); resource = res; if (!ResourceCache::has(res_path)) { resource->set_path(res_path); } error = ERR_FILE_EOF; return error; } error = OK; return OK; } int ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::get_stage() const { return resource_current; } int ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::get_stage_count() const { return resources_total; //+ext_resources; } ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::~ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML() { memdelete(f); } void ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::get_dependencies(FileAccess *f, List *p_dependencies, bool p_add_types) { open(f); ERR_FAIL_COND(error != OK); while (true) { bool exit; Tag *tag = parse_tag(&exit); if (!tag) { error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_FAIL_COND(!exit); error = ERR_FILE_EOF; return; } if (tag->name != "ext_resource") { return; } error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": missing 'path' field."); ERR_FAIL_COND(!tag->args.has("path")); String path = tag->args["path"]; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": can't use a local path, this is a bug?."); ERR_FAIL_COND(path.begins_with("local://")); if (path.find("://") == -1 && path.is_rel_path()) { // path is relative to file being loaded, so convert to a resource path path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(local_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(path)); } if (path.ends_with("*")) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!tag->args.has("type")); String type = tag->args["type"]; path = ResourceLoader::guess_full_filename(path, type); } if (p_add_types && tag->args.has("type")) { path += "::" + tag->args["type"]; } p_dependencies->push_back(path); Error err = close_tag("ext_resource"); if (err) return; error = OK; } } Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::get_export_data(FileAccess *p_f, ExportData &r_export_data) { open(p_f); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error != OK, error); while (true) { bool exit; Tag *tag = parse_tag(&exit); if (!tag) { error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; if (!exit) // shouldn't have exited ERR_FAIL_V(error); error = ERR_FILE_EOF; return error; } bool main; if (tag->name == "ext_resource") { ExportData::Dependency dep; error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": missing 'path' field."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tag->args.has("path"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); String type = "Resource"; if (tag->args.has("type")) type = tag->args["type"]; String path = tag->args["path"]; dep.path = path; dep.type = type; if (tag->args.has("index")) { ExtResource er; er.path = path; er.type = type; r_export_data.dependencies[tag->args["index"].to_int()] = dep; } else { int index = r_export_data.dependencies.size(); r_export_data.dependencies[index] = dep; } Error err = close_tag("ext_resource"); if (err) return error; continue; } else if (tag->name == "resource") { main = false; } else if (tag->name == "main_resource") { main = true; } else { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": unexpected main tag: " + tag->name); error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_FAIL_V(error); } r_export_data.resources.resize(r_export_data.resources.size() + 1); ExportData::ResourceData &res_data = r_export_data.resources[r_export_data.resources.size() - 1]; res_data.index = -1; if (!main) { //loading resource String path = tag->args["path"]; error = OK; if (path.begins_with("local://")) { //built-in resource (but really external) path = path.replace("local://", ""); res_data.index = path.to_int(); } res_data.type = tag->args["type"]; } else { res_data.type = resource_type; } //load properties while (true) { String name; Variant v; Error err; err = parse_property(v, name); if (err == ERR_FILE_EOF) //tag closed break; if (err != OK) { ERR_EXPLAIN(local_path + ":" + itos(get_current_line()) + ": XML Parsing aborted."