# Third party libraries ## b2d_convexdecomp - Upstream: https://github.com/erincatto/Box2D/tree/master/Contributions/Utilities/ConvexDecomposition - Version: git (25615e0, 2015) with modifications - License: zlib The files were adapted to Godot by removing the dependency on b2Math (replacing it by b2Glue.h) and commenting out some verbose printf calls. Upstream code has not changed in 10 years, no need to keep track of changes. ## certs - Upstream: Mozilla, via https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/ca-certificates - Version: 2018.2.26 - License: MPL 2.0 File extracted from a recent Fedora install: /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem (It can't be extracted directly from the package, as it's generated on the user's system.) ## fonts ### Noto Sans - Upstream: https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-fonts - Version: 1.06 - License: OFL-1.1 Use UI font if exists, because it has tight vertial metrix and good for UI. ### Adobe Source Code Pro Regular - Upstream: https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro - Version: 2.030 - License: OFL-1.1 ### DroidSans*.ttf - Upstream: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/data/fonts/ - Version: ? (pre-2014 commit when DroidSansJapanese.ttf was obsoleted) - License: Apache 2.0 ## freetype - Upstream: https://www.freetype.org - Version: 2.8.1 - License: FreeType License (BSD-like) Files extracted from upstream source: - the src/ folder, stripped of the `Jamfile` files - the include/ folder - `docs/{FTL.TXT,LICENSE.TXT}` ## glew - Upstream: http://glew.sourceforge.net - Version: 1.13.0 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - `src/glew.c` - include/GL/ as GL/ - LICENSE.txt ## jpeg-compressor - Upstream: https://github.com/richgel999/jpeg-compressor - Version: 1.04 - License: Public domain Files extracted from upstream source: - `jpgd.{c,h}` ## libmpcdec - Upstream: https://www.musepack.net - Version: SVN somewhere between SV7 and SV8 (r475) - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c and .h files in libmpcdec/ - include/mpc as mpc/ - COPYING from libmpcdec/ ## libogg - Upstream: https://www.xiph.org/ogg - Version: 1.3.3 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - `src/*.c` - `include/ogg/*.h` in ogg/ - COPYING ## libpng - Upstream: http://libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html - Version: 1.6.37 - License: libpng/zlib Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c and .h files of the main directory, except from `example.c` and `pngtest.c` - the arm/ folder - `scripts/pnglibconf.h.prebuilt` as `pnglibconf.h` - `LICENSE` ## libtheora - Upstream: https://www.theora.org - Version: 1.1.1 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c, .h in lib/ - all .h files in include/theora/ as theora/ - COPYING and LICENSE ## libvorbis - Upstream: https://www.xiph.org/vorbis - Version: 1.3.6 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - `src/*` except from: `lookups.pl`, `Makefile.*` - `include/vorbis/*.h` as vorbis/ - COPYING ## libwebp - Upstream: https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp/ - Version: 1.0.2 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - `src/*` except from: .am, .rc and .in files - AUTHORS, COPYING, PATENTS Important: The files `utils/bit_reader_utils.{c,h}` have Godot-made changes to ensure they build for Javascript/HTML5. Those changes are marked with `// -- GODOT --` comments. ## minizip - Upstream: http://www.zlib.net - Version: 1.2.11 (zlib contrib) - License: zlib Files extracted from the upstream source: - contrib/minizip/{crypt.h,ioapi.{c,h},zip.{c,h},unzip.{c,h}} Important: Some files have Godot-made changes for use in core/io. They are marked with `/* GODOT start */` and `/* GODOT end */` comments and a patch is provided in the minizip/ folder. ## misc Collection of single-file libraries used in Godot components. ### core - `aes256.{cpp,h}` * Upstream: http://www.literatecode.com/aes256 * Version: latest, as of April 2017 * License: ISC - `base64.