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } ExportData::PropertyData prop; prop.name = name; prop.value = v; res_data.properties.push_back(prop); } if (main) { return OK; } } return OK; } Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::rename_dependencies(FileAccess *p_f, const String &p_path, const Map &p_map) { open(p_f); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error != OK, error); //FileAccess bool old_format = false; FileAccess *fw = NULL; String base_path = local_path.get_base_dir(); while (true) { bool exit; List order; Tag *tag = parse_tag(&exit, true, &order); bool done = false; if (!tag) { if (fw) { memdelete(fw); } error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!exit, error); error = ERR_FILE_EOF; return error; } if (tag->name == "ext_resource") { if (!tag->args.has("index") || !tag->args.has("path") || !tag->args.has("type")) { old_format = true; break; } if (!fw) { fw = FileAccess::open(p_path + ".depren", FileAccess::WRITE); fw->store_line(""); //no escape fw->store_line(""); } String path = tag->args["path"]; String index = tag->args["index"]; String type = tag->args["type"]; bool relative = false; if (!path.begins_with("res://")) { path = base_path.plus_file(path).simplify_path(); relative = true; } if (p_map.has(path)) { String np = p_map[path]; path = np; } if (relative) { //restore relative path = base_path.path_to_file(path); } tag->args["path"] = path; tag->args["index"] = index; tag->args["type"] = type; } else { done = true; } String tagt = "\t<"; if (exit) tagt += "/"; tagt += tag->name; for (List::Element *E = order.front(); E; E = E->next()) { tagt += " " + E->get() + "=\"" + tag->args[E->get()] + "\""; } tagt += ">"; fw->store_line(tagt); if (done) break; close_tag("ext_resource"); fw->store_line("\t"); } if (old_format) { if (fw) memdelete(fw); DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); da->remove(p_path + ".depren"); memdelete(da); //fuck it, use the old approach; WARN_PRINT(("This file is old, so it can't refactor dependencies, opening and resaving: " + p_path).utf8().get_data()); Error err; FileAccess *f2 = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ, &err); if (err != OK) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN); } Ref ria = memnew(ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML); ria->local_path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path); ria->res_path = ria->local_path; ria->remaps = p_map; // ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) ); ria->open(f2); err = ria->poll(); while (err == OK) { err = ria->poll(); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != ERR_FILE_EOF, ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); RES res = ria->get_resource(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!res.is_valid(), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); return ResourceFormatSaverXML::singleton->save(p_path, res); } if (!fw) { return OK; //nothing to rename, do nothing } uint8_t c = f->get_8(); while (!f->eof_reached()) { fw->store_8(c); c = f->get_8(); } f->close(); bool all_ok = fw->get_error() == OK; memdelete(fw); if (!all_ok) { return ERR_CANT_CREATE; } DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES); da->remove(p_path); da->rename(p_path + ".depren", p_path); memdelete(da); return OK; } void ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::open(FileAccess *p_f) { error = OK; lines = 1; f = p_f; ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML::Tag *tag = parse_tag(); if (!tag || tag->name != "?xml" || !tag->args.has("version") || !tag->args.has("encoding") || tag->args["encoding"] != "UTF-8") { error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ResourceLoader::notify_load_error("XML is invalid (missing header tags)"); ERR_EXPLAIN("Not a XML:UTF-8 File: " + local_path); ERR_FAIL(); } tag_stack.clear(); tag = parse_tag(); if (!tag || tag->name != "resource_file" || !tag->args.has("type") || !tag->args.has("version")) { ResourceLoader::notify_load_error(local_path + ": XML is not a valid resource file."); error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_EXPLAIN("Unrecognized XML File: " + local_path); ERR_FAIL(); } if (tag->args.has("subresource_count")) resources_total = tag->args["subresource_count"].to_int(); resource_current = 0; resource_type = tag->args["type"]; String version = tag->args["version"]; if (version.get_slice_count(".") != 2) { error = ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ResourceLoader::notify_load_error(local_path + ":XML version string is invalid: " + version); ERR_EXPLAIN("Invalid Version String '" + version + "'' in file: " + local_path); ERR_FAIL(); } int major = version.get_slicec('.', 0).to_int(); if (major > VERSION_MAJOR) { error = ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED; ResourceLoader::notify_load_error(local_path + ": File Format '" + version + "' is too new. Please upgrade to a newer engine version."); ERR_EXPLAIN("File Format '" + version + "' is too new! Please upgrade to a a new engine version: " + local_path); ERR_FAIL(); } /* String preload_depts = "deps/"+local_path.md5_text(); if (Globals::get_singleton()->has(preload_depts)) { ext_resources.clear(); //ignore external resources and use these NodePath depts=Globals::get_singleton()->get(preload_depts); for(int i=0;iname != "?xml" || !tag->args.has("version") || !tag->args.has("encoding") || tag->args["encoding"] != "UTF-8") { return ""; //unrecognized } tag_stack.clear(); tag = parse_tag(); if (!tag || tag->name != "resource_file" || !tag->args.has("type") || !tag->args.has("version")) { return ""; //unrecognized } return tag->args["type"]; } ///////////////////// Ref ResourceFormatLoaderXML::load_interactive(const String &p_path, Error *r_error) { if (r_error) *r_error = ERR_CANT_OPEN; Error err; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ, &err); if (err != OK) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, Ref()); } Ref ria = memnew(ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML); ria->local_path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path); ria->res_path = ria->local_path; // ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) ); ria->open(f); return ria; } void ResourceFormatLoaderXML::get_recognized_extensions_for_type(const String &p_type, List *p_extensions) const { if (p_type == "") { get_recognized_extensions(p_extensions); return; } List extensions; ObjectTypeDB::get_extensions_for_type(p_type, &extensions); extensions.sort(); for (List::Element *E = extensions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String ext = E->get().to_lower(); if (ext == "res") continue; p_extensions->push_back("x" + ext); } p_extensions->push_back("xml"); } void ResourceFormatLoaderXML::get_recognized_extensions(List *p_extensions) const { List extensions; ObjectTypeDB::get_resource_base_extensions(&extensions); extensions.sort(); for (List::Element *E = extensions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String ext = E->get().to_lower(); if (ext == "res") continue; p_extensions->push_back("x" + ext); } p_extensions->push_back("xml"); } bool ResourceFormatLoaderXML::handles_type(const String &p_type) const { return true; } String ResourceFormatLoaderXML::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const { String ext = p_path.extension().to_lower(); if (!ext.begins_with("x")) //a lie but.. return ""; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ); if (!f) { return ""; //could not rwead } Ref ria = memnew(ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML); ria->local_path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path); ria->res_path = ria->local_path; // ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) ); String r = ria->recognize(f); return r; } void ResourceFormatLoaderXML::get_dependencies(const String &p_path, List *p_dependencies, bool p_add_types) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ); if (!f) { ERR_FAIL(); } Ref ria = memnew(ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML); ria->local_path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path); ria->res_path = ria->local_path; // ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) ); ria->get_dependencies(f, p_dependencies, p_add_types); } Error ResourceFormatLoaderXML::get_export_data(const String &p_path, ExportData &r_export_data) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ); if (!f) { ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_CANT_OPEN); } Ref ria = memnew(ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML); ria->local_path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path); ria->res_path = ria->local_path; return ria->get_export_data(f, r_export_data); } Error ResourceFormatLoaderXML::rename_dependencies(const String &p_path, const Map &p_map) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ); if (!f) { ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_CANT_OPEN); } Ref ria = memnew(ResourceInteractiveLoaderXML); ria->local_path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path); ria->res_path = ria->local_path; // ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) ); return ria->rename_dependencies(f, p_path, p_map); } ResourceFormatLoaderXML *ResourceFormatLoaderXML::singleton = NULL; /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************/ void ResourceFormatSaverXMLInstance::escape(String &p_str) { p_str = p_str.replace("&", "&"); p_str = p_str.replace("<", "<"); p_str = p_str.replace(">", ">"); p_str = p_str.replace("'", "'"); p_str = p_str.replace("\"", """); for (char i = 1; i < 32; i++) { char chr[2] = { i, 0 }; const char hexn[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; const char hex[8] = { '&', '#', '0', '0', hexn[i >> 4], hexn[i & 0xf], ';', 0 }; p_str = p_str.replace(chr, hex); } } void ResourceFormatSaverXMLInstance::write_tabs(int p_diff) { for (int i = 0; i < depth + p_diff; i++) { f->store_8('\t'); } } void ResourceFormatSaverXMLInstance::write_string(String p_str, bool p_escape) { /* write an UTF8 