{c,h}` * Upstream: http://episec.com/people/edelkind/c.html * Version: latest, as of April 2017 * License: Public Domain - `fastlz.{c,h}` * Upstream: https://code.google.com/archive/p/fastlz * Version: svn (r12) * License: MIT - `hq2x.{cpp,h}` * Upstream: https://github.com/brunexgeek/hqx * Version: TBD, file structure differs * License: Apache 2.0 - `md5.{cpp,h}` * Upstream: http://www.efgh.com/software/md5.htm * Version: TBD, might not be latest from above URL * License: RSA Message-Digest License - `sha256.{c,h}` * Upstream: https://github.com/ilvn/SHA256 * Version: git (35ff823, 2015) * License: ISC - `smaz.{c,h}` * Upstream: https://github.com/antirez/smaz * Version: git (150e125, 2009) * License: BSD 3-clause * Modifications: use `const char*` instead of `char*` for input string - `triangulator.{cpp,h}` * Upstream: https://github.com/ivanfratric/polypartition (`src/polypartition.cpp`) * Version: TBD, class was renamed * License: MIT ### modules - `curl_hostcheck.{c,h}` * Upstream: https://curl.haxx.se/ * Version: ? (2013) * License: MIT - `yuv2rgb.h` * Upstream: http://wss.co.uk/pinknoise/yuv2rgb/ (to check) * Version: ? * License: BSD ### scene - `mikktspace.{c,h}` * Upstream: https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Shading/Tangent_Space_Normal_Maps * Version: 1.0 * License: zlib - `stb_truetype.h` * Upstream: https://github.com/nothings/stb * Version: 1.17 * License: Public Domain (Unlicense) or MIT ## openssl - Upstream: https://www.openssl.org - Version: 1.0.2t - License: OpenSSL license / BSD-like Files extracted from the upstream source: - Our `openssl/`: contains the headers installed in /usr/include/openssl; gather them in the source tarball with `make links` and `cp -f include/openssl/*.h ../openssl/openssl/` - Our `crypto/`: copy of upstream `crypto/`, with some cleanup (see below). - Our `ssl/`: copy of upstream `ssl/`, with some cleanup (see below). - Cleanup: ``` find \( -name "Makefile" -o -name "*.S" -o -name "*.bat" -o -name "*.bc" \ -o -name "*.com" -o -name "*.cnf" -o -name "*.ec" -o -name "*.fre" \ -o -name "*.gcc" -o -name "*.in" -o -name "*.lnx" -o -name "*.m4" \ -o -name "*.pl" -o -name "*.pod" -o -name "*.s" -o -name "*.sh" \ -o -name "*.sol" -o -name "*test*" \) -delete cd openssl; for file in *.h; do find ../{crypto,ssl} -name "$file" -delete; done ``` For the rest check the `git status` and decide. - e_os.h - MacOS/buildinf.h - LICENSE - Apply the Godot-specific patches in the `patches/` folder (make sure not to commit .orig/.rej files generated by `patch`). - Review `openssl/opensslconf.h` changes and make sure they make sense for our "one size fits all" config. ## opus - Upstream: https://opus-codec.org - Version: 1.1.5 (opus) and 0.8 (opusfile) - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c and .h files in src/ (both opus and opusfile), except `opus_demo.c` - all .h files in include/ (both opus and opusfile) as opus/ - celt/ and silk/ subfolders - COPYING ## pvrtccompressor - Upstream: https://bitbucket.org/jthlim/pvrtccompressor - Version: hg commit cf71777 - 2015-01-08 - License: BSD-3-Clause Files extracted from upstream source: - all .cpp and .h files apart from `main.cpp` - LICENSE.TXT ## rg-etc1 - Upstream: https://github.com/richgel999/rg-etc1 - Version: 1.04 - License: zlib Files extracted from upstream source: - `rg_etc1.{cpp,h}` ## rtaudio - Upstream: http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~gary/rtaudio/ - Version: 4.1.2 - License: MIT-like Files extracted from upstream source: - `RtAudio.{cpp,h}` ## speex - Upstream: http://speex.org/ - Version: 1.2rc1? - License: BSD-3-Clause ## squish - Upstream: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libsquish - Version: 1.15 - License: MIT Files extracted from upstream source: - all .cpp, .h and .inl files ## zlib - Upstream: http://www.zlib.net/ - Version: 1.2.11 - License: zlib Files extracted from upstream source: - all .c and .h files