string */ if (p_escape) escape(p_str); f->store_string(p_str); ; /* CharString cs=p_str.utf8(); const char *data=cs.get_data(); while (*data) { f->store_8(*data); data++; }*/ } void ResourceFormatSaverXMLInstance::enter_tag(const char *p_tag, const String &p_args) { f->store_8('<'); int cc = 0; const char *c = p_tag; while (*c) { cc++; c++; } f->store_buffer((const uint8_t *)p_tag, cc); if (p_args.length()) { f->store_8(' '); f->store_string(p_args); } f->store_8('>'); depth++; } void ResourceFormatSaverXMLInstance::exit_tag(const char *p_tag) { depth--; f->store_8('<'); f->store_8('/'); int cc = 0; const char *c = p_tag; while (*c) { cc++; c++; } f->store_buffer((const uint8_t *)p_tag, cc); f->store_8('>'); } /* static bool _check_type(const Variant& p_property) { if (p_property.get_type()==Variant::_RID) return false; if (p_property.get_type()==Variant::OBJECT) { RES res = p_property; if (res.is_null()) return false; } return true; }*/ void ResourceFormatSaverXMLInstance::write_property(const String &p_name, const Variant &p_property, bool *r_ok) { if (r_ok) *r_ok = false; const char *type; String params; bool oneliner = true; switch (p_property.get_type()) { case Variant::NIL: type = "nil"; break; case Variant::BOOL: type = "bool"; break; case Variant::INT: type = "int"; break; case Variant::REAL: type = "real"; break; case Variant::STRING: type = "string"; break; case Variant::VECTOR2: type = "vector2"; break; case Variant::RECT2: type = "rect2"; break; case Variant::VECTOR3: type = "vector3"; break; case Variant::PLANE: type = "plane"; break; case Variant::_AABB: type = "aabb"; break; case Variant::QUAT: type = "quaternion"; break; case Variant::MATRIX32: type = "matrix32"; break; case Variant::MATRIX3: type = "matrix3"; break; case Variant::TRANSFORM: type = "transform"; break; case Variant::COLOR: type = "color"; break; case Variant::IMAGE: { type = "image"; Image img = p_property; if (img.empty()) { write_tabs(); enter_tag(type, "name=\"" + p_name + "\""); exit_tag(type); if (r_ok) *r_ok = true; return; } params += "encoding=\"raw\""; params += " width=\"" + itos(img.get_width()) + "\""; params += " height=\"" + itos(img.get_height()) + "\""; params += " mipmaps=\"" + itos(img.get_mipmaps()) + "\""; switch (img.get_format()) { case Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE: params += " format=\"grayscale\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_INTENSITY: params += " format=\"intensity\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA: params += " format=\"grayscale_alpha\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_RGB: params += " format=\"rgb\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_RGBA: params += " format=\"rgba\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_INDEXED: params += " format=\"indexed\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_INDEXED_ALPHA: params += " format=\"indexed_alpha\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_BC1: params += " format=\"bc1\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_BC2: params += " format=\"bc2\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_BC3: params += " format=\"bc3\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_BC4: params += " format=\"bc4\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_BC5: params += " format=\"bc5\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2: params += " format=\"pvrtc2\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2_ALPHA: params += " format=\"pvrtc2a\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4: params += " format=\"pvrtc4\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4_ALPHA: params += " format=\"pvrtc4a\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_ETC: params += " format=\"etc\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_ATC: params += " format=\"atc\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_ATC_ALPHA_EXPLICIT: params += " format=\"atcae\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_ATC_ALPHA_INTERPOLATED: params += " format=\"atcai\""; break; case Image::FORMAT_CUSTOM: params += " format=\"custom\" custom_size=\"" + itos(img.get_data().size()) + "\""; break; default: {} } } break; case Variant::NODE_PATH: type = "node_path"; break; case Variant::OBJECT: { type = "resource"; RES res = p_property; if (res.is_null()) { write_tabs(); enter_tag(type, "name=\"" + p_name + "\""); exit_tag(type); if (r_ok) *r_ok = true; return; // don't save it } if (external_resources.has(res)) { params = "external=\"" + itos(external_resources[res]) + "\""; } else { params = "resource_type=\"" + res->get_save_type() + "\""; if (res->get_path().length() && res->get_path().find("::") == -1) { //external resource String path = relative_paths ? local_path.path_to_file(res->get_path()) : res->get_path(); escape(path); params += " path=\"" + path + "\""; } else { //internal resource ERR_EXPLAIN("Resource was not pre cached for the resource section, bug?"); ERR_FAIL_COND(!resource_set.has(res)); params += " path=\"local://" + itos(res->get_subindex()) + "\""; } } } break; case Variant::INPUT_EVENT: type = "input_event"; break; case Variant::DICTIONARY: type = "dictionary"; params = "shared=\"" + String(p_property.is_shared() ? "true" : "false") + "\""; oneliner = false; break; case Variant::ARRAY: type = "array"; params = "len=\"" + itos(p_property.operator Array().size()) + "\" shared=\"" + String(p_property.is_shared() ? "true" : "false") + "\""; oneliner = false; break; case Variant::RAW_ARRAY: type = "raw_array"; params = "len=\"" + itos(p_property.operator DVector().size()) + "\""; break; case Variant::INT_ARRAY: type = "int_array"; params = "len=\"" + itos(p_property.operator DVector().size()) + "\""; break; case Variant::REAL_ARRAY: type = "real_array"; params = "len=\"" + itos(p_property.operator DVector().size()) + "\""; break; case Variant::STRING_ARRAY: oneliner = false; type = "string_array"; params = "len=\"" + itos(p_property.operator DVector().size()) + "\""; break; case Variant::VECTOR2_ARRAY: type = "vector2_array"; params = "len=\"" + itos(p_property.operator DVector().size()) + "\""; break; case Variant::VECTOR3_ARRAY: type = "vector3_array"; params = "len=\"" + itos(p_property.operator DVector().size()) + "\""; break; case Variant::COLOR_ARRAY: type = "color_array"; params = "len=\"" + itos(p_property.operator DVector().size()) + "\""; break; default: { ERR_PRINT("Unknown Variant type."); ERR_FAIL(); } } write_tabs(); if (p_name != "") { if (params.length()) enter_tag(type, "name=\"" + p_name + "\" " + params); else enter_tag(type, "name=\"" + p_name + "\""); } else { if (params.length()) enter_tag(type, " " + params); else enter_tag(type, String()); } if (!oneliner) f->store_8('\n'); else f->store_8(' '); switch (p_property.get_type()) { case Variant::NIL: { } break; case Variant::BOOL: { write_string(p_property.operator bool() ? "True" : "False"); } break; case Variant::INT: { write_string(itos(p_property.operator int())); } break; case Variant::REAL: { write_string(rtos(p_property.operator real_t())); } break; case Variant::STRING: { String str = p_property; escape(str); str = "\"" + str + "\""; write_string(str, false); } break; case Variant::VECTOR2: { Vector2 v = p_property; write_string(rtoss(v.x) + ", " + rtoss(v.y)); } break; case Variant::RECT2: { Rect2 aabb = p_property; write_string(rtoss(aabb.pos.x) + ", " + rtoss(aabb.pos.y) + ", " + rtoss(aabb.size.x) + ", " + rtoss(aabb.size.y)); } break; case Variant::VECTOR3: { Vector3 v = p_property; write_string(rtoss(v.x) + ", " + rtoss(v.y) + ", " + rtoss(v.z)); } break; case Variant::PLANE: { Plane p = p_property; write_string(rtoss(p.normal.x) + ", " + rtoss(p.normal.y) + ", " + rtoss(p.normal.z) + ", " + rtoss(p.d)); } break; case Variant::_AABB: { AABB aabb = p_property; write_string(rtoss(aabb.pos.x) + ", " + rtoss(aabb.pos.y) + ", " + rtoss(aabb.pos.z) + ", " + rtoss(aabb.size.x) + ", " + rtoss(aabb.size.y) + ", " + rtoss(aabb.size.z)); } break; case Variant::QUAT: { Quat quat = p_property; write_string(rtoss(quat.x) + ", " + rtoss(quat.y) + ", " + rtoss(quat.z) + ", " + rtoss(quat.w) + ", "); } break; case Variant::MATRIX32: { String s; Matrix32 m3 = p_property; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (i != 0 || j != 0) s += ", "; s += rtoss(m3.elements[i][j]); } } write_string(s); } break; case Variant::MATRIX3: { String s; Matrix3 m3 = p_property; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (i != 0 || j != 0) s += ", "; s += rtoss(m3.elements[i][j]); } } write_string(s); } break; case Variant::TRANSFORM: { String s; Transform t = p_property; Matrix3 &m3 = t.basis; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (i != 0 || j != 0) s += ", "; s += rtoss(m3.elements[i][j]); } } s = s + ", " + rtoss(t.origin.x) + ", " + rtoss(t.origin.y) + ", " + rtoss(t.origin.z); write_string(s); } break; // misc types case Variant::COLOR: { Color c = p_property; write_string(rtoss(c.r) + ", " + rtoss(c.g) + ", " + rtoss(c.b) + ", " + rtoss(c.a)); } break; case Variant::IMAGE: { String s; Image img = p_property; DVector data = img.get_data(); int len = data.size(); DVector::Read r = data.read(); const uint8_t *ptr = r.ptr(); ; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t byte = ptr[i]; const char hex[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; char str[3] = { hex[byte >> 4], hex[byte & 0xF], 0 }; s += str; } write_string(s); } break; case Variant::NODE_PATH: { String str = p_property; escape(str); str = "\"" + str + "\""; write_string(str, false); } break; case Variant::OBJECT: { /* this saver does not save resources in here RES res = p_property; if (!res.is_null()) { String path=res->get_path(); if (!res->is_shared() || !path.length()) { // if no path, or path is from inside a scene write_object( *res ); } } */ } break; case Variant::INPUT_EVENT: { write_string(p_property.operator String()); } break; case Variant::DICTIONARY: { Dictionary dict = p_property; List keys; dict.get_key_list(&keys); keys.sort(); for (List::Element *E = keys.front(); E; E = E->next()) { //if (!_check_type(dict[E->get()])) // continue; bool ok; write_property("", E->get(), &ok); ERR_CONTINUE(!ok); write_property("", dict[E->get()], &ok); if (!ok) write_property("", Variant()); //at least make the file consistent.. } } break; case Variant::ARRAY: { Array array = p_property; int len = array.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { write_property("", array[i]); } } break; case Variant::RAW_ARRAY: { String s; DVector data = p_property; int len = data.size(); DVector::Read r = data.read(); const uint8_t *ptr = r.ptr(); ; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t byte = ptr[i]; const char hex[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; char str[3] = { hex[byte >> 4], hex[byte & 0xF], 0 }; s += str; } write_string(s, false); } break; case Variant::INT_ARRAY: { DVector data = p_property; int len = data.size(); DVector::Read r = data.read(); const int *ptr = r.ptr(); ; write_tabs(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) write_string(", ", false); write_string(itos(ptr[i]), false); } } break; case Variant::REAL_ARRAY: { DVector data = p_property; int len = data.size(); DVector::Read r = data.read(); const real_t *ptr = r.ptr(); ; write_tabs(); String cm = ", "; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) write_string(cm, false); write_string(rtoss(ptr[i]), false); } } break; case Variant::STRING_ARRAY: { DVector data = p_property; int len = data.size(); DVector::Read r = data.read(); const String *ptr = r.ptr(); ; String s; //write_string("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { write_tabs(0); String str = ptr[i]; escape(str); write_string(" \"" + str + "\" \n", false); } } break; case Variant::VECTOR2_ARRAY: { DVector data = p_property; int len = data.size(); DVector::Read r = data.read(); const Vector2 *ptr = r.ptr(); ; write_tabs(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) write_string(", ", false); write_string(rtoss(ptr[i].x), false); write_string(", " + rtoss(ptr[i].y), false); } } break; case Variant::VECTOR3_ARRAY: { DVector data = p_property; int len = data.size(); DVector::Read r = data.read(); const Vector3 *ptr = r.ptr(); ; write_tabs(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) write_string(", ", false); write_string(rtoss(ptr[i].x), false); write_string(", " + rtoss(ptr[i].y), false); write_string(", " + rtoss(ptr[i].z), false); } } break; case Variant::COLOR_ARRAY: { DVector data = p_property; int len = data.size(); DVector::Read r = data.read(); const Color *ptr = r.ptr(); ; write_tabs(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) write_string(", ", false); write_string(rtoss(ptr[i].r), false); write_string(", " + rtoss(ptr[i].g), false); write_string(", " + rtoss(ptr[i].b), false); write_string(", " + rtoss(ptr[i].a), false); } } break; default: {} } if (oneliner) f->store_8(' '); else write_tabs(-1); exit_tag(type); f->store_8('\n'); if (r_ok) *r_ok = true; } void ResourceFormatSaverXMLInstance::_find_resources(const Variant &p_variant, bool p_main) { switch (p_variant.get_type()) { case Variant::OBJECT: { RES res = p_variant.operator RefPtr(); if (res.is_null() || external_resources.has(res)) return; if (!p_main && (!bundle_resources) && res->get_path().length() && res->get_path().find("::") == -1) { int index = external_resources.size(); external_resources[res] = index; return; } if (resource_set.has(res)) return; List property_list; res->get_property_list(&property_list); property_list.sort(); List::Element *I = property_list.front(); while (I) { PropertyInfo pi = I->get(); if (pi.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE || (bundle_resources && pi.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_BUNDLE)) { Variant v = res->get(I->get().name); _find_resources(v); } I = I->next(); } resource_set.insert(res); //saved after, so the childs it needs are available when loaded saved_resources.push_back(res); } break; case Variant::ARRAY: { Array varray = p_variant; int len = varray.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Variant v = varray.get(i); _find_resources(v); } } break; case Variant::DICTIONARY: { Dictionary d = p_variant; List keys; d.get_key_list(&keys); for (List::Element *E = keys.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Variant v = d[E->get()]; _find_resources(v); } } break; default: {} } } Error ResourceFormatSaverXMLInstance::save(const String &p_path, const RES &p_resource, uint32_t p_flags) { Error err; f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::WRITE, &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, ERR_CANT_OPEN); FileAccessRef _fref(f); local_path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path); relative_paths = p_flags & ResourceSaver::FLAG_RELATIVE_PATHS; skip_editor = p_flags & ResourceSaver::FLAG_OMIT_EDITOR_PROPERTIES; bundle_resources = p_flags & ResourceSaver::FLAG_BUNDLE_RESOURCES; takeover_paths = p_flags & ResourceSaver::FLAG_REPLACE_SUBRESOURCE_PATHS; if (!p_path.begins_with("res://")) { takeover_paths = false; } depth = 0; // save resources _find_resources(p_resource, true); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, err); write_string("", false); //no escape write_string("\n", false); enter_tag("resource_file", "type=\"" + p_resource->get_type() + "\" subresource_count=\"" + itos(saved_resources.size() + external_resources.size()) + "\" version=\"" + itos(VERSION_MAJOR) + "." + itos(VERSION_MINOR) + "\" version_name=\"" + VERSION_FULL_NAME + "\""); write_string("\n", false); for (Map::Element *E = external_resources.front(); E; E = E->next()) { write_tabs(); String p = E->key()->get_path(); enter_tag("ext_resource", "path=\"" + p + "\" type=\"" + E->key()->get_save_type() + "\" index=\"" + itos(E->get()) + "\""); //bundled exit_tag("ext_resource"); //bundled write_string("\n", false); } Set used_indices; for (List::Element *E = saved_resources.front(); E; E = E->next()) { RES res = E->get(); if (E->next() && (res->get_path() == "" || res->get_path().find("::") != -1)) { if (res->get_subindex() != 0) { if (used_indices.has(res->get_subindex())) { res->set_subindex(0); //repeated } else { used_indices.insert(res->get_subindex()); } } } } for (List::Element *E = saved_resources.front(); E; E = E->next()) { RES res = E->get(); ERR_CONTINUE(!resource_set.has(res)); bool main = (E->next() == NULL); write_tabs(); if (main) enter_tag("main_resource", ""); //bundled else if (res->get_path().length() && res->get_path().find("::") == -1) enter_tag("resource", "type=\"" + res->get_type() + "\" path=\"" + res->get_path() + "\""); //bundled else { if (res->get_subindex() == 0) { int new_subindex = 1; if (used_indices.size()) { new_subindex = used_indices.back()->get() + 1; } res->set_subindex(new_subindex); used_indices.insert(new_subindex); } int idx = res->get_subindex(); enter_tag("resource", "type=\"" + res->get_type() + "\" path=\"local://" + itos(idx) + "\""); if (takeover_paths) { res->set_path(p_path + "::" + itos(idx), true); } } write_string("\n", false); List property_list; res->get_property_list(&property_list); // property_list.sort(); for (List::Element *PE = property_list.front(); PE; PE = PE->next()) { if (skip_editor && PE->get().name.begins_with("__editor")) continue; if (PE->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE || (bundle_resources && PE->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_BUNDLE)) { String name = PE->get().name; Variant value = res->get(name); if ((PE->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORE_IF_NONZERO && value.is_zero()) || (PE->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORE_IF_NONONE && value.is_one())) continue; write_property(name, value); } } write_string("\n", false); write_tabs(-1); if (main) exit_tag("main_resource"); else exit_tag("resource"); write_string("\n", false); } exit_tag("resource_file"); if (f->get_error() != OK && f->get_error() != ERR_FILE_EOF) { f->close(); return ERR_CANT_CREATE; } f->close(); //memdelete(f); return OK; } Error ResourceFormatSaverXML::save(const String &p_path, const RES &p_resource, uint32_t p_flags) { ResourceFormatSaverXMLInstance saver; return saver.save(p_path, p_resource, p_flags); } bool ResourceFormatSaverXML::recognize(const RES &p_resource) const { return true; // all recognized! } void ResourceFormatSaverXML::get_recognized_extensions(const RES &p_resource, List *p_extensions) const { //here comes the sun, lalalala String base = p_resource->get_base_extension().to_lower(); p_extensions->push_back("xml"); if (base != "res") { p_extensions->push_back("x" + base); } } ResourceFormatSaverXML *ResourceFormatSaverXML::singleton = NULL; ResourceFormatSaverXML::ResourceFormatSaverXML() { singleton = this; }